The RSSSF Archive - Domestic League History - Countrywise
- Abkhazia
- Afghanistan
- Aland Islands
- Albania
- Albania (women)
- Algeria
- Algeria 2nd
- Algeria (women)
- American Samoa
- American Samoa (women)
- Andorra
- Andorra 2nd
- Angola
- Angola 2nd
- Angola (women)
- Anguilla
- Anguilla (women)
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua and Barbuda (women)
- Argentina
- Argentina (Campeonato Nacional 1967-1985)
- Argentina (Torneo Inicial, since 2012)
- Argentina (Torneo Final, since 2013)
- Argentina 2nd
- Argentina 3rd
- Argentina 4th
- Argentina 5th
- Argentina (interior)
- Argentina (interior 2nd)
- Argentina (interior 3rd)
- Argentina (reserve league champions)
- Argentina (champions Mendoza)
- Argentina (champions Mendoza 2nd)
- Argentina (champions Mendoza 3rd)
- Argentina (champions Santa Fe-Rosario)
- Argentina (interleague champions)
- Argentina (women)
- Argentina - Mendoza (women)
- Argentina (futsal)
- Argentina (futsal, women)
- Armenia
- Armenia 2nd
- Armenia (women)
- Aruba
- Aruba (women)
- Ascension Island
- Australia
- Australia (regional)
- Australia (women)
- Austria
- Austria (Tagblatt-Pokal 1900-1903)
- Austria (amateurs)
- Austria (VAFÖ)
- Austria (women)
- Austria (women, 2nd)
- Austria (women, Bundesländer)
- Austria - Kärnten
- Austria - Steiermark
- Austria - Tirol
- Austria - Wien
- Austria (DJK, ÖJK)
- Austria (Reichsbund)
- Austria (Christlichen Gewerkschaft)
- Austria (futsal)
- Azerbaijan
- Azerbaijan 2nd
- Azerbaijan (women)
- Azores
- Bahamas
- Bahamas (women)
- Bahrain
- Bahrain (women)
- Bangladesh
- Bangladesh 2nd
- Bangladesh (Dhaka)
- Bangladesh (Dhaka 2nd)
- Bangladesh (women)
- Barbados
- Barbados 2nd
- Barbados 3rd
- Barbados 4th
- Barbados (women)
- Belarus
- Belarus 2nd
- Belarus 3rd
- Belarus (women)
- Belgium
- Belgium 2nd
- Belgium 3rd
- Belgium 4th
- Belgium (women)
- Belize
- Benin
- Benin 2nd
- Bermuda
- Bermuda 2nd (and commercial league)
- Bermuda (women)
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bolivia 2nd
- Bolivia (departmental)
- Bolivia (women)
- Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Bosnia-Hercegovina (women)
- Botswana
- Botswana (women)
- Brazil 2nd
- Brazil 3rd
- Brazil 4th
- Brazil - National Overview at RSSSF Brazil
- Brazil - Inter-State Overview at RSSSF Brazil
- Brazil - Statewise Overview at RSSSF Brazil
- Brazil (Fernando de Noronha)
- Brazil (women)
- British Virgin Islands
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Bulgaria (women)
- Burkina Faso
- Burkina Faso 2nd
- Burkina Faso (women)
- Burundi
- Burundi (women)
- Cambodia
- Cambodia 2nd
- Cameroon
- Cameroon (women)
- Canada
- Canada (Alberta)
- Canada (British Columbia)
- Canada (Quebec)
- Canada (university)
- Canada Summer Games
- Canada (women)
- Canada (Alberta, women)
- Canada (British Columbia, women)
- Canada (Ontario futsal)
- Cape Verde Islands
- Cape Verde Islands (regional champions)
- Cape Verde Islands (women)<
- Cayman Islands
- Cayman Islands 2nd
- Cayman Islands (women)
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Chad (women)
- Channel Islands
- Channel Islands (Guernsey 2nd and 3rd level)
- Channel Islands (women)
- Chile
- Chile (Santiago) 1903-1926
- Chile (Valparaíso) 1898-1935
- Chile liguilla pre-libertadores
- Chile 2nd
- Chile 3rd
- Chile 4th
- Chile (native peoples)
- Chile (amateur, clubs)
- Chile (amateur, associations)
- Chile (youth, amateur, associations)
- Chile (women)
- China
- China 2nd and 3rd
- China (women)
- China (Shanghai)
- China (Interport Matches)
- Colombia
- Colombia (Apertura and Finalización)
- Colombia (reserves)
- Colombia 2nd
- Colombia 3rd
- Colombia (women)
- Comoros
- Comoros (women)
- Congo-Brazzaville
- Congo-Brazzaville (women)
- Congo-Kinshasa (DR Congo, former Zaire)
- Congo-Kinshasa (DR Congo, former Zaire) (regional champions)
- Congo-Kinshasa (DR Congo, former Zaire) (women, Kinshasa)
- Cook Islands (includes 2nd level)
- Cook Islands (women)
- Corsica
- Corsica (women)
- Costa Rica
- Costa Rica 2nd
- Costa Rica 3rd
- Costa Rica (women)
- Crimea
- Croatia
- Croatia 2nd
- Croatia (women)
- Croatia (youth u-18)
- Croatia (indoor)
- Cuba
- Cuba (women)
- Cyprus
- Cyprus 2nd
- Cyprus 3rd
- Cyprus 4th
- Cyprus (women)
- Czechoslovakia
- Czechoslovakia (amateurs)
- Czech Republic
- Czech Republic 2nd
- Czech Republic (women)
- Denmark
- Denmark (provincial)
- Denmark (women)
- Djibouti
- Djibouti (women)
- Dominica
- Dominica (women)
- Dominican Republic
- Dominican Republic (women)
- Dutch Antilles
- Dutch Antilles - Bonaire
- Dutch Antilles - Curaçao (includes 2nd level)
- Dutch East Indies (stedenwedstrijden 1914-1950)
- Dutch East Indies (Java club championships 1929-1941)
- Dutch East Indies (Batavia)
- Dutch East Indies (Soerabaja)
- Dutch East Indies (Bandoeng)
- Dutch East Indies (Semarang)
- Dutch East Indies (Malang)
- Dutch East Indies (Oost-Sumatra)
- Dutch East Indies (Makassar)
- Dutch East Indies (stedenwedstrijden Oost-Sumatra)
- Dutch East Indies (stedenwedstrijden West-Sumatra)
- Dutch New Guinea
- East Timor
- East Timor (women)
- Easter Island
- Ecuador
- Ecuador 2nd, 3rd
- Ecuador (Amateur Championship for Provinces)
- Ecuador (Amateur Champions)
- Ecuador (Campeonato Interandinos)
- Ecuador (Campeonato Costa)
- Ecuador (Provincial Champions)
- Ecuador (women)
- Egypt
- Egypt (women)
- El Salvador
- El Salvador (women)
- England
- England (women)
- England 2nd
- England 3rd -- Link to James Ross
- England 4th -- Link to James Ross
- England Northern Premier League
- England - various 'Non-League' Leagues
- England Athenian League
- England Isthmian League
- England Northern League (since 1977)
- England Spartan South Midlands League
- England Arthurian League
- England (South West Counties)
- Equatorial Guinea
- Equatorial Guinea (women)
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Estonia 2nd to 6th
- Estonia (women)
- Eswatini (Swaziland)
- Eswatini (Swaziland) (women)
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopia (women)
- Falkland Islands
- Faroe Islands
- Faroe Islands 2nd
- Faroe Islands (women)
- Fiji
- Fiji (Women, IDC)
- Finland
- Finland 2nd
- Finland 3rd
- Finland (TUL)
- Finland (women)
- Finland (youth)
- France
- France 2nd
- France 3rd (since 1993)
- France 4th and 5th
- France (regional, 1919-1932)
- France (catholic)
- France (women)
- France (women, 2nd)
- France (youth, company football etc)
- France (military)
- French Antilles
- French Guyana
- French Guyana 2nd
- Gabon
- Gabon (women)
- Gambia
- Gambia (women)
- Georgia
- Georgia 3rd
- Georgia (women)
- (East) Germany
- (East) Germany (youth)
- (East) Germany (women)
- (West) Germany
- (West) Germany 2nd
- Germany 3rd
- (West) Germany (amateur champions)
- (West) Germany (youth)
- (West) Germany (indoor)
- (West) Germany (women)
- (West) Germany (women, youth)
- (West) Germany (women, indoor)
- Germany (ATSB, Rotbund)
- Germany (DJK, DT)
- Germany (Makkabi, Sportbund Schild)
- Germany (KZ Theresienstadt)
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar (women)
- Gozo
- Gozo 2nd and 3rd
- Greece
- Greece 2nd
- Greece 3rd
- Greece 4th
- Greece (regional champions)
- Greece (women)
- Greece (women 2nd and 3rd)
- Greece (futsal)
- Greenland
- Greenland (women)
- Grenada
- Grenada (women)
- Guadeloupe
- Guadeloupe (women)
- Guam
- Guam (women)
- Guatemala
- Guatemala (women)
- Guinea
- Guinea (women)
- Guinea Bissau
- Guinea Bissau 2nd and 3rd
- Guinea Bissau (women)
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Haiti (women)
- Hawaii
- Hawaii (women)
- Honduras
- Honduras 2nd
- Hongkong
- Hongkong 2nd (and reserves)
- Hongkong (women)
- Hungary
- Hungary 2nd
- Hungary (women)
- Iceland
- Iceland 2nd
- Iceland 3rd
- Iceland 4th
- Iceland (Women)
- Iceland 2nd (Women)
- India
- India (statewise lists (linked))
- India (women)
- Indonesia
- Indonesia Perserikatan (Amateur 1951-1994)
- Indonesia Antarklub Amatir Perserikatan (1980-1995)
- Indonesia 2nd
- Indonesia 3rd
- Indonesia 4th
- Indonesia 5th
- Indonesia (national sports week)
- Indonesia (women)
- Indonesia (juniors)
- Iran
- Iran 2nd
- Iran 3rd
- Iran (Tehran League)
- Iran (women)
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Ireland 2nd
- Ireland (Connacht Senior League)
- Ireland (Leinster Senior League)
- Ireland (Munster Senior League)
- Ireland (women)
- Isle of Man
- Isle of Man 2nd
- Isle of Man (women)
- Isle of Man (women 2nd)
- Isle of Wight
- Israel
- Israel (women)
- Italy
- Italy (FNGI 1896-1913)
- Italy (halfway leaders)
- Italy 2nd
- Italy 3rd
- Italy 4th
- Italy (women)
- Italy (women 2nd)
- Italy (women youth)
- Italy (amateur)
- Italy (youth)
- Italy (indoor)
- Ivory Coast
- Ivory Coast 2nd
- Ivory Coast (women)
- Jamaica
- Jamaica (Kingston and St. Andrews)
- Jamaica (parish champions)
- Jamaica (women)
- Japan
- Japan (women)
- Japan (futsal)
- Jordan
- Jordan 2nd
- Jordan 3rd
- Jordan (women)
- Karelia
- Kazakhstan
- Kazakhstan 2nd
- Kazakhstan (women)
- Kenya
- Kenya (women)
- Kiribati
- Kosovo
- Kosovo (women)
- Kurdistan
- Kuwait
- Kuwait 2nd
- Kyrgyzstan
- Kyrgyzstan 2nd
- Kyrgyzstan (women)
- Laos
- Laos (women)
- Latvia
- Latvia 2nd
- Latvia (women)
- Lebanon
- Lebanon 2nd
- Lebanon 3rd
- Lebanon (women)
- Lesotho
- Lesotho 2nd
- Lesotho (women)
- Liberia
- Liberia (women)
- Libya
- Libya 2nd
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Lithuania 2nd
- Lithuania (women)
- Luxembourg
- Luxembourg (women)
- Macao
- Macao 2nd and 3rd
- Madagascar
- Madagascar (regional champions)
- Madagascar (women)
- Madeira
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Malaysia (regional champions)
- Malaysia 2nd
- Malaysia 3rd
- Maldives
- Maldives 2nd and 3rd
- Maldives (women)
- Mali
- Mali (women)
- Malta
- Malta (women)
- Malta 2nd (women)
- Marshall Islands (Kwajalein)
- Marshall Islands (Kwajalein) (women)
- Martinique
- Martinique (women)
- Mauritania
- Mauritania (women)
- Mauritius
- Mauritius (women)
- Mayotte
- Mayotte (women)
- Mexico
- Mexico (Liga de Occidente)
- Mexico (Liga Veracruzana)
- Mexico 2nd
- Mexico 3rd
- Mexico (women)
- Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Moldova
- Moldova 2nd
- Moldova 3rd
- Moldova (women)
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Mongolia (women)
- Montenegro
- Montenegro 2nd
- Montenegro 3rd (regional champions)
- Montenegro (women)
- Montserrat
- Morocco
- Morocco 2nd
- Morocco (women)
- Mozambique
- Mozambique (women)
- Myanmar
- Myanmar (women)
- Nagorno-Karabakh
- Namibia
- Namibia (women)
- Nepal
- Nepal (women)
- Netherlands
- Netherlands (amateurs)
- Netherlands Eerste Klasses
- Netherlands 2nd and 3rd
- Netherlands (women)
- Netherlands (R.K.F.)
- Netherlands (C.N.V.B.)
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand (provincial and national)
- New Zealand (women)
- New Zealand (youth)
- Nicaragua
- Nicaragua 2nd
- Nicaragua (women)
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nigeria 2nd
- Nigeria (women)
- Niue
- North Korea
- North Korea (women)
- North Macedonia
- North Macedonia (women)
- TR Northern Cyprus
- TR Northern Cyprus (women)
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland (Ulster Senior League)
- Northern Ireland (women)
- Northern Marianas
- Northern Marianas (women)
- Norway
- Norway (AIF)
- Norway (women)
- Oman
- Orkney
- Pakistan
- Pakistan (women)
- Pakistan (youth)
- Palau
- Palestine
- Panama
- Panama 2nd
- Panama 3rd
- Panama (women)
- Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea (women)
- Paraguay
- Paraguay 2nd
- Paraguay 3rd
- Paraguay 4th
- Paraguay (Interligas)
- Paraguay Departmental Championships
- Paraguay (women)
- Peru
- Peru Regional Championships
- Peru Departmental Championships
- Peru 2nd (Lima region)
- Peru 2nd (Copa Perú)
- Peru (women)
- Philippines
- Poland
- Poland (halfway leaders)
- Poland 2nd
- Poland (women)
- Poland (U-19)
- Poland (U-17)
- Poland (Makkabi)
- Portugal (various competitions before World War I)
- Portugal
- Portugal (Regional Championships)
- Portugal 2nd
- Portugal 3rd
- Portugal 4th
- Portugal (women)
- Portugal (youth)
- Portugal (futsal)
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico (women)
- Qatar
- Qatar 2nd
- Réunion
- Réunion 2nd
- Réunion (women)
- Rodrigues
- Romania
- Romania (women)
- Russia
- Russia (city championships) 1912-1914
- Russia (women)
- Rwanda
- Rwanda (women)
- Saar
- Saint Helena
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Kitts and Nevis (women)
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Lucia (women)
- Saint-Martin (and Saint-Barthelemy)
- Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Samoa
- Samoa (women)
- San Marino
- São Tomé e Principe
- São Tomé e Principe 2nd and 3rd
- Saudi Arabia
- Saudi Arabia 2nd
- Saudi Arabia 3rd
- Scilly Islands
- Scotland
- Scotland 2nd
- Scotland 3rd
- Scotland 4th
- Scotland (Highland League)
- Scotland (East of Scotland League)
- Scotland (South of Scotland League)
- Scotland (Outer Hebrides)
- Scotland (women)
- Senegal
- Senegal 2nd
- Senegal (women)
- Serbia (and Montenegro)
- Serbia (and Montenegro) 2nd
- Seychelles
- Seychelles (women)
- Shetland Islands
- Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leone (women)
- Singapore
- Singapore (women)
- Sint Eustatius
- Sint Maarten
- Slovakia
- Slovakia (women)
- Slovenia
- Slovenia 2nd
- Slovenia (women)
- Solomon Islands
- Somalia
- Somalia (Puntland)
- Somalia (Somaliland)
- South Africa (provincial and national)
- South Africa (Robben Island)
- South Africa (women)
- South Eastern Ukraine
- South Georgia
- South Korea
- South Korea 2nd
- South Korea (women)
- South Sudan
- South Sudan (regional champions)
- Soviet Union
- Soviet Union (city championships) 1923-1935
- Soviet Union (championship of the two capitals) 1919-1929
- Soviet Union (inter-city championship) 1928-1936
- Soviet Union (women)
- Spain
- Spain 2nd
- Spain 3rd
- Spain - Aragón
- Spain - Asturia
- Spain - Baleares
- Spain - Canary Islands
- Spain - Cantabria
- Spain - Castilla-León
- Spain - Catalonia
- Spain - Centro
- Spain - Extremadura
- Spain - Galicia
- Spain - Levante, Valencia, Murcia
- Spain - Norte and Basque Country
- Spain - North Africa
- Spain - Sur (Andalucia)
- Spain (women)
- Spain (amateur)
- Spain (Castilla) amateur)
- Spain (youth)
- Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka 34d and 4th
- Sri Lanka (women)
- Sri Lanka (youth)
- Sudan
- Sudan 2nd
- Sudan (women)
- Surinam
- Surinam 3rd
- Surinam (women)
- Sweden
- Sweden (women)
- Switzerland
- Switzerland 2nd
- Switzerland (women)
- Switzerland (youth)
- Switzerland (indoor, men and women)
- Switzerland (reserves)
- Switzerland (schools)
- Switzerland (SATUS, SAFV)
- Switzerland (FSFV, men and women)
- Syria
- Tahiti
- Tahiti (women)
- Taiwan
- Taiwan (women)
- Tajikistan
- Tajikistan 2nd
- Tanzania
- Tanzania (women)
- Thailand
- Thailand 2nd
- Thailand 3rd
- Thailand 4th
- Thailand (women)
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad and Tobago (women)
- Tunisia
- Tunisia 2nd
- Tunisia 3rd
- Tunisia (women)
- Tunisia (women 2nd)
- Turkey
- Turkey 2nd
- Turkey (Ankara 1922-1959)
- Turkey (Istanbul 1904-1959)
- Turkey (Izmir 1924-1959)
- Turkey (women)
- Turkmenistan
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Turks and Caicos Islands (women)
- Tuvalu
- Tuvalu (women)
- Uganda
- Uganda 2nd
- Uganda (women)
- Ukraine
- Ukraine 2nd
- Ukraine 3rd
- Ukraine (women)
- United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Emirates (women)
- United States of America [all leagues]
- United States of America chronological overview champions and cup winners
- United States of America, NCAA, divisions 1-3, men/women
- United States of America [professional 1st division]
- United States of America [Northwestern Senior League]
- Uruguay
- Uruguay Torneo Competencia
- Uruguay Liguilla Pre-Libertadores
- Uruguay 2nd
- Uruguay 3rd
- Uruguay 3rd/4th (Extra)
- Uruguay 4th
- Uruguay OFI
- Uruguay OFI (youth)
- Uruguay Torneo del Interior
- Uruguay OFI - Confederation of the East
- Uruguay OFI - Confederation of the Litoral
- Uruguay OFI - Confederation of the North
- Uruguay OFI - Confederation of the South
- Uruguay Regional Champions (overview with links)
- Uruguay (women)
- US Virgin Islands
- Uzbekistan
- Uzbekistan 2nd
- Uzbekistan (women)
- Vanuatu
- Vatican City
- Venezuela
- Venezuela 2nd
- Venezuela 3rd and 4th
- Venezuela (women)
- Vietnam
- Vietnam (women)
- Wales
- Wales (women)
- Yemen
- Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavia (regional 1920-1941)
- Yugoslavia (women)
- Yugoslavia (youth)
- Yugoslavia (indoor)
- Zambia
- Zambia (women)
- Zambia 2nd and 3rd
- Zanzibar
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe (women)
- Futsal - Worldwide
About this document
Many thanks to RISC-Linz
for making resources available for this archive in the past.
Prepared and maintained by the RSSSF for the
Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: RSSSF
Last updated: 18 Mar 2025
(C) Copyright RSSSF 1999/2025
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
acknowledgement is given to the RSSSF. All rights reserved.