Dutch East Indies - Football History

Dutch East Indies International Matches (link to separate file)
Dutch East Indies - International Players (link to separate file)
Introduction - Football in the Dutch East Indies

Java - Club Championships
1929 | 1939 | 1941
1935 (Oost-Java) | 1935 (West-Java) | 1938/39 (Midden-Java)

City Championships
Java: Batavia | Soerabaja | Bandoeng | Semarang | Malang
Sumatra: Oost-Sumatra (Medan)
Celebes: Makassar

Java - City Competitions (Stedenwedstrijden)
N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U. ("European") 1914-1950 | Chinese 1917-1950 | P.S.S.I. ("native") 1923-1950
Additional Data (N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U.) | Additional Data (Chinese) | Additional Data (P.S.S.I. until 1950)

Sumatra - City Competitions (Stedenwedstrijden)
Oost-Sumatra (Gouverneur van Suchtelenbeker) 1934-1940 | West-Sumatra (S.W.K. Stedentoernooi) 1939-1941

Java - Interprovincial Championship 1939

Seasonwise Data

                                        1904/05 | 1905/06 | 1906/07 | 1907/08 | 1908/09 | 1909/10 |
1910/11 | 1911/12 |    1913 | 1913/14 |    1915 |    1916 |    1917 |    1918 |    1919 |    1920 |
1921/22 |    1922 | 1922/23 | 1923/24 | 1924/25 | 1925/26 | 1926/27 | 1927/28 | 1928/29 | 1929/30 |
1930/31 | 1931/32 | 1932/33 | 1933/34 | 1934/35 | 1935/36 | 1936/37 | 1937/38 | 1938/39 | 1939/40 |
1940/41 | 1941/42 |                                       | 1946/47 | 1947/48 | 1948/49 | 1949/50

About this document

Indonesia - Amateur Champions (1951-1994)
Indonesia - (Semi-)Professional Champions (since 1979)
Dutch New Guinea (1950-1962)

Introduction - Football in the Dutch East Indies

General remark on terminology:
In this introduction, the words "European" and "native" are written between quotation marks throughout, for the following reason: while "European" refers to federations and clubs founded and dominated by the European (mostly but not exclusively Dutch) population, these clubs and federations were not closed to other groups, as "European" clubs fielded Chinese and "native" players and "European" federations included Chinese and "native" clubs in their leagues; on the other hand, while "native" clubs and federations were restricted to people of Indonesian descent (inlandsch in contemporary Dutch), many of the "European" players excluded by these clubs and federations were actually born and raised in the Dutch East Indies (indisch in contemporary Dutch) and thus "native" in the literal sense (and more often than not of mixed European and Asian parentage).

General remark on league tables:
Traditionally, the first criterium for classification in league tables in the Dutch East Indies was not number of points won, but the points per match ratio (as it was in the Netherlands; it again found application a century later in various competitions abandoned due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020); as clubs seldom had all played an equal number of matches during the season, this leads to somewhat unusually looking tables in which clubs may be ranked higher in spite of having fewer points. (At the end of the season, when all clubs had completed their fixtures, the two criteria are of course identical.) The second criterium was (as customary at the time) goal average, which for instance decided the winners of the stedenwedstrijden, the main competition on Java during the colonial era, on four occasions (in 1926, 1929, 1941 and 1948).
As an aside, second place in the 1909 competition for the Coorde-medaille in Bandoeng was decided on goal difference, the first known application of this tie-breaker worldwide. In fact, the first ever competition in which goal difference served as the first tie-breaker was the 1890/91 season of the Eerste Klasse in the Netherlands itself (the first ever official league tournament there); it was adopted as such by the N.V.A.B. at its meeting on 26 October 1890 in Rotterdam, but no clubs finished equal on points at the end of that season and it was replaced by the goal average rule for the 1891/92 season by a decision at a board meeting on 21 November 1891 in Leiden.
Another oddity was the point system used in the local league of Tjepoe (central Java) in the 1939 season, in which the six participating clubs (four from Tjepoe and two from nearby Blora) were awarded two points for a win but none for a draw or loss, thus essentially only counting wins, reminiscent of the original proposal for the Football League prior to its start in 1888. Irrespective of tie-breakers or point allocation rules, in most cities teams having finished equal on points had to play an extra match against each other to settle championship, promotion or relegation issues.

A short history of football in the Dutch East Indies

The turn of the century

The first mention of football in the archipelago originates from Medan. On 16 November 1887, the "Gymnastiek Vereeniging Medan" was founded there, and apart from gymnastics, its members soon began to play cricket and football, later followed by tennis and athletics. As early as January 1890, a team from Penang crossed the Straits to play a cricket match (in the morning, Penang won) and a football game (in the afternoon, drawn). This match predates the first ever meeting of a Dutch club with an English one by more than three years (Sparta of Rotterdam hosting Harwich & Parkeston F.C. on 13 March 1893, losing 0-8) and occurred more than two months before any club in the Netherlands itself met foreign opposition (Concordia of Rotterdam playing Antwerp F.C. on 30 March 1890 in Breda, winning 1-0 against eight (three had failed to travel) mostly British players).
However, after a few years activities ceased, partially because of the foundation of a cycling club (Deli Wielrijders Club) in 1893. Thereupon, little or no football was played in Medan until the foundation of the Sport Club Sumatra's Oostkust (better known as S.O.K. or simply Sportclub) on 1 June 1899. (They even officially joined the N.V.B. (the Dutch federation) during the 1899/1900 season, although they of course did not play any matches in its competitions.)

Meanwhile, the first football clubs on Java were founded in the last decade of the nineteenth century. On 28 September 1893, the Bataviasche Cricket-Football club "Rood-Wit" was founded in the capital and obtained legal recognition (by official approval of its statutes) in May 1894. The club is known to have played cricket matches later that year against the Bataviasche Cricket Club (in existence since the 1880s) but it is unclear to what extent football was played, and in which form (rugby or soccer). On Boxing Day 1896, a football match was played between a Dutch and an English team on the Koningsplein.
In Soerabaja, the first club to be founded was Victoria, reportedly in 1894. Apparently ignorant of the earlier efforts in Medan, [Ber 34], which concentrates almost exclusively on Java, takes this as starting point for football in the colony, although one contribution (Tempo Doeloe, pp. 174-178) reports on football played (in unorganised fashion) in Batavia in the 1880s. The first known match between local clubs took place in July 1896 in Soerabaja (Victoria 6-1 Sparta).
Inspired by Go Ahead from the small Dutch town of Wageningen, home to the national high school for agriculture and forestry, of which many alumni obtained work in the Dutch East Indies, residents from both Malang and Semarang founded a club of the same name in 1898, and now the first meetings between clubs from different towns were organised in eastern Java: Go Ahead of Malang and E.C.A. of Soerabaja visited each other in 1898 and S.V.V. of Semarang travelled to Soerabaja to play Vitesse in May 1899. In contrast, the first ever reported trip of a Batavian club did not take place until April 1904, when B.V.C. visited their namesakes from Bandoeng, founded in 1900.

The organisation of city championships is first reported in the first decade of the twentieth century (Soerabaja 1902, Batavia 1904, Bandoeng 1905, Semarang 1906 and Medan 1907), and at the same time, local and regional football federations were founded (and often dissolved soon after).
Already in those early years dissensions between clubs and officials led to frequent schisms, a curse to burden "European" football in the Dutch East Indies throughout the colonial era: the B.V.B., the local city federation for the capital Batavia, founded in 1906, fell apart in the spring of 1912 and was succeeded by the W.J.V.B. (renamed V.B.O. in 1928), while the O.J.V.B., founded in Soerabaja, the second most important city of both Java and the territory, in 1907, after several earlier organisations had been dissolved, was replaced by the S.V.B. in 1909.
The 1910/11 Droogdokbeker, the Batavian league competition, saw its start delayed by three months due to a conflict on the participation of military players (a substantial factor in the "European" football community on Java) after an army commander had ruled soldiers of different ranks were not allowed to play against each other, apparently due to a number of injuries to army officers incurred at football matches.


At the occasion of the Koloniale Tentoonstelling in Semarang in 1914, a football tournament between representations of the four major cities on Java (Batavia, Soerabaja, Bandoeng and Semarang) was organised at the end of August. Bertus Stom, captain of the winning side, Batavia (or more precisely its city federation, the W.J.V.B.), and the first player to hold the Dutch cap record in sole possession, then offered (on behalf of the W.J.V.B.) to play again for the trophy (the silver Koloniale-Tentoonstellings-Beker) the following year in Batavia. In spite of the fact that the trophy was stolen on that second occasion, the competition proved to be a great success, and was held annually ever since, normally at the Pentecost weekend (pinksteren).
After a few years, the sizable Chinese community on Java followed suit and organised a similar event, played between the leading Chinese club sides from the participating cities, which was usually held at the Easter weekend (pasen). It was played for various trophies donated by Chinese businessmen until a committee was formed in 1927 (the C.K.T.H.) for its organisation; in 1930 the H.N.V.B., a federation for all Chinese clubs on Java, succeeded the C.K.T.H.
A third version of the javaansche stedenwedstrijden was established in 1930 after the P.S.S.I. was founded as island-wide "native" football organisation. In fact, already in 1923 inlandsche stedenwedstrijden were organised in Bandoeng, between "native" selections from the four major cities (Bandoeng, Batavia, Semarang and Soerabaja), held in parallel with the "European" tournament in Batavia, but it is not clear who was responsible for the event nor whether any other editions took place; it is only certain 1923 was the first time it was held in Bandoeng.
It should be noted that while the events organised by the C.K.T.H./H.N.V.B. and P.S.S.I. were ethnically exclusive, the original version (organised by the N.I.V.B. after 1919 and the N.I.V.U. after 1935) was not. Not only did the "European" city federations enter selections involving players from all their member clubs, including Chinese and "native" ones; also their "European" member clubs did not refrain from lining up Chinese or "native" players.

The N.I.V.B.

After about two decades of football in the Dutch East Indies, most major cities had functioning federations and leagues, and on April 20, 1919, at the occasion of the sixth edition of the stedenwedstrijden, the football federations of Batavia, Soerabaja, Bandoeng and Semarang founded the N.I.V.B. (Nederlandsch-Indische Voetbal Bond). Its statutes were approved by governmental decree on October 20, 1919 and the N.I.V.B. was admitted provisionally to F.I.F.A. on April 15, 1924, before obtaining official affiliation to the world body on May 24, 1924. (The Dutch East Indies thus became the first Dutch colony to obtain separate F.I.F.A. membership, five years before Surinam and eight years before Curaçao.) One of its first actions was assuming responsibility for the organisation of the stedenwedstrijden, an activity which would eventually lead to its own liquidation.

After half a decade, membership of the N.I.V.B. started increasing. On 8 February 1925, the N.J.V.B. (Noord-Java Voetbal Bond), which had been founded on 27 July 1924 by 11 clubs from Cheribon, Tegal and Pekalongan, joined to enter the stedenwedstrijden. It did so twice, losing a qualifying match for the final tournament to Bandoeng in both 1925 and 1926 before succumbing to financial problems; it was suspended by the N.I.V.B. for failing to pay membership fees and thus excluded from the 1927 edition of the stedenwedstrijden before finally being dissolved in 1930. Next to join were Malang in 1926, Soekaboemi in 1928 and Djokjakarta in 1929. In addition, three federations from outside Java (those of Oost-Sumatra (based in Medan), Makassar (on Celebes) and Bandjermasin (on Borneo)) had joined the N.I.V.B. as donateur by 1930, a status also granted to the Hwa Nan Voetbal Bond (H.N.V.B., the Chinese federation based in Semarang, on which more below).

The conflict of the early thirties. The N.I.V.U.

On May 16, 1932, an N.I.V.B. meeting at which a Soerabaja-based notary, Willem van Buuren (a former president of both Vios (a military club from Meester Cornelis) and the W.J.V.B. federation in Batavia), succeeded Dick Veenman from Batavia as president of the federation, decided to move the seat of the N.I.V.B. to Soerabaja, which appears to have caused discontent in Batavia (the two cities entertaining a rivalry not unlike that of Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands itself).
In 1933, the new board decided to reorganise the main football event on Java, the stedenwedstrijden, in order to accommodate the increasing number (by then 11) of participating city federations. The new set-up required all city federations to enter a qualifying stage played in regional mini-leagues before being able to participate in the final, 4-team tournament. Batavia opposed the new set-up and withdrew from the competition on December 10, 1933.
The V.B.O. was then suspended by the N.I.V.B. at an extraordinary general meeting in Bandoeng on December 23, 1933, with only Buitenzorg opposing the relevant motion and Soekaboemi abstaining (as both towns are close to the capital, their football federations relied on matches with the major clubs from Batavia to generate income). In turn, Batavia organised an alternative city tournament in which Soekaboemi (which resigned from the N.I.V.B. on March 31, 1934) and a rebel federation (B.V.U.) from Bandoeng entered.
Later in 1934, several smaller city federations resigned from the N.I.V.B., and on December 9, 1934, a year after the start of the conflict, the V.S.O. from Semarang. In January 1935, the B.V.B., the official federation for Bandoeng followed suit, as well as Tiong Hoa, champions of Soerabaja, who were unhappy with the organisation of the regional league (comprising clubs from Soerabaja, Malang, Blitar, Pasoeroean and Probolinggo) established by the N.I.V.B. on Eastern Java after the S.V.B. had halted the Soerabaja league due to a number of conflicts. The Chinese H.N.V.B. left the N.I.V.B. at the occasion of its general meeting at the Chinese stedenwedstrijden with Easter 1935. By June 1935, the N.I.V.B. had only 5 member federations left: Soerabaja, Malang, Djokjakarta, Solo and Tegal.
The federations on Western Java had meanwhile organised themselves (provisionally in the W.J.V.F., the West Java Voetbal Federatie) and managed to stage the stedenwedstrijden in Batavia in 1935, with Soerabaja represented by the S.V.U. (a shortlived rebel organisation whose team consisted mostly of Tiong Hoa players). During this tournament, on June 9, 1935, the N.I.V.U. (Nederlandsch-Indische Voetbal Unie) was founded by the federations of Batavia, Soerabaja (S.V.U.), Bandoeng (the B.V.B.O., formed on February 28, 1935 when B.V.B. and B.V.U. joined forces, and renamed V.B.B.O. on December 15, 1935), Semarang, Buitenzorg and Soekaboemi (with the other relevant city federations on Java joining immediately). Two weeks later, the S.V.B. and S.V.U. reunited (with the S.V.U. being dissolved and all clubs joining the S.V.B. again).
Shortly after it had sent a representative side (roughly corresponding to a Soerabaja city selection, enhanced with a handful of players from Makassar and Malang) to the 1935 Philippines Football Championship, an invitation earned after participating in the 1934 Far Eastern Games in Manila, the N.I.V.B. was liquidated (at the end of July 1935) and succeeded by the N.I.V.U. as the official football association on Java (it was admitted provisionally to F.I.F.A. on May 13, 1936, before obtaining official affiliation to the world body on August 14, 1936). The H.N.V.B. joined the N.I.V.U. as extraordinary member in September 1940.
Regarding the stedenwedstrijden, the main change made by the N.I.V.U. was installing a system of promotion and relegation, with only the bottom (fourth placed) finishers of each year required to enter the qualifying tournament for the next year, and that at a late stage, only playing the winners of the regional qualifying leagues for West Java and Oost Java for the fourth and last spot in the next final tournament.

Chinese football in the Dutch East Indies

While the N.I.V.B. and later the N.I.V.U. had their origins in the "European" population of Java and concentrated their efforts on the "European" federations, clubs and players, ethnically Chinese clubs entered the "European" leagues in many cities as a matter of course, winning championship titles in most of them: U.M.S. won the league of Batavia in 1932/33, Tiong Hoa that of Soerabaja on five occasions before World War II (in July 1939, they even won the Java club championship organised in Soerabaja), Excelsior and Nan Hwa that of Makassar at least five times, and C.S.C. from Medan that of Oost-Sumatra in 1931/32, with their namesakes from Pematang Siantar following suit in 1937/38, to name but the most important leagues; Chinese clubs also won local league titles in e.g. Buitenzorg, Cheribon, Djokjakarta, Kediri, Malang (where Hak Sing Hwee and their successors H.C.T.N.H. dominated the local league), Semarang (once by local club side Union and twice by Pekalongan guest side T.H.H.), Soekaboemi, Solo, Tegal, Tjepoe (both by the local T.N.H. side and by the T.N.H. side from Blora) and Toeloengagoeng; in fact the inland city of Bandoeng is the only major town on Java where no Chinese club came to championship honours.
Following the immediate success of the "European" stedenwedstrijden, a Chinese version was held since 1917, organised by the Comité Kampioenswedstrijden Tiong Hoa (C.K.T.H.) since 1927. It soon became a tradition that the final tournament of the Chinese city matches was played at the Easter weekend while the "European" one followed at Pentecost. In 1930, the C.K.T.H. was reformed as the H.N.V.B. (see above), which joined the N.I.V.B. (as associate member) soon after. The H.N.V.B. apparently never organised any club leagues (its member clubs played in the "European" leagues), though Chinese city federations are documented for both Palembang and Soerabaja (the S.C.V.B., Soerabaiasche Chineesche Voetbal Bond, founded 1924 when leading Chinese club Tiong Hoa had already established itself in the local Eerste Klasse; the S.C.V.B. organised a championship, won by Hak Sing Hwee in 1925).

Of course, the relationship between the "European" and Chinese football communities was not entirely friction free. The first major conflict arose in 1928. At the beginning of the year, Chinese club Tiong Hoa had been suspended for two months by the Soerabaja federation (S.V.B.) following crowd trouble at a match against H.B.S. That suspension had finished before the start of the final tournament of the stedenwedstrijden held at the end of May in Soerabaja (and in time for Tiong Hoa to enter the 1928 Soerabaja league), but out of anger, the club gave permission for matches to be played at its ground at the Cannalaan which were organised with the sole purpose of attracting (Chinese and "native") fans who might otherwise have attended the stedenwedstrijden held simultaneously. That unfriendly act was sanctioned by the N.I.V.B. with a one-year suspension, forcing Tiong Hoa to sit out the 1928 season in Soerabaja. (They would return with a vengeance in 1929, winning the Soerabaja league for the first time in their history.)
An even more bitter conflict arose four years later, again at the occasion of the stedenwedstrijden in Soerabaja. In October 1931, the S.V.B. had withdrawn the press cards for the Chinese newspapers Sin Tit Po and Pewarta Soerabaia following match reports in those papers deemed defamatory and insulting by the S.V.B. board; after a request by the S.V.B., the N.I.V.B. decided on 28 March 1932 to extend this measure to the stedenwedstrijden. Then, the editor-in-chief of Sin Tit Po, Liem Koen Hian, started a boycot movement (supervised by the Comité van Actie Persatoean Bangsa Asia) aimed at dissuading Chinese and "natives" to attend the matches (partially by organising simultaneous matches elsewhere in Soerabaja) and pressurising Chinese and "native" players not to represent their cities; this had a particularly unfortunate effect on the Blitar side making its maiden appearance, as it had to replace more than half of the regular first eleven.

Nevertheless, for most of its existence, the H.N.V.B. was an associate member of the N.I.V.B. or its successor, the N.I.V.U. (it only withdrew from the N.I.V.B. when that organisation was falling apart in 1935). The integration of Chinese football on Java within the "European" structures is possibly best illustrated by the 1941 election of Liem Hwie Giap as president of the N.I.V.U.

"Native" football in the Dutch East Indies

Local "native" leagues had been played since the beginning of the century, often organised by a leading "European" club in the relevant city (e.g. B.V.C. in Batavia and D.S.V. in Medan, who also offered the use of their grounds for the relevant fixtures). Later, "native" clubs proceeded to enter the "European" leagues; in Oost-Sumatra, the "native" club M.S.V. made their debut in the "European" league in 1923 and within a decade, the two "native" clubs M.S.V. and I.V.C. had won the local league (O.S.V.B. Eerste Klasse) on five occasions; by the end of the thirties, only one "European" club (D.L.S.V.) remained in the Eerste Klasse of Medan.
The team representing the medical school Stovia (School tot opleiding van inlandsche artsen) in Weltevreden (a suburb of Batavia), targeted at "native" students, which entered league competitions in Batavia as early as 1904 (first playing as Dokters Djawa, later renamed Stovia) consisted of "native" players as well. In 1910, two "native" clubs, Daja Oepaja and Stovia, were among the nine member clubs of the B.V.B., the then "European" football federation of Batavia. Likewise, in Medan a league was first organised in 1907 and its top level consisted of 3 clubs: "European" Voorwaarts, "native" Maimoen S.C. and Chinese team C.S.C. (the second level contained additional "European" and "native" teams).
It should also be noted that the so-called "European" clubs did not bar other nationalities from playing for them, and the N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U. (the only official F.I.F.A. member organisations during the colonial era) allowed clubs from all nationalities to enter the leagues organised by its local and regional member federations. In all major cities, "European" clubs in the "European" leagues included "native" players, and such players (as well as Chinese ones, and any players from "native" or Chinese clubs participating in the relevant "European" city leagues) were also eligible for the city selections entering the stedenwedstrijden organised by the N.I.V.B. (later N.I.V.U.). The famous Chinese forward Lee Wai-tong, then playing league football at U.M.S., represented Batavia in 1933.

After World War I, "native" city federations were formed in the major cities of Java. Batavia and Bandoeng both had a B.I.V.B. (Bataviasche resp. Bandoengsche Inlandsche Voetbal Bond) in spring 1919; in Magelang, the I.V.B.M. was formed on March 15, 1919 by four clubs (Mosvia, Stormvogels, H.K.S. and Among Rogo), the Voetbalbond Boemipoetra organised matches in Semarang in 1922, the V.V.B. in Solo was founded in 1923 (soon followed by the I.V.B. in the same city), the S.I.V.B. in Soerabaja in 1927 (a local Comité voor Inlandsche voetbalvereenigingen was already mentioned in 1923), and the V.I.J. in Batavia in 1928 (apparently unrelated to the earlier B.I.V.B.); in addition, the P.S.M. in Djokjakarta and the N.V.B. in Bandoeng came into existence during this decade.
On April 19, 1930, seven of these "native" city federations founded the P.S.S.I. (Persatoean Sepakraga Seloeroeh Indonesia): those of Batavia (V.I.J. (Voetbalbond Indonesia Jacatra), later Persidja/Persija), Bandoeng (B.I.V.B. (Bandoengsche Indonesische Voetbal Bond), later Persib), Djokjakarta (P.S.M. (Persatoean Sepakraga Mataram), renamed P.S.I.M. (Persatoean Sepakbola Indonesia Mataram) in July 1930), Madioen (M.V.B. (Madioensche Voetbal Bond), later P.S.M.), Magelang (I.V.B.M. (Indonesische Voetbal Bond Magelang), later P.P.S.M.), Soerabaja (S.I.V.B. (Soerabajasche Indonesische Voetbal Bond), later Persibaja/Persebaya) and Solo (V.V.B. (Vorstenlandsche Voetbal Bond), later Persis). (Some on-line sources erroneously include P.S.M. from Makassar (instead of Madioen) as one of the original seven members; however, membership of the P.S.S.I. was restricted to Java during the thirties. Moreover, the P.S.M. of Makassar did not exist as such at the time; it was then called M.V.B. and in fact a "European" federation with Chinese and "native" member clubs. The seven founding members met in a tournament on the occasion of the golden anniversary of the P.S.S.I. in 1980.)
By May 1939, the P.S.S.I. had twenty member federations; apart from the founding seven (V.I.J., Persib, P.S.I.M., P.S.M., P.P.S.M., Persibaja and Persis) these were: Persibo (Buitenzorg), Persitas (Tasikmalaja), P.S.I.T. (Cheribon), Persibas (Poerwokerto), P.S.K.S. (Keboemen), P.S.I.A. (Ambarawa), P.S.I.Sa. (Salatiga), P.S.I.S. (Semarang), P.S.I.K. (Klaten), K'Satrya (Sragen), R.E.N.S. (Bodjonegoro), P.S.B.I. (Blitar) and Persim (Malang).

Most of the P.S.S.I. member federations organised local club leagues. This is confirmed for the V.I.J. (M.O.S. were its champions in 1931, Malay Club in 1936/37, and Ster in 1937/38 and 1939/40), S.I.V.B./Persibaja (S.E.L.O. were champions 1934/35 before joining the "European" S.V.B. in 1937, Hizboel Wathon in 1939 before joining the S.V.B. in 1941), the B.I.V.B. (the 1931/32 championship was won by R.A.N.) and its successor Persib (1939/40 champions Siap), Persis (Indonesia Moeda were champions 1938, Mars 1939), P.S.I.S. (S.S.S. won at least two titles), P.S.I.M. (both Browidjojo and Hizboel Wathon won multiple titles), Persim (organised a league competition in Malang 1939), P.S.I.T. (Zwarte Ster were its 1934/35 and 1936/37 champions; this "native" club had been among the five founding members of the "European" V.C.O. in 1932 (which replaced an earlier "European" federation, the C.V.B., by then dissolved)), P.P.S.M. (its 1932 champions were Stormvogels) and Persibo (Sangkoeriang were champions 1938/39). In smaller towns, "native" federations (or clubs) entered the "European" leagues, occasionally winning the championship: in Blitar, the "native" federation, P.S.B.I., founded in 1928, won the "European" league on several occasions in the early thirties, P.S.P.I. were champions of Toeloengagoeng in 1933, and in Kediri, P.S.H.W. won the 1939 league organised by the "European" K.V.U.

The P.S.S.I. itself appears to have concentrated on organising "native" stedenwedstrijden between its member federations. A first, unofficial event was held in 1930 at the occasion of the foundation of the P.S.S.I.; after that, the tournament was held each year in parallel with the annual congress of the P.S.S.I.
Even now, most of the teams playing in the nationwide Indonesian league structure essentially correspond to city federations, many based on P.S.S.I. member federations in the colonial era, although some "proper" clubs (such as Arema, Barito Putera and Semen Padang) have remained from the 15-year (1979-1994) period in which a club-based semi-professional league (Galatama) was organised. A number of these city federations entering the national league as club-like entities, such as Persija in Jakarta and Persebaya in Surabaya, organise local club leagues just as the V.I.J. and S.I.V.B./Persibaja did in the 1930s.

Other "ethnic" clubs

Apart from clubs with "European", Chinese and "native" identities, there were also clubs catering to Arabs (e.g. J.A.V.V. in Batavia, Annasher in Soerabaja, Al Ittihad, multiple champions of the "European" competition in Solo, and Al Hilaäl of Pekalongan, champions of Semarang in 1934/35) or Ambonese (e.g. S.V.J.A., Batavia league champions in 1936 and 1937, Mena Moeria in Soerabaja, Jong Ambon in Bandoeng and V.O.P. in Medan) exclusively, as well as clubs connected to the military (e.g. Velocitas in Tjimahi near Bandoeng and a number of clubs called Ajax, Mars or Sparta; in Soerabaja, the navy was represented by Zeemacht). Apart from the Ambonese diaspora (mostly caused by military commitments), also communities from the Minahassa (northern Celebes) and of the Bataks (from Sumatra) were present in various cities on Java and elsewhere and founded their own football clubs entering the "European" city federations.

Finally note that several cities, including at least Batavia, Soerabaja, Bandoeng, Semarang, Malang and Medan, additionally had a Kantoorvoetbalbond which organised leagues between company clubs. These federations were occasionally accused of hidden professionalism by the official N.I.V.B. members (Dutch football was (officially) staunchly amateur until the mid-fifties).

The 1938 World Cup

In January 1937, the N.I.V.U. and the P.S.S.I. signed an agreement in which they recognised each other as the two only top level football organisations in the Dutch East Indies, allowed matches between member clubs and federations of the two organisations, and promised to respect each other's disciplinary decisions (in particular suspensions of clubs or players).
However, new controversies arose regarding the 1938 World Cup, for which the Dutch East Indies eventually qualified, albeit without playing a single qualifying match, after withdrawals by both their intended opponents, Japan and the United States of America. To choose a team, the N.I.V.U. (as F.I.F.A. members for the territory) organised a series of selection matches all over Java between December 1937 and February 1938, without directly involving the P.S.S.I. (although representatives from that organisation attended some of these matches).
The squad eventually chosen consisted entirely of players from N.I.V.U. member federations (reasonably enough given results of matches between representative teams from "European" and "native" city federations); the team fielded against Hungary in Reims included three "European" players (all born in the Dutch East Indies), three Javanese or Sumatran players, including the team's captain, Achmad Nawir, two of Chinese and three of Moluccan parentage. Not considering the last five "Indonesian", the P.S.S.I. accused the N.I.V.U. of "highjacking" the World Cup participation by minimising the number of "native" players and using the Dutch flag (it is not known which flag the P.S.S.I. had suggested as an alternative), and ended the collaboration with the N.I.V.U. in 1939.

World War II and its Aftermath

Following the Japanese invasion in 1942, both the N.I.V.U. and P.S.S.I. were disbanded and sporting activities reorganised under Japanese supervision (apart from the "native" city matches in 1943, no notable football events were organised during Japanese occupation, although in Soerabaja a city league apparently was contested between 1943 and 1945).
After Japanese capitulation, Indonesian independence was proclaimed by Hatta and Soekarno on 17 August 1945. The new Republic of Indonesia was not recognised by the Dutch until late 1949 (sovereignty was officially transferred to the United States of Indonesia on 27 December 1949); the four years in between saw much violence and bloodshed.
For most of the time, the Dutch administration, which returned in spring 1946, controlled the major cities of the country (the main exception being Djokjakarta, capital of the republic), and gradually most of the former "European" football federations were resurrected, including, on 29 December 1946 in Bandoeng, the N.I.V.U.
It organised the 29th edition of the stedenwedstrijden in spring 1947, six years after the previous edition. Another edition followed in 1948 before the N.I.V.U. was renamed V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S. (Voetbal Unie in de Verenigde Staten van Indonesië/Ikatan Sepakraga Negara Indonesia Serikat) on 18 September 1948 and as such organised two more stedentournooien in 1949 and 1950. Meanwhile, also the local "European" city federations had started renaming themselves (most adding, like V.U.V.S.I., Indonesian translations of their Dutch names; the only major city federation not to have done so appears to have been the V.B.O.). They kept organising their local leagues, most including a host of temporarily resident military teams.

The transition to the post-independence (and current) "native" city federations differed locally, with three main variants, which we may label M (for Makassar and Medan), S (for Soerabaja and Semarang) and B (for Bandoeng and Batavia).
In some cities (in particular Makassar and Medan, the two strongest federations outside Java) the old "European" federation survived under the Indonesian version of their name (no serious "native" counterpart existed in either city). The same appears to have happened in Malang.
In others (in particular the Eastern Java cities of Semarang and Soerabaja) the "European" federations effectively absorbed their "native" counterparts, taking the "native" name but maintaining the "European" league structure, in which a local P.O.R.I. (Persatuan Olahraga Republik Indonesia - the sports federation of the Indonesian republic, see also the next paragraph) team already competed at the top level in the 1949/50 season (winning the league in Semarang and finishing third in Soerabaja); in Soerabaja, the 1950/51 Persibaja top level consisted entirely of clubs that played in the S.V.B./P.S.S. league in the previous season.
In Western Java, the P.S.B.S. (formerly V.B.B.O.) in Bandoeng was dissolved at the end of 1950 and its remaining four member clubs sought (and obtained) admission to Persib. The last "European" city federation to throw in the towel was the V.B.O. in Batavia, which only merged into Persidja at the end of 1951.

In September 1950, the P.S.S.I. was resurrected (albeit under a slightly different name: Persatuan Sepakbola Seluruh Indonesia) by the transformation of the football department of the P.O.R.I., the Sports Federation of the Republic of Indonesia established by the republican government in 1947; the member associations of the V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S. successively joined the new federation and V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S. disbanded in 1951 (the Chinese federation H.N.V.B., which had been resurrected on 4 September 1948, followed suit in April 1952). One year later, the P.S.S.I. obtained F.I.F.A. membership.

Disinformation or misinformation elsewhere

If in the above paragraphs there appears to be undue stress on the integration of "native" (and Chinese) players in the "European" federations (undoubtedly, a feeling of superiority by "Europeans" with respect to "natives" (and Chinese) was wide-spread and often publicly expressed), this is partially because of such ludicrous claims on the internet as those made by Safari Sidakaton in PSSI Doelie dan Nasibnya kini..." (and its google translation into English at The past and present fate: PSSI; meanwhile both disappeared from the web but can still be found thanks to the Internet Archive, in both Indonesian and google English); we cite: "Saat itu bangsa Indonesia tidak diperbolehkan bermain sepakbola di lapangan sepakbola Belanda, karena dianggap tidak becus dalam bermain sepakbola secara profesional. Bahkan di tiap pintu masuk lapangan sepakbola Belanda selalu terdapat papan pengumuman besar bertuliskan "VERBODEN VOOR INDONESISCHE EN HOND", yang artinya "DILARANG MASUK BAGI ORANG INDONESIA DAN ANJING".", which google transformed into "At that time the Indonesian people are not allowed to play football on a football pitch Netherlands, for being incompetent in playing football professionally. Even at each entrance of the Dutch football pitch there is always a big billboard that read "VERBODEN voor Indonesische EN HOND", which means "FORBIDDEN FOR PEOPLE OF INDONESIA AND DOG".". Both sentences are verifiably untrue (whether they are deliberate lies or due to glaring ignorance only their author can tell). Professional football was not accepted in the Netherlands until years after Indonesian independence and the billboards (which in correct Dutch should have read "Verboden voor inlanders en honden"; the use of "Indonesiërs" on such a sign would have been highly peculiar, quite apart from the incorrect grammar in the use of both "Indonesische" and "hond") are an invention, apparently based on the alleged existence of a corresponding sign "No natives or dogs allowed" at a club in the British Indies. "Natives" were allowed (indeed encouraged) to play in league competitions organised by "European" clubs such as B.V.C. (Batavia) and D.S.V. (Medan) already before the first World War, and "native" (and Chinese) clubs were fully integrated in many "European" city leagues long before the P.S.S.I. was founded (in 1930, and not 1932 as stated in the cited article, which contains one or more inaccuracies in almost every sentence, as well as some outright lies concerning Tan Malaka). In addition, "native" attendance often outnumbered "European" attendance at league matches, even those featuring two "European" clubs.

Another puzzling statement was made by Eko Nurhuda in his article Rindu Pesepak Bola Tionghoa from April 2011, where it was claimed that "Yang bikin bangga, ketika PSSI didirikan klub-klub milik orang Tionghoa memilih bergabung dengan klub-klub perserikatan di bawah naungan PSSI. Klub UMS bergabung dengan Voetbalbond Indonesia Jacatra (VIJ, kini Persija), sedangkan klub Tionghoa bergabung dengan Soerabajasche Indonesische Voetbalbond (SIVB, kini Persebaya)."; in other words, that the two strongest Chinese clubs, U.M.S. in Batavia and Tiong Hoa in Soerabaja, joined the "native" city federations, V.I.J. and S.I.V.B. respectively. In fact, both clubs played in the leagues of the "European" federations V.B.O. and S.V.B. (and with considerable success, in particular in the case of Tiong Hoa). Only after the war, when the P.S.S.I. was reformed in 1950/51, these Chinese clubs joined the "native" city federations (by then long renamed Persidja and Persibaja), just like the "European" clubs and city federations did at the time.
The same article also implied that "Indonesia" were invited by F.I.F.A. to enter the 1938 World Cup based on the strength of the P.S.S.I. as evidenced by a 2-0 win over Nan Hwa (the Hongkong club better known as South China) in 1937, but that the opportunity was "seized" by the N.I.V.U. Quite apart from the fact that the match in question finished a 2-2 draw, and that at the time "native" representative sides (whether from the P.S.S.I. or the city federations) consistently lost friendly matches against "European" city federations, often heavily, there can be no question of an invitation by F.I.F.A. to the P.S.S.I. in 1937, quite simply because the N.I.V.U. were full members of F.I.F.A., a status the P.S.S.I. did not obtain until 1952. To all intents and purposes, the order of footballing strength of the three federations on Java remained unchanged until the start of World War II: first the N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U., then the Chinese H.N.V.B., and third the P.S.S.I.
Meanwhile a courteous erratum based on the above remarks was added after the original article.

Java Club Champions 1929-1941

On three occasions a tournament was organised between the club champions of the major cities on Java; the first two times in Soerabaja at the occasion of a jubilee of the S.V.B., with the champions of Bandoeng, Batavia, Semarang and Soerabaja entering, the last time in Batavia with the champions of Bandoeng, Batavia and Soerabaja. A tournament planned for the end of August 1935 in Semarang was cancelled. Before, the two competing federations on Java, the N.I.V.B. (affiliated to F.I.F.A.) and the W.J.V.F., had organised (both for the only time in their history) a club league, the N.I.V.B. with 23 clubs from 5 cities in eastern Java, the W.J.V.F. with 5 teams from 3 cities in western Java.


Year Winners                 Venue     Organising federation

1929 S.V.B.B. (Batavia)      Soerabaja S.V.B. (sanctioned by N.I.V.B.)
1935   cancelled             Semarang  V.S.O./N.I.V.U.
1939 Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja)   Soerabaja S.V.B. (sanctioned by N.I.V.U.)
1941 Vios (Batavia)          Batavia   V.B.O. (sanctioned by N.I.V.U.)

1935 T.H.O.R. (Soerabaja)              N.I.V.B. [eastern Java]
     Hercules (Batavia)                W.J.V.F. [western Java]

City Champions

The lists below are work in progress; additions and corrections are welcomed by the author.

Batavia | Soerabaja | Bandoeng | Semarang | Malang | Oost-Sumatra (Medan) | Makassar


On 28 September 1893, the Bataviasche Cricket-Football club "Rood-Wit" was founded in the capital and obtained legal recognition (by official approval of its statutes) in May 1894. The club is known to have played cricket matches later that year against the Bataviasche Cricket Club (in existence since the 1880s) but it is unclear to what extent football was played, and in which form (rugby or soccer). On December 26 (Boxing Day) of 1896, a football match was played between a Dutch and an English team at Gang Scott on the Koningsplein, the English winning 1-0 after the Dutch side had lost a player early on due to breaking his collarbone.
A number of other clubs were founded later in the nineties, such as N.V. (Nimmer Vermoeid), but by the turn of the century reportedly only one club existed in both Batavia (Trappers) and the garrison town Meester Cornelis (S.S.S.). In the first three years of the new century a host of new clubs were founded, including the later local heavyweights B.V.C., Oliveo (Onze leus is voorwaarts en overwinnen), Hercules and Vios (Voorwaarts is ons streven, from Meester Cornelis). Together with Dokters Djawa (later Stovia), these four clubs entered the first ever league competition held in Batavia, organised by the newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië in 1904. It was succeeded by the competition for the Droogdokbeker, held since 1904/05 and from 1907 complemented by the Visserbeker which served as a second class feeder.
Initially, the B.V.B. (Bataviaasche Voetbal Bond), founded on 20 July 1906, organised competitions, but it fell apart in March 1912 when four clubs (A.S.V.G., Oliveo, S.C.F. and Vios) left and founded the W.J.V.B. (West Java Voetbal Bond), which was joined by Velocitas and Voorwaarts in April 1912. After Hercules also joined the W.J.V.B. in 1913, the new federation had won the dispute and B.V.C. followed at the end of the year. In 1923, a separate federation for Meester Cornelis (Meestersche Voetbal Bond) was founded, as part of the W.J.V.B., for local clubs too weak to enter the third class of the W.J.V.B. competitions. In August 1928, the W.J.V.B. was renamed V.B.O. (Voetbalbond Batavia en Omstreken).
Since (at least) the 1920 season, when U.M.S. played in the vierde klasse, Chinese clubs entered the league; "native" clubs were part of the league structure since at least 1926, when B.V.V. played in the derde klasse (ignoring the participation of Dokters Djawa/Stovia in the leagues between 1904 and 1912).
After the second World War, the V.B.O. was the last "European" city federation to disappear, merging into Persidja at the end of 1951.

1904    Vios                              [Nieuws van den dag Competitie]
1904/05 Oliveo                            [Droogdokbeker]
1905/06 Vios                              [Droogdokbeker]    
1906/07 Hercules                          [Droogdokbeker]
1907/08 Vios                              [Droogdokbeker]
1908/09 Oliveo                            [Droogdokbeker]
1909/10 Oliveo                            [Prinses Juliana Competitie]
1910/11 Vios                              [Droogdokbeker (won outright by Vios)]
1911/12 Oliveo                            [Schild van het A.N.V.]
1912    M.U.C.                            [Schild van het A.N.V.]
1912    Vios                              [Tjikinibeker]
1913    Vios                              [Peek Frean-beker]
1913/14 Hercules                          [Bataviaasch Nieuwblad-beker]
1914    Vios                              [Tjikinibeker (won outright by Vios)]
1915    Hercules                          [Bataviaasch Nieuwblad-beker (won outright by Hercules)]
1916    Hercules                          [Schild van het A.N.V.]
1917    Hercules                          [Peek Frean-beker (won outright by Hercules)]
1918    Hercules                          [Schild van het A.N.V.]
1919    Hercules                          [Gouverneur-Generaal beker]
1920    Hercules                          [Schild van het A.N.V. (won outright by Hercules)]
1921/22 Hercules                          [Gouverneur-Generaal beker]
1922    Hercules
1922/23 Hercules                          [Gouverneur-Generaal beker (won outright by Hercules)]
1923/24 Hercules
1924/25 Hercules
1925/26 S.V.B.B.
1926/27 Oliveo
1927/28 Hercules
1928/29 S.V.B.B.                          [*1]
1929/30 S.V.B.B.
1930/31 Hercules
1931/32 S.V.B.B
1932/33 U.M.S.
1933/34 Hercules  
1934/35 Hercules 
1935/36 S.V.J.A.
1936/37 S.V.J.A.
1937/38 Hercules
1938/39 B.V.C.                            [*2]
1939/40 Hercules
1940/41 Vios                              [*3]
1941/42   abandoned
1942-45   not played
1946/47 B.V.C. (noodcompetitie) 
1947/48 U.M.S.
1948/49 Vios
1949/50 Chung Hua
1950/51   apparently abandoned

NB: additionally, Hercules won the 1934/35 championship of the W.J.V.F. (West-Java).

[*1] this championship qualified S.V.B.B. for the 1929 Java club championship.
[*2] this championship qualified B.V.C. for the 1939 Java club championship.
[*3] this championship qualified Vios for the 1941 Java club championship.
NB: the site http://www.jakarta.go.id/jakv1/encyclopedia/detail/3461 claimed (as
    of 2011) championships for U.M.S. in the V.B.O. for the seasons 1930, 1932,
    1933, 1934, 1937, 1938, and 1949; however, U.M.S. only won the league once
    before World War II, in the 1932/33 season (in both 1933/34 and 1936/37 U.M.S.
    finished last and had to play off against relegation).  Most of the years
    mentioned apparently refer to titles won by reserve sides (e.g. in 1930
    U.M.S. II won the Tweede Klasse and in 1932 U.M.S. IV and U.M.S. V won their
    respective sections of the Vierde Klasse).
    The same page also astonishingly claims the V.B.O. changed name to Persija in
    1951 but that of course should refer to the V.I.J., or rather the Djakarta
    section of P.O.R.I., which was renamed Persidja on 24 Sep 1950 (considering
    itself as the successor of the pre-war V.I.J.); the V.B.O. was liquidated in
    1951, with its clubs joining Persidja.

Batavia - "native" champions

Inlandsche Voetbalcompetitie
1905    Gang Solitude                     [organised by B.V.C.]
1911    Setia Oetama
1912    Tjahja Kwitang                    [organised by Oliveo]
1914    Roekoen Setia
1915    Roekoen Setia
1916    Sinar Salemba    
N.I.V.B. Cup (playoff between inlandsche kampioenen Batavia)
1924    Tjahja Kwitang           
1931    M.O.S.
1936/37 Malay Club                        
1937/38 Ster          
1939/40 Ster          
1953/54 U.M.S.
1955/56 U.M.S. (noodcompetitie) 
1956/57 Bintang Timur  


Victoria, the first reported football club of Soerabaja, was founded in September 1894 (according to other sources: 1895) by a pupil of the local H.B.S. (Hoogere Burger School), John Edgar; in 1896, a second club, Sparta, was founded and those two clubs played the first football match in Soerabaja in July 1896 (Victoria winning 6-1). Soon other clubs followed (among others, S.I.O.D., Rapiditas and E.C.A., with only the latter lasting more than a few years and indeed dominating local football, along with T.H.O.R., for about a decade) and in February 1897 a first local football federation (the first of its kind on Java and in the Dutch East Indies) was founded.
This apparently did not survive long as five clubs (including E.C.A. and T.H.O.R.) founded the O.J.V.B. (Oost-Java Voetbalbond) in August 1902; at the end of the same year, that organisation appears to have been renamed S.V.B., and by October 1903 it is known as the Algemeene Nederlandsch Indische Voetbalbond.
Meanwhile, a championship in knock-out format (seriewedstrijden) was first organised in 1902, with T.H.O.R. defeating E.C.A. (who were considered 'champions' of Soerabaja in 1900, apparently by virtue of remaining undefeated in the regular 'friendly' matches organised locally) 1-0 in the final.
In 1903, E.C.A. won a championship contested by 3 clubs (E.C.A., T.H.O.R. and Voorwaarts), but the format of the competition is not entirely clear; the 1904/05 competition may have been the first league-style championship, but no league appears to have been played in the next two years.
At the beginning of 1907, a second O.J.V.B. (Oost Java Voetbal Bond) was founded, which organised a league in both 1907 and 1908 before, halfway its third league season, four of its seven Eerste Klasse clubs left and founded the S.V.B. (Soerabajasche Voetbal Bond) on 5 August 1909. Both the O.J.V.B. and the S.V.B. organised a league in 1909/10 before the former gave up; its two strongest members, E.C.A. and R.A., were both dissolved and most of their players joined newly formed Quick, who would dominate the S.V.B. league for the next five years. The 1910 league included a military side from Malang, Wilhelmina.
As early as 1908 a Chinese club, S.C.R.C. (Sourabaya Chinese Recreation Club) entered the O.J.V.B. Tweede Klasse, but the first Chinese club to play at the top level in Soerabaja was Tiong Hoa, who joined the S.V.B. in the 1918 season and were promoted as champions of the Tweede Klasse in 1921; at the end of the thirties, Gie Hoo followed them; both clubs provided players for the 1938 World Cup squad of the Dutch East Indies. Ambonese club Mena Moeria were admitted to the Eerste Klasse in 1930, and Selo, champions of the "native" federation S.I.V.B. in 1934/35, were admitted to the Eerste Klasse (by then the second level) in 1937 (P.S.H.W., as Hizboel Wathon champions of Persibaja 1939, followed them in 1941).
The S.V.B. was renamed S.V.B./P.S.S. (Persatoean Sepakraga Soerabaja) shortly after the start of the 1948/49 season before merging with Persibaja (or rather the Surabaja section of P.O.R.I.) and the S.K.V.B. (Soerabajasche Kantoor Voetbal Bond) into Persibaja in the summer of 1950. While the choice of name may suggest that the "native" federation Persibaja absorbed the "European" S.V.B., in fact the 1950/51 top level competition of Persibaja consisted exclusively of clubs formerly with the S.V.B./P.S.S. (H.B.S., P.O.R.I.S. (who had already entered the S.V.B. league structure starting from the 1947/48 season), Tiong Hoa, Excelsior, P.O.M.M. (formerly Jong Ambon), Zeemacht (all in the 1949/50 S.V.B./P.S.S. Eerste Klasse), T.H.O.R. and Assjabaab (the top-2 of the 1949/50 S.V.B./P.S.S. Tweede Klasse)).

1902    T.H.O.R.     
1903    E.C.A.           
1904/05 T.H.O.R.
1905-06   probably not held
1907    E.C.A.
1908    T.H.O.R.  
1909      abandoned
1909/10   not known (probably R.A.)
S.V.B. Eerste Klasse
1909/10 S.V.S.
1910    Quick
1911      not held
1912    Quick
1913    Quick
1914    Excelsior
1915    Quick
1916    H.B.S.
1917    H.B.S.
1918    H.B.S.
1918/19 H.B.S.                   
1919/20 T.H.O.R.                     
1920/21 T.H.O.R.                          
1921    Excelsior
1922    H.B.S.                         
1923    H.B.S.
1924    H.B.S.
1925    H.B.S.  
1926/27 Excelsior
1927/28 Excelsior
1928    T.H.O.R.                          [*1]
1929    Tiong Hoa
1930    Excelsior
1931/32 T.H.O.R.
1932/33 Excelsior
1933/34 Tiong Hoa
1934    Tiong Hoa                         
S.V.B. Hoofdklasse  
1935/36 H.B.S.  
1936/37 H.B.S.              
1937/38 H.B.S.
1938/39 Tiong Hoa                         [*2]
1939/40 Tiong Hoa 
1940/41 H.B.S.                            [*3]
1941/42   abandoned
1942      not held
under Japanese occupation
1943    Tiong Hoa  
1944    Tiong Hoa  
1945      not known [Tiong Hoa runners-up]
S.V.B. Afdeeling I/II
1946    II-10 R.I.                        [*4]
S.V.B. Eerste Klasse 
1946/47 Tiong Hoa
1947/48 H.B.S.
S.V.B./P.S.S. Eerste Klasse  
1948/49 Tiong Hoa
1949/50 H.B.S.

NB: additionally, T.H.O.R. won the 1934/35 championship of the N.I.V.B. (Oost-Java).

[*1] this championship qualified T.H.O.R. for the 1929 Java club championship.
[*2] this championship qualified Tiong Hoa for the 1939 Java club championship.
[*3] this championship qualified H.B.S. for the 1941 Java club championship.
[*4] II-10 R.I. won Afdeeling II which served as a second level competition (they were
     promoted along with runners-up M.L.D.) but they thereby also qualified for a playoff 
     for the overall title against N.M.B., winners of Afdeeling I, which they won 2-1.

Soerabaja - "native" champions

1934/35 S.E.L.O.
1938/39 Hizboel Wathon   
1950/51 Tiong Hoa 
1952    Angkatan Darat
1953/54 P.O.M.M.


The first known club from Bandoeng is B.V.C. (Bandoengsche Voetbal Club), which was founded in 1900. Sidolig (Spelen in de open lucht is gezond, 1902) and U.N.I. (Uitspanning Na Inspanning, 1903), the two clubs to dominate football in the mountain city during the colonial era, followed soon after.
B.V.C. received their namesakes from Batavia on 3 April 1904 (Easter Sunday), losing 0-4 in (reportedly) the first ever venture by a Batavia club side out of town (as early as 1898, E.C.A. from Soerabaja and Go Ahead from Malang paid visits to each other, and S.V.V. from Semarang were hosted by Vitesse in Soerabaja in May 1899).
On 27 November 1904, following a friendly match between Sidolig and U.N.I., the Preanger Voetbalbond was founded by B.V.C., Sidolig and U.N.I., the first football federation in the city. It does not seem to have played a decisive part in the organisation of the various league competitions in the following years, played for a variety of trophies, including a vaandel offered by the company Hagelsteens and the Coorde-medaille. The latter was first played for in 1906 by five clubs, including two "native" ones, Osvia and Stovio. The 1909 competition for the Coorde-medaille is remarkable as second place was decided on goal difference (rather than goal average), the first known application (to the author) of this tie-breaker worldwide. In fact, the first ever competition in which goal difference served as the first tie-breaker was the 1890/91 season of the Eerste Klasse in the Netherlands itself (the first ever official league tournament there); it was adopted as such by the N.V.A.B. at its meeting on 26 October 1890 in Rotterdam, but no clubs finished equal on points at the end of that season and it was replaced by the goal average rule for the 1891/92 season by a decision at a board meeting on 21 November 1891 in Leiden.
The B.V.B. (Bandoengsche Voetbal Bond) was founded in spring 1913 by U.N.I., Sidolig, Roneo (a "native" club), M.B.V.C. (a military side) and D.O.S. (another military side, based in nearby Tjimahi), and started another league competition (involving those five clubs) in July 1913, but it considered 1914 its year of foundation, because of obtaining official government recognition on 11 July 1914.
In 1934, a rebel organisation led by U.N.I., the B.V.U. (Bandoengsche Voetbal Unie) was formed, in parallel with (but unrelated to) the conflict within the N.I.V.B. (of which the B.V.U. never was a member); the B.V.B. and B.V.U. resolved their conflict in February 1935, after which the B.V.B.O. (Bandoengsche Voetbal Bond en Omstreken) was formed, renamed V.B.B.O. (Voetbal Bond Bandoeng en Omstreken) in December 1935.
In 1918, "native" club Osvia entered the tweede klasse (in 1921, they first appear at the top level since withdrawing from the 1909 league competition for the Coorde-medaille), while Chinese side Y.M.C. made their maiden appearance in the derde klasse in 1921, gaining access to the top flight in 1927.
A first "native" federation was founded on 5 January 1919, when thirteen clubs (K.B.S., B.B. (Bintang Bandoeng, who, like K.B.S., had entered the "native" competition organised by U.N.I. in 1916), Ster, Diana, Zwaluw, B.I.V.C., B.V.C., K.V.C., V.V.C., Visser, N.V.C., Brom and Pasar ketjil) formed the B.I.V.B. (Bandoengsche Inlandsche Voetbal Bond); in July 1919, the city council gave it permission to use the Tegallega grounds but no further information on its activities is available, apart from the organisation of the Inlandsche Wedstrijden in May 1923. A second "native" federation with the same acronym (now denoting Bandoengsche Indonesische Voetbal Bond) was founded in November 1928 by seven clubs, viz. T.O.G.I.D.O. (Tot Ons Genoegen Is Deze Opgericht), Osvia (Opleidingsschool voor inlandsche ambtenaren), R.A.N. (Roekoen Anak Negeri), V.E.E.D. (Voor Eer En Deugd), O.V.U. (Onze Vrije Uren), Singkalang and (again) Diana (Doe in alles niet achteruit); this federation was later renamed P.S.I.B. (Persatoean Sepakbola Indonesia Bandoeng) and merged in March 1933 with the N.V.B. (Nationale Voetbal Bond) to form Persib, one of the most successful clubs in Indonesia since independence.
On 30 July 1950, the V.B.B.O. was renamed P.S.B.S. (Persatuan Sepakraga Bandung dan Sekitarnja) but by the end of the year only four clubs (U.N.I., Sidolig, Chung Hua and Jong Ambon) had remained; these decided to liquidate the P.S.B.S. and join the "native" federation Persib.

1905    U.N.I.                            [medaille-competitie]
1906    U.N.I.                            [Coorde-medaille]
1906    U.N.I.                            [Hagelsteens-vaandel] 
1908    Sidolig                           [Hagelsteens-vaandel]
1909    S.S. (europeesch)                 [Coorde-medaille]
1910/11 Sidolig                           [Coorde-medaille]
1912    Sidolig                           [Indische Sportbeker]
1913/14 Sidolig
1914    Sidolig
1915    U.N.I.  
1916    U.N.I.  
1917/18 U.N.I.                            [De Vries-beker]
1918    Sparta                            [single round robin]
1918/19 U.N.I.                            [Hagelsteens-vaandel]
1919    U.N.I.  
1920    Sparta
1921    Sidolig
1922/23 Sparta                            
1923/24 U.N.I.                            [Maurice-Wolf-beker]
1924    Sparta
1925    U.N.I.  
1926/27 Sidolig
1927/28 Velocitas (Tjimahi) 
1928    U.N.I.                            [*1]                          
1929/30 U.N.I.                            
1930    L.U.N.O.
1931/32 Velocitas (Tjimahi) 
1932/33 U.N.I.
1933/34 Sidolig
1934/35 Sidolig                          
1934/35 U.N.I.
1935/36 Sparta
1936/37 Sparta
1937/38 U.N.I.                            [Amstelbier-beker]
1938/39 U.N.I.                            [*2]
1939/40 Sidolig                           [Au Bon Marché-beker]
1940/41 Sparta                            [*3]
1941/42   abandoned
1942-45   not held
1946    Hercules
1947    U.N.I.
1947/48 U.N.I.
1948/49 Hercules                        
1949/50 Hercules
1950/51   abandoned                       [P.S.B.S. liquidated 31 Dec 1950; clubs joined Persib]

[*1] this championship qualified U.N.I. for the 1929 Java club championship.
[*2] this championship qualified U.N.I. for the 1939 Java club championship.
[*3] this championship qualified Sparta for the 1941 Java club championship.

Bandoeng - "native" champions

Inlandsche Voetbalcompetitie
1913/14 Setia Oesaha                      [B.V.B., 2e klasse; for the Preanger Sport Revue-beker]
1916    Dreadnought                       [organised by U.N.I.]
1931/32 R.A.N.            
1939/40 Siap
1951/52 Indonesia Muda
1952/53 Indonesia Muda
1953/54 Sunda


The first club in Semarang appears to have been Go Ahead, which was founded on 30 July 1898. It was to dominate local football for decades, along with S.V.V., founded one year later, and M.O.T. (Moed Overwint Tegenstand, founded in 1904). A first league competition was held in 1906, for a cup offered by the Semarangsche Vélo-Club (a cycling club), before, in August 1907, a first football federation was founded, the S.V.B. (Semarangsche Voetbal Bond); it organised its first league competition in the 1907/08 season.
However, in 1911 the S.V.B. was dissolved due to a cholera epidemy, which caused a police prohibition on the organisation of matches; this prohibition lasted more than a year and during this period, most member clubs failed to pay their membership fees. On 2 February 1912 five clubs (Go Ahead, S.V.V., M.O.T., T.H.O.S. and Union) formed a new federation, the V.S.O. (Voetbalbond Semarang en Omstreken).
For a decade and a half, from the 1926/27 season until World War II arrived in the Pacific, the league included clubs from Pekalongan; the Chinese club from there, T.H.H., won the league twice and the local Arab side Al Hilaäl once. The strongest Chinese club in Semarang, Union, a founder member of the V.S.O., first entered the top level league in 1916, and were Semarang champions once before the second World War.
The V.S.O. (which had been refounded 25 August 1946) was renamed V.S.O./P.S.S. (Perkoempoelan Sepakraga Semarang) in September 1949 and then P.S.I.S. (Persatuan Sepakbolah Indonesia Semarang) on 12 July 1950; the last name change (resurrecting the pre-war P.S.S.I. members from Semarang) involved a merger with P.O.R.I.S., the Semarang section of P.O.R.I., which had already entered teams in the 1949 noodcompetitie; their first side won the league in 1949/50.

1906    Go Ahead
1907/08 S.V.V.
1908/09 Go Ahead
1909/10   abandoned (cholera epidemy)
1911      not held
1912      not held
1913    S.V.V.
1914    M.O.T.                           
1915/16 Go Ahead
1916    S.V.V.  
1917    S.V.V.             
1918      not awarded (league annulled at halfway stage)
1919    Go Ahead
1920    S.V.V.
1921    Go Ahead
1921/22 S.V.V.
1922/23 Go Ahead
1923/24 Go Ahead                          
1924    M.O.T.                            
1925    Go Ahead                          
1926/27 Go Ahead
1927/28 Go Ahead                          
1928/29 M.O.T.                            [*1]
1929/30 Go Ahead
1930/31 M.O.T.
1931/32 Union
1932/33 M.O.T.
1933/34 T.H.H. (Pekalongan) 
1934/35 Al Hilaäl (Pekalongan) 
1935/36 M.O.T.
1936/37 M.O.T.
1937/38 Go Ahead
1938/39 M.O.T.                            [*2]  [!]
1940    T.H.H. (Pekalongan)                     [!]
1940/41 B.O.W.                            [extra competitie]
1941/42   abandoned
1942-45   not held
1946/47 II-13 R.I. (2e Bataljon, 13e Regiment Infanterie)
1947/48 Go Ahead
1948      not awarded
1949    Union                             [noodcompetitie V.S.O./M.L.O.] 
1949/50 P.O.R.I.S.

[*1] this championship qualified M.O.T. for the 1929 Java club championship.
[*2] this championship qualified M.O.T. for the 1939 Java club championship.

[!] note that Go Ahead, Union and S.V.V. (the top-3 of the 1937/38 season) did not enter the
    V.S.O. league in 1938/39 and 1939/40 as they were active in the Midden-Java competitie
    (involving 10 clubs: 4 from the V.B.D.O. (Djokjakarta/Magelang), 3 from the V.S.O. (Semarang)
    and 3 from the V.B.S. (Solo)).

Semarang - "native" champions

inlandsche competitie
1918    Roban
1935/36   league not finished
1936/37 S.S.S.                            
1938    S.S.S.
1939    S.S.S.                            
1950/51 C.H.T.C.S.
1951/52 C.H.T.C.S.
1952/53 C.H.T.C.S.
1953/54 C.H.T.C.S.


Malang boasted the strongest city selection on Java outside of the "big four", in spite of only twice (1939 and 1940) qualifying for the final tournament of the stedenwedstrijden before the second World War, suffering elimination on goal average on no less than three occasions (1934, 1937 and 1938). The city was represented at the 1938 World Cup by 'keeper Mo Heng, who played for local champions H.C.T.N.H. at the time.
The first club founded in Malang was Go Ahead, in 1898, who went on to play E.C.A. of Soerabaja three times in that same year (twice in Malang and once in Soerabaja). They were followed by Voorwaarts in 1902, M.O.T. in 1904, and the first military club in the town, Wilhelmina, in 1909. Wilhelmina joined the Soerabaja federation, S.V.B., and entered its league and the Robertson Reid cup competition during the 1910 season.
The first Chinese clubs were Kam Soe Twie and Tjoe Kian Hwee, both founded in 1913, and Hak Sing Hwee, who dominated the league in the late twenties, in 1914; all were merged into H.C.T.N.H. 1930.
For such a small though fast-growing town (Malang had 43.000 inhabitants in 1920 and twice as many in 1930), the organisation of local football was perplexingly confusing. The M.V.B. (Malangsche Voetbal Bond) was founded on 7 August 1922 (an earlier federation with the same name had been founded in 1917 with four member clubs, including one Chinese one, organised a league in that same year (single round robin) and requested N.I.V.B. membership in May 1919, but succumbed soon after that). It affiliated to the N.I.V.B. in 1926 (in which year the first ever stadium in the Dutch East Indies was opened in Malang as well, on 2 August 1926) and outlasted two local rebel federations, both called Unitas Voetbal Bond (the first was founded and dissolved in 1926, the second lasted from 1928 to 1929), but was itself dissolved in 1933 and replaced by the V.M.O. (Voetbalbond Malang en Omstreken). One year later, three local clubs withdrew from the V.M.O. and formed the O.J.V.B. (Oost Java Voetbal Bond). All clubs were united again under the M.V.U. (Malangsche Voetbal Unie), founded 11 July 1935.
The M.V.U. (which had been refounded on 23 September 1948) was renamed M.V.U./P.S.M. by the end of 1949. The current Persema list 20 June 1953 as foundation date, but that appears to be incorrect as Persema are already mentioned in newspapers in August 1951 (and on multiple occasions in 1952, most importantly as participants of the 1952 Kejurnas P.S.S.I); presumably they came into being as a continuation of or new name for M.V.U./P.S.M.
The first "native" federation in Malang appears to have been founded in 1933 as P.S.I.M. (Persatoean Sepakbola Indonesia Malang); it was reportedly renamed P.S.T. (Persatoean Sepakbola Toemapel) in October 1934, but in 1937 reference is made to P.S.M., and since 1939 to Persim; presumably, these were all different acronyms for the same federation. Apart from Persim, a second "native" federation was founded in March 1940, Perspi, which proceeded to join the "European" M.V.U.

M.V.B. (1)
1917    V.O.G.E.L.
1918-19   not known
M.V.B. (2)
1922    Vitesse
1923    Vitesse
1924    Vitesse
1925    Sparta                            
1926    Sparta
1927    Hak Sing Hwee
1928    Hak Sing Hwee
1929    Hak Sing Hwee
1930/31 Hak Sing Hwee
1931/32 Ardjoeno 
1932/33 Xerxes
1933    H.C.T.N.H.
1934/35   abandoned
1935/36 H.C.T.N.H.
1936/37 H.C.T.N.H.
1937/38   abandoned
1938/39 H.C.T.N.H.
1939/40 H.C.T.N.H.
1940/41 The Corinthians
1941/42   abandoned
1942-48   not held
M.V.U. (refounded 23 Sep 1948)
1949    Faroka

Oost-Sumatra (Medan)

The first verified mention of football in the archipelago originates from Medan. On 16 November 1887, the "Gymnastiek Vereeniging Medan" was founded there, and apart from gymnastics, its members soon began to play cricket and football, later followed by tennis and athletics. As early as January 1890, a team from Penang, representing the Penang Cricket Club, crossed the Straits to play a cricket match. This took place on the 20th of that month, and while the morning innings was fairly balanced (Penang reached 76 runs, Deli 71), the hosts collapsed after lunch, Penang winning by ten wickets. After that, time remained to play a football game, to the great amusement of the public (tot groot vermaak van het publiek). This match predates the first ever meeting of a Dutch club with an English one by more than three years (Sparta of Rotterdam hosting Harwich & Parkeston F.C. on 13 March 1893, losing 0-8) and occurred more than two months before any club in the Netherlands itself met foreign opposition (Concordia of Rotterdam playing Antwerp F.C. on 30 March 1890 in Breda, winning 1-0 against eight (three had failed to travel) mostly British players).
There are several somewhat conflicting reports on this visit. The Deli Courant of 22 January 1890, two days after the event, reported, on page 7, the result of the cricket match, but unfortunately not that of the football game (which appears to have come about as an ad hoc diversion). An article entitled De voetballers naar Penang, which appeared on 12 February 1904 in De Sumatra post (page 6) on the occasion of the first ever trip of a Deli football team to Penang (see below), singled out a Dutch back called Verhulst, whose defending saved the (apparently goalless) draw, but who died soon afterwards. On the English side, the meeting was recalled in an article entitled Deli in Sumatra. Notes of a Holiday Visit by an Idle Official. in the November 1893 issue of the Fortnightly Review, written by R.W. Egerton Eastwick and cited at considerable length on page 2 of the 28 November 1893 issue of The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser. Its author speaks highly of a "Dutchman, who had never seen cricket before", who suffered a violent attack of fever, months after the match, and was sent to Penang by his doctors, only to die there shortly afterwards. This can only refer to Charles Hugo Verhulst, a structural engineer (he passed his exam as bouwkundig ingenieur in June 1885 in Delft), employed by the Deli-Maatschappij since (at the latest) February 1887, who died in Penang on 23 July 1890, at only 25 years of age. However, Egerton Eastwick's narratory claims the cricket match was played over two days, and that on both a football match followed, Penang winning the first game 7-0 and the second 4-2. Given the report in the Deli Courant cited above, this is either an invention or indicative of a shaky memory. In addition, the statement that the Dutchman in question had never seen cricket before is most certainly incorrect: cricket was quite a popular game with Dutch students in Holland and Verhulst had starred for the H.C.C. (Haagsche Cricket Club) side which won the first ever Nationale Cricket Wedstrijd held at the Malieveld in The Hague in August 1884.

After the foundation of the Deli Wielrijders Club (a cycling club) in 1893, football activities within the Gymnastiek Vereeniging ceased, and little football was played in Medan until the foundation of the Sport Club Sumatra's Oostkust (better known as S.O.K. or simply Sportclub) on 1 June 1899, as recalled in another article in De Sumatra post (on 31 May 1904, page 6: Het 5-jarig bestaan der Sportclub "Sumatra's Oostkust"), which also mentions the draw against Penang.
One of S.O.K.'s early members was Willem "Pim" Mulier, a Dutch football pioneer, who was appointed editor of the Deli Courant newspaper in 1899 and lived in Medan until 1905. In January 1900, the club was granted the use of the Esplanade in Medan; the first match took place on 1 February 1900, when the Sportclub, with Mulier as centre forward, defeated a Langkat English XI 2-0 in Medan after having lost a cricket match earlier that day. Frequent encounters between teams from Medan (usually represented by S.O.K.) and Bindjey (usually represented by Langkat S.C.) followed that first match. On 6 October 1901, S.O.K. hosted a visiting team from Penang, losing 1-4, and in February 1904, a Deli side first visited Penang, losing 2-3 and 1-5 (Penang having been reinforced by a few Perak and Singapore players in the second match).

In 1902, two "native" teams (Zetters Club (also known as Letterzetters) in Medan and Toengkoe V.C. in Bindjey) were formed; these played each other as well as the "European" clubs in friendly matches. In 1905, a Chinese club (Tiong Hoa) followed and several other clubs (including Voorwaarts, as a merger of S.O.K. and its 1904 split-off D.S.C.; in 1911 Voorwaarts merged into D.S.V.) were formed a year later.
A first federation, the D.V.B. (Delische Voetbal Bond) was founded on 16 July 1907 and organised the first regular league with a three-team Eerste Klasse consisting of Voorwaarts ("European"), Maimoen S.C. ("native") and Chinese S.C. In addition, a Tweede Klasse involving seven teams was held. The D.V.B. disappeared after the 1908 season; the leagues in 1910 and 1912 were organised by an ad hoc committee (called Delische Voetbal-competitie) before the omnisports club D.S.V. took over the running of the league with the 1913 edition, adding a separate section for "native" clubs.
The D.S.V. organised local football until the end of the 1915 season, in which the championship included clubs from outside Medan and its immediate surroundings for the first time.
In December 1915, the O.S.V.B. (Oost Sumatra Voetbal Bond) was founded; it was also based in Medan but extended competition to other parts of the Oostkust van Sumatra, most notably Simeloengoen (with main towns (Pematang) Siantar and Tebing Tinggi) and Asahan (with main towns Tandjong Balei and Kisaran). In some seasons, a playoff between the champions of the different regional leagues was organised; in other seasons only the league in Medan (and surroundings) was played and its winners considered overall champions.
In October 1920, a "native" football federation, the Deli Voetbal Bond, was founded; it organised league competitions for about half a decade (won by Soeka Madjoe in the first season, 1920/21), but after the O.S.V.B. started including "native" clubs in its league structure from 1922 on, the D.V.B. slowly disappeared (it is last mentioned in 1925).
The O.S.V.B. was renamed V.B.M.O./P.S.M.S. (Voetbal Bond Medan en Omstreken/Persatuan Sepakraga Medan dan Sekililingnja) in November 1949 and entered the stedenwedstrijden under that name in 1950 (the last edition organised by V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S.), finishing fifth. However, the current P.S.M.S. (Persatuan Sepakbola Medan dan Sekitarnya) retains 21 April 1950 (a week before their first match in those stedenwedstrijden) as its foundation date rather than 1 December 1915 (when the original O.S.V.B. was founded, about three months before the foundation of the P.S.M. (as M.V.B.) in Makassar).

1907    Voorwaarts (Medan)
1908    Voorwaarts (Medan)
1909      not held
1910    Handel (Medan)
1911      not held
1912    Handel (Medan)
1913    Handel (Medan)
1914    Van Nie & Co. (Medan)
1915    R.D.M. (Pabatoe)                  [Medan champions: Go Ahead]
1916    A.V.V. (Tandjong Balei)           [Medan champions: D.S.V.]
1917    D.S.V. (Medan)                    [Asahan champions: S.S.C. (Pematang Siantar)]
1918    Go Ahead (Medan)                  [Asahan champions: S.S.C. (Pematang Siantar)]
1919    Go Ahead (Medan)                  [Asahan champions: T.T.S.C. (Tebing Tinggi)]
1920    D.S.V. (Medan)                    [Asahan champions: T.T.S.C. (Tebing Tinggi)]
1921    Go Ahead (Medan)                  [Asahan champions: A.S.V. (Kisaran)]
1922    L.S.V. (Bindjey)
1923    D.S.V. (Medan)  
1924    A.S.V. (Kisaran)                  [Medan champions: Go Ahead]
1925    M.S.V. (Medan)       
1926    L.S.V. (Bindjey)            
1927    M.S.V. (Medan) 
1928    M.S.V. (Medan)  
1929    I.V.C. (Medan)
1930    M.S.V. (Medan)
1931/32 C.S.C. (Medan)
1932-35 U.V.V. (Belawan)                  [Siantar champions: S.T.S. (Tebing Tinggi)]
1934-36 U.V.V. (Belawan)                  [Siantar champions: P.S.V. (Tebing Tinggi)]
1936/37 Deli Mij. V.C. (Medan)             [Siantar champions: P.S.V. (Tebing Tinggi)]
1937/38 C.S.C. (Pematang Siantar)         [Medan champions: M.C.V.C.] 
1938-40 Shell S.C. (Pangkalan Brandan)
1940/41 Deli Mij. V.C. (Medan) 
1941-47   not known (most seasons: not held)
1948      not finished
1949    3-15 R.I. (3e Bataljon, 15e Regiment Infanterie)

NB: the clubs from Belawan, Bindjey and Pangkalan Brandan listed as champions above
    won their titles in league tournaments involving the Medan clubs.  The titles 
    between 1915 and 1921, in 1924 and between 1933 and 1938 were decided after
    playoffs involving winners of regional leagues.

Medan/Oost-Sumatra - "native" champions

Inlandsche competitie (D.S.V.)
1913    Zetters (Medan)
1914    Amalijoen
1915    Locomotief
Deli Voetbalbond
1920/21 Soeka Madjoe
Inlandsche competitie (O.S.V.B.)
1922    M.S.V. (Medan)  
1923    Bindjey S.V. (Bindjey)


The Makassaarsche Voetbalbond (M.V.B.) was founded on 27 February 1916, after the completion of a first league competition which had started in November 1915, and was an associate member of the N.I.V.B. since at least 1929. There were relatively frequent visits from Soerabaja club sides to the Stad der roode vischjes, and Makassar selections toured the Krokodillenstad in 1921, 1933 and 1941.
Exceptionally among the major cities of the colony, it appears the local football federation did not suffer any schisms (although Excelsior withdrew from the federation in 1937, but not for long, winning the league in 1938; earlier Jong Ambon had withdrawn in 1932, attempting to establish an "Indonesische Voetbalbond", but soon returned, albeit under a new name, Zwaluwen) and continues to thrive, as P.S.M., in independent Indonesia (making them the oldest existing city federation in the country (although P.S.M.S. could contest that should they want to), having celebrated their centenary in 2016).
The local league was contested by "European", Chinese and "native" clubs, with all communities earning championship honours.
The federation of Makassar twice entered (as M.V.B./P.S.M.) the stedenwedstrijden, in 1949 and 1950 (the last two editions organised by V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S.), finishing fourth in both seasons. Chinese club side Excelsior entered the 1950 edition of the H.N.V.B. event.

1915/16 Bintang Prijaï
1916-18   not known
1919    Prosit
1920    M.R.V.
1921    Prosit
1922-23   not known [*]
1924    Vios
1925-27   not known [*]
1928    Vios                              
1929    Vios
1930    Excelsior
1931    Vios                              
1932    Vios   
1933    Zwaluwen
1934    Excelsior
1935    Zwaluwen
1936    Nam Hwa
1937    Zwaluwen
1938    Excelsior
1939    Vios
1940    Excelsior
1941-46   not known (most seasons: not held)
1947    M.O.S.
1948-54   not known
1954/55 Persis

[*] on the occasion of the 1930 title of Chinese side Excelsior, it was mentioned that
    they had thus ended an almost decade-long reign by Vios, suggesting the latter won
    all championships held between 1922 and 1927; in 1927, Prosit were runners-up.

City Competitions (Stedenwedstrijden) 1914-1950

Note all competitions in this section were restricted to Java (with the exception of the 1949 and 1950 tournaments organised by V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S., in which Makassar and Medan entered, and the 1950 edition of the H.N.V.B. tournament in which Excelsior represented Makassar). However, similar competitions were organised in other parts of the Dutch East Indies occasionally, in particular on Sumatra (by the O.S.V.B. for Oost-Sumatra and the M.V.B. for West-Sumatra).

N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U./V.U.V.S.I. | C.K.T.H./H.N.V.B. (Chinese) | P.S.S.I. ("native")

N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U./V.U.V.S.I. Stedenwedstrijden

This was the highlight of the Javanese football season; the winners of the annual stedenwedstrijden were considered the champions of Java (and, by extension, of the colony). The Perserikatan (amateur championship) organised by the P.S.S.I. between 1951 and 1994 in independent Indonesia was a direct successor of this tournament.

It was first held in 1914 at the occasion of the Koloniale Tentoonstelling in Semarang, with winners Batavia earning the silver Koloniale-Tentoonstellings-Beker. Originally, a set-up had been discussed in which club teams would contest the championship of Java. To this end, the champion clubs of Batavia, Soerabaja, Bandoeng and Semarang were to be determined in local competitions, and then contest the overall title in Semarang. At the occasion of the final of the 1913 Globe Bioscope knock-out tournament in Batavia, on May 1st, a golden ball was put on offer by Loa Soen Yang of the Globe cinema for the winners of this "Globe-bioscope-Javakampioenschap". However, by April 1914 this idea had been replaced by that of a tournament between representative selections of the four city federations involved. In addition, two Singapore selections, a civilian and a military one, were to be invited to play a representative team of Java, formed at the tournament, in October and November, still at the Semarang exposition. These would have been the first international matches for any all-Java team, but due to the outbreak of the first World War, Singapore could not send any team.

On the initiative of Batavia captain Stom, the trophy, which had colloquially been renamed Java-Cup, was played for again in the next year, with Batavia hosting the tournament. Batavia won the tournament again, but the cup was stolen in the night after the final. A new trophy was donated by a Soerabaja football fan, Monod de Froideville, first played for in 1916 in Soerabaja. The hosts won and repeated their win in 1917 in Semarang (original hosts Bandoeng having requested a postponement of their hosting right by one year). Thanks to their second win in succession, Soerabaja won the Monod-Beker to keep. Bandoeng sportsman Ernst de Vries then donated a trophy for the 1918 edition in the mountain city, the De Vries-Beker, which was to be kept outright by the first city to win the tournament five times in total or three times in succession, with Batavia fulfilling the latter condition in 1920. At most of the later editions, no cup trophy was at stake anymore, the winning team obtaining a Gouden Kampioens-Medaille (golden championship medal) as well as eleven medals for the players.

Starting with the 1920 edition, the organisation was taken over by the N.I.V.B. (later N.I.V.U.), formed in 1919. After the first two editions, both held in the summer, the final tournament normally took place in the Pentecost weekend (pinksteren). Exceptions to that rule were the tournaments of 1919 (held in the Easter weekend) and 1938 (when the tournament was moved to the end of August because of the World Cup participation of the Dutch East Indies).
Starting from the 1936 (1935/36) edition, the top-3 finishers of the previous edition qualified automatically for the final tournament in the following season, whereas the bottom team had to play off for the final spot against the two winners of the qualifying competition for West and East Java. Also, starting from the 1936 edition the N.I.V.U.-Schild was at stake, kept outright by Batavia following their second successive win in 1939.

The 1941/42 edition was abandoned due to the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific. After the war, the N.I.V.U. was re-established on 29 December 1946, and organised two Stedentoernooien in 1947 and 1948 before changing name to V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S. (Voetbal Unie in de Verenigde Staten van Indonesië/Ikatan Sepakraga Negara Indonesia Serikat) in October 1948. Under that name, the last two competitions in 1949 and 1950 (the first to involve teams from outside Java, Makassar and Medan) were played.

After the P.S.S.I. was resurrected in 1950 (by the transformation of the football department of the P.O.R.I. (Persatuan Olahraga Republik Indonesia), the Sports Federation of the Republic of Indonesia established by the republican government in 1947), member associations of the V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S. merged with their local P.S.S.I. counterparts and V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S. disbanded in 1951.

Year    Winners                         Runners-Up                      Venue (of final tournament)   Trophy (if known)

1914    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          3-0 Semarang (V.S.O.)               Semarang                      Koloniale-Tentoonstellings-Beker (Java-Cup)
1915    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          2-0 Semarang (V.S.O.)               Batavia                       Koloniale-Tentoonstellings-Beker (Java-Cup) [stolen]
1916    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)          0-0 Batavia (W.J.V.B.)  [toss]      Soerabaja                     Monod-Beker
1917    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)          2-0 Bandoeng (B.V.B.)               Semarang                      Monod-Beker [won outright by Soerabaja]
1918    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          2-0 Bandoeng (B.V.B.)               Bandoeng                      De Vries-Beker 
1919    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          1-0 Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia                       De Vries-Beker
1920    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          0-0 Soerabaja (S.V.B.)  [toss]      Soerabaja                     De Vries-Beker [won outright by Batavia]
1921    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          5-0 Semarang (V.S.O.)               Semarang                      
1922    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia (W.J.V.B.)              Bandoeng
1923    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)          1-0 Semarang (V.S.O.)               Batavia
1924    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)          0-0 Batavia (W.J.V.B.)  [toss]      Soerabaja
1925    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)              Bandoeng (B.V.B.)               Bandoeng
1926    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia (W.J.V.B.)  [goal avg.] Semarang
1927    Batavia (W.J.V.B.)              Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia
1928    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Semarang (V.S.O.)               Soerabaja
1929    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Soerabaja (S.V.B.)  [goal avg.] Bandoeng
1930    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia (V.B.O.)                Semarang
1931    Bandoeng (B.V.B.)               Batavia (V.B.O.)                Batavia
1932    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia (V.B.O.)                Soerabaja
1933    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Bandoeng                         
1934    Bandoeng (B.V.B.)               Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Semarang
1935    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Bandoeng (B.V.B.O.)             Batavia    
1936    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia (V.B.O.)                Soerabaja                     N.I.V.U.-Schild
1937    Bandoeng (V.B.B.O.)             Semarang (V.S.O.)               Bandoeng                      N.I.V.U.-Schild 
1938    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Bandoeng (V.B.B.O.)             Semarang                      N.I.V.U.-Schild 
1939    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Bandoeng (V.B.B.O.)             Batavia                       N.I.V.U.-Schild [won outright by Batavia]
1940    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Soerabaja
1941    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Batavia (V.B.O.)    [goal avg.] Bandoeng                      N.I.V.U.-Wisselschild
1942      abandoned                                                     Solo
1943-45   not held
1946      cancelled                                                     Soerabaja
1947    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Soerabaja
1948    Batavia (V.B.O.)                Semarang (V.S.O.)   [goal avg.] Semarang                      Fa. A. Gaos-Beker
1949    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Bandoeng (V.B.B.O.)             Batavia
1950    Soerabaja (S.V.B.)              Malang (M.V.U.)                 Bandoeng

NB: [toss] indicates decision on coin toss; [goal avg.] those on goal average;
    for the continuation under the P.S.S.I., see Perserikatan 1951-1994.

Number of Wins (32; runners-up finishes between square brackets):

17 [ 9] Batavia (9 [4] as W.J.V.B., 8 [5] as V.B.O. (after name change in 1928))

12 [ 8] Soerabaja (S.V.B.)

 3 [ 7] Bandoeng (2 [3] as B.V.B., 1 [4] as B.V.B.O./V.B.B.O. (1935 merger of B.V.B. and B.V.U.))

   [ 7] Semarang (V.S.O.)
   [ 1] Malang (M.V.U.)

Hostwise split
NB: all four major cities hosted the (final) tournament on 8 occasions. 
Hosts              Wins by City
Bandoeng           Batavia   4   Soerabaja 3   Bandoeng  1
Batavia            Batavia   6   Soerabaja 1   Bandoeng  1
Semarang           Batavia   4   Soerabaja 3   Bandoeng  1
Soerabaja          Soerabaja 5   Batavia   3

See also the all-time tables 1914-1950.

Chineesche Stedenwedstrijden

Note that the Chinese city tournaments usually involved the leading Chinese clubs from the respective cities, in particular Tiong Hoa (now Suryanaga) from Soerabaja and U.M.S. from Batavia. The final tournament normally took place in the Easter weekend. The first edition was held in 1917; it was played for various trophies offered by private sponsors until the C.K.T.H. (Comité Kampioenswedstrijden Tiong Hoa) was founded in 1927 to organise the matches; it was succeeded by the H.N.V.B. in 1930. The H.N.V.B. was dissolved during Japanese occupation but refounded on 4 September 1948.

Year    Winners                         Venue (of final tournament)

1917    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Semarang
1918    Semarang (Union)                Semarang
1919    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Batavia
1920    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Batavia
1921    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Soerabaja
1922    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Semarang
1923    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Bandoeng
1924    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Batavia
1925    Bandoeng (Y.M.C.)               Bandoeng
1926    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Semarang
1927    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Bandoeng
1928    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Batavia
1929    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Soerabaja
1930    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Bandoeng
1931    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Semarang  
1932    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Batavia
1933    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Soerabaja
1934    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Bandoeng
1935    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Batavia
1936    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Soerabaja
1937    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Soerabaja
1938    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Batavia/Soerabaja
1939    Batavia (U.M.S.)                Semarang
1940    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Batavia
1941    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Batavia
1942-48   not held
1949    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Batavia
1950    Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)           Soerabaja
1951      cancelled                     Soerabaja

Number of Wins (27):

14 Soerabaja (Tiong Hoa)

11 Batavia (U.M.S.)

 1 Bandoeng (Y.M.C.)
   Semarang (Union)

Inlandsche Stedenwedstrijden 1923-1950

Organised by the P.S.S.I. after its foundation in 1930, usually in combination with its annual congress. It is not clear who was responsible for organising the 1923 event in Bandoeng.

Year    Winners                         Venue (of final tournament)

1923    Batavia                         Bandoeng
1930    Batavia (V.I.J.)                Djokjakarta
1931    Batavia (V.I.J.)                Solo
1932    Djokjakarta (P.S.I.M.)          Djakarta
1933    Batavia (V.I.J.)                Soerabaja
1934    Batavia (V.I.J.)                Solo
1935    Solo (Persis)                   Semarang
1936    Solo (Persis)                   Bandoeng
1937    Bandoeng (Persib)               Solo
1938    Batavia (V.I.J.)                Solo
1939    Solo (Persis)                   Djokjakarta
1940    Solo (Persis)                   Solo
1941    Solo (Persis)                   Bandoeng
1942    Solo (Persis)                   Soerabaja
1943    Solo (Persis)                   Djokjakarta
1944-49   not held
1950    Bandung (Persib)                Semarang

NB: the 1930 and 1950 editions are not considered official by the P.S.S.I.;
    the 1923 event was held before the foundation of the P.S.S.I.

For data since 1951 see the file Indonesia - Amateur Champions (1951-1994).

Number of Titles (13; 1931-1943 events only):

 7 Solo (Persis)    

 4 Batavia (V.I.J.)   

 1 Bandoeng (Persib)
   Djokjakarta (P.S.I.M.) 

Additional Data (N.I.V.B./N.I.V.U.)


NB: see also 1914 Batavia and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: tournament in Semarang, at the occasion of the Koloniale Tentoonstelling,
    organised by the Sport-comité der Koloniale Tentoonstelling.
    A Singapore selection had also been invited to play a Java representative
    side, but this was cancelled because of the start of the first World War.

[Aug 29]
Batavia          5-0 Bandoeng
  [Davies 1-0, Jolly 2-0, Cramm 3-0, Heuer 4-0, Cramm 5-0; half-time 1-0]
  [Batavia: Beeuwkes; Overakker, Johannes; Kooymans, Versteegh, Olive;
            Heuer, Jolly, Fisher, Davies, Cramm;
   Bandoeng: Mian; Stumpf, Stam; Boers, Vink, Von Grumbkow;
             Van der Worm, Endih, Belloni, Eichperger, Jansen;
   ref: Stapel (Semarang)]
  [Note: Batavia captain Stom, lieutenant in the army, was not allowed to
         play in this match as the Bandoeng side included lower-ranked
         soldiers, and was replaced by Overakker]
[Aug 30]
Semarang         3-1 Soerabaja
  [Phelan 1-0, Galstaun 1-1, Pilow 2-1, Pas 3-1; half-time 2-1]
  [Semarang: Van Soest; Blommesteyn, Valk; Kamperdijk, Gantvoort, Rogge;
             Pilow, Lutjens, Phelan, Jr. Pas, Valk;
   Soerabaja: Kloesmeyer; Van der Lee, Weyschedé; Van Damme, Gobus, Middelkoop;
              V.d. Elst, Swart, Leslie Miller, Galstaun, Martens; 
   ref: C.ten Bruggencate (Batavia)]

Final [Aug 31]
Semarang         0-3 Batavia 
  [Davies 0-1, Jolly 0-2, Fisher 0-3; half-time 0-2]
  [Semarang: Van Soest; Blommesteyn, Valk; Kamperdijk, Gantvoort, Rogge;
             Pilow, Lutjens, Phelan, Jr. Pas, Valk;
   Batavia: Beeuwkes; Stom, Johannes; Kooymans, Versteegh, Olive;
            Heuer, Davies, Fisher, Cramm, Jolly;
   ref: Ouwehand (Bandoeng)]

Batavia squad:
Beeuwkes (B.V.C.); 
Johannes (Oliveo), Stom (captain, Oliveo), Overakker (B.V.C.); 
Olive (Hercules), Versteegh (B.V.C.), Kooymans (Vios);
Jolly (Oliveo), Cramm (Hercules), Fisher (Vios), Davies (Hercules), Heuer (Hercules)


NB: see also 1915 Batavia and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: tournament at Bondsterrein (Planten- en Dierentuin), Batavia

[Jul 31]
Semarang         2-1 Bandoeng         [aet (2x7.5 min)]
  [Vink (og) 1-0, Van der Worm 1-1, Trebels 2-1; half-time: 1-0; full-time 1-1;
   half-time extra time: 1-1]
  [Semarang: Den Tol; Valk sr., Rogge; Walpot, Harte, Jakobsen;
             Seemann, Dey, Phelan, Schmitt, Trebels;
   Bandoeng: Kessler; Von Grumbkow, Boers; Eichperger, Jolly, Vink;
             Ramers, Van der Worm, Belloni, Halkema, Landouw;
   ref: W.van Baalen (Batavia)]
[Aug 1]
Batavia          1-0 Soerabaja 
  [Fisher; half-time: 0-0]
  [Batavia: Van Kraayenoord; Carli, Nitschke; Olivé, Van Polanen Petel, Jasir;
            Heuer, Van Bodegraven, Fisher, Davies, Jolly;
   Soerabaja: Kloesmeyer; Braun, Kooymans; Fruneaux, Sarkies, Galstaun sr.;
              Leslie Miller, Swart, Van Dam, W.Galstaun, Cortenbach jr.;
              Soerabaja were permitted a subsitution but the identity of
              the players involved is not known;
   ref: W.Schoutendorp (Batavia)]

Final [Aug 2]
Batavia          2-0 Semarang
  [Davies 1-0, Heuer 2-0; half-time: 1-0]
  [Batavia: Van Kraayenoord; Carli, Nitschke; Olivé, Van Polanen Petel, Jasir;
            Heuer, Van Bodegraven, Fisher, Davies, Jolly;
   Semarang: Den Tol; Stom, Valk sr.; Walpot, Harte(?), Jakobsen(?);
             Seemann, Dey, Phelan, Schmitt, Trebels;
             (possibly Rogge played instead of Harte or Jakobsen);
   ref: C.ten Bruggencate (Batavia)]
  [Note: after the 1914 edition, Stom had moved from Batavia to Semarang;
         he returned to Batavia 1916.]


NB: see also 1916 Batavia, Bandoeng, Oost Sumatra and Semarang local leagues

NB: tournament in Soerabaja

[Jun 10]
Soerabaja        1-0 Semarang
  [Swart; half-time: 1-0]
  [Soerabaja: Kloesmeyer; G.Galstaun, Renaud; Fruneaux, T.Leslie Miller, Harten;
              v.d. Els, J.Swart, W.van Damme, W.Galstaun, C.Martens;
   Semarang: W.van Soest; L.Rogge, A.Valk; B.Jacobson, Boender, Gerritsheim;
             Jorissen, E.Halkema, J.v.d. Vinne, D.Haiggton, W.Valk; 
   ref: W.Schoutendorp (Batavia)]
[Jun 11]
Batavia          1-0 Bandoeng
  [10' Davies; half-time: 1-0]
  [Batavia: Van Kraayenoord; P.Overbeek Bloem, Cortenbach; Jolly sr., Van Polanen Petel, Olive;
            Heuer, Van Bodegraven, H.Nitzschke, Davies jr., Voorstad;
   Bandoeng: Bogaards; Vink, Jolly jr.; Seelig, Swartz, Von Grumbkow;
             Rijkschroeff, Van der Worm, Detiger, Simons, Kok;
   ref: Brussée;
   note: Batavia could not field Stom and Akkersdijk, two of their best players,
         and demanded that in return Bandoeng would not field Stangenberger and
         Eichperger; puzzlingly enough, this request was granted]

Final [Jun 12]
Soerabaja        0-0 Batavia          [aet (2x7.5 min.); Soerabaja on toss]
  [Soerabaja: Kloesmeyer; G.Galstaun, Renaud; Harten, Th.Leslie Miller, Fruneaux;
              Martens, Swart, Geo van Dam, W.Galstaun, W.van Damme;
   Batavia: Jan van Kraayenoord; Stom, Kees Cortenbach; Olivé, Van Polanen Petel, D.Jolly;
            Voorstad, Davies, Akkersdijk, H.van Bodegraven, Heuer; 
   ref: Schoutendorp]


NB: see also 1917 Batavia, Bandoeng and Oost Sumatra local leagues

NB: tournament at Union-terrein, Semarang

[May 26]
Semarang         0-3 Soerabaja
  [7' Van Dam 0-1, Galstaun 0-2, Galstaun 0-3; half-time 0-2]
  [Semarang: Van Eek; Onnen, v.d. Vinne; Van Eersel, Annen, Donker;
             Seeman, Welsh, Noteboom, Goosens, Oedjan;
   Soerabaja: Zimmermann; Johannes, Leo Verwey; Kooymans, T.Leslie Miller, Fruneaux;
              Cortenbach, Galstaun, Van Dam, Swart, P.Leslie Miller;
   ref: Ten Bruggencate]
[May 27]
Bandoeng         1-0 Batavia
  [Geurink; half-time: 0-0]
  [Bandoeng: Rijkschroeff; Vink, Jolly jr.; Von Grumbkow, Jolly sr., Stumpff;
             Seelig, Eichperger, Geurink, Alting Siberg, Smits;
   Batavia: Van Kraayenoord; Voorstad, Cortenbach; Schreuders, Van Polanen Petel,
            Olivé; Quentin, G.Overbeek Bloem, Van Bodegraven, Davies jr., Detiger;
   ref: Noorduyn]

Final [May 28]
Soerabaja        2-0 Bandoeng
  [Van Dam, Galstaun; half-time: 0-0]
  [Soerabaja: Zimmermann; Johannes, Leo Verwey; Fruneaux, T.Leslie Miller, Kooymans;
              Cortenbach, Galstaun, Van Dam, Swart, P.Leslie Miller;
   Bandoeng: Rijkschroeff; Vink, Jolly jr.; Stumpff, Jolly sr., Von Grumbkow;
             Seelig, Van der Worm, Geurink, Alting Siberg, Smits;
   ref: Van Koetsveld]


NB: see also 1918 Batavia, Bandoeng, Oost Sumatra, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: tournament at U.N.I.-terrein, Bandoeng

[May 18]
Bandoeng         0-0 Soerabaja        [aet; Bandoeng on toss]
[May 19]
Batavia          3-0 Semarang         

Final [May 20]
Bandoeng         0-2 Batavia         
  [Vaillant, Galstaun; half-time: 0-0]
  [Bandoeng: Krekelenberg; Jolly, Vink; Von Grumbkow, Eichperger, Eternich;
             Smits, Overakker, Stortebeker, Stumpff, Van Helden;
   Batavia: Van Kraayenoord; Cortenbach, Overbeek Bloem; Detiger, Van Polanen Petel,
            Akkersdijk; Vaillant, Olivé, W. Galstaun, Van Bodegraven, Alting Siberg;
   ref: Van Koetsveld]


NB: see also 1919 Batavia and Bandoeng local leagues

NB: tournament at Deca-Park, Batavia; played at Easter weekend; on the day of the 
    semifinals, the four participating city federations founded the N.I.V.B.

[Apr 19]
Bandoeng         n/p Soerabaja        [postponed due to rain]
[Apr 20]
Bandoeng         0-1 Soerabaja        [aet]
NB: extra time 2x7.5 minutes
Batavia          5-2 Semarang

Final [Apr 21]
Batavia          1-0 Soerabaja
  [Van Bodegraven; half-time 1-0]
  [Batavia: Van Bladel; Thys, Overbeek Bloem; Geertsema, G. Nitschke, Kooymans;
            Vaillant, H. Nitschke, Galstaun, Van Bodegraven, Manoppo;
            played in yellow and green;
   Soerabaja: Van Alphen jr.; Johannes, Koster; Oostendorp, Fruneaux, 
              Crompvoets; Priester, Papo, Rosenquist, Voll jr., Cortenbach;
   ref: Geurink]


NB: see also 1920 Batavia and Bandoeng local leagues

NB: tournament at T.H.O.R.-terrein, Soerabaja; first tournament organised 
    by N.I.V.B.

[May 22]
Batavia          1-0 Semarang
  [Davies; half-time 1-0]
[May 23]
Soerabaja        3-0 Bandoeng
  [Le Cerff, Van Dam, Swart; half-time 2-0]

Final [May 24, Soerabaja; att: 15,000]
Soerabaja        0-0 Batavia          [aet; Batavia on toss]
  [Soerabaja: Van Alphen; Koster, Johannes; Olive, Fruneaux, Crompvoets;
              Leslie Miller, Swart, Van Dam, Lecerff, Tait;
   Batavia: Ter Laag; Thys, Overbeek Bloem; Geertsema, Van Polanen Petel, Kooymans;
            Vaillant, Davies, Galstaun, Van Bodegraven, De Wilde;
   sent off: Kooymans (2nd half);
   ref: Geurink (Bandoeng)]

NB: by winning the De Vries beker for the third year in succession,
    Batavia earned the right to keep it


NB: see also 1921/22 Batavia and 1921 Bandoeng local leagues

NB: tournament at Union-terrein, Seteran, Semarang

[May 14]
Semarang         2-1 Soerabaja
[May 15]
Batavia          2-1 Bandoeng

Third Place Match [May 16]
Soerabaja        2-2 Bandoeng         [aet]

Final [May 16]
Semarang         0-5 Batavia
  [Davies 0-1, Van Bodegraven 0-2, Galstaun 0-3, 0-4, 0-5; half-time 0-1]
  [Semarang: Henniger; Jolly, Haye; Basslé, Hoogerbeets, Donleben;
             De Raadt, Van Bodegraven, Van Zuylen, Willé, Valk;
   Batavia: Ter Laag; Thys, Overbeek Bloem; Geertsema, Van Polanen Petel, Kooymans;
            Middleton, Davies, Galstaun, Van Bodegraven, Manoppo;
   ref: Foltynski (Bandoeng)]

NB: Semarang-based newspaper De Locomotief had intended to donate a cup to the winners,
    but as the N.I.V.B. had decided on 22 May 1920 not to play for any more cups donated
    by whomsoever, but only for the Gouden Kampioens-medaille for the winning team as
    well as eleven golden medals for its players, all awarded by the N.I.V.B., the cup
    was not bought but instead its value (300 guilders) donated by the newspaper to the
    organising committee.


NB: see also 1922 Batavia, Bandoeng, Oost Sumatra and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: tournament in Bandoeng; first edition played in league rather
    than knock-out format

[Jun 3]
Bandoeng         1-2 Soerabaja  
Batavia          4-0 Semarang
[Jun 4]
Bandoeng         0-2 Batavia    
Soerabaja        1-0 Semarang
[Jun 5]      
Bandoeng         3-2 Semarang
Batavia          0-2 Soerabaja        
  [De Raadt 0-1, Uktolseja 0-2; half-time 0-0]
  [Batavia: Ter Laag; Overbeek Bloem, Thijs; Boogh, Van Polanen Petel, Geertsema;
            Olive, Davies, Galstaun, Van Bodegraven, Pesuwarisa;
   Soerabaja: Van Alphen; Cortenbach, Trouerbach; Breuer, Fruneaux, Andela;
              Herman Voll, Wim Voll, G. de Raadt, Leslie Miller, Uktolseja;
   ref: Foltynski (Bandoeng)]

 1.Soerabaja               3  3  0  0   5- 1   6
 2.Batavia                 3  2  0  1   6- 2   4
 3.Bandoeng                3  1  0  2   4- 6   2
 4.Semarang                3  0  0  3   2- 8   0


NB: see also 1922/23 Batavia and 1923 Bandoeng, Oost Sumatra and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: tournament at Deca Park, Batavia

[May 19]
Batavia          2-0 Soerabaja
[May 20]
Bandoeng         1-3 Semarang

Final [May 21]
Batavia          1-0 Semarang
  [25' Van Bodegraven; half-time 1-0]
  [Batavia: Ter Laag; Voorstad, De Haas; Witmer, G. Nitzschke, Boogh;
            Pipper, Davies, Olive, Van Bodegraven, Rehatta;
   Semarang: Tan Yauw Ling; G. Claaszen, Valk; L. de la Croix, Haye, Maresch;
             Abels, W. Claaszen, Basslé, Willé, De Raadt;
   ref: De Wilde]


NB: see also 1923/24 Batavia and 1924 Bandoeng, Oost Sumatra, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: tournament in Soerabaja

[Jun 7] 
Batavia          5-1 Semarang
[Jun 8] 
Soerabaja        5-1 Bandoeng

Final [Jun 9]
Soerabaja        0-0 Batavia          [aet, Soerabaja on toss]
  [Soerabaja: Henny van Alphen; George H. Cortenbach, Thomas Leslie Miller; 
              A.J. Wasterval, Armand Fruneaux, G. Andela; Patrick Leslie Miller,
              F. de Bruyn Kops, Gerrit de Raadt, Wim Voll, Ch. v.d. Linden;
   Batavia: Ter Laag; Voorstad, Lauw Ban Lip; Wattimena, Oost, Geertsema;
            T.L. Goan, L. Tet Soey, Herman van Bodegraven, Tjoh Davies, Pipper;
   ref: De Wilde]


NB: see also 1924/25 Batavia and 1925 Bandoeng, Magelang, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: first edition to feature a qualifying match as the N.J.V.B. (Noord-Java Voetbal Bond,
    a combination of Cheribon, Pekalongan and Tegal) entered for the first time ever.

Qualifying Match [Apr 4, Sidoligveld]
Bandoeng         3-0 Noord-Java

Voorwedstrijden [hosted by first named city]
[May 9]
Batavia          2-1 Bandoeng
[May 16]
Semarang         0-6 Soerabaja

Eindtoernooi [all matches at Nieuw-Houtrust, Bandoeng]
[May 29]
Bandoeng         3-1 Semarang
[May 30]
Batavia          5-0 Semarang
[May 31]
Soerabaja        1-1 Batavia
[Jun 1]
Bandoeng         1-0 Soerabaja  

Final Table:

 1.Batavia                 3  2  1  0   8- 2   5
 2.Bandoeng                3  2  0  1   5- 3   4
 3.Soerabaja               3  1  1  1   7- 2   3
 4.Semarang                3  0  0  3   1-14   0


NB: see also 1925/26 Batavia and 1926 Bandoeng, Djokjakarta, Magelang, Malang, Oost Sumatra, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: Malang entered for the first time ever.  Noord-Java (N.J.V.B.) was a combination 
    of Cheribon, Pekalongan and Tegal.  Pasoeroean, Magelang, Djokjakarta and Solo 
    were mentioned as entrants in January but eventually did not play.

Qualifying Matches 
[Feb 13]
Bandoeng         5-2 Noord-Java       [at Nieuw-Houtrust, Bandoeng]
[Mar 20]
Soerabaja        3-1 Malang           [at S.V.S.-H.B.S.-terrein, Pasartoeri]

Voorwedstrijden [hosted by first named city]
[Apr 30] 
Bandoeng         0-1 Batavia   
[May 8]
Soerabaja        9-1 Semarang 

Eindtoernooi [all matches in Semarang]
[May 21]
Semarang         1-1 Bandoeng
[May 22]
Soerabaja        5-2 Bandoeng
[May 23]
Batavia          2-2 Soerabaja
[May 24]
Semarang         1-4 Batavia          

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja               3  2  1  0  16- 5   5  3.20
 2.Batavia                 3  2  1  0   7- 3   5  2.33
 3.Bandoeng                3  0  1  2   3- 7   1  0.43
 4.Semarang                3  0  1  2   3-14   1  0.21
NB: a 4-0 (or 7-1) win in their final match would have given Batavia the title 
    on goal average


NB: see also 1926/27 Batavia and 1927 Bandoeng, Malang, Oost Sumatra, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: the N.J.V.B. was suspended by the N.I.V.B. and did not enter.

Qualifying Match [Apr 24]
Soerabaja        8-1 Malang           [at H.B.S.-veld]

[Apr 30]
Soerabaja        5-0 Semarang         [at H.B.S.-veld]
[May 1]
Bandoeng         0-3 Batavia  

Eindtoernooi [all matches at B.V.C. terrein, Batavia]
[Jun 3]
Batavia          2-1 Semarang
[Jun 4]
Semarang         2-1 Bandoeng
[Jun 5]
Batavia          2-0 Soerabaja
[Jun 6]
Bandoeng         3-1 Soerabaja

 1.Batavia                 3  3  0  0   7- 1   6
 2.Soerabaja               3  1  0  2   6- 5   2  1.20
 3.Bandoeng                3  1  0  2   4- 6   2  0.67
 4.Semarang                3  1  0  2   3- 8   2  0.38


NB: see also 1927/28 Batavia, Tegal, 1928 Bandoeng, Djokjakarta, Malang, Oost Sumatra, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: Soekaboemi entered for the first time ever.

Qualifying Matches 
[Apr 1]
Malang           2-3 Soerabaja
[Apr 22]                       
Soekaboemi      0-12 Batavia          [postponed from Apr 1 due to death of heart 
                                       failure of W.J.V.B. official and
Voorwedstrijden                         co-founder Messchaert on Mar 31]
[Apr 30]
Semarang         1-1 Soerabaja 
[May 6]
Batavia          6-0 Bandoeng

Eindtoernooi [all matches at Pasar Toerie, Soerabaja]
[May 25]
Soerabaja        2-0 Bandoeng
[May 26]
Batavia          0-2 Semarang
[May 27]
Bandoeng         3-0 Semarang
[May 28]
Soerabaja        2-1 Batavia    

 1.Soerabaja               3  2  1  0   5- 2   5
 2.Semarang                3  1  1  1   3- 4   3
 3.Batavia                 3  1  0  2   7- 4   2  1.75
 4.Bandoeng                3  1  0  2   3- 8   2  0.38


NB: see also 1928/29 Batavia, 1929 Bandoeng, Blitar, Malang, Oost Sumatra and Soerabaja local leagues,
    and 1929 Java club championship

NB: Djokjakarta enter competition for first time ever.

Qualifying Matches
[Mar 24]
Soerabaja        3-2 Malang
Soekaboemi       0-3 Batavia
[Apr 7]
Djokjakarta      0-3 Semarang        

[Apr 19]
Batavia          abd Bandoeng         [abandoned at 1-0 due to unplayable pitch]
[Apr 20]
Semarang         0-2 Soerabaja        
[Apr 28, replay]
Batavia          6-0 Bandoeng

Eindtoernooi [all matches at Nieuw-Houtrust, Bandoeng]
[May 18]
Bandoeng         3-2 Semarang
[May 19]
Batavia          1-0 Semarang
[May 20]
Batavia          1-1 Soerabaja
[May 21]
Bandoeng         1-3 Soerabaja

 1.Batavia                 3  2  1  0   8- 1   5  8.00
 2.Soerabaja               3  2  1  0   6- 2   5  3.00
 3.Bandoeng                3  1  0  2   4-11   2
 4.Semarang                3  0  0  3   2- 6   0


NB: see also 1929/30 Batavia and Semarang and 1930 Bandoeng, Blitar, Malang, Oost Sumatra and Soerabaja local leagues

West Java

[Feb 2]
Batavia          4-1 Bandoeng
[Mar 16]
Bandoeng        14-0 Soekaboemi
[Apr 6]
Soekaboemi       3-2 Batavia

 1.Bandoeng                2  1  0  1  15- 4   2  3.75  Qualified
 2.Batavia                 2  1  0  1   6- 4   2  1.50  Qualified
 3.Soekaboemi              2  1  0  1   3-16   2  0.19

East Java

[Feb 2]
Semarang        10-3 Malang
Djokjakarta      0-4 Soerabaja
[Mar 2]
Malang           0-5 Soerabaja    
Semarang         2-1 Djokjakarta       
[Apr 6]   
Soerabaja       11-1 Semarang    
  [Bakhuys scored 5 goals]
[May 4]
Malang           4-4 Djokjakarta    

 1.Soerabaja               3  3  0  0  20- 1   6  Qualified
 2.Semarang                3  2  0  1  13-15   4  Qualified
 3.Djokjakarta             3  0  1  2   5-10   1
 4.Malang                  3  0  1  2   7-19   1

Final Competition

Voorwedstrijden [May 11]
Bandoeng         2-7 Batavia
Soerabaja       12-3 Semarang
  [Bakhuys scored 6 goals, Smeets 4]

Kampioenswedstrijden [all matches at S.V.V.-veld, Kobongweg, Semarang]
[Jun 6]
Semarang         7-5 Bandoeng
[Jun 7]
Soerabaja        5-1 Bandoeng
[Jun 8]        
Soerabaja        3-1 Batavia
[Jun 9]        
Semarang         3-4 Batavia  

 1.Soerabaja               3  3  0  0  20- 5   6
 2.Batavia                 3  2  0  1  12- 8   4
 3.Semarang                3  1  0  2  13-21   2
 4.Bandoeng                3  0  0  3   8-19   0

NB: with 122 goals in 15 matches (an average of more than 8 goals per
    match) this edition must rank among the highest-scoring official
    championships anywhere in the world.  The final 6 matches averaged
    nearly 9 goals.


NB: see also 1930/31 Batavia and Semarang and 1931 Bandoeng local leagues

Qualifying Stage

West Java

[Jan 18]
Batavia          9-1 Soekaboemi      
[Feb 15]
Bandoeng         1-1 Soekaboemi
[Mar 15]
Batavia          4-0 Bandoeng

Final Table:

 1.Batavia           2  2  0  0  13- 1   4  Qualified
 2.Bandoeng          2  0  1  1   1- 5   1  0.20
   Soekaboemi        2  0  1  1   2-10   1  0.20

NB: according to the regulations, second place was to be decided on a draw, but
    after both federations requested a playoff, the N.I.V.B. agreed to hold one.

Second Place Playoff [Mar 29]
Soekaboemi       0-3 Bandoeng

NB: Bandoeng qualified

East Java

[Jan 18]
Djokjakarta      0-2 Soerabaja
Semarang         5-1 Malang
[Feb 15]
Soerabaja        6-0 Malang
[Mar 1]
Djokjakarta      0-4 Semarang 
[Mar 15] 
Soerabaja        5-1 Semarang
Malang           3-5 Djokjakarta

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja         3  3  0  0  13- 1   6  Qualified
 2.Semarang          3  2  0  1  10- 6   4  Qualified
 3.Djokjakarta       3  1  0  2   5- 9   2
 4.Malang            3  0  0  3   4-16   0

Final Competition

Voorwedstrijden [Apr 12]
Bandoeng         4-2 Batavia
Semarang         5-3 Soerabaja

Kampioenswedstrijden [all matches in Batavia]

[May 22]
Batavia          3-2 Semarang
[May 23]
Bandoeng         4-0 Semarang
[May 24]
Bandoeng         3-3 Soerabaja
[May 25]
Batavia          4-0 Soerabaja

 1.Bandoeng          3  2  1  0  11- 5   5
 2.Batavia           3  2  0  1   9- 6   4
 3.Semarang          3  1  0  2   7-10   2
 4.Soerabaja         3  0  1  2   6-12   1


NB: see also 1931/32 Batavia, Oost Sumatra, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

Qualifying Stage

West Java

NB: Garoet enter competition for first time ever.

[Jan 24]
Garoet           0-8 Bandoeng 
Soekaboemi       1-5 Batavia         
[Feb 21]
Bandoeng         4-0 Soekaboemi
[Mar 20]
Soekaboemi       2-1 Garoet
[Apr 3]
Batavia          1-1 Bandoeng
[Apr 17]
Garoet          0-13 Batavia

NB: Batavia withdrew from the competition in February due to a conflict
    with the V.S.O., causing the postponement of their match against 
    Garoet, scheduled for 21 February, but returned after an extraordinary
    general meeting of the N.I.V.B. in Djokjakarta on March 5.

 1.Bandoeng                3  2  1  0  13- 1   5  Qualified
 2.Batavia                 3  2  1  0  19- 2   5  Qualified
 3.Soekaboemi              3  1  0  2   3-10   2
 4.Garoet                  3  0  0  3   1-23   0

East Java

NB: Blitar enter competition for first time ever; the team in fact was
    a Blitar-Kediri-Madioen combination (in the summer of 1931 the city
    federations of Blitar, Kediri and Madioen had formed the S.C.V.B. 
    (Stedelijke Combinatie Voetbal Bond) which selected players from 
    the three cities (and one from Toeloengagoeng) to play for the team 
    which represented the B.S.B. (Blitarsche Sport Bond) which had been
    admitted to the N.I.V.B. in November 1931).

[Jan 3]
Djokjakarta      2-0 Malang
[Jan 10]
Malang           abd Blitar           [abandoned at 2-1 due to rain]
Semarang         0-5 Soerabaja        
[Jan 24]
Malang           4-5 Blitar           [replay]
Semarang         5-2 Djokjakarta
[Feb 21]
Soerabaja        2-0 Malang          
[Mar 6]
Soerabaja        7-0 Djokjakarta
Blitar           2-0 Semarang
[Mar 13]
Djokjakarta      1-2 Blitar
[Apr 3]
Blitar           0-2 Soerabaja        
[Apr 10]
Malang           3-0 Semarang        

 1.Soerabaja               4  4  0  0  16- 0   8  Qualified
 2.Blitar                  4  3  0  1   9- 7   6  Qualified
 3.Malang                  4  1  0  3   7- 9   2
 4.Semarang                4  1  0  3   5-12   2
 5.Djokjakarta             4  1  0  3   5-14   2

NB: Semarang miss out on the final tournament for the first time ever,
    after 18 participations.

Final Competition

[Apr 23]
Blitar           3-6 Soerabaja
[Apr 30]
Bandoeng         0-3 Batavia

NB: in October 1931, the S.V.B. had withdrawn the press cards for the Chinese
    newspapers Sin Tit Po and Pewarta Soerabaia following match reports in those
    newspapers deemed defamatory and insulting by the S.V.B. board; after a request
    by the S.V.B., the N.I.V.B. decided on 28 March 1932 to extend this measure to
    the kampioenswedstrijden; the editor-in-chief of the Sin Tit Po, Liem Koen Hian,
    then started a boycot movement (Comité van Actie Persatoean Bangsa Asia) aimed
    at dissuading Chinese and "natives" to attend the matches (partially by organising
    simultaneous matches elsewhere in Soerabaja) and pressurising Chinese and "native"
    players not to represent their cities; this had a particularly unfortunate effect
    on the Blitar side making its maiden appearance, as it had to replace more than
    half of the regular first eleven.

Kampioenswedstrijden [all matches in Soerabaja]
[May 13]
Soerabaja        4-0 Bandoeng         
[May 14]
Batavia          8-1 Blitar
[May 15]
Blitar           3-5 Bandoeng
[May 16]
Soerabaja        4-2 Batavia

 1.Soerabaja               3  3  0  0  14- 5   6
 2.Batavia                 3  2  0  1  13- 5   4
 3.Bandoeng                3  1  0  2   5-10   2
 4.Blitar                  3  0  0  3   7-19   0

NB: Soerabaja included two Dutch international players, Bakhuys and Smeets.


NB: see also 1932/33 Batavia, Bandoeng, Semarang, Soerabaja and 1933 Blitar local leagues

NB: Buitenzorg and Tegal enter competition for first time ever.

Qualifying Stage

West Java

[Jan 8]
Bandoeng         5-1 Batavia          
Buitenzorg       2-1 Garoet
[Jan 15]     
Buitenzorg       1-5 Batavia
Garoet           3-4 Soekaboemi
[Feb 5]
Batavia          7-1 Garoet
Soekaboemi       2-9 Bandoeng
[Feb 12]
Soekaboemi       1-4 Buitenzorg
Garoet           0-4 Bandoeng
[Mar 5]
Batavia          8-2 Soekaboemi
Bandoeng         5-0 Buitenzorg

 1.Bandoeng          4  4  0  0  23- 3   8  Qualified
 2.Batavia           4  3  0  1  21- 9   6  Qualified
 3.Buitenzorg        4  2  0  2   7-12   4
 4.Soekaboemi        4  1  0  3   9-24   2
 5.Garoet            4  0  0  4   5-17   0

Central Java

[Jan 8]
Tegal            5-2 Semarang
[Feb 5]
Semarang         0-0 Djokjakarta
[Mar 19]
Djokjakarta      2-3 Tegal           

 1.Tegal             2  2  0  0   8- 4   4  Qualified
 2.Djokjakarta       2  0  1  1   2- 3   1
 3.Semarang          2  0  1  1   2- 5   1

East Java

[Jan 8]    
Malang           4-0 Blitar           [half-time 2-0]
  [P. Schuurmans 1-0, Cooke 2-0, Boen Poo 3-0, F. Schuurmans 4-0]
[Feb 5]
Blitar           1-7 Soerabaja        [half-time 0-4]
  [10' Th. Jahn 0-1, Tetalepta 0-2, Tetalepta 0-3, Bakhuys 0-4,
   Toekidjo 1-4, Bakhuys 1-5, Bakhuys 1-6, Ludwig Jahn 1-7]
[Mar 5]
Soerabaja       10-0 Malang           [half-time 3-0]
  [Ludwig Jahn 1-0, Ludwig Jahn 2-0, Ludwig Jahn 3-0, Ludwig Jahn 4-0,
   Bakhuys 5-0, Bakhuys 6-0, Ludwig Jahn 7-0, Bakhuys 8-0, Ludwig Jahn 9-0,
   Tetalepta 10-0]

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0  17- 1   4  Qualified
 2.Malang            2  1  0  1   4-10   2
 3.Blitar            2  0  0  2   1-11   0

Final Competition

Voorwedstrijden [Apr 30]
Soerabaja        6-1 Tegal            [half-time 5-0]
  [10' Bakhuys 1-0, 13' L. Jahn, 15' Kwai Sing 3-0, 30' Tetalepta 4-0,
   32' Bakhuys (pen) 5-0, 37' Bakhuys 6-0, 64' N.N. 6-1]
Batavia          5-1 Bandoeng         [half-time 1-1]
  [Lee Wai-tong 1-0, Goyers 1-1, Soemo 2-1, Soemo (pen) 3-1, Kek Boo 4-1, Soemo 5-1]

Kampioenswedstrijden [all matches at Nieuw-Houtrust, Bandoeng]

[Jun 2]
Bandoeng         7-1 Tegal            [half-time 2-1]
  [Lontoh 1-0, Lontoh 2-0, Eng Tiong (or An Soen?) 2-1, Lontoh 3-1, Vogler 4-1,
   Welffers 5-1, Goyers 6-1, Van Coevorden 7-1]
[Jun 3]
Batavia          4-3 Soerabaja        [half-time 2-1]
  [Batavia: Van Dorp; Van Houten, Eddie Meeng; Lasso, Frans Meeng, Weskin;
            Knape, Soemo, L.K. Tai, Lee Wai-tong, Thio Kek Boo;
   Soerabaja: De Wilde; Baumgarten, Tan Chin Hoat; Hiang Gwan, Tio Sie Liong,
              Tik Kwie; Kwai Sing, Tetalepta, Bakhuys, Ludwig Jahn, Hong Djien]
  [L.K. Tai 1-0, Bakhuys 1-1, Soemo (pen) 2-1, Jahn 2-2, Bakhuys (pen) 2-3,
   Lee Wai-tong 3-3, L.K. Tai 4-3]
[Jun 4]
Batavia          6-2 Tegal            [half-time 4-2]
  [5' Soemo 1-0, 10' Frans Meeng 2-0, 18' L.K. Tai 3-0, 19' C. Bastiaans 3-1,
   29' An Soen 3-2, 35' Lee Wai-tong 4-2, Lee Wai-tong 5-2, 64' Soemo 6-2]
[Jun 5]
Bandoeng         0-2 Soerabaja        [half-time 0-1]
  [35' L. Jahn 0-1, 51' Hong Djien 0-2]

 1.Batavia           3  3  0  0  15- 6   6
 2.Soerabaja         3  2  0  1  11- 5   4
 3.Bandoeng          3  1  0  2   8- 8   2
 4.Tegal             3  0  0  3   4-19   0

1934 (N.I.V.B.)

NB: see also 1933/34 Bandoeng, Semarang, Soerabaja and 1932-35 Oost Sumatra local leagues

NB: Madioen and Solo enter competition for first time ever.

NB: Batavia opposed the new set-up and withdrew from the competition;
    the V.B.O. was then suspended by the N.I.V.B. on an extraordinary 
    general meeting in Bandoeng on December 23, 1933.  Batavia then 
    organised an alternative tournament in which Soekaboemi (which 
    had meanwhile resigned from the N.I.V.B.) and a rebel federation 
    (B.V.U.) from Bandoeng entered.  Eventually, in the summer of 1935 
    the N.I.V.B. was liquidated and succeeded by the N.I.V.U. as the
    official football association on Java.

Qualifying Stage

West Java

[Oct 22, 1933]
Batavia          2-1 Soekaboemi
[Nov 19, 1933]
Soekaboemi       0-1 Buitenzorg
[Dec 3, 1933]
Buitenzorg       1-2 Batavia
[Jan 28]
Buitenzorg       2-1 Soekaboemi

 1.Buitenzorg        2  2  0  0   3- 1   4  Qualified
 2.Soekaboemi        2  0  0  2   1- 3   0
 -.Batavia           withdrew mid-December 1933;
   playing record:   2  2  0  0   4- 2   4

NB: Soekaboemi resigned from the N.I.V.B. on March 31 and joined Batavia in 
    the rebel tournament organised by the V.B.O.

Central Java I

[Oct 22, 1933]
Bandoeng         4-1 Tegal
[Nov 19, 1933]
Tegal            3-2 Garoet
[Dec 3, 1933]
Bandoeng         3-0 Garoet           
[Jan 21]
Tegal            n/p Bandoeng         [unplayable pitch; instead a friendly was
[Jan 28]                               played, which Bandoeng won 6-2]
Garoet           1-0 Tegal

 1.Bandoeng          2  2  0  0   7- 1   4  Qualified
 2.Tegal             3  1  0  2   4- 7   2
 3.Garoet            3  1  0  2   3- 6   2
NB: it appears the remaining two matches were never played as Bandoeng were
    practically sure of qualification.

Central Java II

[Oct 22, 1933]
Djokjakarta      0-1 Solo
Semarang         6-2 Madioen          [also reported 6-1]
[Nov 19, 1933]
Madioen          awd Djokjakarta      [awarded 0-8; originally 0-3, Madioen used
Solo             1-2 Semarang          ineligible player]
[Dec 3, 1933]
Madioen          1-7 Solo
Djokjakarta      2-3 Semarang      
[Jan 7]
Semarang         2-1 Solo
Djokjakarta      0-1 Madioen
[Jan 28]
Madioen          1-9 Semarang
[Feb 3]
Solo             3-1 Djokjakarta
[Feb 10]
Solo             8-1 Madioen
[Feb 11]  
Semarang         5-0 Djokjakarta

 1.Semarang          6  6  0  0  27- 7  12  Qualified
 2.Solo              6  4  0  2  21- 7   8
 3.Djokjakarta       6  1  0  5  11-13   2
 4.Madioen           6  1  0  5   6-38   2

East Java

[Oct 22, 1933]
Soerabaja        5-1 Blitar
[Nov 19, 1933]
Blitar           1-3 Malang
[Dec 3, 1933]
Malang           1-6 Soerabaja        [annulled; protest Malang demanding a
[Jan 7]                                replay because of the match being ended
Blitar           0-6 Soerabaja         8 minutes early rejected; later 
[Jan 28]                               Soerabaja agreed replay, confirmed
Malang           4-0 Blitar            on N.I.V.B. meeting Dec 23]
[Feb 11]                       
Soerabaja        6-0 Malang   
[Feb 18]
Malang           3-2 Soerabaja        [replay Dec 3; after protest, originally 3-3]

 1.Soerabaja         4  3  0  1  19- 4   6  4.75
 2.Malang            4  3  0  1  10- 9   6  1.11
 3.Blitar            4  0  0  4   2-18   0

Final Competition

[Mar 4]
Soerabaja        8-0 Semarang
Buitenzorg       2-3 Bandoeng
[Mar 25]
Soerabaja        1-1 Bandoeng
[Apr 14]
Bandoeng         3-2 Buitenzorg
[Apr 15]
Semarang         5-2 Soerabaja
[Apr 22]
Buitenzorg       2-1 Semarang
[Apr 29]
Soerabaja        1-2 Buitenzorg
Bandoeng         3-1 Semarang

Table before final tournament:

 1.Bandoeng (B.V.B.) 4  3  1  0  10- 6   7
 2.Buitenzorg        4  2  0  2   8- 8   4
 3.Soerabaja         4  1  1  2  12- 8   3
 4.Semarang          4  1  0  3   7-15   2

Kampioenswedstrijden in Semarang

[May 18]
Semarang         1-2 Bandoeng 
[May 19]
Soerabaja        3-1 Buitenzorg
[May 20]
Bandoeng         2-3 Soerabaja
[May 21]
Semarang         3-1 Buitenzorg

 1.Bandoeng (B.V.B.) 6  4  1  1  14-10   9
 2.Soerabaja         6  3  1  2  18-11   7
 3.Buitenzorg        6  2  0  4  10-14   4  0.71
 4.Semarang          6  2  0  4  11-18   4  0.61

1934 (V.B.O.)

NB: see also 1933/34 Batavia local league

NB: after the V.B.O. had resigned from the N.I.V.B., they organised
    their own tournament with federations from Soekaboemi and Bandoeng
    (the rebel B.V.U.; the official B.V.B. remained in the N.I.V.B.
    until January 1935).

NB: tournament in Batavia

[May 19]
Bandoeng         4-2 Soekaboemi
[May 20]
Batavia          5-2 Bandoeng
[May 21]
Batavia          4-2 Soekaboemi

 1.Batavia           2  2  0  0   9- 4   4
 2.Bandoeng (B.V.U.) 2  1  0  1   6- 7   2
 3.Soekaboemi        2  0  0  2   4- 8   0


NB: see also 1934/35 Batavia, Bandoeng, Cheribon, Malang, Semarang and Soerabaja local leagues

NB: Magelang enter competition for first time ever; it is unknown whether they played
    any matches and they would never enter again.

Qualifying Stage

West Java

[Sep 16, 1934]
Bandoeng         1-0 Buitenzorg
[Dec 2, 1934]
Buitenzorg       3-4 Bandoeng

 1.Bandoeng          2  2  0  0   5- 3   4  Qualified
 2.Buitenzorg        2  0  0  2   3- 5   0
 -.Garoet            withdrew from N.I.V.B. Aug 1934

Central Java I

NB: participants were Magelang, Semarang and Tegal;
    it is not known whether any matches were played.

Central Java II

[Sep 16, 1934]
Madioen          0-6 Djokjakarta

NB: third participants Solo;
    it is not known whether any other matches were played.

East Java

[Sep 16, 1934]
Soerabaja        8-0 Blitar

NB: third participants Malang;
    it is not known whether any other matches were played.

NB: the above matches were organised by the N.I.V.B., which had scheduled the final
    tournament in 1935 for Solo (it would have been Batavia's turn, but the V.B.O.
    had left the N.I.V.B.);
    more matches may have been played but the tournament was cancelled, as more and
    more city federations left the N.I.V.B.: both Bandoeng and Buitenzorg did so in
    the beginning of 1935 and by spring 1935 the N.I.V.B. only consisted of Soerabaja,
    Malang, Blitar, Djokjakarta, Solo and Tegal.
    The V.B.O. then invited the federations of Bandoeng and Semarang as well as
    Soerabaja club side Tiong Hoa, who had left the S.V.B., to participate in a
    tournament in Batavia between the traditional four cities.  On May 12, the S.V.U. 
    (Soerabaiasche Voetbal Unie) was founded in Soerabaja to organise a team for the
    final tournament and join the N.I.V.U. to be founded there.  In the match on May 4,
    Soerabaja was represented by Tiong Hoa, by far the strongest club among the
    founding members of the S.V.U.
[May 4]
Soerabaja        4-1 Semarang
[May 18]
Bandoeng         2-8 Batavia          


NB: tournament in Batavia; organised by the V.B.O.; on the penultimate match day,
    the N.I.V.U. was founded.

[Jun 7]
Batavia          5-2 Semarang
[Jun 8]
Semarang         0-5 Bandoeng
[Jun 9]
Batavia          0-0 Soerabaja
[Jun 10]
Bandoeng         3-1 Soerabaja

 1.Batavia           3  2  1  0  13- 4   5
 2.Bandoeng          3  2  0  1  10- 9   4
 3.Soerabaja         3  1  1  1   5- 4   3
 4.Semarang          3  0  0  3   3-14   0


NB: see also 1935/36 Batavia, Bandoeng, Cheribon, Djokjakarta, Malang, Semarang, Soerabaja, 1935 Kediri and 1934-36 Oost Sumatra local leagues

Qualifying Stage

Oost/Midden Java 

[Jan 18]
Malang           8-0 Madioen          [annulled]
Solo             0-2 Djokjakarta
[Feb 8]
Solo             4-0 Madioen          [annulled]
[Feb 9]
Djokjakarta      2-3 Malang
[Feb 29]
Djokjakarta      n/p Madioen          [Madioen withdrew; Djokjakarta played a
[Mar 1]                                friendly against Pekalongan (0-0) instead]
Malang           4-1 Solo

Final Table:

 1.Malang            2  2  0  0   7- 3   4  Qualified
 2.Djokjakarta       2  1  0  1   4- 3   2
 3.Solo              2  0  0  2   1- 6   0
 -.Madioen           withdrew; results annulled

West Java

[Jan 18]
Soekaboemi       0-4 Buitenzorg
[Jan 19]
Cheribon         2-2 Tegal
[Feb 8]
Buitenzorg       2-4 Cheribon
[Feb 16]
Tegal            5-3 Soekaboemi
[Mar 14]
Cheribon         1-1 Soekaboemi       [in Bandoeng]
Tegal            3-3 Buitenzorg

Final Table:

 1.Cheribon          3  1  2  0   7- 5   4  1.40  Qualified
 2.Tegal             3  1  2  0  10- 8   4  1.25
 3.Buitenzorg        3  1  1  1   9- 7   3
 4.Soekaboemi        3  0  1  2   4-10   1

Voorronde (Promotie/degradatie-competitie)

NB: between last team kampioenswedstrijden 1935 (Semarang)
    and winners of qualifying sections for West-Java (Cheribon)
    and Oost-Java (Malang).

NB: tournament in Semarang

[Apr 2]
Semarang         2-1 Malang
[Apr 3]
Malang           4-2 Cheribon
[Apr 4]
Semarang         0-0 Cheribon

 1.Semarang          2  1  1  0   2- 1   3  Qualified
 2.Malang            2  1  0  1   5- 4   2
 3.Cheribon          2  0  1  1   2- 4   1

Final Competition

Voorwedstrijden [May 10]
Semarang         0-4 Soerabaja
Batavia          3-1 Bandoeng

Kampioenswedstrijden [all matches at Tiong-Hoa-veld, Soerabaja]

[May 29]
Bandoeng         4-2 Semarang
[May 30]
Soerabaja        4-1 Bandoeng
[May 31]
Batavia          4-3 Semarang
[Jun 1]
Soerabaja        4-2 Batavia

 1.Soerabaja         3  3  0  0  12- 3   6
 2.Batavia           3  2  0  1   9- 8   4
 3.Bandoeng          3  1  0  2   6- 9   2
 4.Semarang          3  0  0  3   5-12   0


NB: see also 1936/37 Batavia, Bandoeng, Cheribon, Malang, Oost Sumatra, Semarang, Soerabaja and Solo local leagues

Qualifying Stage

Oost/Midden Java 

Round 1
[Oct 18]
Djokjakarta      0-0 Pekalongan
[Oct 25]
Solo             2-3 Malang 
[Nov 1]
Pekalongan       3-2 Djokjakarta      
Malang           2-2 Solo

Round 2
[Nov 15]
Pekalongan       3-4 Malang
[Nov 28]
Malang           3-0 Pekalongan

NB: Malang qualified

West Java

Round 1
[Oct 18]
Soekaboemi       abd Buitenzorg       [abandoned at 0-0 due to rain]
Tegal            0-0 Cheribon
[Oct 24]
Soekaboemi       0-2 Buitenzorg       [replay, in Buitenzorg]
[Oct 31]
Buitenzorg       3-1 Soekaboemi
[Nov 1]
Cheribon         1-0 Tegal

Round 2
[Nov 14]
Cheribon         3-0 Buitenzorg
[Nov 27]
Buitenzorg       3-0 Cheribon

NB: Cheribon qualified on lots

Voorronde (Promotie/degradatie-competitie)

NB: between last team kampioenswedstrijden 1936 (Semarang)
    and winners of qualifying sections for West-Java (Cheribon)
    and Oost-Java (Malang).

NB: tournament in Semarang

[Mar 26]
Semarang         4-0 Cheribon
[Mar 27]
Cheribon         2-5 Malang
[Mar 28]
Semarang         1-1 Malang   

 1.Semarang          2  1  1  0   5- 1   3  Qualified
 2.Malang            2  1  1  0   6- 3   3
 3.Cheribon          2  0  0  2   2- 9   0


[Apr 30]
Batavia          2-3 Bandoeng
[May 2]
Soerabaja        2-4 Semarang       


NB: tournament in Bandoeng

[May 14]
Bandoeng         3-1 Soerabaja
[May 15]
Semarang         2-2 Bandoeng
[May 16]
Soerabaja        1-0 Batavia
[May 17]
Batavia          5-0 Semarang 

 1.Bandoeng          3  2  1  0   8- 5   5
 2.Semarang          3  1  1  1   6- 9   3
 3.Batavia           3  1  0  2   7- 4   2
 4.Soerabaja         3  1  0  2   4- 7   2


NB: see also 1937/38 Batavia, Bandoeng, Cheribon, Malang, Oost Sumatra, Semarang, Soerabaja and Solo local leagues

Qualifying Stage

NB: Afdeeling I and IV both had only one entrant (Buitenzorg and Malang respectively);
    it was decided that these two were to play for the right to play the winners of
    Afdeeling III (Djokjakarta and Solo) for one place in the Voorronde, while the
    other place was allocated to the winners of Afdeeling II (which had three entrants,
    Cheribon, Pekalongan and Tegal).

Oost/Midden Java 

Semifinal Afd. I/IV [Sep 24, Batavia]
Buitenzorg      0-13 Malang
NB: first ever match between the two federations; played over one leg in Batavia
    due to distance between the two cities.

Semifinal Afd. III

First Leg [Sep 5]
Djokjakarta      3-6 Solo

Second Leg [Oct 2]
Solo             2-2 Djokjakarta


First Leg [Oct 30]
Malang           6-0 Solo

Second Leg [Nov 6]
Solo             1-5 Malang

NB: Malang qualified for Voorronde

Midden Java (Afdeeling II)

[Oct 3]
Tegal            2-3 Cheribon
[Oct 17]
Cheribon         4-0 Pekalongan
[Oct 31]
Pekalongan       n/p Tegal            [cancelled due to irrelevance]

Final Table:

 1.Cheribon          2  2  0  0   7- 2   4  Qualified
 2.Tegal             1  0  0  1   2- 3   0
 3.Pekalongan        1  0  0  1   0- 4   0

Voorronde (Promotie/degradatie-competitie)

NB: between last team kampioenswedstrijden 1937 (Soerabaja)
    and winners of qualifying sections for West-Java (Cheribon)
    and Oost-Java (Malang).

NB: tournament in Soerabaja

[Aug 5]
Soerabaja        9-0 Cheribon
[Aug 6]
Cheribon         1-2 Malang
[Aug 7]
Soerabaja        0-0 Malang           

 1.Soerabaja         2  1  1  0   9- 0   3  Qualified
 2.Malang            2  1  1  0   2- 1   3
 3.Cheribon          2  0  0  2   1-11   0


[Aug 7]
Bandoeng         1-1 Batavia
[Aug 13]
Semarang         3-4 Soerabaja


NB: tournament in Semarang

[Aug 28]
Soerabaja        0-4 Bandoeng
[Aug 29]
Semarang         1-4 Batavia
[Aug 30]
Semarang         0-0 Bandoeng
[Aug 31]
Soerabaja        1-3 Batavia  

 1.Batavia           3  2  1  0   8- 3   5
 2.Bandoeng          3  1  2  0   5- 1   4
 3.Soerabaja         3  1  0  2   5-10   2
 4.Semarang          3  0  1  2   4- 8   1


NB: see also 1938/39 Batavia, Bandoeng, Malang, Semarang, Soerabaja and Solo and 1938-40 Oost Sumatra local leagues, 
    and 1939 Java club championship 

NB: at the N.I.V.U. general meeting on 30 Aug 1938 it was decided to admit the
    winners of the Districtstournooi automatically to the final competition;
    because of this, the fourth team in 1938 (Semarang) is exempt from playing
    the Voorronde (Promotie/degradatie-competitie); in the future, the fifth 
    and last team of the final tournament is automatically relegated to the
    Districtstournooi for the next season.

Qualifying Tournament (Districtstournooi)


Toernooi in Cheribon
[Oct 22]
Cheribon         1-0 Buitenzorg
[Oct 23]
Buitenzorg       0-1 Tegal
[Oct 24]
Cheribon         2-0 Tegal

 1.Cheribon          2  2  0  0   3- 0   4
 2.Tegal             2  1  0  1   1- 2   2
 3.Buitenzorg        2  0  0  2   0- 2   0

NB: Tegal and Cheribon qualified for final round.


Toernooi in Djokjakarta (Gouverneur Bijleveld stadion)
[Oct 15]
Malang           4-3 Solo
[Oct 16]
Djokjakarta      0-1 Malang
[Oct 17]
Djokjakarta      4-0 Solo

 1.Malang            2  2  0  0   5- 3   4
 2.Djokjakarta       2  1  0  1   4- 1   2
 3.Solo              2  0  0  2   3- 8   0

NB: Malang and Djokjakarta qualified for final round. 

Final Round

NB: was to be played over 6 matches, with 2 voorwedstrijden and a final
    tournament consisting of 4 matches November 23-26 in Djokjakarta (later
    postponed to January 1939 and eventually cancelled due to the withdrawal
    of Tegal and Cheribon).

[Nov 5]
Malang           4-0 Djokjakarta
[Nov 6]
Tegal            1-1 Cheribon         [annulled]

Schedule for tournament in Djokjakarta:

[Nov 23]
Cheribon         n/p Malang           
[Nov 24]
Djokjakarta      n/p Cheribon         
[Nov 25]
Djokjakarta      n/p Tegal            
[Nov 26]
Malang           n/p Tegal            

NB: Tegal withdrew for financial reasons (viz. the costs for the trip to the
    final tournament in Djokjakarta); the result of the match on Nov 6 was
    thus annulled; Cheribon then requested that the result of the match
    between Malang and Djokjakarta would also be annulled, in order to
    "restore equal chances"; the N.I.V.U. of course refused this, upon which
    Cheribon also withdrew, resenting the "preferential treatment" of Malang;
    the N.I.V.U. then decided to organise a second leg between the two
    remaining cities.

[Jan 28]
Djokjakarta      3-6 Malang

 1.Malang            2  2  0  0  10- 3   4  Qualified
 2.Djokjakarta       2  0  0  2   3-10   0

Voortoernooi in Bandoeng 
[Apr 7]
Bandoeng         5-2 Malang           
[Apr 8]
Batavia          5-2 Semarang
[Apr 9]
Malang           2-3 Semarang
[Apr 10]
Bandoeng         1-3 Batavia
[Apr 15]
Soerabaja        2-0 Malang      
[Apr 30]
Semarang         3-4 Soerabaja         

Kampioenswedstrijden [at B.V.C.-veld, Batavia]

[May 26]
Batavia          8-0 Malang
[May 27]
Bandoeng         2-1 Soerabaja
[May 28]
Bandoeng         3-2 Semarang
[May 29]
Batavia          3-2 Soerabaja

 1.Batavia           4  4  0  0  19- 5   8
 2.Bandoeng          4  3  0  1  11- 8   6
 3.Soerabaja         4  2  0  2   9- 8   4
 4.Semarang          4  1  0  3  10-14   2
 5.Malang            4  0  0  4   4-18   0


NB: see also 1939/40 Batavia, Bandoeng, Semarang, Soerabaja and Solo local leagues

Qualifying Tournament

[Sep 30, Deca-Park, Batavia]
Cheribon         5-2 Buitenzorg
[Oct 8, Soerabaja]
Malang           3-1 Djokjakarta

Final [Nov 4, H.B.S.-terrein, Tambaksarie, Soerabaja]
Malang           3-3 Cheribon         [aet]

Final Replay [Nov 5, H.B.S.-terrein, Tambaksarie, Soerabaja]
Malang           3-1 Cheribon 

NB: Malang qualified. 


[Jan 28]
Malang           2-1 Soerabaja
[Feb 18]
Soerabaja        2-0 Semarang

Voortoernooi in Semarang
[Mar 22]
Semarang         2-2 Bandoeng
[Mar 23]
Bandoeng         4-1 Malang
[Mar 24]
Malang           1-1 Batavia
[Mar 25]
Semarang         1-2 Batavia 

Kampioenswedstrijden [in Soerabaja]

[May 10]
Malang           3-6 Semarang
NB: after this match, news of the German invasion in the Netherlands became known;
    the remaining matches were postponed and the tournament was finished around
    31 August (Koninginnedag, the 60th birthday of Queen Wilhelmina).
[Aug 30 (postponed from May 12), H.B.S.-veld]
Soerabaja        2-0 Bandoeng
[Aug 31 (postponed from May 11), Tiong Hoa-veld]
Batavia          4-0 Bandoeng
[Sep 1 (postponed from May 13), Tiong Hoa-veld]
Soerabaja        1-1 Batavia

 1.Batavia           4  2  2  0   8- 3   6
 2.Soerabaja         4  2  1  1   6- 3   5
 3.Semarang          4  1  1  2   9- 9   3
 4.Bandoeng          4  1  1  2   6- 9   3
 5.Malang            4  1  1  2   7-12   3


NB: see also 1940/41 Batavia, Bandoeng, Djokjakarta, Malang, Semarang, Soerabaja and Solo local leagues,
    and 1941 Java club championship

Qualifying Tournament (Districtstournooi)


First Leg [Oct 5]
Buitenzorg       awd Cheribon         [awarded 4-0; originally 2-3, Cheribon used
                                       ineligible players]
Second Leg [Nov 23]                   
Cheribon         3-1 Buitenzorg

NB: Buitenzorg qualified for final


[Oct 5]
Djokjakarta      0-2 Solo
[Oct 12]
Solo             1-1 Malang
[Oct 26]
Malang           2-2 Djokjakarta

 1.Solo              2  1  1  0   3- 1   3
 2.Malang            2  0  2  0   3- 3   2
 3.Djokjakarta       2  0  1  1   2- 4   1

NB: Solo qualified for final


First Leg [Nov 30]
Solo             2-2 Buitenzorg

Second Leg [Jan 18]
Buitenzorg       2-4 Solo

NB: Solo qualified. 

Voortoernooi in Soerabaja

NB: at Easter weekend; first two matches at Tiong Hoa-terrein, last two at H.B.S.-terrein

[Apr 11] 
Soerabaja        6–1 Solo        
[Apr 12] 
Solo             4–2 Bandoeng        
[Apr 13] 
Bandoeng         0–0 Semarang   
[Apr 14] 
Soerabaja        0-1 Semarang 

Voorwedstrijden in Semarang
[May 3]
Semarang         2-3 Batavia 
[May 4] 
Solo             3-5 Batavia

Kampioenswedstrijden [in Bandoeng]
NB: first two matches at Sidolig-terrein, last two at Nieuw-Houtrust

[May 30] 
Semarang         1–1 Solo          
[May 31]
Bandoeng         1-4 Soerabaja 
[Jun 1]   
Bandoeng         2–1 Batavia      
[Jun 2]  
Batavia          1–1 Soerabaja     

 1.Soerabaja         4  2  1  1  11- 4   5  2.75
 2.Batavia           4  2  1  1  10- 8   5  1.25
 3.Semarang          4  1  2  1   4- 4   4
 4.Solo              4  1  1  2   9-14   3  0.64
 5.Bandoeng          4  1  1  2   5- 9   3  0.56


NB: see also 1941/42 Batavia, Bandoeng, Djokjakarta, Semarang, Soerabaja and Solo local leagues

Qualifying Tournament (Districtstournooi)


Toernooi in Bandoeng
[Oct 31]
Bandoeng         3-1 Buitenzorg
[Nov 1]
Buitenzorg       7-0 Tegal
[Nov 2]
Bandoeng         3-0 Tegal            

 1.Bandoeng          2  2  0  0   6- 1   4
 2.Buitenzorg        2  1  0  1   8- 3   2
 3.Tegal             2  0  0  2   0-10   0

NB: Bandoeng qualified for final



First Leg [Nov 15]
Malang           3-3 Djokjakarta

Second Leg [Nov 29]
Djokjakarta      0-0 Malang

NB: a playoff was to be held with the winners meeting Bandoeng (winners West-Java)
    for a place in the final tournament in 1942; the tournament was abandoned after
    the declaration of war on Japan on December 8 and subsequent mobilisation.


NB: a tournament was announced for the end of August in Soerabaja, with the intention
    of resurrecting the N.I.V.U., but cancelled just before the event due to problems
    with transportation; the semifinals had already been drawn as follows:

[Aug 29]
Soerabaja         -  Semarang 
[Aug 30]
Batavia           -  Bandoeng

Final [Aug 31]

NB: the resurrection of the N.I.V.U. eventually took place on December 29 in Bandoeng.


NB: see also 1946/47 Soerabaja local league


[Apr 4] 
Soerabaja        4-2 Semarang 
[Apr 6] 
Batavia          4-2 Bandoeng


NB: tournament in Soerabaja

[May 23]
Soerabaja        2-2 Bandoeng        
[May 24]
Batavia          3-0 Semarang         
[May 25]
Semarang         0-1 Bandoeng
[May 26; att: 11,000]
Soerabaja        1-1 Batavia

 1.Batavia           3  2  1  0   8- 3   5
 2.Soerabaja         3  1  2  0   7- 5   4
 3.Bandoeng          3  1  1  1   5- 6   3
 4.Semarang          3  0  0  3   2- 8   0


NB: see also 1947/48 Batavia, Semarang and Soerabaja and 1948 Semarang local leagues

Voorwedstrijden [Mar 27]
Bandoeng         1-1 Batavia
Soerabaja        2-2 Semarang 


NB: tournament in Semarang

[May 14]
Semarang         3-2 Bandoeng
[May 15]
Bandoeng         0-2 Soerabaja   
[May 16]
Soerabaja        1-3 Batavia
[May 17]
Semarang         2-2 Batavia

 1.Batavia           3  1  2  0   6- 4   4  [1.50]
 2.Semarang          3  1  2  0   7- 6   4  [1.17]
 3.Soerabaja         3  1  1  1   5- 5   3
 4.Bandoeng          3  0  1  2   3- 6   1


NB: see also 1948/49 Batavia and Soerabaja and 1949 Semarang local leagues

NB: organised by V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S.; Medan were invited but withdrew early March

[Apr 30]
Semarang         2-0 Batavia
Soerabaja        0-0 Makassar         
[May 1]
Semarang         0-1 Soerabaja   
Bandoeng         1-1 Makassar         [in Soerabaja]
[May 21]
Bandoeng         2-0 Batavia
[May 22]
Bandoeng         1-0 Semarang


NB: tournament at B.V.C.-terrein, Batavia

[Jun 3]
Batavia          0-0 Makassar
[Jun 4]
Bandoeng         1-4 Soerabaja
[Jun 5]
Makassar         1-4 Semarang
[Jun 6]
Batavia          2-3 Soerabaja

 1.Soerabaja         4  3  1  0   8- 3   7 
 2.Bandoeng          4  2  1  1   5- 5   5
 3.Semarang          4  2  0  2   6- 3   4
 4.Makassar          4  0  3  1   2- 5   3
 5.Batavia           4  0  1  3   2- 7   1


NB: see also 1949/50 Djakarta, Semarang and Surabaja local leagues

NB: organised by V.U.V.S.I./I.S.N.I.S.

Qualifying Tournament (Districtstournooi)


NB: at U.M.S.-terrein

[Dec 3]
Djakarta         6-0 Tjirebon
[Dec 4]
Bogor            3-1 Tjirebon
[Dec 5]
Djakarta         5-1 Bogor    

 1.Djakarta          2  2  0  0  11- 1   4
 2.Bogor             2  1  0  1   4- 6   2
 3.Tjirebon          2  0  0  2   1- 9   0

NB: Djakarta winners West-Java and qualified for final round (kwalificatietoernooi).


NB: in Tegal

[Dec 9]
Tegal            4-1 Purwokerto
[Dec 10]
Purwokerto       0-4 Pekalongan
[Dec 11]
Tegal            1-1 Pekalongan

 1.Pekalongan        2  1  1  0   5- 1   3  [5.00]
 2.Tegal             2  1  1  0   5- 2   3  [2.50]
 3.Purwokerto        2  0  0  2   1- 8   0

NB: Pekalongan winners Midden-Java and qualified for final round (kwalificatietoernooi).


NB; between winners West-Java (Djakarta), Midden-Java (Pekalongan) en Oost-Java (Malang);
    tournament at U.M.S.-terrein, Djakarta

NB: Malang did not show; instead P.O.R.I. (Djakarta) played two matches.

[Mar 31]
Djakarta         8-0 Pekalongan
[Apr 1]
Pekalongan       n/p Malang
Pekalongan       1-2 P.O.R.I. (Djakarta)
[Apr 2]
Djakarta         n/p Malang   
V.B.O.           4-1 P.O.R.I. (Djakarta)

NB: Djakarta qualified for stedentoernooi.

Voortoernooi in Surabaja
NB: as Makassar could not travel, Malang were admitted to the
    tournament and took over their fixtures
[Apr 14]
Surabaja         3-0 Semarang
[Apr 15]
Malang           1-1 Semarang           
[Apr 16]
Surabaja         3-3 Malang
[Apr 17]
Surabaja         2-0 Bandung
[Apr 18]
Malang           5-2 Bandung           

Voortoernooi in Djakarta
[Apr 28]
Djakarta         1-0 Bandung
[Apr 29]
Bandung          0-3 Medan
[Apr 30]
Djakarta         2-0 Medan
[May 1]
Semarang         2-2 Medan
[May 2]
Djakarta         2-1 Semarang

Voorwedstrijden Makassar 
[May 13]
Surabaja         2-0 Makassar
[May 14, in Surabaja]
Malang           0-2 Makassar
[May 17]
Semarang         1-2 Makassar
[May 20]
Djakarta         0-0 Makassar
[May 21, in Djakarta]
Bandung          3-3 Makassar

Table (before start Eindtoernooi):
 1.Djakarta          4  3  1  0   5- 1   7
 2.Surabaja          4  3  1  0  10- 3   7
 3.Makassar          5  2  2  1   7- 6   6
 4.Malang            4  1  2  1   9- 8   4
 5.Medan             3  1  1  1   5- 4   3
 6.Semarang          5  0  2  3   5-10   2
 7.Bandung           5  0  1  4   5-14   1


NB: tournament in Bandung

[May 25]
Medan            2-1 Makassar
[May 26]
Djakarta         0-3 Malang 
[May 27]
Surabaja         1-0 Medan
[May 28]
Bandung          0-3 Semarang
[May 29]
Medan            1-3 Malang
[May 30]
Djakarta         2-2 Surabaja

 1.Surabaja          6  4  2  0  13- 5  10
 2.Malang            6  3  2  1  15- 9   8  [1.67]
 3.Djakarta          6  3  2  1   7- 6   8  [1.17]
 4.Makassar          6  2  2  2   8- 8   6
 5.Medan             6  2  1  3   8- 9   5
 6.Semarang          6  1  2  3   8-10   4
 7.Bandung           6  0  1  5   5-17   1

Additional Data Chineesche Stedenwedstrijden


NB: matches in Batavia

Semifinal [Apr 19]
Batavia          2-1 Semarang
Soerabaja        bye

Final [Apr 20]
Batavia          2-0 Soerabaja


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

NB: matches at Deca-Park, Batavia

Semifinal [Apr 3]
Batavia          0-0 Semarang         [Batavia on lots]
Soerabaja        bye

Final [Apr 4]
Batavia          2-1 Soerabaja


NB: matches in Bandoeng

[Mar 31]
Bandoeng         0-3 Soerabaja
[Apr 1]
Semarang         0-1 Batavia

Third Place Match [Apr 2]
Bandoeng         0-0 Semarang

Final [Apr 2]
Batavia          2-0 Soerabaja


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Semarang:   Union/Djien Gie combination
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

NB: matches in Batavia (B.V.C-terrein, Koningsplein Zuid)

[Apr 18]
Batavia          6-0 Bandoeng
[Apr 19]
Soerabaja        3-0 Semarang

Final [Apr 20]
Batavia          1-0 Soerabaja


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

NB: matches in Bandoeng

[Apr 10]
Bandoeng         2-1 Semarang         [aet (2x7.5)]
[Apr 11]
Batavia          0-0 Soerabaja        [Soerabaja on lots]

Final [Apr 12]
Bandoeng         1-0 Soerabaja


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Semarang:   C.S.A.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

NB: matches in Semarang (Union-terrein, Seteran)

[Apr 2]
Soerabaja        4-0 Bandoeng
[Apr 3]
Batavia          1-0 Semarang

Final [Apr 4]
Batavia          2-0 Soerabaja


NB: organised for the first time by the newly formed C.K.T.H.

Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Malang:     H.S.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   C.S.A.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 
Tegal:      T.O.A.

Voorwedstrijden [Mar 20]
Tegal            w/o Batavia
Semarang         2-1 Pekalongan
Soerabaja        3-1 Malang
Bandoeng         bye [Cheribon withdrew]

NB: Batavia (U.M.S.) did not enter due to a suspension and disagreements;
    T.O.A. (Tegal) played a practice match on Mar 20 against C.V.B. (the 
    "European" federation of Cheribon), winning 5-1

NB: all matches at Nieuw-Houtrust (U.N.I.-terrein), Bandoeng

[Apr 15]
Bandoeng         3-0 Tegal
[Apr 16]
Semarang         2-3 Soerabaja

Final [Apr 17]
Bandoeng         1-2 Soerabaja        [aet (2x7.5)]


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Malang:     H.S.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   C.S.A.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 
Tegal:      T.O.A.

Voorwedstrijden [Mar 23]
Soerabaja        bt  Malang
Pekalongan       1-1 Semarang         [aet (2x7.5), Semarang on lots]
Tegal            lt  Bandoeng
Cheribon         lt  Batavia


NB: matches in Batavia

[Apr 6]
Batavia          2-1 Bandoeng
[Apr 7]
Soerabaja        7-0 Semarang

Final [Apr 8]
Batavia          1-3 Soerabaja

Friendly [Apr 9, Batavia]
V.B.O.           3-1 Chinese Java XI


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Malang:     Hak Sing Hwee
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 
Tegal:      T.O.A.

[Jan 27]
Bandoeng         0-2 Tegal
Semarang         0-5 Pekalongan
Batavia          1-0 Cheribon
[Mar 10]
Malang           2-2 Soerabaja        [Malang on lots; match awarded to Soerabaja
                                       on Mar 11 because of ineligible player Malang]

NB: matches in Soerabaja

[Mar 29]
Soerabaja        w/o Pekalongan       [awarded 5-0, Pekalongan forfeited]
[Mar 30]
Batavia          4-1 Tegal

Final [Mar 31]
Soerabaja        1-0 Batavia    


NB: after Hak Sing Hwee (Malang) had resigned from the H.N.V.B.,
    Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja) were to receive a bye from the preliminary
    matches, but were later fixtured to play Tjin Ik Hwee (Blitar)
    after the latter club had joined the H.N.V.B. early 1930.

Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C. (newly promoted to B.V.B. Eerste Klasse)
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     Tjin Ik Hwee
Cheribon:   Y.N.H. 
Malang:     H.S.H. (resigned) (champions of M.V.B.)
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa (champions of S.V.B.)

Voorwedstrijden [Mar 9]
Soerabaja        9-0 Blitar
Semarang         3-1 Pekalongan
Cheribon         0-3 Batavia
Bandoeng         bye

NB: at the annual meeting of the H.N.V.B. in April, Cheribon complained
    about having to play Batavia in the preliminary matches every year 
    and it was agreed to instead play single round robin qualifying 
    tournaments in 1931.


NB: matches in Bandoeng

[Apr 18]
Batavia          3-0 Semarang
[Apr 19]
Bandoeng         1-1 Soerabaja        [aet, Bandoeng on lots]

Final [Apr 20]
Batavia          3-0 Bandoeng


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     Tjin Ik Hwee
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa
Tegal:      T.O.A.



[Oct 19, 1930]
Batavia          5-3 Bandoeng
[Nov 23, 1930]
Cheribon         1-2 Bandoeng
[Mar 1]
Batavia          2-1 Cheribon

 1.Batavia           2  2  0  0   7- 4   4  Qualified
 2.Bandoeng          2  1  0  1   5- 6   2
 3.Cheribon          2  0  0  2   2- 4   0


[Oct 19, 1930]
Semarang         2-4 Tegal
[Nov 23, 1930]
Tegal            n/p Pekalongan
[Mar 1]
Pekalongan       2-1 Semarang         [at Go Ahead, Semarang, as H.N.V.B. rejected
                                       the Pekalongan field]

 1.Pekalongan        1  1  0  0   2- 1   2  Qualified
 2.Semarang          1  0  0  1   1- 2   0
 -.Tegal            disqualified for contravening article 54 of regulations


[Oct 19, 1930]
Soerabaja        6-1 Djokjakarta
[Nov 23, 1930]
Djokjakarta      0-4 Blitar
[Mar 22]
Blitar           1-4 Soerabaja        

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0  10- 2   4  Qualified
 2.Blitar            2  1  0  1   5- 4   2
 3.Djokjakarta       2  0  0  2   1-10   0


NB: matches at Seteran, Semarang

[Apr 3]
Soerabaja        6-1 Pekalongan
[Apr 4]
Batavia          6-1 Pekalongan
[Apr 5]
Soerabaja        2-0 Batavia

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0   8- 1   4
 2.Batavia           2  1  0  1   6- 3   2
 3.Pekalongan        2  0  0  2   2-12   0

Friendly [Apr 6]
V.S.O. XI        3-1 Hwa Nan XI


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     Tsing Nien Hui
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 



[Oct 11]
Batavia          3-1 Bandoeng
[Nov 15]
Bandoeng         4-3 Cheribon  
[Dec 13]
Batavia          2-1 Cheribon

 1.Batavia           2  2  0  0   5- 2   4  Qualified
 2.Bandoeng          2  1  0  1   5- 6   2
 3.Cheribon          2  0  0  2   4- 6   0


[Oct 11]
Semarang         2-1 Pekalongan

 1.Semarang          1  1  0  0   2- 1   2  Qualified
 2.Pekalongan        1  0  0  1   1- 2   0


[Oct 11]
Djokjakarta      0-2 Soerabaja        
[Nov 15]
Blitar           2-3 Djokjakarta    
[Dec 13]
Soerabaja        5-1 Blitar

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0   7- 1   4  Qualified
 2.Djokjakarta       2  1  0  1   3- 4   2
 3.Blitar            2  0  0  2   3- 8   0


NB: matches at Deca-Park, Batavia

[Mar 25]
Batavia          2-2 Semarang
[Mar 26]
Soerabaja        7-0 Semarang
[Mar 27]
Batavia          3-3 Soerabaja

 1.Soerabaja         2  1  1  0  10- 3   3
 2.Batavia           2  0  2  0   5- 5   2
 3.Semarang          2  0  1  1   2- 9   1

Friendly [Mar 28]
V.B.O. XI        5-0 Hwa Nan West-Java XI


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C. 
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     H.C.T.N.H.
Cheribon:   Y.N.H. 
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 


[Oct 9]
Bandoeng         4-2 Batavia
Cheribon         0-2 Pekalongan
[Nov 6]
Bandoeng         5-3 Cheribon         
Batavia          3-2 Pekalongan
[Dec 4]
Pekalongan       5-0 Bandoeng
Batavia         10-0 Cheribon

 1.Pekalongan        3  2  0  1   9- 3   4  3.00  Qualified
 2.Batavia           3  2  0  1  15- 6   4  2.50  Qualified
 3.Bandoeng          3  2  0  1   9-10   4  0.90
 4.Cheribon          3  0  0  3   3-17   0


[Oct 9]
Soerabaja        4-0 Semarang
[Nov 6]
Semarang         3-2 Blitar
[Dec 4]
Blitar           1-6 Soerabaja

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0  10- 1   4  Qualified
 2.Semarang          2  1  0  1   3- 6   2  Qualified
 3.Blitar            2  0  0  2   3- 9   0

Final Tournament

Semarang         1-6 Soerabaja
Batavia          5-0 Pekalongan


NB: matches in Soerabaja

[Apr 14]
Soerabaja        1-2 Pekalongan
[Apr 15]
Batavia          7-0 Semarang         
[Apr 16]
Soerabaja        4-3 Batavia          
[Apr 17]
Semarang         3-3 Pekalongan

 1.Batavia           3  2  0  1  15- 4   4  3.75
 2.Soerabaja         3  2  0  1  11- 6   4  1.83
 3.Pekalongan        3  1  1  1   5- 9   3
 4.Semarang          3  0  1  2   4-16   1


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     H.C.T.N.H.
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 


[Oct 15]
Batavia          3-2 Cheribon
Bandoeng         2-2 Pekalongan
[Nov 5]
Batavia          0-3 Pekalongan
Cheribon         abd Bandoeng         [abandoned at 1-2 with 3 minutes left]
[Nov 26]
Bandoeng         0-4 Batavia          
Pekalongan       3-4 Cheribon  
[Dec 10]
Cheribon         4-3 Bandoeng         [replay Nov 5]

Final Table (Dec 11):

 1.Batavia           3  2  0  1   7- 5   4  Qualified
 2.Cheribon          3  2  0  1  10- 9   4  Qualified
 3.Pekalongan        3  1  1  1   8- 6   3
 4.Bandoeng          3  0  1  2   5-10   1

NB: on Dec 23, the N.I.V.B. suspended the V.B.O.; as the H.N.V.B. was an 
    associate member of the N.I.V.B., U.M.S. were disqualified and their
    results annulled.

Final Table:

 1.Cheribon          2  2  0  0   8- 6   4  Qualified
 2.Bandoeng          2  0  1  1   5- 6   1  Playoff
   Pekalongan        2  0  1  1   5- 6   1  Playoff

Playoff [Feb 24]
Bandoeng         0-1 Pekalongan

NB: Pekalongan qualified


[Oct 15]
Blitar           0-0 Semarang
[Nov 5]
Semarang         3-4 Soerabaja
[Nov 26]
Soerabaja       11-1 Blitar   

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0  15- 4   4  Qualified
 2.Semarang          2  0  1  1   3- 4   1  Qualified
 3.Blitar            2  0  1  1   1-11   1


[Dec 24]
Soerabaja        3-4 Semarang         
[Mar 11]
Pekalongan       6-3 Cheribon         
[Mar 18]
Pekalongan       1-1 Semarang         


NB: in Bandoeng

[Mar 30]
Cheribon         1-0 Semarang
[Apr 1]
Soerabaja        7-1 Cheribon
[Apr 2]
Soerabaja        3-2 Pekalongan

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja         3  2  0  1  13- 7   4
 2.Pekalongan        3  1  1  1   9- 7   3
 3.Semarang          3  1  1  1   5- 5   3
 4.Cheribon          3  1  0  2   5-13   2


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     H.C.T.N.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

[Feb 10]
Soerabaja       12-1 Blitar
[Mar 3]
Batavia          abd Bandoeng         [abandoned at 1-1 due to crowd trouble]
  [Batavia apparently qualified]
Soerabaja        abd Djokjakarta      [abandoned at 0-1 due to unplayable pitch]
[Mar 17]                              
Soerabaja        9-2 Djokjakarta      [replay Mar 3]
[Mar 31]
Semarang         2-5 Pekalongan


NB: matches at U.M.S.-veld, Batavia

[Apr 19]
Batavia          3-1 Pekalongan
[Apr 20]
Pekalongan       1-6 Soerabaja
[Apr 21]
Batavia          3-0 Soerabaja

 1.Batavia           2  2  0  0   6- 1   4
 2.Soerabaja         2  1  0  1   6- 4   2
 3.Pekalongan        2  0  0  2   2- 9   0

NB: at the general meeting held at the final tournament, the H.N.V.B.
    decided to follow most local federations on Java and withdrew from
    the N.I.V.B.


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 


NB: matches at Tiong Hoa-veld, Soerabaja

[Apr 10]
Soerabaja        1-2 Pekalongan
[Apr 11]
Pekalongan       0-7 Batavia          
[Apr 12]
Soerabaja        2-1 Batavia          

 1.Batavia           2  1  0  1   8- 2   2  4.00
 2.Soerabaja         2  1  0  1   3- 3   2  1.00
 3.Pekalongan        2  1  0  1   2- 8   2  0.25

Friendly [Apr 13]
S.V.B. XI        2-1 Hwa Nan V.B. XI


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Blitar:     H.C.T.N.H.
Cheribon:   Y.N.H.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

Qualifying Matches West-Java

[Dec 25]
Bandoeng         1-3 Batavia
[Dec 26]
Bandoeng         1-0 Cheribon
Batavia           -  Cheribon
NB: Batavia qualified

Qualifying Matches Midden-Java (in Semarang)

[Dec 25]
Semarang         1-3 Pekalongan
[Dec 26]
Semarang         5-3 Djokjakarta
[Dec 27]
Djokjakarta      5-4 Pekalongan

Final Table:

 1.Pekalongan        2  1  0  1   7- 6   2  Qualified
 2.Semarang          2  1  0  1   6- 6   2
 3.Djokjakarta       2  1  0  1   8- 9   2

Qualifying Matches Oost-Java

First Leg [Jan 3]
Blitar           0-6 Soerabaja

Second Leg [Jan 17]
Soerabaja       11-0 Blitar


NB: matches at Tiong Hoa-veld, Soerabaja

[Mar 26]
Soerabaja        6-0 Pekalongan       
[Mar 27]
Pekalongan       4-2 Batavia         
[Mar 28]
Soerabaja        8-0 Batavia             

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0  14- 0   4
 2.Pekalongan        2  1  0  1   4- 8   2
 3.Batavia           2  0  0  2   2-12   0

Friendly [Mar 29]
S.V.B. XI        2-0 Hwa Nan V.B. XI


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C. (also reported as P.M.Y.)
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

[Mar 20]
Batavia          4-3 Bandoeng   
[Mar 27]
Soerabaja        4-0 Pekalongan       


NB: matches at U.M.S.-veld, Batavia

[Apr 15]
Bandoeng         2-6 Pekalongan
[Apr 16]
Soerabaja        2-0 Bandoeng
[Apr 17]
Batavia          abd Soerabaja        [abandoned at 1-3 due to fighting]
[Apr 18]
Batavia          2-0 Pekalongan

Replay [Oct 7, 1939, Soerabaja]
Soerabaja        4-2 Batavia

 1.Soerabaja         3  3  0  0  10- 2   6
 2.Batavia           3  2  0  1   8- 7   4
 3.Pekalongan        3  1  0  2   6- 8   2
 4.Bandoeng          3  0  0  3   5-12   0


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C.
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

[Mar 18]
Soerabaja       2-1 Pekalongan      [void after withdrawal Soerabaja]
[Mar 19]
Batavia         3-1 Bandoeng        [void after withdrawal Soerabaja]


NB: in Semarang; Soerabaja withdrew

[Apr 7]
Bandoeng        1-4 Pekalongan
[Apr 8]
Batavia         7-2 Bandoeng
[Apr 9]
Batavia         5-1 Pekalongan

Final Table:

 1.Batavia           2  2  0  0  12- 3   4
 2.Pekalongan        2  1  0  1   5- 6   2
 3.Bandoeng          2  0  0  2   3-11   0


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandoeng:   Y.M.C. 
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   Union
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 

Qualifying Match [Dec 3]
Soerabaja       1-0 Semarang

[Dec 24]
Soerabaja       abd Pekalongan      [abandoned at 3-1 at half-time due to unplayable pitch]
Batavia         4-1 Bandoeng
[Mar 9]
Soerabaja       4-1 Pekalongan      [replay]


NB: all matches at Deca-Park, Batavia

[Mar 22]
Pekalongan      6-1 Bandoeng
[Mar 23]
Bandoeng        1-5 Soerabaja
[Mar 24]
Batavia         1-1 Soerabaja
[Mar 25]
Batavia         1-0 Pekalongan

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja         3  2  1  0  10- 3   7  3.33
 2.Batavia           3  2  1  0   6- 2   7  3.00
 3.Pekalongan        3  1  0  2   7- 6   2
 4.Bandoeng          3  0  0  3   3-15   0

NB: if Batavia would have beaten Pekalongan 2-0 or 6-1 in their last match,
    they would have claimed the title


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Batavia:    U.M.S.
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Soerabaja:  Tiong Hoa 


NB: all matches in Batavia

[Apr 15]
Batavia         6-0 Pekalongan
[Apr 16]
Pekalongan      0-9 Soerabaja
[Apr 17]
Batavia         1-3 Soerabaja

Final Table:

 1.Soerabaja         2  2  0  0  12- 1   4
 2.Batavia           2  1  0  1   7- 3   2
 3.Pekalongan        2  0  0  2   0-15   0

Friendly [Apr 18]
V.B.O. XI       4-4 Hwa Nan V.B. XI


Participating clubs (representing their cities):
Bandung:    Chung Hua
Djakarta:   U.M.S., Chung Hua
Makassar:   Excelsior
Malang:     Chung Hua
Pekalongan: T.H.H.
Semarang:   C.H.T.C.S., Union
Surabaja:   Tiong Hoa 
Tegal:      C.H.T.H.

Qualifying Matches

Voorwedstrijden [Feb 5]
Pekalongan      1-2 Tegal
U.M.S.          3-1 Chung Hua       [defining Djakarta representatives]
Union           3-4 C.H.T.C.S.      [defining Semarang representatives]
Surabaja        2-1 Malang

Halve finales [Mar 4]
Makassar        1-2 Surabaja
Djakarta        3-1 Bandung
Semarang        4-1 Tegal


NB: all matches at Tiong Hoa-terrein, Cannalaan, Surabaja

[Apr 7]
Surabaja        5-0 Semarang
[Apr 8]
Semarang        0-5 Djakarta
[Apr 9]
Surabaja        2-0 Djakarta

Final Table:

 1.Surabaja          2  2  0  0   7- 0   4
 2.Djakarta          2  1  0  1   5- 2   2
 3.Semarang          2  0  0  2   0-10   0

Additional Data Inlandsche Stedenwedstrijden

Inlandsche Wedstrijden 1923

NB: first edition organised in Bandoeng (unclear whether it was held elsewhere before);
    all matches at aloen-aloen Bandoeng.

[May 19]
Bandoeng         3-0 Semarang
Batavia          3-0 Soerabaja
[May 20]
Batavia          3-0 Semarang
Bandoeng         4-0 Soerabaja
[May 21]
Semarang         2-1 Soerabaja
Bandoeng         0-1 Batavia                  

Final Table:

 1.Batavia           3  3  0  0   7- 0   6
 2.Bandoeng          3  2  0  1   7- 1   4
 3.Semarang          3  1  0  2   2- 7   2
 4.Soerabaja         3  0  0  3   1- 9   0


[Apr 18]
Bond Mataram     1-1 S.I.V.B.         [S.I.V.B. on lots]
[Apr 19]
V.I.J.           3-1 S.V.B.

Final [Apr 20]
V.I.J.           4-2 S.I.V.B. 

Final Ranking:

 1.V.I.J. (Batavia) 
 2.S.I.V.B. (Soerabaja)

NB: the S.V.B. were from Solo; the name presumably refers to the V.V.B.; 
    Bond Mataram refers to the Persatoean Sepakraga Mataram (Djokjakarta; later P.S.I.M.).

On 19 April the P.S.S.I. was officially founded.  The above tournament is not
included among its official championships.


Final Tournament May 22-24 in Solo.

[May 22]
V.V.B.           1-4 P.S.I.M.
[May 23]
V.I.J.           5-1 P.S.I.M.
[May 24]
V.V.B.           1-3 V.I.J.           

Final Table:

 1.V.I.J.            2  2  0  0   8- 2   4  (Batavia)
 2.P.S.I.M.          2  1  0  1   5- 6   2  (Djokjakarta)
 3.V.V.B.            2  0  0  2   2- 7   0  (Solo)

NB: P.S.M. (aka Bond Mataram) renamed P.S.I.M.


Final Tournament May 14-16 in Batavia.

[May 14]
V.I.J.           6-2 P.S.M.
[May 15]
P.S.I.M.         1-0 P.S.M.
[May 16]
V.I.J.           1-2 P.S.I.M.         

Final Table:

 1.P.S.I.M.          2  2  0  0   3- 2   4  (Djokjakarta)
 2.V.I.J.            2  1  0  1   7- 4   2  (Batavia) 
 3.P.S.M.            2  0  0  2   2- 7   0  (Madioen)


Qualifying Stage Midden-Java

[Nov 5]
Persib           3-2 P.P.S.M. 
[Nov 6]
Persib           1-0 P.S.I.S.

Final Tournament Jun 2-5, 1933 in Surabaja.

Persib           2-2 S.I.V.B.
P.S.I.M.         0-2 Persib
V.I.J.           3-1 P.S.I.M.
S.I.V.B.         1-2 V.I.J.           

Final Ranking:

 1.V.I.J. (Batavia) 
 2.Persib (Bandoeng)
 3.S.I.V.B. (Soerabaja)
 4.P.S.I.M. (Djokjakarta)

NB: Persib were formed on 14 March 1933 as a merger of P.S.I.B. (formerly B.I.V.B.) and N.V.B.


Qualifying Stage Oost-Java
[Sep 16, 1933]
P.S.M. (Madioen) 6-1 Djombang

Final Tournament in Solo

[Jun 22]
Persis           5-0 P.S.M.           
[Jun 23]
P.S.M.           1-4 V.I.J.           
[Jun 24]
V.I.J.           2-2 S.I.V.B.         
[Jun 25]
Persis           3-2 S.I.V.B.         

Final Ranking:

 1.V.I.J. (Batavia) 
 2.Persis (Solo)
 3.S.I.V.B. (Soerabaja)
 4.P.S.M. (Madioen)

NB: [PSSI 80] erroneously lists the venue of the tournament as Bandoeng
    and its runners-up as Persib (Bandoeng).


Qualifying Stage Midden-Java
P.P.S.M.         2-1 P.S.I.S.

Qualifying Stage Oost-Java

Final [Feb 9]
P.S.M. (Madioen) 1-5 Persis           

Final Tournament in Semarang

[Jun 8]
Persis           7-1 P.P.S.M. 
[Jun 9]
P.P.V.I.M.       5-0 P.P.S.M. 
[Jun 10]
Persis           4-1 P.P.V.I.M.       

Final Table:

 1.Persis            2  2  0  0  11- 2   4  (Solo)
 2.P.P.V.I.M.        2  1  0  1   6- 4   2  (Meester Cornelis)
 3.P.P.S.M.          2  0  0  2   1-12   0  (Magelang)

NB: V.V.B. (Solo) renamed Persis; Meester Cornelis now Jatinegara (part of Jakarta)


Final Tournament in Bandoeng (Tegallega Sportpark)

[May 30]
Persib           7-1 P.S.I.S.
[Jun 1]
Persis           5-0 P.S.I.S.
[Jun 2]
Persib           0-2 Persis

Final Table:

 1.Persis            2  2  0  0   7- 0   4  (Solo)
 2.Persib            2  1  0  1   7- 3   2  (Bandoeng)
 3.P.S.I.S.          2  0  0  2   1-12   0  (Semarang)


Final Tournament

[Apr 30, Bandoeng]
Persib           2-1 P.S.I.T.         [as friendly]
[May 1, Bandoeng]
P.S.I.M.         1-2 P.S.I.T.
[May 2, Bandoeng]
Persib           1-0 P.S.I.M.

[May 9, Solo]
Persis           bt  P.S.I.M.
[May 15, Solo]
Persis           1-1 P.S.I.T.
[May 16, Solo]
Persib           2-1 P.S.I.T.
[May 17, Solo]
Persis           0-1 Persib
  [att: 15,000]        

Final Table:

 1.Persib            3  3  0  0   4- 1   6  (Bandoeng)
 2.Persis            3  1  1  1          3  (Solo)
 3.P.S.I.T.          3  1  1  1   4- 4   3  (Cheribon)
 4.P.S.I.M.          3  0  0  3          0  (Djokjakarta)

NB: V.I.J. (Batavia) did not enter


Qualifying Stage West-Java

Known result [Feb 26]
V.I.J.           5-2 Persitas (Tasikmalaja)

NB: V.I.J. champions of West-Java

Qualifying Stage Midden-Java

Known result [Nov 1937, Gendongan]
P.S.I.Sa.        1-1 K'Satrya (Sragen)

Champions Midden-Java: P.S.I.B. (Poerwokerto)

Qualifying Stage Oost-Java

Known result [Dec 12]
P.S.B.I.         8-0 R.E.N.S. (Bodjonegoro)

NB: P.S.B.I. (Blitar) qualified to play S.I.V.B. (Soerabaja)

Champions Oost-Java: S.I.V.B.

[May 7]
V.I.J.           2-2 P.S.I.B.
S.I.V.B.         bt  Persis
NB: S.I.V.B. renamed Persibaja in May 1938.

Final Stage [in Solo]

[Jun 3]
Persis           8-1 P.S.I.B.         [HT: 3-0]
[Jun 4]
P.S.I.B.         0-5 Persibaja        [HT: 0-3]
[Jun 5]
V.I.J.           4-0 Persibaja        [HT: 1-0]
[Jun 6]
V.I.J.           3-1 Persis           [HT: 1-1]

Final Table:

 1.V.I.J.            3  2  1  0   9- 3   5  (Batavia) 
 2.Persibaja         3  2  0  1          4  (Soerabaja)
 3.Persis            3  1  0  2          2  (Solo)
 4.P.S.I.B.          3  0  1  2   3-15   1  (Poerwokerto)


Final Stage [in Djokjakarta]

[May 27]
P.S.I.M.         2-0 Persib
[May 28]
Persis           3-0 Persib
[May 29]
Persis           2-2 P.S.I.M.

Final Table:

 1.Persis            2  1  1  0   5- 2   3  [ga: 2.5]  (Solo)
 2.P.S.I.M.          2  1  1  0   4- 2   3  [ga: 2.0]  (Djokjakarta)
 3.Persib            2  0  0  2   0- 5   0             (Bandoeng)


Qualifying Stage Oost-Java

NB: Persis champions district V, Persibaja champions district VI


First Leg [Dec 3, 1939]
Persibaja        2-2 Persis

Second Leg [Dec 31, 1939]
Persis           3-0 Persibaja

NB: Persis qualified for final stage

Final Stage [May 10-13 in Solo]
Persis           4-2 V.I.J.
P.S.I.M.         3-2 V.I.J.
Persis           4-2 P.S.I.M.

Final Ranking:

 1.Persis            2  2  0  0   8- 4   4  (Solo)
 2.P.S.I.M.          2  1  0  1   5- 6   2  (Djokjakarta)
 3.V.I.J.            2  0  0  2   4- 7   0  (Batavia) 


Final Ranking:

 1.Persis (Solo)
 2.Persibaja (Soerabaja)
 3.Persib (Bandoeng)


Final Ranking:

 1.Persis (Solo)
 2.Persibaja (Soerabaja)


Final Ranking:

 1.Solo (Persis)
 2.Djokjakarta (P.S.I.M.)

NB: held under Japanese occupation; the P.S.S.I. became part of a Japanese sports organisation
    (Tai Iku Kai) and the teams at the 1943 tournament officially represented their cities and
    not the corresponding city football federations.


Qualifying Tournament

NB: organised by P.O.R.I.

Djawa Barat

Persidja (Djakarta) awarded the championship after Persib (Bandung) refused to play off,
claiming there was no need for a playoff as they had defeated Persidja in a match in 1949.

Djawa Tengah

NB: tournament in Solo

[Jul 28]
P.S.I.S.         3-0 P.S.I.M.
[Jul 29]
Persis           1-3 P.S.I.S.         
[Jul 30]
Persis           0-0 P.S.I.M.

Final Table:

 1.P.S.I.S.          2  2  0  0   6- 1   4  (Semarang)
 2.Persis            2  0  1  1   1- 3   1  (Solo)
 3.P.S.I.M.          2  0  1  1   0- 3   1  (Jogjakarta)

Champions: P.S.I.S. (Semarang)

Djawa Timur

[Jul 29, Stadion Tambaksari, Surabaja]
Persibaja        3-0 Persema (Malang)
  [Seeman 1-0, Ing Hien 2-0, Seeman 3-0; half-time 1-0]
  [Persibaja: Bing Mo Heng; Koo Tiong Kiem, W.Manginsela; Kees Elmensdorp, J.Walandouw, Saderan;
              Willy Stalder, Tee San Liong, Liem Tiong Hoo, Bhe Ing Hien, Hanny Seeman;
   Persema: Gwan Liep; Bram Kwee, Lanting; V.d. Togt, V.d. Endt, Tobing;
            King Thong, Swie Han, Thiam Gwan, De Bruijckere, Sudarmo]

Champions: Persibaja (Surabaja)

Final Tournament

NB: tournament in Semarang; organised by P.S.S.I. (following reformation of P.O.R.I.);
    the P.S.S.I. (Persatuan Sepakbola Seluruh Indonesia) was officially (re)formed on
    2 Sep 1950 under the stipulation that the organisation was not a continuation of 
    the pre-war P.S.S.I. but coincidentally shared its name.
    P.O.R.I. had originally intended to include P.S.M. (Makassar) and P.S.M.S. (Medan)
    as participants (announced mid-July) but this did not materialise.

Original schedule (as announced on Aug 30)

[Sep 2]
P.S.I.S.          -  Persidja
[Sep 3]
Persibaja         -  Persidja
[Sep 4]
P.S.I.S.          -  Persibaja

However, Persib showed up with a team insisting they were Djawa Barat champions and the 
P.S.S.I. decided to change the set-up to knock-out (apparently scheduling Persib to 
play Persibaja on the final day even before the match on Sep 3 was played).

[Sep 2]
P.S.I.S.         0-2 Persib           
  [Witarsa 0-1, Jahja (pen) 0-2; half-time 0-1]
  [PSIS: Van Donk; Beng Gwee, Kamdi; Ngo Liok, Tik Tjwan, Khee Sien;
         Sugiono, Supardi, Hok Tjwan, Tjin Hiap, Sulud;
   Persib: Smith; Leepel, Wagiman; Nandang, Jahja, Anas; 
           Amung, Tanu, Anda Ratna, Mucharam, Aang Witarsa;
   ref: Mardanung (Solo)]
[Sep 3]
Persibaja        6-1 Persidja
  [Stalder 1-0, San Liong 2-0, Stalder (pen) 3-0, Ing Hien 4-0, Sumo 4-1,
   Trouerbach 5-1, Ing Hien 6-1; half-time 3-0]
  [Persibaja: Bing Mo Heng; Ing Hiong, W.Manginsela; Kees Elmensdorp, J.Walandouw, Saderan;
              Willy Stalder, Tee San Liong, Bhe Ing Hien, Aldjuffri, Trouerbach;
   Persidja: Parengkuang; Kutjid, Kavid; Murad, Sudjadja, Nurhusin;
             Supardjono, Abidin, Sumo, Ramlan, Hilman]

Final [Sep 4]
Persib           2-0 Persibaja
  [Anda 1-0, Anda 2-0; half-time 1-0]
  [line-ups not available but presumably identical to semifinals]

Final Ranking:

 1.Persib (Bandung)
 2.Persibaja (Surabaja)

NB: Saderan (P.O.R.I.S., Surabaja) was chosen as best player of the tournament.

NB: the above tournament is not included among the official P.S.S.I. championships.

Sumatra City Competitions 1934-1941

Oost-Sumatra (Gouverneur van Suchtelenbeker) | West-Sumatra (S.W.K. Stedentoernooi)

Oost-Sumatra (Gouverneur van Suchtelenbeker)

The Gouverneur van Suchtelenbeker was a silver cup made in Djokjakarta and offered to the O.S.V.B. (Oost Sumatra Voetbal Bond) by the new governor of the Oostkust van Sumatra in November 1933. Inspired by the popular stedenwedstrijden on Java, the O.S.V.B. offered it to the winners of a competition of city selections, which was organised on five occasions before World War II.

1934    Pematang Siantar
1936    Medan
1936/37 Medan
1938    Bindjei
1940    Pematang Siantar

West-Sumatra (S.W.K. Stedentoernooi)

Organised by the M.V.B. (Minangkabau Voetbalbond), held on three occasions before World War II.

1939    Padang
1940    Padang
1941    Sawah Loento

Java - Interprovincial Championship 1939

Introduced in 1939 in order to facilitate the formation of a Java selection, but only held once as the event was no great success (in particular the East Java selection was severely weakened because of the non-availability of most players from the two strongest Soerabaja clubs, H.B.S. and Tiong Hoa) and the relevance of forming a Java selection had become minimal because of the start of World War II in Europe.

NB: all matches at U.N.I.-terrein (Nieuw-Houtrust), Bandoeng

[Dec 23]
Midden-Java      4-4 Oost-Java   
  [Elmensdorp (pen) 0-1, Berkenbosch 0-2, Van der Weide 0-3, Harings 1-3,
   Soemarto 2-3, Van der Weide 2-4, Poo Hok Soei 3-4, Harings 4-4;
   half-time 1-3]
  [MJ: Nix; Achmad, Ong Ing Hok; Musch, Poo Hok Soei, Faulhaber;
       Butteling, V.d. Zande, Harings, Soemarto, King Gwan;
   OJ: Telusa; Van Kan, Bongers; Kruythoff, Samuels, Elmensdorp; 
       Berkenbosch, Kalaty, Van der Weide, Hway Gie, Blogg;
   ref: Daerden]
[Dec 24]
West-Java        2-1 Midden-Java      
  [Vermandel 1-0, Lübach 2-0, De Leeuw 2-1; half-time 2-0]
  [WJ: De Leeuw; Dorst, Denkelaar; Remmers, Deibel, Brugman;
       Taihitu, Pattiwael, Vermandel, Lübach, V.d. Giessen;
   MJ: Nix (Brosky); Achmad, Ong Ing Hok; Musch, Poo Hok Soei, Faulhaber;
       Butteling, V.d. Zande, Harings, Soemarto, King Gwan;
   ref: De Graaf]
[Dec 25]
West-Java        2-2 Oost-Java   
  [Hway Gie 0-1, Pattiwael 1-1, Kalaty 1-2, V.d. Giessen 2-2;
   half-time 0-0]
  [WJ: De Leeuw; Dorst, Brugman; Breitschaft, Deibel, Remmers;
       Taihitu, Pattiwael, Vermandel, Lübach, V.d. Giessen;
   OJ: Telusa; Van Kan, Samuels; Pen Hwa, Elmensdorp, Ie Khiam; 
       Berkenbosch, Kalaty, Van der Weide, Hway Gie, Blogg;
   ref: Van Beekom]

Final Table:

 1.West-Java         2  1  1  0   4- 3   3
 2.Oost-Java         2  0  2  0   6- 6   2
 3.Midden-Java       2  0  1  1   5- 6   1

Test Match [Dec 26]
Bandoeng         6-0 N.I.V.U. XI
  [Zegers 1-0, Saris 2-0, Vermandel 3-0, Zegers 4-0, Zegers 5-0, Monterie 6-0;
   half-time 3-0]
  [VBBO: Jansen; Gerritsen, Breitschaft; De Gelder, Deibel, Remmers;
         Monterie, Zegers, Vermandel, Saris, Berk;
   NIVU: Nix; Musch, Brugman; Ong Ing Hok, Poo Hok Soei, V.d. Zande;
         Taihitu, Pattiwael, Harings, Lübach, King Gwan]

For data since 1951 see the file Indonesia - Amateur Champions (1951-1994).

Indonesia - Amateur Champions (1951-1994)
Indonesia - (Semi-)Professional Champions (since 1979)
Dutch New Guinea (1950-1962)
Dutch East Indies International Matches (link to separate file)
Dutch East Indies - International Players (link to separate file)

About this document

Many thanks to Allard Doesburg, Budi Gustaman, Novan Herfiyana, Laszlo Scheltens and Adri van Veen

Sources: newspapers (mostly available through Delpher): Algemeen handelsblad voor Nederlands-Indië, Het Bataviaasch nieuwsblad, Het dagblad, Deli courant, De Indische courant, De Javabode, Kaoem Moeda, De koerier, De locomotief, Nederlandsche Sport, Nieuwe courant, Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlands-Indië, Het nieuwsblad voor Sumatra, De Preanger-bode, Het Soerabajaasch Handelsblad, Sumatra-bode, Sumatra post, De vrije pers, and Weekblad voor Indië;
magazines: [spo];
articles and books: [Bay 10], [Ber 34], [Col 00], [FIF 31], [PSS 80], [Sto 98];
websites: http://novanmediaresearch.wordpress.com/about/

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans (karel.rsssf@gmail.com)
Last updated: 4 Jun 2024

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2012/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.