Dutch East Indies 1941/42

Stedenwedstrijden 1942

Batavia | Bandoeng | Djokjakarta |Soerabaja | Solo


Eerste Klasse

[Aug 17]
U.M.S.           2-3 Oliveo           
[Aug 23]
S.V.J.A.         3-0 V.V.M.           
[Sep 6]
B.V.C.           2-2 S.V.J.A.         
[Sep 13]
Bata             1-2 U.M.S.           
[Sep 14]
V.V.M.           2-2 Hercules         
[Sep 27]
U.M.S.           3-2 V.V.M.           
[Sep 28]
Oliveo           3-2 Vios             
[Oct 4]
S.V.J.A.         3-4 Hercules         
[Oct 5]
Bata             1-1 Oliveo           
[Oct 11]
Vios             6-1 V.V.M.           
[Oct 12]
B.V.C.           2-4 U.M.S.           
[Oct 18]
Hercules         4-6 B.V.C.           
[Oct 19]
Oliveo           3-1 S.V.J.A.         
[Oct 25]
V.V.M.           0-3 Bata             
[Oct 26]
U.M.S.           2-6 Vios             
[Nov 1]
B.V.C.           3-0 Oliveo           
[Nov 8]
Oliveo           5-3 V.V.M.           
[Nov 9]
U.M.S.           6-1 Hercules         
[Nov 15]
Vios             3-1 S.V.J.A.         
[Nov 16]
Hercules         3-1 Bata             
[Nov 23]
V.V.M.           2-3 B.V.C.           
[Nov 30]
S.V.J.A.         3-5 U.M.S.           
[Dec 6]
V.V.M.           2-6 U.M.S.           
[Dec 7]
Vios             7-3 B.V.C.           

Table at abandonment (Dec 8):

 1.Vios              5  4  0  1  24-10   8
 2.U.M.S.            8  6  0  2  30-20  12
 3.Oliveo            6  4  1  1  15-12   9
 4.B.V.C.            6  3  1  2  19-19   7
 5.Hercules          5  2  1  2  14-18   5
 6.Bata              4  1  1  2   6- 6   3
 7.S.V.J.A.          6  1  1  4  13-17   3
 8.V.V.M.            8  0  1  7  12-31   1

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.

1940/41 | 1947/48 | overview


Eerste Klasse

[Sep 20]
Jong Ambon       1-2 L.A.             
[Sep 21]
Sidolig          1-1 Y.M.C.           
[Oct 4]
Sidolig          2-1 Jong Ambon       
[Oct 5]
Y.M.C.           1-4 L.A.             
[Oct 18]
L.A.             1-1 Sidolig          
[Oct 19]
U.N.I.           2-2 Sparta           
[Oct 25]
Velocitas        3-1 A.I.             
[Oct 26]
Sparta           1-0 L.A.             
[Nov 8]
Velocitas        1-0 Sparta           
[Nov 9]
L.A.             2-1 U.N.I.           
[Nov 15]
Jong Ambon       3-2 A.I.             
[Nov 16]
U.N.I.           5-3 Sidolig          
[Nov 22]
Sparta           3-3 Jong Ambon       
[Nov 23]
Sidolig          2-3 A.I.             
Velocitas        6-1 Y.M.C.           
[Nov 30]
Velocitas        1-1 Jong Ambon       
[Dec 6]
A.I.             1-1 U.N.I.           

Table (Dec 8):

 1.Velocitas         4  3  1  0  11- 3   7
 2.L.A.              5  3  1  1   9- 5   7
 3.U.N.I.            4  1  2  1   9- 8   4
 4.Sparta            4  1  2  1   6- 6   4
 5.A.I.              4  1  1  2   7- 9   3
 6.Jong Ambon        5  1  2  2   9-10   3
 7.Sidolig           5  1  2  2   9-11   3
 8.Y.M.C.            3  0  1  2   3-11   1

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.

1940/41 | overview


Eerste Klasse

[Sep 27]
V.K.J.           2-3 A.S.C.           
[Oct 4]
A.M.S.           0-1 U.N.I.           
[Oct 12]
Vleermuizen      5-0 V.V.V.           
[Oct 18]
T.N.H.           0-3 V.K.J.           
[Oct 19]
Velox            6-5 A.S.C.           
[Oct 25]
Velox            0-5 V.K.J.           
A.M.S.           6-0 T.N.H.           
[Nov 1]
U.N.I.           0-7 Velox            
[Nov 2]
V.K.J.           8-2 Vleermuizen      
[Nov 8]
A.S.C.           3-1 U.N.I.           
[Nov 9]
V.V.V.           4-2 Zwaluwen         
[Nov 15]
A.M.S.          11-0 Zwaluwen         
[Nov 16]
T.N.H.           2-0 U.N.I.           
[Nov 22]
A.M.S.           3-2 A.S.C.           
[Dec 6]
T.N.H.            -  V.V.V.           
[Dec 7]
Vleermuizen       -  Velox            

Table (Dec 1):

 1.A.M.S.            4  3  0  1  20- 3   6
 2.V.K.J.            4  3  0  1  18- 5   6
 3.Velox             3  2  0  1  13-10   4
 4.A.S.C.            4  2  0  2  13-12   4
 5.Vleermuizen       2  1  0  1   7- 8   2
 6.V.V.V.            2  1  0  1   4- 7   2
 7.T.N.H.            3  1  0  2   2- 9   2
 8.U.N.I.            4  1  0  3   2-12   2
 9.Zwaluwen          2  0  0  2   2-15   0

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.



Eerste Klasse 1941/42

Table (Nov 9):

 1.M.O.T.           11  8  2  1  49-18  18
 2.B.O.W.           12  6  5  1  36-20  17
 3.H.C.T.N.H.       12  7  2  3  40-29  16
 4.Al Hilaäl        10  5  2  3  31-21  12  [Pekalongan]
 5.S.V.V.           11  4  3  4  25-32  11
 6.Go Ahead         13  5  3  5  23-35  13
 7.Union            12  4  2  6  30-31  10 
 8.T.H.H.           10  2  4  4  22-26   8  [Pekalongan]
 9.M.S.V.           11  1  4  6  16-30   6
10.G.S.V.           14  2  1 11  20-50   5

Available results Nov 9-Dec 7

[Nov 15]
H.C.T.N.H.       1-4 S.V.V.           
[Nov 16]
M.S.V.           3-1 Al Hilaäl        
[Nov 22]
M.S.V.           1-1 Union            
[Nov 23]
S.V.V.           2-4 T.H.H.           
[Nov 29]
Go Ahead         1-2 M.S.V.           
[Nov 30]
Al Hilaäl        4-4 M.O.T.           
Union            2-2 T.H.H.           
[Dec 6]
Union            4-5 G.S.V.           
[Dec 7]
M.S.V.           2-6 H.C.T.N.H.       
Al Hilaäl         -  Go Ahead         

Table (Dec 8, progressed with known results since Nov 9):

 1.M.O.T.           12  8  3  1  53-22  19
 2.B.O.W.           12  6  5  1  36-20  17
 3.H.C.T.N.H.       14  8  2  4  47-35  18
 4.Al Hilaäl        12  5  3  4  36-28  13  [Pekalongan]
 5.S.V.V.           13  5  3  5  31-37  13
 6.Go Ahead         14  5  3  6  24-37  13
 7.T.H.H.           12  3  5  4  28-30  11  [Pekalongan]
 8.Union            15  4  4  7  37-39  12
 9.M.S.V.           15  3  5  7  24-39  11
10.G.S.V.           15  3  1 11  25-54   7

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.

1940/41 | 1947/48 | overview  



[Oct 5]
Excelsior        1-1 R.K.S.           
Zeemacht         1-0 Mena Moeria      
Tiong Hoa        4-0 T.H.O.R.         
[Oct 19]
H.B.S.           4-0 Mena Moeria      
T.H.O.R.         2-3 Gie Hoo          
R.K.S.           2-4 Tiong Hoa        
Zeemacht         1-7 Ajax             
[Oct 26]
Mena Moeria      2-0 T.H.O.R.         
Excelsior        3-1 Zeemacht         
Gie Hoo          2-2 R.K.S.           
[Nov 9]
H.B.S.           3-2 Gie Hoo          
Tiong Hoa        0-1 Mena Moeria      
[Nov 16]
Annasher         1-3 Excelsior        
T.H.O.R.         1-5 H.B.S.           
Ajax             6-2 Gie Hoo          
[Nov 23]
Excelsior        2-7 Ajax             
Mena Moeria      6-3 Annasher         
Gie Hoo          0-2 Tiong Hoa        
[Nov 30]
Gie Hoo          1-6 Mena Moeria      
T.H.O.R.         0-3 Ajax             
[Dec 7]
H.B.S.          11-2 Excelsior        
Ajax             6-3 R.K.S.           
T.H.O.R.         4-2 Annasher         

Table at abandonment (Dec 8):

 1.Ajax              5  5  0  0  29- 8  10
 2.H.B.S.            4  4  0  0  23- 5   8
 3.Mena Moeria       6  4  0  2  15- 9   8
 4.Tiong Hoa         4  3  0  1  10- 3   6
 5.Excelsior         5  2  1  2  11-21   5
 6.Gie Hoo           6  1  1  4  10-21   3
 7.Zeemacht          3  1  0  2   3-10   2
 8.R.K.S.            4  0  2  2   8-13   2
 9.T.H.O.R.          6  1  0  5   7-19   2
10.Annasher          3  0  0  3   6-13   0

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.

Eerste Klasse

[Oct 4]
M.L.D.           4-3 H.C.T.N.H.       
Selo             2-3 S.S.             [after protests; originally 3-4]
[Oct 18]
H.C.T.N.H.       1-3 Aniem            
Happy            2-6 Selo             
[Oct 25]
Happy            1-2 H.C.T.N.H.       
Selo             4-1 M.L.D.           
[Nov 8]
P.S.H.W.         6-0 Happy            
S.S.             2-3 H.C.T.N.H.       
[Nov 15]
Aniem            1-2 Selo             
P.S.H.W.         2-3 S.S.             
[Nov 22]
M.K.G.           2-2 H.C.T.N.H.       
S.S.             3-3 M.L.D.           
[Nov 29]
M.L.D.          10-1 Happy            
M.K.G.           3-2 P.S.H.W.         
[Dec 6]
P.S.H.W.         4-1 Selo             

Table at abandonment (Dec 8):

 1.Selo              5  3  0  2  15-11   6
 2.M.L.D.            4  2  1  1  18-11   5
 3.S.S.              4  2  1  1  11-10   5
 4.H.C.T.N.H.        5  2  1  2  11-12   5
 5.P.S.H.W.          4  2  0  2  14- 7   4
 6.M.K.G.            2  1  1  0   5- 4   3
 7.Aniem             2  1  0  1   4- 3   2
 8.Happy             4  0  0  4   4-24   0

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.

1940/41 | 1946/47 | overview


Eerste Klasse

[Sep 20]
Daerah M.N.      9-1 A.D.O.           
[Sep 21]
P.V.C.O.         3-1 Heracles         
[Sep 27]
Heracles         1-6 A.D.O.           
[Oct 4]
P.V.C.O.         6-1 Daerah M.N.      
[Oct 5]
T.N.H.          10-0 Sparta           
[Oct 11]
Sparta           1-4 Heracles         
[Oct 12]
T.N.H.           2-0 Daerah M.N.      
[Oct 18]
Heracles         2-6 Daerah M.N.      
[Oct 19]
Sparta           2-2 P.V.C.O.         
[Oct 25]
P.V.C.O.         5-0 A.D.O.           
[Nov 1]
Sparta           4-3 A.D.O.           
[Nov 2]
T.N.H.           5-1 P.V.C.O.         
[Nov 8]
Sparta           2-3 Daerah M.N.      
[Nov 9]
T.N.H.           8-1 A.D.O.           
[Nov 15]
T.N.H.          10-0 Heracles         

Halfway Table:

 1.T.N.H.            5  5  0  0  35- 2  10
 2.P.V.C.O.          5  3  1  1  17- 9   7
 3.Daerah M.N.       5  3  0  2  19-13   6
 4.Sparta            5  1  1  3   9-22   3
 5.A.D.O.            5  1  0  4  11-27   2
 6.Heracles          5  1  0  4   8-26   2

[Dec 7]
Heracles         1-5 P.V.C.O.         

Table (Dec 8):

 1.T.N.H.            5  5  0  0  35- 2  10
 2.P.V.C.O.          6  4  1  1  22-10   9
 3.Daerah M.N.       5  3  0  2  19-13   6
 4.Sparta            5  1  1  3   9-22   3
 5.A.D.O.            5  1  0  4  11-27   2
 6.Heracles          6  1  0  5   9-31   2 

NB: on Dec 8 (local time) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor; on the same day, even
    before the USA and the UK, the Netherlands declared war on Japan and in
    the Dutch East Indies, general mobilisation was started.  Because of this,
    the league was abandoned.




dutch east indies - football history.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 5 Dec 2019

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2013/19
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.