Dutch East Indies - International Players

  • Appearances for Dutch East Indies National Team
  • Goalscoring for Dutch East Indies National Team
  • Unused Substitutes
  • Preliminary Selections
  • Goalscoring in Unofficial Matches
  • Selection for 1948 Match against China

  • Indonesia - Record International Players

    Dutch East Indies International Matches
    Dutch East Indies - Football History

    In this file, 5 official matches by the Dutch East Indies prior to World War II are considered, which are not recognised by the current Indonesian federation (PSSI) but were official internationals for the N.I.V.B. (until 1935) and the N.I.V.U. (since 1935), which were both officially affiliated to FIFA at the time of the relevant matches.

    The 5 matches are:
    13 May 1934   Manila       Dutch East Indies          7-1       Japan
    14 May 1934   Manila       China                      2-0       Dutch East Indies
    19 May 1934   Manila       Philippines                3-2       Dutch East Indies
     5 Jun 1938   Reims        Hungary                    6-0       Dutch East Indies
    26 Jun 1938   Amsterdam    Netherlands                9-2       Dutch East Indies
    See the file on Dutch East Indies International Matches for additional matches by
    both federations which are not considered here.

    Notes on names

    Below, family names are given in capital letters; for Chinese players usually publicly known by their given names, these are in italics. Jack Kolle played football under the family name of his stepfather, Samuels (also given in italics).

    Given names or initials are only listed to the extent in which the author has been able to verify them in contemporary sources. (Additional information is of course welcome: please mail me at karel.rsssf@gmail.com.)

    Club teams are indicated as at time of international appearance; a number of players played for various clubs and in different towns during their career.

    Note that for both the Far Eastern Games in 1934 and the World Cup in 1938, all squad members were required to have been born in the Dutch East Indies.

    Appearances for Dutch East Indies National Team

        Name                                First       Last         Caps        Goals         Club Team
      1.THE Hong Djien                   13- 5-1934   26- 6-1938       5            1          Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja)
      2.Frans MEENG                      13- 5-1934   26- 6-1938       4            0          S.V.B.B. (Batavia)
      3.Lou BAUMGARTEN                   13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       3            0          H.B.S. (Soerabaja)
        Ellis DENKELAAR                  13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934    C  3            0  [u]     Oliveo (Batavia)
        Raden ONONG Noeman [*1]          13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       3            0          S.V.B.B. (Batavia)
        TAN Chin Hoat [*2]               13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       3            0          Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja)
        THIO Kek Boo                     13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       3            0          U.M.S. (Batavia)
        TIO Hian Goan                    13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       3            3          Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja)
        Henri DE WOLF                    13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934    K  3            0          U.N.I. (Bandoeng)
     10.Alois AMREIN                     14- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       2            0          U.N.I. (Bandoeng)
        J. ANWAR                          5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            0          Vios (Meester Cornelis)
        BING Mo Heng                      5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938    K  2            0          H.C.T.N.H. (Malang)
        Frederik HUKOM                    5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            0          Sparta (Bandoeng)
        Ludwich JAHN                     13- 5-1934   14- 5-1934       2            3  [u]     Hercules (Batavia)
        Jack KOLLE (SAMUELS)              5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            0          Excelsior (Soerabaja)
        Achmad NAWIR                      5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938    C  2            0  [p]     H.B.S. (Soerabaja)
        Isaac PATTIWAEL                   5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            1          S.V.J.A. (Batavia)
        Raden SOEDARMADJI [*1]            5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            0          H.B.S. (Soerabaja)
        M.J. TAIHITU                      5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            1          S.V.J.A. (Batavia)
        A. TETALEPTA                     13- 5-1934   14- 5-1934       2            0          S.V.J.A. (Batavia)
        Herman ZOMERS                     5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       2            0          Hercules (Batavia)
     22.R. ASMOEADJI                     19- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       1            0          U.N.I. (Bandoeng)
        Suwu LONTOH                      19- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       1            2          Velocitas (Tjimahi)
    [*1] Raden is not a first name but a title used to address persons of nobility;
         Soedarmadji's first name is often given as Suvarte.
    [*2] TAN Chin Hoat was the father of TAN Liong Houw, who was a fixture in the
         line-up of the Indonesian national team in the fifties.
    NB: C   captain
        K   goal keeper
        [p] also part of preliminary squad 1934
        [u] also played in an unofficial match 1930

    Goalscoring for Dutch East Indies National Team

        Name                                First       Last         Goals        Caps         Club Team
      1.Ludwich JAHN                     13- 5-1934   14- 5-1934       3            2          Hercules (Batavia)
        TIO Hian Goan                    13- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       3            3          Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja)
      3.Suwu LONTOH                      19- 5-1934   19- 5-1934       2            1          Velocitas (Tjimahi)
      4.Isaac PATTIWAEL                   5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       1            2          S.V.J.A. (Batavia)
        M.J. TAIHITU                      5- 6-1938   26- 6-1938       1            2          S.V.J.A. (Batavia)
        THE Hong Djien                   13- 5-1934   26- 6-1938       1            5          Tiong Hoa (Soerabaja)

    Unused Substitutes

    The 1934 Far Eastern Games squad included one player (the reserve goal keeper) who did not make an appearance in any of the three matches; the 1938 World Cup squad included six players who did not obtain a cap at the tournament in France nor against the Netherlands.

        Name                                Squad        Club Team
        Leen VAN BEUZEKOM                    1938    K   Hercules (Batavia)
        G.J. VAN DEN BURGH                   1938        V.V.V. (Djokjakarta)
        Gerrit FAULHABER                     1938        Go Ahead (Semarang)
        Jan HARTING                          1938        H.B.S. (Soerabaja)
        TAN See Han                          1938        Gie Hoo (Soerabaja)
        Rudi TELWE                           1938        H.B.S. (Soerabaja)
        TJAN Hing Kie                        1934    K   Union (Semarang)
    NB: K   goal keeper

    Preliminary Selections

    The preliminary squad for the 1934 Eastern Games comprised 20 players; 5 were dropped after a one-week training camp in Tjimahi in April, including Achmad Nawir who would later make the 1938 World Cup squad (as captain) and is therefore not included in the list below; the preliminary squad for the 1938 World Cup as announced on 13 February 1938 after the last trial matches consisted of 18 players, as opposed to the originally agreed 11 first team players and 6 reserves, implying one less official would be able to make the trip; the N.I.V.U. board disagreed with this and enforced one player was dropped after the test matches on 26 and 27 February 1938 (the choice was made between Jan Harting and Harry Dorst).

        Name                          Preliminary Squad  Club Team
        P. CAUMANS                           1934        M.O.T. (Semarang)
        Harry DORST                          1938        Sidolig (Bandoeng)
        Cor GOYERS                           1934        U.N.I. (Bandoeng)
        JOHANNES                             1934        (Solo)
        Wim ROERICH                          1934        H.B.S. (Soerabaja)

    Goalscoring in Unofficial Matches

    Prior to the 1934 Far Eastern Games, the N.I.V.B. fielded Java selections on three occasions: on 28 March 1921 against the Singapore Cricket Club, on 19 August 1928 against a touring Australian side, and on 17 Aug 1930 against Shanghai club side Loh Hwa. These three matches were included as "Inter-Association Matches" in the World Football Almanac published by F.I.F.A. in 1931. Among all players listed above, only 2 made an appearance in any of those matches: both Denkelaar and Jahn (then playing club football at Excelsior (Soerabaja)) played against Loh Hwa in 1930. In the same match, Bep Bakhuys (who played club football at T.H.O.R. (Soerabaja) and scored 28 goals in 23 official matches for the Netherlands), made an appearance. Below, we only list the goal scorers for the N.I.V.B. in those three matches. No player was active in (or indeed selected for) more than one of these three matches.

        Name                                First       Last         Goals        Caps         Club Team
      1.Carl GIESEL                      17- 8-1930   17- 8-1930       3            1          U.N.I. (Bandoeng)
      2.REHATTA                          19- 8-1928   19- 8-1928       2            1          Oliveo (Batavia)
      3.Kees CORTENBACH                  28- 3-1921   28- 3-1921       1            1          Vios (Meester Cornelis)
        Gerrit DE RAADT                  17- 8-1930   17- 8-1930       1            1          H.B.S. (Soerabaja)

    Selection for 1948 Match against China

    On 24 June 1948, the N.I.V.U. had scheduled a match against the visiting China Olympic Team, which was however cancelled because a misunderstanding between the N.I.V.U. and the Batavian Chinese club U.M.S. (which organised the stay of the visitors in Java) led to the failure to notify the China National Amateur Athletic Federation in Nanking of the intended official character of the match; at least that was the excuse given by the N.I.V.U. and U.M.S. in a joint statement published on 19 July 1948 in "De Locomotief" (Semarang). A squad consisting of the following sixteen players had already been selected and announced on 18 May 1948 in "De Locomotief". Note that at least four players (Herklots, Jacobs, Koekebakker and Tolmeyer) were temporarily based in the Dutch East Indies as part of the military operations by the Dutch government.

        Name                        Note  Position       Club Team
        ALSTEDE                     [*1]     GK          Vios (Batavia)
        Hans HERKLOTS               [*2]     DF          Mariniers (Soerabaja)
        Chris ONG                   [*3]     DF          U.M.S. (Batavia)
        Franciscus COUMANS                   MF          Go Ahead (Semarang)
        GO Tjiang Ho                         MF          U.M.S. (Batavia)
        SADERAN                     [*4]     MF          P.O.R.I.S. (Soerabaja)
        KWEE Hong Sing                       FW          U.M.S. (Batavia)
        LO Thim Siew                         FW          U.M.S. (Batavia)
        Piet KOEKEBAKKER            [*5]     FW          Go Ahead (Semarang)
        Janus MANUPUTTY                      FW          Jong Ambon (Soerabaja)
        Hannie TOLMEYER             [*6]     FW          D.T.C. (Bandoeng)
        Nol VAN DER VIN             [*7]     GK (res.)   Hercules (Batavia)
        KWA Beng Gwee                        DF (res.)   C.H.T.C.S. (Semarang)
        Hap Tjo                              MF (res.)   Union (Semarang)
        Charles LAMOH                        FW (res.)   Hercules (Batavia)
        JACOBS                      [*8]     FW (res.)   Go Ahead (Semarang)
    [*1] family name also given as VAN ALSTEDE
    [*2] military rank lieutenant; played for H.B.S. (Den Haag) in the Netherlands
    [*3] actual name ONG Liong Tik; played for Indonesia against Yugoslavia Youth
         on 26 August 1953; in March 1948 it was reported he had been included in
         the Chinese Olympic Team for the London Games, but eventually he was not
    [*4] part of the Indonesia squad touring the Far East in April and May 1953
    [*5] also played for the (military) side of the B-Divisie Compagnie based in
         Pekalongan; played for Blauw Wit (Amsterdam) in the Netherlands
    [*6] also played for the (military) side of 4-I compagnie A.A.T. (7e December
         Divisie); played for Blauw Wit (Amsterdam) in the Netherlands
    [*7] part of the Indonesia squad touring the Far East in April and May 1953;
         played for Indonesia against Yugoslavia Youth on 26 August 1953
    [*8] also played for the (military) side of the B-Divisie Compagnie based in
    NB: none of Herklots, Koekebakker and Tolmeyer ever won a cap for the Netherlands,
        but both Koekebakker and Tolmeyer played (and scored) for Blauw Wit against
        the Dutch Antilles side on 18 June 1952.

    Indonesia - Record International Players

    Dutch East Indies International Matches
    Dutch East Indies - Football History

    About this document

    Sources included:
    newspapers (mostly available through Delpher): Het Bataviaasch nieuwsblad, De Indische courant, De Javabode, De locomotief, Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlands-Indië, Het nieuwsblad voor Sumatra, Het Soerabajaasch Handelsblad, Sumatra post, and Weekblad voor Indië;
    magazines: [moe], [spo];
    books: [FIF 31], [Ber 34], [BaV 50], [Sto 98].

    Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

    Author: Karel Stokkermans (karel.rsssf@gmail.com)
    Last updated: 24 Feb 2025

    (C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2014/25
    You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.