Mali - Foundation Dates of Clubs

NB: the first football teams formed in Mali (called Soudan at the time) were two military
    sides, one from the "Garnison de Kati", one from the Base Aérienne de Djicoroni, soon
    after World War I.

1925        Société Sportive de Kayes
1929        Société Sportive Soudanaise 
1930        Amicale du Soudan (Bamako)         [aka Amicale Sportive de Bamako; merged 1944 with Art et Travail]
1935 Nov    Garnison de Kati                   [other source: 1936]
1938        Jeanne d'Arc de Bamako             [merged 1960 with Espérance to Stade Malien]
1939        Union Sportive de Kayes
1944        Foyer du Soudan (Bamako)           [merger of Art et Travail and Amicale du Soudan; split into 2 divisions
                                                (Foyer I = Maridie and Foyer II = Belieu); merged 1960 with Africa Sport
                                                to Djoliba AC]
1946        Mamahira AC (Kati)                 [founded as JS Kati; foundation also reported 1945]
194?        L'Espérance Richelieu
            Racing Club (Bamako)               [merged 1960 with Avenir to Réal]  
950(?)      Bayard de Bagadadji (Bamako)       [merged 1957 with Jeunesse Ardent to Africa Sport de Bamako]
1950/51     Espoir de Kayes                    [renamed Avenir de Kayes in early sixties]
            Gallieni (Bamako)                  [renamed Avenir 1954/55; merged 1960 with Racing to Réal]
1951        Aigle Noir (Bamako)
            Union Sportive des Indigènes (Bamako)
1952        ASPTT (Bamamko)                    [merged with Enseignement, TP, Energie and Seneafrica to AS Fonctionnaires]
            Espérance de Medina-Coura (Bamako) [merged 1960 with Jeanne d'Arc to Stade Malien] 
1953        Jeunesse Sportive de la Couronne d'Or (Bamako)
1957        Africa Sport de Bamako             [merger of Bayard de Bagadadji and Jeunesse Ardente de Bamako-Coura]
1960 Aug 20 Djoliba AC de Bamako               [merger of Foyer du Soudan and Africa Sport] 
     Sep 19 AS Réal de Bamako                  [merger of Avenir and Racing]
            Stade Malien de Bamako             [merger of Jeanne d'Arc and Espérance]
            US du Cercle de Kita               [merger of Jeunesse Sportive de Travaux Publiques,
                                                Arbala Club de Sébékoro, US de Toukoto and US de Kita]
1960(?)     AS Fonctionnaires (Bamako)         [merger of Enseignement, ASPTT, TP, Energie and Seneafrica] 
other clubs founded in Bamako until 1960:
            Roi des Sports
            Aigle Azur
            Etoile Filante
            Onze Diables
            Jeunesse Sportive de Médine
1961        Kayesienne                         [merger of Union Sportive de Kayes and Foyer (Kayes)]
            Atar Club (Kidal)
1962 Sep 29 Cercle Olympique de Bamako         [apparently as successor of Aigle Noir]
1963        Onze Créateurs de Niaréla (Bamako)
1965        US Forces Armées Securité de Bamako 
1975        Avenir FC (Tombouctou)
1977        AS Korofina (Bamako)   
1978        AS Banimonotié (Bougouni)          [merger of Aiglons and Espoirs]
1979        AS Nianan de Koulikoro             [merger of Meguétan, Société Sportive and Soundiata FC]  
            AS Biton de Ségou 
            AS Tata National de Sikasso 
            Sigui de Kayes                     [merger of various clubs including Kayesienne]
            Bronconi AC (Niono)                [merger of AS Niono and Kala CS]
            Al Farouk (Tombouctou)
1989 May 23 AS Bakaridjan (Barouéli)
     Aug  8 Black Stars FC de Badalabougou (Bamako)   
1991        AS Mandé de Bamako 
1993 Aug 24 JS Centre Setif Keita de Bamako    
1998        AS Olympique de Messira (Bamako)
1999        Association Sportive de Bamako
2003 Aug    Yeelen Olympique (Bamako)
2005        AS Sabana (Mopti) 
2007        Jeanne d'Arc FC de Bamako          [not identical with club founded in 1938] 
            Tombouctou FC
2008 Dec  5 US Foghas (Bourem)
2009        Binga FC (Bamako) 
            US Bougouni                        [merger of AS Tadona, AS Balanzan and AS Banimonotié]
2010        Lafia Club (Bamako) 
2011 Sep  7 Office du Niger Sports (Ségou)    
2012 Jan  9 FC Diarra de la Commune 4 (Bamako)
2020        AS Calcass (Bagadadji)

About this document

Sources included: [Kei 02], [Kal 19],

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 20 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2007/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.