Spain - List of Champions of Centro

The competition was founded in 1903 and run by the local Madrid Football Federation (Spanish: Federación Madrileña de Foot-Ball or FMF). From 1903 to 1913 it was referred to as "Campeonato de Madrid" and was open to clubs based in Spain.

In 1913 the Royal Spanish Football Federation (Spanish: Real Federación Española de Fútbol or RFEF) was established to govern competitions at the national level and the FMF was re-established as one of its regional branches, named Federación Castellana de Fútbol (FCF). As part of the country-wide reorganisation the competition was also re-established as "Campeonato Regional". In the following years it was one of the four regional competitions used as a qualifying phase for the Spanish Cup (which acted as the national championship of Spain until the foundation of La Liga in 1929).

From 1903 to 1913 the competition was contested by clubs from Madrid. From the 1913–14 season onwards it expanded to include teams from six neighboring provinces (Ávila, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Segovia and Toledo). The territorial format remained largely unchanged until the last season in 1939–1940, with minor changes listed below.


[1] In 1931-32 the Championship included also teams from Aragón and
    Castilla-León and was called "Campeonato Centro-Aragón".
[2] In 1932-33 and 1933-34 the Championship included also teams from Andalucía and Castilla-León, and was called "Centro-Sur".
[3] In 1934-35 and 1935-36 the Championship included also teams from Aragón, Cantabria and Castilla-León, with the name of "Castilla-Aragón".
[4] In 1939-40 the Championship included teams of Centro and Castilla-León, and had again the former name of "Campeonato del Centro".


Campeonato de Madrid
1902-03        Moderno FC          
1903-04        Español FC (Madrid)                                        
1904-05        Madrid FC                                             
1905-06        Madrid FC               
Campeonato Regional de Madrid                                
1906-07        Madrid FC                                             
1907-08        Madrid FC                                             
1908-09        Español FC (Madrid)                                        
1909-10        Sociedad Gimnástica Española              
1910-11        Sociedad Gimnástica Española
1911-12          not held
1912-13        Madrid FC
Campeonato Regional Centro  
Year           Category: 1ª A                   Category: 1ª B                  Category: 2ª Pref - 2ª          Category: 2ª Ordinaria
1913-14        Sociedad Gimnástica Española     -                               -                               -          
1914-15        Racing Club de Madrid            -                               -                               -
1915-16        Madrid FC                        -                               -                               -
1916-17        Madrid FC                        Stadium FC                      -                               -
1917-18        Madrid FC                        Unión Sporting Club             -                               Recreativo Español                                   
1918-19        Racing Club de Madrid            Stadium FC                      -                               -
1919-20        Madrid FC                        Stadium FC                      -                               Primitiva Amistad-Patronato
1920-21        Athletic Madrid                  Recreativo Español              SD Primitiva Amistad            AD Ferroviaria
1921-22        Real Madrid FC                   Recreativo Español              GC Ciudad Lineal                -
1922-23        Real Madrid FC                   Unión Sporting Club             Stadium FC                      -
1923-24        Real Madrid FC                   AD Ferroviaria                  CD Nacional                     Zapadores FC               
1924-25        Athletic Madrid                  AD Ferroviaria                  Arenas Sporting                 -
1925-26        Real Madrid FC                   AD Ferroviaria                  Club Pardiñas                   -
1926-27        Real Madrid FC                   CD Nacional                     AD Tranviaria                   -
1927-28        Athletic Madrid                  Sociedad Primitiva Amistad      Imperio FC                      -
1928-29        Real Madrid FC                   RS Gimnástica                   AD Tranviaria                   CD Leganés/CD Ventas
1929-30        Real Madrid FC                   AD Tranviaria                   SR El Cafeto                    Tarragona FC Madrid
1930-31        Real Madrid FC                   CD Leganés                      FC Tarragona                    CD Ventas
Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Centro-Aragón  
1931-32 [1]    Madrid FC                        AD Ferroviaria                  Alcántara Deportiva             Patria Balompié
Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Centro-Sur  
1932-33 [2]    Madrid FC                        AD Ferroviaria                  AD Tranviaria (2ª Pref)         CD Carabanchel - Gimnástica Carabanchel
1933-34 [2]    Madrid FC                        CD Malacitano                   Alcántara Deportiva (2ª Pref)   Peña Álvarez FC          
Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Castilla-Aragón  
1934-35 [3]    Madrid FC                        AD Ferroviaria                  Sporting Vallecano (2ª Pref)    Peña Álvarez FC
1935-36 [3]    Madrid FC                        UD Salamanca                    Hogar Prosperidad                -        
1936-37        ** Spanish Civil War             ** Spanish Civil War            ** Spanish Civil War            ** Spanish Civil War                    
1937-38        ** Spanish Civil War             ** Spanish Civil War            ** Spanish Civil War            ** Spanish Civil War
1938-39        ** Spanish Civil War             ** Spanish Civil War            ** Spanish Civil War            ** Spanish Civil War
Campeonato Regional del Centro                                
1939-40 [4]    Ath. Aviación (Madrid)           Betis San Isidro                AD El Rayo               -

Copas Federación Centro  

Copa Madrid  
               Champions               Res Runner-up
1922-23        Real Madrid FC          6-2 Athletic Madrid
1927-28        Real Madrid FC          3-0 Athletic Madrid
Copa Castilla  
1933-34        CD Nacional             4-3 Athletic Madrid
Copa Presidente Federación Castellana  
1940-41        Athletic Madrid     0-1 3-0 Real Madrid FC
1943-44        Real Madrid FC          5-0 Athletic Madrid

Number of wins

Category 1ªA

21 Real Madrid CF (includes Madrid FC)

 4 Athletic Madrid (includes Ath. Aviación (Madrid))

 3 Real Sociedad Gimnástica Española (Madrid)

 2 Club Español FC (Madrid)
   Racing Club de Madrid

Category 1ª B - 2ª Pref.

 5 AD Ferroviaria
 3 Stadium FC Madrid
 2 Unión Sporting Club
   Recreativo Español
 1 RS Gimnástica Española
   AD Tranviaria
   Sociedad Primitiva Amistad
   UD Salamanca
   CD Leganés
   Betis San Isidro

Copas Federación Centro, Copa Madrid, Copa Presidente

 3 Real Madrid FC

 1 Athletic Madrid
   CD Nacional Madrid

Clubs Foundation and Name changes:

1)  Real Madrid was founded in 1902 under the name of "Madrid Foot-Ball Club". In 1904 fusioned 
    with Moderno and created Madrid – Moderno (1904).  In 1920 they received sponsorship of the
    King of Spain, and changed name to "Real Madrid FC". In 1931-39 (Spanish Second Republic)
    the club was again called Madrid FC. In 1939-41 they reverted again to Real Madrid FC" and,
    from 1941 on the official name is "Real Madrid CF".
2)  "Athletic Madrid" was founded in 1903 by supporters of Athletic de Bilbao. In 1939 it merged
    with Aviación Nacional, a military team founded during the Spanish Civil War, and was called
    "Ath. Aviación". In 1941 it changed to "Atlético Aviación", and in 1946 to "Club Atlético de Madrid".
3)  Moncloa FC founded in julio 1902 and dispared in 1907. (adsorbed by Madrid FC).
4)  Moderno FC founded in october 1902 and dispared in 1904 (adsorbed by Madrid FC).
5)  Gimnástica Española founded in 1908. In 1916 they received sponsorship of the King of Spain, and
    changed name to "Real Sociedad Gimnástica Española", Dispared in 1928.
6)  Español FC de Madrid founded in 1901, The club was originally formed in 1901,
    after a new conflict between Sky Football members, and dispared in 1910.
7)  Unión Sporting Club, founded in 1913, and dispared in 26 august 1931.
8)  Racing Club de Madrid founded in 1914-09-13 and dispared in 1930.
9)  AD Ferroviaria founded in 1918 and dispared in 2007.
10) Imperio FC founded in 1923 and dispared in 1947.
11) Club Deportivo Nacional founded in 1924 and dispared in 1940.
12) Association Sportiva Amicale, founded in 1897 (AS Française) and 1902 change name by AS Amicale.
    Dispared in 1904 (adsorbed by Madrid FC)
13) New Football Club (original Sociedad Football Sky), founded in december 1897, dispared in 1903.
14) Castilla FC (not to be confused with the subsidiary of Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, Real Madrid
    Castilla Club de Fútbol - simply Castilla Club de Fútbol).  Founded in 1931, as a merger of Unión
    Sporting and Racing Club de Madrid, disappeared in 1933.
15) Iberia FC founded in 1903, disappeared in 1907 (absorbed by RS Gimnástica Española).
16) Internacional FC, founded in January 1903, disappeared in april 1903 (absorbed by Madrid-Moderno FC).
17) AD Tranviaria founded in 1923, disappeared in 1948.

1902-03 (Campeonato de Madrid)


15-11-1903    Moncloa FC – Moderno FC          1-3
15-11-1903    Madrid FC - Iberia FC            8-0
22-11-1903    Moderno FC - Iberia FC           6-0
29-11-1903    Moderno FC – Madrid FC           * El Madrid cedió los puntos (The Madrid Fc, yielded the points)
05-12-1903    Moncloa FC – Iberia FC           ¿
08-12-1903    Madrid FC – Moncloa FC           ?
20-12-1903    Moncloa FC - Madrid FC           1-3
25-12-1903    Iberia FC - Madrid FC            ?
27-12-1903    Moderno FC - Moncloa FC          ?
01-01-1904    Iberia FC - Moncloa FC           ?
03-01-1904    Madrid FC - Moderno FC           ?
xx-xx-1904    Iberia FC - Moderno FC           ?

                        Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Moderno FC             4 2 2 0 0  9  1 winner
2. Madrid FC              2 2 1 0 1  9  3
3. Moncloa FC             2 2 1 0 1  4  4
4. Iberia FC              0 2 0 0 2  0 14

* El Moderno FC resultaría el ganador del Torneo (Modern FC would be the winner of the Tournament.)

* Para representar a Madrid en la Copa de España, sólo se presentó el Madrid FC.
* To represent Madrid in the Spanish Cup, only Madrid FC was presented.

1903-04 (Campeonato de Madrid)


13-03-1904    Moncloa FC – Iberia FC               4-0
19-03-1904    Madrid-Moderno – Español FC        5-5

Desempate (tiebreker):
20-03-1904    Español FC – Madrid Moderno          * desempate, no se presentó el Madrid. (tiebreaker, did not present the Madrid))

25-03-1904    Español FC – Moncloa FC            1-0 *sin terminar (unfinished)

* El Español FC de Madrid, ganó el Torneo de Madrid y representó a Madrid, en la Copa de España.
* Spanish FC of Madrid, won the Tournament of Madrid and represented Madrid, in the Spanish Cup.

1904-05 (Campeonato de Madrid)


02-04-1905    Madrid FC – Moncloa FC            2-0 * El partido duró 35´, porque el Moncloa se retiró del campo
                                                    * The match lasted 35', because the Moncloa retired from the field.

1905-06 (Campeonato de Madrid)

* Una sola eliminatoria entre Madrid FC e Internacional de Madrid.
* A single elimination between Madrid FC and Internacional de Madrid.

25-03-1906    Madrid FC – Internacional         7-0

1906-07 (Campeonato Regional de Madrid)

02-12-1906    Madrid FC – Athletic Madrid       2-1
02-12-1906    Madrid FC – Athletic Madrid       2-0 (segundos equipos) (seconds clubs)
02-12-1906    Madrid FC – Athletic Madrid       0-5 (terceros equipos) (thirds clubs)
02-12-1906    Moncloa FC - Iris FC              3-1 (segundos equipos) (seconds clubs)
02-12-1906    Moncloa FC - Iris FC              5-0 (terceros equipos) (thirds clubs)
02-12-1906    Moncloa FC - Iris FC                * (Gana Moncloa) (Moncloa win)

* La Federación Madrileña, resuelve, suspender esos partidos, por incumplimiento de normas.
(Cuerda alrededor del campo que no estaba situada)
* The Federation of Madrid, resolves, suspend those parties, for breach of rules.


24-02-1907    Madrid FC – Excelsior             7-0
03-03-1907    Athletic Madrid – Hispania        2-0
10-03-1907    Madrid FC – Hispania              4-1

1907-08 (Campeonato Regional de Madrid)


08-03-1908    Madrid FC – RS Gimnástica         4-1
08-03-1908    Athletic Madrid – Español FC      * gana el Athletic (Athletic win)
15-03-1908    RS Gimnástica – Español           4-0
15-03-1908    Madrid FC – Athletic Madrid       **  El Madrid FC no se presenta, y pierde el partido ((The Madrid FC does not appear, and loses the match))
19-03-1908    Madrid FC – Athletic Madrid       3-0
19-03-1908    RS Gimnástica – Español FC      3-2
22-03-1908    Madrid FC – Español FC          3-0 * Español FC con equipo incompleto, se retira, en el descanso.
22-03-1908    Athletic Madrid – RS Gimnástica   0-1
25-03-1908    RS Gimnástica – Athletic Madrid   2-2
25-03-1908    Español FC – Madrid FC          0-5
29-03-1908    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC         3-3

* (Al Español, se el dieron por perdidos sus partidos con el Madrid,
por retirarse y con el Athletic por incomparecencia).
(Al Madrid, se le dio por perdido su partido con el Athletic por incomparecencia)
                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC                9 6 4 1 1 15  4 winner
2. RS Gimnástica Española   8 6 3 2 1 14 11
3. Athletic Madrid          7 5 1 1 2  3  6
4. Español FC Madrid        0 5 0 0 5  2 15 

1908-09 (Campeonato Regional de Madrid)

(Only a round was played in neutral field/ Sólo se jugó una ronda en campo neutral)


30-01-1909    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC        2-0
30-01-1909    Español Madrid - RS Gimnástica     2-0
02-02-1909    Español Madrid - Athletic Madrid   2-1
07-02-1909    Español Madrid - Madrid FC         1-0
07-02-1909    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica    2-3
14-02-1909    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica          4-2

                         Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Español FC              6 3 3 0 0  5  1 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid         2 3 1 0 2  5  5
3. Madrid FC               2 3 1 0 2  4  5
4. RS Gimnástica Española  2 3 1 0 2  5  8

1909-10 (Campeonato Regional de Madrid)


28-11-1909    Madrid FC - Español FC             0-4 primeros equipos (first teams)
28-11-1909    Español FC - RS Gimnástica         2-2 segundos equipos (seconds teams)
05-12-1909    Madrid FC - S. Gimnástica          1-1 segundos equipos (seconds teams)
05-12-1909    RS Gimnástica - Español FC         2-0 primeros equipos (first teams)
08-12-1909    Español FC - Madrid FC             0-4 segundos equipos (seconds clubs)
08-12-1909    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC          2-1 primeros equipos (first teams)

                         Pts J G E P GF GC
1. RS Gimnástica Española  6 4 2 2 0  7 4 prom
2. Español FC              3 4 1 1 2  6 6 prom
3. Madrid FC               3 4 1 1 2  4 7

Concurso de clasificación para la Copa de España.
Classification competition for the Spain cup

05-05-1919     RS Gimnástica - A. Excursionista HM  5-0
08-05-1910     Español FC - RS Gimnástica           0-0
15-05-1910     Español FC -  RS Gimnástica            win Español
17-05-1910     Español FC - RS Gimnástica           2-0 

El concurso de clasificación para participar en la Copa lo ganó el Español de Madrid.
No hay noticias de los partidos que jugó el Madrid F.C. pero el club asistió,
por deseo de Berraondo, al Campeonato organizado por la Unión Española de Clubs.
The competition of classification to participate in the Glass was won the Spanish of Madrid.
There is no news of the matches played by Madrid F.C. but the club attended,
by desire of Berraondo, to the Championship organized by the Spanish Union of Clubs.

1910-11 (Campeonato Regional de Madrid)


* El Madrid FC y la RS Gimnástica, se disputaban la opción de representar a Madrid en el Torneo de Copa,
disputando la eliminatoria entre ellos (Athletic Madrid y Español, reforzaron a Ath. Bilbao y,
Español de Barcelona, respectivamente, pues en aquella época, actuaban como filiales de
dichos equipos).

** Madrid FC and RS Gymnástica, they disputed the option to represent Madrid in the Cup Tournament,
contesting the tie between them (Athletic Madrid and Spanish, reinforced Ath. Bilbao and, Spanish of Barcelona,
respectively, since at that time, they acted as subsidiaries of said equipment).

Concurso de clasificación para la Copa de España.
Classification competition for the Spain cup

12-03-1911    Madrid FC – RS Gimnástica         3-0
19-03-1911    Madrid FC – RS Gimnástica         0-2
25-03-1991    Madrid FC – RS Gimnástica         1-2 (desempate) (tie-breker)

RS Gimnástica gano el Campeonato Regional 1910-11, y participó en la Copa de España, representando a Madrid.
RS Gymnastics won the Regional Championship 1910-11, and participated in the Spanish Cup, representing Madrid.

1912-13 (Campeonato Regional de Madrid)


(Only a round was played in neutral field/ Sólo se jugó una ronda en campo neutral)

16-02-1913    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid        3-3
16-02-1913    Español Madrid - RS Gimnástica     1-1
23-02-1913    Madrid FC - Español Madrid         1-0
23-02-1913    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica    2-1
02-03-1913    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica          5-1
02-03-1913    Athletic Madrid - Español Madrid   1-2

                        Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC              5 3 2 1 0  9 3  winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid        5 3 1 1 1  6 6
3. Español FC             1 3 1 1 1  3 3
4. RS Gimnástica Española 1 3 0 1 2  2 8

* Partido de desempate (Match tiebreaker):
09-03-1913    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid        3-2

1913-14 (Campeonato Regional Centro)

Desde esta temporada los campeonatos regionales, los organiza la recién creada, Federación regional Centro.
La 1ª categoría A, compuesta por clubes para optar a participar en el Campeonato de España.
La 1ª categoría B, compuesta por clubes que aspirar a subir a la 1ª categoría 1ª A
((Aqui también juegan los segundos equipos, de algunos de los equipos que juegan en 1ª A.)
Since this season the regional championships are organized by the newly created Regional Federation Center.
The 1st category A, composed of clubs to choose to participate in the Spanish Championship.
The 2st category, composed of clubs that aspire to climb to the 1st category 1st A.
(Here also the second teams play, of some of the teams that play in 1st A)

09-11-1913    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid    0-0
16-11-1913    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid        2-0
23-11-1913    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC          2-0
30-11-1913    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica    1-2
25-01-1914    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC        2-0
01-02-1914    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica          1-1

                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. RS Gimnástica Española   6 4 2 2 0  5 2 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid          3 4 1 1 2  3 4
3. Madrid FC                3 4 1 1 2  3 5


No había ascensos ni descensos (There were no ascents or descent).

2º teams: Madrid FC, Athletic Madrid y RS Gimnástica Española
1º teams: Unión Sporting, Regional FC, Credut Lyonnais, Cardenal Cisneros.

1914-15 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


El reglamento de la Federación Centro no permitía que el Racing pudiera jugar la Copa de España.
La Gimnástica fue el equipo designado por la Federación para el campeonato nacional ignorando al Madrid FC que había sido el subcampeón regional.

The regulation of the Federation Center did not allow that Racing could play, the Cup of Spain.
Gymnastics was the team designated by the Federation for the national championship ignoring Madrid FC who had been the regional runner-up.

08-11-1914    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid    1-2
15-11-1914    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC          3-1
29-11-1914    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid        3-2
06-12-1914    Racing Madrid - Madrid FC          0-2
06-01-1915    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica      4-1
10-01-1915    Madrid FC - Racing Madrid          1-1
17-01-1915    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC        1-1
24-01-1915    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid    5-0
31-01-1915    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica          1-1
07-02-1915    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid    0-2
21-02-1915    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid    4-0
28-02-1915    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid      2-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Racing Madrid         8 6 3 2 1 13  6 winner
2. Madrid FC             7 6 2 3 1 10  9
3. RS Gimnástica         6 6 2 2 2 13 10 qualified for the Spanish Cup, by federative decision
4. Athletic Madrid       3 6 1 1 4  6 17 prom


2º teams: Madrid FC, Athletic Madrid, Racing Madrid and RS Gimnástica Española

1915-16 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


24-10-1915    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica    4-0
07-11-1915    Madrid FC - Racing Madrid          4-0
14-11-1915    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid    2-1
21-11-1915    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica          2-0
05-12-1915    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid      0-4
09-01-1916    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid    0-2
16-01-1916    Racing Madrid - Madrid FC          2-0
23-01-1916    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid    2-1
30-01-1916    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC          1-4
06-02-1916    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid        2-0
13-02-1916    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica      6-0
20-02-1916    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC        2-3

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC            10 6 5 0 1 15  5 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup,
2. Racing Madrid         8 6 4 0 2 15  7
3. Athletic Madrid       6 6 3 0 3 11  8
4. RS Gimnástica         0 6 0 0 6  1 22 prom

1916-17 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


22-10-1916    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid    2-0
29-10-1916    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid      1-2
05-11-1916    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC        2-3
12-11-1916    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid    1-0
26-11-1916    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica          4-2
03-12-1916    Madrid FC - Racing Madrid          4-3
14-01-1917    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid    0-2
21-01-1917    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica      1-0
23-01-1917    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid        3-0
28-01-1917    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica    2-1
21-02-1917    Racing Madrid - Madrid FC          1-5
09-03-1917    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC          0-9

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC            12 6 6 0 0 28  8 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid       8 6 3 0 3  8  8
3. Racing Madrid         4 6 2 0 4  7 14
4. RS Gimnástica         0 6 1 0 5  5 18 prom

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Stadium FC              8             prom
2. Cultural Deportiva      8
3. Unión Sporting          8
4. Juvenia FC              8
5. San Antón FC            8

Final desempate 1ªB /Tie-breaker 1ª B:
13-05-1917    Stadium FC - Cultural Deportiva    1-0

Final Promotion 1ª:
10-06-1917    Athletic Madrid - Stadium FC        * (Np Ath. Madrid)
Ascend 1ª category: Stadium FC

1917-18 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


28-10-1917    Athletic Madrid - Stadium FC        7-2
04-11-1917    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     2-1
11-11-1917    Madrid FC - Stadium FC              2-1
18-11-1917    Racing Madrid - Stadium FC          2-1
25-11-1917    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC         4-1
02-12-1917    Racing Madrid - Madrid FC           0-1
27-01-1918    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     2-0
03-02-1918    Stadium FC - Madrid FC              2-5
17-02-1918    Stadium FC - Racing Madrid          0-2
24-02-1918    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid         3-1
03-03-1918    Madrid FC - Racing Madrid           1-0
10-03-1918    Stadium FC - Athletic Madrid        1-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC            10 6 5 0 1 13  8 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid       8 6 4 0 2 16 10
3. Racing Madrid         6 6 3 0 3  6  6
4. Stadium FC            0 6 0 0 6  8 19 prom


                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Unión Sporting       18               prom
2. Cultural Deportiva   12
3. San Antón FC         10
4. Primitiva Amistad     9
5. Escudo FC             9
6. Juvenia FC            5

Promotion to 1ª
07-07-1918    Unión Sporting - Stadium FC        1-5
14-07-1918    Stadium FC - Unión Sporting        0-2
16-07-1928    Stadium FC - Unión Sporting        0-4
Ascend 1ª category: Unión Sporting


Group 1: Madrid FC (3º team)
Group 2: Unión SC (2º team)
Group 3: Recreativo Español

winner 3ª: Recreativo Español

1918-19 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


06-10-1918    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     1-3
27-10-1918    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting      0-1
03-11-1918    Madrid FC - Racing Madrid           2-6
24-11-1918    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC         0-2
01-12-1918    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid       1-1
08-12-1918    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid      0-5
22-12-1918    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC           1-1
29-12-1918    Madrid FC - Unión Sporting          2-1
19-01-1919    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     0-1
26-01-1919    Racing Madrid - Madrid FC           4-1
09-02-1919    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica           2-0
23-02-1919    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica       6-0
09-03-1919    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting      8-1
16-03-1919    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     5-0
06-04-1919    Unión Sporting - Madrid FC          3-5
13-04-1919    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid    1-2
20-04-1919    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid         5-0
11-05-1919    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     1-1

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Racing Madrid        15 8 7 1 0 36  5 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Madrid FC            11 8 5 1 2 20 15
3. RS Gimnástica         7 8 2 3 3 10 13
4. Athletic Madrid       5 8 2 1 5  7 19
5. Unión Sporting        2 8 1 0 7  8 29 prom



03-11-1918    Recreativo Español - Stadium FC         0-0
03-11-1918    Cultural Deportiva - Escudo FC          0-3
10-11-1918    Primitiva Amistad - Cultural Deportiva    * Cultutal, yield points
10-11-1918    Recreativo Español - Escudo FC          1-1
24-11-1918    Cultural Deportiva - Stadium FC           * NP Cultural
24-11-1918    Escudo FC - Primitiva Amistad           3-3
01-12-1918    Stadium FC - Primitiva Amistad          4-2
15-12-1918    Recreativo Español - Primitiva Amistad  2-0
22-12-1918    Escudo FC - Stadium FC                  0-1
19-01-1919    Primitiva Amistad - Recreativo Español  0-2
19-01-1919    Stadium FC - Escudo FC                  1-2
26-01-1919    Escudo FC - Recreativo Español          1-1
26-01-1919    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC          1-2
02-02-1919    Stadium FC - Recreativo Español         4-2
02-02-1919    Primitiva Amistad - Escudo FC           sus

                      ptos J G E P GF GC
1. Stadium FC           10 6 4 2 0  8  5 prom
2. Recreativo Español	 8 6 3 2 1  5  2
3. Escudo FC             6 6 2 2 2  7  7
4. SD Primitiva Amistad  4 6 1 2 3  6 12
5. Cultural Deportiva                    withdrew(retirado)

Final 2ª Categoría:
02-02-1919 Recreativo Español – Stadium FC    2-4

Promotion to 1ª/Ascenso 1ª:

15-05-1919 Unión Sporting - Stadium FC         2-1
18-05-1919 Stadium Fc - Unión Sporting         0-0

1919-20 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


30-11-1919    Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica           5-0
14-12-1919    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     3-3
21-12-1919    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC         1-3
28-12-1919    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica       6-0
11-01-1920    Madrid FC - Racing Madrid           1-1
18-01-1920    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     1-2
25-01-1920    RS Gimnástica - Madrid FC           1-4
08-02-1920    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     1-1
22-02-1920    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid         2-3
29-02-1920    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid       0-4
07-03-1920    Racing Madrid - Madrid FC           1-2
14-03-1920    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     6-1

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC             9 6 4 1 1 17  7 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid       8 6 3 2 1 16 11
3. Racing Madrid         0 6 2 3 1 16  7
4. RS Gimnástica         0 6 0 0 6  3 27 prom



19-10-1919    Recreativo Español - Primitiva Amistad    2-1
19-10-1919    Stadium FC - Ciudad Lineal                2-2
26-10-1919    Reacreativo Español - Ciudad Lineal       3-2
26-10-1919    Stadium FC - Primitiva Amistad            1-1
09-11-1919    Stadium FC - Recreativo Español           0-0
09-11-1919    Primitiva Amistad - Ciudad Lineal         2-0
14-12-1919    Ciudad Lineal - Stadium FC                2-2
21-12-1919    Ciudad Lineal - Recreativo Español        0-1
29-12-1919    Recreativo Español - Stadium FC           2-2
04-01-1920    Ciudad Lineal - Primitiva Amistad           * win Primitiva
11-01-1920    Primitiva Amistad - Recreativo Español    x-x
27-03-1920    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC            1-4

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Recreativo Español    8 5 3 2 0 8   5
2. Stadium FC            7 6 1 5 0 3   3 winner
3. Primitiva Amistad     5 5 2 1 2 5   7
4. Ciudad Lineal         2 6 0 2 4 6  13 prom

11-04-1920    Recreativo Español - Stadium FC            0-1

1920-21 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


17-10-1920    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     1-1
31-10-1920    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC      2-2
07-11-1920    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     1-0
14-11-1920    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC      1-7
21-11-1920    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica       4-0
28-11-1920    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC    2-0
12-12-1920    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     5-0
16-01-1921    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid      1-2
23-01-1921    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     1-2
30-01-1921    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica      3-0
13-02-1921    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid       1-2
20-02-1921    Real Madrid - Athletic Madrid       1-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Athletic Madrid      11 6 5 1 0 13  3 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Racing Madrid         7 6 3 1 2 11  7
3. Real Madrid           5 6 2 1 3 14  9
4. RS Gimnástica         1 6 0 1 5  3 22 prom


10-10-1920    Unión Sporting – Stadium FC              2-1
12-10-1920    Recreativo Español – Unión Sporting      2-1
21-10-1920    Recreativo Español – Stadium FC          5-5
18-12-1920    Unión Sporting – Recreativo Español      2-2
09-01-1921    Stadium FC – Recreativo Español          0-2
16-01-1921    Stadium FC- Unión Sporting               1-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Recreativo Español    6 4 2 2 0 11  8 winner, prom
2. Unión Sporting        5 4 2 1 1  7  6
3. Stadium FC            1 4 0 1 3  7 11 prom     

                        Pts J G E P GF GC
1. SD Primitiva Amistad                   prom
2. Patronato
3. Ciudad Lineal
4. SD Patria Balompié
5. Credit Lyonnais                        prom

Promoción para el ascenso a 1ª categoría: (promotion to 1st category:)
08-09-1921    Stadium FC – Primitiva Amistad         1-5
11-09-1921    Primitiva Amistad – Stadium FC         1-2
15-09-1921    Primitiva Amistad – Stadium Fc         1-0 **
**se suspendió antes de terminar, el Stadium se retiró y fue sancionado
** was suspended before finishing, the Stadium withdrew and was sanctioned

Stadium FC descend to 2ª, Primitiva Amistad continue 1ª B

1921-22 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


23-10-1921    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid    1-1
30-10-1921    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid       3-2
13-11-1921    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC      0-3
20-11-1921    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     2-0
27-11-1921    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid      9-0
15-01-1922    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     7-2
29-01-1922    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     3-8
26-02-1922    Real Madrid - RS Gimnástica         3-0
03-03-1922    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC      2-8
05-03-1922    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC    2-4
26-03-1922    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     1-4
23-04-1922    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica       5-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          11 6 5 1 0 28  5 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid       9 6 4 1 1 24 11
3. Racing Madrid         2 6 1 0 5 10 28
4. RS Gimnástica         2 6 1 0 5 10 28 prom


09-10-1921    Unión Sporting – Recreativo Español      0-3
16-10-1921    Primitiva Amistad – Recreativo Español   x-x win Recreativo
30-10-1921    Unión Sporting – Primitiva Amistad       7-0
05-11-1921    Recreativo Español – Primitiva Amistad   2-2
26-02-1922    Recreativo Español – Unión Sporting      2-2
08-04-1922    Primitiva Amistad – Unión Sporting       1-2

                         Pts J G E P GF GC
 1. Recreativo Español     6 4 2 2 0  7  4* (faltan los goles contra Primitiva)
 2. Unión Sporting         5 4 2 1 1 11  6
 3. SD Primitiva Amistad   1 4 0 1 2  3 11 prom

* Promotion 1ª
28-05-1922    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting         1-1
11-06-1922    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica           * suspended
18-06-1922    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica         2-2 * Gimnástica cedió los puntos/Gimnástica gave the points

RS Gimnástica continue 1ª


Group A: Ciudad Lineal, Arenas SC, Stadium FC, AD Ferrovioaria,
         Club Norte, Patria Balompié, Patronato Deportivo, Credit Lyonnais.
winner Ciudad Lineal
Group B: Cultural Deportiva, Fomento de las Artes, CD Nacional, Iris SC,
         Unión Ciudadana, Victasur, Internacional FC, Español de Madrid,
         Zapadores FC, Residencia de Estudiantes, CI Comercial.
winner Residencia de Estudiantes

*Partido para el ascenso a 1ª Categoría B/promotion to 1st Category B
 28-05-1922    Recreativo Español-Ciudad Lineal      1-3 * Recreativo, cedió los puntos/Recreativo gave the points

1922-23 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


15-10-1922    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC    1-2
22-10-1922    RS Gimnástica - Racing de Madrid    1-3
12-11-1922    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC      2-2
26-11-1922    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     1-1
10-12-1922    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC      2-4
28-01-1923    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     1-2
04-02-1923    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     4-2
11-02-1923    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid    1-2
18-02-1923    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     2-3
25-02-1923    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica      1-0
04-03-1923    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     4-2
11-03-1923    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid      2-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid           8 6 3 2 1 12  9 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid       7 6 3 1 2 12 10
3. Racing Madrid         5 6 2 1 3 13 14
4. RS Gimnástica         4 6 1 2 3  9 13 prom



The Federation Center Cup was the second competition in importance, organized by the Castellana de Fútbol Federation,
after the Centro Regional Championship. It was a tournament played by the best clubs in the central region,
in "Cup" format for elimination. Also called "Copa de Castilla" and "President's Cup of the Castellana de Fútbol Federation".

1/4 Final single match (06-20 May 1923)
06-05-1923    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC       1-3
10-05-1923    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       6-0
20-05-1923    Athletic Madrid - Primitiva Amistad  9-0
xx-05-1923    AD Ferroviaria - GC Ciudad Lineal     -

31-05-1923    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       3-1
31-05-1923    Athletic Madrid - AD Ferroviaria     7-0

17-06-1923    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     6-2
Referee: Chopeitia
Goals: 1-0 S. Bernabéu, 2-0 S. Bernabéu, 2-1 Pololo (p) 50´, 2-2 Triana, 
       3-2 Posada, 4-2 Ortueta (pp), 5-2 Posadau, 6-2 S. Bernabéu.
Real Madrid:
Martínez; Escobal, Quesada; Sicilia, Mengotti, Mejía; De Miguel, Posada, Santiago Bernabéu, Félix Pérez, Del Campo.
Athletic de Madrid:
Ortueta; Olalquiaga, Pololo; Fajardo, Burdiel, Marín; Bustillo, Ortiz de la Torre, Triana, Dunwater, Luis Olaso.


05-11-1922    Unión Sporting - AD Ferroviaria     5-1
12-11-1922    Primitiva Amistad - Ciudad Lineal   4-1
19-11-1922    Ciudad Lineal - AD Ferroviaria      1-4
26-11-1922    Unión Sporting - Primitiva Amistad  2-1
03-12-1922    Ciudad Lineal - Unión Sporting      0-1
10-12-1922    Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria  2-3
07-01-1923    AD Ferroviaria - Unión Sporting     1-2
14-01-1923    Ciudad Lineal - Primitiva           2-4
21-01-1923    AD Ferroviaria - Ciudad Lineal      2-1
28-01-1923    Primitiva Amistad - Unión Sporting  1-1
04-02-1923    Unión Sporting - Ciudad Lineal         * Ciudad Lineal cede puntos, yield the points
11-02-1923    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad  3-3

11-03-1923    Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria  1-1
18-03-1923    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad  2-1

                        Pts J G E P GF GC
 1. Unión Sporting       11 6 5 1 0  8  4 winner, prom
 2. AD Ferroviaria        7 6 3 1 2 14 11
 3. Primitiva Amistad     6 6 2 2 2 15 12
 4. Ciudad Lineal         0 6 0 0 6  5 15 prom

* Nota: En los partidos en los que no se presenta un equipo, gana el presentado,
pero no se contabilizan goles a favor y en contra a efectos de la clasificación.
* Note: In matches in which a team is not presented, the team presented wins,
but not counting goals for and against the effects of the classification.

* Promotion to 1ª B:
08-07-1923     Stadium FC - Ciudad Lineal            x-x


Group A: Stadium FC, Credit Lyonnais, Cultural Deportiva, Patronato, Club Norte,
         Residencia de Estudiantes, Zapadores FC, Arenas Sporting Club.
winner: Stadium FC

Group B: CD Nacional, Unión Ciudadana, Perseverancia FC, CI Comercial,
         Iris SCm, Ariñ Sport, Fomento de las Artes, Español de Madrid, Ad metropolitana.
winner: CD Nacional

1923-24 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


07-10-1923    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting      1-0
14-10-1923    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid    1-2
28-10-1923    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid    2-1
01-11-1923    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica       0-2
04-11-1923    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC      0-2
02-12-1923    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC     0-5
08-12-1923    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     2-1
09-12-1923    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC      1-1
16-12-1923    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica      1-1
23-12-1923    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid       0-0
30-12-1923    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     2-4
06-01-1924    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica      5-1
13-01-1924    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     1-0
20-01-1924    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC    0-1
03-02-1924    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid CF   1-3
10-02-1924    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting    2-0
02-03-1924    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting     4-3
09-03-1924    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid      1-1
30-03-1924    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     3-2
27-04-1924    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     3-2
04-05-1924    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting      3-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          14 8 6 2 0 21  7 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Racing Madrid         9 8 3 3 2 13 13
3. Athletic Madrid       8 8 4 0 4 13 11
4. RS Gimnástica         8 8 3 2 3  7 10
5. Unión Sporting        1 8 0 1 7  8 21 prom


* La Federación Centro aumenta, el número de clubs de 1ª B a 6 clubs
* The Federation Center increases, the number of clubs from 1st B to 6 teams.

07-10-1923    Stadium - AD Ferroviaria          0-2     
14-10-1923    Club Norte - Stadium FC           2-4    
16-12-1923    Ciudad Lineal - AD Ferroviaria    2-1    
21-10-1923    Club Norte - Primitiva Amistad    1-0    
28-10-1923    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiv Amistad 7-1    
28-10-1923    Zapadores - Stadium FC            0-4    
04-11-1923    Club Norte - AD Ferroviaria       0-2    
04-11-1923    Zapadores - Primitiva Amistad     0-4    
11-11-1923    Stadium FC - Ciudad Lineal        1-3    
11-11-1923    Zapadores - AD Ferroviaria        0-3    
02-12-1923    Zapadores - Club Norte            2-0
02-12-1923    Primitiva Amisatd - Ciudad Lineal 5-2
02-12-1923    AD Ferroviaria - Stadium FC       4-1
09-12-1923    Stadium FC - Club Norte           1-6
09-12-1923    Ciudad Lineal - Primitiva Amistad 0-2
16-12-1923    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC    3-0    
16-12-1923    Club Norte - Zapadores            0-1
23-12-1923    Ciudad Lineal - Zapadores         2-2     
30-12-1923    Club Norte - Ciudad Lineal        1-0    
13-01-1924    AD Ferroviaria - Ciudad Lineal    7-0
20-01-1924    Primitiv Amistad - AD Ferroviaria 1-3
20-01-1924    Stadium FC - Zapadores            6-1
27-01-1924    AD Ferroviaria - Club Norte       3-0
27-01-1924    Primitiva Amistad - Zapadores     1-2
03-02-1924    Ciudad Lineal - Stadium FC        0-4
03-02-1924    AD Ferroviaria - Zapadores       10-0
10-02-1924    Stadium FC - Primitiva Amistad    2-3
24-02-1924    Ciudad Lineal - Club Norte        0-1
02-03-1924    Primitiva Amistad - Club Norte    0-2
14-04-1924    Zapadores - Ciudad Lineal         3-3

                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria       20 10 9 0 1 42  5 prom
2. Primitiva Amistad    10 10 5 0 5 10 19 
3. Club Norte           10 10 5 0 5  8 13    
4. Stadium FC            8 10 4 0 4 23 24
5. Zapadores             8 10 3 2 5 11 33 prom
5. GC Ciudad Lineal      6 10 2 2 6 11 28

* Nota: En los partidos en los que no se presenta un equipo, gana el presentado,
pero no se contabilizan goles a favor y en contra a efectos de la clasificación.
* Note: In matches in which a team is not presented, the team presented wins,
but not counting goals for and against the effects of the classification.

Promotion to 1ª

25-05-1924    Unión Sporting - AD Ferroviaria      1-1
01-06-1924    AD Ferroviaria - Unión Sporting      0-3

Group A: CD Nacional, Ariñ Sport, CI Comercial, Patria Balompié, Patronato,
         Cultural Deportiva, Fomento de las Artes, Arenas Sporting Club.
winner: CD Nacional


Promotion to 1ª B:

01-06-1924     CD Nacional - Zapadores             2-1
08-06-1924     Zapadores - CD Nacional             1-0
15-06-1924     Zapadores - CD Nacional               * (win CD nacional, disqualified Zapadores)

1924-25 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


05-10-1924    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica       4-5
12-10-1924    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC    1-1
19-10-1924    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid      1-3
26-10-1924    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid     3-2
02-11-1924    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting    4-0
09-11-1924    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting      5-0
16-11-1914    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC     1-0
23-11-1924    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC      0-3
06-12-1924    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC      1-1
07-12-1924    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid     1-3
14-12-1924    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid       3-1
04-01-1925    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting      7-0
11-01-1925    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid     1-6
18-01-1925    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid    0-0
25-01-1925    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica      1-6
01-02-1925    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting     4-0
08-02-1925    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica      1-0
15-02-1925    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid      0-2
22-02-1925    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica     3-1
01-03-1925    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid    1-1
08-03-1925    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid      1-5

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Athletic Madrid      13 8 5 3 0 21  7 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Real Madrid           9 8 3 3 2 11  6
3. RS Gimnástica         8 8 4 0 4 21 16
4. Racing Madrid         7 8 3 1 4 21 19
5. Unión Sporting        3 8 1 1 6  3 29 prom

Promotion to 1ª
10-05-1925    AD Ferroviaria - Unión Sporting    1-3
17-05-1925    Unión Sporting - AD Ferroviaria    4-2


19-10-1924    Stadium FC – Primitiva Amistad     3-2
19-10-1924    Club Norte – CD Nacional           1-2
26-10-1924    Stadium FC – CD Nacional           0-3
26-10-1924    Ciudad Lineal – AD Ferroviaria     0-5
02-11-1924    Stadium FC – AD Ferroviaria        0-1
09-11-1924    Club Norte – Primitiva Amistad     0-2
09-11-1924    AD Ferroviaria – CD Nacional       1-1
16-11-1924    Ciudad Lineal – Stadium FC         2-4
16-11-1924    Primitiva Amistad – CD Nacional    2-1
23-11-1924    AD Ferroviaria – Club Norte        4-0
23-11-1924    Primitiva Amistad – Ciudad Lineal  1-0
30-11-1924    Ciudad Lineal – CD Nacional        2-3
07-12-1924    Ciudad Lineal – Club Norte         6-0
14-12-1924    Primitiva Amistad – Stadium FC     2-2
14-12-1924    CD Nacional – Club Norte           5-0
21-12-1924    CD Nacional – Stadium FC           2-4
21-12-1924    AD Ferroviaria – Ciudad Lineal     5-1
01-01-1925    CD Nacional – Ciudad Lineal        0-2
04-01-1925    AD Ferroviaria – Primitiva Amistad 2-1
04-01-1925    Stadium FC – Club Norte            6-1
11-01-1925    AD Ferroviaria – Stadium FC        1-3
18-01-1925    Primitiva Amistad – Club Norte     1-0
18-01-1925    CD Nacional – AD Ferroviaria       1-2
25-01-1925    Stadium FC – Ciudad Lineal         2-0
25-01-1925    CD Nacional – Primitiva Amistad    0-2
02-02-1925    Club Norte – AD Ferroviaria        1-9
02-02-1925    Ciudad Lineal – Primitiva Amistad  0-1
08-02-1925    Club Norte – Stadium FC            1-8
15-02-1925    Club Norte – Ciudad Lineal           * not played
19-02-1925    Primitiva Amistad – AD Ferroviaria 0-1

01-03-1925    AD Ferroviaria - Stadium FC         3-0
05-03-1925    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC      2-1
08-03-1925    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad  1-0

                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria       17 10 8 1 1 31  8 prom
2. Stadium FC           15 10 7 1 2 32 15 prom
3. Primitiva Amistad    13 10 6 1 3 14  9 prom
4. CD Nacional           7  9 3 1 5  8 15
5. GC Ciudad Lineal      4  8 2 0 6 11 18
6. Club Norte            0  9 0 0 9  4 43 prom      

* Nota: En los partidos en los que no se presenta un equipo, gana el presentado,
pero no se contabilizan goles a favor y en contra a efectos de la clasificación.
* Note: In matches in which a team is not presented, the team presented wins,
but not counting goals for and against the effects of the classification.


Group A: Arenas SC, Patria balompié, Patronato, Almacenes Rodríguez, Ariñ Sport,
         CI Comercial, Cultural Deportiva, Fomento de las Artes, Residencia Estudiantes, Zapadores FC.
winner: Arenas SC

Group B: SD Aranjuez, Banco Hispano, Recreativo Español, Tetuán FC, AD Municipal,
         Pariñas FC, CD Mercantil, Montepío Municipal, ASD Tranviaria, Alemanes Vfb,
         Carolinas FC, SD Guindalera, Tracción, Credit Lyonnais, Deportivo Madrileño.
winner: Club Pardiñas Sporting

Promotion to 1ª B
10-05-1925    Club Norte - Arenas SC            2-1
17-05-1925    Arenas SC - Club Norte            1-0
24-05-1925    Club Norte - Arenas SC            1-1
31-05-1925    Arenas SC - Club Norte            3-0

1925-26 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


04-10-1925    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting       3-1
11-10-1925    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       0-0
18-10-1925    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     6-1
01-11-1925    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     2-0
08-11-1925    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       5-1
15-11-1925    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica      3-2
22-11-1925    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      0-3
29-11-1915    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      3-1
06-12-1925    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica       2-3
13-12-1925    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica       1-1
20-12-1925    Real Madrid - Racing Madrid          5-1
03-01-1926    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     1-6
10-01-1926    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica        7-4
17-01-1926    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     0-1
24-01-1926    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       0-1
31-01-1926    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid      3-2
07-02-1926    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting      2-0
14-02-1926    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      0-2
21-02-1926    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC       1-2
19-03-1926    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid        4-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          13 8 6 1 1 17  5 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid      10 8 5 0 3 22 11 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. RS Gimnástica         9 8 4 1 3 21 20
4. Racing Madrid         7 8 3 1 4 17 19
5. Unión Sporting        1 8 0 1 7  5 27 prom

Promotion 1ª
21-03-1926    Unión Sporting - AD Ferroviaria      5-5
28-03-1926    AD Ferroviaria - Unión Sporting      0-0



04-10-1925    Stadium - Primitiva Amistad          0-1
04-10-1925    Arenas SC – AD Ferroviaria           1-6
18-10-1925    Primitiva-Nacional                   1-2
18-10-1925    Ciudad Lineal - Stadium FC           1-3
25-10-1925    CD Nacional - AD Ferroviaria         0-5
25-10-1925    Ciudad Lineal-Primitiva              3-2
01-11-1925    Stadium FC - Arenas SC               1-1 suspend
01-11-1925    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad   5-1
08-11-1925    Primitiva Amistad - Arenas SC        2-1
08-11-1925    Stadium FC – CD Nacional             2-3
15-11-1925    CD Nacional - Arenas SC              5-0
15-11-1925    Ciudad Lineal - AD Ferroviaria       2-3
22-11-1925    Ciudad Lineal - CD Nacional          0-2
29-11-1925    Stadium FC - AD Ferroviaria          0-5
06-12-1925    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC       2-0
06-12-1925    AD Ferroviaria - Arenas SC           9-0
13-12-1925    AD Ferroviaria - Stadium FC          5-2
20-12-1925    CD Nacional - Primitiva Amistad      6-0
20-12-1925    Stadium FC - Ciudad Lineal           x-x suspend
10-01-1926    AD Ferroviaria - CD Nacional         7-0
10-01-1926    Primitiva Amistad - Ciudad Lineal    0-1
17-01-1926    Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria   1-6
17-01-1926    Arenas SC - Stadium FC                 * NP Arenas SC
24-01-1926    Arenas SC - Primitiva Amistad        1-0
24-01-1926    CD Nacional - Stadium FC               * NP Stadium (disqualified)
31-01-1926    AD Ferroviaria - Ciudad Lineal       1-3
31-01-1926    Arenas SC - CD Nacional              2-1
07-02-1926    CD Nacional - Ciudad Lineal          3-2
14-02-1926    Ciudad Lineal - Arenas SC            3-3
21-02-1926    Arenas SC - Ciudad Lineal            2-2

                       Pts J  G E P  GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria       18 10 9 0 1  52 10 prom
2. CD Nacional          14 10 7 0 3  21 20
3. GC Ciudad Lineal      8  9 3 2 4  13 23
4. Primitiva Amistad     8 10 4 0 6  11 24
6. Arenas Sporting       7 10 2 3 5  11 29
5. Stadium FC            5  9 2 1 7   8 18 disqualified, prom

* Nota: En los partidos en los que no se presenta un equipo, gana el presentado,
pero no se contabilizan goles a favor y en contra a efectos de la clasificación.
* Note: In matches in which a team is not presented, the team presented wins,
but not counting goals for and against the effects of the classification.


Group A:
winner: Club Pardiñas

Promotion to 1ª B
10-10-1926    Stadium FC - CD Pardiñas              3-0

1926-27 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


(It was played two rounds, all against all / Se jugaron 2 vueltas, todos contra todos)

26-09-1926    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       1-2
02-10-1926    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica       6-0
03-10-1926    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     1-3
09-10-1926    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica        9-0
10-10-1926    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting      3-2
16-10-1926    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      1-4
17-10-1926    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     0-1
23-10-1926    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica       2-2
24-10-1926    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       2-0
30-10-1926    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       1-3
31-10-1926    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica      4-1
06-11-1926    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC       1-5
07-11-1926    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     1-2
13-11-1926    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid        1-0
14-11-1926    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      0-2
21-11-1926    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      3-2
28-11-1926    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     1-3
05-12-1926    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting       2-0
08-12-1926    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       0-1
12-12-1926    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid      3-1
19-12-1926    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       1-2
25-12-1926    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica       1-0
26-12-1926    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     4-2
01-01-1927    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid        0-1
02-01-1927    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting      1-0
06-01-1927    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      1-4
09-01-1927    Real Madrid - Athletic Madrid        1-1
16-01-1927    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica       1-0
22-01-1927    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       2-0
23-01-1927    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica      3-0
29-01-1927    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       1-1
30-01-1927    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC       1-3
05-02-1927    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     2-1
06-02-1927    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica        4-1
13-02-1927    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      2-1
13-02-1927    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      0-3
19-02-1927    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     2-1
20-02-1927    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting       3-1
27-02-1927    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       2-0
02-03-1927    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid      0-0

                       Pts  J  G  E  P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          25 16 12  1  3 38 12 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid      18 16  8  2  6 31 25 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Racing Madrid        17 16  8  1  7 33 25
4. RS Gimnástica        10 16  4  2 10 15 41 prom
5. Unión Sporting       10 16  4  2 10 18 32 prom

Desempate para última posición/Tie-breaker for last position:
(Partido para dilucidar quien quedaba último clasificado del Group 1ª A, que debía promocionar a su vez,
con el campeón de 1ª B, para saber si uno ascendía o conservaba la categoría):
((Match to elucidate who was last classified of the group 1ª To, that had to promote at the same time,
with the 1st B champion, to know if one ascended or retained the category):

08-05-1927    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting       1-1
19-05-1927    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica       2-2
21-05-1927    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica       3-1



03-10-1926    Arenas SC – CD Nacional               0-2
10-10-1926    Primitiva Amisatd - Hogar Vasco       2-3
17-10-1926    AD Ferroviaria - Stadium FC           5-0
24-10-1926    Arenas SC - Primitiva Amistad         3-1
31-10-1926    CD Nacional - Hogar Vasco             3-3
31-10-1926    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC        3-2
07-11-1926    AD Ferroviaria - Arenas SC           10-0
14-11-1926    Hogar Vasco - Stadium FC              2-1
21-11-1926    CD Nacional - AD Ferroviaria          1-0
28-11-1926    Stadium FC - Arenas SC                2-2
28-12-1926    CD Nacional - Primitiva Amistad       4-1
05-12-1926    Arenas SC - Hogar Vasco               0-5         
12-12-1926    Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria    0-6
19-12-1926    Stadium FC - CD Nacional              1-6
09-01-1927    Hogar Vasco - AD Ferroviaria          2-2
16-01-1927    CD Nacional - Arenas SC               4-1
23-01-1927    Hogar Vasco - Primitiva Amistad       8-1
30-01-1927    Stadium FC - AD Ferroviaria          0-11
30-01-1927    Primitiva Amistad - Arenas SC         1-2
06-02-1927    Hogar Vasco - CD Nacional             1-2
13-02-1927    Stadium FC - Primitiva Amistad        3-2
20-02-1927    Arenas SC - Ad Ferroviaria            1-4
27-02-1927    Stadium FC - Hogar Vasco              0-6
27-02-1927    AD Ferroviaria - CD Nacional          2-4
06-03-1927    Arenas SC - Stadium FC                5-1
13-03-1927    Primitiva Amistad - CD Nacional       0-2
20-03-1927    Hogar Vasco - Arenas SC               0-0
27-03-1927    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad    2-2
27-03-1927    CD Nacional - Stadium FC             21-0
03-04-1927    AD Ferroviaria - Hogar Vasco          2-4   

                      Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. CD Nacional         19 10 9 1 0 49  9 winner
2. Hogar Vasco         15 10 6 3 1 34 13
3. AD Ferroviaria      12 10 5 2 3 44 14
4. Arenas SC            8 10 3 2 5 14 30
5. Primitiva Amistad    3 10 1 1 8 13 35 prom
6. Stadium FC           3 10 1 1 3 10 63 prom

Desempate para el ultimo puesto/tiebreaker for last place
El último puesto tiene que promocionar con el campeón de 2ª (AD Tranviaria)
The last position has to promote with the champion of 2nd (AD Tranviaria)

17-06-1927    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC       1-1
24-06-1927    Stadium FC - Primitiva Amistad       0-0

Promotion 1ª
26-06-1927    CD Nacional - RS Gimnástica          1-1
29-06-1927    CD Nacional - CD Nacional            0-0
03-07-1927    RS Gimnástica- CD Nacional           1-2


Group A: Ariñ Sport, Almacenes Rodríguez, Patria Balompié, AD Tranviaria, CD Pardiñas, Patronato Deportivo, Club Norte, Centro.
winner: AD Tranviaria

Group B: Crédito, Tetuán, Bancaria, Montepío, Imperio FC, Recreativo Español, Tarragona, Esperanza, SD Guindalera, Hidalga, Bosco ,
         Internacional FC, CD Sur, CD Congosto, AD Olímpica, CD Municipal, Escalerilla FC, Alcántara Deportiva, Unión Española,
         Club Espuñes, CD Ventas, S. Alemana, Tracción, Deportiva Oviedo, SR El Cafeto, CD Madrileño, Iberia FC, CD Villaverde,
         Celta FC, UD Alamillo, CD Carabanchel, CI Mercantil.


Promotion 1ª B
03-07-1927    AD Tranviaria - Stadium FC           * Stadium withdrew (win Tranviaria)

1927-28 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


24-09-1927    CD Nacional - Racing Madrid          0-4
25-09-1927    Athletic Madrid - RS Gimnástica      2-0
16-10-1927    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       3-1
16-10-1927    CD Nacional - Unión Sporting         2-1
23-10-1927    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      2-5
23-10-1927    Racing Madrid - RS Gimnástica        5-1
30-10-1927    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     3-2
30-10-1927    RS Gimnástica - CD Nacional          2-2
06-11-1927    CD Nacional - Real Madrid FC         0-1
06-11-1927    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     6-0
13-11-1927    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      2-1
13-11-1927    Unión Sporting - RS Gimnástica       3-1
20-11-1927    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       2-3
24-11-1927    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        3-0
27-11-1927    Real Madrid FC - RS Gimnástica       6-1
27-11-1927    Unión Sporting - CD Nacional         1-4
03-12-1927    RS Gimnástica - Athletic Madrid      1-5
04-12-1917    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       4-0
11-12-1927    Racing Madrid - CD Nacional          8-1
11-12-1927    Real Madrid - Unión Sporting         6-0
18-12-1927    RS Gimnástica - Racing Madrid        1-2
18-12-1927    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     2-1
25-12-1927    CD Nacional - RS Gimnástica          4-1
25-12-1927    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     0-4
01-01-1928    RS Gimnástica - Unión Sporting       4-1
01-01-1928    Real Madrid - CD Nacional            9-0
06-01-1928    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      4-2
07-01-1928    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        1-2
08-01-1928    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       2-0
12-01-1928    RS Gimnástica - Real Madrid FC       0-2

                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          16 10 8 0 2 38 10 winner
2. Athletic Madrid      16 10 8 0 2 31 10 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Racing Madrid        16 10 8 0 2 31 15
4. CD Nacional           7 10 3 1 6 14 31
5. RS Gimnástica         3 10 1 1 8 12 33
6. Unión Sporting        2 10 1 0 9 10 37 prom

Final 1ª Category: Match´s to the tiebreaker/Partidos para el desempate:
15-01-1928    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      3-0
19-01-1928    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       4-0
22-01-1928    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     1-3

Promotion to 1ª
17-06-1928    Unión Sporting – Primitiva Amistad    6-1

* A pesar de haber perdido, la federación ascendió también a la Primitiva Amistad.
* In spite of having lost, the federation ascended to Primitiva Amistad.


09-10-1927    Primitiva Amistad - AD Tranviaria     3-1
16-10-1927    Hogar Vasco - Arenas SC               3-2
23-10-1927    Stadium FC - Arenas SC                x-x
30-10-1927    Stadium FC - AD Tranviaria            x-x
06-11-1927    Hogar Vasco - AD Ferroviaria          5-1
13-11-1927    Primitiva Amistad - Stadium FC        3-0
27-11-1927    Primitiva Amistad - Arenas SC         3-1
04-12-1927    Arenas SC - AD Ferroviaria            4-3
08-12-1927    Hogar Vasco - AD Tranviaria           4-3
11-12-1927    Stadium FC - AD Ferroviaria           2-2
18-12-1927    AD Ferroviaria - AD Tranviaria        1-6
08-01-1928    Primitiva Amistad - Hogar Vasco       1-2
15-01-1928    Hogar Vasco - Stadium FC              9-1
22-01-1928    AD Tranviaria - Primitiva Amistad     0-1
05-02-1928    Arenas SC - Hogar Vasco               1-3
05-02-1928    Arenas SC - Stadium FC                x-x
12-02-1928    AD Tranviaria - Stadium FC            5-0
19-02-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Hogar Vasco          x-x
26-02-1928    Stadium FC - Primitiva Amistad        0-3
11-03-1928    Arenas SC - Primitiva Amistad         1-3
29-04-1928    AD Tranviaria - Arenas SC             2-2
01-04-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Stadium FC           x-x
15-04-1928    Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria    2-1
22-04-1928    AD Tranviaria - AD Ferroviaria        2-2
22-04-1928    Hogar Vasco - Primitiva Amistad       0-1
29-04-1928    Stadium FC - Hogar Prosperidad        x-x
06-05-1028    AD Tranviaria - Hogar Vasco           3-2
13-05-1928    Arenas SC - AD Tranviaria             0-3
20-05-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Arenas SC            0-2
27-05-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad    2-4

                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. Primitiva Amistad   18  10 9 0 1 24  8 prom
2. Hogar Vasco             10
3. AD Ferroviaria          10
4. AD Tranviaria           10
5. Arenas SC               10
6. Stadium FC              10             prom

                       Pts J  G  E P GF GC
1. Imperio FC           28 15 13 2 1 48 12  prom

Group A: Imperio FC, Deportiva Oviedo, Almansa FC, Almacenes Rodríguez, Patria Balompié, Ariñ Sport.
winner Imperio FC

Group B: Credit Lyonnais, Tetuán FC, Unión Bancaria, Montepío, Imperio FC, Español Madrid, Tarragona FC,
         Esperanza, SD Guindalera, Hidalga, Bosco, Internacional FC, Sur, CD Congosto, AD Olímpica Prosperidad,
         CD Municipal, Escalerilla, Alcántara, Unión Española, Espuñes.
winner: Agrupación Olímpico Prosperidad

promotion to 1ª B
24-06-1928    Imperio FC - Stadium FC              x-x (Stadium FC withdrew)(retirado)



The Federation Center Cup was the second competition in importance, organized by the Castellana de Fútbol Federation,
after the Centro Regional Championship. It was a tournament played by the best clubs in the central region,
in "Cup" format for elimination. Also called "Copa de Castilla" and "President's Cup of the Castellana de Fútbol Federation".

This edition of 1928, They disputed the champion of the Regional Championship, Athletic one of Madrid and the runner-up Real Madrid.

Final (Madrid - Chamartín Stadium)
07-06-1928    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid    3-0
Referee: Gárate
Goals: 1-0 Gaspar Rubio 1´, 2-0 Quesada (p) 10´, 3-0 Cominges.
Real Madrid:
Cabo; Quesada, Urquizu, Prats, Esparza, J.M. Peña,Cominges, Félix Pérez, Gaspar Rubio, López, Benegas.
Ath. Madrid:
Vidal; Lafuente, A. Olaso, Santos, Ordóñez, Joaquín, De Miguel, Luís Marín, Palacios, Galatas, Luís Olaso.

1928-29 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


16-09-1928    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting      5-2
16-09-1928    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        3-1
23-09-1928    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       4-1
29-09-1928    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     5-6
30-09-1928    CD Nacional - Racing Madrid          2-3
07-10-1928    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     0-2
12-10-1928    Unión Sporting - CD Nacional         3-2
14-10-1928    CD Nacional - Real Madrid FC         3-4
14-10-1928    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       4-0
21-10-1928    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      1-2
28-10-1928    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      0-4
01-11-1928    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        0-1
04-11-1928    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       1-1
11-11-1928    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     8-2
11-11-1928    Racing Madrid - CD Nacional          2-4
18-11-1928    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     3-1
25-11-1928    Real Madrid FC - CD Nacional         7-0
02-12-1928    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      2-0
02-12-1928    CD Nacional - Unión Sporting         4-2
06-12-1928    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       3-1

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          15 8 7 1 0 30  8 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid      12 8 6 0 2 23 14 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Racing Madrid         5 8 2 1 5 13 18 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. CD Nacional           4 8 2 0 6 16 25 promotion
5. Unión Sporting        4 8 2 0 6 17 34 promotion


23-09-1928    Imperio FC - AD Ferroviaria           4-1
30-09-1928    Primitiva Amistad - Arenas SC         9-0
07-10-1928    AD Ferroviaria - RS Gimnástica        0-4
12-10-1928    Arenas SC - Imperio FC                0-1
14-10-1928    RS Gimnástica - Primitiva Amistad     2-2
21-10-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Arenas SC            1-0
28-10-1928    Imperio FC - Primitiva Amistad        0-1
01-11-1928    Arenas SC - RS Gimnástica             1-4
04-11-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad    2-1
11-11-1928    RS Gimnástica - Imperio FC            2-0
18-11-1928    AD Ferroviaria - Imperio FC           2-3
25-11-1928    Arenas SC - Primitiva Amistad         1-4
02-12-1928    RS Gimnástica - AD Ferroviaria        1-0  
08-12-1928    Imperio FC - Arenas SC                3-0
09-12-1928    Primitiva Amistad - RS Gimnástica     1-2
16-12-1928    Arenas SC - AD Ferroviaria            1-4   
23-12-1928    Primitiva Amistad - Imperio FC        3-1 
30-12-1928    RS Gimnástica - Arenas SC             4-0
01-01-1929    Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria    3-1
06-01-1929    Imperio FC - RS Gimnástica            1-5

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. RS Gimnástica        15 8 7 1 0 24  5 promotion
2. Primitiva Amistad    11 8 5 1 2 23  9 promotion
3. Imperio FC            8 8 4 0 4 13 15
4. AD Ferroviaria        6 8 3 0 5 11 14
5. Arenas SC             0 8 0 0 8  2 30 descend


                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. AD Tranviaria        10 8 7 1 0 19  7 promotion
2. SR El Cafeto          7 7 3 1 3 10 14
3. UD Explosivos         7 7 3 1 3 11 16
4. SD Hogar Vasco        6 8 3 0 5 15 14
5. RSD Aranjuez          4 8 2 0 6 10 14 descend

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1928-29 Promotion 1ª

27-01-1929    Unión Sporting – RS Gimnástica         2-1
03-02-1929    CD Nacional – AD Tranviaria            5-0
10-02-1929    RS Gimnástica – Primitiva Amistad      2-0
17-02-1929    Unión Sporting – AD Tranviaria         1-0
03-03-1929    RS Gimnástica – AD Tranviaria          2-2
10-03-1929    Unión Sporting – CD Nacional           3-0
17-03-1929    Primitiva Amistad – AD Tranviaria      3-1
24-03-1929    Primitiva Amistad – Unión Sporting     3-1
31-03-1929    RS Gimnástica – Unión Sporting         x-x
07-04-1929    AD Tranviaria – CD Nacional            1-1
14-04-1929    Primitiva Amistad – RS Gimnástica      x-x
21-04-1929    AD Tranviaria – Unión Sporting         0-3
28-04-1929    CD Nacional – Primitiva Amistad        4-0
01-05-1929    Primitiva Amistad – CD Nacional        3-0
05-05-1929    RS Gimnástica – AD Tranviaria          x-x
09-05-1919    Unión Sporting – CD Nacional           x-x
12-05-1929    AD Tranviaria – Primitiva Amistad      2-0
19-05-1929    CD Nacional – RS Gimnástica            x-x
26-05-1929    CD Nacional – Unión Sporting           0-1
09-06-1929    Unión Sporting – Primitiva Amistad     4-2

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Unión Sporting       14 8 7 1 0 15  6 ascend
2. CD Nacional           9 8 4 1 3 10  8 ascend
3. Primitiva Amistad     8 8 4 0 4 11 14
4. AD Tranviaria         6 8 2 2 4 15  6
5. RS Gimnástica                         withdrawn



                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Ventas           
2. AD y Cultural        
3. Getfae Deportivo        
4. Club Celta Deportivo      
5. AD Municipal        

1929-30 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


22-09-1929    Real Madrid FC - CD Nacional         0-2
22-09-1929    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     5-2
29-09-1929    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      2-2
29-09-1929    CD Nacional - Unión Sporting         4-2
05-10-1929    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        1-3
06-10-1929    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       0-2
10-10-1929    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      0-4
12-10-1929    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       5-0
13-10-1929    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     2-2
19-10-1929    Racing Madrid - CD Nacional          1-1
27-10-1929    CD Nacional - Real Madrid FC         2-6
01-11-1929    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     1-4
03-11-1929    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      1-3
03-11-1929    Unión Sporting - CD Nacional         1-3
09-11-1929    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        5-3
10-11-1929    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       2-5
16-11-1929    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       2-2
17-11-1929    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     2-1
24-11-1929    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting      5-1
24-11-1929    CD Nacional - Racing Madrid          3-3

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          11 8 5 1 2 24 12 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Racing Madrid        10 8 3 4 1 20 14 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Athletic Madrid      10 8 4 2 2 23 16 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. CD Nacional           8 8 3 2 3 19 21 prom 1ª
5. Unión Sporting        1 8 0 1 7  9 32 prom 1ª


22-09-1929     AD Tranviaria - Imperio FC           2-1
29-09-1929     Arenas SC - AD Ferroviaria           1-0
06-10-1929     Imperio FC - Primitiva Amistad       1-4
13-10-1929     AD Tranviaria - AD Ferroviaria       1-3
20-10-1929     Primitiva Amistad - Arenas SC        4-1
27-10-1929     AD Ferroviaria - Imperio FC          2-2
03-11-1929     Arenas SC - AD Tranviaria            0-2
10-11-1929     AD Ferroviaria - Primitiva Amistad   1-2
17-11-1929     Imperio FC - Arenas SC               7-0
24-11-1929     Primitiva Amistad - AD Tranviaria    0-2  
01-12-1929     Imperio FC - AD Tranviaria           1-2
08-12-1929     AD Ferroviaria - Arenas SC           4-1
15-12-1929     Primitiva Amistad - Imperio FC       2-2
22-12-1929     AD Ferroviaria - AD Tranviaria       2-1
29-12-1929     Arenas SC - Primitiva Amistad        1-6
12-01-1930     AD Tranviaria - Arenas SC            2-1
19-01-1930     Primitiva Amistad - AD Ferroviaria   3-3
26-01-1930     Arenas SC - Imperio FC               1-3
02-02-1930     AD Tranviaria - Primitiva Amistad    3-2
17-02-1930*    Imperio FC - AD Ferroviaria          3-2

                        Pts J G E P GF GC
 1. AD Tranviaria        11 8 5 1 2 15 11 prom 1ª winner
 2. Primitiva Amistad    10 8 4 2 2 23 12 prom 1ª
 3. Imperio FC            9 8 3 3 3 21 15 prom 1ª
 4. AD Ferroviaria        8 8 3 2 3 17 14 prom 2ª  
 5. Arenas SC             3 8 1 0 7  6 28 prom 2ª  

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1929-30 Promotion 1ª

09-03-1930    CD Nacional - Unión SC               3-2
15-03-1930    Imperio FC - Primitiva Amistad       1-1
22-03-1930    CD Nacional - Imperio FC             2-2
29-03-1930    Primitiva Amistad - AD Tranviaria    3-2  
06-04-1930    Unión SC - Imperio FC                2-2  
13-04-1930    CD Nacional - Primitiva Amistad      2-2  
20-04-1930    AD Tranviaria - Imperio FC           4-2 
27-04-1930    CD Nacional - AD Tranviaria          3-0  
03-05-1930    Unión SC – CD Nacional               0-1
10-05-1930    Primitiva Amistad – Imperio FC       4-3
17-05-1930    Imperio FC - CD Nacional             0-1
24-05-1930    AD Tranviaria - Primitiva Amistad    3-2
01-06-1930    Primitiva Amistad - CD Nacional      2-4
15-06-1930    Imperio FC - Unión SC                1-6
22-06-1930    Primitiva Amistad - Unión SC         3-4
29-06-1930    AD Tranviaria - CD Nacional          4-1
without date  AD Tranviaria - Unión Sporting       x-x
without date  Unión Sporting - AD Tranviaria       x-x
without date  Unión Sporting - Primitiva Amistad   x-x

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Nacional           
2. AD Tranviaria         
3. Unión Sporting     
4. Imperio FC          
5. Primitiva Amistad      

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1929-30 2ª Ordinaria
Group 1:
                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. SR El Cafeto                          prom 2ª pref. 
2. SD Aranjuez                           prom 2ª pref. 
3. Club Pardiñas     
4. AD Olímpica         
5. Patria Balompié       

Group 2:
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Leganés                               prom 2ª pref. 
2. Amistad Dep. Oviedo                      prom 2ª pref.
3. CD Alcántara   
4. UD Explosivos          
5. Sporting FC       

Torneo de Clasificación
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. SR El Cafeto                             winner 
2. CD Leganés     
3. Amistad Deportiva Oviedo  
4. SD Aranjuez          

Promotion 2ª Pref.
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Leganés                               winner 
2. Amistad Deportiva Oviedo    
3. AD Ferroviaria  
4. SR El Cafeto      
5. Arenas Sporting 

Group 1
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Getafe                            winner 
2. CD Madroño    
3. Congosto FC  
4. CD Juvenia      
5. Internacional Deportivo 

Group 2
                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. UD Bancaria                          winner 
2. CD Ventas   
3. CD Los Reyes
4. VfB Alemanes     
5. Sur Deportivo

Group 3
                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Tarragona FC                          winner 
2. Centro Carabanchel   
3. SD Guindalera  
4. CD Latina    
5. SD San Lorenzo   

Promotion 3ª to 2ª Tarragona FC - Sporting FC (winner Tarragona FC)

1930-31 (Campeonato Regional Centro)


* Por ampliación de categoría, se admite al Unión Sporting, que había quedado en tercer lugar,
del Campeonato de promoción de ascenso a 1ª, la temporada anterior.
* By extension of category, Union Sporting is admitted, which had been in third place,
of the Promotion Championship of promotion to 1st, the previous season.

14-09-1930    Real Madrid FC - CD Nacional         4-2
21-09-1930    Unión Sporting - Real Madrid FC      0-3
21-09-1930    AD Tranviaria - CD Nacional          5-4
21-09-1930    Athletic Madrid - Racing Madrid      6-1
27-09-1930    AD Tranviaria - Real Madrid FC       0-6
28-09-1930    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        3-1
28-09-1930    Unión Sporting - Racing Madrid       0-2
04-10-1930    Athletic Madrid - CD Tranviaria     10-0
05-10-1930    Real Madrid FC - Racing Madrid       3-2
11-10-1930    Racing Madrid - CD Nacional          1-1
11-10-1930    Unión Sporting - AD Tranviaria       1-1
12-10-1930    Real Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid     2-2
19-10-1930    CD Nacional - Real Madrid FC         1-2
19-10-1930    Athletic Madrid - Unión Sporting     2-1
19-10-1930    AD Tranviaria - Racing Madrid        1-4
26-10-1930    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        1-3
01-11-1930    Real Madrid FC - Unión Sporting      4-1
01-11-1930    CD Nacional - AD Ferroviaria         3-1
02-11-1930    Racing Madrid - Athletic Madrid      1-5
08-11-1930    Unión Sporting - CD Nacional         1-3
09-11-1930    Racing Madrid - Real Madrid FC       0-1
12-11-1930    Unión Sporting - Athletic Madrid     1-6
13-11-1930    Racing Madrid - CD Tranviaria        3-3
16-11-1930    AD Tranviaria - Athletic Madrid      2-6
22-11-1930    CD Nacional - Racing Madrid          1-1
23-11-1930    Athletic Madrid - Real Madrid FC     1-3
23-11-1930    AD Tranviaria - Unión Sporting       1-2
29-11-1930    CD Nacional - Unión Sporting         2-1
30-11-1930    Real Madrid FC - AD Tranviaria       6-1
02-12-1930    Racing Madrid - Unión Sporting       3-0

                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. Real Madrid          19 10 9 1 0 34 10 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid      17 10 8 1 1 44 13 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Racing Madrid         9 10 3 3 4 18 21 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. CD Nacional           8 10 3 2 5 19 22 prom
5. AD Tranviaria         4 10 1 2 7 15 45 prom
6. Unión Sporting        3 10 1 1 8  8 27 prom


05-10-1930    CD Leganés – Primitiva Amistad         4-2
05-10-1930    Imperio FC – AD Ferroviaria            2-0
12-10-1930    Imperio CF – Deportiva Oviedo          1-1
19-10-1930    Primitiva Amistad – AD Ferroviaria     3-3
19-10-1930    Deportiva Oviedo – SR El Cafeto        3-2
26-10-1930    Primitiva Amistad – SR El Cafeto       3-1
26-10-1930    Imperio FC – CD Leganés                1-1
02-11-1930    Primitiva Amistad – Imperio CF         2-1
02-11-1930    Deportiva Oviedo – AD Ferroviaria      2-1
09-11-1930    SR El Cafeto – CD Leganés              2-2
09-11-1930    Deportiva Oviedo – Primitiva Amistad   1-1
16-11-1930    AD Ferroviaria – CD Leganés            x-x
23-11-1930    SR El Cafeto – Imperio FC              0-1  
09-12-1930    CD Leganés – Deportiva Oviedo          1-0
14-12-1930    Primitiva Amistad – CD Leganés         0-4
14-12-1930    Imperio CF – AD Ferroviaria            1-1
04-01-1931    CD Leganés – Imperio FC                sus
04-01-1931    SR El Cafeto – Primitiva Amistad       2-2
11-01-1931    Imperio FC – Primitiva                 2-2   
11-01-1931    Deportiva Oviedo-Ferroviaria           x-x
18-01-1931    CD Leganés – SR El Cafeto              x-x
18-01-1931    Primitiva Amistad – Deportiva Oviedo   x-x
25-01-1931    SR El Cafeto – Imperio FC              x-x
25-01-1931    AD Ferroviaria – CD Leganés            x-x
01-02-1931    Deportiva Oviedo – CD Leganés          2-1
01-02-1931    AD Ferroviaria – SR El Cafeto          2-1
09-02-1931    SR El Cafeto – AD Ferroviaria          1-0
09-02-1931    AD Ferroviaria – Primitiva Amistad     x-x
16-02-1931    CD Leganés – Imperio FC                1-1

                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. CD Leganés              10             winner, prom
2. SD Primitiva Amistad    10             prom
3. Imperio CF              10
4. AD Ferroviaria          10
5. AD Oviedo               10
6. SR El Cafeto            10             prom

Promotion to 1ª               

12-04-1931    AD Tranviaria - Primitiva Amistad     2-0
12-04-1931    Imperio FC – CD Nacional              2-1
19-04-1931    Unión Sporting - CD Leganés           1-0
19-04-1931    Primitiva Amistad - Imperio FC        0-4
26-04-1931    AD Tranviaria - CD Nacional           0-5
26-04-1931    Primitiva Amistad - Unión Sporting    0-1
01-05-1931    Imperio FC - CD Leganés               1-0
01-05-1931    CD Nacional - Unión Sporting          1-2
03-05-1931    Unión Sporting - AD Tranviaria        3-0
03-05-1931    CD Leganés - Primitiva Amistad        3-1
10-05-1931    Imperio FC - AD Tranviaria            1-1
14-05-1931    CD Nacional - Primitiva                 np referee
14-05-1931    AD Tranviaria - CD Leganés            1-3
15-05-1931    Unión Sporting - Imperio FC           3-0
17-05-1931    CD Leganés - CD Nacional              1-3
17-05-1931    Primitiva Amistad - AD Tranviaria     2-1
24-05-1931    CD Nacional - Imperio FC              5-1
24-05-1931    CD Leganés - Unión Sporting           2-0
31-05-1931    Imperio FC - Primitiva Amistad        8-0
31-05-1931    CD Nacional - AD Tranviaria           2-1
04-06-1931    Unión Sporting - Primitiva Amistad    2-0
04-06-1931    CD Leganés - Imperio FC               2-2
07-06-1931    Primitiva Amistad - CD Nacional       0-4
07-06-1931    AD Tranviaria - Unión Sporting        1-2
14-06-1931    Primitiva Amistad - CD Leganés        1-1 * Leganés win (Primitiva incorrect alignment)
14-06-1931    AD Tranviaria  -Imperio FC            2-1
21-06-1931    Unión Sporting - CD Nacional          1-2
21-06-1931    CD Leganés - AD Tranviaria            5-0
28-06-1931    Imperio FC - Unión Sporting           0-5
28-06-1931    CD Nacional - CD Leganés              7-0
                       Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. CD Nacional          16 10 8 0 2 30  9 winner, ascend
2. Unión Sporting       16 10 8 0 2 20  6
3. CD Leganés           11 10 5 1 4 15 16
4. Imperio FC           10 10 4 2 4 17 20
5. AD Tranviaria         5 10 2 1 7  8 23
6. SD Primitiva Amistad  2 10 1 0 9  3 23

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1930-31 2ª Ordinaria

Group 1    winner Tarragona FC

                        Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. Tarragona FC         
2. SD Centro Carabanchel      
3. RSD Aranjuez         
4. Patria Balompié        
5. AD Olímpica Deportiva       
6. Getafe Deportivo 

Group 2    winner Alcántara Deportiva
                        Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Alcántara Deportiva

Group 3    winner España Alcázar San Juan

                       Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD España Alcázar    11 8 5 1 2 13  8
2. CD Manchego          10 8 3 3 2  8  8
3. SD Unión Criptanense  9 8 3 1 4 15 14
5. Tomelloso FC          3 8 3 4 1  6  5* Sanctionned 7 points.
6. Deportivo Club        3 8 1 1 6  6 13

Final Phase 2ª Ordinaria

                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1 Tarragona FC (Madrid)    13 8 4 3 1 17 10 winner 2ª
2 SD Centro Carabanchel    12 8 4 2 2 10  5
3 Alcántara Deportiva      10 8 3 2 3  8  7
4 CD Manchego (Ciudad Real) 9 8 2 3 3  8 15
5 Dep. España (Alcázar)     8 8 1 4 3 10  9
6 UD Explosivos (Madrid)    *withdraw

winner 2ª ordinaria: FC Tarragona (Tarragona, Carabanchel, CD Manchego, CD España, Explosivos)
winner 3ª ordinaria: CD Ventas

1931-32 (Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Centro-Aragón)


20-09-1931    CD Nacional - Iberia SC              3-1
22-09-1931    Valladolid CD - Athletic Madrid      2-4
27-09-1931    Iberia SC - Madrid FC                0-6
27-09-1931    CD Nacional - Valladolid CD          2-0
27-09-1931    Athletic Madrid - Castilla FC        2-1
04-10-1931    Castilla FC - Madrid FC              0-2
04-10-1931    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        0-0
04-10-1931    Iberia SC - Valladolid CD            1-1
11-10-1931    Castilla FC - Valladolid CD          0-1
12-10-1931    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid          3-1
18-10-1931    Valladolid CD - Madrid FC            0-6
18-10-1931    CD Nacional - Castilla FC            3-2
18-10-1931    Athletic Madrid - Iberia SC          0-3
25-10-1931    Madrid FC - CD Nacional              3-1
25-10-1931    Athletic Madrid - Valladolid CD      5-0
25-10-1931    Iberia SC - Castilla FC              5-0
01-11-1931    Madrid FC - Castilla FC              9-0
01-11-1931    Valladolid CD - Iberia SC            2-1
08-11-1931    Madrid FC - Valladolid CD            6-0
08-11-1931    Iberia SC - Athletic Madrid          1-0
08-11-1931    Castilla FC - CD Nacional            2-0
12-11-1931    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        0-2
15-11-1931    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC          3-3
15-11-1931    Iberia SC - CD Nacional              1-2
15-11-1931    Valladolid CD - Castilla FC          5-1
05-12-1931    Castilla FC - Athletic Madrid        1-0       
06-12-1931    Madrid FC - Iberia CD                2-1
06-12-1931    Valladolid CD - CD Nacional          1-0
13-12-1931    CD Nacional - Madrid FC              2-0
13-12-1931    Castilla FC - Iberia SC              2-0

                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC               17 10 8 1 1 40  8 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. CD Nacional             11 10 5 1 4 13 12 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Athletic Madrid         10 10 4 2 4 17 14 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. Valladolid CD            9 10 4 1 5 12 26 qualified for the Spanish Cup
5. Iberia SC                7 10 3 1 6 14 18
6. Castilla FC              6 10 3 0 7  9 27 prom


                          Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria         16  10 7 2 1 37 14 winner, prom
2. SD Guindalera          13  10 4 5 1 23 14        
3. CD Leganés             10  10 5 0 5 13 23
4. Imperio FC             10   9 3 4 2 12 14
5. SR El Cafeto            7  10 3 1 6 19 28
6. AD Tranviaria           2   9 0 2 7 13 18 prom       

Promotion to 1ª:
29-05-1932    Castilla FC – AD Ferroviaria         1-1
05-06-1932    AD Ferroviaria – Castilla FC         2-1

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1931-32 2ª Ordinaria

Group 1
                         Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Alcántara Deportiva                       winner, prom
2. Tarragona FC
3. AD Olímpica Deportiva
4. CD Madroño
5. RUD Bancaria
6. Getafe Deportivo

Group 2
                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Patria Balompié                           winner, prom
2. CD Carabanchel                            prom
3. Arenas Sporting Club

Group 3
                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Manchego             15 9 6 1 2 16  9  winner, prom
2. Tomelloso FC            15 9 7 1 1 25  5  prom
3. CD Valdepeñas            7 9 2 3 4 10 13
4. CD Toledo                5 9 4 1 4 11 12  * sanctioneed 4 points
5. CD España Alcázar        4 9 1 2 6 10 19
6. SD Unión Criptanense     *withdraw

Final Phase Promotion
                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Patria Balompié                          winner
2. Alcántara Deportiva
3. SD Centro Carabanchel  
4. CD Manchego
5. Tarragona FC (Madrid)
6. Tomellosos FC          


Group 1                         
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Sporting Vallecano                        prom
2. CD Júpiter
3. VfB Alemanes

Group 2
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Europa (Madrid)                        prom
2. CD Mercantil                              prom
3. Club Sur Deportivo

Promotion to 2ª
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Sporting Vallecano                        winner
2. CD Mercantil
3. CD Europa

1932-33 (Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Centro-Sur)


24-09-1932    Valladolid CD - Betis Balompié       1-1
25-09-1932    Sevilla FC - Madrid FC               1-0
25-09-1932    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        1-0
01-10-1932    CD Nacional - Valladolid CD          2-1
02-10-1932    Madrid FC - Betis Balompié           7-0
02-10-1932    Sevilla FC - Athletic Madrid         2-3
09-10-1932    Madrid FC - CD Nacional              4-1
09-10-1932    Betis Balompié - Sevilla FC          1-1
09-10-1932    Valladolid CD - Athletic Madrid      2-2
12-10-1932    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC          1-4
12-10-1932    Sevilla FC - Valladolid CD           2-0
12-10-1932    CD Nacional - Betis Balompié         1-1
16-10-1932    Valladolid CD - Madrid FC            0-4
16-10-1932    Sevilla FC - CD Nacional             1-0
16-10-1932    Athletic Madrid - Betis Balompié     2-2
22-10-1932    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        3-3
23-10-1932    Madrid FC - Sevilla FC               6-2
23-10-1932    Betis Balompié - Valladolid CD       5-2
30-10-1932    Betis Balompié - Madrid FC           1-2
30-10-1932    Valladolid CD - CD Nacional          2-1
30-10-1932    Athletic Madrid - Sevilla FC         4-0 
06-11-1932    CD Nacional - Madrid FC              0-3
06-11-1932    Sevilla FC - Betis Balompié          1-2
06-11-1932    Athletic Madrid - Valladolid CD      3-0
13-11-1932    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid          3-0
13-11-1932    Valladolid CD - Sevilla FC           1-0
13-11-1932    Betis Balompié - CD Nacional         2-1
20-11-1932    CD Nacional - Sevilla FC             3-2
20-11-1932    Madrid FC - Valladolid CD            5-1
20-11-1932    Betis Balompié - Athletic Madrid     5-0 

                          Pts J  G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC               18 10 9 0 1 38  7 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Betis Balompié          12 10 4 4 2 20 18 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Athletic Madrid         11 10 4 3 3 19 21 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. Sevilla FC               7 10 3 1 6 12 20 qualified for the Spanish Cup
5. CD Nacional              6 10 2 2 6 12 20 promotion
6. Valladolid CD            6 10 2 2 6 10 25 qualified for the Spanish Cup


Racing FC de Córdoba, Malagueño FC, Málaga SC, Castilla FC y la AD Ferroviaria, ambos de Madrid.
Fue creado para dar cabida a los clubes que militaban hasta entonces en la primera categoría regional,
que tras la creación de la mancomunidad no tenían hueco en la máxima categoría, viéndose perjudicados por ello.
Se proclamó campeón la Ferroviaria de Madrid, disputando un encuentro eliminatorio,
con el Sevilla FC, 5º clasificado del Group A, por una plaza en la Copa de España.

Racing FC de Córdoba, Malagueño FC, Málaga SC, Castilla FC and the AD Ferroviaria, both from Madrid.
It was created to accommodate the clubs that militated until then in the first regional category,
that after the creation of the federation they had no hollow in the highest category, being harmed by it.
The AD Ferroviaria champion was proclaimed, disputing a eliminatory encounter,
with Sevilla FC, 5th classified from Group A, for a place in the Cup.

25-09-1932    Malagueño FC - Málaga SC             3-0
25-09-1932    Racing Córdoba - Castilla FC         5-1
02-10-1932    Málaga SC - AD Ferroviaria           3-2
02-10-1932    Racing Córdoba - Malagueño FC        1-0
09-10-1932    Malagueño FC - AD Ferroviaria        2-2
09-10-1932    Castilla FC - Málaga SC              2-1
16-10-1932    Malagueño FC - Castilla FC           2-1
26-10-1932    AD Ferroviaria - Racing Córdoba      3-0
23-10-1932    Racing Córdoba - Málaga SC           2-1
30-10-1932    AD Ferroviaria - Castilla FC         1-1
06-11-1932    Málaga SC - Malagueño FC             0-2
06-11-1932    Castilla FC - Racing Córdoba           *
13-11-1932    Málaga SC - Castilla FC              4-0
13-11-1932    Racing Córdoba - AD Ferroviaria      1-2
20-11-1932    Malagueño FC - Racing Córdoba        2-2
20-11-1932    AD Ferroviaria - Málaga SC           5-3
27-11-1932    Málga SC - Racing Córdoba            5-2
27-12-1932    Castilla FC - Malagueño FC           4-1
16-12-1932    Castilla FC - AD Ferroviaria         1-4
11-12-1932    AD Ferroviaria - Malagueño SC        4-1

                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria (Madrid)  12 8 5 2 1 12 12  winner, promotion
2. Racing Córdoba            9 8 4 1 3 18  8  
3. FC Malagueño              8 8 3 2 3 14  8 
4. Málaga SC                 6 8 3 0 5 17 18
5. Castilla FC Madrid        5 8 2 1 5 11 23 prom

Promotion to Campeonato Mancomunado (1ª category)
23-04-1933    AD Ferroviaria - CD Nacional         3-3
30-04-1933    CD Nacional - AD Ferroviaria         1-0

*El CD Nacional conserva su puesto en la máxima categoría (National CD retains its position in the highest category).

Promoción entre 5º clasificado del Primer Group y el campeón del Segundo Group por un puesto en el Campeonato de Copa de España:
Promotion between 5º classified of the First Group and the champion of the Second Group by a position in the Spanish Cup:

01-02-1933   AD Ferroviaria  - Sevilla FC          0-0
28-02-1933   Sevilla FC  – AD Ferroviaria          6-0

*Clasificado para el Campeonato de España/Spanish Cup: Sevilla FC


Group Madrid: AD Tranviaria, Patria Balompié, AD Ferroviaria, Imperio FC, CD Leganés, SR El Cafeto.
winner: AD Tranviaria
prom:   Patria Balompié

Group Comarcal Norte: UD Salamanca, CD Valdepeñas, Criptana, Deportivo de Ciudad Real, Tomelloso FC.
winner: UD Salamanca

                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. UD Salamanca
2. CD Zamora
3. Canario FC (Valladolid)
4. Española FC (Valladolid)
5. CD San Isidro
6. SC San Miguel

Group Comarcal Sur: CD España, Cuenca SC, SD Consaburense, SD Ancora, CD Toledo, CD Valdepeñas.
winner: CD Valdepeñas

07-05-1933     UD Salamanca – Patria Balompié      3-0
07-05-1933     AD Tranviaria – Valdepeñas          4-1
14-05-1933     Valdepeñas – UD Salamanca           x-x
14-05-1933     Patria Balompié – AD Tranviaria     5-1
21-05-1933     UD Salamanca – AD Tranviaria        3-1
21-05-1933     Patria Balompié – Valdepeñas        0-1
28-05-1933     Patria Balompié – UD Salamanca      2-2
28-05-1933     Valdepeñas – AD Tranviaria          1-2
04-06-1933     UD Salamanca – Valdepeñas           1-2
04-06-1933     AD Tranviaria – Patria Balompié     1-0
11-06-1933     Valdepeñas – Patria Balompié        x-x
11-06-1933     AD Tranviaria – UD Salamanca        3-0

                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. AD Tranviaria             8 6 4 0 2 12 10 prom
3. UD Salamanca              5 5 2 1 2  9  8
4. CD Valdepeñas             4 4 2 0 2  5  7 
5. Patria Balompié           3 5 1 1 3  7  8

el campeón disputa el puesto de promoción al Castilla FC (último de 1ª B)
the champion contests the promotion post to Castilla FC (last of 1st B)
Promotion to 1ª B
18-06-1933     Castilla FC – AD Tranviaria         1-2
25-06-1933     AD Tranviaria - Castilla FC         1-1


CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1932-33 2ª Ordinaria

Tarragona FC, CD Mahou, Unión Bancaria, Olímpica, Arenas, Alcántara Deportiva,
              Sporting Vallecano, Getafe CF, Patria Balompié, CD Madroño, CD Ventas.

Group 1 (CD Carabanchel, CD Júpiter, Arenas SC, Peña Mariano, Tarragona FC, CD Pozuelo)
                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Carabanchel                           prom
2. CD Peña Mariano                          prom

Group 2 (Alcántara Deportiva, AD Olímpica, Sporting Vallecano, CD Mahou, Sporting FC, Bancaria)
                           Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Alcántara Deportiva                      prom
2. Sporting Vallecano                       prom

Promotion to 1ª B
04-06-1933    CD Carabanchel - Sporting Vallecano    2-1


4 Groups (2 winner by group, to promotion)
Group Madrid 1
winner: Gimnástica  Carabanchel
Group Madrid 2
winner: Gimnástica de Pozuelo
Group Norte (Ávila, Segovia, Salamanca, Valladolid, Zamora)
Group Sur (Toledo, Ciudad Real, Cuenca y Guadalajara)

Promotion to 2ª
11-06-1933    Gimnástica Carabanchel - Gimnástica Pozuelo    3-1

1933-34 (Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Centro-Sur)


03-09-1933    Madrid FC - Valladolid CD            9-3
03-10-1933    CD Nacional - Betis Balompié         2-2
03-09-1933    Sevilla FC - Athletic Madrid         3-1
10-09-1933    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        2-1
10-09-1933    Betis Balompié - Madrid FC           0-0
10-09-1933    Valladolid CD - Sevilla FC           0-0
17-09-1933    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid          0-2
17-09-1933    Sevilla FC - CD Nacional             5-0
21-09-1933    Valladolid CD - Betis Balompié       2-1
24-09-1933    Athletic Madrid - Valladolid CD      3-1
24-09-1933    CD Nacional - Madrid FC              1-3
24-09-1933    Sevilla FC - Betis Balompié          1-2           
01-10-1933    Madrid FC - Sevilla FC               6-1
01-10-1933    Valladolid CD - CD Nacional          1-2
01-10-1933    Betis Balompié - Athletic Madrid     3-3
08-10-1933    Athletic Madrid - Sevilla FC         3-2
08-10-1933    Valladolid CD - Madrid FC            1-3
08-10-1933    Betis Balompié - CD Nacional         6-1         
12-10-1933    Madrid FC - Betis Balompié           5-0
12-10-1933    Sevilla FC - Valladolid CD           4-2
12-10-1933    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        2-1
15-10-1933    CD Nacional - Sevilla FC             4-2
15-10-1933    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC          2-2
15-10-1933    Betis Balompié - Valladolid CD       3-0
22-10-1933    Valladolid CD - Athletic Madrid      1-2
22-10-1933    Madrid FC - CD Nacional              5-1
22-10-1933    Betis Balompié - Sevilla FC          2-2
29-10-1933    Athletic Madrid - Betis Balompié     4-0
29-10-1933    CD Nacional - Valladolid CD          2-1
29-10-1933    Sevilla FC - Madrid FC               0-2

                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC               16 10 7 2 1 35 11 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Athletic Madrid         14 10 6 2 2 23 15 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Betis Balompié          10 10 3 4 3 19 20 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. CD Nacional              9 10 4 1 5 16 28 qualified for the Spanish Cup
5. Sevilla FC               8 10 3 2 5 20 22
6. Valladolid CD            3 10 1 1 8 12 29 prom

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1933-34 Castilla-Sur 1ª B

15-10-1933    CD Malacitano – AD Tranviaria       5-1
22-10-1933    AD Ferroviaria – CD Malacitano      0-0
29-10-1933    CD Malacitano - AD Ferroviaria      3-0
05-11-1933    AD Tranviaria - AD Ferroviaria      1-5
12-11-1933    AD Tranviaria - CD Malacitano       3-0
26-11-1933    AD Ferroviaria – AD Tranviaria      *win Ferroviaria

                           Pts  J G E P GF  GC  
1. CD Malacitano            5   4 2 1 1  8   4 winner
2. AD Ferroviaria           5   4 2 1 1  5*  4*
3. AD Tranviaria            2   4 1 0 2  5* 10* prom
4. Racing Córdoba                             withdrew

Promotion to 1ª
01-07-1934    Alcántara - AD Tranviaria          2-1
08-07-1934    AD Tranviaria - Alcántara          5-0
08-07-1934    AD Tranviaria - Alcántara          3-0


CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1933-34 2ª Preferente

Group Madrid

24-09-1933     Alcántara – SR El Cafeto          x-x
24-09-1933     CD Carabanchel – Imperio FC       3-3
01-10-1933     Patria Balompié – Alcántara       x-x
08-10-1933     SR El Cafeto – CD Leganés         x-x
15-10-1933     CD Carabanchel – SR El Cafeto     1-0
22-10-1933     Alcántara – Imperio FC            3-1
29-10-1933     CD Leganés – Patria Balompié      x-x
05-11-1933     CD Carabanchel – Alcántara        x-x
12-11-1933     Imperio FC – CD Leganés           5-1
19-11-1933     SR El Cafeto – Patria Balompié    x-x
26-11-1933     SR El Cafeto – Alcántara          x-x
03-12-1933     CD Leganés – CD Carabanchel       x-x
03-12-1933     Patria Balompié – Imperio FC      x-x
10-12-1933     Alcántara – CD Leganés            x-x
17-12-1933     CD Carabanchel – Patria Balompié  x-x
24-12-1933     Imperio FC – SR EL Cafeto         x-x
31-12-1933     CD Carabanchel – Imperio FC       x-x
31-12-1933     Alcántara -  Patria Balompié      x-x
07-01-1934     CD Leganés – SR EL Cafeto         x-x
14-01-1934     SR Cafeto – CD Carabanchel        x-x
21-01-1934     Imperio FC – Alcántara            x-x
28-01-1934     Patria Balompié – CD Leganés      x-x
04-02-1934     Alcántara – CD Carabanchel        x-x
11-02-1934     CD Leganés – Imperio FC           x-x
18-02-1934     Patria Balompié – SR El Cafeto    x-x
25-02-1934     Alcántara – SR El Cafeto          x-x
04-03-1934     CD Carabanchel – CD Leganés       x-x
04-03-1934     Imperio FC – Patria Balompié      x-x
11-03-1934     CD Leganés – Alcántara            x-x
11-03-1934     Patria Balompié – CD Carabanchel  x-x
18-03-1934     SR El Cafeto – Imperio FC         1-1

                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Alcántara Deportiva                       winner, prom
2. Imperio FC              
3. CD Carabanchel
4. SR El Cafeto
5. Patria Balompié
6. CD Leganés                                descend

Group Comarcal Norte.
                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Española Valladolid                       winner, prom
2. UD Salamanca
3. CD Palencia
4. Zamora CF
5. Delicias FC
6. Canario FC

Group Comarcal Sur.
              Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. SD Valdepeñas
2. SR El Áncora

winner 2ª Preferente: Alcántara Deportiva

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1933-34 2ª Ordinaria

Group Madrid

                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Sporting Vallecano
2. AD Olímpica Deportiva

Group Comarcal Norte
                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Patria FC
2. CD Zaratán


4 Groups (Winner Peña Álvarez)

Final 3ª Category
06-05-1934    Hogar Prosperidad - Peña Álvarez   0-1


COPA CASTILLA 1933-34 1ª

Preliminary round Madrid

Group 1:
Madrid FC, Athletic, CD Nacional, Ferroviaria, Racing Santander

Group 2:
AD Tranviaria, AD Olímpica, Alcántara Deportiva, Imperio FC, CD Carabanchel, Sporting Vallecano, Peña Álvarez,
Ancora Aranjuez, UD Salamanca, UD Española Valladolid, Patria Valladolid.
(Juegan entre los 12 y quedan 6, al domingo siguiente se enfrentan y quedan 3 y junto con los 5 de Madrid, forman un grupo de 8.
Los días 27 mayo y 3 de junio los cuartos de final
(They play between 12 and there are 6, the next Sunday they face and 3 remain and together with the 5 from Madrid, they form a group of 8.
On May 27 and June 3, the quarterfinals.

12-05-1934    SR El Áncora - CD Carabanchel            3-4
12-05-1934    Imperio FC - Alcántara Deportiva         1-2
12-05-1934    Sporting Vallecano - AD Tranviaria       3-0
12-05-1934    Peña Álvarez - AD Olímpica                 * withdrew AD Olímpica

Second round Madrid
20-05-1934    Alcántara Deportiva - Sporting Vallecano 1-0
20-05-1934    CD Carabanchel - Peña Álvarez            4-0
20-05-1934    UD Salamanca - UD Española Valladolid    5-1

1/4 Final (27-05/1934 02/06/1934)
27-05-1934    Madrid FC - AD Ferroviaria               1-1   0-7
27-05-1934    Athletic Madrid - Alcántara Deportiva    2-1   7-0
27-05-1934    CD Nacional - CD Carabanchel             4-4   4-1
27-05-1934    Racing de Santander - UD Salamanca       6-0   3-0

Semifinal (10/06/1934 17/06/1934)
10-06-1934    AD Ferroviaria - Athletic Madrid         1-4   2-1
10-06-1934    CD Nacional - Racing de Santander        3-0   2-3

Final (24/06/1934)
24-06-1934    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid            4-3
  [1-0 Aja, 2-0 San Emeterio 13´, 3-0 Aja, 3-1 Peña 37´,
   3-2 Losada 55´, 4-2 Sanz, 4-3 Arocha]
CD Nacional:  Joven; Muñoz, Suárez; Sánchez, Otero, Zulueta; Sanz, Moriones, López Herranz, San Emeterio, Aja.
Ath. Madrid:  Pacheco; Corral, Mcndaro; Peña, Basterrechea, Losada; Liz, Guijarro, Arocha, Amunárriz, Buiría.

1934-35 (Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Castilla-Aragón)


02-09-1934    CD Nacional - Madrid CF              1-3
02-09-1934    Racing de Santander - Valladolid CD  4-0
02-09-1934    CD Logroño - Zaragoza CF             4-3
09-09-1934    Racing de Santander - Madrid FC      2-3
09-09-1934    CD Nacional- Athletic Madrid         3-3
09-09-1934    Valladolid CD - CD Logroño           4-0
15-09-1934    Valladolid CD - Madrid FC            0-1
16-09-1934    Athletic Madrid - Racing  Santander  9-5
16-09-1934    Zaragoza CF - CD Nacional            1-2
23-09-1934    Madrid FC - Zaragoza CF              3-0
23-09-1934    Racing de Santander - CD Nacional    5-0
23-09-1934    CD Logroño - Athletic Madrid         2-4    
30-09-1934    CD Logroño - Madrid FC               1-4
30-09-1934    Athletic Madrid - Valladolid CD      0-0
30-09-1934    Racing de Santander - Zaragoza CF    3-1
09-10-1934    CD Logroño - CD Nacional             2-1
12-10-1934    Zaragoza CF - Athletic Madrid        2-2 
12-10-1934    CD Logroño - Racing de Santander     1-2    
14-10-1934    Madrid FC - CD Nacional              8-1
14-10-1934    Zaragoza CF - CD Logroño             3-0
14-10-1934    Valladolid CD - Racing de Santander  4-4
16-10-1934    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC          1-4
18-10-1934    Zaragoza CF - Valladolid CD          2-0 
21-10-1934    Madrid FC - Racing de Santander      1-2
21-10-1934    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        3-3
21-10-1934    CD Logroño - Valladolid CD           2-3
25-10-1934    CD Nacional - Valladolid CD          4-0
28-10-1934    Madrid FC - Valladolid CD            3-0
28-10-1934    Racing Santander - Athletic Madrid   1-0
28-10-1934    CD Nacional - Zaragoza CF            5-1
01-11-1934    Zaragoza CF - Madrid FC              2-1
01-11-1934    Athletic Madrid - CD Logroño         7-0
04-11-1934    Madrid FC - CD Logroño               7-1
04-11-1934    Zaragoza CF - Racing de Santander    1-0
04-11-1934    Valladolid CD - Athletic Madrid      1-2
07-11-1934    CD Nacional - Racing de Santander    4-2
11-11-1934    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid          3-2
11-11-1934    Valladolid CD - Zaragoza CF          3-1
18-11-1934    Racing de Santander - CD Logroño     9-1
18-11-1934    Athletic Madrid - Zaragoza CF        3-0
18-11-1934    Valladolid CD - CD Nacional          3-2
24-11-1934    CD Nacional - CD Logroño             1-2

                          Pts  J  G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC               20 12 10 0 2 41 13 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Racing de Santander     15 12  7 1 4 39 25 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Athletic Madrid         14 12  5 4 3 36 24 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. CD Nacional             10 12  4 2 6 27 33 qualified for the Spanish Cup
5. Valladolid CD           10 12  4 2 6 18 25 qualified for the Spanish Cup
6. Zaragoza CF              9 12  4 1 7 17 26 qualified for the Spanish Cup
7. CD Logroño               6 12  3 0 9 16 49 descend



30-09-1934    AD Tranviaria - Imperio FC              2-0 3-4 ?
30-09-1934    UD Española Valladolid - AD Ferroviaria 3-3
30-09-1934    CD Carabanchel - Alcántara              0-2
14-10-1934    UD Salamanca - UD Española Valladolid   2-0
21-10-1934    UD Española Valladolid - Imperio FC     x-x
21-10-1934    Ancora Aranjuez - CD Carabanchel        3-0
21-10-1934    AD Ferroviaria - UD Salamanca           2-2
28-10-1934    UD Salamanca - Alcántara                2-0
28-10-1934    Imperio FC - Áncora Aranjuez            7-0
28-10-1934    CD Carabanchel - AD Tranviaria          0-0
04-11-1934    AD Tranviaria - AD Ferroviaria          0-2
04-11-1934    CD Carabanchel - Imperio FC             2-0
04-11-1934    Áncora Aranjuez - UD Española Valla.    7-0
11-11-1934    UD Salamanca - AD Tranviaria            4-2
11-11-1934    Áncora Aranjuez - Alcántara             1-1
18-11-1934    AD Ferroviaria - Imperio FC             5-1
18-11-1934    CD Carabanchel - UD Española Valladolid 2-0
25-11-1934    Alcántara - Imperio FC                  5-1
25-11-1934    UD Española Valladolid - AD Tranviaria  0-6
02-12-1934    CD Carabanchel - AD Ferroviaria         3-2
02-12-1934    Imperio FC - UD Salamanca               2-1
02-12-1934    Áncora Aranjuez - AD Tranviaria         1-0
09-12-1934    AD Tranviaria - Alcántara               0-2
16-12-1934    Alcántara - UD Española Valladolid      7-1
16-12-1934    AD Ferroviaria – Áncora Aranjuez        7-0
16-12-1934    UD Salamanca - CD Carabanchel           5-0
23-12-1934    UD Salamanca - Áncora Aranjuez          2-3
23-12-1934    Alcántara - AD Ferroviaria              2-1
30-12-1934    Alcántara - AD Tranviaria               4-0
30-12-1934    AD Ferroviaria - UD Española Valladolid   * NP Española (win Ferroviaria)
30-12-1934    Áncora Aranjuez - Imperio FC            3-2
06-01-1935    Imperio FC - AD Tranviaria              1-2
06-01-1935    UD Salamanca - AD Ferroviaria           1-2
13-01-1935    AD Ferroviaria - AD Tranviaria          3-1
13-01-1935    CD Carabanchel - Áncora Aranjuez        4-0
20-01-1935    AD Tranviaria - CD Carabanchel          2-1
20-01-1935    UD Española Valladolid - UD Salamanca   0-0
20-01-1935    Ancora Aranjuez - AD Ferroviaria        0-2 * suspend
27-01-1935    Imperio FC - UD Española Valladolid     7-0
27-01-1934    AD Ferroviaria - CD Carabanchel         2-2
03-02-1935    AD Tranviaria - UD Española Valladolid  1-0
03-02-1935    Alcántara - Imperio FC                  1-0
03-02-1935    CD Carabanchel - UD Salamanca           5-2
10-02-1935    Alcántara – Áncora Aranjuez             3-0
10-02-1935    UD Española Valladolid – CD Carabanchel 0-6
10-02-1935    UD Salamanca - Imperio FC               4-0
17-02-1935    AD Ferroviaria - Alcántara              4-2
17-02-1935    AD Tranviaria - UD Salamanca            1-0
24-02-1935    Imperio FC – CD Carabanchel             0-0
24-02-1935    UD Española Valladolid - Alcántara      2-1
03-03-1935    Alcántara – CD Carabanchel              1-3
03-03-1935    Imperio FC – AD Ferroviaria             1-4
03-03-1935    Española Valladolid - Áncora Aranjuez   4-1
10-03-1935    AD Tranviaria – Áncora Aranjuez         3-0
10-03-1935    Alcántara – UD Salamanca                0-4

17-03-1935    UD Salamanca - AD Tranviaria            0-1  (4º-5º)

                          Ptos J  G E  P GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria           21 14 9 3  2 39 18 prom, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Alcántara Deportiva      17 14 8 1  5 30 19
3. CD Carabanchel           17 14 7 3  4 28 19
4. AD Tranviaria            15 14 7 1  6 21 18
5. UD Salamanca             15 14 6 3  5 30 19
6. SR El Áncora (Aranjuez)  12 14 5 2  7 20 35 prom
7. Imperio FC Madrid         9 14 4 1  9 24 28 prom
8. Española FC (Valladolid)  6 14 2 2 10 10 45 descend

Promotion 1ª

Para ganar la plaza en el Torneo de Copa, el campeón regional de 1ª B Cantabria (Santoña FC),
tiene que enfrentarse el campeón de 1ª B de Aragón (Arenas SC Zaragoza).
Asimismo el ganador de esta eliminatoria, jugaba contra el campeón de 1ª B centro (AD Ferroviaria).
To win the place in the Tournament Cup, regional champion 1st B Cantabria (Santoña FC),
has to face the champion of 1st B of Aragon (Arenas SC Zaragoza).
Also the winner of this tie, played against the champion of 1st B center (AD Ferroviaria.

Preliminary round Spain Cup and Promotion to 1ª

10-03-1935    Santoña FC - Arenas SC Zaragoza        1-1
17-03-1935    Arenas SC Zaragoza - Santoña FC        0-1
24-03-1935    Santoña FC - AD Ferroviaria Madrid     3-2
31-03-1935    AD Ferroviaria Madrid - Santoña FC     5-0
15-06-1935    AD Ferroviaria Madrid - Real Zaragoza  4-4
20-06-1935    Real Zaragoza - AD Ferroviaria Madrid  3-2

CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1934-35 2ª Preferente

Group Madrid
07-10-1934 to 05-05-1935

                          Pts  J  G E P GF GC
1. Sporting Vallecano                         ascend
2. SR El Cafeto                               prom
3. AD Olímpica Deportiva                     
4. Patria Balompié                            prom
5. SD Gimnástica Española                     descend

Group Norte (Valladolid. Segovia, Zamora)
                         Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Zamora              9  6 4 1 1 15  9 winner, prom
2. CD Delicias Valladolid 6  5 2 2 1  7  6 prom
3. Patria Valladolid      5  6 2 1 3  8 14
4. CD Segovia             2  5 0 2 3  4 10 

Group Rioja
                         Pts J G E P GF GC
1. CD Haro                                winner, prom
2. CD Logroño                             prom

Promotion to 1ª B
1/4 Final (05/05/1935 12/05/1935)
05-05-1935    SR Cafeto - Peña Álvarez        x-x    x-x
05-05-1935    Sporting FC - Patria Balompié   x-x    x-x
05-05-1935    CD Zamora - CD Delicias FC      2-2    2-1
05-05-1935    CD Haro - CD Logroño            x-x    x-x

Semifinals (19/05/1935 26/05/1935)
19-05-1935    SR El Cafeto - Patria Balompié  2-2    x-x
19-05-1935    CD Zamora - CD Haro-CD Logroño  x-x    X-X

Finals    (09/06/1935 16/06/1936)
09-06-1935    Imperio FC - Patria Balompié    2-2    2-0
09-06-1935    SR Ancora Aranjuez- CD Zamora   5-2    4-1

ascend to 1ª : Imperio FC and SR Áncora Aranjuez


CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1934-35 2ª ordinaria

La nueva estructura de la Federación Regional Centro, estableció la segunda categoría,
dividida en cuatro comarcales: Madrid, La Mancha, Rioja y Valladolid.
La promoción de ascensos y descensos será automática esta temporada,
descendiendo el peor de 2ª categoría y ascendiendo el mejor de 3ª categoría.
Los campeones comarcales de segunda categoría jugarán entre sí, por el procedimiento de copa,
para dar dos vencedores, que pasarán a 1ª categoría.

The new structure of the Regional Federation Center, established the second category,
divided into four districts: Madrid, La Mancha, Rioja and Valladolid.
The promotion of promotions and descents will be automatic this season,
descending the worst of 2nd category and ascending the best of 3rd category.
The second category regional champions will play each other, by the cup procedure,
to give two winners, who will go to 1st category.

Group 1 Madrid:
winner: Hogar Prosperidad, Tarragona FC, CD Victoria, Unión Bancaria

Group 2 Madrid: Peña Álvarez, CD Mahou, Gimnástica Pozuelo, Sur Deportivo, CD Júpiter
winner: Peña Álvarez    

                          Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Peña Álvarez            11 6 5 1 0 27  3 winner, prom
2. Sur Deportivo            7 6 3 1 2 10 10
3. CD Mahou                 6 6 3 0 3 10 11
4. Gimnástica Pozuelo       3 6 2 1 3  6 12 withdrew
5. CD Júpiter               0 6 0 0 6  2 25

* Por retirada de Gimnástica Pozuelo, se descuentan 4 puntos al resto.
* Due to the withdrawal of Gimnástica Pozuelo, 4 points are deducted from the rest.

Group 3 La Mancha:

Group 4 Rioja:   

Group 5 Valladolid

Finals winner 2ª:
31-03-1935    Hogar prosperidad - Peña Álvarez       x-x
07-04-1935    Peña Álvarez - CD Pardiñas             2-1
14-04-1935    Sur Deportivo – Peña Álvarez           2-10
14-04-1935    Hogar Prosperidad – CD Pardiñas        x-x
20-04-1935    Peña Álvarez- Hogar Prosperidad        3-0

winner 2ª category : Peña Álvarez  


                          Pts  J  G E P GF GC
1. CD Mayestic
2. CD Pueblo Nuevo

Comarca Norte 3ª.
                          Pts  J  G E P GF GC
1. Triunfo FC

Promotion to 2ª

Finals 3ª
05-05-1935    Lacy SC - CD Pueblo Nuevo               3-0 
26-05-1935    Sporting d´Or - CD Mayestic             x-x
02-06-1935    CD Europa - Lacy SC                     0-2
xx-06-1935    CD Pueblo Nuevo - CD Mayestic           x-x

winner 3ª category: Lacy Sporting Club

1935-36 (Campeonato Regional Mancomunado Castilla-Aragón)


Esta temporada desaparece la 2ª Categoría preferente.
This season, the Second Preferred Category disappears.

01-09-1935    Madrid FC - CD Nacional              3-0
01-09-1935    Racing de Santander - Zaragoza CF    3-2
08-09-1935    Madrid FC - Zaragoza CF              1-0
08-09-1935    Racing Santander - Athletic Madrid   3-0
08-09-1935    Valladolid CD - CD Nacional          4-2
15-09-1935    Racing de Santander - Madrid FC      2-2
15-09-1935    Zaragoza CF - Valladolid CD          2-1
15-09-1935    Athletic Madrid - CD Nacional        5-2
22-09-1935    Madrid FC - Valladolid CD            7-1
22-09-1935    Zaragoza CF - Athletic Madrid        1-0
22-09-1935    CD Nacional- Racing de Santander     6-0
29-09-1935    Athletic Madrid - Madrid FC          0-2
29-09-1935    Racing de Santander - Valladolid CD  2-0
29-09-1935    CD Nacional - Zaragoza CF            0-2
06-10-1935    CD Nacional- Madrid FC               1-1
06-10-1935    Zaragoza CF - Racing de Santander    3-0
06-10-1935    Valladolid CD - Athletic Madrid      2-4
12-10-1935    Madrid FC - Racing de Santander      4-1
13-10-1935    CD Nacional - Athletic Madrid        3-2
13-10-1935    Valladolid CD - Zaragoza CF          0-2
20-10-1935    Zaragoza CF - Madrid FC              2-0
20-10-1935    CD Nacional - Valladolid CD          2-0
20-10-1935    Athletic Madrid - Racing de Santander4-2
27-10-1935    Valladolid CD - Madrid FC            1-1
27-10-1935    Racing de Santander - CD Nacional    4-0
27-10-1935    Athletic Madrid - Zaragoza CF        2-1
01-11-1935    Athletic Madrid - CD Valladolid      5-3
03-11-1935    Madrid FC - Athletic Madrid          2-0
03-11-1935    Zaragoza CF - CD Nacional            6-1
03-11-1935    Valladolid CD - Racing de Santander  5-2

                          Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Madrid FC               15 10 6 3 1 23  8 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Zaragoza CF             14 10 7 0 3 21  8 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. Athletic Madrid         10 10 5 0 5 22 21 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. Racing de Santander      9 10 4 1 5 19 26 qualified for the Spanish Cup
5. CD Nacional              7 10 3 1 6 17 27 qualified for the Spanish Cup
6. Valladolid CD            5 10 2 1 7 17 29 qualified for the Spanish Cup



El vencedor, pasará directamente al grupo de honor, y por otra parte los 3 clasificados en los últimos lugares,
descenderán sin salvación posible a la categoría inferior, ya que se ha suprimido el Torneo de promoción.
The winner will go directly to the group of honor, and on the other hand the 3 classified in the last places,
will descend without possible salvation to the lower category, since the Promotion Tournament has been suppressed

01-09-1935    AD Tranviaria – UD Salamanca             0-3
01-09-1935    Imperio FC – Sporting Vallecano          5-3
08-09-1935    SR El Cafeto – Patria Balompié           5-0
08-09-1935    Imperio FC – CD Carabanchel              3-2
08-09-1935    SR Ancora – AD Ferroviaria               0-3
15-09-1935    AD Ferroviaria – Patria Balompié         4-1
15-09-1935    SR Ancora – UD Salamanca                 1-3
15-09-1935    Sporting Vallecano – SR El Cafeto        3-2
22-09-1935    AD Ferroviaria - CD Carabanchel          2-1
22-09-1935    Sporting Vallecano – AD Tranviaria       2-1
22-09-1935    UD Salamanca – Patria Balompié           3-2
29-09-1935    Patria Balompié - Imperio FC             2-4
29-09-1935    Sporting Vallecano – AD Ferroviaria      2-1
29-09-1935    SR Ancora – CD Carabanchel               1-1
06-10-1935    Imperio FC – SR El Cafeto                1-1
06-10-1935    AD Ferroviaria – AD Tranviaria           3-0
06-10-1935    CD Carabanchel – UD Salamanca            3-1
13-10-1935    Sporting Vallecano – UD Salamanca        1-1
13-10-1935    SR El Cafeto – CD Carabanchel            2-3
13-10-1935    Patria Balompié – SR Ancora              1-2
13-10-1935    Imperio FC – AD Ferroviaria              3-3
20-10-1935    Imperio FC – SR Ancora                   1-4
20-10-1935    CD Carabanchel – Sporting Vallecano      3-2
20-10-1935    SR El Cafeto – AD Tranviaria             3-2
27-10-1935    AD Tranviaria – SR Ancora                1-0
27-10-1935    UD Salamanca – AD Ferroviaria            2-0
27-10-1935    Sporting Vallecano – Patria balompié     1-0
03-11-1935    AD Tranviaria – Patria Balompié          3-2
03-11-1935    SR Ancora – Sporting Vallecano           5-2
03-11-1935    AD Ferroviaria – SR El Cafeto            4-0
03-11-1935    UD Salamanca – Imperio CF                2-1
10-11-1935    UD Salamanca – SR El Cafeto              5-1
10-11-1935    Patria Balompié – CD Carabanchel         2-0
10-11-1935    Imperio FC – AD Tranviaria               2-1
10-11-1935    Imperio FC – Sporting Vallecano          2-0
17-11-1935    UD Salamanca – AD Tranviaria             3-0
17-11-1935    SR Ancora – SR El Cafeto                 3-3
17-11-1935    Sporting Vallecano- Imperio FC           0-2
17-11-1935    SR El Cafeto – SR Ancora                 3-3
17-11-1935    UD Salamanca – AD Tranviaria             3-0
24-11-1935    Patria Balompié – SR El Cafeto           4-1
24-11-1935    AD Ferroviaria – SR Ancora               0-1
24-11-1935    CD Carabanchel – Imperio FC              1-2
01-12-1935    Patria Balompié - AD Ferroviaria         1-5
01-12-1935    AD Tranviaria – CD Carabanchel           1-2
01-12-1935    SR El Cafeto – Sporting Vallecano        2-2
01-12-1935    UD Salamanca – SR Ancora                 4-2
08-12-1935    Patria Balompié - UD Salamanca           3-3
08-12-1935    CD Carabanchel – AD Ferroviaria          0-2
08-12-1935    AD Tranviaria – Sporting Vallecano       4-0
15-12-1935    AD Ferroviaria – Sporting Vallecano      2-1
15-12-1935    Imperio FC – Patria Balompié             1-2
15-12-1935    CD Carabanchel – SR Ancora               2-3
22-12-1935    AD Tranviaria – AD Ferroviaria           0-2
22-12-1935    SR El Cafeto – Imperio FC                3-3
22-12-1935    UD Salamanca – CD Carabanchel           12-1
25-12-1935    SR Ancora – Patria Balompié              2-2
25-12-1935    CD Carabanchel – SR El Cafeto            3-0
25-12-1935    UD Salamanca – Sporting Vallecano        7-1
25-12-1935    Imperio FC – AD Ferroviaria                *sus
29-12-1935    AD Tranviaria – SR El Cafeto             2-1
29-12-1935    Sporting Vallecano – CD Carabanchel      2-4
29-12-1935    SR Ancora – Imperio FC                   2-1
31-12-1936    Patria Balompié – AD Tranviaria          1-2
31-12-1935    SR El Cafeto – AD Ferroviaria            4-0
31-12-1935    Imperio FC – UD Salamanca                1-3
05-01-1936    AD Ferroviaria – UD Salamanca            0-0
05-01-1936    Patria Balompié – Sporting Vallecano     5-1
05-01-1936    SR Ancora - AD Tranviaria                7-0
11-01-1936    SR El Cafeto – UD Salamanca              3-1
11-01-1936    AD Tranviaria – Imperio FC               0-0
11-01-1936    CD Carabanchel – Patria Balompié         3-1

                       Pts  J  G E P  GF GC
1. UD Salamanca         25 16 11 3 2  53 18 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. AD Ferroviaria       20 16  9 2 5  34 18
3. SR Ancora Aranjuez   19 16  8 3 5  35 27
4. CD Carabanchel       19 16  9 1 6  31 37
5. Imperio FC           16 16  6 4 6  32 33
6. SR El Cafeto         14 16  5 4 7  33 36
7. Sporting Vallecano   12 16  5 2 9  28 44 promotion
8. Patria Balompié      10 16  4 2 10 30 40 descend
9. AD Tranviaria         9 16  4 1 11 13 36 descend

promotion to 1ª
xx-06-1936    Imperio FC - Patria Balompié             x-x
xx-06-1936    SR Ancora - CD Zamora                    x-x

Promotion 1ª Preferente
23-02-1936    Hogar Prosperidad - Sporting Vallecano   3-0
01-03-1936    Hogar Prosperidad - CD Mahou             3-0
08-03-1936    CD Mahou -                               4-1
15-03-1936    CD Mahou - Sporting Vallecano            2-2
22-03-1936    CD Mahou - Mayestic                      3-0 
29-03-1936    Sporting Vallecano - CD Júpiter          2-2
29-03-1936    Hogar Prosperidad - Peña Álvarez FC      x-x
05-04-1936    Hogar Prosperidad - CD Júpiter           x-x
05-04-1936    Majestic - Peña Álvarez                  x-x
12-04-1936    Majestic - Sporting Vallecano            1-0
12-04-1936    Peña Álvarez - CD Mahou                  1-1
10-05-1936    CD Mahou - Sporting Vallecano            x-x
10-05-1936    CD Júpiter - Peña Álvarez                x-x


CAMPEONATO REGIONAL 1935-36 2ª Ordinaria

Hogar Prosperidad, CD Pozuelo, CD Pardiñas, CD Victoria, CD Mayestic, Peña Álvarez, CD Mahou

Group 1:
winner: Hogar Prosperidad
                     Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Hogar Prosperidad  12  9 6 0 3 32 13
2. Sporting FC Madrid 11  8 5 1 2 17 12
3. CD Mayestic        11  9 4 3 2 15 16
4. Juvenia FC          8  9 4 0 5 17 18
5. CD Pueblonuevo      7  9 3 1 5 19 21
6. CD Pardiñas         5 10 2 1 7 11 31

Group 2:
winner: Peña Álvarez

Group 3:
winner: CD Mahou

Group 4:

Final 2ª
17-05-1936    Hogar Prosperidad - Peña Álvarez          x-x
28-06-1936    Hogar Prosperidad - Peña Álvarez          x-x

Promotion to 1ª B
CD Mahou, Sporting Vallecano, Peña Álvarez, Hogar Prosperidad, CD Júpiter

winner promotion to 1ª B: Sporting Valecano


Group 1
                    Pts J G E P GF GC
1. Lacy SC           11 6 5 1 0 17  2 winner, prom
2. SD Aranjuez        6 6 2 2 2  5  5
3. Gimnástica Pozuelo 5 6 2 1 3  6  8
4. S. Moncloa         2 6 0 2 4  2 15
5. G. Alemana                         withdrew 

Final 3ª
19-06-1935    CD Pueblo Nuevo - mayestic                x-x (win Mayestic)

promotion to 2ª
05-01-1936    CD Aranjuez - Lacy Sporting Club           1-3

1939-40 (Campeonato Regional del Centro)


01-10-1939    Valladolid CD - Real Madrid FC       1-2
04-10-1939    Real Madrid FC - Imperio FC          2-0
06-10-1939    AD Ferroviaria - Ath. Aviación       1-2
07-10-1939    AD Ferroviaria - Real Valladolid     1-1
12-10-1939    AD Ferroviaria - Imperio FC          2-0
12-10-1939    Valladolid CD - Ath. Aviación        0-3
12-10-1939    UD Salamanca - Real Madrid FC        0-4
14-10-1939    AD Ferroviaria - Real Madrid FC      2-2
15-10-1939    UD Salamanca - Valladolid CD         1-0
15-10-1939    Ath. Aviación - Imperio FC           1-1
18-10-1939    Imperio FC- UD Salamanca             1-1
22-10-1939    Real Madrid FC - Ath. Aviación       2-1
22-10-1939    AD Ferroviaria - UD Salamanca        3-3
22-10-1939    Imperio FC - Valladolid CD           1-1
25-10-1939    Ath. Aviación - UD Salamanca         3-0
28-10-1939    Ath. Aviación - AD Ferroviaria       4-0
29-10-1939    Real Madrid FC - Valladolid CD       3-0
29-10-1939    UD Salamanca - Imperio FC            2-1
01-11-1939    Imperio FC - Real Madrid FC          1-2
01-11-1939    UD Salamanca - Ath. Aviación         1-3
01-11-1939    Valladolid CD - AD Ferroviaria       0-3
04-11-1939    Real Madrid FC - UD Salamanca        3-2
05-11-1939    Imperio FC - AD Ferroviaria          0-4
05-11-1939    Ath. Aviación - Valladolid CD        8-0
11-11-1939    Imperio FC - Athletic Aviacion       2-3
12-11-1939    Real Madrid FC - AD Ferroviaria      1-2
12-11-1939    Valladolid CD - UD Salamanca         2-0
18-11-1939    Imperio FC - Valladolid CD           2-1
19-11-1939    Ath. Aviación - Real Madrid FC       3-0
19-11-1939    UD Salamanca - AD Ferroviaria        3-0

                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Ath. Aviación        15 10 7 1 2 30  8 winner, qualified for the Spanish Cup
2. Real Madrid          15 10 7 1 2 21 12 qualified for the Spanish Cup
3. AD Ferroviaria       13 10 5 3 2 19 15 qualified for the Spanish Cup
4. UD Salamanca          8 10 3 2 5 13 20
5. Imperio FC            5 10 1 3 6  9 19
6. Valladolid CD         4 10 1 2 7  6 24


29-10-1939 to 18-02-1940

                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Betis San Isidro     17                winner
2. RSD Alcalá           16
3. Sporting Vallecano   14
4. CD Carabanchel       13
5. Hogar Prosperidad    10                 prom
6. Madrileño CF          9                 prom
7. SR El Áncora          5
8. Patria Balompié                         withdrewn

Promotion to 1ª

                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. AD Ferroviaria
2. RSD Alcalá


Promotion to 1ª B
                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Madrileño CF         10  6             winner
2. UD Girod              8  6
3. C. Hogar Prosperidad  4  6
4. CD Informaciones      2  6


Group 1
                      Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. UD Girod             34                prom
2. AD El Rayo           26                prom
3. CD Extremadura       25                prom
4. CD Amparo            24
5. Hércules Vallecano   19
6. SD Iberia            18
7. CD Pavón             15
8. AR Cuatro Caminos    12               * (-2 p)
9. CD Pacífico          12               * (-1 p)
10. CD Volada           12               * (-1 p)
11. CD la Playa          6               * (-1 p)
12. Hogar Moratinos                        withdrew

Group 2
                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. CD Ciudad Real       27                prom
2. CD Oeste             24                prom
3. CD Informaciones     22                prom
4. AR Chamberí          19
5. Congosto Vallecano   16
6. SD La Didáctica      14
7. Hogar Deportiva       5                * (´3 p
8. Cruzada Deportiva     5
9. CD Pueblo Nuevo       5                * (-2 p)
10. CD Dal                                withdrawn
11. Hogar Hispania                        withdrawn

Second phase
                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. AD El Rayo           16 10           
2. CD Ciudad Real       11 10
3. CD Informaciones     10 10
4. UD Girod              7 10             (-2 p)
5. CD Extremadura        7 10
6. CD Oeste              7 10 

Comarcal de Valladolid

Group 1
                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. Cultural Deportiva   12                prom
2. Española CF          10                prom
3. Unión Deportiva       6
4. J.O.C.                6
5. Canario CF            0               (-2p)

Group 2
                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. CD Delicias          12               prom
2. Patria CF             6               prom
3. Deportivo Pincia      5               (-1 p)
4. Gráfica CF            0
5. Recreativo Valladolid                  withdrawn

Second phase Comarcal Valladolid:
                       Pts  J G E P GF GC
1. CD Delicias           11
2. Española CF            6
3. Cultural Deportiva     4               (-1 p)
4. Patria CF              2

1940-41 (Campeonato Regional del Centro)


For this reason, it was renamed the President's Cup of the Castellana Federation, having its renewed dispute in the 1940-41 season.
Of the last regional competition disputed by Castilian teams, the late Central Regional Championship Mancomunado of 1939,
came the two contenders: Club Atlético-Aviación and Real Madrid Club de Fútbol as champion and runner-up respectively.

The title was disputed to double party, and the Athletic-Aviation, that was as it was known to Athletic Club of Madrid at the time,
was champion for the first time of the competition

Final (Chamartín)
15-06-1941    Real Madrid CF - Atlético Aviación        1-0
Referee: Melcón
Goals: 1-0 Arbiza 64´.
Real Madrid:
Esquiva; Olivares, Quincoces; Ipiña, Alday, Leoncito; Alonso, Alsúa, Arbiza, Lecúe, Emilio Sánchez.
Atlético Aviación:
Tabales; Mesa, Aparicio; Machín, Colón, Nico; Arencibia, Pruden, Vázquez, Campos, Manín.

Final (Vallecas)
22-06-1941    Atlético Aviación - Real Madrid CF        3-0
Referee: Álvarez Orriols.
Goals: 1-0 Arencibia, 2-0 Arencibia, 3-0 Campos (p).
Atlético Aviación:
Tabales; Mesa, Cobos; Nico, Colón, Machin; Manín, Arencibia, Pruden, Campos, Vázquez.
Real Madrid:
Esquiva; Mardones, Quincoces; Leoncito, Alday, Ipiña; Alsúa, Alonso, Lecue, Arbiza, Emilín Sánchez.

1943-44 (Campeonato Regional del Centro)


Final (Chamartín)
08-12-1943    Real Madrid CF - Atlético Aviación        5-0
Referee:     Polo
Goals:       1-0 Barinaga 2´, 2-0 Barinaga 20´, 3-0 Moleiro 62´, 4-0 Alonso II 65´,
             5-0 Cuca 88´.
Real Madrid:
Bañón; Querejeta, Corona, Sauto, Tamargo; Huete, Alonso II, Moleir;, Barinaga (Elías 70´), Belmar (Pruden 45´), Cuca.
Atlético Aviación:
Abel (Caballero 45´); Jimeno, Cobo, Ameztoy, Germán; Machín (García 85´), Domingo, Casaus; Martín, Calixto, Vázquez (Alcalde 45´).

About this document

Thanks to Carles Lozano Ferrer for earlier version of file and to F. Tortiglione for corrections

Prepared and maintained by Raúl Torre for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Raúl Torre (
Last updated: 7 Jun 2018

(C) Copyright Raúl Torre and RSSSF 2000/18
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.