Football in Nazi Concentration Camps

In various nazi concentration camps, football leagues were organised involving teams of both prisoners and nazi guards. Footballing activities are reported for the concentration camps in Auschwitz, Dachau, Mauthausen, Neuengamme and Sachsenhausen, but only for Theresienstadt (Terezin) more than fragmentary data is available. Football was also played in the Westerbork transit camp.


Football was played at the "Appellplätzen" and in front of the crematorium of Auschwitz-Birkenau; originally prisoners from the "Krankenrevier" played each other; later "Krankenrevier" played against "Zigeunerlager"; there also was a side from the "Männerlager B II D"; "Sinti" defeated "Auschwitz-Stammlager" 2-1, possibly in 1944. Teams usually had 7 to 9 players.


In 1944 there was a contest for a wooden trophy inscribed "Dem ersten Sieger im Fußball"; there were 6 to 7 teams, of which "Küche" was the strongest, in spite of losing to "Plantage" on 27 June 1943.


Football was played since 1943, between teams from German, Polish, Spanish, Viennese and Yugoslav players, usually consisting of 11 players. The 1943 championship was won by the German team, which was "rewarded" by a match against a side from the SS (match drawn 2-2).


Matches were played on Sundays since the summer of 1942, with teams consisting of 7 to 9 players, including the "Revier-Mannschaft", the "Schwarze Mannschaft" and "Die Roten".


Football was played since 1943, usually on Sundays; on 30 April 1944, a team of Norwegians defeated one of Czechoslovaks and a German team won against a Polish one; at some point there were at least 10 teams, consisting of 11 players.


List of Winners Liga Terezin

1942                     Jugendfürsorge
1943 (spring league)     Kleiderkammer
1943 (fall league)       Köche
1943 (cup)               Fleischer
1944 (spring league)     SK Sparta
1944 (cup)               Jugendfürsorge

Jugendfürsorge reportedly won a league tournament; however, this may have 
referred to the same cup tournament as the 1943 edition won by Fleischer.

Spring League 1943

 1.Kleiderkammer                    9   6  3  0  36-13  15
 2.Köche                            9   6  0  3  60-18  12
 3.Hagibor Prag                     9   5  2  2  33-23  12
 4.Gärtner                          9   5  2  2  31-24  12
 5.Ghettowache                      9   5  1  3  44-22  11
 6.Elektriker                       9   4  2  3  30-35  10
 7.Jugendfürsorge                   9   3  2  4  31-33   8
 8.Hagibor Theresienstadt           9   2  0  7  29-48   4
 9.FC Wien                          9   2  0  7  20-50   4
10.SC Linden                        9   0  0  9  15-63   0      

NB: one match apparently awarded loss to both teams

Cross-Table of Available Results (all results listed twice):

                          Klei Köch HaPr Gärt Ghet Elek Juge HaTh Wien Lind
Kleiderkammer              xxx       2-2            5-1  3-1  6-1  9-2
Köche                           xxx  9-1  8-2            9-1           19-2
Hagibor Prag               2-2  1-9  xxx  1-3  6-3  
Gärtner                         2-8  3-1  xxx                      3-1  3-0
Ghettowache                          3-6       xxx  9-1  3-2       6-3
Elektriker                 1-5                 1-9  xxx       3-1       6-4
Jugendfürsorge             1-3  1-9            2-3       xxx            5-2
Hagibor Theresienstadt     1-6                      1-3       xxx 10-4  7-5
FC Wien                    2-9            1-3  3-6           4-10  xxx
SC Linden                      2-19       0-3       4-6  2-5  5-7       xxx

[source for cross-table: Jüdische Allgemeine: Das Vorzeige-Lager, 23 Nov 2011]

Fall League 1943

 1.Köche                           11  10  1  0  82-31  21
 2.Kleiderkammer                   11  10  0  1  77-30  20
 3.Jugendfürsorge                  11   7  1  3  68-37  15
 4.Fleischer                       11   6  1  4  51-38  13
 5.Arbeitszentrale                 11   5  2  4  50-40  12
 6.Hagibor Prag                    11   5  1  5  45-54  11
 7.Gärtner                         11   5  0  6  40-42  10
 8.Elektriker                      11   4  1  6  33-44   9
 9.Praga                           11   3  1  7  34-48   7
10.Kader                           11   1  4  6  31-46   6
11.FC Wien                         11   1  2  8  27-75   4
12.Hagibor Theresienstadt          11   2  0  9  24-77   4

Cross-Table (all results listed twice):

                         Arb Ele Flei Gär HaPr HaTh Juge Kad Klei Köch Pra Wien
Arbeitszentrale          xxx 5-2  3-3 1-6  4-2  6-1  3-4 2-2  3-8  1-7 8-3 14-2
Elektriker               2-5 xxx  2-0 2-4  6-8  4-2  0-7 2-2  3-5  1-6 7-3  4-2
Fleischer                3-3 0-2  xxx 4-3  4-0  6-2 4-12 8-1  1-2  2-7 8-3 11-3
Gärtner                  6-1 4-2  3-4 xxx  3-4  4-5  1-8 4-1  1-9  3-4 4-3  7-1
Hagibor Prag             2-4 8-6  0-4 4-3  xxx  8-3  6-5 1-6 6-11  5-8 2-1  3-3
Hagibor Theresienstadt   1-6 2-4  2-6 5-4  3-8  xxx 1-15 4-3  0-8 3-15 2-5  1-3
Jugendfürsorge           4-3 7-0 12-4 8-1  5-6 15-1  xxx 5-4  3-9  3-3 2-3  4-3
Kader                    2-2 2-2  1-8 1-4  6-1  3-4  4-5 xxx  2-5  4-9 2-2  4-4
Kleiderkammer            8-3 5-3  2-1 9-1 11-6  8-0  9-3 5-2  xxx  4-6 7-2  9-3
Köche                    7-1 6-1  7-2 4-3  8-5 15-3  3-3 9-4  6-4  xxx 5-3 12-2
Praga                    3-8 3-7  3-8 3-4  1-2  5-2  3-2 2-2  2-7  3-5 xxx  6-1
Wien                    2-14 2-4 3-11 1-7  3-3  3-1  3-4 4-4  3-9 2-12 1-6  xxx

[source for cross-table:]

Youth Championship 1943

Winners: Maccabi a Bašta
Cup 1943

Round 1
Kleiderkammer                bt  Kistenfabrik
Gärtner I                    5-1 Zentralproviant
FC Wien                      5-0 Transport
Maccabi Ostrau               3-2 Elektriker II
Hagibor Prag                18-0 Union
Fortuna Köln                 4-3 Meteor
Hakoah                       8-2 Æskulap    
Gärtner II                   5-3 Olympia Star
Köche                        bt  Praga II
Elektriker I                15-0 Parilla     
Jugendfürsorge I            15-0 Fleischer
Kladno                       1-8 Praga I                      [8-1?]
Arbeitszentrale II          15-0 Bahnbau
Hagibor Theresienstadt       bt  Kader I
Jugendfürsorge I             bt  Kader II
Schneider                    lt  Arbeitszentrale I       
Round 2
Kleiderkammer                9-3 Gärtner I
FC Wien                      bt  Maccabi Ostrau
Hagibor Prag                 bt  Fortuna Köln
Hakoah                       lt  Gärtner II
Köche                        bt  Elektriker I      
Fleischer                    bt  Praga I    
Arbeitszentrale II           bt  Hagibor Theresienstadt
Jugendfürsorge I             lt  Arbeitszentrale I
Kleiderkammer                bt  FC Wien
Hagibor Prag                 bt  Gärtner II
Köche                        lt  Fleischer
Arbeitszentrale II           lt  Arbeitszentrale I
Kleiderkammer                6-0 Hagibor Prag
Fleischer                    6-2 Arbeitszentrale I
Fleischer                    3-2 Kleiderkammer      
Spring League 1944

 1.SK Sparta                       10   8  2  0  43-16  18
 2.Kader                           10   7  2  1  37-22  16
 3.Bohemia                         10   7  1  2  41-25  15
 4.Spedition                       10   6  2  2  46-18  14
 5.Elektriker                      10   4  3  3  47-28  11
 6.Jugendfürsorge                  10   4  2  4  38-35  10
 7.FC Wien                         10   4  1  5  26-36   9
 8.Rapid                           10   3  1  6  24-40   7
 9.Æskulap                         10   3  0  7  28-47   6
10.Hagibor                         10   1  0  9  27-53   2
11.Prag                            10   0  2  8  16-53   2
Youth Championship 1944

Winners: SK Sparta
Cup 1944

Preliminary Round
FC Wien II                   7-3 Praga II
Spedition II                 0-1 Kader II
Rapid II                     7-3 Æskulap II
Elektriker II                3-7 Hagibor II  
Round 1
FC Wien II                   2-6 Hollandia
Bohemia I                    1-5 Rapid I
Kader II                     3-6 Praga I
Kader I                      4-6 Jugendfürsorge
Rapid II                     5-4 Hagibor I
Sparta                       2-4 Spedition I
Hagibor II                   2-6 Æskulap I
Elektriker I                 4-2 FC Wien
Hollandia                    2-3 Rapid I
Praga I                      4-6 Jugendfürsorge
Rapid II                     0-2 Spedition I
Æskulap I                    0-2 Elektriker I     
Rapid I                      2-3 Jugendfürsorge
Spedition I                  0-1 Elektriker I      
Final [Aug 13]
Jugendfürsorge               5-1 Elektriker I

Supercup 1944

[att: 3.600]
SK Sparta                    8-1 Jugendfürsorge

Since 2009, annual memorial tournaments are held in Beit Theresienstadt, Kibbutz Givat Hayim Ihud; the first edition was on 11 Sep 2009, the second on 22 Oct 2010, the third on 25 Aug 2011 and the fourth on 13 Dec 2012.

Liga Terezin 2nd Memorial Tournament 2010

NB: all matches on 22 Oct, in the presence of one of the players of the original 
    Liga Terezin, Peter Erben (then member of the Jugendfürsorge side).

Group A
Blau-Weiss                   1-3 Arsenal
Maccabi Prag                 1-2 Arsenal
Maccabi Prag                 2-1 Blau-Weiss

 1.Arsenal                          2   2  0  0   5- 2   6
 2.Maccabi Prag                     2   1  0  1   3- 3   3
 3.Blau-Weiss                       2   0  0  2   2- 5   0

Group B
Hagibor Terezin              1-3 Jugendfürsorge
Nesharim                     0-0 Jugendfürsorge
Nesharim                     3-2 Hagibor Terezin              

 1.Jugendfürsorge                   2   1  1  0   3- 1   4
 2.Nesharim                         2   1  1  0   3- 2   4
 3.Hagibor Terezin                  2   0  0  2   3- 6   0

Arsenal                      2-0 Nesharim   
Jugendfürsorge               1-0 Maccabi Prag

Arsenal                      1-0 Jugendfürsorge

Westerbork transit camp

In the summer of 1943 two matches were played each Sunday, with teams including "Matratzenteam", "Schneiderteam " and "Jüdische Lagerpolizei"; later ad hoc combinations were formed as more and more people were deported to the concentration camps; no more football was played after the summer of 1944.

About this document

Sources included: [Ste 09], [Spr 19],

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 19 Dec 2024

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2024
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.