NB: missing years not known; note that various participants were reserve sides of first level clubs 1939/40 Saint Ambrose 1949 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1950 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1951 Harisson College 1952 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1961 New South Wales (Bridgetown) 1962 Pickwick Rovers 1963 Everton (Bridgetown) 1964 Beverley Hills 1965 Carlton 1966 Blackspurs 1967 Rangers 1968 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1969 New South Wales (Bridgetown) 1970 New South Wales (Bridgetown) 1998 CBC Benfica 1999 Spooners Hill 2000 Haynesville United 2001 Barbados Defence Force 2002 not known; promoted: Ivy Rovers, Ellerton and Saint John's Sonnets 2003 Beverley Hills 2004 Oxley United 2005 Brittons Hill 2006 Haggatt Hall 2007 Paradise 2008 Eden Stars 2009 Pinelands 2010 Bagatelle 2011 Barbados Defence Force 2012 not known; promoted: Cosmos and Saint John's Sonnets 2013 Pinelands 2014 Rendezvous 2015 Empire 2016 Ellerton 2017 Empire 2018 Barbados Soccer Academy 2019 not known; Deacons won first leg of three-legged final against Wotton 2020 abandoned 2021-22 not held 2023 Barbados Soccer Academy 2024 Pride of Gall Hill
NB: missing years not known; note that various participants were reserve sides of first or second level clubs 1938/39 St Ambrose 1939/40 Spartan (Bridgetown) 1947/48 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1949 Lodge School 1951 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1952 Rangers 1959 New South Wales (Bridgetown) 1961 Pickwick Rovers 1963 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1964 Blackspurs 1966 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1967 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1968 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1969 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1970 University of the West Indies 1999 Community Club (Cave Hill) 2003 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 2005 Haggatt Hall 2006 Weymouth Wales (Bridgetown) 2007 Cosmos 2008 Dayrell's Road 2009 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 2010 not known (Brittons Hill or Deacons) 2013 Rendezvous FC 2014 Belfield Soccer Club 2015 Saint Andrew Lions 2016 Wotton 2017 Deacons 2019 Kick Start FC 2021-22 not held 2023 Carlton Red & White
NB: missing years not known; note that various participants were reserve sides of first, second or third level clubs 1963 Blackspurs 1964 Texaco 1966 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 1967 Maple 1968 Maple 1969 University of the West Indies 1970 Benfica 2003 Notre Dame SC (Bayville) 2005 Station Hill Colts 2007 Paradise 2008 Pinelands 2009 Sargeants 2010 not known (Trents or L&R United) 2013 Empire 2014 Wotton 2015 Potential Ballers 2016 Checker Hall 2017 Police 2019 Technique FC 2021-22 not held 2023 FC Bydes Mill
Partial sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbados_Division_Two (for third level), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbados_Division_Three (for fourth level)
Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Authors: Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 24 Feb 2025
(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl, Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2025
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.