In 1942, the first division of the league was dominated by teams from public institutions such as the Government School, Post Office, Railways SC, King's African Rifles SC, Police SC and Medical Department, but after World War II had broken out, many European players stopped taking part in the league, and their clubs (such as Gymkhana Club, Police, King's African Rifles and Railways) eventually withdrew. They were replaced, from the 1940s on, by African street teams such as Young Africans (Yanga; known as New Youngs in the mid-30s when they were first admitted to the second division of the Dar es Salaam league) and Sunderland (founded as Queens, later known as Eagles and Old Boys before becoming Simba in 1971), as well as the Goan's Club manned by Goans, and the Agha Khan Club by Ismaili Khojas. The Sudanese team broke up in the mid-1940s. From this period onwards, Yanga and Sunderland gradually became the most popular and strongest clubs in Dar es Salaam. Yanga, founded in 1938, entered the first division of the league soon afterwards and won four major cups in 1942. Sunderland joined the first division soon after Yanga, and won four important cups in 1946.
In 1955 the Dar es Salaam league had 38 registered clubs.
Dar es Salaam League 1921-28 not known 1929 not known 1930 not known 1931 not known 1932 - Arab SC 1933-43 not known 1944 - Sunderland (Dar es Salaam) 1945 not known 1946 - Sunderland (Dar es Salaam) 1947-63 not known 1964 - Cosmopolitans (Dar es Salaam) national (mainland) league 1965 - Sunderland (Dar es Salaam) 1966 - Sunderland (Dar es Salaam) 1967 - Cosmopolitans (Dar es Salaam) 1968 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 1969 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 1970 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 1971 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 1972 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 1973 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 1974 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 1975 - Mseto Sports (Morogoro) 1976 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 1977 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 1978 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 1979 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 1980 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 1981 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Mainland League Island League 1982 - Pan African (Dar es Salaam) Pan African Ujamaa 1983 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans Small Simba 1984 - KMKM (Zanzibar) Simba KMKM 1985 - Maji Maji (Songea) Young Africans Small Simba 1986 - Maji Maji (Songea) Tukuyu Stars KMKM 1987 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans Miembeni 1988 - African Sports (Tanga) Coastal Union Small Simba 1989 - Malindi Young Africans Malindi 1990 - Pamba (Shinyanga) Simba Malindi 1991 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans Small Simba 1992 - Malindi Young Africans Malindi 1993 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans Shengini 1994 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) Simba Shengini 1995 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) Simba Small Simba 1996 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans Mlandege 1997 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans unknown 1998 - Maji Maji (Songea) Young Africans Mlandege 1999 - Prisons (Mbeya) Mtibwa Mlandege 2000 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) Mtibwa Kipanga 2001 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) Simba Mlandege 2002 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) Young Africans Mlandege 2003 - not awarded (*) Simba Jamhuri (Pemba) Tanzania Mainland (Tanzania Bara) 2004 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2005 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2006 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2007 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) [mini-league] 2008 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2009 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2010 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2011 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2012 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2013 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2014 - Azam FC (Dar es Salaam) 2015 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2016 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2017 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2018 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2019 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2020 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2021 - Simba (Dar es Salaam) 2022 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2023 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2024 - Young Africans (Dar es Salaam) 2025 - (*) Union League abandoned due to court action by Young Africans; Simba as Mainland champions were inscribed to the CAF Champions League. NB: championship was determined between the top teams of the Mainland (Tanganyika) and Island (Zanzibar) leagues between 1982 and 2003. As Zanzibar obtained independent membership of CAF in 2004, the Union League was cancelled; it had not been contested since. Sunderland changed name to Simba in 1971. Championships 25 Young Africans 22 Simba [includes Sunderland, as well as 2003 and 2004 Mainland titles; also includes 2007 mini-league] 3 Maji Maji 2 Malindi 1 African Sports Azam FC Cosmopolitans KMKM Mseto Sports (Morogoro) Pamba Pan African Prisons NB: KMKM stands for Kikosi Maalum cha Kuzuia Magendo.
Sources included: [Amb 03], [BBQ 07],
Thanks to Salim Esmailjee and Sam Lalani for corrections
Prepared and maintained by Julio Bovi Diogo for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: Julio Bovi Diogo
Last updated: 18 Mar 2025
(C) Copyright Julio Bovi Diogo and RSSSF 1996/2025
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.