Ivory Coast - List of Foundation Dates

NB: the earliest clubs were founded in Bassam (FC Bassamois, AS Amicale Bassamoise) but
    no foundation years are available.

1932          Jeunesse Club (Abidjan)
              Réveil Sportif (Daloa)
1941          Paris Essor (Bassam)
1947 (27 Apr) Africa Sports (Abidjan) [founded as Club Sportif Bété,
                                       current name since Sep 1948]
              Etoile Filante (Bouaké)
              USC Bassam [merger of FC Bassam, Assab, Paris Essor and FC des Fonctionnaires] 
1948 (29 Nov) ASEC Mimosas (Abidjan)
1951          AS Indenié (Abengourou)
1953          Stella FC (Adjamé) [merger of Red Star, Etoile d'Adjamé and US Bella]
1959          Stade (Abidjan) [merger of USFP, OCA and PIC] [*]
1961          AS Tanda 
1962          Société Omnisports de l'Armée (Yamoussoukro) [aka SOA]
1965          Sporting Club (Gagnoa) [merger of Onze Frères, Red Star, Jeunesse Club,
                                      Olympic Club (all from Gagnoa) and Tigres Noirs (Tipadipa)]
1966 (14 Sep) Abidjan Université Club [aka AUC]
1970          Centre Omnisports (Bouaflé)
1972          AS Denguélé Sports (Odienné)
1977          Séwé Sports (San-Pédro)
1986          Club Omnisports (Korhogo)
              Sabé Sports (Bouna)
1987          Yopougon FC (Abidjan) 
1989          CRJF de Yopougon (Abidjan)
              Issia Wazi FC
1990    (May) Rio Sport (Anyama)
1992          Leventis FC (Abidjan)
              Racing Club de Koumassi (Abidjan)
1993          Académie de Sol Beni (Abidjan) [reserve team of ASEC Mimosas]  
1994          RFC Daoukro
1995          Williamsville AC (Abidjan)  
              Entente Sportive (Bingerville) [founded as AS des Transporteurs]
1995          Man FC [merger of ASC Man and Tonkagei FC]   
1996          FC Hiré 
1997 ( 7 Sep) Ecole de Football Yéo Martial (Akouédo) [aka EFYM]
              Satellite FC du Plateau (Abidjan)
1999          Lagoké FC (Daloa)
              Olympique Club (Abidjan)
              US Koumassi FC
              COSAP (Abobo) [Club Omnisport Abidjan-Plateau]
2000          Entente Sportif du Bating (Touba) [founded as Entente FC (Dabou)]  
              AS Binkady d'Odienné
2001 (30 Nov) Révélation Foot Académie (Cocody)
2001          Moussou (Bassam) 
2002          Jeunesse Sportive (Bassam)
2003 (23 Apr) ASC Ouragahio
2004          FC San-Pédro  
              Ivoire Académie FC (Abidjan)
              US Fermiers (Agnibilékrou)
2005 (27 Jun) Académie de Foot Amadou Diallo de Djékanou (Abidjan)
              Zika FC (Daloa)
2006 ( 1 Jun) Stars Olympique FC (Abobo) [aka SOL]
              Espérance FC (Bouaké)
              Racing Club d'Abidjan [founded as FC Kokoumbo]
2007          Bouaké FC
              Olympic Club (Taabo)
2011         ´FC Mouna d'Akoupé (Agbaou)
2012          Valletta FC (Danané)
2015          Sugar FC (Borotou-Koro)
2018 (20 Aug) Sekala Sport  
              Lanfiara Sport FC (Attécoubé)
2023 (10 Nov) Guiglo FC 

[*] other sources claim Stade were founded in 1936 but this presumably
    refers to one of the constituent clubs USFP (Union Sportive d'Abidjan),
    OCA (Olympique Club d'Abidjan) or PIC (Panification Industrielle)

About this document

Sources included: [Ly 92] (for information on Africa Sports; other sources claim the club was founded in 1936), [Con 08] (for information on Stade), https://baab.ci/histoire-du-football-ivoirien/, http://foot-afrik.xooit.fr/f12-Afrique.htm, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat%C3%A9gorie:Club_de_football_par_pays

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 21 Aug 2024

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2005/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.