Vatican City - List of Champions

In 1947, four teams entered a tournament as part of a festive occasion, but the final between Fabbrica di San Pietro and Ville Pontificie was abandoned followed fighting between players and spectators, and for the next twenty years only occasional friendly matches were played.

The ACDV (Attivitą Calcistica dei Dipendenti Vaticani) started organising football matches in 1966 when a first team, Societą Sportiva Hermes (of the Vatican Museums) was created; soon after three other teams (Gendarmeria, Amministrazione del Patrimonio della Sede Apostolica (APSA) and Sampietrini (guardians of the Saint Peter)) were founded and clubs played unofficial matches among each other. After more clubs were founded, a first official league (called Coppa Amicizia) commenced on 2 April 1973 with 7 clubs.

The Clericus Cup is a tournament between colleges and religious institutions in and around Rome, not directly connected to the Vatican City, with teams composed primarily of priests and seminarians from around the world; it is organised by the Italian CSI (Centro Sportivo Italiano). The Catholicus Cup is an end of season tournament following the Clericus Cup, to which an ACDV representative XI is invited, which won the tournament in 2007.

Coppa Amicizia
1973    Osservatore Romano             [*1]
1974    Governatorato                  [*2]
1975-78   no competition 
1979    Astor Osservatore Romano 
1980      no competition
Campeonato della Citta Vaticano 
1981    Malepeggio Edilizia 
1982    Hercules Biblioteca 
1983    SS Hermes (Musei Vaticani) 
1984    Virtus Vigilanza 
1985    Teleposte 
1986    Teleposte 
1987    Tipografia Osservatore Romano 
1988    Servici Tecnici              
1989    Ariete APSA (Associazione S.S. Pietro e Paolo)
1990    Dirseco
1991    Dirseco
1992    Associazione S.S. Pietro e Paolo
NB: between 1993 and 2005 most tournaments were held in calcetto (5-a-side on small pitch]
1993    Dirseco
1994    Dirseco 
1995    Dirseco
1996-99   not played
2000      not known (FC Guardia finished 9th out of 16 participants)
2001    Associazione S.S. Pietro e Paolo                                          (5-a-side)
2002-04   not played
2005    F.C. Edilizia
2006    AS Cirioni                                                                (8-a-side)
2007    AS Cirioni                                                                (8-a-side)
2008    Associazione S.S. Pietro e Paolo
2009    Gendarmeria
2010    Dirseco 
2011    Dirseco                   
2012    Dirseco                
2013    San Pietro Team   
2014    San Pietro Team                                                           (8-a-side)
2015    Musei Vaticani                                                            (9-a-side)
2016    Musei Vaticani                                                            (8-a-side)
2017    Santos                                                                    (9-a-side)
2018    Rappresentativa Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesł      
2019    Rappresentativa Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesł      
2020      abandoned
2021      not held
2022    Rappresentativa Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesł      
2023    Rappresentativa Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesł    
2024    Santos

[*1] Osservatore Romano were later renamed Astor
[*2] Governatorato were later renamed Fortitudo

NB: although founded in 1934 FC Guardia never won the Vatican championship;
    Musei Vaticani's championship in 2015 was their second ever, after that in 1983 (as Hermes);
    the 2016 edition reportedly was the 43rd;
    Santos' title in 2017 was their first ever

Number of Known Titles (37; includes 5-a-side, 8-a-side and 9-a-side titles)

 8 Dirseco

 4 Associazione S.S. Pietro e Paolo [1 as Ariete APSA]
   Rappresentativa Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesł

 3 Musei Vaticani [1 as SS Hermes]    
 2 AS Cirioni
   Astor Osservatore Romano [1 as Osservatore Romano]
   San Pietro Team
   Santos [team of employees supermarket and petrol station]

 1 F.C. Edilizia
   Fortitudo [as Governatorato]
   Hercules Biblioteca
   Malepeggio Edilizia
   Servici Tecnici
   Tipografia Osservatore Romano
   Virtus Vigilanza

About this document

Sources: [Grü 00], [gue], [Ner 22], L.Zinelli,,,,

With thanks to Neil Morrison

Prepared and maintained by Carlos Santos, Davide Rota and Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Carlos Santos, Davide Rota and Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 4 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Carlos Santos, Davide Rota, Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2000/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.