A Century of Brothers in Oranje

Officially, there have been 19 pairs of brothers who both made at least one appearance for the national team of the Netherlands. Of these 19 pairs, eight played at least one international match together; the other eleven never had this honour. Of the eight pairs who played together, four only did so for one match; three of the other four pairs, including two of the three twin pairs among the nineteen, played 25 or more matches together for the Dutch national football side; the only active pair (the third twin pair) so far played together on two occasions. In total, 118 matches of Oranje featured a pair of brothers; 3 of those featured two such pairs, and 91 featured a pair of twin brothers.

The brother pairs of Dolf/Boelie and Tonny/Dé Kessler were cousins.

Unofficially, there may have been one more pair of (twin) brothers playing for the Netherlands. See the story on the Hörburger twins.

In addition, Dutch international Jonathan de Guzman has an older brother, Julian, who is the former record cap holder for Canada.

Brothers in Oranje

Pairs listed according to aggregate number of caps; brother pairs who played at least one match together listed in bold; twin pairs listed in italics. Oldest brother listed first.

    Name                                First       Last         Caps        Goals
  1.Ronald/Frank DE BOER             26- 9-1990   26- 6-2004     179           26                                        
      Ronald DE BOER                   24- 3-1993    2- 4-2003      67           13
      Frank DE BOER                    26- 9-1990   26- 6-2004     112           13
  2.Willy/René VAN DE KERKHOF        28- 3-1973   16-10-1985     110           10 
      Willy VAN DE KERKHOF              5- 6-1974   16-10-1985      63            5
      René VAN DE KERKHOF              28- 3-1973   22- 9-1982      47            5
  3.Erwin/Ronald KOEMAN              27- 4-1983   19- 1-1994     109           16
      Erwin KOEMAN                     27- 4-1983   19- 1-1994      31            2
      Ronald KOEMAN                    27- 4-1983    9- 7-1994      78           14
  4.Rob/Richard WITSCHGE              4- 1-1989    2- 9-2000      61            4 
      Rob WITSCHGE                      4- 1-1989   22- 2-1995      30            3
      Richard WITSCHGE                 21- 2-1990    2- 9-2000      31            1
  5.Siem/Luuk DE JONG                11- 8-2010    9-12-2022      45 *         10
      Siem DE JONG                     11- 8-2010   19-11-2013       6            2
      Luuk DE JONG                      9- 2-2011    9-12-2022      39 *          8
  6.Jaap/Bas PAAUWE                  29- 3-1931   27-11-1946      39            1
      Jaap PAAUWE                      29- 3-1931   29- 5-1932       8            0
      Bas PAAUWE                        8- 5-1932   27-11-1946      31            1 
  7.Gerard/Wim TAP                   25-10-1925    3- 5-1931      34           17
      Gerard TAP                        2-12-1928    2-12-1928       1            0
      Wim TAP                          25-10-1925    3- 5-1931      33           17
  8.Gerrie/Arnold MÜHREN              5-11-1969   25- 6-1988      33            3
      Gerrie MÜHREN                     5-11-1969   18-11-1973      10            0
      Arnold MÜHREN                     5- 4-1978   25- 6-1988      23            3
  9.Tonny/Dé KESSLER                 21-12-1907    7- 5-1922      24           10
      Tonny KESSLER                    21-12-1907   24- 3-1913       3            1
      Dé KESSLER                       21- 3-1909    7- 5-1922      21            9
 10.Mannus/Jacques FRANCKEN          29- 4-1906   15- 3-1914      23           18
      Mannus FRANCKEN                  29- 4-1906   15- 3-1914      22           17
      Jacques FRANCKEN                 15- 3-1914   15- 3-1914       1            1
    Quinten/Jurriën TIMBER            2- 6-2021   16-11-2024      23 *          0
      Quinten TIMBER                   26- 3-2024   14-10-2024       5 *          0
      Jurriën TIMBER                    2- 6-2021   16-11-2024      18 *          0
 12.Johnny/Edward METGOD             15-11-1978   16- 2-1983      22            4
      Johnny METGOD                    15-11-1978   16- 2-1983      21            4
      Edward METGOD                    10-11-1982   10-11-1982   K   1            0
 13.Jan/Leo HALLE                     2-12-1928   31-10-1937      17            0
      Jan HALLE                        17- 3-1929    5- 5-1929       2            0
      Leo HALLE                         2-12-1928   31-10-1937   K  15            0
 14.Wim/Cor VAN DER GIJP               7- 3-1954   22-10-1961      14            6
      Wim VAN DER GIJP                  30- 5-1954   30- 5-1954       1            0
      Cor VAN DER GIJP                   7- 3-1954   22-10-1961      13            6
 15.Wout/David BUITENWEG             15-11-1913   30- 5-1928      12           14
      Wout BUITENWEG                   15-11-1913   30- 5-1928      11           14
      David BUITENWEG                   8- 5-1921    8- 5-1921       1            0
 16.Dolf/Boelie KESSLER              30- 4-1905   19-11-1922      12            3
      Dolf KESSLER                     30- 4-1905   29- 4-1906       3            1
      Boelie KESSLER                    9- 6-1919   19-11-1922       9            2
 17.Max/Hans TETZNER                 12- 6-1921    3- 5-1925      11            0
      Max TETZNER                      12- 6-1921   26- 3-1922       3            0
      Hans TETZNER                     25-11-1923    3- 5-1925       8            0
 18.Evert/Jaap BULDER                28- 8-1920    2- 4-1923       7            6
      Evert BULDER                      5- 9-1920    5- 9-1920       1            0
      Jaap BULDER                      28- 8-1920    2- 4-1923       6            6
 19.Collins/Ola JOHN                 18- 8-2004    6- 2-2013       3 *          0
      Collins JOHN                     18- 8-2004    3- 9-2004       2            0
      Ola JOHN                          6- 2-2013    6- 2-2013       1 *          0
  -.Arnold/Anton HÖRBURGER              n/a           n/a          0            0
      Arnold HÖRBURGER                 10- 4-1910   24- 3-1912       8            0
      Anton HÖRBURGER                      n/a          n/a          0            0

Note: * indicates the player is still active, at least at club level.
      K indicates goal keeper

Brothers Together in Oranje

Brother pairs who played at least one match together for Oranje, ranked according to number of shared caps. Twin brothers in bold. Brother with most caps listed first.

    Name                                First       Last         Caps        Goals

  1.Frank/Ronald DE BOER             24- 3-1993    2- 4-2003      56           18
  2.Willy/René VAN DE KERKHOF         5- 6-1974   22- 9-1982      33            7 
  3.Ronald/Erwin KOEMAN              27- 4-1983   19- 1-1994      26            7
  4.Jurriën/Quinten TIMBER            7- 9-2024   10- 9-2024       2 *          0
  5.Mannus/Jacques FRANCKEN          15- 3-1914   15- 3-1914       1            1
    Dé/Tonny KESSLER                 24- 3-1913   24- 3-1913       1            0
    Wim/Gerard TAP                    2-12-1928    2-12-1928       1            2
    Richard/Rob WITSCHGE             25- 3-1992   25- 3-1992       1            0 

Note: * indicates players are still active, at least at club level.

A Century of Oranje Matches Featuring Brothers

Below all 118 Oranje matches featuring a pair of brothers are listed. Three matches (63-65) featured two brother pairs (Koeman and De Boer). In two matches, both World Cup qualifiers, both brothers scored one goal each (number 52, featuring the two Koeman brothers, and number 82, featuring the De Boer twins).

Rumour has it that the twin pair of Arnold and Anton Hörburger also played (illegally) in the same match, although (of course) not simultaneously.

Cap  Goals	Date	Venue   	Opponent       Score	Competition
Arnold and Anton Hörburger
  0           10- 4-10  Haarlem         Belgium         7-0
Tonny and Dé Kessler
     TK DK  T
  1           24- 3-13  Den Haag        England (Am.)   2-1
Mannus and Jacques Francken
     JF MF  T
  2   1     1 15- 3-14  Antwerpen       Belgium         4-2
Wim and Gerard Tap
     GT WT  T
  3      2  2  2-12-28  Milano          Italy           2-3
René and Willy van de Kerkhof
     RK WK  T
  4            5- 6-74  Rotterdam       Romania         0-0
  5           22-11-75  Roma            Italy           0-1     European Champ. Qual.
  6      1  1 19- 6-76  Zagreb          Yugoslavia      3-2 aet European Championship
  7            8- 9-76  Reykjavík       Iceland         1-0     World Cup Qualifier
  8           13-10-76  Rotterdam       N. Ireland      2-2     World Cup Qualifier
  9           31- 8-77  Nijmegen         Iceland         4-1     World Cup Qualifier
 10            5-10-77  Rotterdam       Soviet Union    0-0
 11      1  1 12-10-77  Belfast         N. Ireland      1-0     World Cup Qualifier
 12   1     1 26-10-77  Amsterdam       Belgium         1-0     World Cup Qualifier
 13           22- 2-78  Tel-Aviv        Israel          2-1
 14           20- 5-78  Wien            Austria         1-0
 15            3- 6-78  Mendoza         Iran            3-0     World Cup
 16            7- 6-78  Mendoza         Peru            0-0     World Cup
 17           11- 6-78  Mendoza         Scotland        2-3     World Cup
 18      1  1 14- 6-78  Córdoba         Austria         5-1     World Cup
 19   1     1 18- 6-78  Córdoba         West Germany    2-2     World Cup
 20           21- 6-78  Buenos Aires    Italy           2-1     World Cup
 21           25- 6-78  Buenos Aires    Argentina       1-3 aet World Cup
 22           24- 2-79  Milano          Italy           0-3
 23           28- 3-79  Eindhoven       Switzerland     3-0     European Champ. Qual.
 24            2- 5-79  Chorzów         Poland          0-2     European Champ. Qual.
 25      1  1  5- 9-79  Reykjavík       Iceland         4-0     European Champ. Qual.
 26           26- 9-79  Rotterdam       Belgium         1-0
 27           26- 3-80  Paris           France          0-0
 28           11- 6-80  Napoli          Greece          1-0     European Championship
 29      1  1 14- 6-80  Napoli          West Germany    2-3     European Championship
 30           17- 6-80  Milano          Czechoslovakia  1-1     European Championship
 31           19-11-80  Brussel         Belgium         0-1     World Cup Qualifier
 32           30-12-80  Montevideo      Uruguay         0-2     Mundialito
 33            6- 1-81  Montevideo      Italy           1-1     Mundialito
 34           25- 3-81  Rotterdam       France          1-0     World Cup Qualifier
 35            1- 9-81  Zürich          Switzerland     1-2
 36           22- 9-82  Rotterdam       Ireland         2-1     European Champ. Qual.
Erwin and Ronald Koeman
     EK RK  T
 37           27- 4-83  Utrecht         Sweden          0-3
 38      1  1  7- 9-83  Groningen       Iceland         3-0     European Champ. Qual.
 39           16-11-83  Rotterdam       Spain           2-1     European Champ. Qual.
 40           17-12-83  Rotterdam       Malta           5-0     European Champ. Qual.
 41           10- 9-86  Praha           Czechoslovakia  0-1
 42            1- 6-88  Amsterdam       Romania         2-0
 43           15- 6-88  Düsseldorf      England         3-1     European Championship
 44           18- 6-88  Gelsenkirchen   Ireland         1-0     European Championship
 45      1  1 21- 6-88  Hamburg         West Germany    2-1     European Championship
 46           25- 6-88  München         Soviet Union    2-0     European Championship
 47           14- 9-88  Amsterdam       Wales           1-0     World Cup Qualifier
 48           19-10-88  München         West Germany    0-0     World Cup Qualifier
 49            4- 1-89  Tel-Aviv        Israel          2-0
 50           26- 4-89  Rotterdam       West Germany    1-1     World Cup Qualifier
 51           31- 5-89  Helsinki        Finland         1-0     World Cup Qualifier
 52   1  1  2 15-11-89  Rotterdam       Finland         3-0     World Cup Qualifier 
 53           21- 2-90  Rotterdam       Italy           0-0
 54      1  1 30- 5-90  Wien            Austria         2-3
 55            3- 6-90  Zagreb          Yugoslavia      2-0
 56           12- 6-90  Palermo         Egypt           1-1     World Cup
 57           16-10-91  Rotterdam       Portugal        1-0     European Champ. Qual.
 58            4-12-91  Thessaloniki    Greece          2-0     European Champ. Qual.
 59           12- 2-92  Faro            Portugal        0-2
Rob and Richard Witschge
     Ro Ri  T
 60           25- 3-92  Amsterdam       Yugoslavia      2-0
Frank and Ronald de Boer
     FB RB  T
 61      1  1 24- 3-93  Utrecht         San Marino      6-0     World Cup Qualifier
 62      1  1 22- 9-93  Bologna         San Marino      7-0     World Cup Qualifier
Erwin and Ronald Koeman/Ronald and Frank de Boer
    E/F R/R T
 63k     1  1 13-10-93  Rotterdam       England         2-0     World Cup Qualifier
 64k     1  1 17-11-93  Poznan          Poland          3-1     World Cup Qualifier
 65b     1  1 19- 1-94  Tunis           Tunisia         2-2
NB: k denotes (Ronald) Koeman scored, b denotes (Ronald) De Boer scored
Frank and Ronald de Boer
     FB RB  T
 66           20- 4-94  Tilburg         Ireland         0-1
 67           27- 5-94  Utrecht         Scotland        3-1
 68            1- 6-94  Eindhoven       Hungary         7-1
 69           12- 6-94  Toronto         Canada          3-0
 70           20- 6-94  Washington      Saudi Arabia    2-1     World Cup
 71           25- 6-94  Orlando         Belgium         0-1     World Cup
 72      2  2  7- 9-94  Luxembourg      Luxembourg      4-0     European Champ. Qual.
 73           12-10-94  Oslo            Norway          1-1     European Champ. Qual.
 74      1  1 14-12-94  Rotterdam       Luxembourg      5-0     European Champ. Qual.
 75           29- 3-95  Rotterdam       Malta           4-0     European Champ. Qual.
 76           26- 4-95  Praha           Czech Republic  1-3     European Champ. Qual.
 77            6- 9-95  Rotterdam       Belarus         1-0     European Champ. Qual.
 78           11-10-95  Rabat Ta'Qali   Malta           4-0     European Champ. Qual.
 79           15-11-95  Rotterdam       Norway          3-0     European Champ. Qual.
 80      1  1 31- 8-96  Amsterdam       Brazil          2-2
 81      1  1  5-10-96  Cardiff         Wales           3-1     World Cup Qualifier
 82   1  1  2  9-11-96  Eindhoven       Wales           7-1     World Cup Qualifier
 83           14-12-96  Brussel         Belgium         3-0     World Cup Qualifier
 84           26- 2-97  Paris           France          1-2
 85            2- 4-97  Bursa           Turkey          0-1     World Cup Qualifier
 86   1     1 30- 4-97  Serravalle      San Marino      6-0     World Cup Qualifier
 87            6- 9-97  Rotterdam       Belgium         3-1     World Cup Qualifier
 88      1  1 21- 2-98  Miami           United States   2-0
 89           24- 2-98  Miami           Mexico          3-2
 90           27- 5-98  Arnhem          Cameroon        0-0
 91   1     1  1- 6-98  Eindhoven       Paraguay        5-1
 92            5- 6-98  Amsterdam       Nigeria         5-1
 93           13- 6-98  Paris           Belgium         0-0     World Cup
 94      1  1 20- 6-98  Marseille       South Korea     5-0     World Cup
 95      1  1 25- 6-98  Saint-Etienne   Mexico          2-2     World Cup
 96           29- 6-98  Toulouse        Yugoslavia      2-1     World Cup
 97            4- 7-98  Marseille       Argentina       2-1     World Cup
 98            7- 7-98  Marseille       Brazil          1-1 [1] World Cup
 99           10-10-98  Eindhoven       Peru            2-0 
100           13-10-98  Arnhem          Ghana           0-0
101           10- 2-99  Paris           Portugal        0-0
102            5- 6-99  Salvador        Brazil          2-2
103            8- 6-99  Goiânia         Brazil          1-3
104           18- 8-99  København       Denmark         0-0 
105            4- 9-99  Rotterdam       Belgium         5-5
106           13-11-99  Eindhoven       Czech Republic  1-1
107   1     1  4- 6-00  Lausanne        Poland          3-1
108   1     1 11- 6-00  Amsterdam       Czech Republic  1-0     European Championship
109      1  1 16- 6-00  Rotterdam       Denmark         3-0     European Championship
110           25- 6-00  Rotterdam       Yugoslavia      6-1     European Championship
111            2- 9-00  Amsterdam       Ireland         2-2     World Cup Qualifier
112            7-10-00  Lefkosia        Cyprus          4-0     World Cup Qualifier
113           10-11-01  København       Denmark         1-1
114           13- 2-02  Amsterdam       England         1-1
115           16-10-02  Wien            Austria         3-0     European Champ. Qual.
116            2- 4-03  Tiraspol        Moldova         2-1     European Champ. Qual.
Jurriën and Quinten Timber
117            7- 9-24  Eindhoven       Bosnia-Herzeg.  5-2     UEFA Nations League A
118           10- 9-24  Amsterdam       Germany         2-2     UEFA Nations League A

[1] Netherlands lost 2-4 on penalties

Note that 89 matches (4-36 and 61-116) featured a pair of twin brothers
(and the match numbered 0 at the top of the list may have done so too).

Types of Matches and Goals (Brother Pairs)

                      Goals Matches
Friendlies        	 9   44   
World Cup                4   16     
World Cup Qualifier	12   26     
European Championship    5   11     
European Champ. Qual.    5   20   
UEFA Nations League A    -    2  
Mundialito               -    2

Total                	35  121

NB: 3 matches (63-65) counted 'twice' under matches because they
    featured both the Koeman brothers and the De Boer twins; two
    of these matches were World Cup qualifiers, one a friendly.

Types of Matches and Goals (Twin Pairs)

                      Goals Matches
Friendlies        	 4   31    
World Cup                4   15     
World Cup Qualifier	 9   19     
European Championship    4    7     
European Champ. Qual.    4   15     
Mundialito               -    2
UEFA Nations League A    -    2

Total                	25   91

Record International Players - Netherlands

Fathers and Sons in Oranje

About this document

Information up to date at December 31, 2024, when exactly 809 players had won at least one official cap for the Netherlands

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans (karel.rsssf@gmail.com)
Last updated: 5 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2008/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.