Shetland Islands - List of Cup Winners

NB: for all cups only years are listed for which winners are known

Lever Bros Cup
1904        Lerwick Thistle  
1905        Lerwick Thistle  
1906        Lerwick Thistle  
1907        Lerwick Thistle  
Jamieson Cup
1908        Lerwick Thistle  
1913        Lerwick Thistle  
1922        Lerwick Rangers
1924        Lerwick Thistle  
1926        Lerwick Thistle  
1927        Lerwick Thistle  
1930        Lerwick Thistle  
1934        Lerwick Thistle  
1935        Scalloway
1936        Scalloway
1946        Lerwick Celtic
1947        Lerwick Thistle  
1948        Lerwick Thistle  
1949        Lerwick Thistle  
1951        Lerwick Thistle  
1956        Lerwick Spurs  
1957        Lerwick Celtic
1959        Lerwick Spurs  
1960        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway
1962        Scalloway
1963        Scalloway
1964        Scalloway
1965        Scalloway
1966        Scalloway
1967        Scalloway
1968        Scalloway
1969        Scalloway
1970        Scalloway
1971        Scalloway            2-2 4-4 4-1    Lerwick Rangers
1972        Scalloway                1-0        Lerwick Rangers    
1973        Scalloway                bt         Whalsay
1974        Scalloway                4-0        Lerwick Rangers
1972        Scalloway
1973        Scalloway
1974        Scalloway

NB: Scalloway retained the Jamieson Cup for all time after their 15 successive
      wins between 1960 and 1974; 
    Lerwick Spurs won the Jamieson Cup twice (as listed above)

Madrid Cup
1908-11       not known
1912        Vikings
1913        Lerwick Thistle  
1914-19       not played
1920        Lerwick Rangers
1921        Thorfinn
1922        Lerwick Rangers
1923        Lerwick Rangers
1924        Scalloway
1925        Scalloway
1926        Lerwick Thistle  
1927        Lerwick Thistle  
1928        Lerwick Thistle  
1929        Lerwick Rangers
1930        Thorfinn
1931        Lerwick Rangers
1932        Lerwick Rangers
1933        Lerwick Celtic  
1934        Lerwick Celtic  
1935        Scalloway
1936        Lerwick Rangers
1937        Scalloway
1938        Lerwick Rangers
1939        Lerwick Celtic  
1940-45       not played
1946        Lerwick Rangers
1947        Lerwick Celtic  
1948        Lerwick Thistle  
1949        Lerwick Celtic  
1950        Scalloway
1951        Lerwick Rangers
1952        Lerwick Celtic  
1953        Lerwick Spurs  
1954        Lerwick Spurs  
1955        Lerwick Rangers
1956        Hibs
1957        Lerwick Spurs  
1958        Ness United
1959        Lerwick Spurs  
1960        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway
1962        RAF Saxa Vord
1963        Scalloway
1964        Scalloway
1965        Lerwick Spurs  
1966        Ness United
1967        Scalloway
1968        Scalloway
1969        Scalloway
1970        Scalloway
1971        Scalloway
1972        Scalloway
1973        Scalloway
1974        Scalloway
1975        Scalloway
1976        Whitedale  
1977        Whitedale                2-0        Scalloway
1978        Lerwick Spurs  
1979        Whitedale
1980        Toft
1981        Firth
1982        Lerwick Celtic  
1983        Lerwick Spurs  
1984        Whitedale
1985        Lerwick Thistle  
1986        Whitedale
1987        Lerwick Thistle  
1988        Whitedale
1989        Lerwick Spurs            bt         Whalsay
1990        Lerwick Spurs  
1991        Lerwick Thistle  
1992        Delting           
1993        Lerwick Thistle          bt         Delting            [aet]
1994        Lerwick Celtic  
1995        Lerwick Celtic  
1996        Delting                  bt         Lerwick Thistle  
1997        Lerwick Thistle  
1998        Whalsay
1999        Delting   
2000        Whalsay
2001        Whalsay
2002        Lerwick Thistle          bt         Lerwick Spurs      [on pen]
2003        Lerwick Thistle          2-1        Delting
2004        Lerwick Thistle  
2005        Delting
2006        Delting 
2007        Delting                  4-1        Whitedale
2008        Whalsay                  4-2        Lerwick Celtic  
2009        Whalsay                  4-3        Lerwick Spurs      [aet]
2010        Lerwick Spurs            1-0        Delting
2011        Lerwick Spurs            1-0        Whalsay
2012        Lerwick Spurs            3-1        Celtic
2013        Whitedale                4-2        Lerwick Spurs            
2014        Lerwick Spurs            3-1        Scalloway
2015        Lerwick Spurs            2-1        Lerwick Celtic  
2016        Lerwick Celtic           4-1        Whalsay
2017        Lerwick Spurs            7-1        Lerwick Celtic  
2018        Whitedale                5-2        Ness United
2019        Lerwick Spurs            6-1        Lerwick Celtic  
2020          not played
2021        Lerwick Spurs            3-1        Whitedale  
2022        Scalloway                3-2        Lerwick Celtic  
2023        Ness United              3-2        Whalsay 
2024        Lerwick Celtic           6-3        Whitedale          

NB: Lerwick Spurs won the Madrid Cup 17 times (all listed above)

Whitbread Cup
1915        Lerwick Thistle  
1960        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway
1962        Scalloway
1963        Scalloway
1964        Scalloway
1965        Scalloway
1967        Scalloway
1966        Ness United
1967        Scalloway
1968        Scalloway
1969        Scalloway
1970        Scalloway
1971        Scalloway
1972        Scalloway
1973        Scalloway
1974        Scalloway
1975        Scalloway 
1976        Lerwick Spurs            bt         Scalloway
1977        Whitedale                bt         Scalloway
1984        Scalloway                bt         Whitedale
1985        Lerwick Thistle  
1996        Ness United
NB: Lerwick Spurs won the Whitbread Cup once (listed above)

Gilbert Bail Cup
1922        Lerwick Rangers

Manson Cup
1916        Lerwick Rangers
1917          not known
1918        Lerwick Rangers
1919          not known
1920        Lerwick Rangers
1921        Lerwick Rangers
1922        Lerwick Rangers
1923        Lerwick Celtic  
1924        Lerwick Celtic  
1925        Scalloway
1926        Scalloway
1927        Lerwick Thistle  
1928        Lerwick Celtic  
1929        Lerwick Rangers
1930        Lerwick Rangers
1931        Lerwick Rangers
1932        Scalloway
1933        Lerwick Celtic  
1934        Lerwick Celtic  
1935        Scalloway
1936        Scalloway
1937        Scalloway
1938        Lerwick Celtic  
1939        Lerwick Thistle  
1940-45       not played
1946        Lerwick Thistle  
1947        Scalloway
1948        Lerwick Rangers
1949        Lerwick Celtic  
1950          not known
1951        Lerwick Rangers
1952        Lerwick Celtic  
1953        Lerwick Thistle  
1954        Lerwick Rangers
1955        Lerwick Rangers 
1956        Lerwick Spurs  
1957        Lerwick Celtic    
1958        Lerwick Spurs   
1959        Lerwick Celtic     
1960        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway
1962        Scalloway               10-2        Ness United
1963        Scalloway
1964        Scalloway                2-0        Lerwick Celtic  
1965        Ness United
1966        Lerwick Spurs    
1967        Scalloway
1968        Scalloway 
1969        Scalloway                7-1        Lerwick Thistle  
1970        Ness United              2-1        Lerwick Thistle      [*]
1971        Lerwick Rangers 
1972        Scalloway
1973        Scalloway                6-1        Lerwick Thistle  
1974        Lerwick Rangers 
1975        Scalloway                1-0        Lerwick Spurs
1976        Scalloway                4-0        Lerwick Thistle  
1977        Whalsay
1978        Lerwick Spurs  
1979        Whitedale
1980        Whitedale
1981        Lerwick Spurs    
1982        Lerwick Spurs    
1983        Lerwick Thistle  
1984        Lerwick Thistle 
1985        Lerwick Thistle 
1986        Whitedale  
1987        Lerwick Spurs    
1988        Lerwick Spurs (B)   
1989        Lerwick Spurs    
1990        Lerwick Spurs    
1991        Lerwick Spurs   
1992        Lerwick Celtic   
1993        Lerwick Spurs    
1994        Lerwick Spurs    
1995        Lerwick Thistle  
1996        Lerwick Celtic  
1997        Lerwick Thistle  
1998        Whalsay
1999        Scalloway                bt         Delting
2000        Whalsay
2001        Delting
2002        Delting
2003        Whalsay
2004        Scalloway  
2005        Delting
2006        Delting 
2007        Whalsay                  1-0        Lerwick Celtic   
2008        Lerwick Celtic           3-2        Whalsay
2009        Whitedale                3-2        Delting
2010        Whalsay                  3-2        Scalloway          [aet]  
2011        Lerwick Celtic           3-2        Whalsay  
2012        Lerwick Spurs            2-1        Delting
2013        Whitedale                1-0        Whalsay            [aet]  
2014        Lerwick Spurs            2-1        Lerwick Celtic    
2015        Lerwick Spurs            4-0        Whalsay
2016        Lerwick Spurs            2-0        Lerwick Celtic   
2017        Lerwick Spurs            3-2        Lerwick Celtic     [aet]
2018        Lerwick Spurs            2-0        Whitedale     
2019        Ness United              3-2        Whalsay
2020          not played
2021        Ness United              2-1        Whalsay
2022        Lerwick Spurs            2-0        Ness United 
2023        Lerwick Spurs            2-1        Lerwick Celtic     [aet]  
2024        Whalsay                  2-1        Whitedale    

[*] Ness United beat Scalloway 3-2 in 1970 semifinal
NB: Lerwick Spurs won the Manson Cup 22 times (all listed above)

County Shield
1933        Lerwick Rangers
1934        Lerwick Thistle  
1935        Lerwick Thistle  
1936        Scalloway
1937        Lerwick Celtic
1938-39       not known
1940-45       not played
1946        Lerwick Celtic           bt         Scalloway
1947        Lerwick Rangers
1948        Lerwick Celtic 
1949        Scalloway                bt         Lerwick Celtic  
1950-51       not known
1952        Lerwick Celtic
1953        Hibs
1954        Lerwick Rangers
1955        Lerwick Rangers
1956        Scalloway
1957        Lerwick Spurs
1958        Lerwick Rangers
1959        Lerwick Celtic
1960        Lerwick Celtic           2-1        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway                6-1        Ness United
1962        RAF Saxa Vord            7-3        Scalloway
1963        Scalloway                3-0        Lerwick Celtic   
1964        Scalloway
1966        Ness United
1967        Lerwick Celtic           bt         Scalloway
1968        Lerwick Celtic
1969        Scalloway
1970        Scalloway
1971        Scalloway
1972        Scalloway                4-1        Ness United 
1973        Scalloway
1974        Scalloway
1975        Scalloway
1976        Lerwick Spurs    
1977        Scalloway  
1978        Whitedale
1979        Whitedale
1980        Whitedale
1981        Lerwick Rangers
1982        Lerwick Spurs   
1983        Lerwick Spurs   
1984        Lerwick Spurs   
1985        Lerwick Spurs    
1986        Lerwick Celtic  
1987        Lerwick Thistle  
1988        Lerwick Celtic  
1989        Royals
1990        Lerwick Spurs   
1991        Lerwick Thistle  
1992        Lerwick Celtic  
1993        Southend Select
1994        Whalsay
1995        Whitedale
1996        Lerwick Thistle  
1997        Lerwick Thistle  
1998        Lerwick Thistle          3-1        Lerwick Spurs  
1999        Whalsay
2000        Lerwick Thistle 
2001        Lerwick Celtic    
2002        Scalloway  
2003        Delting
2004        Whalsay
2005        Lerwick Thistle          bt         Delting   
2006        Delting
2007        Delting                  5-1        Whitedale
2008        Delting                  2-1        Lerwick Celtic  
2009        Whitedale                1-0        Whalsay
2010        Whitedale                6-2        Lerwick Spurs      [aet] 
2011        Whitedale                6-3        Lerwick Celtic     [aet]
2012        Lerwick Spurs            5-0        Lerwick Celtic  
2013        Lerwick Spurs            3-2        Whitedale        
2014        Lerwick Celtic           2-1        Whalsay
2015        Lerwick Celtic           2-2        Lerwick Spurs      [aet, 3-2 pen]
2016        Lerwick Thistle          2-1        Lerwick Celtic     [aet]
2017        Whalsay                  3-3        Lerwick Thistle    [aet, 3-2 pen]
2018        Ness United              2-0        Whitedale
2019        Ness United              4-1        Delting 
2020          not played
2021          not played
2022        Ness United              2-1        Whalsay            [aet]
2023        Ness United              1-0        Lerwick Spurs
2024        Lerwick Spurs            3-2        Ness United  

NB: Lerwick Spurs won the County Shield 10 times (all listed above);
    Thistle won the County Shield 9 times (all listed above)

Fraser Cup
1948        Scalloway
1949-50       not known
1951        Scalloway
1952        Lerwick Rangers          bt         Scalloway
1953        Lerwick Celtic 
1954        Scalloway
1955        Scalloway
1956        Lerwick Spurs   
1957        Lerwick Spurs            bt         Scalloway
1958        Lerwick Spurs   
1959        Lerwick Spurs 
1960        Lerwick Celtic           3-2        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway               10-2        Lerwick Spurs
1962        Lerwick Celtic           4-2        Scalloway
1963        Scalloway                7-2        RAF
1964        Scalloway                2-0        Lerwick Spurs  
1965        Scalloway
1966        Ness United
1967        Scalloway
1968        Scalloway
1969        Scalloway
1970        Scalloway
1971        Lerwick Rangers          4-2        Scalloway
1972        Scalloway
1973        Scalloway
1974        Scalloway                5-1        Lerwick Rangers
1975        Lerwick Spurs            [*1]
1976        Lerwick Spurs            3-2        Lerwick Thistle  
1977        Whitedale
1978        Lerwick Spurs   
1979        Whitedale
1980        Toft
1981        Toft  
1982        Whitedale
1983        Whitedale
1984        Lerwick Spurs   
1985        Lerwick Spurs   
1986        Lerwick Spurs  
1987        Pumas (B league)
1988        Lerwick Spurs  
1989        Royals (B)
1990        Ness United (B)
1991        Delting (B)
1992        Lerwick Celtic (B)
1993        Lerwick Spurs (B)        [*2]
1994        Delting
1995        Whalsay
1996        Delting                  bt         Lerwick Thistle  
1997        Delting
1998        Lerwick Spurs   
1999        Lerwick Thistle          3-2        Scalloway
2000        Lerwick Thistle  
2001        Delting
2002        Scalloway                bt         Lerwick Thistle  
2003        Scalloway                bt         Lerwick Thistle  
2004        Delting
2005        Lerwick Thistle 
2006        Whalsay 
2007        Delting                  8-2        Scalloway
2008        Delting                  5-1        Scalloway
2009        Delting                  3-0        Lerwick Celtic        
2010        Whalsay                  3-2        Delting
2011        Lerwick Thistle          3-3        Whalsay            [aet, 5-4 pen]
2012        Whalsay                  4-2        Lerwick Celtic        
2013        Whitedale                3-2        Lerwick Spurs      [aet]
2014        Lerwick Celtic           4-2        Delting            [aet]
2015        Lerwick Spurs            5-3        Lerwick Celtic     [aet]
2016        Lerwick Spurs            6-2        Whalsay
2017        Lerwick Spurs            4-3        Ness United
2018        Lerwick Spurs            4-0        Lerwick Thistle  
2019        Lerwick Spurs            2-1        Ness United
2020          not played
2021        Whitedale                3-0        Lerwick Spurs   
2022        Whalsay                  2-0        Lerwick Thistle
2023        Whitedale                5-0        Whalsay 
2024        Whitedale                3-0        Lerwick Celtic 

NB: Lerwick Spurs won the Fraser Cup 17 times (all listed above);
    Thistle won the Fraser Cup 4 times (all listed above)

[*1] Lerwick Spurs beat Scalloway 1-0 in 1975 semifinal
[*2] in 1993 the Fraser Cup was played as a B-team competition because there were
     Inter-Island Games that year and the FA wanted to cut down on A-fixtures

Mackeson Cup
1953        Lerwick Spurs   
1957        Lerwick Spurs   
1960        Lerwick Celtic           6-5        Scalloway
1961        Scalloway                4-0        Lerwick Celtic  
1962        Scalloway
1963        Scalloway                4-0        RAF
1964        Scalloway                5-0        Ness United
1965        Scalloway
1966        Ness United
1967        Scalloway
1968        Scalloway
1969        Scalloway
1972        Scalloway                5-1        Whalsay
1973        Scalloway
1974        Scalloway
1975        Whitedale                1-0        Scalloway
1976        Lerwick Spurs   
1978        Lerwick Spurs            3-1        Lerwick Thistle  
1983        Lerwick Thistle          3-0        Lerwick Celtic  
1985        Lerwick Thistle   
1986        Lerwick Spurs   
1989        Lerwick Spurs   
1996        Ness United
NB: Lerwick Spurs won the Mackeson Cup 6 times (all listed above)
(Viking) Challenge Cup
1982        Banks   
1983        Delting                  [first ever cup title for Delting]
1984        Banks      
1988        Banks                    5-3        Shetland Engineers [aet]
1991        Lerwick Thistle  
1997        Scalloway                bt         Whalsay
1999        Lerwick Spurs B

Shalder Cup
1986        Stromness                6-4        Scalloway
1987        Scalloway                4-0        Stromness   
1988        Stromness                3-1        Scalloway          [aet] 
1989        Scalloway                2-1        Stromness

Parish Cup
1952        Sandwick
1953        Virkie [aka Queen of the South]
1954        Virkie [aka Queen of the South]
1955        Quendale 
1956        Quendale  
1957        Quendale  
1958        Quendale  
1959        Quendale  
1960        Sandwick
1961        Whalsay                  4-3        Sandwick
1962        Sandwick
1963        Sandwick
1964        Unst                     4-2        Whalsay
1965        Unst                     3-1        Sandwick  
1966        Whalsay       
1967        Unst                     5-0        Quendale
1968        Whalsay
1969        Whalsay
1970        Whalsay
1971        Cunningsburgh
1972        Whalsay
1973        Whalsay
1974        Whalsay
1975        Whalsay
1976        Cunningsburgh
1977        Whalsay
1978        Whalsay
1979        Whitedale
1980        Whalsay
1981        Burra
1982        Southend  
1983        Whitedale
1984        Whalsay
1985        Whitedale
1986        Whitedale
1987        Whitedale
1988        Whitedale
1989        Whalsay
1990        Whitedale
1991        Whalsay
1992        Whalsay
1993        Delting
1994        Delting
1995        Whitedale
1996        Delting
1997        Delting
1998        Delting          
1999        Whalsay                  4-2        Delting
2000        Unst
2001        Delting
2002        Delting                  5-1        Southend
2003        Delting
2004        Delting
2005        Delting
2006        Delting
2007        Delting                  6-1        Yell
2008        Delting                  1-0        Whalsay
2009        Delting                  bt         Southend
2010        Whalsay                  1-0        Southend   
2011        Whalsay                  bt         Sandwick  
2012        Unst                     3-1        Whitedale
2013        Westside                 3-0        Unst               [aet]
2014        Whalsay                  2-1        Delting
2015        Whalsay                  2-1        Burra              [aet]
2016        Whalsay                  2-1        Delting
2017        Cunningsburgh            4-2        Whalsay
2018        Delting                  0-0        Southend           [aet, 4-2 pen]   
2019        Southend                 3-0        Delting
2020          not played
2021        Cunningsburgh            3-3        Whalsay            [aet, 8-7 pen]   
2022        Cunningsburgh            4-0        Whitedale
2023        Southend                 0-0        Whalsay            [aet, 4-3 pen] 
2024        Whitedale                5-1        Sandwick 

Number of Wins (72)

22 Whalsay

15 Delting 

 9 Whitedale

 5 Cunningsburgh

 4 Sandwick 

 3 Southend

 2 Virkie [aka Queen of the South]

 1 Burra

Highland Fuels Cup
1990        Lerwick Thistle  
1991        Lerwick Spurs   
1992          not contested
1993        Lerwick Spurs 
1994          not contested  
1995        Delting
1996        Lerwick Thistle  
1997        Lerwick Thistle  
1998        Delting 
1999        Lerwick Thistle  
2000        Delting 
2001        Lerwick Spurs  
2002        Delting 
2003        Scalloway                bt         Delting
2004        Lerwick Thistle 
2005        Delting                  bt         Scalloway  
2006        Delting 
2007        Delting 
2008        Delting 
2009        Delting                  2-1        Whalsay
2010        Whalsay                  2-1        Celtic   
2011        Whalsay                  3-0        Scalloway
2012        Lerwick Spurs            3-2        Whalsay  
2013        Lerwick Spurs            2-1        Whitedale
2014        Lerwick Spurs            3-1        Scalloway
2015        Whalsay                  4-2        Lerwick Spurs  
2016        Lerwick Spurs            2-0        Delting
2017        Lerwick Spurs            1-0        Celtic
2018        Whitedale                1-1        Lerwick Spurs      [5-4 pen]
2019        Ness United              5-0        Lerwick Thistle  
2020        Ness United              0-0        Whalsay            [6-5 pen]
2021          not played
2022        Ness United              2-1        Lerwick Spurs
2023        Ness United              3-0        Celtic
2024        Whitedale                2-1        Lerwick Spurs

Bloomfield Cup
1991        Lerwick Spurs B
1998        Lerwick Spurs B
2010        Lerwick Celtic B
2011        Lerwick Celtic B 
2021          not played
2022        Lerwick Spurs B
2023        Lerwick Celtic B 

Queen's Hotel Shield:
NB: for winners of reserve league
1986        Whalsay B
1987        Lerwick Celtic B
1988        Lerwick Spurs B
1989        Scalloway B
1990        Whitedale B
1991        Delting B
1992        Lerwick Celtic B
1993        Lerwick Celtic B
1994        Unst
1995        Delting B
1996        Lerwick Spurs B
1997        Unst
1998        Delting B
1999        Delting B
2000        Scalloway B
2001        Unst
2002        Delting B
2003        Scalloway B
2004        Delting B
2005        Unst
2006        Whitedale B
2007        Whalsay B
2008        Whalsay B
2009        Lerwick Celtic B
2010        Whalsay B
2011        Whitedale B
2012        Whalsay B
2013        Lerwick Spurs B
2014        Ness United B
2015        Lerwick Thistle B
2016        North Isles
2017        Lerwick Spurs B
2018        Delting B
2019        Lerwick Spurs B
2020          not contested
2021        Ness United B
2022        Lerwick Celtic B
2023        Whitedale B

About this document

Many thanks to Davy Macdonald (Lerwick Spurs manager).

Sources: [Pet 02], [SFA 19], Lerwick Thistle, Lerwick Celtic, Delting, wikipedia,

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 9 Sep 2024

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2000/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.