Uganda 2024/25

StarTimes Uganda Premier League
Busoga Masaza Cup 2024
FUFA Drum Championship 2024/25

StarTimes Uganda Premier League


 1.Vipers SC              19  14  4  1  31- 9  46
 2.NEC FC                 19  12  5  2  23-10  41
 3.BUL FC                 19   8  8  3  21-13  32
 4.KCCA FC                19   8  7  4  23-10  31
 5.URA FC                 19   9  3  7  20-14  30
 6.Kitara FC              19   8  4  7  31-13  28
 7.Express FC             19   8  4  7  21-25  28
 8.Maroons FC             19   7  6  6  18-21  27
 9.SC Villa               19   6  6  7  28-22  24  [C]
10.UPDF FC                19   6  6  7  15-22  24
11.Lugazi FC              19   5  8  6  11-15  23  [P]
12.Police FC              19   3 11  5  15-17  20  [P]
13.Mbarara City           19   4  6  9  13-23  18
14.Wakiso Giants FC       19   2  8  9  11-28  14
15.Bright Stars FC        19   2  6 11  11-22  12
16.Mbale Heroes FC        19   2  4 13   7-35  10  [P]

Round 1
[Sep 13]
KCCA                1-0 URA                 
[Sep 14]
Lugazi              0-3 Kitara              
[Sep 15]
Wakiso Giants       1-1 Bright Stars        
Maroons             1-1 UPDF                
NEC                 3-1 Vipers              
[Sep 16]
Police              0-0 BUL                 
Villa               4-2 Mbarara City        
Express             2-1 Mbale Heroes        

Round 2
[Sep 19]
Kitara              1-2 NEC                 
UPDF                1-0 Lugazi              
Vipers              3-0 Express             
[Sep 20]
BUL                 1-1 KCCA                
Mbarara City        0-0 Police              
Bright Stars        0-1 URA                 
Maroons             2-3 Wakiso Giants       
[Sep 22]
Mbale Heroes        1-0 Villa               

Round 3
[Sep 24]
Police              1-1 Bright Stars        
NEC                 1-0 UPDF                
[Sep 26]
Lugazi              0-0 Vipers              
Villa               2-1 BUL                 
[Sep 27]
Wakiso Giants       1-0 Mbale Heroes        
KCCA                2-0 Kitara              
[Sep 28]
URA                 1-1 Mbarara City        
Express             0-0 Maroons             

Round 4
[Oct 1]
UPDF                1-0 Wakiso Giants       
Bright Stars        0-1 KCCA                
[Oct 2]
BUL                 0-2 Mbarara City        
[Oct 3]
Kitara              0-1 Police              
Express             2-1 NEC                 
[Oct 5]
Mbale Heroes        0-4 URA                 
Vipers              2-1 Villa               
[Oct 6]
Maroons             1-0 Lugazi              

Round 5
[Oct 16]
Lugazi              1-1 Mbale Heroes        
Police              2-2 Express             
[Oct 17]
Wakiso Giants       0-2 Vipers              
[Oct 18]
Mbarara City        1-1 Kitara              
Villa               2-2 Bright Stars        
NEC                 2-1 Maroons             
URA                 0-1 BUL                 
[Oct 19]
KCCA                0-0 UPDF                

Round 6
[Oct 22]
Express             0-1 Lugazi              
[Oct 23]
Bright Stars        0-1 Mbarara City        
[Oct 24]
UPDF                0-0 URA                 
Maroons             1-1 Villa               
[Oct 25]
Kitara              1-3 BUL                 
Vipers              2-1 Police              
[Oct 26]
Mbale Heroes        0-1 KCCA                
NEC                 2-0 Wakiso Giants       

Round 7
[Oct 29]
Mbarara City        1-3 Vipers              
[Oct 30]
Lugazi              1-0 NEC                 
Police              2-1 Mbale Heroes        
[Oct 31]
BUL                 1-0 Bright Stars        
Wakiso Giants       0-0 Express             
KCCA                5-0 Maroons             
[Nov 1]
Villa               5-0 UPDF                
URA                 2-0 Kitara              

Round 8
[Nov 5]
NEC                 0-0 Police              
[Nov 6]
Wakiso Giants       0-0 Lugazi              
UPDF                2-1 Mbarara City        
[Nov 8]
Bright Stars        1-0 Kitara              
Express             1-0 Villa               
[Nov 9]
Maroons             2-1 URA                 
Vipers              1-1 KCCA                
[Nov 10]
Mbale Heroes        0-0 BUL                 

Round 9
[Nov 20]
Police              0-0 Lugazi              
[Nov 21]
BUL                 1-1 Express             
Bright Stars        0-1 Maroons             
KCCA                0-1 NEC                 
[Nov 22]
Kitara              4-0 UPDF                
URA                 0-2 Vipers              
[Nov 23]
Mbarara City        1-0 Mbale Heroes        
Villa               6-1 Wakiso Giants       

Round 10
[Nov 27]
UPDF                2-2 Police              
Wakiso Giants       0-3 URA                 
[Nov 28]
Mbale Heroes        1-0 Bright Stars        
Express             3-1 Mbarara City        
[Nov 29]
Maroons             0-0 BUL                 
NEC                 2-1 Villa               
[Nov 30]
Lugazi              1-1 KCCA                
Vipers              0-0 Kitara              

Round 11
[Dec 4]
Police              2-1 Wakiso Giants       
BUL                 0-2 UPDF                
[Dec 5]
Mbarara City        0-3 Maroons             
URA                 1-1 NEC                 
[Dec 6]
Kitara              6-0 Mbale Heroes        
Villa               1-1 Lugazi              
[Dec 7]
Bright Stars        1-2 Vipers              
KCCA                0-1 Express             

Round 12
[Dec 11]
UPDF                1-1 Mbale Heroes        
NEC                 1-0 Bright Stars        
[Dec 12]
Maroons             0-4 Kitara              
Lugazi              1-1 Mbarara City        
[Dec 13]
Villa               1-1 Police              
Express             1-2 URA                 
[Dec 14]
Vipers              1-1 BUL                 
[Dec 15]
Wakiso Giants       1-2 KCCA                

Round 13
[Dec 18]
Bright Stars        2-1 UPDF                
BUL                 1-1 NEC                 
[Dec 19]
URA                 1-0 Lugazi              
Police              1-2 Maroons             
[Dec 20]
Mbale Heroes        0-4 Vipers              
KCCA                1-1 Villa               
[Dec 21]
Kitara              7-0 Express             
[Dec 30]
Mbarara City        0-0 Wakiso Giants       

Round 14
[Jan 2]
Maroons             1-0 Mbale Heroes        
Police              0-0 KCCA                
Express             2-1 Bright Stars        
[Jan 3]
UPDF                0-1 Vipers              
Lugazi              1-2 BUL                 
[Jan 4]
Villa               1-0 URA                 
NEC                 1-0 Mbarara City        
[Jan 5]
Wakiso Giants       0-0 Kitara              

Round 15
[Jan 6]
UPDF                0-2 Express             
Bright Stars        1-1 Lugazi              
Vipers              1-0 Maroons             
[Jan 7]
Mbarara City        0-2 KCCA                
BUL                 1-1 Wakiso Giants       
Kitara              1-0 Villa               
Mbale Heroes        0-1 NEC                 
URA                 1-0 Police              

Halfway Table:

 1.Vipers SC              15  10  4  1  25- 9  34
 2.NEC FC                 15  10  3  2  19- 9  33
 3.KCCA FC                15   7  6  2  18- 7  27
 4.Express FC             15   7  4  4  17-20  25
 5.URA FC                 15   7  3  5  17-10  24
 6.Maroons FC             15   6  4  5  15-19  22
 7.Kitara FC              15   6  3  6  28-12  21
 8.SC Villa               15   5  5  5  26-17  20  [C]
 9.BUL FC                 15   4  8  3  13-13  20
10.Police FC              15   3  9  3  13-13  18  [P]
11.UPDF FC                15   4  5  6  11-20  17
12.Lugazi FC              15   2  8  5   8-13  14  [P]
13.Mbarara City           15   3  5  7  12-21  14
14.Wakiso Giants FC       15   2  6  7   9-22  12
15.Bright Stars FC        15   2  4  9  10-17  10
16.Mbale Heroes FC        15   2  3 10   6-25   9  [P]

Round 16
[Feb 11]
Wakiso Giants       1-1 Villa               
Vipers              2-0 URA                 
[Feb 12]
Lugazi              1-0 Police              
Maroons             1-1 Bright Stars        
Express             0-2 BUL                 
[Feb 13]
Mbale Heroes        0-1 Mbarara City        
UPDF                0-0 Kitara              
NEC                 1-0 KCCA                

Round 17
[Feb 15]
Villa               1-0 Express             
URA                 1-0 Maroons             
[Feb 16]
Police              1-1 NEC                 
Lugazi              1-0 Wakiso Giants       
BUL                 3-0 Mbale Heroes        
KCCA                0-2 Vipers              
[Feb 17]
Kitara              2-0 Bright Stars        
Mbarara City        0-1 UPDF                

Round 18
[Mar 1]
Kitara              1-0 URA                 
Mbale Heroes        1-1 Police              
Bright Stars        0-2 BUL                 
NEC                 2-0 Lugazi              
[Mar 2]
UPDF                2-0 Villa               
Maroons             0-0 KCCA                
Vipers              1-0 Mbarara City        
[Mar 3]
Express             4-1 Wakiso Giants       

Round 19
[Mar 6]
Police              0-1 Vipers              
Lugazi              1-0 Express             
BUL                 1-0 Kitara              
[Mar 7]
Wakiso Giants       0-0 NEC                 
URA                 2-1 UPDF                
[Mar 8]
Mbarara City        0-0 Bright Stars        
KCCA                5-0 Mbale Heroes        
[Mar 9]
Villa               0-2 Maroons             


 1.Vipers SC              19  14  4  1  31- 9  46
 2.NEC FC                 19  12  5  2  23-10  41
 3.BUL FC                 19   8  8  3  21-13  32
 4.KCCA FC                19   8  7  4  23-10  31
 5.URA FC                 19   9  3  7  20-14  30
 6.Kitara FC              19   8  4  7  31-13  28
 7.Express FC             19   8  4  7  21-25  28
 8.Maroons FC             19   7  6  6  18-21  27
 9.SC Villa               19   6  6  7  28-22  24  [C]
10.UPDF FC                19   6  6  7  15-22  24
11.Lugazi FC              19   5  8  6  11-15  23  [P]
12.Police FC              19   3 11  5  15-17  20  [P]
13.Mbarara City           19   4  6  9  13-23  18
14.Wakiso Giants FC       19   2  8  9  11-28  14
15.Bright Stars FC        19   2  6 11  11-22  12
16.Mbale Heroes FC        19   2  4 13   7-35  10  [P]

Busoga Masaza Cup 2024

NB: 14 participating counties

Group Stage

Final Tables:

Bukowe Group
 1.Kigulu                  6   3  3  0   5- 1  12
 2.Bunha                   6   1  4  1   5- 4   7
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3.Luuka                   6   1  3  2   3- 5   6
 4.Bukooli Bugiri          6   1  2  3   3- 6   5

Kagulu Group
 1.Butembe                 4   2  1  1   2- 1   7
 2.Buzaaya                 4   2  0  2   2- 2   6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - -
 3.Bukooli Namayingo       4   1  1  2   1- 2   4

Mawembe Group
 1.Bugabula                4   3  1  0   8- 3  10
 2.Bukono                  4   1  1  2   3- 5   4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3.Bunhole Bunanumba       4   1  0  3   2- 5   3

Nendha Group
 1.Budiope                 6   4  1  1   9- 4  13
 2.Busiki                  6   4  0  2   7- 4  12
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3.Bugweri                 6   2  1  3   9- 7   7
 4.Bulamogi                6   1  0  5   2-12   3

[Nov 8]
Budiope             0-2 Bukono
Bugabula            1-0 Busiki
[Nov 9]
Kigulu              0-1 Buzaaya
Butembe             3-1 Bunha

Semifinals [Nov 27]
Bugabula            0-1 Butembe             
Bukono              1-1 Buzaaya             [4-1 pen]

Third Place Match [Nov 30]
Buzaaya             3-0 Bugabula

Final [Dec 15, Jinja City]
Butembe             1-0 Bukono

FUFA Drum Championship 2024/25

NB: fifth edition; played by the 16 provinces of Uganda


First Legs
[Aug 25]
Bugisu              2-1 Karamoja            
[Feb 22]
Bunyoro             3-2 Rwenzori            
Kampala             2-1 Bukedi              
[Feb 23]
Ankole              5-1 Sebei               

Main Tournament

Group A
   West Nile 

Group B

Group C

Group D


list of champions.

list of cup winners.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 10 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl, Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2024/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.