Matches in the Dutch East Indies NB: match date in italics not confirmed; may be 11- 9. on Java 10- 8 Batavia Hercules 3-2 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-1] 12- 8 Batavia B.V.C. 1-4 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-2] 13- 8 Batavia V.B.O. XI 2-3 Nan Hwa [HT: 2-3] 16- 8 Cheribon V.C.O. XI 0-4 Nan Hwa [HT: 0-1] 19- 8 Semarang V.S.O. XI 3-2 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-1] 20- 8 Semarang P.S.S.I. 1-3 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-2] 22- 8 Solo V.B.S. XI 1-3 Nan Hwa 24- 8 Malang M.V.U. XI 3-4 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-2] 26- 8 Soerabaja Tiong Hoa 2-2 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-2] 27- 8 Soerabaja S.V.B. XI 0-5 Nan Hwa [HT: 0-3] 31- 8 Bandoeng Sidolig 2-4 Nan Hwa [HT: 0-1] 2- 9 Batavia V.B.O. XI 1-2 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-1] 3- 9 Batavia West Java XI 1-2 Nan Hwa [HT: 0-1] 4- 9 Batavia Vios 3-4 Nan Hwa [HT: 0-2] 5- 9 Batavia Hercules 2-2 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-1] on Celebes 10- 9 Makassar M.V.B. XI 4-3 Nan Hwa [HT: 1-3] Total Record Nan Hwa: 16 11 2 3 49-29 24
Sources: various contemporary Dutch East Indies newspapers (available through Delpher)
Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 16 Feb 2025
(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2013/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
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