Dutch East Indies Tour of Nan Hwa 1939

Nan Hwa (the Hongkong club also known as South China) made several trips to the Dutch East Indies, including this one in 1939.
Matches in the Dutch East Indies

NB: match date in italics not confirmed; may be 11- 9.

on Java

10- 8 Batavia           Hercules         3-2 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-1]
12- 8 Batavia           B.V.C.           1-4 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-2]
13- 8 Batavia           V.B.O. XI        2-3 Nan Hwa          [HT: 2-3]
16- 8 Cheribon          V.C.O. XI        0-4 Nan Hwa          [HT: 0-1]
19- 8 Semarang          V.S.O. XI        3-2 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-1]
20- 8 Semarang          P.S.S.I.         1-3 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-2]
22- 8 Solo              V.B.S. XI        1-3 Nan Hwa          
24- 8 Malang            M.V.U. XI        3-4 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-2]
26- 8 Soerabaja         Tiong Hoa        2-2 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-2]
27- 8 Soerabaja         S.V.B. XI        0-5 Nan Hwa          [HT: 0-3]
31- 8 Bandoeng          Sidolig          2-4 Nan Hwa          [HT: 0-1]
 2- 9 Batavia           V.B.O. XI        1-2 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-1]
 3- 9 Batavia           West Java XI     1-2 Nan Hwa          [HT: 0-1]
 4- 9 Batavia           Vios             3-4 Nan Hwa          [HT: 0-2]
 5- 9 Batavia           Hercules         2-2 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-1]

on Celebes

10- 9 Makassar          M.V.B. XI        4-3 Nan Hwa          [HT: 1-3]

Total Record Nan Hwa:     16  11  2  3  49-29  24


About this document

Sources: various contemporary Dutch East Indies newspapers (available through Delpher)

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans (karel.rsssf@gmail.com)
Last updated: 16 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2013/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.