Final Table: 1.Matlama (Maseru) 30 18 9 3 48-21 63 Champions 2.Lioli (Teyateyaneng) 30 17 8 5 38-15 59 3.LMPS (Maseru) 30 17 5 8 46-32 56 4.LDF (Maseru) 30 16 7 7 41-27 55 5.LCS (Maseru) 30 15 7 8 49-31 52 6.Bantu United (Mafeteng) 30 14 9 7 37-26 51 7.Likhopo (Maseru) 30 12 7 11 32-32 43 8.Linare (Leribe) 30 11 8 11 42-31 41 9.Joy (Leribe) 30 9 11 10 29-25 38 10.Mphatlalatsane (Leribe) 30 7 15 8 28-25 36 11.Swallows (Mazenod, Maseru) 30 10 5 15 32-46 35 12.Lerotholi Polytechnic (Maseru) 30 8 10 12 29-33 34 ---------------------------------------------------------- 13.Majantja (Quthing) 30 9 6 15 39-47 33 Relegated 14.Nyenye Rovers (Maputsoe) 30 7 8 15 24-39 29 Relegated 15.Rovers (Roma, Maseru) 30 5 7 18 24-50 19 [-3] Relegated 16.Botha Bothe Roses 30 2 4 24 17-78 10 Relegated NB: Rovers had 3 points and 3 goals deducted due to crowd trouble in round 20; due to this, the overall goal difference in the above table is -3 NB: 4 teams relegated and only 2 promoted as top level is reduced to 14 clubs for 2010/11 (and 12 for 2011/12) Round 1 [Sep 19] LCS 0-1 Likhopo LMPS 1-0 Majantja [Sep 20] Joy 0-1 Lioli Rovers 1-0 Lerotholi Linare 0-1 Mphatlalatsane Nyenye Rovers 0-0 Matlama Bantu United 3-1 BB Roses Swallows 1-1 LDF Round 2 [Sep 26] LDF 1-0 LMPS Matlama awd Swallows [awarded 3-0; match abandoned Likhopo 0-1 Nyenye Rovers due to fan trouble involving BB Roses 0-4 Linare Swallows supporters] Lerotholi 0-1 Bantu United Lioli 0-0 LCS Mphatlalatsane 0-3 Joy [Jan 17] Majantja 1-1 Rovers Round 3 [Sep 27] Joy 0-2 Linare Bantu United 0-0 Majantja Lerotholi 2-1 BB Roses LCS 1-0 Mphatlalatsane LDF 2-0 Rovers LMPS 0-2 Matlama Swallows 0-1 Likhopo Nyenye Rovers 0-1 Lioli Round 4 [Oct 3] Likhopo 1-2 LMPS Lioli 3-1 Swallows Linare 1-1 LCS Matlama 3-2 Rovers [Oct 4] Mphatlalatsane 3-2 Nyenye Rovers LDF 0-0 Bantu United [Oct 24] Majantja 0-0 Lerotholi [Dec 6] BB Roses 1-1 Joy Round 5 [Oct 10] Majantja 4-0 BB Roses LCS 1-1 Joy Bantu United 1-2 Matlama Lerotholi 2-1 LDF LMPS 1-0 Lioli Rovers 0-1 Likhopo Nyenye Rovers 0-0 Linare Swallows 1-0 Mphatlalatsane Round 6 [Oct 11] Likhopo 1-1 Bantu United Nyenye Rovers 0-2 Joy Lioli 2-1 Rovers BB Roses 2-3 LCS LDF 2-0 Majantja Mphatlalatsane 2-0 LMPS [Oct 24] Linare 0-1 Swallows [Oct 25] Matlama 1-0 Lerotholi Round 7 [Oct 18] Lerotholi 3-0 Likhopo Rovers 0-2 Mphatlalatsane Majantja 2-2 Matlama LDF 5-1 BB Roses Swallows 0-2 Joy [Dec 6] Bantu United 1-1 Lioli Nyenye Rovers 1-2 LCS LMPS 1-1 Linare Round 8 [Nov 8] Joy 0-1 LMPS BB Roses 1-0 Nyenye Rovers LCS 5-0 Swallows Lioli 0-0 Lerotholi Likhopo 4-3 Majantja Linare 1-0 Rovers Matlama 0-1 LDF Mphatlalatsane 1-2 Bantu United Round 9 [Nov 14] Matlama 5-1 BB Roses Lerotholi 1-1 Mphatlalatsane Bantu United 1-0 Linare LDF 0-0 Likhopo [Nov 15] Majantja 0-4 Lioli Swallows 2-0 Nyenye Rovers Rovers 1-1 Joy LMPS 1-0 LCS Round 10 [Dec 5] Joy 1-0 Bantu United Lioli 2-0 LDF LCS 2-1 Rovers BB Roses 0-2 Swallows Nyenye Rovers 0-2 LMPS Linare 6-1 Lerotholi Mphatlalatsane 1-0 Majantja [Jan 23] Likhopo 2-2 Matlama Round 11 [Dec 12] Joy 0-0 Lerotholi LMPS 0-0 Swallows LDF 2-1 Mphatlalatsane [Dec 13] Majantja 2-3 Linare Bantu United 4-0 LCS Rovers 2-1 Nyenye Rovers [Jan 24] Likhopo 0-1 BB Roses Matlama awd Lioli [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 3-0 in 80' due to crowd trouble] Round 12 [Dec 19] Lioli 2-0 Likhopo BB Roses 0-3 LMPS LCS 2-0 Lerotholi Linare 0-1 LDF Swallows 2-1 Rovers Nyenye Rovers 0-0 Bantu United Mphatlalatsane 1-1 Matlama Joy 1-0 Majantja Round 13 [Dec 20] Nyenye Rovers 3-2 Majantja LCS 0-1 LDF Joy 0-0 Matlama Mphatlalatsane 1-1 Lioli Rovers 2-0 BB Roses Linare 1-2 Likhopo Swallows 2-1 Lerotholi LMPS 2-3 Bantu United Round 14 [Jan 9] Matlama 1-0 Linare Likhopo 1-1 Mphatlalatsane Lioli 3-0 BB Roses Lerotholi 0-1 Nyenye Rovers LDF 0-0 Joy Bantu United 3-2 Swallows Rovers 0-0 LMPS [Jan 23] Majantja 1-3 LCS Round 15 [Jan 16] Bantu United 3-2 Rovers Majantja 3-2 Swallows Likhopo 3-0 Joy LDF 5-1 Nyenye Rovers [Jan 17] Matlama 3-1 LCS Lioli 2-0 Linare BB Roses 3-3 Mphatlalatsane Lerotholi 1-3 LMPS Round 16 [Jan 30] Lioli 0-0 Joy Lerotholi 3-0 Rovers BB Roses 0-1 Bantu United Mphatlalatsane 1-1 Linare [Jan 31] Likhopo 0-2 LCS Matlama 1-0 Nyenye Rovers Majantja abd LMPS [abandoned at 0-0 at LDF 3-1 Swallows half-time due to rain] [Mar 11] Majantja 0-2 LMPS [replay] Round 17 [Feb 6] LMPS 2-1 LDF Joy 1-1 Mphatlalatsane Rovers 2-3 Majantja Nyenye Rovers 2-1 Likhopo Linare 3-0 BB Roses Bantu United 0-0 Lerotholi LCS 0-1 Lioli Swallows 0-1 Matlama Round 18 [Feb 7] Linare 2-2 Matlama Mphatlalatsane 0-0 Likhopo BB Roses 0-2 Lioli Nyenye Rovers 2-2 Lerotholi Joy 1-1 LDF LCS 2-2 Majantja Swallows 0-1 Bantu United LMPS 2-1 Rovers Round 19 [Feb 13] Linare 1-0 Joy Majantja 1-3 Bantu United BB Roses 0-1 Lerotholi Mphatlalatsane 1-0 LCS [Feb 14] Rovers 1-1 LDF Matlama 1-0 LMPS Likhopo 2-1 Swallows Lioli 1-1 Nyenye Rovers Round 20 [Feb 13] Rovers awd Matlama [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 1-1 [Feb 20] in 90+' due to crowd trouble] LMPS 1-0 Likhopo Swallows 1-0 Lioli LCS 3-1 Linare [Feb 21] Lerotholi 1-0 Majantja Joy 1-0 BB Roses Nyenye Rovers 1-0 Mphatlalatsane Bantu United 0-1 LDF Round 21 [Mar 6] BB Roses 0-0 Matlama Mphatlalatsane 0-0 Lerotholi Linare 2-1 Bantu United Likhopo 3-0 LDF [Mar 7] Lioli 3-0 Majantja Nyenye Rovers 1-1 Swallows Joy 0-0 Rovers LCS 4-1 LMPS Round 22 [Mar 13] BB Roses 0-2 Majantja Joy 0-1 LCS Matlama 2-0 Bantu United LDF 1-4 Lerotholi [Mar 14] Lioli 1-3 LMPS Likhopo 3-0 Rovers Linare 1-0 Nyenye Rovers Mphatlalatsane 0-1 Swallows Round 23 [Mar 20] Swallows 2-2 Linare Bantu United 0-0 Likhopo Joy abd Nyenye Rovers [abandoned at half-time Lerotholi 1-2 Matlama due to rain] [Mar 21] LCS 5-2 BB Roses Rovers 0-1 Lioli Majantja 1-3 LDF LMPS 1-1 Mphatlalatsane [Apr 5] Joy 0-1 Nyenye Rovers [replay] Round 24 [Mar 27] Mphatlalatsane 0-0 Rovers Matlama 2-1 Majantja Linare 1-0 LMPS [Mar 28] Joy 2-0 Swallows LCS 3-0 Nyenye Rovers BB Roses 0-2 LDF [May 9] Likhopo 1-0 Lerotholi [May 15] Lioli 0-0 Bantu United Round 25 [Apr 3] Majantja 3-1 Likhopo Swallows 2-2 LCS LMPS 0-5 Joy Nyenye Rovers 0-0 BB Roses [Apr 4] Bantu United 0-0 Mphatlalatsane Lerotholi 1-2 Lioli LDF 0-1 Matlama Rovers abd Linare [abandoned at 1-2 in 76' [May 15] due to rain] Rovers 0-4 Linare [replay] Round 26 [Apr 10] Bantu United 3-1 Joy LDF 0-2 Lioli LMPS 4-2 Nyenye Rovers Rovers 1-1 LCS Swallows 3-1 BB Roses Matlama 2-0 Likhopo Lerotholi 1-1 Linare Majantja 1-1 Mphatlalatsane Round 27 [Apr 17] Lerotholi 2-1 Joy Swallows 1-2 LMPS Mphatlalatsane 0-1 LDF Linare 0-1 Majantja LCS 2-0 Bantu United Nyenye Rovers awd Rovers [awarded 3-0, Rovers dns] [May 8] Lioli 2-0 Matlama [May 15] BB Roses 0-1 Likhopo Round 28 [Apr 24] Likhopo 1-0 Lioli LMPS 8-2 BB Roses Rovers 3-2 Swallows LDF 3-2 Linare [Apr 25] Lerotholi 1-1 LCS Bantu United 2-1 Nyenye Rovers Matlama 0-0 Mphatlalatsane Majantja 2-0 Joy Round 29 [May 1] Rovers 1-3 Bantu United Swallows awd Majantja [awarded 0-3; abandoned at Nyenye Rovers 0-0 LDF 0-1 in second half] [May 2] Linare 0-1 Lioli Mphatlalatsane 5-0 BB Roses LMPS 1-1 Lerotholi [May 15] LCS 1-0 Matlama [May 16] Joy 2-0 Likhopo Round 30 [May 23] Majantja 1-0 Nyenye Rovers LDF 2-1 LCS Likhopo 2-2 Linare Lioli 0-0 Mphatlalatsane BB Roses 0-4 Rovers Matlama 3-3 Joy Lerotholi 0-1 Swallows Bantu United 0-2 LMPS Final Table: 1.Matlama (Maseru) 30 18 9 3 48-21 63 Champions 2.Lioli (Teyateyaneng) 30 17 8 5 38-15 59 3.LMPS (Maseru) 30 17 5 8 46-32 56 4.LDF (Maseru) 30 16 7 7 41-27 55 5.LCS (Maseru) 30 15 7 8 49-31 52 6.Bantu United (Mafeteng) 30 14 9 7 37-26 51 7.Likhopo (Maseru) 30 12 7 11 32-32 43 8.Linare (Leribe) 30 11 8 11 42-31 41 9.Joy (Leribe) 30 9 11 10 29-25 38 10.Mphatlalatsane (Leribe) 30 7 15 8 28-25 36 11.Swallows (Mazenod, Maseru) 30 10 5 15 32-46 35 12.Lerotholi Polytechnic (Maseru) 30 8 10 12 29-33 34 ---------------------------------------------------------- 13.Majantja (Quthing) 30 9 6 15 39-47 33 Relegated 14.Nyenye Rovers (Maputsoe) 30 7 8 15 24-39 29 Relegated 15.Rovers (Roma, Maseru) 30 5 7 18 24-50 19 [-3] Relegated 16.Botha Bothe Roses 30 2 4 24 17-78 10 Relegated NB: Rovers had 3 points and 3 goals deducted due to crowd trouble in round 20; due to this, the overall goal difference in the above table is -3 NB: 4 teams relegated and only 2 promoted as top level is reduced to 14 clubs for 2010/11 (and 12 for 2011/12)
Vodacom Spectacular | Buddie Top 4 | LNIG Top 8 Cup Vodacom Spectacular Quarterfinals First Legs [Nov 7,8] Matlama 3-0 Qalo Bantu United 0-0 LCS Manamela 0-1 LDF Lioli 1-2 Likhopo Second Legs [Nov 21] LDF 3-0 Manamela Lioli 1-1 Likhopo [Nov 22] Matlama 4-1 Qalo LCS 2-1 Bantu United Semifinals [Nov 28] Likhopo 1-2 Matlama LCS 2-0 LDF Third Place Match [Nov 29] Likhopo 3-1 LDF Final [Nov 29] Matlama 1-0 LCS Buddie Top 4 Semifinals [Feb 27] LCS 2-2 LMPS [5-6 pen] LDF 2-1 Lioli Third Place Match [Feb 28] LCS 3-0 Lioli Final [Feb 28] LMPS 0-0 LDF [3-2 pen] LNIG Top 8 Cup Final Lioli bt Matlama
Round 1 [Sep 12] Northern Stream Mokhotlong LMPS 1-0 Roaring Lions Butha-Buthe Warriors 4-0 Berea LMPS Lifefo 1-2 Mpharane Celtics Manamela Young Stars 0-1 Qalo Maduma 1-1 Butha-Buthe Fast XI Southern Stream Melele (Qacha's Nek) 2-0 Mohale's Hoek Young Stars Liphakoe 0-2 Mafeteng LMPS Mabeona 2-1 Arsenal Sekamaneng Y. Stars 1-4 Maseru Naughty Boys Sefothafotha 3-1 Little Flower Round ? [Feb 28] Northern Stream Berea LMPS 1-2 Maduma Mpharane Celtics 2-1 Butha Buthe Warriors Mafeteng LMPS awd Sekamaneng Young Stars [Young Stars dns; awarded 3-0] Southern Stream Arsenal 1-2 Maseru Naughty Boys Mabeoana 4-1 Sefothafotha Round ? Southern Stream Mohale's Hoek Young Stars 2-0 Liphakoe Maseru Naughty Boys 1-1 Sefothafotha Little Flower 1-1 Mabeoana [Mar 17] Southern Stream Melele 3-2 Mabeoana [annulled] [Apr 2] Melele 1-2 Mabeoana [Mar 21?] Northern Stream Butha-Buthe Fast XI 1-7 Maduma Mpharane Celtics 5-1 Lifefo Roaring Lions 4-2 Mokhotlong LMPS Qalo 1-7 Manamela Berea LMPS 1-4 Butha-Buthe Warriors Southern Stream Maseru Naughty Boys 4-0 Mafeteng LMPS Top of Tables (Mar 22): Northern Stream 1.Maduma 34 ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.Mpharane Celtics (Leribe) 31 . 4.Butha-Buthe Warriors . 10.Berea LMPS 15 1 4 10 7 Southern Stream 1.Arsenal ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.Mabeoana (Matsieng) 3 points behind . ---------------------------------------------------------- 9.Little Flowers 10.Sekamaneng Young Stars no wins [Mar 23,24] Northern Stream Berea LMPS - Maduma Mpharane Celtics - Butha-Buthe Warriors Roaring Lions - Qalo Butha-Buthe Fast XI - Lifefo Manamela Young Stars - Mokhotlong LMPS Southern Stream Arsenal - Maseru Naughty Boys Mabeoana - Sefothafotha Sekamaneng Young Stars - Little Flowers Liphakoe - Melele Mohale's Hoek Young Stars - Mafeteng LMPS Round 18 Northern Stream [Mar ?] Maduma 7-1 Butha-Buthe Fast XI [annulled] Lifefo 1-5 Mpharane Celtics [annulled] [May 14] Maduma 8-2 Butha-Buthe Fast XI [replay] Lifefo awd Mpharane Celtics [replay] [awarded 0-3, Lifefo dns; protest by Celtics who thereby missed out on promotion on goal difference] Southern Stream [Apr 3] Mohale's Hoek Young Stars 0-1 Mabeoana Arsenal 0-2 Sefothafotha Moved Match [Apr 6] Little Flowers 1-0 Melele [Melele have appealed the result] Top of Final Tables: Northern Stream 1.Maduma Promoted ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.Mpharane Celtics (Leribe) NB: both clubs equal on points Relegated: Berea LMPS Southern Stream 1.Mabeoana (Matsieng) Promoted ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.Arsenal . 8.Little Flowers ---------------------------------------------------------- 9.Melele Relegated 10.Sekamaneng Young Stars no wins Relegated NB: 1 team promoted, 2 teams relegated from both streams A-Division Top 8 Finals Quarterfinals [Apr 24,25] Semifinals [May 1] Third Place Match [May 2] Mabeoana bt Mpharane Celtics Final [May 2] Arsenal 1-0 Maseru Naughty Boys
Thanks to Hans Schöggl
Prepared and maintained by Thabang Loko for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: Thabang Loko
Last updated: 29 Jan 2025
(C) Copyright Thabang Loko and RSSSF 2009/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
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