Chinese Olympic team 1936

The team was representative of ethnic Chinese players throughout 
East Asia, rather than only those based in the Republic of China.  
The majority of the players selected were from Hong Kong, with the 
remainder from Shanghai, Singapore, and Java.

The Olympic squad was selected on 14th April. During the fortnight 
prior to the selection, various trialists from outside of Hong Kong 
appeared as guest players for Chinese clubs in the Hong Kong league, 
as part of the selection process. In addition, there were two more 
formal trials:

Trial matches:

 9- 4 Hong Kong        Navy                      2-2  China

12- 4 Hong Kong        Navy                      3-2  South China AA
                         [Kotewall Cup - South China fielded several guest players]

Squad (announced 14th April)
 Leader of delegation: Dr Yung Chi-Chao (Shanghai, China National Amateur Athletic Federation)
 Manager: Wong Ka-Chun (General Secretary, South China AA, HK)
 Coach: Ngan Shing-Kwan (Chinese AA, HK)
 Goalkeepers: Pau Ka-Ping (South China AA, HK), Wong Ki-Leung (South China AA, HK)
 Fullbacks: Lee Tin-Sang (South China AA, HK), Tam Kong-Pak (South China AA, HK),
            Mak Shui-Hon (Chinese AA, HK), Chua Boon Lay (Singapore Chinese FA, Singapore)
 Halfbacks: Chui Ah-Fai (Chinese AA, HK), Wong Mei-Shun (South China AA, HK), 
            Lee Kwok-Wai (South China AA, HK), Chan Chen-Wo [AKA 'Darkie' Chan] 
            (Chinese AA, HK) (born in Batavia), Leung Shiu-Tong (Shanghai),
            Leung Wing-Chiu (South China AA, HK)
 Forwards: Lee Wai-Tong [capt.] (South China AA, HK), Tso Kwai-Shing (South China AA, HK), 
           Fung King-Cheung (South China AA, HK), Chia Yu-Liang (Shanghai), 
           Yeung Shui-Yik (South China AA, HK), Tio Hian Goan (Tiong Hoa, Soerabaja, Java) [1],
           Suen Kam-Shun (Chinese AA, HK), Cheuk Shek-Kam (South China AA, HK), 
           Ip Pak-Wah (South China AA, HK), Tay Kwee Liang (South China AA, HK) 
           (born in Singapore).

[1] Tio Hian Goan represented the Dutch East Indies at the 1934 Far Eastern Games in
    Manila, scoring a hat-trick in their first ever match (7-1 against Japan).

Warmup games:
16- 4 Hong Kong        Combined Services         0-4  China
19- 4 Hong Kong        Hong Kong FA A            1-7  China A *
19- 4 Hong Kong        Hong Kong FA B            4-5  China B *
25- 4 Shanghai         Shanghai Portuguese       1-6  China
26- 4 Shanghai         Shanghai Non-Chinese      3-2  China
27- 4 Shanghai         Shanghai Chinese           -   China     [cancelled due to heavy rain]
29- 4 Nanking          China B                   3-2  China A 
 1- 5 Shanghai         Assoc. Sportive Française 1-2  China

Tour games in Asia (P27 W23 D4 L0 F113 A28):
 8- 5 Saigon           All-Saigon B              1-8  China
 9- 5 Saigon           All-Saigon                1-4  China 
14- 5 Singapore        Singapore Civilians       0-4  China ^
17- 5 Batavia          All-Batavia               1-2  China     (V.B.O. Bondselftal)
19- 5 Bandoeng         All-Bandoeng              2-2  China     (V.B.B.O. Bondselftal)
21- 5 Soerabaja        Soerabaja Natives         2-10 China     (S.I.V.B. Bondselftal)
22- 5 Soerabaja        HBS (Houdt Braef Stand)   1-3  China
24- 5 Soerabaja        All-Soerabaja             1-3  China     (S.V.B. Bondselftal)
26- 5 Malang           All-Malang                0-1  China     (M.V.U. Bondselftal)
28- 5 Pekalongan       THH                       n/p  China     (cancelled by Chinese Olympic side)
30- 5 Semarang         Rest of Semarang          0-9  China     (V.S.O. reserve side)
 1- 6 Soerakarta       All-Soerakarta            2-6  China     (V.B.S. Bondselftal)
 2- 6 Soerakarta       Soerakarta Chinese YMCA   2-5  China
 4- 6 Batavia          SVJA (Jong Ambon)         2-7  China
 5- 6 Batavia          Batavia Chinese           0-3  China     (U.M.S./T.N.H. Combinatie)
 7- 6 Singapore        Combined Services         0-4  China
11- 6 Medan            All-Medan                 0-2  China     (Districtploeg Medan)
13- 6 Medan            Medan Europeans           0-4  China     (Europeesch Bondselftal)
14- 6 Medan            Sumatra East Coast        0-2  China     (O.S.V.B. Bondselftal)
16- 6 Medan            Medan Natives             2-5  China     (Inlandsch Bondselftal)
18- 6 Alor Star        Kedah                     1-8  China
19- 6 Penang           Penang                    0-0  China
25- 6 Rangoon          King's Royal Rifle Corps  3-8  China
27- 6 Rangoon          Burma Police              1-3  China
29- 6 Rangoon          All-Burma                 0-4  China &
 4- 7 Calcutta         All-India                 1-1  China
 6- 7 Calcutta         All-Calcutta              1-2  China %
 8- 7 Bombay           All-Bombay                3-3  China

Olympic Games:
 6- 8 Berlin           United Kingdom (Olympic)  2-0  China     [Olympic Games]

Tour games in Europe (P9 W1 D1 L7 F15 A46):
13- 8 Frankfurt/Main   South-West Germany        8-1  China $   [or 8-3]
15- 8 Wien             SK Rapid                  4-2  China     [Hütteldorfer Turnier]
16- 8 Wien             SK Admira                11-0  China     [Hütteldorfer Turnier]
20- 8 Genève           Servette FC               2-3  China
22- 8 Paris            Red Star Olympique        2-2  China
23- 8 Le Havre         Le Havre AC               6-0  China
27- 8 Amsterdam        AFC Ajax                  5-3  China
31- 8 London           Islington Corinthians FC  3-2  China
 1- 9 London           Casuals FC                5-2  China

Note: Lee Wai-Tong was reportedly offered a professional contract with several
      European clubs, but declined as he was considering retirement on return
      to Hong Kong.

Fund-raiser for Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's birthday:
11-10 Hong Kong        Rest of Chinese in HK     1-1  China

Notes on opposition teams:

 * both Hong Kong FA teams were composed entirely of civilian Westerners (the
   services players were unavailable, due to the Army vs Navy match in the
   Kotewall Cup on the same day).
 ^ Singapore's team for the Malaya Cup.
 % also reported as All-India.
 $ the opposition may have been a club.

Olympics 1936
Chinese Olympic team 1948

About this document

Sources included: China Mail, Hong Kong Sunday Herald, Straits Times, The Times, The Manchester Guardian, Journal de Genève, Het Vaderland, Reichsport, Sport-Tagblatt, various Java newspapers available through Delpher,,

Thanks to "Tanaka" and Karel Stokkermans.

Prepared and maintained by Neil Morrison for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Neil Morrison
Last updated: 19 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Neil Morrison and RSSSF 2011/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.