Bulgaria 2015/16

A grupa
B grupa

A grupa

Final Table:

 1.Ludogorets 1945 (Razgrad)          32  21  7  4  55-21  70  [0-2,1-1,1-1]  [C]  Champions
 2.Levski (Sofija)                    32  16  8  8  36-18  56  [2-2,2-1]
 3.Beroe (Stara Zagora)               32  14 11  7  37-27  53  [1-0,3-3]
 4.Slavija 1913 (Sofija)              32  14  7 11  36-29  49  [0-0,0-4]  [4 2 0 2 7-5 6]
 5.Lokomotiv 1926 (Plovdiv)           32  15  4 13  40-45  49  [1-1,0-0]  [4 2 0 2 5-7 6]
 6.Cherno more (Varna)                32  10  8 14  36-45  38  [0-1,1-1]
 7.Botev (Plovdiv)                    32   8  9 15  27-44  33  [0-2,2-4]
 8.OFK Pirin (Blagoevgrad)            32   5 11 16  27-45  26  [0-1,1-1]      [P]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 9.Montana 1921 (Montana)             32   4  9 19  23-43  21  [1-2,0-2]      [P]  Relegation Playoff
 -.Litex (Lovech)                     excluded; all results annulled;
   record at exclusion:               19   8  9  2  29-16  33

NB: annulled results against Litex listed between square brackets

Round 1
[Jul 17]
Slavija            3-0 Lokomotiv P        
[Jul 18]
Botev P            1-1 Levski             
Litex              2-0 Ludogorets         [annulled]
[Jul 19]
Pirin B            1-1 Cherno more        
Beroe              0-0 Montana            

Round 2
[Jul 25]
Montana            6-0 Botev P            
Levski             2-2 Litex              [annulled]
[Jul 26]
Cherno more        2-3 Ludogorets         
Lokomotiv P        1-2 Beroe              
[Jul 27]
Pirin B            0-3 Slavija            

Round 3
[Aug 1]
Botev P            1-1 Lokomotiv P        
Ludogorets         2-0 Levski             
[Aug 2]
Slavija            0-1 Cherno more        
Beroe              1-0 Pirin B            
[Aug 3]
Litex              2-1 Montana            [annulled]

Round 4
[Aug 7]
Montana            1-1 Ludogorets         
[Aug 8]
Cherno more        0-1 Levski             
Lokomotiv P        1-1 Litex              [annulled]
[Aug 9]
Slavija            0-0 Beroe              
Pirin B            0-1 Botev P            

Round 5
[Aug 14]
Litex              1-0 Pirin B            [annulled]
[Aug 15]
Levski             2-0 Montana            
[Aug 16] 
Botev P            0-1 Slavija            
Ludogorets         1-0 Lokomotiv P        
[Aug 17]
Beroe              1-1 Cherno more        

Round 6
[Aug 21]
Pirin B            0-3 Ludogorets         
[Aug 22]
Cherno more        1-0 Montana            
Beroe              0-0 Botev P            
[Aug 23]
Slavija            0-0 Litex              [annulled]
Lokomotiv P        1-0 Levski             

Round 7
[Aug 28]
Ludogorets         1-1 Slavija            
[Aug 29]
Botev P            2-1 Cherno more        
Litex              0-1 Beroe              [annulled]
[Aug 30]
Montana            2-0 Lokomotiv P        
Levski             0-0 Pirin B            

Round 8
[Sep 11]
Cherno more        2-1 Lokomotiv P        
[Sep 12]
Botev P            0-2 Litex              [annulled]
Beroe              0-0 Ludogorets         
[Sep 13]
Slavija            0-1 Levski             
Pirin B            0-0 Montana            

Round 9
[Sep 18]
Litex              1-0 Cherno more        [annulled]
[Sep 19]
Montana            1-2 Slavija            
Ludogorets         2-1 Botev P            
[Sep 20]
Lokomotiv P        2-1 Pirin B            
Levski             2-0 Beroe              

Round 10
[Sep 26]
Cherno more        1-0 Pirin B            
Ludogorets         1-1 Litex              [annulled]
[Sep 27]
Montana            1-0 Beroe              
Lokomotiv P        2-0 Slavija            
[Sep 28]
Levski             1-0 Botev P            

Round 11
[Oct 2]
Beroe              2-0 Lokomotiv P        
[Oct 3]
Slavija            0-0 Pirin B            
Ludogorets         1-1 Cherno more        
[Oct 4]
Botev P            1-0 Montana            
Litex              1-2 Levski             [annulled]

Round 12
[Oct 17]
Cherno more        1-0 Slavija            
Lokomotiv P        2-1 Botev P            
[Oct 18]
Montana            0-2 Litex              [annulled]
Levski             1-1 Ludogorets         
[Oct 19]
Pirin B            0-1 Beroe              

Round 13
[Oct 23]
Botev P            1-0 Pirin B            
Litex              0-0 Lokomotiv P        [annulled]
Levski             1-0 Cherno more        
[Oct 24] 
Ludogorets         2-0 Montana            
[Oct 26]
Beroe              1-2 Slavija            

Round 14
[Oct 30]
Slavija            2-0 Botev P            
Pirin B            1-1 Litex              [annulled]
[Nov 2]
Montana            0-2 Levski             
Lokomotiv P        2-0 Ludogorets         
[Nov 3]
Cherno more        0-3 Beroe              

Round 15
[Nov 6]
Litex              4-0 Slavija            [annulled]
[Nov 7]
Montana            0-4 Cherno more        
Ludogorets         0-0 Pirin B            
[Nov 8]
Botev P            1-3 Beroe              
Levski             1-0 Lokomotiv P        

Round 16
[Nov 20]
Lokomotiv P        1-0 Montana            
[Nov 21]
Slavija            0-1 Ludogorets         
Beroe              3-3 Litex              [annulled]
[Nov 22]
Cherno more        1-2 Botev P            
Pirin B            1-0 Levski             

Round 17
[Nov 27]
Ludogorets         5-0 Beroe              
[Nov 28]
Lokomotiv P        1-3 Cherno more        
Litex              4-2 Botev P            [annulled]
[Nov 29]
Montana            1-1 Pirin B            
Levski             2-0 Slavija            

Round 18
[Dec 1]
Cherno more        1-1 Litex              [annulled]
[Dec 2]
Botev P            0-1 Ludogorets         
Beroe              1-0 Levski             
[Dec 3]
Slavija            1-0 Montana            
Pirin B            3-0 Lokomotiv P        

Round 19
[Dec 5]
Botev P            0-0 Levski             
Litex              1-1 Ludogorets         [annulled]
[Dec 6]
Pirin B            4-0 Cherno more        
Beroe              2-1 Montana            
[Dec 7]
Slavija            3-0 Lokomotiv P        

Round 20
[Dec 11]
Pirin B            0-3 Slavija            
[Dec 12]
Levski             abd Litex              [abandoned at 0-1 in 45', Litex walked off when
Cherno more        0-2 Ludogorets          Levski were awarded a penalty and a Litex player
[Dec 13]                                   was sent off]
Montana            1-1 Botev P            
Lokomotiv P        1-1 Beroe              

NB: Litex were excluded from the league on Dec 16; all their results were annulled.

Round 21
[Feb 20]
Botev P            1-0 Lokomotiv P        
Beroe              3-1 Pirin B            
[Feb 21]
Slavija            0-0 Cherno more        
Ludogorets         2-1 Levski             
Montana            bye

Round 22
[Feb 26]
Montana            0-1 Ludogorets         
[Feb 27]
Cherno more        0-2 Levski             
[Feb 28]
Slavija            0-0 Beroe              
Pirin B            2-2 Botev P            
Lokomotiv P        bye

Round 23
[Mar 1]
Ludogorets         2-0 Lokomotiv P        
[Mar 2]
Levski             0-0 Montana            
[Mar 3]
Botev P            0-1 Slavija            
Beroe              0-0 Cherno more        
Pirin B            bye

Round 24
[Mar 5]
Lokomotiv P        1-1 Levski             
Pirin B            1-3 Ludogorets         
[Mar 6]
Cherno more        1-1 Montana            
Beroe              1-1 Botev P            
Slavija            bye

Round 25
[Mar 12]
Montana            0-1 Lokomotiv P        
Ludogorets         3-1 Slavija            
[Mar 13]
Botev P            3-1 Cherno more        
Levski             3-1 Pirin B            
Beroe              bye

Round 26
[Mar 19]
Slavija            0-0 Levski             
Beroe              0-2 Ludogorets         
[Mar 20]
Cherno more        1-1 Lokomotiv P        
Pirin B            0-0 Montana            
Botev P            bye

Round 27
[Apr 1]
Lokomotiv P        4-2 Pirin B            
[Apr 2]
Montana            0-3 Slavija            
Levski             1-0 Beroe              
[Apr 3]
Ludogorets         1-0 Botev P            
Cherno more        bye

Round 28
[Apr 9]
Cherno more        1-1 Pirin B            
Levski             3-0 Botev P            
[Apr 10]
Montana            1-3 Beroe              
Lokomotiv P        3-1 Slavija            
Ludogorets         bye

Round 29
[Apr 15]
Ludogorets         2-1 Cherno more        
[Apr 16]
Botev P            2-2 Montana            
Beroe              5-2 Lokomotiv P        
[Apr 17]
Slavija            1-2 Pirin B            
Levski             bye

Round 30
[Apr 23]
Cherno more        3-2 Slavija            
Levski             0-0 Ludogorets         
[Apr 24]
Lokomotiv P        2-1 Botev P            
Pirin B            1-1 Beroe              
Montana            bye

Round 31
[Apr 28]
Levski             5-1 Cherno more        
[Apr 29]
Botev P            2-2 Pirin B            
Ludogorets         2-1 Montana            
[Apr 30]
Beroe              1-1 Slavija            
Lokomotiv P        bye

Round 32
[May 6]
Cherno more        1-0 Beroe              
Montana            0-1 Levski             
[May 7]
Slavija            1-0 Botev P            
Lokomotiv P        2-1 Ludogorets         
Pirin B            bye

Round 33
[May 10]
Montana            3-2 Cherno more        
Levski             2-3 Lokomotiv P        
[May 11]
Botev P            0-1 Beroe              
Ludogorets         4-1 Pirin B            
Slavija            bye

Round 34
[May 14]
Cherno more        3-0 Botev P            
Lokomotiv P        2-0 Montana            
[May 15]
Pirin B            0-1 Levski             
[May 16]
Slavija            0-5 Ludogorets         
Beroe              bye

Round 35
[May 20]
Montana            0-1 Pirin B            
[May 22]
Levski             0-1 Slavija            
Lokomotiv P        2-1 Cherno more        
Ludogorets         0-2 Beroe              
Botev P            bye

Round 36
[May 27]
Botev P            2-1 Ludogorets         
[May 28]
Beroe              2-1 Levski             
Pirin B            1-2 Lokomotiv P        
Slavija            3-1 Montana            
Cherno more        bye

Final Table:

 1.Ludogorets 1945 (Razgrad)          32  21  7  4  55-21  70  [0-2,1-1,1-1]  [C]  Champions
 2.Levski (Sofija)                    32  16  8  8  36-18  56  [2-2,2-1]
 3.Beroe (Stara Zagora)               32  14 11  7  37-27  53  [1-0,3-3]
 4.Slavija 1913 (Sofija)              32  14  7 11  36-29  49  [0-0,0-4]  [4 2 0 2 7-5 6]
 5.Lokomotiv 1926 (Plovdiv)           32  15  4 13  40-45  49  [1-1,0-0]  [4 2 0 2 5-7 6]
 6.Cherno more (Varna)                32  10  8 14  36-45  38  [0-1,1-1]
 7.Botev (Plovdiv)                    32   8  9 15  27-44  33  [0-2,2-4]
 8.OFK Pirin (Blagoevgrad)            32   5 11 16  27-45  26  [0-1,1-1]      [P]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 9.Montana 1921 (Montana)             32   4  9 19  23-43  21  [1-2,0-2]      [P]  Relegation Playoff
 -.Litex (Lovech)                     excluded; all results annulled;
   record at exclusion:               19   8  9  2  29-16  33

NB: annulled results against Litex listed between square brackets

Promotion/Relegation Playoff

[Jun 4, Stara Zagora]
Montana            2-1 Pomorie            

NB: both remain at former level


Round 1
[Sep 22]
Dunav              4-0 Botev Galabovo     
Lokomotiv 2012 Md  0-3 Litex              
Chernomorets Bc    0-3 Lokomotiv GO       
[Sep 23]
Oborishte          0-2 Lokomotiv Pd       
Pirin Razlog       1-7 Cherno more        
Lokomotiv 1929 Md  0-5 Ludogorets         
Vihar Stroevo      0-0 Dobrudzha          [aet, 5-3 pen]
Svetkavitsa        0-4 Beroe              
Spartak Pv         2-1 Slavija            
Septemvri Sm       0-4 Botev Pd           
Etar               1-1 Sozopol            [aet, 4-5 pen]
Pirin GD           1-3 Montana            
Nesebar            1-0 Pirin Bl           
Vereja             1-3 Bansko             [aet]
CSKA               3-1 Neftohimik Burgas  
[Sep 24]
Pomorie            0-0 Levski             [aet, 2-4 pen]

1/8 Finals
[Oct 27]
Vihar Stroevo      0-5 Cherno more        
Spartak Pv         0-2 CSKA               
Sozopol            1-0 Botev Pd           
Litex              4-2 Dunav              
[Oct 28]
Nesebar            1-3 Levski             
Lokomotiv Pd       1-1 Montana            [aet, 2-4 pen]
[Oct 29]
Lokomotiv GO       1-0 Ludogorets         
Beroe              3-1 Bansko             

[Dec 8]
Litex              3-0 Levski             [aet]
[Dec 9]
Lokomotiv GO       1-1 Montana            [aet, 3-4 pen]
Beroe              0-0 Cherno more        [aet, 5-3 pen]
[Dec 10]
CSKA               3-0 Sozopol            


First Legs [Apr 6]
Montana            2-0 Litex              
Beroe              0-2 CSKA               

Second Legs
[Apr 20]
CSKA               2-0 Beroe              
[Apr 21]
Litex              1-0 Montana            

Final [May 24, "Vasil Levski", Sofia]
Montana            0-1 CSKA               

B grupa

Final Table:

 1.Dunav 2010 (Ruse)                  30  18 10  2  53-19  64  [P]  Promoted
 2.Pomorie (Pomorie)                  30  15  9  6  36-23  54  [P]  Promotion Playoff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3.Lokomotiv (Gorna Orjahovitsa)      30  13 11  6  42-26  50  Promoted
 4.Sozopol (Sozopol)                  30  13 10  7  44-28  49       [2 1 0 1 4-4 3; 1 ag]
 5.Litex II (Lovech)                  30  14  7  9  50-38  49  [P]  [2 1 0 1 4-4 3; 1 ag]   Expelled
 6.Botev (Galabovo)                   30  12  5 13  32-47  41       [2 2 0 0 4-1 6]
 7.Ludogorets 1945 II (Razgrad)       30  12  5 13  41-41  41  [P]  [2 0 0 2 1-4 0]
 8.Vereja (Stara Zagora)              30  10 10 10  33-27  40  Promoted
 9.Bansko (Bansko)                    30  11  6 13  42-38  39       [2 1 1 0 4-3 4]
10.Oborishte (Panagyurishte)          30  11  6 13  29-33  39  [P]  [2 0 1 1 3-4 1]
11.Pirin 2002 (Razlog)                30  10  8 12  31-41  38       [2 1 0 1 3-2 3]
12.Neftohimik 1962 Burgas (Burgas)    30   8 14  8  31-39  38  [*]  [2 1 0 1 2-3 3]  Promoted
13.Spartak Pleven (Pleven)            30   9  9 12  35-42  36  [P]
14.Dobrudzha 1919 (Dobrich)           30   8 10 12  27-33  34  Relegated
15.Septemvri (Simitli)                30   6  5 19  26-50  23  Relegated
16.Lokomotiv 2012 (Mezdra)            30   5  5 20  28-55  20  Relegated

[*] Burgas (Burgas) renamed Neftohimik 1962 Burgas (Burgas)  before the start of the season

NB: due to the expulsion of Litex and Litex II, Spartak Pleven are not relegated

NB: Marek 2010 (Dupnitsa) (relegated from the top level 2015) did not received a license
      and were dissolved; a new club Marek 1915 (Dupnitsa) entered the fourth level 2015/16;
    likewise Haskovo (Haskovo) (also relegated from the top level 2015) appear to have
      been refounded as Haskovo 1957 and entered the fourth level 2015/16

Promoted: Chernomorets (Balcik), Etar Veliko Tarnovo, CSKA (Sofia) and Nesebar

NB: due to the reorganisation of the league structure, the BFU also promoted Vereja (Stara Zagora),
    Lokomotiv (Gorna Orjahovitsa) and Neftohimik 1962 Burgas (Burgas)



list of champions.

list of final tables.

all-time table.

list of cup finals.

list of topscorers.

list of name changes.

About this document

Thanks to Martin Arenlind

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 24 Jul 2022

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2015/22
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.