Bonaire 2024/25

Kampionato 2024/25
Bonaire Day Cup 2024

Kampionato 2023/24

Regular Season

Regular Season


 1.SV Real (Rincon)                        5   5  0  0  32- 4  15  [C]
 2.SV Uruguay (Antriòl Pabou)              5   5  0  0  21- 4  15
 3.SV Atlético Flamingo (Nikiboko)         5   3  1  1  14- 8  10
 4.SV Vitesse (Antriòl)                    4   2  1  1  12- 6   7
 5.SV Estrellas (Nort Saliña Kunuku Bieu)  6   2  0  4   8-14   6
 6.SV Vespo (Rincon)                       4   1  2  1   3- 5   5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7.SV Juventus (Antriòl)                   4   1  1  2   8- 9   4
 7.ASCD Arriba Perú                        4   1  0  3  10-14   3
 9.Independiente Bonaire                   4   1  0  3   4-20   3
10.SV Atlético (Tera Kòrá)                 5   1  0  4   8-27   3
11.SV Young Boys                           4   0  1  3   6-15   1

Round 1
[Nov 24]
Arriba Perú         2-6 Uruguay             
[Nov 25]
Real Rincon         9-1 ATC                 
[Nov 26]
Juventus            3-3 Young Boys          
[Nov 27]
Vespo               2-1 Estrellas           
[Nov 28]
Vitesse             4-1 Independiente       
Atlético Flamingo   bye

Round 2 [Arriba Perú 2 matches]
[Dec 1]
Arriba Perú         2-4 ATC                 [abandoned at 2-4; result apparently stood]
[Dec 2]
Real Rincon         4-1 Estrellas           
[Dec 5]
Vitesse             1-1 Vespo               
[Dec 4]
Atlético Flamingo   3-2 Independiente       
[Dec 8]
Young Boys          1-4 Arriba Perú         
Juventus            bye
Uruguay             bye

Round 3 [Atlético Flamingo 2 matches]
[Dec 11]
ATC                 2-7 Atlético Flamingo   
[Dec 13]
Estrellas           1-5 Vitesse             
[Dec 14]
Uruguay             5-1 Juventus            
[Dec 15]
Independiente      0-13 Real Rincon         
[Jan 9]
Atlético Flamingo   4-2 Young Boys          
Arriba Perú         bye
Vespo               bye

Round 4
[Jan 10]
Uruguay             5-1 ATC                 
[Jan 12]
Juventus            0-1 Independiente       
[Jan 15]
Arriba Perú         2-3 Estrellas           
[Jan 16]
Atlético Flamingo   0-0 Vespo               
[Jan 17]
Real Rincon         3-2 Vitesse             
Young Boys          bye

Round 5
[Jan 19]
Young Boys          0-4 Uruguay             
[Jan 22]
ATC                 0-4 Juventus            
[Jan 24]
Estrellas           2-0 Atlético Flamingo   
[Jan 26]
Vespo               0-3 Real Rincon         
Independiente        -  Arriba Perú         
Vitesse             bye

Round 6
[Jan 30]
Uruguay             1-0 Estrellas           
[Jan 31]
Juventus            abd Vespo               [abandoned at 1-0 in 70']
Young Boys           -  Independiente       
Arriba Perú          -  Vitesse             
Atlético Flamingo    -  Real Rincon         
ATC                 bye

NB: league suspended until further notice after incidents in match Jan 31


 1.SV Real (Rincon)                        5   5  0  0  32- 4  15  [C]
 2.SV Uruguay (Antriòl Pabou)              5   5  0  0  21- 4  15
 3.SV Atlético Flamingo (Nikiboko)         5   3  1  1  14- 8  10
 4.SV Vitesse (Antriòl)                    4   2  1  1  12- 6   7
 5.SV Estrellas (Nort Saliña Kunuku Bieu)  6   2  0  4   8-14   6
 6.SV Vespo (Rincon)                       4   1  2  1   3- 5   5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7.SV Juventus (Antriòl)                   4   1  1  2   8- 9   4
 7.ASCD Arriba Perú                        4   1  0  3  10-14   3
 9.Independiente Bonaire                   4   1  0  3   4-20   3
10.SV Atlético (Tera Kòrá)                 5   1  0  4   8-27   3
11.SV Young Boys                           4   0  1  3   6-15   1

Round 7 [tba]
Independiente        -  Uruguay             
Estrellas            -  Juventus            
Vespo                -  Arriba Perú         
Vitesse              -  Atlético Flamingo   
ATC                  -  Young Boys          
Real Rincon         bye

Round 8 [tba]
ATC                  -  Estrellas           
Young Boys           -  Vespo               
Uruguay              -  Vitesse             
Juventus             -  Real Rincon         
Arriba Perú          -  Atlético Flamingo   
Independiente       bye

Round 9 [tba]
Independiente        -  ATC                 
Estrellas            -  Young Boys          
Vespo                -  Uruguay             
Vitesse              -  Juventus            
Real Rincon          -  Arriba Perú         
Atlético Flamingo   bye

Round 10 [tba]
Independiente        -  Vespo               
ATC                  -  Vitesse             
Young Boys           -  Real Rincon         
Uruguay              -  Atlético Flamingo   
Juventus             -  Arriba Perú         
Estrellas           bye

Round 11 [tba]
Estrellas            -  Independiente       
Vespo                -  ATC                 
Vitesse              -  Young Boys          
Real Rincon          -  Uruguay             
Atlético Flamingo    -  Juventus            
Arriba Perú         bye

Bonaire Day Cup 2024

Round 1
[Sep 19]
Young Boys          4-5 Uruguay             
[Sep 20]
ATC                 2-1 Juventus            
[Sep 22]
Independiente       5-4 Arriba Perú         
Atlético Flamingo   bye
Estrellas           bye
Real Rincon         bye
Vespo               bye
Vitesse             bye

[Sep 25]
Vespo               1-1 Estrellas           [5-3 pen]
[Sep 26]
Real Rincon         6-0 ATC                 
[Sep 27]
Atlético Flamingo   3-1 Uruguay             
[Sep 29] 
Vitesse             6-1 Independiente       

[Sep 30]
Atlético Flamingo   1-2 Vespo               
[Oct 2]
Real Rincon         2-1 Vitesse             

Final [Oct 18]
Real Rincon         1-0 Vespo               


list of champions

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 24 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl, Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2024/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.