UEFA Amateur Cup

Competition for national amateur teams. To avoid troubles with officially amateur footballers (socialist countries), UEFA accepted only players from lower divisions. Later discontinued, but succeeded by the UEFA Regions Cup.


1967 Austria
1970 Spain
1974 Yugoslavia, West Germany     [shared]
1978 Yugoslavia

I. UEFA Amateur Cup 1967

Group 1
26- 2-66 Perth		Scotland     2-0 Wales
15- 5-66 Dublin		Ireland      0-4 Scotland
28- 5-66 Glasgow	Scotland     4-0 Ireland
15-10-66 Bangor		Wales        0-1 Ireland
 5-11-66 Dublin		Ireland      1-2 Wales
19-11-66 Llanelli	Wales        1-1 Scotland

 1. Scotland            4  3  1  0 11- 1  7
 2. Wales               4  1  1  2  3- 5  3
 3. Rep.of Ireland      4  1  0  3  2-10  2

Group 2
 3- 4-66 Gorizia	Italy        1-2 France
27- 4-66 Malaga		Spain        2-0 Italy
19- 5-66 Bayonne	France       1-2 Spain
10-11-66 Madrid		Spain        4-1 France
 8-12-66 Lecce		Italy        1-2 Spain
18-12-66 Brest		France       3-1 Italy

 1. Spain               4  4  0  0 10- 3  8
 2. France              4  2  0  2  7- 8  4
 3. Italy               4  0  0  4  3- 9  0

Group 3
26- 6-66 Kragujevac	Yugoslavia   1-0 Turkey
29- 6-66 Bamberg	West Germany 1-0 Turkey
 2-10-66 Sisak		Yugoslavia   0-0 West Germany
26-10-66 Ankara		Turkey       2-0 Yugoslavia
16-11-66 Eskisehir	Turkey       1-0 West Germany
 7-12-66 Koblenz	West Germany 3-3 Yugoslavia

 1. Turkey              4  2  0  2  3- 2  4
 2. West Germany        4  1  2  1  4- 4  4
 3. Yugoslavia          4  1  2  1  4- 5  4

Group 4
23- 4-66 Schijndel	Netherlands  1-2 Austria
21- 5-66 Deventer	Netherlands  0-0 England
29- 5-66 Salzburg	Austria      2-1 Netherlands
 1-10-66 Salzburg	Austria      3-0 England
26-10-66 Hendon-London	England      2-0 Austria
19-11-66 London		England      1-0 Netherlands

 1. Austria             4  3  0  1  7- 4  6
 2. England             4  2  1  1  3- 3  5
 3. Netherlands         4  0  1  3  2- 5  1

Semifinals (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
16- 6-67 Scotland     3-1 Spain              [aet]
16- 6-67 Austria      1-0 Turkey

Third place match (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
18- 6-67 Spain        2-0 Turkey

Final (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
18- 6-67 Austria      2-1 Scotland

II. UEFA Amateur Cup 1970

Group 1
 5- 4-69 Wrexham	Wales        1-1 Scotland
30- 4-69 Leiden		Netherlands  3-0 Scotland
25-10-69 Bangor		Wales        0-2 Netherlands
19-11-69 Greenock	Scotland     1-0 Netherlands
28- 2-70 Berwick-on-Tw.	Scotland     0-3 Wales
21- 3-70 Oosterhout	Netherlands  3-1 Wales

 1. Netherlands         4  3  0  1  8- 2  6
 2. Wales               4  1  1  2  5- 6  3
 3. Scotland            4  1  1  2  2- 7  3

Group 2
 4- 6-69 Paris		France       0-1 Spain
 8-10-69 London		England      1-2 France
22-10-69 London		England      1-2 Spain
12-11-69 Palma de Mall.	Spain        0-0 France
22-11-69 Tenerife	Spain        2-0 England
13- 5-70 Brest		France       3-2 England

 1. Spain               4  3  1  0  5- 1  7
 2. France              4  2  1  1  5- 4  5
 3. England             4  0  0  4  4- 9  0

Group 3

 5- 6-69 Wien		Austria      1-1 Yugoslavia
21- 9-69 Vinkovici	Yugoslavia   2-1 West Germany
18-10-69 Konstanz	West Germany 0-0 Austria
 5-11-69 Osijek		Yugoslavia   2-1 Austria
22-11-69 Hagen		West Germany 2-2 Yugoslavia
 7- 4-70 Wien		Austria      0-2 West Germany

 1. Yugoslavia          4  2  2  0  7- 5  6
 2. West Germany        4  1  2  1  5- 4  4
 3. Austria             4  0  2  2  2- 5  2

Group 4

29- 6-69 Forte dei M.	Italy        1-0 Greece	   [Forte dei Marmi]
12-10-69 Gzira		Malta        1-0 Greece
 2-11-69 Gzira		Malta        1-1 Italy
 4- 3-70 Athinai	Greece       5-0 Malta
 8- 3-70 Cava dei T.	Italy        4-0 Malta	   [Cava dei Tirreni]
27- 3-70 Athinai	Greece       0-0 Italy

 1. Italy               4  2  2  0  6- 1  6
 2. Greece              4  1  1  2  5- 2  3
 3. Malta               4  1  1  2  2-10  3

Semifinals (Viareggio & Forte dei Marmi, Italy)
 1- 5-70 Italy        0-6 Spain
 1- 5-70 Netherlands  4-0 Yugoslavia

Third place match (Forte dei Marmi, Italy)
 3- 5-70 Italy        0-3 Yugoslavia

Final (Forte dei Marmi, Italy)
 3- 5-70 Spain        1-1 Netherlands        [aet]

Replay Final (Forte dei Marmi, Italy)
 4- 5-70 Spain        2-1 Netherlands

III. UEFA Amateur Cup 1974

Group 1

17- 4-73 Sneek		Netherlands  2-0 Scotland
31- 5-73 Epinal		France       0-2 Netherlands
10-10-73 Ayr		Scotland     0-3 France
21-11-73 Dunfermline	Scotland     1-3 Netherlands
20- 2-74 Sète		France       1-1 Scotland
13- 3-74 Rijswijk	Netherlands  2-0 France

 1. Netherlands         4  4  0  0  9- 1  8
 2. France              4  1  1  2  4- 5  3
 3. Scotland            4  0  1  3  2- 9  1

Group 2

13- 6-73 Offenbach	West Germany 4-0 Malta
31-10-73 Wembley-London	England      1-0 West Germany
 5-12-73 Gzira		Malta        0-3 England
13- 2-74 Gzira		Malta        0-3 West Germany
 6- 3-74 Reading	England      2-0 Malta
13- 3-74 Bielefeld	West Germany 3-1 England

 1. West Germany        4  3  0  1 10- 2  6
 2. England             4  3  0  1  7- 3  6
 3. Malta               4  0  0  4  0-12  0

Group 3

13- 6-73 Maribor	Yugoslavia   4-0 Austria
 5- 7-73 Braunau am Inn	Austria      2-1 Italy
10-10-73 Mannersdorf	Austria      1-0 Yugoslavia
31-10-73 Gorizia	Italy        2-2 Yugoslavia
 8-12-73 Alassio	Italy        1-0 Austria
27- 3-74 Rijeka		Yugoslavia   1-0 Italy

 1. Yugoslavia          4  2  1  1  7- 3  5
 2. Austria             4  2  0  2  3- 6  4
 3. Italy               4  1  1  2  4- 5  3

Group 4

 1-11-73 Santa Cruz	Spain        3-0 Greece
 5-12-73 Athinai	Greece       2-3 Turkey
 9- 1-74 Athinai	Greece       0-1 Spain
23- 1-74 Istanbul	Turkey       2-0 Greece
 7- 3-74 Valladolid	Spain        3-1 Turkey
27- 3-74 Ankara		Turkey       0-1 Spain

 1. Spain               4  4  0  0  8- 1  8
 2. Turkey              4  2  0  2  6- 6  4
 3. Greece              4  0  0  4  2- 9  0

Semifinals (Rijeka, Yugoslavia)
26- 4-74 Netherlands  1-1 West Germany       [aet, 2-4 pens]
26- 4-74 Yugoslavia   2-1 Spain              [aet]

Third place match (Rijeka, Yugoslavia)
28- 4-74 Spain        2-2 Netherlands        [aet, 4-2 pens]

Final (Rijeka, Yugoslavia)
28- 4-74 Yugoslavia   n/p West Germany	     [Title shared]

IV. UEFA Amateur Cup 1978

Group 1

13- 4-77 Athinai	Greece       1-0 Austria
25- 4-77 Cava dei T.	Italy        0-1 Greece		[Cava dei Tirreni]
 1- 6-77 Bregenz	Austria      2-1 Italy
16- 6-77 Athinai	Greece       0-0 Italy
26-10-77 Braunau am Inn	Austria      0-0 Greece
10-12-77 Camaiore	Italy        0-0 Austria

 1. Greece              4  2  2  0  2- 0  6
 2. Austria             4  1  2  1  2- 2  4
 3. Italy               4  0  2  2  1- 3  2

Group 2

18- 5-77 Pristina	Yugoslavia   4-1 Turkey
 5-10-77 Aydin		Turkey       0-2 Yugoslavia

 1. Yugoslavia          2  2  0  0  6- 1  4
 2. Turkey              2  0  0  2  1- 6  0

Group 3

22- 3-77 Dublin		Ireland      2-1 Netherlands
10- 5-77 Waalwijk	Netherlands  2-2 Ireland

 1. Rep.of Ireland      2  1  1  0  4- 3  3
 2. Netherlands         2  0  1  1  3- 4  1

Group 4

 9- 3-77 Tongeren	Belgium      0-3 West Germany
11- 5-77 Mulhouse	France       0-5 West Germany
21- 9-77 Bielefeld	West Germany 2-0 France
26-10-77 Saarbrücken	West Germany 2-0 Belgium
 9-11-77 Courtrai	Belgium      3-1 France
21-12-77 Saint-Quentin	France       2-1 Belgium

 1. West Germany        4  4  0  0 12- 0  8
 2. Belgium             4  1  0  3  4- 8  2
 3. France              4  1  0  3  3-11  2

Semifinals (Athinai, Greece)
13- 5-78 Yugoslavia   0-0 West Germany       [aet, 3-1 pen]
13- 5-78 Greece       2-0 Rep.of Ireland

Third place match (Athinai, Greece)
15- 5-78 West Germany 3-0 Rep.of Rep.of Ireland

Final (Athinai, Greece)
15- 5-78 Greece       1-2 Yugoslavia         [aet]

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Bojan Puric and Erik Garin for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Bojan Puric (Bojan.Puric@public.srce.Hr) and Erik Garin (garinerik@hispeed.ch)
Last updated: 28 Feb 2004

(C) Copyright Bojan Puric, Erik Garin and RSSSF 2002/04
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.