Trinidad and Tobago 2024/25

Professional League

Professional League


 1.Defence Force                   12  12  0  0  45-12  36
 2.AC Port of Spain                12   7  3  2  28-14  24  [C]
 3.San Juan Jabloteh               12   7  3  2  29-18  24
 4.Central FC                      12   8  0  4  33-24  24
 5.Miscellaneous Police FC         12   7  1  4  37-21  22
 6.Caledonia AIA                   12   6  1  5  21-25  19  [*]
 7.Club Sando                      12   4  3  5  20-16  15
 8.La Horquetta Rangers            12   3  4  5  22-24  13
 9.1976 FC Phoenix                 12   3  3  6  18-25  12
10.Prison Service FC               12   1  3  8  12-26   6
11.Point Fortin Civic Centre       12   2  0 10  12-32   6
12.Eagles FC                       12   1  1 10  10-50   4 

[*] Morvant Caledonia United reverted to their former name Caledonia AIA

Round 1
[Dec 6]
Miscellaneous Police     1-2 Defence Force            
La Horquetta Rangers     2-3 Caledonia AIA            
[Dec 8]
Point Fortin Civic       1-2 1976 FC Phoenix          
Prison Service           1-1 Club Sando               
San Juan Jabloteh        1-3 Central                  
Eagles                   1-4 AC Port of Spain         

Round 2
[Dec 13]
San Juan Jabloteh        1-2 Defence Force            
La Horquetta Rangers     1-1 Club Sando               
[Dec 14]
Prison Service           2-0 Point Fortin Civic       
Eagles                   0-2 Central                  
[Dec 15]
Miscellaneous Police     4-2 1976 FC Phoenix          
AC Port of Spain         0-1 Caledonia AIA            

Round 3
[Dec 20]
AC Port of Spain         1-0 Club Sando               
La Horquetta Rangers     0-1 Point Fortin Civic       
[Dec 21]
Caledonia AIA            0-2 Central                  
Eagles                   0-6 Defence Force            
[Dec 22]
1976 FC Phoenix          2-1 Prison Service           
San Juan Jabloteh        3-3 Miscellaneous Police     

Round 4 [Dec 26]
AC Port of Spain         2-1 Central                  
Caledonia AIA            2-1 1976 FC Phoenix          
Club Sando               7-1 Eagles                   
La Horquetta Rangers     2-6 Defence Force            
Miscellaneous Police     5-1 Prison Service           
Point Fortin Civic       1-3 San Juan Jabloteh        

Round 5 [Jan 3]
Point Fortin Civic       4-1 Eagles                   
1976 FC Phoenix          2-6 Central                  
Miscellaneous Police     1-2 La Horquetta Rangers     
San Juan Jabloteh        2-2 Prison Service           
Club Sando               2-2 Caledonia AIA            
AC Port of Spain         3-6 Defence Force            
Round 6
[Jan 10]
Caledonia AIA            2-6 Defence Force            
Central                  2-1 Club Sando               
[Jan 11]
1976 FC Phoenix          1-3 San Juan Jabloteh        
Eagles                   0-6 Miscellaneous Police     
[Jan 12]
Prison Service           0-0 La Horquetta Rangers     
AC Port of Spain         4-1 Point Fortin Civic       

Round 7
[Jan 17]
Miscellaneous Police     0-2 AC Port of Spain         
Central                  0-3 Defence Force            
[Jan 18]
Prison Service           2-4 Eagles                   
La Horquetta Rangers     3-4 San Juan Jabloteh        
[Jan 19]
Club Sando               2-0 1976 FC Phoenix          
Caledonia AIA            1-0 Point Fortin Civic       

Round 8
[Jan 24]
1976 FC Phoenix          1-1 La Horquetta Rangers     
Central                  4-0 Point Fortin Civic       
[Jan 25]
San Juan Jabloteh        5-0 Eagles                   
Club Sando               1-5 Defence Force            
[Jan 26]
AC Port of Spain         3-0 Prison Service           
Caledonia AIA            1-4 Miscellaneous Police     

Round 9
[Jan 31]
La Horquetta Rangers     5-1 Eagles                   
Miscellaneous Police     7-5 Central                  
[Feb 1]
Point Fortin Civic       1-2 Club Sando               
Prison Service           1-2 Caledonia AIA            
[Feb 2]
Defence Force            1-0 1976 FC Phoenix          
San Juan Jabloteh        0-0 AC Port of Spain         

Round 10
[Feb 8]
AC Port of Spain         1-1 La Horquetta Rangers     
Central                  3-2 Prison Service           
[Feb 9]
Caledonia AIA            1-2 San Juan Jabloteh        
1976 FC Phoenix          0-0 Eagles                   
Defence Force            5-1 Point Fortin Civic       
Club Sando               0-1 Miscellaneous Police     

Round 11
[Feb 14]
Club Sando               0-1 San Juan Jabloteh        
Central                  3-2 La Horquetta Rangers     
[Feb 15]
1976 FC Phoenix          3-3 AC Port of Spain         
Caledonia AIA            4-2 Eagles                   
[Feb 16]
Defence Force            1-0 Prison Service           
Point Fortin Civic       1-4 Miscellaneous Police     

Halfway Table:

 1.Defence Force                   11  11  0  0  43-11  33
 2.Central FC                      11   8  0  3  31-20  24
 3.Miscellaneous Police FC         11   7  1  3  36-19  22
 4.San Juan Jabloteh               11   6  3  2  25-16  21
 5.AC Port of Spain                11   6  3  2  23-14  21  [C]
 6.Caledonia AIA                   11   6  1  4  19-22  19  [*]
 7.Club Sando                      11   3  3  5  17-16  12
 8.La Horquetta Rangers            11   2  4  5  19-22  10
 9.1976 FC Phoenix                 11   2  3  6  14-24   9
10.Prison Service FC               11   1  3  7  12-23   6
11.Point Fortin Civic Centre       11   2  0  9  11-28   6
12.Eagles FC                       11   1  1  9  10-45   4 

[*] Morvant Caledonia United reverted to their former name Caledonia AIA

Round 12
[Mar 14]
Caledonia AIA            2-3 La Horquetta Rangers     
Defence Force            2-1 Miscellaneous Police     
[Mar 15]
Club Sando               3-0 Prison Service           
Central                  2-4 San Juan Jabloteh        
[Mar 16]
1976 FC Phoenix          4-1 Point Fortin Civic       
AC Port of Spain         5-0 Eagles                   


 1.Defence Force                   12  12  0  0  45-12  36
 2.AC Port of Spain                12   7  3  2  28-14  24  [C]
 3.San Juan Jabloteh               12   7  3  2  29-18  24
 4.Central FC                      12   8  0  4  33-24  24
 5.Miscellaneous Police FC         12   7  1  4  37-21  22
 6.Caledonia AIA                   12   6  1  5  21-25  19  [*]
 7.Club Sando                      12   4  3  5  20-16  15
 8.La Horquetta Rangers            12   3  4  5  22-24  13
 9.1976 FC Phoenix                 12   3  3  6  18-25  12
10.Prison Service FC               12   1  3  8  12-26   6
11.Point Fortin Civic Centre       12   2  0 10  12-32   6
12.Eagles FC                       12   1  1 10  10-50   4 

[*] Morvant Caledonia United reverted to their former name Caledonia AIA


list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 26 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2025
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.