Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2022/23

Premier Division 2022/23
First Division 2022/23
Second Division 2022/23
Regional Competitions

Premier Division 2022/23

Final Table:

 1.JeBelle FC                16   9  4  3  39-15  31  Champions
 2.North Leeward Predators   16   9  3  4  32-20  30
 3.Layou FC                  16   7  6  3  27-21  27
 4.Hope International        16   8  3  5  29-31  27
 5.Avenues United            16   8  1  7  33-40  25
 6.Awesome FC                16   6  2  8  19-31  20
 7.Sion Hill                 16   5  2  9  27-25  17
 8.BESCO Pastures            16   4  5  7  22-30  17
 9.Largo Height              16   2  2 12  19-34   8  Relegated
 -.System 3 Sports Academy   withdrew

Round 1
[Nov 6]
JeBelle                 4-1 Largo Height            
Hope International      5-2 Layou                   
[Dec 13]
Avenues United          awd BESCO Pastures          [awarded 0-3, originally 1-1]
Awesome                 2-0 North Leeward Predators 
Sion Hill               bye

Round 2
[Nov 12]
Sion Hill               1-2 North Leeward Predators 
Avenues United          1-3 Layou                   
[Nov 13]
Awesome                 0-5 Largo Height            
Hope International      1-1 JeBelle                 
BESCO Pastures          bye

Round 3
[Nov 19]
Sion Hill               2-1 Largo Height            
BESCO Pastures          2-2 Layou                   
[Nov 20]
Avenues United          0-4 JeBelle                 
Awesome                 0-3 Hope International      
North Leeward Predators bye

Round 4
[Nov 25]
BESCO Pastures          0-4 JeBelle                 
North Leeward Predators 0-2 Largo Height            
[Nov 27]  
Avenues United          1-2 Awesome                 
Sion Hill               1-2 Hope International      
Layou                   bye

Round 5
[Dec 3]
BESCO Pastures          1-0 Awesome                 
Sion Hill               8-0 Avenues United          
[Dec 4]
Layou                   2-0 JeBelle                 
North Leeward Predators 0-2 Hope International      
Largo Height            bye

Round 6
[Dec 8]
Largo Height            1-2 Hope International      
Layou                   2-2 Awesome                 
[Dec 10]
North Leeward Predators 1-2 Avenues United          
BESCO Pastures          1-1 Sion Hill               
JeBelle                 bye

Round 7
[Jan 8]
Layou                   2-1 Sion Hill               
North Leeward Predators 3-1 BESCO Pastures          
[Jan 10]
JeBelle                 6-0 Awesome                 
Largo Height            0-2 Avenues United          
Hope International      bye

Round 8
[Jan 13]
Hope International      2-2 Avenues United          
JeBelle                 2-4 Sion Hill               
[Jan 15]
Largo Height            1-2 BESCO Pastures          
Layou                   0-3 North Leeward Predators 
Awesome                 bye

Round 9
[Jan 20]
Sion Hill               1-2 Awesome                 
Hope International      2-1 BESCO Pastures          
[Jan 24]
JeBelle                 2-3 North Leeward Predators 
Layou                   2-1 Largo Height            
Avenues United          bye

Halfway Table:

 1.Hope International         8   6  2  0  19- 8  20
 2.Layou FC                   8   4  2  2  15-15  14
 3.JeBelle FC                 8   4  1  3  23-11  13
 4.North Leeward Predators    8   4  0  4  12-12  12
 5.BESCO Pastures             8   3  2  3  11-13  11
 6.Sion Hill                  8   3  1  4  19-12  10
 7.Awesome FC                 8   3  1  4   8-19  10
 8.Avenues United             8   2  1  5   8-23   7
 9.Largo Height               8   2  0  6  12-14   6
 -.System 3 Sports Academy   withdrew

Round 10
[Jan 27]
Largo Height            1-2 Layou                   
BESCO Pastures          2-3 Hope International      
[Jan 29]
North Leeward Predators 0-0 JeBelle                 
Awesome                 1-0 Sion Hill               
Avenues United          bye

Round 11
[Feb 3]
Avenues United          3-1 Hope International      
Sion Hill               0-3 JeBelle                 
[Feb 5]
BESCO Pastures          2-1 Largo Height            
North Leeward Predators 2-2 Layou                   
Awesome                 bye

Round 12
[Feb 10]
Awesome                 0-2 JeBelle                 
Sion Hill               0-2 Layou                   
[Feb 12]
Avenues United          3-0 Largo Height            
BESCO Pastures          1-1 North Leeward Predators 
Hope International      bye

Round 13
[Feb 18]
Awesome                 1-1 Layou                   
Avenues United          4-5 North Leeward Predators 
[Feb 19]
Hope International      2-2 Largo Height            
Sion Hill               4-1 BESCO Pastures          
JeBelle                 bye

Round 14
[Feb 23]
Awesome                 2-1 BESCO Pastures          
Avenues United          3-1 Sion Hill               
[Feb 24]
Hope International      1-5 North Leeward Predators 
JeBelle                 0-0 Layou                   
Largo Height            bye

Round 15
[Mar 3]
Hope International      1-3 Sion Hill               
Awesome                 2-3 Avenues United          
[Mar 6]
JeBelle                 1-1 BESCO Pastures          
Largo Height            0-4 North Leeward Predators 
Layou                   bye

Round 16
[Mar 10]
Hope International      2-1 Awesome                 
JeBelle                 4-2 Avenues United          
[Mar 12]
Layou                   0-0 BESCO Pastures          
Largo Height            0-0 Sion Hill               
North Leeward Predators bye

Round 17
[Mar 31]
Layou                   1-2 Avenues United          
JeBelle                 3-0 Hope International      
[Apr 2]
Largo Height            2-4 Awesome                 
North Leeward Predators 2-0 Sion Hill               
BESCO Pastures          bye

Round 18 [Apr 15]
North Leeward Predators 1-0 Awesome                 
BESCO Pastures          3-5 Avenues United          
Layou                   4-0 Hope International      
Largo Height            1-3 JeBelle                 
Sion Hill               bye

Final Table:

 1.JeBelle FC                16   9  4  3  39-15  31  Champions
 2.North Leeward Predators   16   9  3  4  32-20  30
 3.Layou FC                  16   7  6  3  27-21  27
 4.Hope International        16   8  3  5  29-31  27
 5.Avenues United            16   8  1  7  33-40  25
 6.Awesome FC                16   6  2  8  19-31  20
 7.Sion Hill                 16   5  2  9  27-25  17
 8.BESCO Pastures            16   4  5  7  22-30  17
 9.Largo Height              16   2  2 12  19-34   8  Relegated
 -.System 3 Sports Academy   withdrew

First Division 2022/23

NB: second level

Final Table:

 1.SV United                 11   9  1  1  42- 5  28  Promoted
 2.Camdonia Chelsea          11   8  1  2  31- 9  25  Promoted
 3.Sparta FC                 11   7  3  1  27-14  24
 4.Bequia United             11   7  0  4  19-10  21
 5.Owia United FC            11   5  1  5  18-22  16
 6.Glenside Ball Blazers SC  11   4  3  4  23-18  15
 7.Richmond Hill             11   4  3  4  27-27  15
 8.Volcanoes                 11   4  3  4  15-19  15
 9.Greiggs FC                11   3  1  7  26-31  10
10.Parkside Rollers          11   2  3  6  20-35   9
11.Pride & Joy               11   2  1  8  11-30   7  Relegated
12.QCESCO Titans             11   0  2  9   7-46   2  Relegated

NB: round 1 played after round 7

Round 2
[Oct 23]
Owia United             0-3 SV United               
Camdonia Chelsea        1-1 QCESCO Titans           
Pride & Joy             2-1 Glenside Ball Blazers   
Parkside Rollers        2-2 Richmond Hill           
[Nov 27]
Volcanoes               2-3 Bequia United           
[Dec 10]
Sparta FC               3-3 Greiggs FC              

Round 3 [Oct 30]
Bequia United           0-1 Glenside Ball Blazers   
Sparta FC               5-1 Parkside Rollers        
Richmond Hill           5-1 Pride & Joy             
Volcanoes               1-1 QCESCO Titans           
Owia United             3-2 Greiggs FC              
SV United               1-2 Camdonia Chelsea        

Round 4
[Nov 6]
Glenside Ball Blazers   1-2 Camdonia Chelsea        
Greiggs FC              awd SV United               [awarded 0-3]
QCESCO Titans           0-1 Sparta FC               
Richmond Hill           2-1 Bequia United           
Volcanoes               2-0 Owia United             
[Nov 8]
Parkside Rollers        1-1 Pride & Joy             

Round 5
[Nov 9]
Sparta FC               1-3 SV United               
[Nov 13]
Camdonia Chelsea        0-2 Bequia United           
Owia United             4-1 QCESCO Titans           
Parkside Rollers        2-1 Glenside Ball Blazers   
Volcanoes               3-2 Pride & Joy             
[Nov 26]
Greiggs FC              1-3 Richmond Hill           

Round 6
[Nov 18]
SV United               6-0 Richmond Hill           
Greiggs FC              2-6 Glenside Ball Blazers   
[Nov 20]
Bequia United           4-0 QCESCO Titans           
Camdonia Chelsea        5-0 Owia United             
[Nov 27]
Sparta FC               3-1 Pride & Joy             
[Dec 10]
Volcanoes               1-1 Parkside Rollers        

Round 7
[Nov 30]
Richmond Hill           2-2 Owia United             
[Dec 1]
Glenside Ball Blazers   2-2 Sparta FC               
[Dec 4]
SV United               3-1 Bequia United           
Volcanoes               2-1 Greiggs FC              
[Dec 7]
QCESCO Titans           1-9 Parkside Rollers        
[Dec 8]
Camdonia Chelsea        5-0 Pride & Joy             

Round 1
[Jan 11]
Glenside Ball Blazers   3-2 Richmond Hill           
Parkside Rollers        4-5 Greiggs FC              
[Jan 15]
Bequia United           2-0 Pride & Joy             
Camdonia Chelsea        2-0 Volcanoes               
Sparta FC               3-0 Owia United             
SV United               8-0 QCESCO Titans           

Round 8
[Jan 18]
Richmond Hill           6-1 QCESCO Titans           
Sparta FC               2-1 Camdonia Chelsea        
[Jan 22]
Owia United             0-2 Bequia United           
Pride & Joy             1-4 Greiggs FC              
[Jan 25]
Glenside Ball Blazers   2-2 Volcanoes               
Parkside Rollers        0-8 SV United               

Round 9
[Jan 29]
Greiggs FC              1-3 Camdonia Chelsea        
SV United               3-0 Pride & Joy             
[Feb 1]
QCESCO Titans           1-4 Glenside Ball Blazers   
Volcanoes               2-1 Richmond Hill           
[Feb 5]
Bequia United           0-1 Sparta FC               
Owia United             5-0 Parkside Rollers        

Round 10
[Feb 8]
Richmond Hill           3-3 Sparta FC               
SV United               awd Volcanoes               [awarded 3-0, Volcanoes forfeited]
[Feb 12]
Bequia United           3-1 Greiggs FC              
Camdonia Chelsea        5-0 Parkside Rollers        
[Feb 15]
QCESCO Titans           1-2 Pride & Joy             
[Feb 16]
Glenside Ball Blazers   1-2 Owia United             

Round 11
[Feb 25]
Greiggs FC              6-0 QCESCO Titans           
Sparta FC               awd Volcanoes               [awarded 3-0, Volcanoes forfeited]
[Feb 26]
Bequia United           1-0 Parkside Rollers        
Owia United             2-1 Pride & Joy              
Richmond Hill           1-5 Camdonia Chelsea        
SV United               1-1 Glenside Ball Blazers   

Final Table:

 1.SV United                 11   9  1  1  42- 5  28  Promoted
 2.Camdonia Chelsea          11   8  1  2  31- 9  25  Promoted
 3.Sparta FC                 11   7  3  1  27-14  24
 4.Bequia United             11   7  0  4  19-10  21
 5.Owia United FC            11   5  1  5  18-22  16
 6.Glenside Ball Blazers SC  11   4  3  4  23-18  15
 7.Richmond Hill             11   4  3  4  27-27  15
 8.Volcanoes                 11   4  3  4  15-19  15
 9.Greiggs FC                11   3  1  7  26-31  10
10.Parkside Rollers          11   2  3  6  20-35   9
11.Pride & Joy               11   2  1  8  11-30   7  Relegated
12.QCESCO Titans             11   0  2  9   7-46   2  Relegated

Second Division 2022/23

NB: third level

Final Table:

 1.Brownstown                11   8  2  1  35-17  26  Promoted
 2.Rocksdale                 11   8  0  3  30-16  24  Promoted
 3.Royal SVG Police          11   7  1  3  25-12  22
 4.DESCO FC                  11   6  2  3  39-21  20
 5.1998 Hillside             11   6  2  3  31-24  20
 6.Green Hill                11   6  1  4  29-13  19
 7.Strike Force              11   5  3  3  21-14  18
 8.K&R Strikers              11   4  1  6  12-13  13
 9.Sharpes 09 FC             11   3  2  6  17-28  11
10.Toni Store Jugglers       11   3  0  8  11-40   9
11.Sharpes FC                11   1  2  8   9-37   5
12.Hill View                 11   0  2  9  15-39   2

Round 1
[Oct 1]
1998 Hillside           4-3 Hill View               
Green Hill              3-1 RSVG Police             
Sharpes                 2-1 Sharpes 09              
[Oct 2]
Brownstown              2-5 DESCO                   
K&R Strikers            3-0 Toni Store Jugglers     
Strike Force            1-3 Rocksdale               

Round 2
[Oct 8]
1998 Hillside           1-3 Strike Force            
DESCO                   2-3 RSVG Police             
Green Hill              2-0 Hill View               
K&R Strikers            1-0 Sharpes                 
Rocksdale               6-0 Toni Store Jugglers     
[Oct 9]
Brownstown              3-3 Sharpes 09              

Round 3
[Oct 15]
Brownstown              5-0 Toni Store Jugglers     
1998 Hillside           3-2 DESCO                   
RSVG Police             0-1 Rocksdale               
Sharpes 09              0-3 Strike Force            
Green Hill              0-1 K&R Strikers            
[Nov 8]
Sharpes                 3-3 Hill View               

Round 4 [Oct 22]
Green Hill              1-3 Rocksdale               [also reported 0-3]
1998 Hillside           1-0 Sharpes                 
Toni Store Jugglers     0-6 DESCO                   
RSVG Police             1-0 Strike Force            
Brownstown              3-1 K&R Strikers            
Sharpes 09              7-1 Hill View               

Round 5 [Oct 29]
Hill View               2-5 Strike Force            
Brownstown              6-2 Sharpes                 
Sharpes 09              3-3 1998 Hillside           
Green Hill              4-1 DESCO                   
Toni Store Jugglers     0-5 RSVG Police             [possibly 0-4 or 1-5]
Rocksdale               2-1 K&R Strikers            

Round 6
[Nov 5]
DESCO                   3-3 Hill View               
Rocksdale               0-1 Sharpes 09              
RSVG Police             2-0 K&R Strikers            
[Nov 12]
Brownstown              3-1 1998 Hillside           
Green Hill              3-1 Toni Store Jugglers     
Strike Force            1-1 Sharpes                 

Round 7
[Nov 19]
DESCO                   2-2 Strike Force            
Hill View               2-3 RSVG Police             
K&R Strikers            0-1 Sharpes 09              
Toni Store Jugglers     0-8 1998 Hillside           
[Nov 20]
Green Hill              0-2 Brownstown              
[Nov 27]
Rocksdale               3-1 Sharpes                 

Round 8
[Dec 3]
DESCO                   4-2 Rocksdale               
K&R Strikers            1-1 1998 Hillside           
Sharpes 09              0-7 Green Hill              
Toni Store Jugglers     1-3 Strike Force            
[Dec 10]
Hill View               1-4 Brownstown              
Sharpes                 0-4 RSVG Police             

Round 9
[Jan 14]
1998 Hillside           3-2 Green Hill              
Hill View               awd Rocksdale               [awarded 0-3]
RSVG Police             2-2 Brownstown              
Sharpes                 0-8 DESCO                   
Strike Force            1-0 K&R Strikers            
[Jan 28]
Sharpes 09              1-3 Toni Store Jugglers     

Round 10
[Jan 21]
Hill View               0-2 K&R Strikers            
Rocksdale               1-3 Brownstown              
Strike Force            1-1 Green Hill              
1998 Hillside           2-1 RSVG Police             
Sharpes 09              0-3 DESCO                   
[Jan 22]
Toni Store Jugglers     3-0 Sharpes                 

Round 11
[Feb 11]
1998 Hillside           4-6 Rocksdale               
Brownstown              2-1 Strike Force            
K&R Strikers            2-3 DESCO                   
Sharpes 09              awd RSVG Police             [awarded 0-3]
Toni Store Jugglers     awd Hill View               [awarded 3-0]
[Feb 12]
Sharpes                 0-6 Green Hill              

Final Table:

 1.Brownstown                11   8  2  1  35-17  26  Promoted
 2.Rocksdale                 11   8  0  3  30-16  24  Promoted
 3.Royal SVG Police          11   7  1  3  25-12  22
 4.DESCO FC                  11   6  2  3  39-21  20
 5.1998 Hillside             11   6  2  3  31-24  20
 6.Green Hill                11   6  1  4  29-13  19
 7.Strike Force              11   5  3  3  21-14  18
 8.K&R Strikers              11   4  1  6  12-13  13
 9.Sharpes 09 FC             11   3  2  6  17-28  11
10.Toni Store Jugglers       11   3  0  8  11-40   9
11.Sharpes FC                11   1  2  8   9-37   5
12.Hill View                 11   0  2  9  15-39   2

Regional Competitions 2018

Biabou | Calliaqua | Layou | Marriaqua | North East |
North Leeward | South East | South Leeward | Windward

2023 Carib TBPO Football Competition

Final [Jul 2, Dauphine Playing Field]
GSB Catalans            2-2 Dreams FC               [4-1 pen] 


Biabou Football League 2023

Final [Jun 18, Biabou Playing Field]
Classic XI              1-1 Biabou Top Strikers     [4-2 pen]
  [Tyrese King 1-1 - Shemar Wilkes 0-1]

Biabou Knockout competition 2023

Final [Jun 16]
Classic XI              2-0 Biabou Top Strikers     


Calliaqua Football League 2023

Final [Aug 27, Calliaqua Playing Field]
Glen                    3-2 RSVG Police
  [Karim Williams (2), Darique May; Figo Pope (2)]

NB: Roxdale finished third


Layou Football Village League 2023

Third Place Match [Oct 15]
Buccament               2-1 Plan
  [Kirton Jordan (2); Savvy Harry]

Final [Oct 15]
Texiera Road            3-1 Cashville
  [Koby Maingot (2), Romario Dennie; Myron Samuel]


Marriaqua Football Association 2023

Third Place Match Walvaroo 4-0 Downstreet

Final [Aug 3, Cane End Playing Field]
Greiggs                 1-1 Richland Park           [5-4 pen]
  [Ronaldo Andrews; Nalroy Peters]

North East

"Hairoun" North East Football League 2023

Spring Village United   0-0 Chapmans                [5-4 pen]
Diamonds                1-0 Overland

Third Place Match [Sep 17]
Overland                1-1 Chapmans                [5-4 pen]

Final [Sep 17, Chili Playing Field]
Spring Village United   1-0 Diamonds
  [Kievan Clarke]

North Leeward

North Leeward Football League 2023

Final [Sep 24, Goolin Playing field, Fitz Hughes]
Fitz Hughes             1-1 Keartons                [Fitz Hughes on pen]
  [Emroy Edwards 22; Wendy Cuffy 67] 

South East

Brighton Football League 2023

Final [Oct 14, Brighton Playing Field]
Calli Ballers           3-3 Glen United             [4-2 pen]
  [Reon Bradshaw, Delquan Kirby, Z'Maar Saunders; Zeddy Millington (2), Zavier Delpesche]

NB: Enhams Two finished third

Stubbs Football League 2023

Xperience               2-1 Sion Hill
Stubborn Youths         3-1 Awesome

Third Place Match [Sep 17]
Awesome                 w/o Sion Hill               [Sion Hill forfeited]

Final [Sep 17, Stubbs Playing Field]
Xperience               5-1 Stubborn Youths
  [Marcus Browne, Kareem Davis, Ronaldo Westfield, Shane Jackson, Zenroy Lee; Kenlyn Gonsalves]

South Leeward

"Hairoun" South Leeward Football League 2023

Largo Height            3-2 Lower Campden Park
Rose Place              2-1 Top Campden Park

Third Place Match [Jul 15]
Lower Campden Park      1-1 Top Campden Park        [4-2 pen]

Final [Jul 15]
Largo Height            0-0 Rose Place              [3-1 pen]


"Hairoun" All Windward football League 2023

Zone A
   North East
   North Windward
Zone B

Marriaqua               2-0 Biabou
North Windward          1-1 Calliaqua               [5-3 pen]

Marriaqua               0-0 North East              [4-3 pen]
North Windward          2-1 Greiggs

Third Place Match [Aug 26]
North East              0-0 Greiggs                 [5-3 pen]

Final [Aug 26]
North Windward          3-0 Marriaqua
  [Trezine Da Souza, Terrason Joseph, Davarno Sutton]



list of champions

list of foundation dates

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Ian King for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Ian King
Last updated: 3 Dec 2024

(C) Copyright Ian King and RSSSF 2022/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.