Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2010/11

NLA SVG Club Championships
Regional Competitions

NLA SVG Club Championships 2010/11

Premier Division | First Division

Premier Division 2010/11
NB: matches at Victoria Park

Round 1
[Oct 16]
Jebelle                             5-0 Predators
  [Winston Joseph (3), Emerald George, Bertram Pitt]
Camdonia Chelsea                    4-0 Zodiac 
  [Kenton Ollivierre (2), Anal Stephens, Dominic Small]
[Oct 17]
Zodiac                              2-2 Stingers   
  [Jamal Ollivierre, Kurtonal McKie; Omoro Harrington (2)]
Prospect United                     2-1 National U-20
  [Jamal Brudy, Reginald Payne; Alex Roberts]

[Oct 20]
Avenues United                      2-1 National U-20 
  [Myron Samuel 32, 60; Akeeno Hazelwood 90]
Jugglers                            1-1 Hope International  
  [Tyrone Prince 68pen; Randy Pierre 69pen]

Table (based on known results):

 1.Digicel Jebelle FC          1  1  0  0  5- 0   3
 2.Camdonia Chelsea SC         1  1  0  0  4- 0   3
 3.Avenues United              1  1  0  0  2- 1   3  [*]
 4.Prospect United             1  1  0  0  2- 1   3  [*]
 5.JG & Sons Stingers FC       1  0  1  0  2- 2   1
 6.Nemwil Hope International   1  0  1  0  1- 1   1
 7.Toni Store Jugglers         1  0  1  0  1- 1   1
 8.Zodiac FC (Bequia)          2  0  1  1  2- 6   1
 9.BESCO Pastures              0  0  0  0  0- 0   0
10.K&R Strikers                0  0  0  0  0- 0   0
11.System 3                    0  0  0  0  0- 0   0
12.National U-20               2  0  0  2  2- 4   0
13.Predators of Fitz Hughes    1  0  0  1  0- 5   0

[*] includes match against National U-20 (it is not clear whether
    these are part of the league or hors concours)

[Jan 21]
Jugglers                            1-1 JG Stingers
  [Jimmy Providence; J Matthews]
System 3                            0-2 Prospect United
  [Glenford Ashton, Lezlo McKenzie]
[Jan 22]
Jebelles                            5-3 Zodiac
  [Thaddeus Sam, Odale Cupid, Wilron Joseph, Emerald George,
   Courtney McDowall; Danroy Bess (2), Cosmus Hackshaw]
[Jan 23]
K & R Strikers                       -  Predators
Avenues United                      2-0 Hope International
  [Myron Samuel, Romano Snagg]
[Jan 26]
Prospect United                      -  Jugglers
Jebelles                             -  Pastures United
[Jan 28]
Predators                            -  JG Stingers
Avenues United                       -  System 3
[Jan 29]
Jugglers                             -  Zodiac

Champions: Avenues United

First Division 2010/11

Table (based on known results):

 1.Carib Warriors              5  3  2  0  9- 6  11
 2.Parkside Rollers            4  2  2  0  5- 2   8
 3.Roseans                     6  2  2  2 14-12   8
 4.Greggs FC                   3  2  0  1 10- 4   6
 5.Gabba Boys                  4  1  3  0  8- 5   6
 6.Cane End United             3  1  1  1  5- 5   4
 7.Richland Park Pride & Joy   3  1  1  1  4- 4   4
 8.Brownstown Most Wanted      5  0  3  2  5- 8   3
 9.Brighton All Stars          3  1  0  2  4- 8   3
10.Rocksdale FC                3  0  2  1  4- 6   2
11.Highlanders                 2  0  1  1  1- 4   1
12.Munich FC                   3  0  1  2  3- 8   1

[Sep 18]
Roseans                             2-2 Rocksdale 
Gabba Boys                          4-1 Brighton 
Carib Warriors                      1-1 Brownstown                  
[Sep 19]
Parkside                            1-1 Cane End 

[Sep 25]
Roseans                             3-3 Gabba Boys       
Carib Warriors                      2-1 Cane End 
Brownstown                          0-2 Parkside       
Brighton                            3-1 Rocksdale 
Highlanders                         1-1 Pride & Joy  
[Sep 28]
Greggs                              5-1 Munich  
Roseans                             3-0 Highlanders                 
Brighton                            0-3 Pride & Joy  

[Oct 2]
Carib Warriors                      2-1 Munich  
[Oct 3]
Rocksdale                            -  Parkside                    

[Oct 9]
Brownstown                          1-1 Rocksdale                   
Roseans                             1-2 Parkside                    
Carib Warriors                      1-1 Gabba Boys                  

[Oct 16]
Brownstown                          2-3 Roseans                                   
Carib Warriors                      3-2 Greggs                      

[Oct 19]
Greggs                              3-0 Pride & Joy  

[Oct 23]
Carib Warriors                       -  Brighton                    
Rocksdale                            -  Highlanders                 
Parkside                            0-0 Gabba Boys                  
Brownstown                          1-1 Munich  
[Oct 24]
Roseans                             2-3 Cane End 

[Oct 26]
Brownstown                           -  Greggs                      
Rocksdale                            -  Pride & Joy  
Brighton                             -  Munich  

[Oct 30]
Brighton                             -  Parkside                    
Carib Warriors                       -  Roseans                               
Cane End                             -  Munich  
Brownstown                           -  Highlanders                 
[Oct 31]
Greggs                               -  Gabba Boys                  

[Nov 2]
Parkside                             -  Pride & Joy  
Rocksdale                            -  Carib Warriors              
Cane End                             -  Highlanders                 

[Nov 6]
Gabba Boys                           -  Highlanders                 
Rocksdale                            -  Greggs                      
Roseans                              -  Munich  
Brownstown                           -  Brighton                    

[Nov 9]
Pride & Joy                          -  Cane End                    
Parkside                             -  Munich  
Highlanders                          -  Greggs                      

[Nov 13]
Brighton                             -  Cane End                    
Munich                               -  Highlanders                 
Gabba Boys                           -  Rocksdale                   
Carib Warriors                       -  Parkside                    

[Nov 16]
Pride & Joy                          -  Roseans                                         
Brighton                             -  Greggs                      

[Nov 20]
Carib Warriors                       -  Highlanders                 
Gabba Boys                           -  Brownstown         

Regional Competitions

Arnos Vale | Barrouallie | Bequia | Calliaqua | Mustique | 
North East | North Leeward | Sion Hill | South Leeward

Arnos Vale

Hairoun Beer Arnos Vale AFL Football League

NB: start Sep 5; 16 participants; matches at Arnos Vale Playing Field.

[Sep 5]
Cane End United                     2-1 System 3
  [Amon Bascombe, Azinho Solomon; Dwight Allen]
[Sep 7]
Customs Sports Club                 4-1 Sharpes United
  [Lorraine Walker (2), Rodney Foster, Gilmore Ollivierre; Mathias Harry]
[Sep 8]
Sion Hill                           2-0 Mac's Young Togs
[Sep 9]
Stingers FC                         1-3 Browne's Tri-Star Richmond Hill United
[Sep 10]
1998 Hill Side Rollers               -  Power Lynx 
[Sep 11]
Samba FC                             -  Cane End United
[Sep 12]
Jebelle FC                          4-2 Hope International 
[Sep 13]
Vintage FC                          2-3 Sion Hill United 
[Sep 14]
System 3                            3-0 Browne's Tri-Star Richmond Hill United
  [Curlon Joseph (3)]
[Sep 15]
Customs Sports Club                 ppd Stingers FC
[Sep 16]
Karibbean Tyres Max Strikers        4-1 Mac’s Young Togs 
[Sep 18]
Vintage                              -  Karibbean Tyres Max Strikers
[Sep 22]
Stingers FC                         1-0 Sharpes United
[Sep 23]
Sion Hill                           0-0 Marija Powa Lynx 
[Sep 26]
Tri Star Richmond Hill United       3-3 Cane End United
[Sep 27]
1998 Hill Side Rollers              1-0 Hope International
[Oct 18]
Digicel Jebelle FC                  1-1 1998 Hill Side Rollers 
[Oct 20]
Mac's Young Togs                    0-6 Hope International
[Oct 21]
Dekies Pro Zone Samba FC            2-1 Customs Sports Club 
[Oct 22]
System 3                             -  Stingers FC 
[Oct 23]
Hope International                   -  Sion Hill 
[Oct 28]
System Three                         -  Dekies Pro Zone Samba
[Nov 1]
1998 Hill Side Rollers              4-3 Vintage
[Nov 3]
Hope International                  o/w Karibbean Tyres Max Strikers        [Hope dns]
[Nov 4]
Powa Lynx                            -  Mac's Young Togs      
[Nov 7]
Vintage                             1-0 Digicel Jebelles
[Nov 8]
Customs Sports Club                  -  Stingers

NCB Barrouallie Football League Premier Division
NB: matches at Keartons Playing Field in Barrouallie.

[Aug 4]
Maradona's                          3-3 System 3 
  [Dillon Duncan (2), Darren Francis; Roy-Burn Dickson (og) 2,
   Roy Richards]
[Aug 5]
Ajuba of Spring Village             3-1 BESCO Pastures
  [Akeedo Charles, Baldwin Debique, Glenroy Patterson; 
   Gildon Edwards (pen)]
[Aug 6]
Rillan Hill                          -  Set-Low-Fuh-Dem
[Aug 9]
Saints                              8-0 Roses Crew 
  [Norrell George (3), Dorian Dallaway (2), Dexter John, Juma Gilkes,
   Kiko Lorraine]
[Aug 10]
Hill View United                    2-1 Rochdale of Campden Park
  [Elroy Adams, Gilmore Nicholls; Kenton Ollivierre]
[Aug 11]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            2-2 Ghetto Youths 
  [Bishon Williams, Yannick Nanton; Marco Charles, Leroy Francois Elroy]
[Aug 12]
Kearton's United One                 -  Rillan Hill    
[Aug 18]
Glebe Hill United                   abd Ghetto Youths 
[Aug 19]
Kearton's United                    2-1 Roses Crew 
  [Jomo Toppin, Kevin Quow; Leroy Francois]
[Aug 20]
Layou United                         -  Predators of Fitz Hughes
[Aug 23]
BESCO Pastures                      2-1 Ghetto Youths
  [Calvin Edwards, Lamont Grant; Antonio John]
[Aug 24]
Maradona's                          2-1 W Connection FC
  [Fitz-Roy Davis and Keevin Cain; Sean Browne]
[Aug 25]
Top Siders                          2-1 Rillan Hill    
  [Vasbert Ledger, Mark-Neil Lewis; Jeffrey Abraham]
[Aug 26]
Ajuba of Spring Village              -  Glebe Hill United 
[Aug 29]
Layou United                        5-3 BESCO Pastures 
[Aug 30]
W Connection FC                     5-3 Hill View United
  [Jadiael Ferdinand (3), Kerry Mason, Almus Stapleton; Aaron Adams (2),
   Rohan Dickson]
[Aug 31]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            0-0 Glebe Hill United 
[Sep 1]
Maradona's                          n/p Rochdale of Campden Park            [Rochdale dns]
[Sep 2]
Set-Low-Fuh-Dem                     3-1 Kearton's United One 
  [Ryan John, Dillano Gould, Allison Ramie; David Toppin]
[Sep 3]
Layou United                         -  Ghetto Youths
[Sep 5]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            5-0 Ajuba of Spring Village 
  [Jodd Williams, Andel Prince, Bishon Williams, Christopher Ottwel,
   Kemel Bowens]
[Sep 11]
System 3 FC                         3-1 W Connection FC
  [Devon Browne (2), Azinhno Solomon; Jadieal Ferdinand]
Maradona's                          3-1 Kearton's United Two
[Sep 13]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            3-0 BESCO Pastures 
[Sep 14 (final preliminary premier division game]
Hill View United                    1-0 Maradona's    
  [Gilmore Nichols]

NB: Top Siders winners zone A, BESCO Pastures zone B

Knock-Out Stage (top-6 of both zones)

[Sep 15]
Top Siders                          4-0 BESCO Pastures
  [Raffique Francis (2), Mark-Neil Lewis, Vasbert Ledger]
[Sep 16]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            abd W Connection FC                     [abandoned at 3-3]

[Sep 21]
Glebe Hill United                   1-1 Set-Low-Fuh-Dem                     [4-2 pen]
[Sep 22]
Rillan Hill                         w/o Ghetto Youths 
[Sep 23]
Maradona's                          1-1 Ajuba Spurs of Spring Village       [Maradona's on coin toss]

[Sep 25]
Hill View United                    3-0 Kearton's United Two
[Sep 27]
System Three                        2-1 Glebe Hill United
[Sep 28]
Rillan Hill                         lt  Maradona's      
[Sep 29]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            4-2 W Connection

Third Place Match [Oct 15]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            w/o Maradona's     

Final [Oct 17, Kearton's Playing Field]
System Three                        1-1 Hill View United                    [3-5 pen]
  [Lisborn Lavia; Roy Stephens]


Hairoun Beer Bequia Football League
NB: start Sep 12; matches at Clive Tannis Playing Field.

[Sep 19]
United Force FC                     3-1 Masters FC
[Sep 22]
United Force FC                     5-2 Higher Heights FC 
[Sep 24]
Masters                              -  Higher Heights
[Sep 26]
Hamilton FC                          -  United Force FC 
[Sep 27]
GTM Zodiac FC                       2-1 Gabba Boyz FC
[Sep 29]
Masters FC                          5-3 Hamilton FC    
[Oct 1]
Gabba Boyz FC                        -  Higher Heights FC 
[Oct 13]
GTM Zodiac FC                       0-1 Gabba Boyz FC 
[Oct 15]
Masters FC                          4-2 Hamilton FC 
[Oct 17]
United Force FC                     1-0 Gabba Boyz FC 
[Oct 19] 
Gabba Boyz FC                        -  Higher Heights 
[Oct 24]
Masters FC                          2-1 Higher Heights FC
[Oct 25]
Hamilton FC                          -  GTM Zodiac FC 
[Oct 28]
GTM Zodiac FC                      10-0 Higher Heights
[Oct 31]
United Force FC                      -  Hamilton FC
[Nov 5]
Masters FC                          2-2 GTM Zodiac FC
[Nov 8]
Higher Heights FC                    -  Gabba Boyz FC
United Force FC                     5-2 GTM Zodiac FC 

[Nov 17]
United Force FC                     5-2 Masters FC
[Nov 21]
GTM Zodiac FC                       bt  Gabba Boyz FC 

Final [Jan 2]
United Force FC                     5-1 GTM Zodiac FC


W&J Construction Calliaqua Football League 

Opening Match (exhibition) [Sep 5]
Prospect United                     4-2 Tower Hill United

NB: start Sep 8; matches at Calliaqua Playing Field.

[Sep 8]
Choppins Young Gunners              4-2 1998 Hill Side Rollers
[Sep 10]
Ruddy’s Electrical Fair Hall United  -  Playing It Safe 
[Sep 12]
Choppins Young Gunners              3-0 Tower Hill United
  [Desmond Samuel (2), own goal]
[Sep 13]
Ruddy’s Electrical Fair Hall United 0-7 1998 Hill Side Rollers
[Sep 14]
Karibbean Tyres Max Strikers        5-2 Howard Marine
[Sep 15]
GTM Prospect United                 6-3 Highlanders 
  [Lezlo McKenzie (2), Floyd Bailey, Vibert Jakes, Winston Cumberbatch,
   own goal; Jerome Cumberbatch (3)]
[Sep 16]
W&J Construction Masters             -  Glenside Ball Blazers
[Sep 18]
Calliaqua Masters                   7-5 Playing It Safe 
[Sep 20]
Choppins Young Gunners               -  Ruddy’s Electrical Fair Hall United
[Oct 12]
Jar Plum Highlanders                2-1 Howard Marine 
[Oct 13]
1998 Hill Side Rollers               -  Playing It Safe 
[Oct 19]
Calliaqua Masters                    -  Tower Hill United 
[Oct 24]
Karibbean Tyres Max Strikers        1-0 W&J Construction 
[Oct 25]
Tower Hill United                    -  Rudy’s Electrical Fair Hall United
[Oct 26]
Howard’s Marine                      -  Glenside Ball Blazers 

Third Place Match
Karibbean Tyres Max Strikers        awd 1998 Hill Side Rollers              [Rollers could not field a team] 

Prospect United                     5-0 SVG Coast Guard


Mustique Soccer League 

Opening Match (exhibition) [Aug 22]
Mustique Soccer League Eleven       1-1 Jebelle Soccer team 

NB: start Sep 4; matches at Mustique Playing Field.

Round 1
[Sep 4]
Lavender Hill Strikers              2-4 Sunrise Sharks                      
[Sep 5]
Jigsaw United                       2-2 MCL Hawks FC 
Basil's Ball Rollers                ppd Lot 73 Strikers
Sweetie Pie Bakery                  bye

[Sep 11]
Lavender Hill                       3-2 Mustique Company Limited Hawks FC 
[Sep 12]
Jigsaw United                       1-1 Sunrise Sharks
Basil's Ball Rollers                bt  Lot 73 Strikers

[Sep 18]
Basil's Ball Rollers                4-1 MCL Hawks FC
[Sep 19]
Jigsaw United                       4-3 Lavender Hill 

[Sep 25]
Basil's Ball Rollers                1-1 Sunrise Sharks FC
[Sep 26]
Lot 73 Strikers                     1-0 MCL Hawks FC

[Oct 9]
Lot 73 Strikers                      -  Lavender Hill Strikers 
[Oct 10]
Basil's Ball Rollers                 -  Jigsaw United 

[Oct 16]
Lot 73 Strikers                     1-1 Sunrise Sharks
[Oct 17]
Lavender Hill Strikers              2-2 Basil's Ball Rollers  

[Oct 23]
Hawks FC                             -  Sunrise Sharks 
[Oct 24]
Jigsaw United                        -  Lot 73 Strikers

Third Place Match [Jan 22]
Sunrise Sharks                       -  Jig Saw United

Final [Jan 23]
Basil's Ball Rollers                 -  Lot 73 Strikers

Knockout Tournament

Final [Jan 16]
Lot 73 Strikers                      -  Jig Saw United

North East

National Lotteries Authority North East Football League

Opening Match (exhibition) [Aug 29]
Nemwil Hope International           3-1 Carib Warriors 

NB: start Sep 1; Mt. Greenan Attackers aka Young Strikers of Mount Grenan;
    competition aka National Lotteries Authority Georgetown Football League;
    matches at Chili Playing Field.

[Sep 1]
Langley Park Strikers               3-0 Royal Saints
  [Kezla Johnson, Enzo Young, Teklan Spring]
[Sep 2]
Brownstown Most Wanted              8-0 Mt. Greenan Attackers
  [Royston Duncan (2), Ivan Clarke, Corolell Cupid, Eustan Duncan,
   Javorn Charles, Renice Sam, Colin Joseph]
[Sep 3]
Simon United                         -  Golden Touch of Fancy 
[Sep 4]
Carib Warriors Two                  1-1 Linkers 
  [Delorne Childs; Romaine Hillocks]
[Sep 5]
SLR Future Stars                    2-2 DESCO United
  [U-Rick Spring (2); Rohan Byron, Javed Barker]
[Sep 7]
Langley Park Strikers               7-0 KFC Owia
  [Teclan Spring (3), Dorian Dallaway, Enzo Young, Jerry Phillips,
   own goal]
[Sep 8]
Mt. Greenan Attackers                -  Ghetto Flames of Spring Village of Georgetown 
[Sep 9]
Linkers                             3-2 Colonarie Unique Warriors
  [Romano Hillocks (2), Jomo Toney; Gavin Adams, Aresly Lockhart]
[Sep 10]
Royal Saints                         -  Highlanders
[Sep 12]
Carib Warriors                      4-3 Langley Park Strikers 
  [Donovan Child (3), Umar Lavia; Keziel Johnson, Teklan Spring,
   Daron Dallaway]
[Sep 13]
Carib Warriors Two                  0-1 Ghetto Flames
  [Kevin Quashie]
[Sep 14]
SLR Future Stars                    3-2 KFC Owia 
[Sep 15]
Colonarie Unique Warriors           1-0 Mt. Greenan Attackers 
  [Anesley Lockhart]
[Sep 16]
Paradise Inv. Carib Warriors One    3-1 Royal Saints
  [Tedley Childs, Camilus Forbes, Kenron Osnet; Caville Williams]
[Sep 17]
DESCO United                         -  Highlanders 
[Sep 19]
Brownstown Most Wanted              3-2 Ghetto Flames 
  [Ivan Clarke, Rodale Haywood, Shane Williams; Steve John, Rick Springs]
[Sep 20]
Carib Warriors Two                  2-2 Colonarie Most Wanted
[Sep 21]
Langley Park Strikers               4-0 SLR Future Stars 
[Sep 22]
Linkers FC                          7-0 Mt. Greenan Attackers 
[Sep 23]
Carib Warriors Two                  6-0 Golden Touch of Fancy
[Sep 24]
KFC Owia                             -  Royal Saints 
[Sep 26]
Paradise Investment Carib Warriors  3-1 DESCO Strikers
[Sep 28]
Colonarie Unique Warriors            -  Ghetto Flames 
[Oct 17]
Brownstown Most Wanted              2-1 Linkers FC
[Oct 20]
Langley Park Strikers               1-2 Jar Plum Highlanders
[Oct 21]
DESCO Strikers                      2-1 Royal Saints 
[Oct 23]
Ghetto Flames                       7-1 Golden Touch of Fancy 
[Oct 24]
Jar Plum Highlanders                4-2 Paradise Investment Carib Warriors
[Oct 28]
Highlanders                         3-0 Ghetto Flames
  [Danroy Fredericks, Devon Francis, Ja-wan Cordice]
[Oct 29]
DESCO Strikers                       -  Linkers

Big 8 Tournament

[Oct 31]
SLR Future Stars                     -  Brownstown Most Wanted
Carib Warriors                       -  Colonarie Unique Warriors
[Nov 3]
Brownstown Most Wanted               -  SLR Future Stars
[Nov 4]
Carib Warriors One                   -  Colonarie Unique Warriors

North Leeward

Rudy's Electrical North Leeward Sports Association Football League

NB: matches at Petit Bordel Playing Field.

[Oct 20]
Stag Boys                           3-2 Dynamic Guys 
[Oct 21]
Dr. Thomas Connections              0-2 Sharpes FC Rebellions 

[Oct 23]
Predators of Fitz Hughes            3-1 Catalans 
[Oct 24]
Outstanding Gauge of Barrouallie    4-2 P-Boys 
[Oct 25]
Ajuba of Spring Village              -  Baggie FC 
[Nov 9]
P-Boys                              3-0 Beach Front Older Boys
[Nov 10]
Dr. Thomas Connections               -  Ajuba of Spring Village   
[Nov 11]
Outstanding Gauge of Barrouallie     -  Sharpes FC Rebellions 
Final [Jan 2, Petit Bordel Playing Field]
Outstanding Gauge of Barrouallie    1-0 Predators of Fitz Hughes  
  [Nicholas Richards]

Sion Hill

Annual Sion Hill Inter Village competition

NB: start Oct 9; 6 participants; matches at the Sion Hill Hard Court.

[Oct 9]
Walvaroo One                         -  Bottom Roseau
[Oct 12]
Top Roseau                          3-2 Walvaroo Two 
[Oct 13]
Mala Village                         -  Bottom Roseau
[Oct 16]
Walvaroo One                        4-2 Walvaroo Two 
[Oct 18]
Top Roseau                          3-0 Village
[Oct 20]
Mala Village                        3-0 Walvaroo Two 
[Oct 21]
Bottom Roseau                        -  Walvaroo One 
[Oct 28]
Village                             2-0 Walvaroo Two
[Nov 3]
Walvaroo One                        2-1 Mala Village
[Nov 4]
Walvaroo Two                         -  Bottom Roseau
[Nov 6]
Top Roseau                           -  Walvaroo One

Top Roseau                          5-0 Mala Village
Walvaroo One                        1-1 Village                             [5-3 pens]

Final [Jan 9]
Top Roseau                          1-1 Walvaroo One                        [5-4 pens]
  [Dwayne Dennie (pen) 1-1; Dorian Dallaway 0-1]

South Leeward

Hairoun Beer South Championship
NB: start Sep 12; matches at Campden Park Playing Field.

E.Com Institute Premier Invitational Football Competition

[Oct 13]
Rose Place Roseans                  2-1 Rock-Dale
[Oct 17]
Nemwel Hope International           2-1 Parkside Rollers 
[Oct 20]
Rocksdale FC                        n/p Stingers FC
[Nov 7]
Parkside Rollerz                    2-0 Campdonia Chelsea

Hairoun Beer First Division

[Oct 14]
System Three  2                      -  Hill View
[Oct 15]
Rillan Hill United                   -  Richmond Hill United
[Oct 21]
Campdonia Chelsea FC 2              3-1 Stingers FC 2
[Oct 22]
Campdonia Chelsea FC 3               -  Hill View 
[Nov 2]
Avenues United 2                    5-1 Rillian Hill United
[Nov 3]
Campdonia Chelsea FC 3               -  Hope International 2
[Nov 8]
Campdonia Chelsea FC 2               -  Avenues United 2



list of champions

list of foundation dates

About this document

Thanks to Martin Arenlind and Hans Schöggl

Prepared and maintained by Ian King for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Ian King
Last updated: 24 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Ian King and RSSSF 2010/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.