Singapore 1996

First Stage (Tiger Beer Series)

Final Table:

 1.Geylang United          14  9  1  4  27-14  28  Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Woodlands Wellington    14  8  2  4  25-20  26
 3.Balestier Central       14  7  3  4  22-18  24
 4.Singapore Armed Forces  14  5  3  6  27-25  18
 5.Tiong Bahru United      14  4  5  5  20-19  17
 6.Police                  14  4  5  5  22-23  17
 7.Sembawang Rangers       14  3  4  7  17-32  13
 8.Tampines Rovers         14  3  3  8  18-27  12

Round 1
[Apr 20]
Balestier Central      1-2 Police                  
Geylang United         3-0 Sembawang Rangers       
Tampines Rovers        2-1 Singapore Armed Forces  
[Apr 21]
Woodlands Wellington   2-2 Tiong Bahru United      

Round 2
[Apr 23]
Balestier Central      4-0 Sembawang Rangers       
Police                 2-1 Tampines Rovers         
Singapore Armed Forces 1-0 Tiong Bahru United      
[Apr 24]
Geylang United         0-1 Woodlands Wellington    

Round 3
[Apr 26]
Tiong Bahru United     1-3 Geylang United          
[Apr 27]
Sembawang Rangers      2-2 Police                  
Singapore Armed Forces 1-2 Woodlands Wellington    
Tampines Rovers        1-4 Balestier Central       

Round 4
[Apr 30]
Geylang United         3-1 Singapore Armed Forces  
Police                 2-1 Tiong Bahru United      
[May 14]
Sembawang Rangers      1-1 Tampines Rovers         
Woodlands Wellington   2-1 Balestier Central       

Round 5
[May 3]
Singapore Armed Forces 1-3 Geylang United          
[May 4]
Balestier Central      2-1 Woodlands Wellington    
Tampines Rovers        3-1 Sembawang Rangers       
Tiong Bahru United     1-1 Police                  

Round 6
[May 7]
Geylang United         0-1 Balestier Central       
Police                 0-2 Singapore Armed Forces  
Tiong Bahru United     1-0 Tampines Rovers         
[May 8]
Sembawang Rangers      3-1 Woodlands Wellington

Round 7
[May 10]
Balestier Central      1-1 Tiong Bahru United      
[May 11]
Singapore Armed Forces 6-2 Sembawang Rangers       
Tampines Rovers        2-0 Geylang United          
Woodlands Wellington   1-4 Police                  

Round 8
[May 17]
Police                 1-3 Geylang United          
[May 18]
Sembawang Rangers      2-1 Tiong Bahru United      
Singapore Armed Forces 0-0 Balestier Central       
Woodlands Wellington   3-0 Tampines Rovers         

Round 9 [May 21]
Geylang United         3-1 Tampines Rovers         
Police                 1-2 Woodlands Wellington    
Sembawang Rangers      2-1 Singapore Armed Forces  
Tiong Bahru United     4-0 Balestier Central       

Round 10
[May 24]
Tampines Rovers        1-2 Tiong Bahru United      
[May 25]
Balestier Central      1-0 Geylang United          
Singapore Armed Forces 3-2 Police                  
Woodlands Wellington   2-0 Sembawang Rangers       

Round 11 [May 28]
Balestier Central      2-4 Singapore Armed Forces  
Geylang United         1-0 Police                  
Tampines Rovers        0-2 Woodlands Wellington    
Tiong Bahru United     0-0 Sembawang Rangers       

Round 12
[Jun 1]
Police                 1-1 Balestier Central       
Singapore Armed Forces 3-3 Tampines Rovers         
Tiong Bahru United     3-2 Woodlands Wellington    
[Jun 3]
Sembawang Rangers      1-4 Geylang United          

Round 13
[Jun 7]
Geylang United         2-1 Tiong Bahru United      
[Jun 8]
Balestier Central      2-1 Tampines Rovers         
Police                 2-2 Sembawang Rangers       
Woodlands Wellington   2-1 Singapore Armed Forces  

Round 14
[Jun 14]
Woodlands Wellington   2-2 Geylang United          
[Jun 15]
Sembawang Rangers      1-2 Balestier Central       
Tampines Rovers        2-2 Police                  
Tiong Bahru United     2-2 Singapore Armed Forces  

Final Table:

 1.Geylang United          14  9  1  4  27-14  28  Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Woodlands Wellington    14  8  2  4  25-20  26
 3.Balestier Central       14  7  3  4  22-18  24
 4.Singapore Armed Forces  14  5  3  6  27-25  18
 5.Tiong Bahru United      14  4  5  5  20-19  17
 6.Police                  14  4  5  5  22-23  17
 7.Sembawang Rangers       14  3  4  7  17-32  13
 8.Tampines Rovers         14  3  3  8  18-27  12

Second Stage (Poineer (Pioneer?) Series)

Final Table:

 1.Singapore Armed Forces  14  9  5  0  32-14  32  Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Tiong Bahru United      14  8  3  3  35-18  27
 3.Balestier Central       14  7  3  4  25-19  24
 4.Woodlands Wellington    14  6  3  5  29-25  21
 5.Geylang United          14  6  3  5  20-16  21
 6.Sembawang Rangers       14  4  3  7  14-23  15
 7.Tampines Rovers         14  2  2 10  10-28   8
 8.Police                  14  2  2 10  18-40   8

Round 15
[Jul 11]
Tampines Rovers        1-3 Balestier Central       
[Jul 12]
Sembawang Rangers      1-2 Tiong Bahru United      
[Jul 13]
Geylang United         0-2 Singapore Armed Forces  
Woodlands Wellington   2-1 Police                  

Round 16
[Jul 19]
Balestier Central      2-0 Geylang United          
[Jul 20]
Singapore Armed Forces 0-0 Sembawang Rangers       
Tiong Bahru United     5-2 Police                  
Woodlands Wellington   1-2 Tampines Rovers         

Round 17
[Jul 23]
Police                 1-4 Singapore Armed Forces  
Sembawang Rangers      0-1 Balestier Central       
Tampines Rovers        1-3 Tiong Bahru United      
[Jul 24]
Geylang United         1-1 Woodlands Wellington    

Round 18 [Jul 27]
Balestier Central      3-3 Police                  
Singapore Armed Forces 5-0 Tampines Rovers         
Tiong Bahru United     1-1 Geylang United          
Woodlands Wellington   2-1 Sembawang Rangers       

Round 19 [Aug 6]
Balestier Central      5-1 Woodlands Wellington    
Sembawang Rangers      1-2 Geylang United          
Tampines Rovers        0-0 Police                  
Tiong Bahru United     3-4 Singapore Armed Forces  

Round 20 [Aug 13]
Geylang United         3-0 Tampines Rovers         
Police                 4-2 Sembawang Rangers       
Singapore Armed Forces 2-1 Balestier Central       
Woodlands Wellington   1-2 Tiong Bahru United      

Round 21 [Aug 17]
Balestier Central      2-1 Tiong Bahru United      
Police                 2-3 Geylang United          
Singapore Armed Forces 2-1 Woodlands Wellington    
Tampines Rovers        0-1 Sembawang Rangers       

Round 22 [Aug 20]
Geylang United         4-0 Police                  
Sembawang Rangers      2-1 Tampines Rovers         
Tiong Bahru United     3-0 Balestier Central       
Woodlands Wellington   2-2 Singapore Armed Forces  

Round 23
[Aug 23]
Tiong Bahru United     3-2 Woodlands Wellington    
[Aug 24]
Balestier Central      2-3 Singapore Armed Forces  
Sembawang Rangers      2-0 Police                  
Tampines Rovers        2-1 Geylang United          

Round 24 [Sep 17]
Geylang United         0-1 Sembawang Rangers       
Police                 2-1 Tampines Rovers         
Singapore Armed Forces 1-1 Tiong Bahru United      
Woodlands Wellington   2-2 Balestier Central       

Round 25 [Sep 21]
Geylang United         2-0 Tiong Bahru United      
Police                 0-1 Balestier Central       
Sembawang Rangers      0-3 Woodlands Wellington    
Tampines Rovers        1-2 Singapore Armed Forces  

Round 26 [Sep 28]
Balestier Central      2-2 Sembawang Rangers       
Singapore Armed Forces 3-0 Police                  
Tiong Bahru United     1-1 Tampines Rovers         
Woodlands Wellington   3-1 Geylang United          

Round 27 [Oct 5]
Geylang United         1-0 Balestier Central       
Police                 0-5 Tiong Bahru United      
Sembawang Rangers      1-1 Singapore Armed Forces  
Tampines Rovers        0-3 Woodlands Wellington    

Round 28 [Oct 19]
Balestier Central      1-0 Tampines Rovers         
Police                 3-5 Woodlands Wellington    
Singapore Armed Forces 1-1 Geylang United          
Tiong Bahru United     5-0 Sembawang Rangers       

Final Table:

 1.Singapore Armed Forces  14  9  5  0  32-14  32  Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Tiong Bahru United      14  8  3  3  35-18  27
 3.Balestier Central       14  7  3  4  25-19  24
 4.Woodlands Wellington    14  6  3  5  29-25  21
 5.Geylang United          14  6  3  5  20-16  21
 6.Sembawang Rangers       14  4  3  7  14-23  15
 7.Tampines Rovers         14  2  2 10  10-28   8
 8.Police                  14  2  2 10  18-40   8

29 Eres Jure (SAF)
Championship Playoff [Nov 9]
Singapore Armed Forces 1-2 Geylang United
  [Eres Jure 52; Mohammad Khakpour 46, Hamid Reza Estili 61]

Champions: Geylang United 

Promoted: Jurong

NB: Police were renamed Home United for 1997



list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Henry Ong Heong Yong for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Henry Ong Heong Yong
Last updated: 6 Apr 2011

(C) Copyright Henry Ong Heong Yong and RSSSF 1999/2011
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.