Sierra Leone 2023/24

Premier League 2023/24
FA Cup 2024
Super Cup 2024
National Division One League 2024
Other Tournaments

Premier League 2023/24

Final Table:

 1.Bo Rangers           34  23  7  4  56-19  76  [C]  Champions
 2.Bhantal              34  17 10  7  33-20  61  [P]
 3.FC Kallon            34  17  9  8  45-24  60
 4.Wusum Stars          34  15  9 10  39-24  54
 5.Ports Authority      34  13 13  8  40-34  52
 6.East End Lions       34  12 15  7  38-25  51
 7.Old Edwardians       34  11 15  8  34-25  48
 8.Wilberforce Strikers 34  11 13 10  29-24  46
 9.Luawa                34  12 10 12  32-39  46
10.Freetonians SLIFA    34  11 12 11  31-32  45
11.Mighty Blackpool     34  12  9 13  29-33  45
12.Diamond Stars        34  12  9 13  27-32  45
13.Bai Bureh Warriors   34  11 10 13  26-27  43
14.Lamboi               34  10  9 15  28-37  39
15.Freetown City        34   6 14 14  21-34  32
16.Real Republicans     34   7 11 16  31-53  32       Relegated
17.Kholifa Stars        33   6  6 21  22-44  24  [P]  Relegated
18.Kahunla Rangers      33   6  5 22  18-53  23  [P]  Relegated

NB: remaining match declared void

Round 1
[Nov 3]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-0 Diamond Stars                
Real Republicans             0-1 Luawa                        
[Dec 2]
Bai Bureh Warriors           2-1 Kholifa Stars                
Wusum Stars                  0-0 Old Edwardians               
FC Kallon                    1-1 Ports Authority              
Kahunla Rangers              1-0 Freetown City                
[Dec 3]
Bo Rangers                   1-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bhantal                      1-1 East End Lions               
Lamboi                       2-0 Mighty Blackpool             

Round 2
[Nov 12]
Ports Authority              2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Lamboi                       2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Bo Rangers                   
Diamond Stars                0-0 Bhantal                      
East End Lions               1-1 Wusum Stars                  
Wilberforce Strikers         awd FC Kallon                    [awarded 0-2; abandoned at 1-1
[Nov 13]                                                       in 72' due to pitch invasion]
Mighty Blackpool             1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Real Republicans             3-3 Freetown City                
[Nov 14]
Old Edwardians               1-1 Luawa                        

Round 3
[Nov 17]
Real Republicans             0-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Wilberforce Strikers         1-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Ports Authority              1-3 Bo Rangers                   
[Nov 18]
Luawa                        1-2 Wusum Stars                  
Old Edwardians               1-1 Bhantal                      
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Diamond Stars                2-2 Lamboi                       
[Nov 20]
Freetown City                0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Nov 21]
East End Lions               1-1 Freetonians SLIFA            

Round 4
[Nov 24]
Bhantal                      1-0 Luawa                        
[Nov 25]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-2 Old Edwardians               
Bo Rangers                   0-0 Freetown City                
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-0 Ports Authority              
Mighty Blackpool             1-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Real Republicans             
[Nov 28]
Kholifa Stars                2-1 Diamond Stars                
FC Kallon                    2-1 Kahunla Rangers              
[Nov 30]
Lamboi                       0-0 East End Lions               

Round 5
[Dec 5]
Luawa                        1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Freetown City                0-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Dec 6]
Ports Authority              2-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Wusum Stars                  0-1 Bhantal                      
Wilberforce Strikers         2-0 Diamond Stars                
Kahunla Rangers              0-3 Bo Rangers                   
East End Lions               3-1 Kholifa Stars                
[Dec 7]
Real Republicans             0-2 FC Kallon                    
Old Edwardians               0-0 Lamboi                       

Round 6
[Dec 9]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-0 Wusum Stars                  
Mighty Blackpool             1-2 Freetown City                
[Dec 10]
Lamboi                       0-1 Luawa                        
Kholifa Stars                2-1 Old Edwardians               
Diamond Stars                2-1 Ports Authority              
Bo Rangers                   2-0 FC Kallon                    
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-1 Kahunla Rangers              
[Dec 11]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 East End Lions               
[Dec 12]
Bhantal                      3-0 Real Republicans             

Round 7
[Dec 16]
Real Republicans             2-3 Bo Rangers                   
Wusum Stars                  1-0 Lamboi                       
Old Edwardians               0-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Dec 17]
Kahunla Rangers              0-0 Mighty Blackpool             
FC Kallon                    1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Luawa                        1-0 Kholifa Stars                
Bhantal                      0-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Dec 18]
Freetown City                1-0 Diamond Stars                
[Dec 19]
Ports Authority              1-0 East End Lions               

Round 8
[Dec 22]
Freetonians SLIFA            0-1 Real Republicans             
[Dec 23]
Ports Authority              1-1 Old Edwardians               
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-0 Bo Rangers                   
Lamboi                       0-1 Bhantal                      
Kholifa Stars                1-0 Wusum Stars                  
Wilberforce Strikers         0-2 Luawa                        
Mighty Blackpool             0-3 FC Kallon                    
[Dec 24]
Diamond Stars                1-0 Kahunla Rangers              
East End Lions               1-2 Freetown City                

Round 9
[Dec 29]
Real Republicans             1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Dec 30]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-0 Lamboi                       
Bo Rangers                   3-0 Mighty Blackpool             
Bhantal                      1-0 Kholifa Stars                
Wusum Stars                  2-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Dec 31]
Luawa                        1-1 Ports Authority              
Freetown City                1-0 Old Edwardians               
Kahunla Rangers              awd East End Lions               [awarded 0-2; originally 1-0;
[Jan 1]                                                        Kahunla fielded ineligible player]
FC Kallon                    1-0 Diamond Stars                

Round 10
[Jan 5]
Freetown City                0-0 Luawa                        
[Jan 6]
Ports Authority              0-1 Wusum Stars                  
Mighty Blackpool             1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Kholifa Stars                0-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Jan 7]
Old Edwardians               3-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 Bhantal                      
Lamboi                       1-0 Real Republicans             
[Jan 8]
East End Lions               0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Feb 4]
Diamond Stars                0-1 Bo Rangers                   

Round 11
[Jan 12]
Freetonians SLIFA            2-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Jan 13]
Lamboi                       1-0 Kholifa Stars                
Real Republicans             1-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-0 Diamond Stars                
Wusum Stars                  0-1 Freetown City                
[Jan 14]
Kahunla Rangers              3-0 Luawa                        
Bhantal                      1-2 Ports Authority              
Old Edwardians               0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Jan 28]
Bo Rangers                   0-1 East End Lions               

Round 12
[Jan 17]
Diamond Stars                1-0 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              0-0 Wusum Stars                  
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Real Republicans             
Luawa                        1-0 FC Kallon                    
Old Edwardians               1-1 Bo Rangers                   
Ports Authority              1-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
Wilberforce Strikers         1-0 Lamboi                       
[Jan 18]
East End Lions               2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Freetown City                0-0 Bhantal                      

Round 13
[Jan 20]
Kholifa Stars                0-2 Wilberforce Strikers         
Lamboi                       1-0 Ports Authority              
Bo Rangers                   3-1 Luawa                        
[Jan 21]
FC Kallon                    1-0 Wusum Stars                  
Freetonians SLIFA            1-1 Freetown City                
[Jan 22]
Real Republicans             0-1 Diamond Stars                
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-0 Old Edwardians               
Bhantal                      3-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[Jan 24]
Mighty Blackpool             1-1 East End Lions               

Round 14
[Jan 24]
Wusum Stars                  1-2 Bo Rangers                   
[Jan 26]
Wilberforce Strikers         1-0 Real Republicans             
[Jan 27]
Old Edwardians               2-0 Mighty Blackpool             
[Jan 28]
Kahunla Rangers              0-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
FC Kallon                    0-1 Bhantal                      
Ports Authority              0-3 Kholifa Stars                
Luawa                        0-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Jan 29]
Freetown City                0-0 Lamboi                       
[Feb 14]
East End Lions               2-0 Diamond Stars                

Round 15
[Feb 4]
Real Republicans             2-2 East End Lions               
Lamboi                       2-1 Kahunla Rangers              
Kholifa Stars                0-0 Freetown City                
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-1 Wusum Stars                  
[Feb 5]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-1 Ports Authority              
Freetonians SLIFA            0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Feb 6]
Mighty Blackpool             0-2 Luawa                        
[Feb 28]
Diamond Stars                0-1 Old Edwardians               
[Mar 2]
Bo Rangers                   2-0 Bhantal                      

Round 16
[Feb 10]
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Mighty Blackpool             
[Feb 11]
Bhantal                      3-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Old Edwardians               0-0 East End Lions               
FC Kallon                    2-1 Lamboi                       
Bo Rangers                   2-2 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Feb 12]
Freetown City                1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Kahunla Rangers              4-0 Kholifa Stars                
[Feb 13]
Ports Authority              2-2 Real Republicans             
[Feb 21]
Luawa                        2-0 Diamond Stars                

Round 17
[Feb 17]
Lamboi                       0-0 Bo Rangers                   
Wilberforce Strikers         2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[Feb 18]
East End Lions               2-0 Luawa                        
Kholifa Stars                0-1 FC Kallon                    
Diamond Stars                1-1 Wusum Stars                  
Real Republicans             1-1 Old Edwardians               
Ports Authority              0-0 Freetown City                
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Feb 27]
Mighty Blackpool             0-0 Bhantal                      

Halfway Table:

 1.Bo Rangers           17  11  4  2  27-10  37  [C]
 2.FC Kallon            17   9  5  3  16- 7  32
 3.Bhantal              17   8  7  2  17- 6  31  [P]
 4.Luawa                17   8  4  5  15-13  28
 5.East End Lions       17   6  9  2  19-10  27
 6.Freetown City        17   5 11  1  12- 8  26
 7.Old Edwardians       17   4 11  2  14- 9  23
 8.Wusum Stars          17   6  5  6  14-12  23
 9.Lamboi               17   6  5  6  12-10  23
10.Freetonians SLIFA    17   5  7  5  12-11  22
11.Ports Authority      17   5  7  5  16-18  22
12.Wilberforce Strikers 17   5  5  7  11-13  20
13.Diamond Stars        17   4  4  9   9-17  16
14.Bai Bureh Warriors   17   3  7  7   6-14  16
15.Mighty Blackpool     17   4  4  9   8-21  16
16.Real Republicans     17   3  6  8  14-23  15
17.Kahunla Rangers      17   4  3 10  11-21  15  [P]
18.Kholifa Stars        17   4  2 11  10-20  14  [P]

Round 18
[Mar 15]
East End Lions               1-2 Bhantal                      
[Mar 16]
Luawa                        1-1 Real Republicans             
Ports Authority              0-5 FC Kallon                    
Kholifa Stars                0-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Mar 17]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 Bo Rangers                   
Diamond Stars                3-2 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Mar 18]
Freetown City                0-1 Kahunla Rangers              
[Mar 19]
Mighty Blackpool             0-2 Lamboi                       
[Mar 20]
Old Edwardians               3-2 Wusum Stars                  

Round 19
[Mar 22]
Freetown City                1-2 Real Republicans             
[Mar 23]
Bai Bureh Warriors           awd Lamboi                       [awarded 2-0; abandoned at 0-0 due
[Mar 24]                                                       to a dispute on whether a penalty
Wusum Stars                  0-2 East End Lions                should be retaken]
Bhantal                      2-1 Diamond Stars                
[Mar 25]
FC Kallon                    1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Apr 7]
Bo Rangers                   3-0 Kholifa Stars                
[May 17]
Luawa                        2-1 Old Edwardians               
[May 23]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-3 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              0-3 Ports Authority              

Round 20
[Mar 30]
FC Kallon                    2-0 Freetown City                
[Mar 31]
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Luawa                        
Bai Bureh Warriors           awd Wilberforce Strikers         [awarded 0-2; originally 1-1;
Kahunla Rangers              1-1 Real Republicans              award may have been revoked
Bhantal                      0-2 Old Edwardians                in July]
[Apr 1]
Freetonians SLIFA           ´1-1 East End Lions               
[Apr 2]
Mighty Blackpool             2-1 Kholifa Stars               
[Apr 4]
Lamboi                       1-1 Diamond Stars                
[May 11]
Bo Rangers                   2-1 Ports Authority              

Round 21
[Apr 3]
Freetown City                1-2 Bo Rangers                   
[Apr 5]
Old Edwardians               0-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Apr 6]
Wilberforce Strikers         1-2 Mighty Blackpool             
[Apr 7]
Kahunla Rangers              0-2 FC Kallon                    
East End Lions               4-1 Lamboi                       
[Apr 9]
Luawa                        1-1 Bhantal                      
[Apr 11]
Diamond Stars                1-1 Kholifa Stars                
Real Republicans             1-1 Wusum Stars                  
[Jun 7]
Ports Authority              1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           

Round 22
[Apr 10]
Bo Rangers                   2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[Apr 13]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-1 Luawa                        
Lamboi                       0-1 Old Edwardians               
[Apr 14]
Kholifa Stars                1-1 East End Lions               
FC Kallon                    2-1 Real Republicans             
Diamond Stars                1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bai Bureh Warriors           awd Freetown City                [awarded 2-0; originally 0-0;
[Apr 15]                                                       award may have been revoked
Bhantal                      0-2 Wusum Stars                   in July]
[Apr 16]
Mighty Blackpool             0-0 Ports Authority              

Round 23
[Apr 18]
Real Republicans             0-1 Bhantal                      
[Apr 21]
Kahunla Rangers              2-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Old Edwardians               0-0 Kholifa Stars                
Freetown City                abd Mighty Blackpool             [abandoned at 0-1 in 54' due
[Apr 22]                                                       to power cut]
Freetown City                0-1 Mighty Blackpool             [remaining 36']
Luawa                        1-3 Lamboi                       
[Apr 23]
Ports Authority              0-0 Diamond Stars                
[Apr 24]
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
East End Lions               0-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Apr 28]
FC Kallon                    0-1 Bo Rangers                   

Round 24
[Apr 24]
Bo Rangers                   5-0 Real Republicans             
[Apr 27]
East End Lions               1-1 Ports Authority              
[Apr 28]
Lamboi                       1-2 Wusum Stars                  
Diamond Stars                1-0 Freetown City                
[Apr 29]
Freetonians SLIFA            0-0 Bhantal                      
Kholifa Stars                4-0 Luawa                        
[Apr 30]
Mighty Blackpool             5-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[May 1]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-2 Old Edwardians               
[May 2]
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-2 FC Kallon                    

Round 25
[May 3]
Bhantal                      1-0 Lamboi                       
Wusum Stars                  3-0 Kholifa Stars                
[May 5]
FC Kallon                    0-0 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              1-2 Diamond Stars                
[May 6]
Real Republicans             0-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
[May 7]
Old Edwardians               0-0 Ports Authority              
[May 8]
Luawa                        0-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bo Rangers                   1-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[May 9]
Freetown City                0-0 East End Lions               

Round 26
[May 11]
Lamboi                       1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Bhantal                      
Wilberforce Strikers         2-0 Wusum Stars                  
[May 12]
Bai Bureh Warriors           2-0 Real Republicans             
East End Lions               awd Kahunla Rangers              [awarded 2-0, Kahunla dns]
Diamond Stars                2-1 FC Kallon                    
[May 13]
Old Edwardians               4-1 Freetown City                
[May 15]
Mighty Blackpool             0-1 Bo Rangers                   
[May 31]
Ports Authority              2-2 Luawa                        

Round 27
[May 17]
Bhantal                      0-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[May 18]
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-1 Mighty Blackpool             
FC Kallon                    2-3 East End Lions               
Wusum Stars                  1-0 Ports Authority              
Real Republicans             1-1 Lamboi                       
[May 19]
Freetonians SLIFA            2-0 Kholifa Stars                
Bo Rangers                   1-0 Diamond Stars             
[May 20]
Kahunla Rangers              1-2 Old Edwardians                  
[May 22]
Luawa                        2-0 Freetown City                

Round 28
[May 25]
East End Lions               0-1 Bo Rangers                   
Kholifa Stars                3-1 Lamboi                       
Freetown City                0-0 Wusum Stars                  
[May 26]
Diamond Stars                0-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Wilberforce Strikers         1-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
Mighty Blackpool             3-1 Real Republicans             
[May 27]
Luawa                        2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[May 28]
Ports Authority              3-1 Bhantal                      
[May 29]
FC Kallon                    3-4 Old Edwardians               

Round 29
[Jun 1]
Lamboi                       1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bo Rangers                   0-0 Old Edwardians               
Real Republicans             2-1 Kholifa Stars                
[Jun 2]
Mighty Blackpool             0-1 Diamond Stars                
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Bhantal                      2-0 Freetown City                
[Jun 3]
FC Kallon                    1-1 Luawa                        
[Jun 4]
Freetonians SLIFA            0-1 Ports Authority              
Bai Bureh Warriors           2-0 East End Lions               

Round 30
[Jun 7]
Wilberforce Strikers         1-0 Kholifa Stars                
[Jun 8]
Freetown City                1-2 Freetonians SLIFA            
Luawa                        2-1 Bo Rangers                   
Wusum Stars                  0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Jun 9]
Diamond Stars                2-0 Real Republicans             
East End Lions               0-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              0-1 Bhantal                      
[Jun 11]
Ports Authority              3-0 Lamboi                       
Old Edwardians               0-2 Bai Bureh Warriors           

Round 31
[Jun 12]
Real Republicans             3-2 Wilberforce Strikers         
Freetonians SLIFA            awd Kahunla Rangers              [awarded 2-0, Kahunla dns]
Diamond Stars                0-0 East End Lions               
Bo Rangers                   2-1 Wusum Stars                  
[Jun 13]
Bhantal                      2-1 FC Kallon                    
[Jun 14]
Kholifa Stars                1-2 Ports Authority              
Lamboi                       2-0 Freetown City                
Mighty Blackpool             0-0 Old Edwardians               
Bai Bureh Warriors           3-0 Luawa                        

Round 32
[Jun 15]
East End Lions               1-1 Real Republicans             
[Jun 17]
Kahunla Rangers              1-1 Lamboi                       
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Old Edwardians               0-1 Diamond Stars                
[Jun 18]
Freetown City                3-0 Kholifa Stars                
Luawa                        1-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Ports Authority              0-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Jun 19]
FC Kallon                    4-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Jun 20]
Bhantal                      0-1 Bo Rangers                   

Round 33
[Jun 22]
FC Kallon                    awd Kholifa Stars                [awarded 2-0, Kholifa dns]
Wusum Stars                  4-0 Diamond Stars                
[Jun 23]
Kahunla Rangers              0-4 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Jun 24]
Bhantal                      2-1 Mighty Blackpool             
[Jun 25]
Freetown City                2-3 Ports Authority              
Old Edwardians               1-2 Real Republicans             
[Jun 26]
Luawa                        1-2 East End Lions               
Freetonians SLIFA            2-2 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Jun 30]
Bo Rangers                   5-1 Lamboi                       

Round 34
[Jun 23]
Freetonians SLIFA            2-1 Bo Rangers                   
[Jun 26]
Lamboi                       0-1 FC Kallon                    
[Jun 29]
Kholifa Stars                n/p Kahunla Rangers              [both forfeited; match declared void]
Real Republicans             1-4 Ports Authority              
Wilberforce Strikers         abd Freetown City                [abandoned at 0-1 in 48' after
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-0 Bhantal                       City fan attacked referee]
[Jun 30]
East End Lions               1-0 Old Edwardians               
Mighty Blackpool             1-1 Wusum Stars                  
Diamond Stars                2-0 Luawa                        
[Aug 30]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 Freetown City                [replay]

Final Table:

 1.Bo Rangers           34  23  7  4  56-19  76  [C]  Champions
 2.Bhantal              34  17 10  7  33-20  61  [P]
 3.FC Kallon            34  17  9  8  45-24  60
 4.Wusum Stars          34  15  9 10  39-24  54
 5.Ports Authority      34  13 13  8  40-34  52
 6.East End Lions       34  12 15  7  38-25  51
 7.Old Edwardians       34  11 15  8  34-25  48
 8.Wilberforce Strikers 34  11 13 10  29-24  46
 9.Luawa                34  12 10 12  32-39  46
10.Freetonians SLIFA    34  11 12 11  31-32  45
11.Mighty Blackpool     34  12  9 13  29-33  45
12.Diamond Stars        34  12  9 13  27-32  45
13.Bai Bureh Warriors   34  11 10 13  26-27  43
14.Lamboi               34  10  9 15  28-37  39
15.Freetown City        34   6 14 14  21-34  32
16.Real Republicans     34   7 11 16  31-53  32       Relegated
17.Kholifa Stars        33   6  6 21  22-44  24  [P]  Relegated
18.Kahunla Rangers      33   6  5 22  18-53  23  [P]  Relegated

NB: remaining match declared void

FA Cup 2024

Regional Qualifiers (played in 2023) (14):
Bo:            Ram Kamara
Bonthe:        Path Foundation FC
Kailahun:      Captain Ben Hirsch FC
Kainadugu:     Puna FC
Kambia:        Chico Myers
Karene:        Ashley FC (Kamakwie)
Kenema:        Francess FC 
Kono:          Golden Soccer Academy FC
Makeni:        Bombali Sebora
Moyamba:       Zion FC
Port Loko:     Bullom Stars (Lungi) 
Pujehun:       Gallinese FC
Tonkolili:     Biankoko FC
Western Rural: Waterloo FC

Preliminary Round (between promoted and relegated teams 2022/23 season)
[Jan 24]
Kamboi Eagles                3-0 FC Johansen                  
[Jan 25]
Kahunla Rangers              0-1 East End Tigers              
Bhantal                      0-0 Kholifa Stars                [4-5 pen]

Round 1
[Jan 30]
Francess                     2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Jan 31]
Captain Ben Hirsch           0-1 Ports Authority              
Old Edwardians               4-3 Bombali Sebora               
Path Foundation              1-2 Mighty Blackpool             
Zion                         1-4 Diamond Stars                
East End Lions               2-0 Biankoko                     
FC Kallon                    7-0 Ashley                       
[Feb 1]
Waterloo                     0-0 Bo Rangers                   [2-4 pen]
Real Republicans             2-0 Lamboi                       
Freetonians SLIFA            3-2 Golden Soccer Academy        
Wusum Stars                  7-1 Gallinese                    
Chico Myers                  drw Freetown City                [2-4 pen]
Wilberforce Strikers         3-0 East End Tigers              
Kamboi Eagles                drw Bullom Stars                 [6-7 pen]
Ram Kamara                   0-1 Kholifa Stars                
[Feb 2]
Luawa                        w/o Puna                         [Puna dns]

1/8 Finals
[Feb 8]
Ports Authority              2-0 Real Republicans             
Old Edwardians               3-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Bo Rangers                   2-0 Freetown City                
Diamond Stars                1-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
FC Kallon                    2-0 Kholifa Stars                
[Feb 11?]
Francess                     bt  Luawa                        
[Feb 14]
Mighty Blackpool             5-2 Wusum Stars                  
[Feb 21]
East End Lions               3-1 Bullom Stars                 

[Mar 20]
Diamond Stars                awd East End Lions               [awarded to Lions; finished 0-0 and then
[Mar 21]                                                       abandoned at 3-3 in penalty shoot-out
FC Kallon                    3-2 Francess                      due to pitch invasion]
[Mar 23]
Mighty Blackpool             0-1 Bo Rangers                   
Ports Authority              3-3 Old Edwardians               [5-4 pen]

[Apr 19]
Ports Authority              0-1 Bo Rangers                   
[Apr 20]
East End Lions               0-0 FC Kallon                    [4-3 pen]

Final [May 4, Port Loko City Field]
Bo Rangers                   abd East End Lions               [abandoned at 0-0 in 65' due
                                                               to crowd trouble]
Final [Oct 19, SLFA Kingtom playing pitch]
Bo Rangers                   2-2 East End Lions               [4-1 pen]

Super Cup 2024

[Dec 15, Approved School Field, Freetown]
Bo Rangers                   2-2 Bhantal                      [8-7 pen]

NB: Bhantal entered as league runners-up

National Division One League 2024

Kono District

North East Region

Second Division

Grand Final [Mar 31?]
Soccer Rangers FC            5-3 City Strikers 

NB: both finalists promoted to Division 1

Division One

[Jan 4]
Tommy's Professional FC       -  Klassic FC


First Leg [Jun ?]
Bombali Sebora FC            0-0 Golden Dragon FC             

Second Leg [Jul 3?]
Golden Dragon FC             2-1 Bombali Sebora FC            
Kabala City FC               bt  Smart Foundation FC          [on agg]

NB: Golden Dragon FC and Kabala City FC qualified for National Playoff

Second Division

Bombali District

Final [Jun ?]
Mosongbo Community FC        2-1 Wembley FC

NB: Mosongbo Community FC promoted

Tonkolili District

Final [Jun 29]
Hardit Strikers (Mosombiri)  0-0 Royal Strikers               [4-2 pen]

NB: Hardit Strikers promoted

National Division One Playoffs

Zone A (Freetown)
[Aug 21]
Abacha City                  1-2 Kamboi Eagles                
[Aug 22] 
Kabala City                  1-2 Sunday Foundation            
Imperri                      awd Kamboi Eagles                [awarded 0-2, originally 1-0;
[Aug 23]                                                       Imperri fielded ineligible
Sunday Foundation            0-2 Abacha City                   player]
Imperri                      1-1 Kabala City                  
[Aug 24]
Sunday Foundation            0-1 Kamboi Eagles                
Abacha City                  3-1 Kabala City                  
[Aug 25]
Sunday Foundation            1-3 Imperri                      
[Aug 26]
Imperri                      2-3 Abacha City                  
Kamboi Eagles                3-0 Kabala City                  

Final Table:

 1.Kamboi Eagles         4   4  0  0   8- 1  12  [R]  [Kenema]
 2.Abacha City FC        4   3  0  1   9- 5   9       [Freetown]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3.Imperri Foundation FC 4   1  1  2   6- 7   4       [Gbangbama]
 4.Sunday Foundation FC  4   1  0  3   3- 7   3       [Kambia Town]
 5.Kabala City FC        4   0  1  3   3- 9   1       [Kabala]

Zone B (Makeni)
[Aug 21]
Golden Dragons               0-2 Star Sport Academy           
[Aug 22]
Masoya                       2-2 Francess                     
Limo                         0-1 Star Sport Academy           
[Aug 23]
Francess                     0-1 Golden Dragons               
Limo                         1-0 Masoya                       
[Aug 24]
Golden Dragons               0-1 Masoya                       
Francess                     3-1 Limo                         
[Aug 25]
Star Sport Academy           1-0 Francess                     
[Aug 26]
Golden Dragons               1-1 Limo                         
Star Sport Academy           0-0 Masoya                       

Final Table:

 1.Star Sport Academy FC 4   3  1  0   4- 0  10       [Freetown]
 2.Masoya FC             4   1  2  1   3- 3   5       [Rokulan]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3.Francess FC           4   1  1  2   5- 5   4       [Kenema]
 4.Limo FC               4   1  1  2   3- 5   4       [Rutile]
 5.Golden Dragons        4   1  1  2   2- 4   4       [Magburaka]

Semifinals [Aug 29]
Kamboi Eagles                3-1 Masoya                       
Star Sport Academy           1-0 Abacha City                  

Third Place Match [Aug 31]
Masoya                       0-3 Abacha City                  

Final [Aug 31]
Kamboi Eagles                0-2 Star Sport Academy           

NB: Star Sport Academy, Kamboi Eagles and Abacha City promoted

Other Tournaments

Ernest Bai Koroma Trophy 2023

NB: aka Northern Champions League;
    featured 20 teams, 10 each in the Makeni and Magburaka zone

Zone A (Makeni) [all games at Wusum Stadium]

Zonal Round 1
[Oct 21]
Northern Stars               drw Masongbo                     [1-4 pen]
[Oct 24]
Area Best                     -  Palap All Stars
[Oct 25]
Ocean Boys                   bt  Smart FC 
[Oct 26]
Sahid Conteh-U FC            2-1 Sella Stars FC
  [Santigie Kamara 69, Bobson Lamin Kamara 75; Saviour Bangura 54]
[Oct 27]
Urban Stars FC               drw Biriwa Stars FC 

NB: 5 winners and best losers qualify to round 2;
    both Urban Stars and Biriwa Stars qualified

Zonal Round 2

First Leg [Nov 11]
Sahid Conteh-U FC            6-0 Biriwa Stars FC
  [Julius Ngaujah 14, Juldeh Mansaray 36, Bobson L. Kamara 58, 81, 87, Mohamed L. Kamara 93]

Second Leg [Nov 15]
Biriwa Stars FC              awd Sahid Conteh-U FC            [awarded 0-1, Biriwa forfeited]

NB: 3 winners and best losers to semifinal

Zonal Semifinals

First Leg [Nov 27]
Sahid Conteh-U FC            1-1 Urban Stars FC
  [Saidu Kamara 48; Mohamed Kamara 1-1]

Second Leg [Dec 9]
Urban Stars FC               abd Sahid Conteh-U FC            [abandoned at 1-1 in 80' due to
                                                               match disruption by Urban Stars]
Zonal Final [Dec 12, Wusum Stadium]
Ocean Boys FC                2-0 Sahid Conteh-U FC
  [Amadu Conteh 60, Tejan Kella 93]

Zone B (Makeni)

Zonal Final [Dec 16]
Golden Dragons FC            3-1 Hydro Stars

NB: Ocean Boys FC (Makeni) winners Zone 1, Golden Dragons FC (Magbaruka) winners Zone 2

Overall Final [Apr 28, 2024 (postponed from Dec 25, 2023), Wusum Field, Makeni]
Ocean Boys FC                0-1 Golden Dragons FC

WARDFA Inter Community Tournament 2024 

NB: WARDFA = Western Area Rural District Football Association

Semifinals [Apr 16]
Bassa Town                   bt  Monkey Bush
Rokel                        0-1 Morabie

Third Place Match [Apr 22]
Rokel                         -  Monkey Bush

Grand Final [Apr 29]
Bassa Town                   0-1 Morabie



list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Thanks to Ian King and Hans Schöggl

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 18 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2023/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.