Sergipe State League 2000


AMADENSE Futebol Clube (Tobias Barreto)
Associação Desportiva CONFIANÇA (Aracaju)
Itabaiana CORITIBA Esporte Clube (Itabaiana)
DORENSE Futebol Clube (Nossa Senhora das Dores)
Esporte Clube GARARU (Gararu)
Associação Olímpica de ITABAIANA (Itabaiana)
Atlético Clube LAGARTENSE (Lagarto)
Centro Sportivo MARUINENSE (Maruim)
OLÍMPICO Futebol Clube (Aracaju)
Esporte Clube PROPRIÁ (Propriá)
Sociedade Esportiva SÃO CRISTÓVÃO (Carmópolis)
Club Sportivo SERGIPE (Aracaju)

(Three stages, winner of each stage gets bonus points for the Final

(Two phases; winner of each phase qualified for the Stage Final)

First Phase

Round 1
[Mar 17]
Sergipe 1-0 Confiança

[Mar 19]
Coritiba 0-1 Itabaiana
Propriá 0-0 Dorense
Maruinense 0-1 Amadense
Lagartense 2-1 São Cristovão
Gararu 2-1 Olímpico

Round 2
[Mar 25]
Olímpico 2-3 Lagartense

[Mar 26]
São Cristovão 1-1 Sergipe
Confiança 1-0 Maruinense
Dorense 4-1 Coritiba
Amadense 3-0 Propriá
Itabaiana 0-1 Gararu

Round 3 [Apr 2]
Sergipe 3-0 Olímpico
Lagartense 1-0 Itabaiana
Gararu 2-2 Dorense
Coritiba 1-3 Amadense
Propriá 0-3 Confiança
Maruinense 1-6 São Cristovão

Round 4
[Apr 5]
Confiança 4-0 Coritiba
Amadense 0-1 Gararu
Dorense 1-3 Lagartense
São Cristovão 4-0 Propriá
Itabaiana 0-2 Sergipe

[Apr 6]
Olímpico 1-1 Maruinense

Round 5 [Apr 9]
Sergipe 4-0 Dorense
Lagartense 1-2 Amadense
Gararu 2-2 Confiança
Coritiba 1-2 São Cristovão
Propriá 0-0 Olímpico
Maruinense 1-2 Itabaiana

Round 6
[Apr 22]
Olímpico 0-1 Coritiba

[Apr 23]
Dorense 0-1 Maruinense
Itabaiana 5-0 Propriá
Amadense 0-0 Sergipe
Confiança 1-0 Lagartense
São Cristovão 1-2 Gararu


Group A

1. Sergipe		6	4	2	0	11-1	14	Qualified
2. Gararu		6	4	2	0	10-6	14
3. Lagartense		6	4	0	2	10-7	12
4. Maruinense		6	1	1	4	 4-11	 4
5. Coritiba		6	1	0	5	 4-14	 3
6. Propriá		6	0	2	4	 0-15	 2

Group B

1. Confiança		6	4	1	1	11-3	13	Qualified
2. Amadense		6	4	1	1	 9-3	13
3. São Cristóvão	6	3	1	2	15-7	10
4. Itabaiana		6	3	0	3	 8-5	 9
5. Dorense		6	1	2	3	 7-11	 5
6. Olímpico		6	0	2	4	 4-10	 2

(best team plays for a draw)

[Apr 30]
Sergipe 0-0 Confiança

*** SERGIPE won the First Phase, qualified for the Stage Final ***

Second Phase

Round 1
[Apr 29]
Olímpico 2-2 Dorense

[Apr 30]
São Cristovão 2-1 Itabaiana
Coritiba 1-1 Maruinense

[May 1]
Propriá 0-3 Lagartense

[May 3]
Sergipe 5-0 Gararu
Amadense 2-3 Confiança

Round 2
[May 7]
Propriá 0-8 Sergipe
Gararu 0-0 Maruinense
Lagartense 3-1 Coritiba
São Cristovão 2-1 Amadense
Itabaiana 2-0 Olímpico

[May 8]
Confiança 3-1 Dorense

Round 3
[May 13]
Olímpico 0-1 São Cristovão

[May 14]
Sergipe 3-1 Coritiba
Maruinense 0-1 Lagartense
Gararu 6-0 Propriá
Itabaiana 1-1 Confiança
Dorense 0-0 Amadense

Round 4 [May 17]
Maruinense 1-4 Sergipe
Coritiba 2-0 Propriá
Lagartense 3-2 Gararu
Confiança 2-2 São Cristovão
Dorense 2-0 Itabaiana
Amadense 1-1 Olímpico

Round 5
[May 21]
Sergipe 1-0 Lagartense
Gararu 1-0 Coritiba
Propriá 0-2 Maruinense
Itabaiana 1-0 Amadense

[May 24]
Olímpico 2-3 Confiança
São Cristovão 0-0 Dorense


Group A

1. Sergipe		5	5	0	0	21-2	15	Qualified
2. Lagartense		5	4	0	1	10-4	12
3. Gararu		5	2	1	2	 9-8	 7
4. Maruinense		5	1	2	2	 4-6	 5
5. Coritiba		5	1	1	3	 5-8	 4
6. Propriá		5	0	0	5	 0-21	 0

Group B

1. Confiança		5	3	2	0	12-8	11	Qualified
2. São Cristóvão	5	3	2	0	 7-4	11
3. Dorense		5	1	3	1	 5-5	 6
4. Itabaiana		5	2	1	2	 5-6	 7
5. Amadense		5	0	2	3	 5-7	 2
6. Olímpico		5	0	2	3	 5-9	 2

(best team plays for a draw)

[May 28]
Sergipe 0-0 São Cristóvão

*** SERGIPE won both Phases, no Stage Final needed ***

****************** SERGIPE Winners of the First Stage ******************

(Two phases; winner of each phase qualified for the Stage Final)

First Phase

Round 1 [Jun 4]
Dorense 0-1 Sergipe
Amadense 2-1 Lagartense
Confiança 2-1 Gararu
São Cristovão 1-1 Coritiba
Olímpico 4-1 Propriá
Itabaiana 0-1 Maruinense

Round 2 [Jun 7]
Lagartense 4-0 Olímpico
Sergipe 4-2 São Cristovão
Maruinense 3-1 Confiança
Coritiba 1-1 Dorense
Propriá 1-1 Amadense
Gararu 1-4 Itabaiana

Round 3
[Jun 10]
Confiança 5-0 Propriá

[Jun 11]
Olímpico 1-4 Sergipe
Itabaiana 1-1 Lagartense
Dorense 1-0 Gararu
Amadense 0-0 Coritiba
São Cristovão 1-0 Maruinense

Round 4
[Jun 13]
Propriá 0-0 Itabaiana

[Jun 14]
Coritiba 1-1 Olímpico
Maruinense 2-0 Dorense
Sergipe 1-0 Amadense
Lagartense 1-0 Confiança
Gararu 2-2 São Cristovão

Round 5
[Jun 17]
São Cristovão 1-4 Lagartense
Olímpico 0-2 Gararu

[Jun 18]
Confiança 0-4 Sergipe
Itabaiana 1-1 Coritiba
Dorense 0-0 Propriá
Amadense 3-1 Maruinense

Round 6 [Jun 22]
Coritiba 2-1 Confiança
Gararu 0-0 Amadense
Lagartense 4-0 Dorense
Propriá 2-2 São Cristovão
Sergipe 0-0 Itabaiana
Maruinense 0-1 Olímpico


Group A

1. Sergipe		6	5	1	0	14-3	16	Qualified
2. Lagartense		6	4	1	1	15-4	13
3. Maruinense		6	3	0	3	 7-6	 9
4. Coritiba		6	1	5	0	 6-5	 8
5. Gararu		6	1	2	3	 6-9	 5
6. Propriá		6	0	4	2	 4-12	 4

Group B

1. Amadense		6	2	3	1	 6-4	 9	Qualified
2. Olímpico		6	2	1	3	 7-12	 7
3. Itabaiana		6	1	4	1	 6-4	 7
4. Confiança		6	2	0	4	 9-11	 6
5. São Cristóvão	6	1	3	2	 9-13	 6
6. Dorense		6	1	2	3	 2-8	 5

(best team plays for a draw)

[Jul 5]
Sergipe 2-1 Amadense

*** SERGIPE won the First Phase, qualified for the Stage Final ***

Second Phase

Round 1 [Jun 29]
Dorense 1-0 Olímpico
Itabaiana 1-2 São Cristovão
Maruinense 1-2 Coritiba
Lagartense 4-0 Propriá
Gararu 2-2 Sergipe
Confiança 2-0 Amadense

Round 2
[Jul 2]
Sergipe 6-0 Propriá
Maruinense 0-1 Gararu
Coritiba 1-2 Lagartense
Amadense 1-1 São Cristovão
Olímpico 3-1 Itabaiana
Dorense 0-2 Confiança

Round 3 [Jul 9]
São Cristovão 1-0 Olímpico
Coritiba 0-2 Sergipe
Lagartense 3-0 Maruinense
Propriá 1-0 Gararu
Confiança 0-1 Itabaiana
Amadense 0-0 Dorense

Round 4
[Jul 12]
Sergipe 4-0 Maruinense
Propriá 1-0 Coritiba
Gararu 0-1 Lagartense
São Cristovão 0-1 Confiança
Itabaiana 0-0 Dorense

[Jul 13]
Olímpico 1-2 Amadense

Round 5 [Jul 16]
Lagartense 2-2 Sergipe
Coritiba 2-1 Gararu
Maruinense 1-3 Propriá
Amadense 0-0 Itabaiana
Confiança 2-1 Olímpico
Dorense 3-0 São Cristovão


Group A

1. Lagartense		5	4	1	0	12-3	13	Qualified
2. Sergipe		5	3	2	0	16-4	11
3. Propriá		5	3	0	2	 5-11	 9
4. Coritiba		5	2	0	3	 5-7	 6
5. Gararu		5	1	1	3	 4-6	 4
6. Maruinense		5	0	0	5	 2-13	 0

Group B

1. Confiança		5	4	0	1	 7-2	12	Qualified
2. Dorense		5	2	2	1	 4-2	 8
3. São Cristóvão	5	2	1	2	 4-6	 7
4. Amadense		5	1	3	1	 3-4	 6
5. Itabaiana		5	1	2	2	 3-5	 5
6. Olímpico		5	1	0	4	 5-7	 3

(best team plays for a draw)

[Jul 23]
Lagartense 1-0 Confiança

*** LAGARTENSE won the Second Phase, qualified for the Stage Final ***


[Jul 27]
Lagartense 0-0 Sergipe

[Jul 30]
Sergipe 2-0 Lagartense

****************** SERGIPE Winners of the Second Stage ******************

(Top 6 qualify for Third Stage, bottom 2 relegated)

 1. Sergipe 		26 	17 	 6 	 0 	64-11	57	Qualified
 2. Lagartense 		24 	17 	 3 	 4 	47-18	54	Qualified
 3. Confiança 		25 	13 	 5 	 7 	39-25	42	Qualified
 4. São Cristovão 	22 	 9 	 7 	 6 	35-30	34	Qualified
 5. Amadense 		23 	 7 	 9 	 7 	23-20	30	Qualified
 6. Gararu 		22 	 8 	 6 	 8 	29-29	30	Qualified
 7. Itabaiana 		22 	 6 	 7 	 9 	21-19	25
 8. Dorense	 	22 	 5 	 9 	 8 	18-26	24
 9. Coritiba	 	22 	 5 	 6 	11 	21-35	22
10. Maruinense 		22 	 5 	 3 	14 	16-35	18
11. Propriá 		22 	 3 	 6 	13 	 9-59	15	Relegated
12. Olímpico 		22 	 3 	 5 	14 	21-37	14	Relegated


Round 1
[Aug 3]
Sergipe 2-2 São Cristóvão
Confiança 2-1 Gararu

[Aug 9]
Lagartense 3-1 Amadense


1. Lagartense		 1	1	0	0	 3-1	 3
2. Confiança		 1	1	0	0	 2-1	 3
3. Sergipe		 1	0	1	0	 2-2	 1
   São Cristóvão	 1	0	1	0	 2-2	 1
5. Gararu		 1	0	0	1	 1-2	 0
6. Amadense		 1	0	0	1	 1-3	 0

Topscorers: Aílton (Confiança), 19 goals; Pedro Costa (Sergipe), 17 goals


list of champions

About this document

Thanks to Sergipano 2000 (

Prepared and maintained by Guillermo Rivera for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Guillermo Rivera (
Last updated: 2 Sep 2000

(C) Copyright Guillermo Rivera and RSSSF 2000
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.