Tuesday 16th May 1939 (North America tour) MONTREAL ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 0-9 (0-4) Referee: nk Crowd: 2.000, McGill University Stadium, Montreal, Quebec Goals: 0-1 Jones (3), 0-2 Garrett (8), 0-3 Garrett (nk), 0-4 Jones (43), 0-5 Garrett (46), 0-6 Jones ("immediately afterwards"), 0-7 MacDonald (nk), 0-8 McIntyre (nk), 0-9 McIntyre (nk) MONTREAL ALL-STARS: Bates, Ryrie, George White (Carsteel), Fitzpatrick, Ford, McLean, Roland Castonguay (Carsteel), Sutherland (Carsteel), Tom Turley (Royal Victoria Hospital), George Chambers (Carsteel), Marcel Castonguay (Carsteel). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) William King Lyon (Celtic) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) John Jones (Third Lanark) James Caskie (Everton) Notes: The touring party was not considered a full-strength squad. It also included two non-Scottish born players who had already represented the Scottish League but were not qualified to play in official international matches for Scotland. William Lyon was born in Birkenhead, England and was invited to captain the team as he was not only one of the leading players in the Scottish League but was also a respected and experienced club captain. Lyon won two Junior caps for Scotland in 1933, including one for a match against England. Welshman Benjamin Ellis played for Motherwell and was capped six times for Wales including three games against Scotland between 1932-1936. There is evidence that the composition of the party was not well received in Toronto where it was considered the Scottish FA had sent a weakened team and not of equivalent strength to the side that had played matches in the city on the 1927 and 1935 tours. Each player received a £25 outfit allowance, £6 per week for the duration of the tour and out-of-pocket expenses. Robert Manderson (Queen's Park) was the team attendant.
Sunday 21st May 1939 (North America tour) EASTERN UNITED STATES (AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE) - SCOTLAND XI 1-1 (0-1) Referee: Phil Fox (New York, NY) Crowd: 25.072, Polo Grounds, New York, NY Goals: 0-1 Garrett (27), 1-1 Nemchik (79) EASTERN UNITED STATES (AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE): Stanley Chesney (New York Americans), Friedrich Stoll (Philadelphia German-American), Albert Harker (Philadelphia German-American), James McGuire (St.Mary's Celtic [Brooklyn]), George Barr (Brookhattan [New York]), Charles Altemose (Philadelphia German-American), Robert McIntyre (Brookhattan [New York]), George Nemchik (Philadelphia German-American), Bertrand Patenaude (Philadelphia Passon), Edward Ruddy (Brooklyn Hispano), George Conn (Kearny Scots). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) William King Lyon (Celtic) Thomas McKenzie (Motherwell) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) James Caskie (Everton) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) John Jones (Third Lanark) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) Notes: Before the start of the 1938-39 season New York Brookhattan dropped "New York" from their name and simply became known as Brookhattan.
Wednesday 24th May 1939 (North America tour) MICHIGAN ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 1-7 (1-0) Referee: Bob Stoddard (Windsor, Ontario) Crowd: 11.000, Dinan Field, Detroit, Michigan Goals: 1-0 Coombes (15), 1-1 Carabine (51) penalty, 1-2 Gillies (nk), 1-3 Garrett (67), 1-4 McAvoy ("seconds later"), 1-5 Gillies (nk), 1-6 Jones (nk), 1-7 Caskie (nk) MICHIGAN ALL-STARS: Ed Van Neste [sub: Dougal Nelson (Chrysler SC [Detroit]) nk], Aldo Patria (Chrysler SC [Detroit]), Tommy Ferrans (Chrysler SC [Detroit]), Stan Tranter, Hay (Chrysler SC [Detroit]), Ewald Hilbert [sub: Williamson (Chrysler SC [Detroit]) nk], Barra (Chrysler SC [Detroit]), Ed Wilcocks, Geoff Coombes, O'Donnell, Molly (Chrysler SC [Detroit]) [sub: Browning - minutes nk]. SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Thomas McKenzie (Motherwell) James Caskie (Everton) John Jones (Third Lanark) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde)
Sunday 28th May 1939 (North America tour) ST.LOUIS ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 2-10 (1-3) Referee: nk Crowd: 7.500, name of the stadium nk, St.Louis, Missouri Goals: 0-1 McAvoy (7), 0-2 Garrett (10), 0-3 Garrett (17), 1-3 Gonsalves (nk) penalty, 1-4 Gillies (49), 1-5 Garrett (51), 1-6 Gillies (60), 1-7 Garrett ("midway through the half"), 1-8 Garrett ("midway through the half"), 1-9 Garrett (87), 2-9 Murphy (nk), 2-10 Garrett (89) ST.LOUIS ALL-STARS: Ducker (or Dueker), Larry Mrnka (Chicago Sparta), Thompson, Iner Pierson (Chicago Sparta), Billy Watson (club nk but South Side Radio in 1938), Cooney, James Wolf (Chicago Sparta), Aldo Donelli (Morgan [Morgan, PA]), James McDermott (Chicago Sparta), Billy Gonsalves (Manhattan Beer [Chicago]), Alex McNab (Burke's Undertakers). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Thomas McKenzie (Motherwell) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) James Caskie (Everton) Notes: Murphy, the scorer of the second St.Louis goal, had come on as a substitute. The selection of the St.Louis All-Stars team was made difficult as the St.Louis Soccer League had dissolved in the previous season. In the 1938-39 season a "one-off" competition was organised with five clubs and only two from St.Louis. Other clubs from the city would have played in the St.Louis Municipal League. It appears that the team was drawn from clubs playing in this competition that included two teams from Chicago (Sparta & Manhattan Beer) as well as the local team Burke's Undertakers. South Side Radio had probably rejoined the Municipal League for this season. It has not been possible to find a reason for Aldo Donelli's selection.
Wednesday 31st May 1939 (North America tour) ALBERTA ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 0-7 (0-3) Referee: Jack Armstrong (nk) Crowd: 1.500, name of the stadium nk, Calgary, Alberta Goals: 0-1 McAvoy (nk), 0-2 McIntyre (40), 0-3 Hamilton (42), 0-4 Jones (48), 0-5 Hamilton (65), 0-6 McAvoy (nk), 0-7 McAvoy (nk) ALBERTA ALL-STARS: Bobby Dunlop (Lethbridge), W Law (Hillhurst [Calgary]), C Ogilvie (Callies [Calgary]), Doug Tucker (Hillhurst [Calgary]), Ted Lewis (Civics [Edmonton]), Dave Roberts (Drumheller), Tim West (Callies [Calgary]), A Brown (Callies [Calgary]), Johnson (Civics [Edmonton]), Bobby Graham (Civics [Edmonton]), Bobby Steedman (Callies [Calgary]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) John Jones (Third Lanark) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde)
Saturday 3rd June 1939 (North America tour) UPPER ISLAND ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 2-4 (0-4) Referee: Jackson (Cumberland, British Columbia) Crowd: 1.500, name of the stadium nk, Nanaimo, British Columbia Goals: 0-1 Ellis (20) penalty, 0-2 Jones (21), 0-3 Jones (31), 0-4 Jones (33), 1-4 Parks (52), 2-4 Tantrum (89) UPPER ISLAND ALL-STARS: Johnstone (Occidentals [Nanaimo]), Gibson (Rangers [Cumberland]), Bilton (Galahads [Nanaimo]), Peffers (Eagles [Nanaimo]), Watson (Rangers [Cumberland]), A Thompson (or Thomson) (Eagles [Nanaimo]), Easterbrook (Eagles [Nanaimo]), Parks (Rangers [Cumberland]), Jimmy Tantrum (Rangers [Cumberland]), G "Ukie" Grey (Occidentals [Nanaimo]), Christopher (Occidentals [Nanaimo]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Thomas McKenzie (Motherwell) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) James Caskie (Everton) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) John Jones (Third Lanark) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde)
Monday 5th June 1939 (North America tour) VANCOUVER ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 1-4 (1-1) Referee: Alex Murray (nk) Crowd: 4.000, Con Jones Park, Vancouver, British Columbia Goals: 0-1 Garrett (30), 1-1 Spencer (32), 1-2 Garrett (51), 1-3 Garrett (55), 1-4 Gillies (75) VANCOUVER ALL-STARS: Dan Kulai (St.Saviours), Erling Storness (St.Andrews), Don Cowan (Radials), Billy Hislop (St.Andrews), Trevor Harvey (North Shore United), Johnny Craig (St.Andrews), George Greig (St.Andrews), Horace Heath (St.Saviours), Mike McManus (North Shore United), Jimmy Spencer (North Shore United), Norm McLeod (Westminster Royals [New Westminster]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) Thomas McKenzie (Motherwell) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Caskie (Everton) Notes: John Jones (Third Lanark) replaced McKenzie in the second-half. MacDonald moved to right half and Jones played at inside right. McKenzie was injured in the 4th minute and after going off the field for treatment and returning he finally left the field after 24 minutes.
Wednesday 7th June 1939 (North America tour) LOWER ISLAND ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 0-6 (0-2) Referee: nk Crowd: 1.250, Royal Athletic Park, Victoria, British Columbia Goals: 0-1 Jones (20), 0-2 Gillies (41), 0-3 Caskie (51), 0-4 Hamilton (57), 0-5 Bolt (67), 0-6 Jones (87) LOWER ISLAND ALL-STARS: Wally Rowe (Victoria probably City), Bobby Bell (Victoria West), Arnie Wilkinson (Army), Cliff Robbins (Victoria City), Glen Robbins (Victoria City), George Leggatt (Victoria City), Gordie Bell (Esquimalt), "Scotty" Stewart (Esquimalt), Alec (or Alex) Ross (Navy), Ralph Cosier (Victoria City), Jack Okell (Victoria West). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) James Caskie (Everton) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) John Jones (Third Lanark) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde)
Saturday 10th June 1939 (North America tour) BRITISH COLUMBIA ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 2-3 (0-2) Referee: Dick Woodard (nk) Crowd: 7.000, name of the stadium nk, Vancouver, British Columbia Goals: 0-1 MacDonald (15), 0-2 Garrett (34), 1-2 West (59), 2-2 McKay (65), 2-3 Gillies (82) BRITISH COLUMBIA ALL-STARS: Stan Stronge (Radials [Vancouver]), Don Cowan (Radials [Vancouver]), Tommy McKibbin (Radials [Vancouver]), Murray West (St.Saviours [Vancouver]), Trevor Harvey (North Shore United [Vancouver]), Jimmy Gemmell (Westminster Royals [New Westminster]), Jack Johnson (Radials [Vancouver]), Johnny McKay (Radials [Vancouver]), Hap Smith (St.Andrews [Vancouver]), Jimmy Spencer (North Shore United [Vancouver]), Norm McLeod (Westminster Royals [New Westminster]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) James Caskie (Everton) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde)
Monday 12th June 1939 (North America tour) SASKATCHEWAN ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 0-6 (0-3) Referee: Jimmy Whyte (Regina, Saskatchewan) Crowd: 1.000, Park Hughes, Regina, Saskatchewan Goals: 0-1 Gillies (23), 0-2 Ellis (33) penalty, 0-3 Garrett (43), 0-4 Jones (61), 0-5 MacDonald (80), 0-6 Garrett (84) SASKATCHEWAN ALL-STARS: Syd Wilson (North Regina [Regina]), Fred Rogers (Thistles [Regina]), Bucky Smith (Hearts [Saskatoon] – see notes below), Sonny Hughes (Army and Navy [Saskatoon]), Bill Todd (Moose Jaw), Dick Jones (Canadian Nationals (Nats) [Regina]), Jimmy Woods (Canadian Nationals (Nats) [Regina]), Charlie Gemmill (North Regina [Regina]), Owen "Red" McInerny (Canadian Nationals (Nats) [Regina]), Roy Campbell (Thistles [Regina]), Mel Hill (Legion Sons [Saskatoon]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) John Jones (Third Lanark) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde) Notes: On 10th June 1939 the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix announced that the Maymount Rangers club had changed their name to Hearts. Contemporary reports in the Scottish newspapers write that two Canadian substitutions were made at half-time. They do not mention either of the players' names or say that they were replacing injured players but do note that the changes were made to the forwards. Canadian sources name the substitutes as Tommy Wonoroski (Canadian Nationals (Nats) [Regina]) and Jim Irving (Moose Jaw).
Wednesday 14th June 1939 (North America tour) MANITOBA ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 1-6 (0-5) Referee: Art King (Winnipeg, Manitoba) Crowd: 4.000, name of the stadium nk, Winnipeg, Manitoba Goals: 0-1 McNab (12), 0-2 Hamilton (19), 0-3 McIntyre (29), 0-4 Jones (42) penalty, 0-5 Caskie (43), 0-6 Hamilton (60), 1-6 Hodgert (nk) MANITOBA ALL-STARS: Ike Gelfend, George Ness, Lennon, Andy Bruce (United Weston [Winnipeg]), Hector Tyler (club nk but United Weston [Winnipeg] in 1938), Isaac Hind (Irish [Winnipeg]), Harry Beckwith (Irish [Winnipeg]), Bruce Gardiner (Irish [Winnipeg]), Bobby Hampton (Irish [Winnipeg]), Eddie Hodgert (United Weston [Winnipeg]), George Pickup (Irish [Winnipeg]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) John Jones (Third Lanark) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) James Caskie (Everton)
Saturday 17th June 1939 (North America tour) ONTARIO ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 0-2 (0-1) Referee: Don L Jowett (nk) Crowd: 3.500, Ulster Stadium, Toronto, Ontario Goals: 0-1 McIntyre (25), 0-2 Garrett (80) ONTARIO ALL-STARS: Dick Arends (British Consols [Toronto]), Bill Davison (Ulster United [Toronto]), John Leitch (City [Hamilton]),Harold McCullough (Ulster United [Toronto]), Jim (or John) Winning (England United [Toronto]), Art Fairley (Stelcos [Hamilton]), Ollie Sutton (Ulster United [Toronto]), Johnny Aiken (Ulster United [Toronto]), Billy Young (Frood Mines), Norman Donald (Scottish [Toronto]), James Moir (Ulster United [Toronto]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) Thomas McIntyre (Hibernian) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) Archibald Campbell Garrett (Heart of Midlothian) Douglas Haig McAvoy (Kilmarnock) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde) Notes: Under Ontario laws substitutions could be made. For the second-half the Ontario team made two changes: Ollie Sweeney replaced Young with Sutton moving to the centre forward and Sid Davis replaced Fairley at left half.
Sunday 18th June 1939 (North America tour) AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE - SCOTLAND XI 2-2 (2-2) - (2-4 after extra-time) Referee: nk Crowd: 15.196, Polo Grounds, New York, NY Goals: 0-1 Gillies (5), 1-1 Boyle (30), 2-1 Altemose (31), 2-2 Carabine (32), 2-3 Carabine (98), 2-4 Carabine (106) AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE: Stanley Chesney (New York Americans), Friedrich Stoll (Philadelphia German-American), Albert Harker (Philadelphia German-American), Robert McIntyre (Brookhattan [New York]), George Barr (Brookhattan [New York]), Charles Altemose (Philadelphia German-American), John Wojciechowicz (Kearny Scots), George Nemchik (Philadelphia German-American), Henry "Razzo" Carroll (Brookhattan [New York]), William Cooper (Kearny Irish), Joseph Boyle (Brookhattan [New York]). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) Robert Bolt (Falkirk) William King Lyon (Celtic) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Caskie (Everton) Notes: Extra time was played as the Peto Cup, donated by the American Association, was at stake. Some sources award the first American goal to Carroll and not Boyle.
Wednesday 21st June 1939 (North America tour) NEW ENGLAND ALL-STARS - SCOTLAND XI 1-3 (0-1) Referee: Phil Fox (New York, NY) Crowd: 7.000, Cranston Stadium, Providence, Rhode Island Goals: 0-1 Gillies (5), 0-2 Caskie (51), 1-2 Sousa (72), 1-3 Hamilton (nk) NEW ENGLAND ALL-STARS: Buddy Ostberg (Worcester Swedish Americans), Walter Slicer (Boston Celts), Henry Margeson (Providence Aces), Steve Quinn (Providence Aces), Joseph Rego-Costa (Ponta Delgada [Fall River]), Walter Dick (Philadelphia Passon), Tom Florie (Providence Aces), Mike Sousa (Providence Aces), Bertrand Patenaude (Philadelphia Passon), Mackie Almeida (St.Michaels' [Fall River]) [sub: John Zukowski (Holy Cross [Fall River]) - minutes nk], Frank "Shorty" Moniz (Lusitania Recreation). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Gray (Rangers) Benjamin Ellis (Motherwell) William King Lyon [c] (Celtic) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Alexander McNab (West Bromwich Albion) James Caskie (Everton) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) John Crawford Gillies (Clyde) Notes: The match was played 40 minutes each way. The first-half was played under natural light. Floodlights were switched on at the start of the second-half, however, only illuminated one half of the pitch.
Saturday 2nd December 1939 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 2-1 (1-1) Referee: Harry Nattrass (Seaham, England) Crowd: 15.000, St James Park, Newcastle Goals: 1-0 Lawton (10), 1-1 Dodds (40), 2-1 Clifton (70) ENGLAND: Thomas Anderson Swinburne (Newcastle United), Joseph Richardson (Newcastle United), Norman Greenhalgh (Everton), Henry Goslin (Bolton Wanderers) [c], Bernard Harper (Barnsley), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Thomas Lawton (Everton), Henry Clifton (Newcastle United), Thomas Usher Pearson (Newcastle United). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Robert Francis Dudgeon Ancell (Newcastle United) Henry Pinkerton (Falkirk) Robert Denholm Baxter (Middlesbrough/Oct.1939 Heart of Midlothian) Thomas Law Brown (Heart of Midlothian) Robert Joseph Finan (Blackpool) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) Charles Edward Napier (Sheffield Wednesday) James Caskie (Everton/Oct.1939 St.Mirren) Notes: Under special war-time arrangements a player could play for a club other than the one that held his registration. He could join another club if it was nearer and the closest to where he was working or serving in the armed forces. In these cases both clubs are shown. The first is the one with which he is registered and is followed by the date and club he joined on a temporary basis. Permission was required to be given by the first to the second club. This could be for one match or for a longer period depending on circumstances. The date shown is of the last known consent prior to the match. Two England players from Manchester City (Sam Barkas and Eric Brook) were injured in a road accident travelling to Newcastle on the morning of the match. Their non-arrival caused the kick-off to be delayed. England started with nine men before two Newcastle United players (Richardson and Pearson) came on to the field. Thomas Pearson was born in Edinburgh and as a Newcastle United player he went on to win two full Scottish caps in 1947, including one for a match against England. The attendance of 15.000 was, at the time of the match, the reduced war-time capacity of St James Park. The game was held to raise funds for the British Red Cross Fund.
Saturday 16th March 1940 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI 2-2 (1-0) Referee: William McCulloch (Glasgow) Crowd: 7.500, Netherdale, Galashiels Goals: 1-0 Martin (30), 1-1 Joyner (nk), 2-1 Miller (nk), 2-2 Gillies (75) SCOTLAND XI: George Edward Jenkins (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) William Andrew Cheyne (Motherwell) William Duncan Buchanan (Queen's Park) William King Lyon (Celtic) Samuel Young Ross (Rangers) James Caskie (Everton/Oct.1939 St.Mirren) Thomas Walker [c] (Heart of Midlothian) William Martin (Clyde) William Rennie Miller (Falkirk) Robert Nutley (Hibernian) ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI: Thomas Brown (Ipswich Town), Robert Young (Motherwell), Rae (All India), Robert Fraser (Hibernian), Burgoyne (Baillieston Juniors), Joseph Tosh (Hibernian), David Kinnear (Rangers), Oliver Anderson (Celtic), David Mathie (Motherwell), Francis McNab Joyner (Sheffield United/Nov.1939 Third Lanark), John Crawford Gillies (Clyde). Notes: This match was played at the home of Gala Rugby Club and not Gala Fairydean Football Club. The clubs play at adjacent grounds both called Netherdale. However, it appears that during the War Gala Fairydean had temporarily returned to their former ground at Raid Stane Park that was judged too small to have hosted this match. Rae in the Army XI was a regular soldier and had previously played for the Indian Army.
Saturday 20th April 1940 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (KING'S OWN SCOTTISH BORDERERS) XI 5-1 (0-0) Referee: Robert G Benzie (Irvine, Ayrshire) Crowd: 4.000, Shielfield Park, Berwick-upon-Tweed Goals: 1-0 Gilmour (50), 2-0 Wallace (61), 3-0 Wallace (75), 4-0 Wallace (85), 4-1 Carrigan (nk), 5-1 Wallace (nk) SCOTLAND XI: George Edward Jenkins (Rangers) John Bonomy (Partick Thistle) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Ernest Till (Raith Rovers) William King Lyon (Celtic) Edward McLeod (Partick Thistle) James Caskie (Everton/Oct.1939 St.Mirren) Thomas Gilmour (Rangers) David Wilson (Hamilton Academical) Douglas Herbert Wallace (Clyde) Robert Nutley (Hibernian) ARMY (KING'S OWN SCOTTISH BORDERERS) XI: Pte Best (late Bohemians), Sgt Crowley (late Ardrossan Winton Rovers), Cpl Ferguson (Army) [c], Pte Alexander White (late Chelsea & Airdrieonians), Pte Langley (late Yorkshire Amateurs), L/Cpl David Veitch (late Edinburgh City), Pte George Penrose (late Hall Russell's & Liverpool), L/Cpl McGowan (late Tranent Juniors), Pte William Rathie (late Leith Athletic & Heart of Midlothian), Pte Jim McLean (late Hibernian), Pte Carrigan (late Glasgow Perthshire).
Wednesday 24th April 1940 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – EMPIRE ARMY XI 4-1 (1-1) Referee: Sgt Robert E Carruthers (Coatbridge, Scotland) Crowd: 7.650, Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh Goals: 0-1 Compton (12), 1-1 Walker (28), 2-1 McCulloch (48), 3-1 McCulloch (78), 4-1 McCulloch (80) SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Robert Brown Hogg (Celtic) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Ernest Till (Raith Rovers) Robert Denholm Baxter (Middlesbrough/Oct.1939 Heart of Midlothian) Thomas Law Brown (Heart of Midlothian) James Caskie (Everton/Oct.1939 St.Mirren) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) David McCulloch (Derby County/Apr.1940 Falkirk) Alexander Venters (Rangers) Kenneth Dawson (Falkirk) EMPIRE ARMY XI: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Bert Sproston (Manchester City), William Cook (Everton), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Wilfred Copping (Arsenal), Leonard Duns (Sunderland), Michael Fenton (Middlesbrough), William Fagan (Liverpool), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). Notes: Just after the start of the second-half Matthew Busby (Liverpool) replaced Wilfred Copping who had been injured in the first-half.
Saturday 11th May 1940 (Wartime international) SCOTLAND XI - ENGLAND 1-1 (0-0) Referee: William Webb (Glasgow) Crowd: 75.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 0-1 Welsh (50), 1-1 Dougal (59) SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Duncan Fraser McClure (Heart of Midlothian) William Shankly (Preston North End) Robert Denholm Baxter [c] (Middlesbrough/Oct.1939 Heart of Midlothian) Thomas Law Brown (Heart of Midlothian) James Caskie (Everton/Oct.1939 St.Mirren) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) David McCulloch (Derby County) Alexander Venters (Rangers) James Dougal (Preston North End) ENGLAND: Victor Robert Woodley (Chelsea), Bert Sproston (Manchester City), Edris Albert Hapgood (Arsenal) [c], Charles Kenneth Willingham (Huddersfield Town), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), John Rowland Martin (Aston Villa), Frank Henry Broome (Aston Villa), Donald Welsh (Charlton Athletic), James Christopher [Reginald] Smith (Millwall). Notes: The match was held to raise funds for the British Red Cross Fund. However, up until the day before it was at risk of not going ahead as the UK Government had introduced new restrictions on war-time football matches. The attendance of 75.000 was the reduced (50%) war-time capacity of Hampden Park.
Saturday 14th December 1940 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI 4-2 (1-0) Referee: James M Martin (Ladybank, Fife) Crowd: "meagre", Starks Park, Kirkcaldy Goals: 1-0 Milne (15), 2-0 T Brown (55), 3-0 Gilmartin (70), 3-1 McCartney (75), 3-2 Stevenson (76), 4-2 McIntosh (nk) SCOTLAND XI: James M Hall (Ayr United) Ralph Montgomery Cowan (Rangers) William Greer Manderson (St.Johnstone/Nov.1940 Airdrieonians) John Thomson (Hamilton Academical) George R Thomson (Aberdeen/Aug.1940 Rangers) George Clark Phillips Brown (Rangers) John Gilmartin (Hibernian) William Rennie Miller (Falkirk) William Dowling McIntosh (St.Johnstone/Oct.1940 Rangers) Thomas Law Brown (Heart of Midlothian) John Vance Milne (Dumbarton) ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI: Samuel Rodger (Saint Anthony's and Blantyre Victoria), Robert Allan (Dundee), Sidney Jones (Arsenal/date nk Bradford City/Brentford), Alex Sharp (Albion Rovers), William C Masson (Dundee/Aug.1940 Falkirk), Hugh Morrison Wales (Motherwell), Albert Degnan (Albion Rovers), James Stevenson (Third Lanark), Alexander W Younger (Partick Thistle), Robert H McCartney (East Fife/Apr.1940 Heart of Midlothian), George Loudon (Albion Rovers). Notes: The Scottish Command had difficulties raising a team and immediately before the match only had ten players. In the emergency they were able to find goalkeeper Samuel Rodger from Junior football. Both sides were struggling to put a team together and several players played out of their normal position. William Manderson left the field in the second-half with a foot injury.
Saturday 25th January 1941 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI 1-0 (1-0) Referee: Peter Craigmyle (Aberdeen) Crowd: 4.000, Dens Park, Dundee Goal: 1-0 Flavell (40) SCOTLAND XI: Edward McAffrey (Third Lanark) David Logan (Hibernian) Herbert M Dickson (Queen's Park) Thomas Boyd McKillop (Rangers) George R Thomson (Aberdeen/Aug.1940 Rangers) George Clark Phillips Brown (Rangers) John Vance Milne (Dumbarton) Robert Gardiner (Bristol Rovers/Sep.1940 Morton) Robert Wilson Flavell (Airdrieonians) Charles Edward Napier (Sheffield Wednesday/Aug.1940 Falkirk) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1940 St.Mirren) ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI: Gnr Samuel Rodger (Saint Anthony's and Blantyre Victoria), Lt Robert Allan (Dundee), L/Bdr Sidney Jones (Arsenal/date nk Bradford City/Brentford), 2nd Lt John S Laurie (Dundee/Jan.1941 Partick Thistle), Sgt William C Masson (Dundee/Aug.1940 Falkirk), L/Bdr Hugh Morrison Wales (Motherwell), Pte Albert Degnan (Albion Rovers), Pte Alex Sharp (Albion Rovers), Sgt J Kyle (Queen's Park), Gnr Robert H McCartney (East Fife/Apr.1940 Heart of Midlothian), Pte George Loudon (Albion Rovers). Notes: The goalkeeper of the Scottish Command team was once again Samuel Rodger who was previously pressed into service in the match on 14th December 1940. This time he stepped in to replace Dundee's goalkeeper John Lynch.
Saturday 8th February 1941 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 2-3 (2-2) Referee: Tommy Thompson (Lemington, Northumberland) Crowd: 25.000, St James Park, Newcastle Goals: 1-0 Birkett (7), 1-1 Bacuzzi (17) own goal, 2-1 Lawton (40), 2-2 Wallace (45), 2-3 Wallace (68) ENGLAND: Samuel Bartram (Charlton Athletic), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Reginald Charles Mountford (Huddersfield Town), Charles Kenneth Willingham (Huddersfield Town), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers) [c], Joseph Mercer (Everton), Ralph James Evans Birkett (Newcastle United), Wilfred James Mannion (Middlesbrough), Thomas Lawton (Everton), Leonard Arthur Goulden (West Ham United), Adolph Jonathan Hanson (Chelsea). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) Robert Brown Hogg (Celtic) Andrew Beattie (Preston North End) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) George Clark Phillips Brown [c] (Rangers) John Vance Milne (Middlesbrough/Aug.1940 Dumbarton) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) James Smith (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Wallace (Clyde) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1940 St.Mirren) Notes: Douglas Wallace was born and raised in South Africa. The match was held to raise funds for the British Red Cross Fund.
Saturday 19th April 1941 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI 2-1 (1-1) Referee: W Jaffray (Aberdeen) Crowd: 8.000, Linksfield Stadium, Aberdeen Goals: 1-0 Mills (17), 1-1 Yorston (38), 2-1 Wallace (85) penalty SCOTLAND XI: Joseph Crozier (Brentford/Aug.1940 Airdrieonians) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Peter Curran (Partick Thistle) Robert Russell (Airdrieonians) George R Thomson (Aberdeen/Aug.1940 Rangers) George Clark Phillips Brown [c] (Rangers) Stanley Matthews (Stoke City & England) William Mills (Huddersfield Town/Aug.1940 Clyde) Robert Keyes (Falkirk) Douglas Herbert Wallace (Clyde) William Browning (Queen's Park) ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI: David Ferguson Paton (Queen's Park), Alexander White (Chelsea/Aug.1940 Airdrieonians), Robert Allan (Dundee), John S Laurie (Dundee/Jan.1941 Partick Thistle), Andrew Johnstone McCall (Nottingham Forest/ Aug.1940 Clyde), Austin Collier (York City/Aug.1940 Partick Thistle), John Donaldson (Heart of Midlothian), Gordon Hunter Bremner (Arsenal/Jan.1941 Motherwell), George Douglas Whalley (Heart of Midlothian), Benjamin Collard Yorston (Middlesbrough/Dec.1940 Hibernian), Joseph Johnston (Motherwell). Notes: Stanley Matthews had been recently posted to Scotland and was invited to play for the Scotland XI.
Saturday 3rd May 1941 (Wartime international) SCOTLAND XI - ENGLAND 1-3 (1-1) Referee: Peter Craigmyle (Aberdeen) Crowd: 78.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 1-0 Venters (10), 1-1 Welsh (44), 1-2 Goulden (68), 1-3 Welsh (87) SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) John "Jock" Shaw (Rangers) William Shankly [c] (Preston North End) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Thomas Law Brown (Heart of Midlothian) Torrance Gillick (Everton/Aug.1940 Rangers) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) James Smith (Rangers) Alexander Venters (Rangers) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1940 St.Mirren) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Edris Albert Hapgood (Arsenal) [c], Henry Goslin (Bolton Wanderers), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Wilfred James Mannion (Middlesbrough), Donald Welsh (Charlton Athletic), Leonard Arthur Goulden (West Ham United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). Notes: The match was held to raise funds for the British Red Cross Fund.
Saturday 17th May 1941 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI 5-1 (3-0) Referee: J Rennie (Dysart, Fife) Crowd: 8.000, Bayview, Methil Goals: 1-0 Wallace (10), 2-0 Mills (11), 3-0 Wallace (13) penalty, 4-0 Stead (2ndH), 5-0 Wallace (2ndH) The name of the Army XI goalscorer and the time of his goal are not known. SCOTLAND XI: Joseph Crozier (Brentford/Aug.1940 Airdrieonians) James Kirk (Clyde) Peter Curran (Partick Thistle) Robert Russell (Airdrieonians) Robert Denholm Baxter [c] (Middlesbrough/Aug.1940 Hibernian) George R Thomson (Aberdeen/Aug.1940 Rangers) Thomas Adams (East Fife/Apr.1940 Hibernian) William Mills (Huddersfield Town/Aug.1940 Clyde) Douglas Herbert Wallace (Clyde) Angus Wilkinson Stead (St.Mirren) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1940 St.Mirren) ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI: David Ferguson Paton (Queen's Park), James Carabine (Third Lanark), Robert Allan (Dundee) [c], John S Laurie (Dundee/May 1941 Motherwell), George Sutherland (Partick Thistle), Alex Sharp (Albion Rovers), Joseph Johnston (Motherwell), Gordon Hunter Bremner (Arsenal/Jan.1941 Motherwell), Benjamin Collard Yorston (Middlesbrough/Dec.1940 Hibernian), Robert H McCartney (East Fife/ Apr.1940 Heart of Midlothian), David Kinnear (Rangers/Apr.1941 Hamilton Academical). Notes: Robert McCartney and Joseph Johnston replaced Robert G Harrison (Hamilton Academical) and Albert Degnan (Albion Rovers) respectively from the selected Army XI.
Saturday 4th October 1941 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 2-0 (2-0) Referee: FS Milner (Wolverhampton, England) Crowd: 60.000, The Empire Stadium, Wembley (Wembley became part of London on 1st April 1965) Goals: 1-0 Welsh (14), 2-0 Hagan (37) ENGLAND: William [George] Marks (Arsenal), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Edris Albert Hapgood (Arsenal) [c], Henry Goslin (Bolton Wanderers), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Wilfred James Mannion (Middlesbrough), Donald Welsh (Charlton Athletic), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Andrew Beattie (Preston North End) William Shankly (Preston North End) James Dykes [c] (Heart of Midlothian) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1941 Hibernian) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) James Smith (Rangers) Douglas Herbert Wallace (Clyde) Alfred [Stanley] Williams (Aberdeen/Jun.1941 Clyde) Notes: Stanley Williams was born and raised in South Africa. The match was held to raise funds for the British Red Cross Fund.
Saturday 17th January 1942 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 3-0 (1-0) Referee: Sgt Walter E Ross-Gower (Scots Guards) Crowd: 64.000, The Empire Stadium, Wembley (Wembley became part of London on 1st April 1965) Goals: 1-0 Willingham (1), 2-0 Lawton (60), 3-0 Lawton (73) ENGLAND: William [George] Marks (Arsenal), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Edris Albert Hapgood (Arsenal) [c], Charles Kenneth Willingham (Huddersfield Town), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Donald Welsh (Charlton Athletic), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Wilfred James Mannion (Middlesbrough), Thomas Lawton (Everton), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Andrew Beattie (Preston North End) William Shankly (Preston North End) James Dykes (Heart of Midlothian) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool/Sept.1941 Hibernian) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1941 Hibernian) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) Torrance Gillick (Everton/Aug.1941 Rangers) Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian) Charles Johnston (Rangers) Notes: The match was held to raise funds for Mrs Churchill's Aid to Russia Fund. Mrs Churchill attended the match. The restricted war-time holding capacity for this match was 75.000. 66.720 tickets were sold and 64.000 ticket holders attended the match establishing a record for war-time football in England.
Saturday 18th April 1942 (Wartime international) SCOTLAND XI - ENGLAND 5-4 (2-1) Referee: Robert Calder (Rutherglen, Scotland) Crowd: 75.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 0-1 Lawton (21), 1-1 Liddell (25), 2-1 Dodds (29), 2-2 Hagan (51), 3-2 Dodds (57), 4-2 Dodds (70), 4-3 Lawton (75), 5-3 Shankly (85), 5-4 Lawton (87) SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Andrew Beattie (Preston North End) William Shankly (Preston North End) Thomas McCall Smith (Preston North End) Matthew Busby (Liverpool/Sept.1941 Hibernian) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) Alexander Herd (Manchester City/Feb.1942 Hamilton Academical) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) Gordon Hunter Bremner (Arsenal/Apr.1942 Blackburn Rovers) William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool) ENGLAND: William [George] Marks (Arsenal), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Edris Albert Hapgood (Arsenal) [c], Charles Kenneth Willingham (Huddersfield Town), George William Mason (Coventry City), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Maurice Edelston (Reading), Thomas Lawton (Everton), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Alfred John Kirchen (Arsenal).
Saturday 19th September 1942 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI 1-3 (0-3) Referee: Peter Craigmyle (Aberdeen) Crowd: 8.000, Palmerston Park, Dumfries Goals: 0-1 Lewis (14), 0-2 Lewis (29), 0-3 Mullen (37), 1-3 Walker (75) SCOTLAND XI: Reginald Savage (Leeds United/Jul.1939 Queen of the South) John Robert Howe (Derby County) Robert Francis Dudgeon Ancell (Newcastle United) William Shankly (Preston North End) George Sutherland (Partick Thistle) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool/Sep.1941 Hibernian) Robert Campbell (Falkirk) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) George Hamilton (Aberdeen) William Steel (Morton) John Deakin (St.Mirren) ARMY (SCOTTISH COMMAND) XI: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Andrew Beattie (Preston North End), Clifford Samuel Britton (Everton), James Carabine (Third Lanark), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Ralph James Evans Birkett (Newcastle United), William Fagan (Liverpool), Reginald Lewis (Arsenal), Gordon Hunter Bremner (Arsenal/Jan.1941 Motherwell), James Mullen (Wolverhampton Wanderers). Notes: Two of the Scotland XI players were born in England. Reginald Savage was born in Eccles, near Manchester and John Howe in West Hartlepool. Savage was serving in the Royal Air Force and Howe, who went on to win three England caps, in the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.
Saturday 10th October 1942 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 0-0 Referee: P Stevens (Bedford, England) Crowd: 75.000, The Empire Stadium, Wembley (Wembley became part of London on 1st April 1965) ENGLAND: William [George] Marks (Arsenal), Giuseppe Luigi Davide (Joe) Bacuzzi (Fulham), Edris Albert Hapgood (Arsenal) [c], Clifford Samuel Britton (Everton), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Maurice Edelston (Reading), Thomas Lawton (Everton), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Andrew Beattie (Preston North End) William Shankly (Preston North End) William Risk Corbett (Celtic) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool/Sep.1941 Hibernian) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) Gordon Hunter Bremner (Arsenal/Sep.1941 Wrexham) William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool) Notes: The attendance was the war-time restricted holding capacity of the Empire Stadium and a new war-time record for an English ground. The match was played for the benefit of war-time charities.
Saturday 5th December 1942 (Friendly match) ROYAL AIR FORCE - SCOTLAND XI 4-0 (2-0) Referee: Tommy Thompson (Lemington, Northumberland) Crowd: 28.750, St James Park, Newcastle Goals: 1-0 Carter (10), 2-0 Carter (37), 3-0 Carter (nk), 4-0 Drake (88) ROYAL AIR FORCE: William [George] Marks (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), William Marshall Hughes (Birmingham), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City), Bernard Joy (Arsenal), George Paterson (Celtic), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Edward Joseph Drake (Arsenal), Peter Dermot Doherty (Manchester City), Alfred John Kirchen (Arsenal). SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Andrew Beattie (Preston North End) William Shankly (Preston North End) William Risk Corbett (Celtic) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool/Sep.1941 Hibernian) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) Alexander Herd (Manchester City/Feb.1942 Hamilton Academical) John Carmichael Kelly (Morton)
Saturday 17th April 1943 (Wartime international) SCOTLAND XI - ENGLAND 0-4 (0-2) Referee: Peter Craigmyle (Aberdeen) Crowd: 105.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 0-1 Carter (3), 0-2 Carter (8), 0-3 Westcott (50), 0-4 D Compton (55) SCOTLAND XI: James "Jerry" Dawson (Rangers) James Carabine (Third Lanark) John "Jock" Shaw (Rangers) William Shankly [c] (Preston North End) George Lewis Young (Rangers) Samuel Rae Kean (Hibernian) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) William Ralston Murray Buchan (Blackpool) Douglas Herbert Wallace (Clyde) Alexander Venters (Rangers) William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Leslie Harry Compton (Arsenal), Clifford Samuel Britton (Everton), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers) [c], Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Dennis Westcott (Wolverhampton Wanderers), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). Notes: It had been announced that the attendance would be limited to the war-time restricted capacity of 75.000. Admission was by cash at the turnstiles for standing spectators and queues formed from early in the morning. The gates closed well before kick-off. Spectators locked out tried to scale the perimeter fencing and many gained access. The official attendance was given as 105.000, 30.000 over capacity. Other eye witness estimates said the actual attendance was between 130-140.000.
Saturday 16th October 1943 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 8-0 (5-0) Referee: P Snape (Manchester, England) Crowd: 60.000, Maine Road, Manchester Goals: 1-0 Hagan (15), 2-0 Lawton (23), 3-0 Carter (25), 4-0 Lawton (27), 5-0 Lawton (33), 6-0 Hagan (67), 7-0 Lawton (69), 8-0 Matthews (78) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Clifford Samuel Britton (Everton), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers) [c], Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Thomas Lawton (Everton), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Denis Charles Scott Compton (Arsenal). SCOTLAND XI: Joseph Crozier (Brentford) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Archibald Miller (Heart of Midlothian) Adam Stewart Little (Rangers) George Lewis Young (Rangers) William Bowie Campbell (Morton) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) Torrance Gillick (Everton/Aug.1941 Rangers) Alexander Bryce Linwood (St.Mirren) Thomas Walker [c] (Heart of Midlothian) John Deakin (St.Mirren) Notes: The capacity of Maine Road for this all-ticket match was set at 60.000.
Saturday 6th November 1943 (Friendly match) SCOTLAND XI – ROYAL AIR FORCE 1-2 (0-1) Referee: Robert Calder (Rutherglen, Scotland) Crowd: 53.371, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 0-1 Carter (23), 1-1 Fagan (52), 1-2 Drake (87) SCOTLAND XI: Joseph Crozier (Brentford) James Carabine (Third Lanark) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) Alexander Massie (Aston Villa) Robert Denholm Baxter (Middlesbrough/Aug.1941 Hibernian) George Paterson (Celtic) Gordon Smith (Hibernian) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) William Fagan (Liverpool/date nk Chelsea) Alexander Herd (Manchester City/Feb.1942 Hamilton Academical) John Deakin (St.Mirren) ROYAL AIR FORCE: William [George] Marks (Arsenal), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City) [c], Lionel [Eric] Hayward (Blackpool), William Arthur [Ronald] Burgess (Tottenham Hotspur), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Edward Joseph Drake (Arsenal), Stanley Harding Mortensen (Blackpool), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford).
Saturday 19th February 1944 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 6-2 (1-1) Referee: William Ernest Wood (Bedford, England) Crowd: 80.000, The Empire Stadium, Wembley (Wembley became part of London on 1st April 1965) Goals: 1-0 Hagan (35), 1-1 Dodds (38), 2-1 Macaulay (46) own goal, 3-1 Lawton (49), 4-1 Hagan (71), 5-1 Mercer (72), 6-1 Carter (85), 6-2 Dodds (88) ENGLAND: Edwin George Ditchburn (Tottenham Hotspur), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Clifford Samuel Britton (Everton), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers) [c], Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Thomas Lawton (Everton), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford). SCOTLAND XI: Joseph Crozier (Brentford) William Kilmarnock (Motherwell) James Findlay Stephen (Bradford (Park Avenue)) Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United) John Kirton (Stoke City) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool) Robert Wilson Flavell (Airdrieonians) James Stenhouse (St.Mirren) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) James Duncanson (Rangers) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1941 Hibernian) Notes: The match was played in front of a war-time capacity attendance.
Saturday 22nd April 1944 (Wartime international) SCOTLAND XI - ENGLAND 2-3 (1-3) Referee: Robert Calder (Rutherglen, Scotland) Crowd: 133.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 1-0 Caskie (19), 1-1 Lawton (21), 1-2 Lawton (34), 1-3 Carter (36), 2-3 Dodds (66) SCOTLAND XI: Joseph Crozier (Brentford) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) James Findlay Stephen (Bradford (Park Avenue)) Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United) John Kirton (Stoke City) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool) James Delaney (Celtic) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) James Duncanson (Rangers) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1941 Hibernian) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Leslie Harry Compton (Arsenal), Frank Taylor (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City), Stanley Cullis (Wolverhampton Wanderers) [c], Joseph Mercer (Everton), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Thomas Lawton (Everton), James Hagan (Sheffield United), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford). Notes: This was an all-ticket match with a restricted capacity of 133.000 that was a record war-time attendance.
Saturday 14th October 1944 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 6-2 (0-1) Referee: George Reader (Southampton, England) Crowd: 90.000, The Empire Stadium, Wembley (Wembley became part of London on 1st April 1965) Goals: 0-1 Milne (4), 1-1 Lawton (56), 2-1 Lawton (61), 3-1 Goulden (65), 3-2 Walker (70), 4-2 Lawton (74), 5-2 Carter (nk), 6-2 Smith (87) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City), Bernard Joy (Arsenal), Joseph Mercer (Everton) [c], Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Thomas Lawton (Everton), Leonard Arthur Goulden (West Ham United), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford). SCOTLAND XI: David Scott Cumming (Middlesbrough/Mar.1944 Newcastle United) James Findlay Stephen (Bradford (Park Avenue)) George Wilfred Cummings (Aston Villa) Robert Brown Thyne (Darlington) Robert Denholm Baxter [c] (Middlesbrough/Aug.1941 Hibernian) Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United) Gordon Smith (Hibernian) Thomas Walker (Heart of Midlothian/Aug.1944 Chelsea) Arthur Hughes Milne (Hibernian) Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian) James Caskie (Everton/Aug.1941 Hibernian) Notes: This was the first time the Scottish International team wore numbered shirts. On 7th October 1944 (the Saturday before this match) Thomas Walker was on leave from the Army and played for Heart of Midlothian before returning to London. In this record he his considered as a Chelsea player on loan from Heart of Midlothian. The attendance was the war-time capacity of the Empire Stadium and 40.000 unsuccessful applications for tickets were made.
Saturday 25th November 1944 (Friendly match) ROYAL AIR FORCE - SCOTLAND XI 1-7 (0-3) Referee: A W Cutts (Sheffield, Yorkshire) Crowd: 40.172, Hillsborough, Sheffield Goals: 0-1 Liddell (26), 0-2 Fagan (36), 0-3 Black (40), 0-4 Black (50), 0-5 Dodds (55), 0-6 Liddell (75), 0-7 Busby (80) penalty, 1-7 Mortensen (87) ROYAL AIR FORCE: Bert Frederick Williams (Walsall), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), William Marshall Hughes (Birmingham City), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City), Bernard Joy (Arsenal), William Arthur [Ronald] Burgess (Tottenham Hotspur), Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Edward Joseph Drake (Arsenal), Stanley Harding Mortensen (Blackpool), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford). SCOTLAND XI: Robert Brown (Queen's Park) James Harley (Liverpool) James Findlay Stephen (Bradford (Park Avenue)) Matthew Busby (Liverpool) Robert Brown Thyne (Darlington) Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United) James Delaney (Celtic) William Fagan (Liverpool) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian) William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool/Nov.1944 Dunfermline Athletic) Notes: Birmingham FC (originally Small Heath Alliance and then Small Heath) added "City" to their name on 1st November 1944.
Saturday 6th January 1945 (Wartime international - Belgium tour) BELGIUM - SCOTTISH SERVICES XI 2-3 (1-2) Referee: nk Crowd: 25.000, Stade du Daring Club, Molenbeek, Brussels Goals: 1-0 Buyle (20), 1-1 Black (21), 1-2 Black (nk), 2-2 Coppens (60), 2-3 Fagan (70) BELGIUM: Henri Meert (Anderlecht), Robert Gerard (Schaerbeek), Joseph Pannaye (Tilleur), Antoine Puttaert (Union Saint-Gilloise), Marcel Vercammen (Lyra), Robert Van Kerckhoven (Daring Club), François De Wael (Anderlecht), Hendrik Coppens (Malinois), Adolphe Nicolay (Standard), Désiré Van Den Audenaerde (Antwerp), Fernand Buyle (Daring Club). SCOTTISH SERVICES XI: PTI Robert Brown (Queen's Park & Royal Navy) AC Francis Mennie (Kilmarnock & Royal Air Force) PO James Harley (Liverpool & Royal Navy) SSI Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United & Army) Sgt Robert Brown Thyne (Darlington & Army) Sgt George Paterson (Celtic/Apr.1944 Blackpool & Royal Air Force) Cpl John Oakes (Queen of the South/Oct.1944 Heart of Midlothian & Army) SSI William Fagan (Liverpool & Army) Sgt Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool & Royal Air Force) SI Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian & Army) PO William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool & Royal Air Force) Notes: The Scottish Football Association (SFA) had received an invitation from Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) to send a team of Scottish footballers serving in the armed services to play in Belgium following the liberation of most of the country. The players' abbreviated rank is shown before their name and the service in which they served after their club name. The aircraft taking the Scotland party on Thursday 4 January 1945 was forced to turn back due to weather conditions when it was within 15 minutes' flying time of Brussels. The party arrived on Friday, just a day before the match.
Sunday 7th January 1945 (Wartime international - Belgium tour) FLANDERS - SCOTTISH SERVICES XI 6-4 (2-2) Referee: nk Crowd: 20.000, name of the stadium nk, Bruges Goals: Black (3) including one penalty, Dodds for Scotland. Vaillant (2), Vogt (2), Echeman, Chaves D'Aguilar for Flanders. FLANDERS: team not found SCOTTISH SERVICES XI: PTI Robert Brown (Queen's Park & Royal Navy) AC Francis Mennie (Kilmarnock & Royal Air Force) LC Samuel Richmond Cox (Third Lanark & Army) SSI Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United & Army) Sgt Robert Brown Thyne (Darlington & Army) Sgt George Paterson (Celtic/Apr.1944 Blackpool & Royal Air Force) PO William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool & Royal Air Force) SSI William Fagan (Liverpool & Army) Sgt Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool & Royal Air Force) SI Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian & Army) Sgt Thomas Usher Pearson (Newcastle United & Royal Air Force)
Saturday 3rd February 1945 (Wartime international) ENGLAND - SCOTLAND XI 3-2 (1-1) Referee: Thomas Smith (Atherstone, England) Crowd: 65.780, Villa Park, Birmingham Goals: 1-0 Brown (23), 1-1 Delaney (31), 2-1 Mortensen (58), 2-2 Dodds (62), 3-2 Mortensen (76) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City), Cornelius Franklin (Stoke City), Joseph Mercer (Everton) [c], Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Robert Alan John Brown (Charlton Athletic), Thomas Lawton (Everton), Stanley Harding Mortensen (Blackpool), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford). SCOTLAND XI: Robert Brown (Queen's Park) James Harley (Liverpool) James Findlay Stephen (Bradford (Park Avenue)) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool) Robert Brown Thyne (Darlington) Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United) James Delaney (Celtic) William Fagan (Liverpool) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian) William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool) Notes: The capacity of Villa Park at the time was 76.000 but was probably restricted to 70.000 for this match. However, 10.400 seats had been loaned to Birmingham Corporation for use in war-time air raid shelters. Tickets could not be allocated until all the seats had been returned and that was not completed until around a month before the match. That is possibly why a ground capacity for the all-ticket match was not announced in advance.
Saturday 14th April 1945 (Wartime international) SCOTLAND XI - ENGLAND 1-6 (1-1) Referee: John Smith Cox (Rutherglen, Scotland) Crowd: 133.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 0-1 Carter (25), 1-1 Johnston (40), 1-2 Lawton (62), 1-3 Brown (74), 1-4 Matthews (80), 1-5 Smith (85) penalty, 1-6 Lawton (87) SCOTLAND XI: Robert Brown (Queen's Park) James Harley (Liverpool) James Findlay Stephen (Bradford (Park Avenue)) Matthew Busby [c] (Liverpool) John Harris (Wolverhampton Wanderers) Archibald Renwick Macaulay (West Ham United) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) Thomas Bogan (Hibernian) John Robert Harris (Queen's Park) Andrew Black (Heart of Midlothian) John Carmichael Kelly (Morton) Subs: Leslie Hamilton Johnston (Clyde) for Thomas Bogan (2) ENGLAND: Frank Victor Swift (Manchester City), Lawrence Scott (Arsenal), George Francis Moutry Hardwick (Middlesbrough), Hong Ying "Frank" Soo (Stoke City), Cornelius Franklin (Stoke City), Joseph Mercer (Everton) [c], Stanley Matthews (Stoke City), Horatio Stratton Carter (Sunderland), Thomas Lawton (Everton), Robert Alan John Brown (Charlton Athletic), Leslie George Frederick Smith (Brentford). Notes: The replacement of Bogan by the substitute Johnston was made with the agreement of the England officials and was the first of a Scottish player in any international – official or unofficial – played by Scotland. The Hampden Park holding capacity was reduced to 133.000 compared with the peacetime limit of 150.000.
Saturday 10th November 1945 (Victory international) SCOTLAND XI - WALES 2-0 (1-0) Referee: Matthew C Dale (Glasgow) Crowd: 97.000, Hampden Park, Glasgow Goals: 1-0 Waddell (14), Dodds (70) SCOTLAND XI: Robert Brown (Queen's Park) James McPhie (Falkirk) John "Jock" Shaw [c] (Rangers) William Bowie Campbell (Morton) Andrew Paton (Motherwell) George Paterson (Celtic) William Tweedie Orr Waddell (Rangers) Gordon Smith (Hibernian) Ephraim "Jock" Dodds (Blackpool) John Deakin (St.Mirren/date nk Glentoran) William Beveridge Liddell (Liverpool) WALES: Cyril Sidlow (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Donald John Dearson (Birmingham City), William Marshall Hughes (Birmingham City) [c], Douglas Frank Witcomb (West Bromwich Albion), Robert Griffith Davies (Nottingham Forest), William Arthur [Ronald] Burgess (Tottenham Hotspur), William [Ernest] Arthur Jones (Swansea Town), Frank Squires (Swansea Town), George Lowrie (Coventry City), Reginald [Horace] Cumner (Arsenal), George Edwards (Birmingham City).
Saturday 17th November 1945 (Friendly match) BRITISH ARMY OF THE RHINE COMBINED SERVICES XI - SCOTLAND XI 2-4 (0-3) Referee: nk Crowd: 12.000, Städtisches Stadion, Nienburger Strasse, Celle, Germany (today the Günther-Volker-Stadion) Goals: Westcott (Wolverhampton Wanderers) and McKennan (Partick Thistle) scored for the Combined Services XI. Delaney (Celtic) and Walker (Heart of Midlothian) scored two goals each for the Scotland XI. BAOR COMBINED SERVICES XI: Dennis Westcott (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Peter Stewart McKennan (Partick Thistle) others not found SCOTLAND XI: Robert Brown (Queen's Park) James McPhie (Falkirk) James McGowan (Partick Thistle) William Bowie Campbell (Morton) John Husband (Partick Thistle) Samuel Richmond Cox (Dundee) Gordon Smith (Hibernian) Archibald Mackechnie Baird (Aberdeen) James Delaney (Celtic) James Russell Garth (Morton) James Walker (Heart of Midlothian)
Sunday 18th November 1945 (Friendly match) BRITISH ARMY OF THE RHINE COMBINED SERVICES XI - SCOTLAND XI 1-1 (0-1) Referee: Lieutenant Commander F.G.Davis (RNVR) Crowd: 40.000, Bahrenfeld Stadium, Hamburg, Germany Goals: 0-1 Garth (10), 1-1 Westcott (64) BAOR COMBINED SERVICES XI: George Hedley Swindin (Arsenal), William Marshall Hughes (Birmingham City), Eric Westwood (Manchester City), David Wallace Russell (Sheffield Wednesday), William Mould (Stoke City), John Robert Percival (Manchester City), John Robinson (Sheffield Wednesday), Reginald Lewis (Arsenal), Dennis Westcott (Wolverhampton Wanderers), William C.S.Hume (Aberdeen), William Wardle (Grimsby Town). SCOTLAND XI: Robert Brown (Queen's Park) James McPhie (Falkirk) James McGowan (Partick Thistle) William Bowie Campbell (Morton) John Husband (Partick Thistle) Malcolm MacDonald (Celtic) Gordon Smith (Hibernian) Archibald Mackechnie Baird (Aberdeen) James Delaney (Celtic) James Russell Garth (Morton) James Walker (Heart of Midlothian) Notes: The captain and the other four crew members of the aircraft that flew the Scottish team from Prestwick Airport to Germany and back were thanked on their return home by the Scottish FA with the presentation of gold cuff links as souvenirs of the journey.
Many thanks to Andy Mitchell and Keith Warsop for their own detailed research
that we have been able to use.
Many thanks to Colin Jose, David Ross, Les Jones and Saskatoon Public Library for
the details of the 1939 North America tour.
Frank Dell'Apa's valuable help in finding many missing details of
the June 21, 1939 match is greatly appreciated.
Prepared and maintained by Douglas Gorman and Gabriele Tossani for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Authors: Douglas Gorman and Gabriele Tossani
(gabrieletossani56 at gmail.com)
Last updated: 14 Jan 2025
(C) Copyright Douglas Gorman, Gabriele Tossani and RSSSF 2020/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.