Russia 2022 - Sixth Level Republic of Tatarstan

QAZAN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP (Qazan Football Amateur League) 2022


Round 1
[Apr 23]
QazEnergo    1-5 SS Savinovo 
TatNefteKhim 3-1 Khoro.Show  
CemService   0-2 FC Qazan    
Dinamo       1-1 DimArs Junio
[Apr 24]
Orion        0-4 Avantgarde  
Majun United 3-0 ArTech      

Round 2
[Apr 30]
SS Savinovo  4-2 CemService  
Avantgarde   1-1 FC Qazan    
[May 1]
TatNefteKhim 3-0 ArTech      
Dinamo       0-4 Majun United
Khoro.Show   2-6 Orion       
DimArs Junio 2-1 QazEnergo   

Round 3
[May 14]
Orion        0-2 ArTech      
FC Qazan     5-0 Khoro.Show  
Avantgarde   1-2 SS Savinovo 
[May 15]
QazEnergo    3-2 Dinamo      
Majun United 1-1 TatNefteKhim
CemService   3-3 DimArs Junio

Round 4
[May 21]
Dinamo       0-4 TatNefteKhim
Khoro.Show   0-1 SS Savinovo 
DimArs Junio 0-2 Avantgarde  
[May 22]
FC Qazan     3-1 ArTech      
CemService   1-0 QazEnergo   
Majun United 2-1 Orion       

Round 5
[May 28]
SS Savinovo  2-0 ArTech      
FC Qazan     0-3
ТП Majun United
Dinamo       1-4 CemService  
[May 29]
Orion        0-2 TatNefteKhim
Khoro.Show   1-3 DimArs Junio
Avantgarde   7-0 QazEnergo   

Round 6
[Jun 4]
Dinamo       0-1 Khoro.Show  
ArTech       0-0 Avantgarde  
QazEnergo    1-3 TatNefteKhim
SS Savinovo  0-2 FC Qazan    
[Jun 5]
Majun United 2-1 CemService  
DimArs Junio 4-1 Orion       

Round 7
[Jun 11]
Dinamo       3-0 Avantgarde  
FC Qazan     3-1 Orion       
Khoro.Show   1-5 CemService  
[Jun 12]
SS Savinovo  0-1 TatNefteKhim
ArTech       1-3 QazEnergo   
DimArs Junio 2-1 Majun United

Round 8
[Jun 18]
Khoro.Show   1-1 Avantgarde  
SS Savinovo  4-1 Orion       
DimArs Junio 2-1 TatNefteKhim
[Jun 19]
FC Qazan     3-0 Dinamo      
ArTech       0-0 CemService  
Majun United 1-2 QazEnergo   

Round 9
[Jun 25]
TatNefteKhim 1-2 FC Qazan    
Avantgarde   0-2 CemService  
SS Savinovo  1-0 Majun United
[Jun 26]
QazEnergo    3-3 Khoro.Show  
Orion        0-2 Dinamo      
ArTech       0-0 DimArs Junio

Round 10
[Jul 2]
ArTech       0-4 Khoro.Show  
Dinamo       2-3 SS Savinovo 
QazEnergo    1-2 Orion       
[Jul 3]
Majun United 2-3 Avantgarde  
DimArs Junio 0-0 FC Qazan    
TatNefteKhim 0-0 CemService  

Round 11
[Jul 9]
ArTech       0-2 Dinamo      
DimArs Junio 0-1 SS Savinovo 
QazEnergo    0-5 FC Qazan    
[Jul 10]
Majun United 6-0 Khoro.Show  
TatNefteKhim 3-2 Avantgarde  
CemService   6-0 Orion       

Round 12
[Jul 16]
DimArs Junio 2-1 Dinamo      
Khoro.Show   7-4 TatNefteKhim
SS Savinovo  9-1 QazEnergo   
[Jul 17]
FC Qazan     2-0 CemService  
ArTech       0-4 Majun United
Avantgarde   3-1 Orion       

Round 13
[Jul 23]
CemService   2-1 SS Savinovo 
ArTech       0-3 TatNefteKhim
FC Qazan     3-2 Avantgarde  
[Jul 24]
Orion        1-5 Khoro.Show  
Majun United 2-2 Dinamo      
QazEnergo    1-1 DimArs Junio

Round 14
[Jul 30]
TatNefteKhim 3-1 Majun United
Dinamo       3-1 QazEnergo   
[Jul 31]
DimArs Junio 0-2 CemService  
SS Savinovo  1-2 Avantgarde  
Khoro.Show   2-1 FC Qazan    
ArTech       0-1 Orion       

Round 15
[Aug 6]
ArTech       2-4 FC Qazan    
Avantgarde   1-0 DimArs Junio
SS Savinovo  0-1 Khoro.Show  
[Aug 7]
Orion        1-4 Majun United
QazEnergo    1-5 CemService  
TatNefteKhim 2-1 Dinamo      

Round 16
[Aug 20]
TatNefteKhim 2-1 Orion       
ArTech       0-5 SS Savinovo 
DimArs Junio 3-3 Khoro.Show  
[Aug 21]
Majun United 0-4 FC Qazan    
CemService   2-6 Dinamo      
QazEnergo    1-2 Avantgarde  

Round 17 [Sep 4]
TatNefteKhim 5-0 QazEnergo   
Orion        0-1 DimArs Junio
Khoro.Show   4-0 Dinamo      
CemService   1-1 Majun United
Avantgarde   3-2 ArTech      
FC Qazan     1-3 SS Savinovo 

Round 18
[Sep 17]
Avantgarde   2-0 Dinamo      
Orion        0-3 FC Qazan    
[Sep 18]
QazEnergo    0-3 ArTech      
CemService   2-0 Khoro.Show  
Majun United 3-3 DimArs Junio
TatNefteKhim 0-2 SS Savinovo 

Round 19
[Sep 24]
Avantgarde   4-2 Khoro.Show  
[Sep 25]
TatNefteKhim 1-0 DimArs Junio
CemService   1-1 ArTech      
Majun United 2-3 QazEnergo   
Orion        0-6 SS Savinovo 
[Oct 29]
Dinamo       0-2 FC Qazan    

Round 20 [Oct 2]
DimArs Junio 4-1 ArTech      
Majun United 0-2 SS Savinovo 
Dinamo       0-0 Orion       
CemService   0-4 Avantgarde  
Khoro.Show   6-2 QazEnergo   
FC Qazan     4-0 TatNefteKhim

Round 21
[Oct 15]
CemService   2-0 TatNefteKhim
Avantgarde   1-1 Majun United
FC Qazan     4-0 DimArs Junio
[Oct 16]
Orion        3-0 QazEnergo   
SS Savinovo  4-3 Dinamo      
Khoro.Show   5-1 ArTech      

Round 22 [Oct 23]
Dinamo       1-0 ArTech      
Orion        0-2 CemService  
Avantgarde   0-3 TatNefteKhim
SS Savinovo  5-1 DimArs Junio
Khoro.Show   5-2 Majun United
FC Qazan     5-1 QazEnergo    

Final Table:

 1.FC Qazan              22  17  2  3  59-17  53  Champions
 2.SS Savinovo           22  17  0  5  61-21  51  [P]
 3.TatNefteKhim          22  14  2  6  45-27  44  
 4.Avantgarde            22  12  4  6  45-28  40  
 5.CemService            22  11  5  6  43-29  38  [P]
 6.Khoro.Show            22  10  3  9  54-53  33  
 7.DimArs Juniors        22   8  7  7  32-34  31  
 8.Majun United          22   8  5  9  45-36  29  
 9.Dinamo                22   6  3 13  30-44  21  
10.QazEnergo             22   4  2 16  26-76  14  
11.Orion                 22   4  1 17  20-58  13  
12.ArTech                22   2  4 16  14-51  10  [P]

NB: Due to withdrawal of the last season champions Eya as well as Avantgarde Zelenodolsk, 
    Old Qazan, and International School of Kazan, Seria A runs with just 12 teams.

Top scorers:

1.Azat Mortazin (Khoro.Show)       23
2.Azat Şämsetdinov (TatNefteKhim)  21
3.Radik Ghalimcanov (FC Qazan)     19
4.Artiom Petukhov (Avantgarde)     14
  Rinas Zäynetdinov (SS Savinovo)  14


First Stage

Round 1
[Apr 16]
Zariad         0-5 Voskhod Detail
Profit         1-0 Armada        
Sportsman      6-2 Bianconeri    
Akhmat         3-0 Sparta        
[Apr 30]
Avantgarde-2   0-5 Grand Prix    
[May 10]
Planet-K       0-1 TatTechMedFarm
Bastion        0-1 Ratar         

Round 2
[Apr 23]
Zariad         2-2 Bastion       
TatTechMedFarm 2-2 Profit        
Ratar          2-0 Bianconeri    
[Apr 24]
Sparta         0-0 Sportsman     
Planet-K       3-1 Gorki         
Avantgarde-2   3-0 Akhmat        
Voskhod Detail 5-0 Armada        

Round 3
[May 14]
Profit         1-3 Sportsman     
Armada         1-3 Avantgarde-2  
Gorki          3-6 Grand Prix    
Akhmat         1-0 TatTechMedFarm
[May 15]
Bastion        1-2 Sparta        
Ratar          2-1 Planet-K      
Bianconeri     0-7 Voskhod Detail

Round 4
[May 21]
Zariad         2-1 Gorki         
Voskhod Detail 3-1 Planet-K      
Sportsman      5-1 Akhmat        
[May 22]
TatTechMedFarm 2-0 Armada        
Sparta         1-6 Profit        
Grand Prix     1-2 Ratar         
Bianconeri     1-1 Avantgarde-2  

Round 5
[May 28]
Armada         1-2 Sportsman     
Ratar          1-2 Zariad        
Bianconeri     1-0 TatTechMedFarm
Gorki          2-2 Bastion       
[May 29]
Akhmat         1-5 Profit        
Voskhod Detai 12-1 Grand Prix    
Planet-K       0-1 Avantgarde-2  

Round 6
[Jun 4]
Sparta         1-8 Zariad        
Akhmat         0-4 Voskhod Detail
Profit         1-2 Avantgarde-2  
[Jun 5]
Sportsman      3-2 TatTechMedFarm
Gorki          1-2 Bianconeri    
Bastion        1-2 Grand Prix    
Armada         0-0 Ratar         

Round 7
[Jun 11]
Avantgarde-2   1-2 Zariad        
Grand Prix     2-3 TatTechMedFarm
Armada         2-1 Akhmat        
[Jun 12]
Voskhod Detail 6-0 Bastion       
Sparta         1-1 Gorki         
Bianconeri     2-2 Profit        
Planet-K       3-4 Sportsman     

Round 8
[Jun 18]
Armada         1-1 Sparta        
Bianconeri     1-2 Akhmat        
Avantgarde-2   2-1 Bastion       
[Jun 19]
TatTechMedFarm 2-1 Zariad        
[Jun 19]
Profit         0-3 Planet-K      
Ratar          4-0 Gorki         
Grand Prix     2-3 Sportsman     

Round 9
[Jun 25]
TatTechMedFarm 3-0 Bastion       
Grand Prix     3-2 Profit        
Bianconeri     1-3 Armada        
Zariad         3-0 Sportsman     
[Jun 26]
Sparta         0-6 Ratar         
Voskhod Detail 5-0 Gorki         
Planet-K       0-0 Akhmat        

Round 10
[Jul 2]
Voskhod Detail 5-0 Ratar         
Sparta         3-7 Bianconeri    
Akhmat         1-3 Grand Prix    
[Jul 3]
Gorki          1-2 Avantgarde-2  
Planet-K       1-3 Armada        
Zariad         4-1 Profit        
Sportsman      4-0 Bastion       

Round 11
[Jul 9]
TatTechMedFarm 3-2 Gorki         
Grand Prix     2-0 Armada        
Avantgarde-2   0-1 Ratar         
Bastion        3-0 Profit        
[Jul 10]
Voskhod Detail 5-1 Sparta        
Zariad         3-1 Akhmat        
Planet-K       3-0 Bianconeri    

Round 12
[Jul 16]
Sportsman      2-1 Gorki         
Armada         0-5 Zariad        
Avantgarde-2   0-8 Voskhod Detail
Bastion        2-1 Akhmat        
[Jul 17]
Grand Prix     4-3 Bianconeri    
Sparta         2-4 Planet-K      
Ratar          0-1 TatTechMedFarm

Round 13
[Jul 23]
Bastion        2-0 Armada        
Profit         3-1 Gorki         
Sportsman      2-2 Ratar         
Avantgarde-2   1-3 Sparta        
[Jul 24]
Grand Prix     2-1 Planet-K      
TatTechMedFarm 0-1 Voskhod Detail
Zariad         4-3 Bianconeri    

Round 14
[Jul 30]
Sparta         1-3 Grand Prix    
Sportsman      2-3 Voskhod Detail
TatTechMedFarm 4-0 Avantgarde-2  
Akhmat         2-1 Gorki         
[Jul 31]
Bastion        3-0 Bianconeri    
Zariad         3-2 Planet-K      
Profit         1-4 Ratar         

Round 15
[Aug 6]
Sportsman      1-1 Avantgarde-2  
Zariad         4-2 Grand Prix    
Gorki          1-2 Armada        
[Aug 7]
Profit         0-11 Voskhod Detail
Bastion        1-3 Planet-K      
Akhmat         2-1 Ratar         
TatTechMedFarm 2-2 Sparta        

Final Table:

 1.Voskhod Detailing     14  14  0  0  80- 5  42  [P]
 2.Zariad                14  11  1  2  43-22  34  [P]
 3.Sportsman             14   9  3  2  37-22  30  
 4.Grand Prix            14   9  0  5  38-36  27  
 5.TatTechMedFarm        14   8  2  4  25-15  26  [1-0]
 6.Ratar                 14   8  2  4  26-15  26  [0-1]
 7.Avantgarde-2          14   6  2  6  17-29  20  [P]
 8.Planet-K              14   5  1  8  25-23  16  [0-0] [P]
 9.Akhmat                14   5  1  8  16-30  16  [0-0] [P]
10.Bastion               14   4  2  8  18-28  14  [2 0 0 5-0 6]
11.Profit                14   4  2  8  25-40  14  [1 0 1 1-3 3] [R]
12.Armada                14   4  2  8  13-27  14  [0 0 2 0-3 0] [P]
13.Bianconeri            14   3  2  9  23-41  11  
14.Sparta                14   2  4  8  18-48  10  
15.Gorki                 14   0  2 12  16-39   2  [P]

NB: Tulpar withdrew.

Second Stage


Round 1
[Aug 20]
Voskhod Detail 2-1 TatTechMedFarm
Planet-K       2-2 Ratar         
[Aug 21]
Grand Prix     2-4 Avantgarde-2  
Zariad         0-2 Sportsman     

Round 2
[Sep 3]
Voskhod Detail 0-3 Sportsman     
Avantgarde-2   3-4 TatTechMedFarm
Zariad         3-2 Planet-K      
[Sep 4]
Grand Prix     1-6 Ratar         

Round 3
[Sep 17]
Grand Prix     0-5 TatTechMedFarm
[Sep 18]
Ratar          2-0 Sportsman     
Planet-K       2-7 Avantgarde-2  
Zariad         1-4 Voskhod Detail

Round 4
[Sep 24]
Grand Prix     1-3 Zariad        
TatTechMedFarm 0-1 Sportsman     
Avantgarde-2   0-4 Ratar         
[Sep 25]
Voskhod Detail 1-1 Planet-K      

Round 5
[Oct 1]
Sportsman      5-1 Avantgarde-2  
Ratar          0-3 Voskhod Detail
Zariad         0-3 TatTechMedFarm
[Oct 2]
Planet-K       4-5 Grand Prix    

Round 6
[Oct 15]
Ratar          2-1 Zariad        
TatTechMedFarm 0-0 Planet-K      
Sportsman      5-0 Grand Prix    
[Oct 16]
Avantgarde-2   0-3 Voskhod Detail

Round 7
[Oct 22]
TatTechMedFarm 1-2 Ratar         
Avantgarde-2   0-4 Zariad        
[Oct 23]
Sportsman      4-1 Planet-K      
Voskhod Detail 8-3 Grand Prix       

Final Table:

 1.Voskhod Detailing     21  19  1  1 101-14  58  Champions, Promoted [P]
 2.Sportsman             21  15  3  3  57-26  48  Promoted
 3.Zariad                21  14  1  6  55-36  43  Promoted [P]
 4.Ratar                 21  13  3  5  44-23  42  Promoted
 5.TatTechMedFarm        21  11  3  7  39-23  36  
 6.Grand Prix            21  10  0 11  50-71  30  
 7.Avantgarde-2          21   8  2 11  32-53  26  [P]
 8.Planet-K              21   5  4 12  37-45  19  [P]


Round 1 [Aug 21]
Sparta         4-2 Bianconeri    
Armada         0-4 Profit        
Akhmat         4-0 Bastion       

Round 2
[Sep 3]
Bastion        1-3 Sparta        
Profit         2-3 Akhmat        
[Sep 4]
Bianconeri     1-2 Gorki         

Round 3
[Sep 17]
Gorki          2-4 Sparta        
[Sep 18]
Bastion        0-2 Armada        
Bianconeri     1-1 Akhmat        

Round 4
[Sep 24]
Profit         0-3 Bastion       
Akhmat         2-0 Gorki         
[Sep 25]
Armada         2-2 Bianconeri    

Round 5
[Oct 1]
Gorki          0-1 Armada        
Sparta         1-0 Akhmat        
[Oct 2]
Bianconeri     6-1 Profit        

Round 6
[Oct 15]
Armada         3-2 Sparta        
Profit         3-2 Gorki         
[Oct 16]
Bastion        2-1 Bianconeri    

Round 7 [Oct 22]
Gorki          3-3 Bastion       
Sparta         3-0 Profit        
Akhmat         2-1 Armada         

Final Table:

 9.Akhmat                20   9  2  9  28-35  29  [P]
10.Sparta                20   7  4  9  35-56  25  
11.Armada                20   7  3 10  22-37  24  [P]
12.Bastion               20   6  3 11  27-41  21  
13.Profit                20   6  2 12  35-57  20  [R]
14.Bianconeri            20   4  4 12  36-53  16  
15.Gorki                 20   1  3 16  25-53   6  [P]

Top scorers:

1.Alexander Kazakov (Voskhod D)  18
2.Maxim Mezentsev (TatTechMedF)  16
3.Vladislav Potiomkin (Ratar)    15
4.Danil Fäsxetdinov (Voskhod D)  12
  Röstäm Kadırov (Zariad)        12


First Stage

Round 1
[Apr 16]
Atlant Topt 0-4 Bramos     
GICD        4-1 Ajax       
Majun Utd-2 0-5 MS-Chelsea 
[May 3]
Breakthru   0-0 Phoenix    
MS-Chelsea+ 0-0 Liner EPP  
Irbis       2-0 Bobr United
Suar        3-5 RusLab Nutr
Savinovo-2  1-2 Tunit      

Round 2
[Apr 23]
Phoenix     4-2 MS-Chelsea+
Liner EPP   1-2 Tunit      
Ajax        1-3 Breakthru  
Bramos      2-1 Majun Utd-2
[Apr 24]
MS-Chelsea  0-2 Irbis      
Suar        4-2 Atlant Topt
RusLab Nutr 1-1 GICD       
Bobr United 2-5 Savinovo-2 

Round 3
[May 14]
Liner EPP   0-0 Phoenix    
Tunit       1-3 Bobr United
MS-Chelsea+ 2-3 Ajax       
Savinovo-2  1-0 MS-Chelsea 
[May 15]
Breakthru   0-1 RusLab Nutr
GICD        2-2 Atlant Topt
Majun Utd-2 2-1 Suar       
Irbis       2-0 Bramos     

Round 4
[May 21]
Phoenix     2-4 GICD       
Tunit       3-3 Irbis      
Breakthru   2-1 MS-Chelsea+
Bobr United 0-1 Majun Utd-2
[May 22]
Bramos      0-1 RusLab Nutr
Ajax        4-1 Suar       
Liner EPP   1-4 Savinovo-2 
Atlant Topt 1-6 MS-Chelsea 

Round 5
[May 28]
Bramos      2-3 Ajax       
Atlant Topt 2-1 Bobr United
Suar        1-4 Phoenix    
Majun Utd-2 0-2 Tunit      
[May 29]
Liner EPP   0-5 Breakthru  
GICD        1-1 MS-Chelsea+
RusLab Nutr 5-3 MS-Chelsea 
Irbis       0-5 Savinovo-2 

Round 6
[Jun 4]
MS-Chelsea  3-2 Ajax       
GICD        1-0 Breakthru  
Phoenix     0-1 Bramos     
MS-Chelsea+ 3-3 Suar       
[Jun 5]
Tunit       2-1 Atlant Topt
RusLab Nutr 3-1 Bobr United
Savinovo-2  4-1 Majun Utd-2
Irbis       3-1 Liner EPP  

Round 7
[Jun 11]
Liner EPP   3-5 GICD       
RusLab Nutr 3-1 Tunit      
Ajax        2-2 Bobr United
MS-Chelsea  4-2 Phoenix    
[Jun 12]
Suar        3-1 Breakthru  
Bramos      2-1 MS-Chelsea+
Majun Utd-2 1-2 Irbis      
Atlant Topt 3-3 Savinovo-2 

Round 8
[Jun 17]
MS-Chelsea  -/- MS-Chelsea+
[Jun 18]
Bobr United 4-3 Phoenix    
Majun Utd-2 1-0 Liner EPP  
Savinovo-2  3-0 RusLab Nutr
[Jun 19]
Suar        0-1 GICD       
Ajax        2-5 Tunit      
Breakthru   0-1 Bramos     
Atlant Topt 1-5 Irbis      

Round 9
[Jun 25]
Bramos      1-2 GICD       
Bobr United 2-3 MS-Chelsea+
Phoenix     2-3 Tunit      
[Jun 26]
MS-Chelsea  2-1 Breakthru  
Liner EPP   2-2 Suar       
Atlant Topt 1-0 Majun Utd-2
RusLab Nutr 2-2 Irbis      
Ajax        2-0 Savinovo-2 

Round 10
[Jul 2]
Bramos      1-2 Suar       
Bobr United 3-1 Breakthru  
Irbis       2-5 Ajax       
Tunit       3-2 MS-Chelsea+
[Jul 3]
GICD        1-2 MS-Chelsea 
Liner EPP   1-0 Atlant Topt
RusLab Nutr 7-2 Majun Utd-2
Phoenix     1-0 Savinovo-2 

Round 11
[Jul 9]
Phoenix     1-1 Irbis      
Bobr United 0-2 GICD       
RusLab Nutr 5-2 Atlant Topt
MS-Chelsea+ 2-7 Savinovo-2 
[Jul 10]
MS-Chelsea  2-1 Suar       
Tunit       2-2 Breakthru  
Bramos      2-0 Liner EPP  
Ajax        4-3 Majun Utd-2

Round 12
[Jul 16]
MS-Chelsea+ 3-3 Irbis      
Tunit       2-3 GICD       
Ajax        5-3 Atlant Topt
MS-Chelsea  1-3 Bramos     
[Jul 17]
Liner EPP   0-0 RusLab Nutr
Suar        0-7 Bobr United
Majun Utd-2 2-3 Phoenix    
[Aug 13]
Savinovo-2  1-1 Breakthru  

Round 13
[Jul 23]
Breakthru   1-6 Irbis      
MS-Chelsea  0-0 Liner EPP  
Bobr United 2-2 Bramos     
Phoenix     2-2 Atlant Topt
[Jul 24]
Ajax        1-2 RusLab Nutr
MS-Chelsea+ 5-1 Majun Utd-2
Tunit       4-1 Suar       
Savinovo-2  0-3 GICD       

Round 14
[Jul 30]
Irbis       1-0 GICD       
Breakthru   4-0 Majun Utd-2
Tunit       1-5 Bramos     
MS-Chelsea+ 3-4 Atlant Topt
[Jul 31]
Liner EPP   1-2 Ajax       
Savinovo-2  2-0 Suar       
Bobr United 1-3 MS-Chelsea 
Phoenix     1-5 RusLab Nutr

Round 15
[Aug 6]
Bobr United 1-1 Liner EPP  
Phoenix     1-0 Ajax       
MS-Chelsea+ 2-9 RusLab Nutr
Savinovo-2  0-2 Bramos     
[Aug 7]
GICD        3-1 Majun Utd-2
Breakthru   4-0 Atlant Topt
Tunit       2-3 MS-Chelsea 
Irbis       1-0 Suar       

Final Table:

 1.RusLab Nutrition      15  11  3  1  49-22  36  
 2.GICD                  15  10  3  2  33-17  33  [P]
 3.Irbis                 15   9  4  2  35-23  31  [P]
 4.Bramos                15   9  1  5  28-16  28  [3-1] [P]
 5.MeteorStaff-Chelsea   15   9  1  5  34-25  28  [1-3]
 6.Tunit                 15   8  2  5  35-32  26  [2-1] [R]
 7.SS Savinovo-2         15   8  2  5  36-20  26  [2-1]
 8.Ajax                  15   8  1  6  37-34  25  [R]
 9.Phoenix               15   5  4  6  26-29  19  [R]
10.Breakthru Hali Gali   15   5  3  7  25-22  18  [P]
11.Bobr United           15   4  3  8  29-31  15  [P]
12.Atlant Toptyginpol    15   3  3  9  24-47  12  [P]
13.Suar                  15   3  2 10  22-41  11  [P]
14.MeteorStaff-Chelsea+  15   2  4  9  30-47  10  
15.Majun United-2        15   3  0 12  16-43   9  
16.Liner EPP             15   1  6  8  11-27   9  [P]

NB: GICD = General Investment & Construction Department
    In MS-Chelsea vs. MS-Chelsea+ match, both teams were awarded 0-3 defeat.

Second Stage


Round 1
[Aug 20]
Irbis       3-2 MS-Chelsea 
Ajax        3-0 Tunit      
[Aug 21]
GICD        0-1 Savinovo-2 
[Oct 29]
RusLab Nutr 2-1 Bramos     

Round 2
[Sep 3]
RusLab Nutr 1-3 Ajax       
[Sep 4]
Bramos      0-4 MS-Chelsea 
Tunit       1-3 GICD       
Savinovo-2  1-5 Irbis      

Round 3
[Sep 17]
Irbis       6-1 Tunit      
Ajax        4-1 Bramos     
[Sep 18]
GICD        2-6 RusLab Nutr
MS-Chelsea  2-4 Savinovo-2 

Round 4
[Sep 24]
Tunit       3-0 MS-Chelsea 
Ajax        1-7 GICD       
[Sep 25]
RusLab Nutr 3-5 Irbis      
Bramos      0-3 Savinovo-2 

Round 5
[Oct 1]
GICD        3-0 Bramos     
MS-Chelsea  1-3 RusLab Nutr
[Oct 2]
Irbis       3-1 Ajax       
Savinovo-2  3-3 Tunit      

Round 6
[Oct 15]
Ajax        5-5 MS-Chelsea 
GICD        2-3 Irbis      
[Oct 16]
RusLab Nutr 3-2 Savinovo-2 
Bramos      1-2 Tunit      

Round 7
[Oct 22]
Irbis       3-1 Bramos     
MS-Chelsea  3-1 GICD       
[Oct 23]
Tunit       1-6 RusLab Nutr
Savinovo-2  5-1 Ajax       

Final Table:

 1.Irbis                 22  16  4  2  63-34  52  Champions, Promoted [P]
 2.RusLab Nutrition      22  16  3  3  73-37  51  Promoted
 3.GICD                  22  13  3  6  51-32  42  Promoted [P]
 4.SS Savinovo-2         22  12  3  7  55-34  39  Promoted
 5.MeteorStaff-Chelsea   22  11  2  9  51-44  35  Promoted [1 1 0 8-7 4]
 6.Ajax                  22  11  2  9  55-56  35           [0 1 1 7-8 1] [R]
 7.Tunit                 22  10  3  9  46-54  33  [R]
 8.Bramos                22   9  1 12  32-37  28  [P]


Round 1
[Aug 20]
Liner EPP   3-2 Atlant Topt
MS-Chelsea+ 2-3 Breakthru  
[Aug 21]
Bobr United 2-3 Phoenix    
Majun Utd-2 4-4 Suar       

Round 2
[Sep 3]
Suar        3-0 MS-Chelsea+
Bobr United 2-0 Liner EPP  
Phoenix     2-2 Breakthru  
[Sep 4]
Atlant Topt 3-2 Majun Utd-2

Round 3
[Sep 17]
Liner EPP  10-3 Phoenix    
MS-Chelsea+ 1-5 Atlant Topt
[Sep 18]
Breakthru   4-1 Suar       
Majun Utd-2 1-2 Bobr United

Round 4
[Sep 24]
Bobr United 3-1 MS-Chelsea+
Atlant Topt 0-3 Breakthru  
[Sep 25]
Liner EPP   2-1 Majun Utd-2
Phoenix     1-1 Suar       

Round 5
[Oct 1]
MS-Chelsea+ 0-3 Liner EPP  
Suar        3-3 Atlant Topt
[Oct 2]
Breakthru   2-2 Bobr United
Majun Utd-2 5-3 Phoenix    

Round 6
[Oct 15]
Phoenix     7-2 Atlant Topt
Majun Utd-2 4-2 MS-Chelsea+
Bobr United 8-0 Suar       
[Oct 16]
Liner EPP   1-4 Breakthru  

Round 7
[Oct 22]
Suar        1-2 Liner EPP  
MS-Chelsea+ 1-0 Phoenix    
Atlant Topt 1-9 Bobr United
[Oct 23]
Breakthru   2-2 Majun Utd-2 

Final Table:

 9.Breakthru Hali Gali   22   9  6  7  45-32  33  [P]
10.Bobr United           22   9  4  9  57-39  31  [P]
11.Phoenix               22   7  6  9  45-52  27  [R]
12.Liner EPP             22   6  6 10  32-40  24  [P]
13.Atlant Toptyginpol    22   5  4 13  40-75  19  [P]
14.Majun United-2        22   5  2 15  35-61  17  [1 1 0 6-5 4]
15.Suar                  22   4  5 13  35-63  17  [0 1 1 5-6 1] [P]
16.MeteorStaff-Chelsea+  22   4  4 14  40-65  16  

Top scorers:

1.Artiom Berdov (RusLab Nutrition)   31
2.Ilnaz Kälimullin (Irbis)           18
3.Artur Nurullin (Bobr United)       17
4.Konstantin Khristoforov (Majun-2)  15
  Yevgeniy Rassypnov (MS-Chelsea)    15
  Hamzaali Tishev (Tunit)            15


First Stage

Round 1
[Apr 16]
ElectroSpectr 4-1 Energy       
Real Cabrones 1-1 Intech Savino
Enteka        2-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
[Apr 30]
Burevestnik   4-3 Locomotive   
[May 3]
Zariad-2      1-2 Empire       
FC Osinovo    1-1 Ratar-2      
SovComBank    3-1 Spectrum     
Voskhod Det-2 7-0 Peppers      

Round 2
[Apr 23]
Real Cabrones 1-2 Empire       
Ratar-2       1-1 Peppers      
Bramos-2      0-1 SovComBank   
MS-Chelsea-2  3-5 FC Osinovo   
[Apr 24]
Locomotive    3-0 Voskhod Det-2
ElectroSpectr 4-0 Enteka       
Energy        2-0 Intech Savino
Zariad-2      4-0 Spectrum     

Round 3
[May 14]
Zariad-2      3-3 Real Cabrones
Enteka        2-7 Voskhod Det-2
Empire        1-3 ElectroSpectr
SovComBank    4-2 Burevestnik  
Locomotive    1-2 Energy       
[May 15]
FC Osinovo    3-1 Intech Savino
Spectrum      1-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
Bramos-2      1-1 Peppers      

Round 4
[May 21]
Enteka        3-0 SovComBank   
MS-Chelsea-2  3-0 Ratar-2      
Locomotive    3-4 Empire       
Intech Savino 1-2 Peppers      
[May 22]
ElectroSpectr 3-1 Voskhod Det-2
Energy        3-1 Zariad-2     
Spectrum      1-0 Burevestnik  
Real Cabrones 2-3 Bramos-2     

Round 5
[May 28]
MS-Chelsea-2  3-2 Zariad-2     
SovComBank    2-0 FC Osinovo   
Burevestnik   4-2 Bramos-2     
Intech Savino 0-10 ElectroSpectr
[May 29]
Ratar-2       1-2 Locomotive   
Energy        1-0 Spectrum     
Voskhod Det-2 7-2 Empire       
Real Cabrones 0-1 Enteka       

Round 6
[Jun 4]
Intech Savino 3-1 MS-Chelsea-2 
Peppers       2-1 Real Cabrones
Voskhod Det-2 1-0 SovComBank   
Empire        2-2 Enteka       
[Jun 5]
FC Osinovo    1-7 ElectroSpectr
Ratar-2       2-1 Bramos-2     
Locomotive    2-0 Spectrum     
Burevestnik   1-2 Energy       

Round 7
[Jun 11]
Ratar-2       3-0 Real Cabrones
Burevestnik   2-2 Intech Savino
SovComBank    2-1 Locomotive   
Zariad-2      5-4 FC Osinovo   
[Jun 12]
Enteka        4-2 Bramos-2     
MS-Chelsea-2  2-3 Voskhod Det-2
Peppers       0-6 Energy       
Spectrum      3-2 Empire       

Round 8
[Jun 17]
MS-Chelsea-2  0-3 SovComBank   
[Jun 18]
Enteka        2-4 Burevestnik  
Intech Savino 1-7 Voskhod Det-2
ElectroSpectr 0-0 Ratar-2      
Real Cabrones 3-7 Locomotive   
[Jun 19]
Bramos-2      0-2 Energy       
Zariad-2      2-4 Peppers      
FC Osinovo    2-1 Empire       

Round 9
[Jun 25]
FC Osinovo    3-2 Locomotive   
Ratar-2       4-2 Enteka       
Spectrum      2-0 Intech Savino
Bramos-2      2-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
[Jun 26]
Empire        0-1 Energy       
Voskhod Det-2 0-0 Zariad-2     
Peppers       2-4 Burevestnik  
ElectroSpectr 1-0 SovComBank   

Round 10
[Jul 2]
Burevestnik   5-2 FC Osinovo   
SovComBank    2-2 Zariad-2     
Real Cabrones 2-9 ElectroSpectr
Energy        2-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
[Jul 3]
Peppers       5-3 Empire       
Locomotive    2-1 Enteka       
Intech Savino 1-2 Bramos-2     
Ratar-2       0-2 Spectrum     

Round 11
[Jul 9]
Zariad-2      1-4 ElectroSpectr
Locomotive    7-0 Intech Savino
SovComBank    4-2 Peppers      
Bramos-2      3-0 Spectrum     
[Jul 10]
Empire        5-2 Burevestnik  
FC Osinovo    0-2 Enteka       
MS-Chelsea-2  1-1 Real Cabrones
Voskhod Det-2 1-0 Ratar-2      

Round 12
[Jul 16]
Bramos-2      0-5 Zariad-2     
Empire        2-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
Real Cabrones 1-5 SovComBank   
Burevestnik   0-3 Ratar-2      
[Aug 14]
Peppers       4-2 Spectrum     
[Aug 30]
Voskhod Det-2 6-0 FC Osinovo   
ElectroSpectr 5-1 Locomotive   
Energy        3-1 Enteka       

Round 13
[Jul 23]
FC Osinovo    0-0 Bramos-2     
MS-Chelsea-2  0-1 Burevestnik  
[Jul 24]
Zariad-2      1-0 Locomotive   
Enteka        2-0 Spectrum     
Voskhod Det-2 3-0 Real Cabrones
[Aug 13]
Energy        0-2 SovComBank   
Peppers       2-7 ElectroSpectr
[Aug 30]
Ratar-2       2-0 Intech Savino

Round 14
[Jul 30]
Burevestnik   0-5 Voskhod Det-2
Empire        2-2 Bramos-2     
Spectrum      1-6 ElectroSpectr
Locomotive    6-1 MS-Chelsea-2 
[Jul 31]
Zariad-2      4-1 Intech Savino
Energy        1-2 Ratar-2      
FC Osinovo    2-2 Real Cabrones
Enteka        0-1 Peppers      

Round 15
[Aug 6]
Burevestnik   2-4 ElectroSpectr
Enteka        0-4 Zariad-2     
Real Cabrones 1-3 Energy       
Voskhod Det-2 5-2 Bramos-2     
[Aug 7]
Intech Savino 3-3 SovComBank   
Empire        2-3 Ratar-2      
FC Osinovo    4-2 Spectrum     
MS-Chelsea-2  1-8 Peppers      

Round 16
[Aug 20]
ElectroSpectr 3-0 Bramos-2     
Enteka        0-1 Intech Savino
Ratar-2       2-1 Zariad-2     
Burevestnik   3-1 Real Cabrones
[Aug 21]
Spectrum      0-8 Voskhod Det-2
Peppers       2-3 Locomotive   
SovComBank    1-2 Empire       
Energy        4-2 FC Osinovo   

Round 17
[Sep 3]
ElectroSpectr 5-1 MS-Chelsea-2 
SovComBank    1-0 Ratar-2      
Peppers       3-0 FC Osinovo   
Voskhod Det-2 5-2 Energy       
[Sep 4]
Spectrum      1-2 Real Cabrones
Bramos-2      4-5 Locomotive   
Intech Savino 2-3 Empire       
Zariad-2      2-3 Burevestnik  

Final Table:

 1.ElectroSpectrum        16  15  1  0  75-14  46  [N]
 2.Voskhod Detailing-2    16  13  1  2  66-17  40  [N]
 3.Energy                 16  11  1  4  35-22  34  [R]
 4.SovComBank             16  10  2  4  33-19  32  [N]
 5.Locomotive             16   9  0  7  48-33  27  [N]
 6.Ratar-2                16   8  3  5  24-18  27  
 7.Peppers                16   8  2  6  39-43  26  
 8.Burevestnik            16   8  1  7  37-40  25  [N]
 9.Empire                 16   6  3  7  35-40  21  [2-1] [R]
10.Zariad-2               16   6  3  7  38-31  21  [1-2] [N]
11.FC Osinovo             16   5  3  8  29-46  18  
12.Enteka                 16   5  2  9  24-36  17  
13.MeteorStaff-Chelsea-2  16   3  5  8  26-46  14  [R]
14.Bramos-2               16   3  4  9  24-39  13  [N]
15.Spectrum               16   4  0 12  16-43  12  
16.Intech Savinovo        16   2  3 11  17-51   9  
17.Real Cabrones          16   1  4 11  21-49   7  

Second Stage


Round 1 [Sep 18]
Burevestnik   2-3 Energy       
Voskhod Det-2 5-0 ElectroSpectr
Peppers       1-5 Ratar-2      
Locomotive    3-2 SovComBank   

Round 2
[Sep 24]
Burevestnik   0-3 Voskhod Det-2
Energy        4-0 Ratar-2      
SovComBank    3-1 Peppers      
[Sep 25]
ElectroSpectr 4-1 Locomotive   

Round 3
[Oct 2]
Peppers       1-3 ElectroSpectr
Locomotive    3-0 Burevestnik  
Voskhod Det-2 4-2 Energy       
[Oct 9]
Ratar-2       5-1 SovComBank   

Round 4
[Oct 9]
Burevestnik   0-3 Peppers      
[Oct 22]
ElectroSpectr 6-1 Ratar-2      
Energy        2-1 SovComBank   
Voskhod Det-2 4-4 Locomotive   

Round 5
[Oct 15]
Ratar-2       3-0 Burevestnik  
Peppers       0-4 Voskhod Det-2
[Oct 16]
SovComBank    0-3 ElectroSpectr
Locomotive    4-2 Energy       

Round 6
[Oct 22]
Burevestnik   0-3 SovComBank   
[Oct 23]
Energy        0-3 ElectroSpectr
Voskhod Det-2 0-3 Ratar-2      
Locomotive    2-0 Peppers      

Round 7
[Oct 9]
Peppers       1-3 Energy       
[Oct 29]
ElectroSpectr 3-0 Burevestnik  
[Oct 30]
SovComBank    4-4 Voskhod Det-2
Ratar-2       4-3 Locomotive   

Final Table:

 1.ElectroSpectrum        23  21  1  1  97-22  64  Champions, Promoted [N]
 2.Voskhod Detailing-2    23  17  3  3  90-30  54  Promoted [N]
 3.Energy                 23  15  1  7  51-37  46  Promoted [R]
 4.Ratar-2                23  13  3  7  45-33  42  Promoted
 5.Locomotive             23  13  1  9  68-49  40  Promoted [N]
 6.SovComBank             23  12  3  8  47-37  39  [N]
 7.Peppers                23   9  2 12  46-63  29  
 8.Burevestnik            23   8  1 14  39-61  25  [N]


Round 1 [Sep 17]
Empire        1-3 Enteka       
Intech Savino 0-0 Bramos-2     
MS-Chelsea-2  1-1 Spectrum     
FC Osinovo    4-4 Real Cabrones

Round 2
[Sep 24]
Zariad-2      0-3 Empire       
Spectrum      2-3 FC Osinovo   
[Sep 25]
Enteka        1-3 Intech Savino
Bramos-2      1-2 MS-Chelsea-2 

Round 3
[Oct 1]
FC Osinovo    3-0 Bramos-2     
Real Cabrones 5-5 Spectrum     
Intech Savino 2-3 Zariad-2     
[Oct 2]
MS-Chelsea-2  0-3 Enteka       

Round 4
[Oct 8]
Bramos-2      0-3 Real Cabrones
[Oct 9]
FC Osinovo    5-1 Intech Savino
[Oct 22]
Zariad-2      3-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
Enteka        0-3 FC Osinovo   

Round 5
[Oct 15]
Spectrum      3-0 Bramos-2     
MS-Chelsea-2  2-3 Empire       
[Oct 16]
Real Cabrones 2-2 Enteka       
FC Osinovo    3-3 Zariad-2     

Round 6 [Oct 23]
Enteka        3-1 Spectrum     
Intech Savino 2-3 MS-Chelsea-2 
Zariad-2      2-3 Real Cabrones
Empire        3-0 FC Osinovo   

Round 7
[Oct 22]
Empire        1-3 Intech Savino
[Oct 29]
Bramos-2      0-3 Enteka       
Real Cabrones 3-3 Empire       
Spectrum      0-2 Zariad-2     

Round 8
[Oct 29]
MS-Chelsea-2  3-2 FC Osinovo   
[Oct 30]
Intech Savino 7-1 Real Cabrones
Empire        2-1 Spectrum     
[Nov 5]
Zariad-2      3-0 Bramos-2     

Round 9
[Oct 15]
Spectrum      0-0 Intech Savino
[Oct 30]
Enteka        2-1 Zariad-2     
[Nov 5]
Real Cabrones 5-2 MS-Chelsea-2 
[Nov 12]
Bramos-2      0-3 Empire        

Final Table:

 9.Empire                 24  11  4  9  57-52  37  [R]
10.Zariad-2               24  10  4 10  55-46  34  [N]
11.Enteka                 24  10  3 11  41-47  33  
12.FC Osinovo             24   9  5 10  52-62  32  
13.MeteorStaff-Chelsea-2  24   6  6 12  41-66  24  [R]
14.Intech Savinovo        24   5  5 14  35-65  20  [1 1 0 8-2 4]
15.Real Cabrones          24   4  8 12  47-74  20  [0 1 1 2-8 1]
16.Spectrum               24   5  3 16  29-59  18  
17.Bramos-2               24   3  5 16  25-59  14  [N]

Top scorers:

1.Rail Söngatullin (Voskhod De-2)  26
2.Artur Latıpov (Energy)           19
3.Ramil Ghaliyev (ElecroSpectrum)  14
4.Artur Miftaxov (Voskhod Deta-2)  14
5.Artur Nefiodov (FC Osinovo)      14


NB: Teams from Serias A, B, and C may enter.


Group A

[Aug 13]
Zariad      0-2 SS Savinovo
[Aug 27]
GICD        3-2 Zariad     
[Sep 11]
SS Savinovo 1-3 GICD       

1.GICD         2 0 0  6-3  6
2.SS Savinovo  1 0 1  3-3  3
3.Zariad       0 0 2  2-5  0

Group B

[Aug 14]
FC Qazan      3-4 Ratar        
[Aug 28]
Ratar         3-0 SS Savinovo-2
[Sep 10]
SS Savinovo-2 1-3 FC Qazan     

1.Ratar          2 0 0  7-3  6
2.FC Qazan       1 0 1  6-5  3
3.SS Savinovo-2  0 0 2  1-6  0

Group C

[Aug 14]
Sportsman    6-1 TatNefteKhim
[Aug 27]
Irbis        1-3 Sportsman   
[Sep 10]
TatNefteKhim 5-3 Irbis       

1.Sportsman     2 0 0  9-2  6
2.TatNefteKhim  1 0 1  6-9  3
3.Irbis         0 0 2  4-8  0

Group D

[Aug 13]
DimArs Juniors 5-0 Suar          
[Aug 27]
Bobr United    0-1 DimArs Juniors
[Sep 10]
Suar           1-3 Bobr United   

1.DimArs Juniors  2 0 0  6-0  6
2.Bobr United     1 0 1  3-2  3
3.Suar            0 0 2  1-8  0

Group E

[Aug 13]
Orion          3-0 Majun United  
[Aug 14]
Bianconeri     1-2 TatTechMedFarm
[Aug 28]
TatTechMedFarm 1-4 Majun United  
Bianconeri     0-0 Orion         
[Sep 11]
Majun United   3-0 Bianconeri    
Orion          1-3 TatTechMedFarm

1.Majun United    2 0 1  7-4  6
2.TatTechMedFarm  2 0 1  6-6  6
3.Orion           1 1 1  4-3  4
4.Bianconeri      0 1 2  1-5  1

Group F

[Aug 13]
ArTech            1-6 CemService       
[Aug 14]
Ajax              0-10 Voskhod Detailing
[Aug 28]
CemService        1-3 Voskhod Detailing
ArTech            1-1 Ajax             
[Sep 10]
Voskhod Detailin 10-0 ArTech           
[Sep 11]
Ajax              1-2 CemService       

1.Voskhod Detailing  3 0 0  23- 1  9
2.CemService         2 0 1   9- 5  6
3.Ajax               0 1 2   2-13  1
4.ArTech             0 1 2   2-17  1

Group G

[Aug 13]
Avantgarde   2-1 Khoro.Show  
[Aug 14]
Planet-K     0-3 Breakthru HG
[Aug 27]
Khoro.Show   2-0 Breakthru HG
[Aug 28]
Avantgarde   4-1 Planet-K    
[Sep 11]
Breakthru HG 2-5 Avantgarde  
Planet-K     1-7 Khoro.Show  

1.Avantgarde           3 0 0  11- 4  9
2.Khoro.Show           2 0 1  10- 3  6
3.Breakthru Hali Gali  1 0 2   5- 7  3
4.Planet-K             0 0 3   2-14  0

Group H

[Aug 14]
Grand Prix 2-6 Dinamo    
Profit     1-2 QazEnergo 
[Aug 27]
QazEnergo  0-3 Dinamo    
Profit     1-2 Grand Prix
[Sep 10]
Grand Prix 3-3 QazEnergo 
[Sep 11]
Dinamo     3-0 Profit    

1.Dinamo      3 0 0  12- 2  9
2.QazEnergo   1 1 1   5- 7  4
3.Grand Prix  1 1 1   7-10  4
4.Profit      0 0 3   2- 7  0


First Round

[Oct 8]
AVANTGARDE    0-0  TatTechMedFarm  [pen 3-2]
RATAR         3-0  Bobr United
DIMARS JUN    4-0  QazEnergo
Dinamo        0-3  FC QAZAN
[Oct 9]
SPORTSMAN     2-0  Khoro.Show
MAJUN UNITED  3-1  TatNefteKhim
Voskhod Det   1-2  SS SAVINOVO
GICD          2-3  CEMSERVICE

Quarterfinals [Oct 30]

DimArs Jun    1-4  SS SAVINOVO
Avantgarde    2-3  SPORTSMAN
RATAR         5-1  Majun United
FC Qazan      0-2  CEMSERVICE

Semifinals [Nov 5]

SS Savinovo   0-3  CEMSERVICE
  [P.Ishutinov 8, P.Petrov 51, A.Xösnullin 59]
SPORTSMAN     2-0  Ratar
  [D.Shemiakin 17, B.Ayzatullov 67]

Final [Nov 6]

SPORTSMAN  0-0  CemService  [pen 3-0]


NB: Participants include teams that took 3rd place in League Cup groups,
    and teams from Serias B, C, and D that did not enter the League Cup.


Group A

[Aug 13]
Intech Sav 0-2 MS-Chelsea
[Aug 14]
RusLab Nut 2-0 Atlant Top
[Aug 27]
RusLab Nut 3-1 Intech Sav
Atlant Top 2-8 MS-Chelsea
[Sep 10]
MS-Chelsea 1-2 RusLab Nut
Intech Sav 3-0 Atlant Top

1.RusLab Nutrition     3 0 0   7- 2  9
2.MeteorStaff-Chelsea  2 0 1  11- 4  6
3.Intech Savinovo      1 0 2   4- 5  3
4.Atlant Toptyginpol   0 0 3   2-13  0

Group B

[Aug 14]
Zariad-2 3-1 Ratar-2
[Aug 27]
Gorki    2-2 Zariad-2
[Sep 11]
Ratar-2  2-3 Gorki

1.Zariad-2  1 1 0  5-3  4
2.Gorki     1 1 0  5-4  4
3.Ratar-2   0 0 2  3-6  0

Group C

[Aug 14]
Voskhod Det-2 0-5 ElectroSpectr
SovComBank    0-2 Akhmat       
[Aug 27]
Voskhod Det-2 3-1 SovComBank   
[Aug 28]
ElectroSpectr 4-0 Akhmat       
[Sep 11]
SovComBank    2-1 ElectroSpectr
Akhmat        0-3 Voskhod Det-2

1.ElectroSpectrum      2 0 1  10-2  6
2.Voskhod Detailing-2  2 0 1   6-6  6
3.Akhmat               1 0 2   2-7  3
4.SovComBank           1 0 2   3-6  3

Group D

[Aug 13]
Bastion      1-1 Enteka      
MS-Chelsea-2 0-1 FC Osinovo  
[Aug 27]
Enteka       4-1 FC Osinovo  
[Aug 28]
Bastion      0-1 MS-Chelsea-2
[Sep 10]
MS-Chelsea-2 2-2 Enteka      
FC Osinovo   2-3 Bastion     

1.Enteka                 1 2 0  7-4  5
2.MeteorStaff-Chelsea-2  1 1 1  3-3  4  [1-0]
3.Bastion                1 1 1  4-4  4  [0-1]
4.FC Osinovo             1 0 2  4-7  3

Group E

[Aug 13]
Majun Utd-2 3-2 Sparta     
[Aug 28]
Armada      2-5 Majun Utd-2
[Sep 11]
Sparta      2-0 Armada     

1.Majun United-2  2 0 0  8-4  6
2.Sparta          1 0 1  4-3  3
3.Armada          0 0 2  2-7  0

Group F

[Aug 14]
Liner EPP    1-3 Tunit       
[Aug 28]
Avantgarde-2 4-1 Liner EPP   
[Sep 10]
Tunit        3-5 Avantgarde-2

1.Avantgarde-2  2 0 0  9-4  6
2.Tunit         1 0 1  6-6  3
3.Liner EPP     0 0 2  2-7  0

Group G

[Aug 14]
MS-Chelsea+ 2-1 Bramos     
[Aug 28]
Empire      2-3 MS-Chelsea+
[Sep 11]
Bramos      0-0 Empire     

1.MeteorStaff-Chelsea+  2 0 0  5-3  6
2.Empire                0 1 1  2-3  1
3.Bramos                0 1 1  1-2  1

Group H

[Aug 13]
Bramos-2   1-4 Locomotive
[Aug 28]
Phoenix    3-1 Bramos-2  
[Sep 10]
Locomotive 4-0 Phoenix   

1.Locomotive  2 0 0  8-1  6
2.Phoenix     1 0 1  3-5  3
3.Bramos-2    0 0 2  2-7  0


First Round [Oct 8]

MeteorStaff-Chelsea+  1-2  METEORSTAFF-CHELSEA
ELECTROSPECTRUM       4-1  Sparta
AVANTGARDE-2          5-2  Empire
MAJUN UNITED-2        2-2  Gorki                  [pen 3-1]
Zariad-2              2-4  PHOENIX
RusLab Nutrition      2-4  VOSKHOD DETAILING-2
ENTEKA                3-1  Tunit
LOCOMOTIVE            6-2  MeteorStaff-Chelsea-2

Second Round [Oct 9]

NB: Teams form League Cup enter.

Grand Prix            3-4  PHOENIX
ORION                 2-2  MeteorStaff-Chelsea  [pen 3-2]
Suar                  0-7  AVANTGARDE-2
Ajax                  2-3  MAJUN UNITED-2
SS Savinovo-2         0-5  ELECTROSPECTRUM
Irbis                 4-4  LOCOMOTIVE           [pen 2-4]
Zariad                0-3  VOSKHOD DETAILING-2

Quarterfinals [Oct 29]

LOCOMOTIVE            3-1  Majun United-2
ELECTROSPECTRUM       8-1  Phoenix
Orion                 1-1  VOSKHOD DETAILING-2  [pen 4-5]
Avantgarde-2          0-1  BREAKTHRU HALI GALI

Semifinals [Nov 5]

Voskhod Detailing-2   2-4  LOCOMOTIVE
BREAKTHRU HALI GALI   1-0  ElectroSpectrum

Final [Nov 6]

BREAKTHRU HALI GALI  2-1  Locomotive
  [D.Cherepanov 3, Ye.Tikhonov 67 - N.Litsov 17]

Source: Qazan Football Amateur League (


Round 1
[Jun 8]
Legion  2-2 Tulpar 
[Jun 10]
Spartak 2-2 Inter  

Round 2
[Jun 15]
Spartak 1-0 Legion 
[Jun 17]
Tulpar  2-1 NMC    

Round 3
[Jun 22]
NMC     1-1 Inter  
[Jun 24]
Tulpar  3-3 Spartak

Round 4
[Jun 29]
Inter   0-2 Legion 
[Jul 1]
Spartak 1-1 NMC    

Round 5
[Jul 6]
Legion  3-0 NMC    
[Jul 8]
Inter   4-4 Tulpar 

Round 6
[Jul 13]
Tulpar  3-2 Inter  
[Jul 15]
NMC     1-3 Legion 

Round 7
[Jul 20]
NMC     1-3 Spartak
[Jul 22]
Legion  6-2 Inter  

Round 8
[Jul 27]
Spartak 7-1 Tulpar 
[Jul 29]
Inter   1-4 NMC    

Round 9
[Aug 3]
NMC     1-3 Tulpar 
[Aug 5]
Legion  1-1 Spartak

Round 10
[Aug 10]
Inter   2-9 Spartak
[Aug 12]
Tulpar  0-6 Legion 

Final Table:

1.Legion            8   5  2  1  23- 7  17  Champions
2.Spartak           8   4  4  0  27-11  16  
3.Tulpar            8   3  3  2  18-26  12  
4.NMC               8   1  2  5  10-17   5  
5.Inter             8   0  3  5  14-31   3  

NB: NMC = Norlat Motor Company

Top scorers:

1.Nikolai Ogoniov (Spartak)    9
2.Artur Gafiyatullin (Legion)  8
  Ilmir Ghıbadullin (Tulpar)   8
4.Ramis Lukmanov (Legion)      5

2021/22 (1st to 3rd level).

2022 (4th and 5th level).

2022 (6th level overview).

2022/23 (1st to 3rd level).

list of champions.

list of final tables.

list of cup winners.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Theodore Dreiman for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Theodore Dreiman
Last updated: 1 Mar 2023

(C) Copyright Theodore Dreiman and RSSSF 2023
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.