Liga Peruana de Fútbol Primera División Final Ranking: 1.Juan Bielovucic 2.Sport Alianza 3.Unión Miraflores 4.Sportivo Tarapacá Ferrocarril 5.Jorge Chávez No. 1 6.Unión Perú 7.Sport José Gálvez 8.Sport Inca 9.Alianza Chorrillos 10.Fraternal Barranco 11.Atlético Peruano 12.Jorge Chávez No. 2 13.Escuela de Artes y Oficios NB: Unión Miraflores, Sport José Gálvez and Escuela de Artes y Oficios did not enter 1918 Promoted: Sport Vitarte, Sportivo Lima, Sport Progreso, Association Alianza
list of 2nd division champions.
list of departmental champions.
list of 2nd division final tables.
Prepared and maintained by Carlos Manuel Nieto Tarazona for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Author: Carlos Manuel Nieto Tarazona
Last updated: 4 Mar 2025
(C) Copyright Carlos Manuel Nieto Tarazona and RSSSF 2019/25
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