Peru 1912

Liga Peruana de Fútbol

NB: first season with organised league, covering Lima, Callao, and
    suburbs such as Miraflores and Barranco.

NB: Sport José Gálvez de Lima withdrew because of not agreeing
    with the competition format.  The clubs from Callao (among
    which Atlético Chalaco) did not respond to the invitation
    to enter.

Primera División

Participants (8):
   Association FBC
   Escuela Militar de Chorrillos
   Jorge Chávez No. 1
   Miraflores SC
   Lima Cricket
   Sport Alianza
   Sport Inca
   Sport Vitarte

Round 1
[May 5]
Lima Cricket         6-1 Sport Vitarte
[May ?]
Association FBC      0-1 Sport Inca
Jorge Chávez No. 1   2-0 Sport Alianza
Escuela Militar      0-2 Miraflores Sporting  
Round 2
Miraflores Sporting  1-0 Sport Vitarte
Sport Alianza        1-0 Sport Inca

Round 6
Lima Cricket         2-0 Sport Inca
Round 7
Lima Cricket         5-0 Association FBC           
Round 14
Association FBC      0-1 Lima Cricket

Final Standings:

 1.Lima Cricket
 2.Association FBC
 3.Jorge Chávez No. 1
 4.Sport Alianza
 5.Sport Inca
 6.Miraflores Sporting
 7.Sport Vitarte
 -.Escuela Militar de Chorrillos 

NB: Cricket and Association finished equal on points; Cricket
      were declared champions on head-to-head record;
    Escuela Militar de Chorrillos withdrew halfway though the
      season when positioned last in the Primera División with
      a single point;
    Miraflores and Vitarte were relegated

Segunda División

Participants (8):
   Atlético Grau No. 1 (Lima)
   Atlético Peruano
   Carlos Tenaud No. 1
   Carlos Tenaud No. 2
   Sport Libertad Barranco
   Sport Magdalena
   Sport Progreso
   Unión Miraflores 

NB: Atlético Grau No. 1 and Unión Miraflores promoted;
    in addition, José Gálvez were admitted to the 1913 top level


list of champions.

copa peru history.

list of 2nd division champions.

list of regional champions.

list of departmental champions.

list of final tables.

list of 2nd division final tables.

list of divisional movements.

list of foundation dates.

list of topscorers.

About this document

Sources: wikipedia,

Prepared and maintained by Carlos Manuel Nieto Tarazona and Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Carlos Manuel Nieto Tarazona and Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 4 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Carlos Manuel Nieto Tarazona, Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2009/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.