Northern Ireland 2019/20

IFA Premiership
Cup Tournaments
Premier Intermediate League

IFA Premiership

Regular Stage | Playoff Stage

Regular Stage

Final Ranking (based on points/match average):

 1.Linfield              31  22  3  6  71-24  69  [C]  [2.23]  Champions
 2.Coleraine             31  19  8  4  64-24  65       [2.10]
 3.Crusaders             31  17  8  6  66-30  59       [1.90]
 4.Cliftonville          31  18  5  8  48-22  59       [1.90]
 5.Glentoran             31  17  7  7  60-33  58       [1.87]
 6.Larne                 31  16  8  7  59-29  56  [P]  [1.81]
 7.Glenavon              31  10  5 16  46-71  35       [1.13]
 8.Carrick Rangers       31  10  2 19  34-47  32  [P]  [1.03]
 9.Dungannon Swifts      31   8  6 17  36-76  30       [0.97]
10.Ballymena United      31   7  6 18  34-54  27       [0.87]
11.Warrenpoint Town      31   5  3 23  26-85  18       [0.58]
12.Institute             31   2  9 20  23-72  15       [0.48]  Relegated

NB: an independent football data consultancy (21st club) was commissioned to
    determine a mathematical model to determine the final standings; in the
    end (Jun 26), they chose points per match ratio (thus following Scotland 
    and Wales), implying that the ranking at abandonment on Jun 23 is final
    (as all clubs played an equal number of matches).

Round 1
[Aug 9]
Glenavon              1-1 Glentoran             
[Aug 10]
Coleraine             1-1 Cliftonville          
Crusaders             3-0 Carrick Rangers       
Dungannon Swifts      2-2 Ballymena United      
Larne                 6-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Linfield              3-1 Institute             

Round 2
[Aug 13]
Carrick Rangers       1-2 Larne                 
Cliftonville          3-1 Glenavon              
Crusaders             4-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Glentoran             2-2 Coleraine             
Institute             2-3 Dungannon Swifts      
[Nov 26]
Ballymena United      1-2 Linfield              

Round 3 [Aug 17]
Cliftonville          0-2 Crusaders             
Dungannon Swifts      3-1 Glentoran             
Glenavon              2-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Institute             0-2 Carrick Rangers       
Larne                 2-4 Ballymena United      
Linfield              2-4 Coleraine             

Round 4
[Aug 24]
Ballymena United      1-2 Glentoran             
Carrick Rangers       0-1 Cliftonville          
Coleraine             0-0 Institute             
Crusaders             2-2 Larne                 
Dungannon Swifts      2-1 Glenavon              
[Oct 22]
Linfield              7-0 Warrenpoint Town      

Round 5
[Aug 30]
Carrick Rangers       0-1 Ballymena United      
Glenavon              0-4 Coleraine             
[Aug 31]
Crusaders             3-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Warrenpoint Town      1-5 Cliftonville          
[Sep 2]
Glentoran             4-0 Institute             
[Jan 28]
Larne                 3-1 Linfield              

Round 6
[Sep 7]
Ballymena United      4-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Cliftonville          0-1 Linfield              
Coleraine             5-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Glentoran             2-1 Larne                 
Institute             0-6 Crusaders             
[Dec 10]
Glenavon              1-0 Carrick Rangers       

Round 7 [Sep 14]
Institute             1-4 Larne                 
Ballymena United      1-1 Coleraine             
Crusaders             3-2 Glenavon              
Dungannon Swifts      0-4 Cliftonville          
Linfield              1-0 Glentoran             
Warrenpoint Town      0-3 Carrick Rangers       

Round 8
[Sep 21]
Cliftonville          1-0 Institute             
Coleraine             4-2 Crusaders             
Glenavon              3-1 Ballymena United      
Glentoran             2-1 Warrenpoint Town      
Larne                 0-0 Dungannon Swifts      
[Sep 23]
Carrick Rangers       0-3 Linfield              

Round 9 [Sep 28]
Ballymena United      2-1 Cliftonville          
Coleraine             0-0 Larne                 
Crusaders             5-2 Glentoran             
Dungannon Swifts      2-1 Carrick Rangers       
Linfield              7-0 Glenavon              
Warrenpoint Town      1-3 Institute             

Round 10
[Oct 4]
Crusaders             1-0 Linfield              
Glentoran             0-1 Cliftonville          
Larne                 6-0 Glenavon              
[Oct 5]
Carrick Rangers       1-4 Coleraine             
Institute             1-1 Ballymena United      
Warrenpoint Town      4-3 Dungannon Swifts      

Round 11
[Oct 12]
Ballymena United      1-1 Crusaders             
Cliftonville          1-0 Larne                 
Coleraine             3-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Dungannon Swifts      1-4 Linfield              
Glentoran             3-1 Carrick Rangers       
[Nov 26]
Glenavon              3-1 Institute             

Round 12
[Oct 18]
Larne                 2-3 Glentoran             
[Oct 19]
Carrick Rangers       1-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Crusaders             0-2 Coleraine             
Institute             0-3 Cliftonville          
Linfield              2-1 Ballymena United      
Warrenpoint Town      1-3 Glenavon              

Round 13
[Oct 25]
Glentoran             3-1 Ballymena United      
[Oct 26]
Carrick Rangers       1-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Cliftonville          5-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Coleraine             1-0 Linfield              
Larne                 1-1 Institute             
Glenavon              2-2 Crusaders             

Round 14 [Nov 2]
Glenavon              1-2 Cliftonville          
Crusaders             1-1 Institute             
Ballymena United      0-3 Larne                 
Linfield              2-0 Carrick Rangers       
Warrenpoint Town      0-4 Glentoran             
Dungannon Swifts      0-2 Coleraine             

Round 15
[Nov 9]
Institute             1-1 Glentoran             
Ballymena United      1-2 Carrick Rangers       
Cliftonville          4-0 Warrenpoint Town      
Coleraine             4-0 Glenavon              
[Nov 11]
Larne                 0-0 Crusaders             
[Feb 4]
Linfield              2-1 Dungannon Swifts      

Round 16
[Nov 15]
Carrick Rangers       1-3 Crusaders             
[Nov 16]
Institute             0-3 Linfield              
Dungannon Swifts      0-1 Larne                 
Cliftonville          1-0 Ballymena United      
Warrenpoint Town      3-1 Coleraine             
[Jan 28]
Glentoran             4-0 Glenavon              

Round 17
[Nov 22]
Glenavon              1-0 Linfield              
[Nov 23]
Ballymena United      1-1 Institute             
Larne                 1-1 Cliftonville          
Glentoran             6-1 Dungannon Swifts      
Warrenpoint Town      0-1 Crusaders             
Coleraine             3-2 Carrick Rangers       

Round 18 [Nov 30]
Institute             2-0 Coleraine             
Linfield              1-0 Larne                 
Carrick Rangers       6-2 Glenavon              
Cliftonville          0-2 Glentoran             
Dungannon Swifts      1-6 Crusaders             
Warrenpoint Town      2-1 Ballymena United      

Round 19 [Dec 7]
Crusaders             0-1 Ballymena United      
Glenavon              1-3 Larne                 
Carrick Rangers       3-0 Institute             
Coleraine             2-2 Glentoran             
Linfield              1-0 Cliftonville          
Dungannon Swifts      3-1 Warrenpoint Town      

Round 20
[Dec 14]
Larne                 2-2 Coleraine             
Warrenpoint Town      0-2 Linfield              
Institute             1-4 Glenavon              
Ballymena United      3-2 Dungannon Swifts      
Glentoran             1-1 Crusaders             
[Feb 4]
Cliftonville          3-1 Carrick Rangers       

Round 21
[Dec 20]
Ballymena United      2-1 Glenavon              
[Dec 21]
Linfield              1-1 Crusaders             
Dungannon Swifts      2-2 Institute             
Carrick Rangers       0-1 Glentoran             
Warrenpoint Town      0-2 Larne                 
Cliftonville          1-0 Coleraine             

Round 22 [Dec 26]
Institute             0-1 Warrenpoint Town      
Glentoran             3-0 Linfield              
Glenavon              5-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Coleraine             2-0 Ballymena United      
Larne                 0-0 Carrick Rangers       
Crusaders             1-2 Cliftonville          

Round 23 [Dec 28]
Institute             0-3 Carrick Rangers       
Crusaders             5-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Glentoran             2-0 Ballymena United      
Coleraine             1-1 Linfield              
Glenavon              1-1 Warrenpoint Town      
Larne                 1-2 Cliftonville          

Round 24 [Jan 1]
Linfield              3-0 Institute             
Cliftonville          1-0 Glenavon              
Carrick Rangers       0-2 Coleraine             
Warrenpoint Town      0-4 Crusaders             
Dungannon Swifts      0-2 Glentoran             
Ballymena United      2-3 Larne                 

Round 25
[Jan 10]
Coleraine             0-1 Crusaders             
Larne                 4-0 Carrick Rangers       
Glenavon              2-2 Institute             
[Jan 11]
Glentoran             2-1 Warrenpoint Town      
[Jan 13]
Cliftonville          1-2 Linfield              
[Mar 3]
Dungannon Swifts      1-0 Ballymena United      

Round 26 [Jan 18]
Ballymena United      0-3 Glenavon              
Carrick Rangers       1-0 Cliftonville          
Crusaders             3-0 Larne                 
Institute             0-2 Glentoran             
Linfield              0-0 Dungannon Swifts      
Warrenpoint Town      0-4 Coleraine             

Round 27
[Jan 25]
Carrick Rangers       1-2 Warrenpoint Town      
Crusaders             2-0 Ballymena United      
Dungannon Swifts      2-0 Institute             
Linfield              8-1 Glenavon              
Larne                 2-1 Glentoran             
[Jan 27]
Coleraine             1-0 Cliftonville          

Round 28 [Feb 8]
Ballymena United      0-2 Carrick Rangers       
Cliftonville          1-1 Dungannon Swifts      
Glenavon              2-1 Crusaders             
Glentoran             0-1 Coleraine             
Institute             0-4 Larne                 
Warrenpoint Town      1-2 Linfield              

Round 29
[Feb 14]
Ballymena United      1-4 Linfield              
Dungannon Swifts      0-2 Larne                 
Glentoran             0-0 Carrick Rangers       
Warrenpoint Town      2-2 Institute             
[Mar 3]
Coleraine             2-1 Glenavon              
Crusaders             0-0 Cliftonville          

Round 30
[Feb 21]
Linfield              4-0 Crusaders             
[Feb 22]
Institute             0-4 Coleraine             
Carrick Rangers       1-2 Dungannon Swifts      
Cliftonville          1-1 Ballymena United      
Glenavon              2-2 Glentoran             
Larne                 1-0 Warrenpoint Town      

Round 31 [Mar 7]
Ballymena United      0-2 Coleraine             
Carrick Rangers       0-2 Linfield              
Crusaders             2-1 Institute             
Dungannon Swifts      4-4 Warrenpoint Town      
Glentoran             0-2 Cliftonville          
Larne                 1-0 Glenavon              

NB: league suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic and abandoned on Jun 23

Round 32 [not played]
Coleraine              -  Dungannon Swifts      
Crusaders              -  Glentoran             
Glenavon               -  Carrick Rangers       
Institute              -  Cliftonville          
Linfield               -  Larne                 
Warrenpoint Town       -  Ballymena United      

Round 33 [not played]
Glentoran              -  Linfield              
Ballymena United       -  Institute             
Carrick Rangers        -  Crusaders             
Cliftonville           -  Warrenpoint Town      
Dungannon Swifts       -  Glenavon              
Larne                  -  Coleraine             

Final Ranking (based on points/match average):

 1.Linfield              31  22  3  6  71-24  69  [C]  [2.23]  Champions
 2.Coleraine             31  19  8  4  64-24  65       [2.10]
 3.Crusaders             31  17  8  6  66-30  59       [1.90]
 4.Cliftonville          31  18  5  8  48-22  59       [1.90]
 5.Glentoran             31  17  7  7  60-33  58       [1.87]
 6.Larne                 31  16  8  7  59-29  56  [P]  [1.81]
 7.Glenavon              31  10  5 16  46-71  35       [1.13]
 8.Carrick Rangers       31  10  2 19  34-47  32  [P]  [1.03]
 9.Dungannon Swifts      31   8  6 17  36-76  30       [0.97]
10.Ballymena United      31   7  6 18  34-54  27       [0.87]
11.Warrenpoint Town      31   5  3 23  26-85  18       [0.58]
12.Institute             31   2  9 20  23-72  15       [0.48]  Relegated

NB: an independent football data consultancy (21st club) was commissioned to
    determine a mathematical model to determine the final standings; in the
    end (Jun 26), they chose points per match ratio (thus following Scotland 
    and Wales), implying that the ranking at abandonment on Jun 23 is final
    (as all clubs played an equal number of matches).

Playoff Stage

Section A | Section B

Section A

NB: cancelled

Section B

NB: cancelled

Cup Tournaments

Irish Cup | League Cup

Irish Cup

Round 1 [Aug 17]
Albert Foundry        3-1 Bloomfield  
Annagh United         4-1 Derriaghy Cricket Club  
Armagh City           7-0 1st Bangor Old Boys  
Ballynahinch Olympic  2-3 Bangor  
Banbridge Town        2-1 Dungiven  
Barn United           0-3 Oxford Sunnyside  
Belfast Celtic        9-1 Dromore Amateurs  
Bryansburn Rangers    1-3 Crumlin United  
Chimney Corner        5-1 Laurelvale  
Comber Recreation     2-0 Bangor Amateurs  
Cookstown Royal Br.L. 2-3 Glebe Rangers  
Cookstown Youth       0-5 Newington  
Craigavon City        5-0 Seapatrick  
Crumlin Star          8-0 Kilmore Recreation  
Downshire Young Men   2-0 Rectory Rangers  
Dromara Village       3-6 Coagh United  
East Belfast          3-1 St Mary's  
Fivemiletown United   2-3 Ardstraw  
Grove United          2-4 Newcastle  
Holywood              1-4 Newbuildings United  
Iveagh United         1-3 Lurgan Town  
Limavady United       3-0 Ballynure Old Boys  
Maiden City           3-2 Bourneview Mill  
Malachians            1-2 Moneyslane  
Mossley               4-1 Markethill Swifts  
Moyola Park          11-0 Colin Valley  
Rosario Youth         0-1 Killyleagh Youth  
Rosemount Recreation  2-3 Dunmurry Recreation  
Saintfield United     0-2 Banbridge Rangers  
Sirocco Works         2-2 Seagoe                [3-4 pen]
St James' Swifts      4-1 Abbey Villa  
St Oliver Plunkett    2-2 Ballymacash Rangers   [2-3 pen]
Suffolk               3-0 St Luke's  
Trojans               3-1 Desertmartin  
Tullyvallen           2-2 Dunloy                [3-4 pen]
Wakehurst             3-1 Ards Rangers  
Woodvale              5-1 Windmill Stars  

Round 2
[Sep 27]
Glebe Rangers         1-1 Chimney Corner        [aet, 3-4 pen]
[Sep 28]
Aquinas               2-1 Craigavon City  
Ardstraw              4-1 Wakehurst  
Armagh City           2-1 Dunloy                [aet]
Ballymacash Rangers   2-1 Dunmurry Young Men  
Ballymoney United     2-3 East Belfast  
Banbridge Rangers     0-3 Bangor  
Brantwood             4-3 Moyola Park           [aet]
Comber Recreation     2-4 Coagh United  
Crewe United          3-4 Crumlin United  
Dollingstown          5-0 Lower Maze  
Dunmurry Recreation   3-2 Newbuildings United  
Greenisland           2-0 Albert Foundry  
Islandmagee           5-2 Shorts  
Killyleagh Youth      1-0 Downshire Young Men  
Limavady United       2-0 Immaculata  
Lisburn Distillery    3-2 Strabane Athletic  
Lurgan Town           0-4 St James' Swifts  
Maiden City           1-3 Tullycarnet  
Moneyslane            9-0 Mossley  
Newcastle             0-5 Banbridge Town  
Newtowne              0-2 Newington  
Portstewart           0-1 Belfast Celtic  
Rathfriland Rangers   4-2 Seagoe  
Richhill              0-3 Valley Rangers  
Shankill United       1-4 Lisburn Rangers  
Suffolk               1-4 Larne Tech Old Boys  
Tandragee Rovers      5-7 18th Newtownabbey OB  [aet]
Tobermore United      7-1 Oxford Sunnyside  
Woodvale              1-7 Annagh United  

Round 3 [Nov 2]
18th Newtownabbey OB  2-3 Coagh United  
Ardstraw              1-2 Islandmagee  
Banbridge Town        2-1 Dunmurry Recreation  
Belfast Celtic        3-1 Annagh United  
Brantwood             0-0 Crumlin United        [aet, 4-3 pen]
Chimney Corner        0-3 Valley Rangers  
Crumlin Star          1-0 Greenisland  
Dollingstown          2-1 Lisburn Distillery  
Hanover               3-2 Killyleagh Youth  
Limavady United       3-0 Aquinas  
Moneyslane            1-5 Bangor  
Newington             0-3 East Belfast  
Rathfriland Rangers   3-0 Lisburn Rangers  
St James' Swifts      0-4 Ballymacash Rangers  
Tobermore United      1-3 Larne Tech Old Boys  
Tullycarnet           4-3 Armagh City  

Round 4 [Nov 30]
Banbridge Town        3-2 Ballymacash Rangers  
Belfast Celtic        2-1 Larne Tech Old Boys  
Brantwood             2-5 Rathfriland Rangers   
Coagh United          0-1 Crumlin Star  
Dollingstown          6-0 Tullycarnet  
East Belfast          7-1 Islandmagee  
Limavady United       1-3 Bangor  
Valley Rangers        1-5 Hanover  

Round 5 [Jan 4]
Ards                  1-3 Carrick Rangers       
Ballinamallard United 1-0 Dollingstown          
Ballyclare Comrades   2-1 H&W Welders           
Ballymena United      2-0 Crumlin Star          
Banbridge Town        2-2 East Belfast          [aet, 5-4 pen]
Cliftonville          6-0 Hanover               
Crusaders             3-0 Dundela               
Glenavon              0-2 Coleraine             
Glentoran             2-2 Portadown             [aet, 5-4 pen]
Institute             2-3 Dungannon Swifts      
Knockbreda            3-2 Dergview              [aet]
Larne                 8-0 Belfast Celtic        
Loughgall             1-2 Rathfriland Rangers   
Newry City            3-1 Bangor                
Queen's University    2-1 Linfield              
Warrenpoint Town      3-1 PSNI                  

1/8 Finals [Feb 1]
Ballyclare Comrades   0-1 Larne                 [aet]
Carrick Rangers       1-5 Crusaders             
Cliftonville          3-1 Rathfriland Rangers   
Coleraine             3-0 Banbridge Town        
Dungannon Swifts      4-2 Newry City            [aet]
Knockbreda            2-5 Ballinamallard United 
Queen's University    2-3 Glentoran             
Warrenpoint Town      1-2 Ballymena United      

[Feb 28]
Larne                 2-3 Coleraine             
[Feb 29]
Ballinamallard United 0-2 Ballymena United      
Dungannon Swifts      1-2 Cliftonville          
Glentoran             2-1 Crusaders             

Semifinals [Jul 27, National Football Stadium, Windsor Park, Belfast]
Ballymena United      1-1 Coleraine             [aet, 3-1 pen]
Cliftonville          1-1 Glentoran             [aet, 6-7 pen]

Final [Jul 31, National Football Stadium, Windsor Park, Belfast]
Ballymena United      1-2 Glentoran             [aet]

League Cup

Round 1 [Aug 10]
Armagh City           0-6 H&W Welders           
Ballyclare Comrades   7-1 Knockbreda            
Loughgall             2-1 Banbridge Town        
PSNI                  3-1 Queen's University    

Round 2 
[Aug 27]
Ballymena United      3-0 Newington             
Bangor                5-3 Carrick Rangers       [aet]
Coleraine             4-0 Annagh United         
Dundela               6-0 Tobermore United      
Dungannon Swifts      2-0 Dergview              
Glenavon              4-1 Portstewart           
Glentoran             5-1 Ballyclare Comrades   
Larne                 3-0 Lisburn Distillery    
Limavady United       4-2 Ards                  
Loughgall             0-1 Newry City            
Moyola Park           1-3 Cliftonville          
Portadown             1-2 Dollingstown          
Warrenpoint Town      2-4 H&W Welders           
Crusaders             w/o Lurgan Celtic         [Lurgan Celtic withdrew from the league]
[Aug 28]
Institute             3-2 PSNI                  
[Sep 17]
Ballinamallard United 4-5 Linfield              [aet]

Round 3
[Oct 8]
Ballymena United      6-0 Dollingstown          
Cliftonville          3-2 Bangor                
Coleraine             2-1 Glentoran             
Dungannon Swifts      0-4 Linfield              
Institute             3-0 H&W Welders           
Larne                 1-3 Dundela               
Limavady United       1-4 Crusaders             
[Oct 23]
Glenavon              2-3 Newry City            

Quarterfinals [Oct 29]
Ballymena United      1-2 Crusaders             [aet]
Dundela               1-5 Coleraine             
Linfield              1-0 Cliftonville          
Newry City            0-1 Institute             

Semifinals [Dec 3]
Crusaders             2-0 Institute             
Linfield              0-3 Coleraine             

Final [Feb 15, Windsor Park, Belfast]
Coleraine             2-1 Crusaders             


Final Ranking (based on points/match average):

 1.Portadown             31  20  6  5  72-30  66       [2.13]  Promoted
 2.Ballinamallard United 30  19  3  8  71-34  60       [2.00]
 3.Loughgall             31  18  4  9  64-45  58       [1.87]
 4.Ards                  31  16  6  9  68-44  54  [R]  [1.74]
 5.Newry City            30  15  6  9  55-32  51  [R]  [1.70]
 6.Dundela               31  13  7 11  43-49  46       [1.48]
 7.Ballyclare Comrades   30  11  7 12  53-49  40       [1.33]
 8.H&W Welders           31  10  5 16  52-63  35       [1.13]
 9.Queens University     31  11  1 19  59-69  34  [P]  [1.10]
10.Dergview              30   8  5 17  38-54  29       [0.97]
11.Knockbreda Parish     30   7  4 19  36-84  25       [0.83]
12.PSNI                  30   7  2 21  40-98  23       [0.77]  Relegated

Premier Intermediate League

Final Ranking (based on points/match average):

 1.Annagh United         14  10  3  1  32-14  33       [2.36]  Promoted
 2.Portstewart           14   8  6  0  28-13  30       [2.14]
 3.Dollingstown          13   8  1  4  31-15  25       [1.92]
 4.Bangor                12   6  2  4  30-21  20  [P]  [1.67]
 5.Newington Youth Club  11   5  3  3  16-18  18       [1.64]
 6.Banbridge Town        12   3  4  5  16-20  13       [1.08]
 7.Armagh City           14   3  5  6  15-26  14       [1.00]
 8.Lisburn Distillery    13   3  4  6  13-25  13       [1.00]
 9.Moyola Park           12   3  1  8  21-28  10       [0.83]
10.Limavady United       13   2  3  8  21-32   9  [R]  [0.69]
11.Tobermore United      12   2  2  8  14-25   8       [0.67]
 -.Lurgan Celtic         withdrew on Aug 15



list of champions.

list of final tables.

list of cup finals.

list of league cup finals.

list of gold cup winners.

list of topscorers.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 20 May 2024

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2019/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.