Namibia 2010/11

Namibia Premier League
Cup Tournaments
First Division
Second Division

Namibia Premier League

Final Table: 

 1.Black Africa            22 15  2  5  41-19  47  Champions  [Windhoek]
 2.Ramblers                22 10  5  7  22-15  35  [Windhoek]
 3.Orlando Pirates         22 10  5  7  30-24  35  [Windhoek]
 4.African Stars           22  8  9  5  23-16  33  [Windhoek]
 5.Tigers FC               22  9  4  9  27-20  31  [Windhoek]
 6.Eleven Arrows           22  9  4  9  28-22  31  [Walvis Bay]
 7.SK Windhoek             22  9  4  9  23-26  31  [Windhoek]
 8.Civics FC               22  8  5  9  18-27  29  [Windhoek]
 9.Blue Waters             22  8  4 10  27-30  28  [Kuisebmund]
10.Mighty Gunners          22  7  5 10  25-33  26  [Otjiwarongo]
11.Blue Boys               22  7  3 12  28-39  24  Relegated  [Swakopmund]
12.Oshakati City FC        22  5  4 13  22-43  19  Relegated  [Oshakati]

Round 1
[Sep 24]
Orlando Pirates        2-1 Civics
  [Lucky Kooper 46, Klaas Blom 77; Heini Isaacks 88]
[Sep 25]
Eleven Arrows          n/p Tigers                 [Tigers dns]
Ramblers               3-0 Blue Boys  
  [Eslin Kamuhanga 32, Floris Diergaardt 2-0, Eusebio Fredericks 75]
Black Africa           2-0 SK Windhoek
  [Jerome Louis 1-0, Bryan Bantam 93]
Oshakati City          2-0 Mighty Gunners
  [Ruben Ndahepele, Raphael Nuumbembe]
African Stars          2-2 Blue Waters
  [Ronald Ketjijere 7, Henry Somseb 12; Knowledge Iipinge 6,
   Wycliff Kambonde 48]
[Apr 22]
Eleven Arrows          2-1 Tigers                 

Round 2
[Sep 29]
SK Windhoek            1-1 African Stars  
  [Edison Muheua 31pen; Alfred Ndyenge 48]        
[Oct 1]
Tigers                 1-0 Black Africa
  [Pineas Jacob]
[Oct 2]
Civics                 1-1 Oshakati City  
Blue Waters            0-1 Ramblers
  [Junior Shikokolo]
Blue Boys              2-2 Orlando Pirates
Mighty Gunners         1-0 Eleven Arrows
  [Dixuxa Nanuseb]

Round 3
[Oct 6]
Ramblers               0-0 SK Windhoek
[Oct 8]
African Stars          0-2 Tigers
[Oct 9]
Eleven Arrows          5-1 Oshakati City
Black Africa           6-1 Mighty Gunners 
Blue Boys              0-1 Civics
Orlando Pirates        1-2 Blue Waters

Round 4
[Oct 13]
Tigers                 0-1 Ramblers
  [Floris Diergaardt 2]
[Oct 15]
SK Windhoek            2-0 Orlando Pirates 
  [Larry Horaeb 50, Milton Chapo 57]
[Oct 16]
Oshakati City          1-0 Black Africa
  [Raphael Nuumbembe]
Mighty Gunners         0-1 African Stars
  [Ikuaterua Tjozongoro]
Blue Waters            2-1 Blue Boys
Civics                 2-1 Eleven Arrows 
  [Brian Brendell 30, Costa Khaiseb 67pen; Muna Katupose 1-1]

Round 5
[Oct 22]
Orlando Pirates        2-1 Tigers
  [Engelhardt Kahua 70, Michael Pienaar 83; Amy Gebhardt 0-1]
[Oct 23]
Ramblers               2-1 Mighty Gunners
Blue Waters            1-0 Civics 
Blue Boys              0-2 SK Windhoek        
Black Africa           1-0 Eleven Arrows 
African Stars          2-0 Oshakati City  
  [Ikuaterua Tjozongoro 13, Edwin Korukuve 18] 

Round 6
[Oct 29]
Civics                 0-1 Black Africa
  [Jerome Louis]
[Oct 30]
Eleven Arrows          0-0 African Stars
Tigers                 1-2 Blue Boys
SK Windhoek            2-1 Blue Waters
Mighty Gunners         1-1 Orlando Pirates        
Oshakati City          1-1 Ramblers

Round 7
[Nov 3]
Black Africa           0-0 African Stars
[Nov 5]
Civics                 0-2 SK Windhoek      
[Nov 6]
Ramblers               1-0 Eleven Arrows
Orlando Pirates        2-1 Oshakati City
Blue Boys              3-0 Mighty Gunners
Blue Waters            0-1 Tigers

Round 8
[Nov 12]
Black Africa           1-0 Ramblers
[Nov 13]
Tigers                 2-0 SK Windhoek      
Oshakati City          0-0 Blue Boys 
Mighty Gunners         3-0 Blue Waters 
[Nov 14]
Eleven Arrows          2-1 Orlando Pirates 
[Nov 24]
African Stars          1-2 Civics

Round 9
[Nov 17]
Civics                 1-0 Tigers
[Nov 19]
Ramblers               1-0 African Stars
[Nov 20]
Orlando Pirates        1-0 Black Africa
SK Windhoek            1-0 Mighty Gunners
Blue Boys              0-1 Eleven Arrows
Blue Waters            2-0 Oshakati City

Round 10 
[Dec 3]
Civics                 0-0 Ramblers
[Dec 4]
African Stars          2-1 Orlando Pirates 
Black Africa           4-2 Blue Boys
Eleven Arrows          1-0 Blue Waters
Oshakati City          0-1 SK Windhoek
Mighty Gunners         1-1 Tigers

Round 11
[Dec 10]
Ramblers               2-3 Orlando Pirates
  [Erastus Ndjavera, Alex Ferreira; Lucky Kooper,
   Theophelus Tsowaseb (2)]
[Dec 11]
Civics                 1-0 Mighty Gunners 
  [Brian Brendell]
Blue Boys              2-4 African Stars
Blue Waters            3-2 Black Africa
SK Windhoek            0-2 Eleven Arrows
Tigers                 5-1 Oshakati City

Round 12  
[Jan 22]
Tigers                 1-1 Eleven Arrows 
Blue Boys              2-1 Ramblers
Mighty Gunners         3-1 Oshakati City       
Blue Waters            0-1 African Stars 
[Jan 23]
Civics                 0-2 Orlando Pirates 
[Feb 2]
SK Windhoek            1-2 Black Africa       

Round 13
[Jan 26]
African Stars          0-0 SK Windhoek
[Jan 28]
Black Africa           1-0 Tigers   
[Jan 29]
Oshakati City          0-2 Civics             
Eleven Arrows          1-1 Mighty Gunners   
[Mar 19]
Orlando Pirates        awd Blue Boys              [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 3-0 in 75';  
Ramblers               0-1 Blue Waters             Blue Boys walked off]

Round 14
[Feb 10]
SK Windhoek            0-1 Ramblers 
  [Eslin Kamuhanga]
[Feb 11]        
Tigers                 0-0 African Stars    
[Feb 12]
Oshakati City          1-0 Eleven Arrows          
Mighty Gunners         2-1 Black Africa          
Civics                 5-2 Blue Boys    
  [Heini Isaacks, Mabasa Kafahakutizwi, Costa Kheiseb, Bobby Kaapama,
   Brian Brendell; Lindon Aseb (2)]          
Blue Waters            0-0 Orlando Pirates        

Round 15
[Feb 16]
Ramblers               0-1 Tigers
[Feb 18]
Orlando Pirates        1-2 SK Windhoek    
  [Jeremia Baisako 1-0; Michael Pienaar (og) 1-1, Alfred Ndyenge 1-2]
[Feb 19]
Black Africa           5-2 Oshakati City  
  [Marco Van Wyk (2), Warren Neidel, Willy Stefanus, Elifas Heita;
   Simon Ouseb, Rodney Damaseb (pen)]]
African Stars          1-1 Mighty Gunners    
  [Heinrich Kazerua 80; Harold Ochurub 89pen]  
Blue Boys              2-1 Blue Waters    
Eleven Arrows          3-0 Civics      
  [Dumisa Jantze, Abraham Paulus, Joseph Mutelo]           

Round 16 
[Mar 4]
Tigers                 0-1 Orlando Pirates   
  [Teophelus Tsowaseb]
[Mar 5]     
Mighty Gunners         0-2 Ramblers   
Civics                 0-0 Blue Waters         
SK Windhoek            0-2 Blue Boys     
  [Fani Matheus (2)]    
Eleven Arrows          1-3 Black Africa  
  [George Hummel; Bryan Bantam, Bradley Wermann, Willy Stephanus]    
Oshakati City          2-0 African Stars     
  [Rodney Damaseb, Fungai Chirinda]   

Round 17
[Mar 11]
Black Africa           3-0 Civics  
  [Marco van Wyk (2), Bradley Wermann]
[Mar 12]
Blue Waters            3-1 SK Windhoek   
Blue Boys              0-1 Tigers         
  [Pineas Jacob]
African Stars          1-0 Eleven Arrows     
  [Edison Muheua]  
[Mar 26]   
Ramblers               3-0 Oshakati City   
Orlando Pirates        3-1 Mighty Gunners   

Round 18
[Mar 30]
SK Windhoek            0-0 Civics      
[Apr 1]
African Stars          1-1 Black Africa                
[Apr 2]      
Eleven Arrows          1-1 Ramblers               
Oshakati City          1-1 Orlando Pirates        
Mighty Gunners         1-1 Blue Boys              
Tigers                 3-3 Blue Waters            

Round 19
[Apr 13]
Civics                 0-4 African Stars      
[Apr 15]  
SK Windhoek            2-1 Tigers              
[Apr 16]
Ramblers               0-2 Black Africa       
Blue Boys              3-1 Oshakati City          
Blue Waters            2-3 Mighty Gunners        
Orlando Pirates        1-2 Eleven Arrows         

Round 20
[Apr 27]
Tigers                 3-0 Civics 
[Apr 28]
Eleven Arrows          2-3 Blue Boys 
[Apr 29]
African Stars          0-1 Ramblers 
[Apr 30]
Black Africa           2-1 Orlando Pirates 
Oshakati City          3-1 Blue Waters            
Mighty Gunners         4-2 SK Windhoek            

Round 21 [May 14]
Blue Boys              1-2 Black Africa           
Blue Waters            2-1 Eleven Arrows          
Orlando Pirates        0-0 African Stars          
Ramblers               1-1 Civics                 
SK Windhoek            4-2 Oshakati City          
Tigers                 0-1 Mighty Gunners         

Round 22 [May 21]
African Stars          2-0 Blue Boys              
Black Africa           2-1 Blue Waters            
Eleven Arrows          2-0 SK Windhoek            
Mighty Gunners         0-1 Civics                 
Orlando Pirates        1-0 Ramblers               
Oshakati City          1-2 Tigers                 

Final Table: 

 1.Black Africa            22 15  2  5  41-19  47  Champions  [Windhoek]
 2.Ramblers                22 10  5  7  22-15  35  [Windhoek]
 3.Orlando Pirates         22 10  5  7  30-24  35  [Windhoek]
 4.African Stars           22  8  9  5  23-16  33  [Windhoek]
 5.Tigers FC               22  9  4  9  27-20  31  [Windhoek]
 6.Eleven Arrows           22  9  4  9  28-22  31  [Walvis Bay]
 7.SK Windhoek             22  9  4  9  23-26  31  [Windhoek]
 8.Civics FC               22  8  5  9  18-27  29  [Windhoek]
 9.Blue Waters             22  8  4 10  27-30  28  [Kuisebmund]
10.Mighty Gunners          22  7  5 10  25-33  26  [Otjiwarongo]
11.Blue Boys               22  7  3 12  28-39  24  Relegated  [Swakopmund]
12.Oshakati City FC        22  5  4 13  22-43  19  Relegated  [Oshakati]

Promoted: Hotspurs (Windhoek), United Stars (Rundu)

Cup Tournaments

NFA Cup 2011 | Newspaper Cup 2011

Leo NFA Cup 2011

1/16 Finals
[Feb 5, Otjiwarongo]
Ramblers              10-0 Black Africa Warriors
Volcano                0-7 Eleven Arrows 
Civics                 2-0 UNAM Ogongo 
Eleven Brothers        1-3 Bingo 
United Stars           0-3 Orlando Pirates
[Feb 5, Windhoek]
Blue Boys              8-1 Shaluza Chiefs 
King Pele Santos       0-6 Young Eleven  
Namib Colts            2-4 Oshakati City 
SKW                    0-0 Blue Waters            [1-3 pen]
[Feb 6, Otjiwarongo]
Oshikango United       1-1 Young Rangers          [2-4 pen]
Pescanova              7-4 Friends
Black Buffaloes       0-13 Black Africa
Mighty Gunners         1-1 Golden Bees            [4-5 pen]
[Feb 6, Windhoek]
UNAM                   1-3 Rundu Chiefs
Hotspurs               8-0 Nampol
Tigers                 0-1 African Stars

1/8 Finals
[Feb 26, Walvis Bay]
Young Eleven           0-2 Rundu Chiefs          
Blue Boys              1-0 Bingo 
Eleven Arrows          9-1 Pescanova 
Blue Waters            1-1 Civics                 [6-7 pen]
[Feb 26, Windhoek]
Young Rangers          2-2 Golden Bees            [1-3 pen]
African Stars          2-0 Hotspurs
Black Africa           3-0 Ramblers 
Orlando Pirates        2-1 Oshakati City

[Apr 9, all in Otjiwarongo]
Rundu Chiefs           0-0 Eleven Arrows          [2-4 pen]
Black Africa           3-0 Golden Bees
Blue Boys              0-1 Civics
[Apr 10, Windhoek]
Orlando Pirates        1-0 African Stars 

Semifinals [May 7]
Eleven Arrows          1-0 Orlando Pirates 
Black Africa           1-2 Civics 

Final [May 28, Kuisebmond Stadium, Walvis Bay]
Eleven Arrows          2-0 Civics
  [Dumisa Jantze 5, Freedom Puriza 70pen]

Newspaper Cup 2011

NB: all matches at Gobabis

Round 1 [Apr 22]
Omaheke                1-1 Oshana                 [4-2 pen]
Caprivi                1-5 Otjozondjupa
Ohangwena              2-2 Karas                  [1-4 pen]
Kavango                0-4 Oshikoto
Hardap                 0-2 Erongo
Omusati                3-2 Kunene
Khomas                 bye

Losers Section

Quarterfinals [Apr 23]
Oshana                 7-1 Caprivi
Ohangwena              3-1 Kavango
Hardap                 2-2 Kunene                 [4-5 pen]

NB: Hardap also qualified

Semifinals [Apr 24]
Oshana                 1-2 Ohangwena
Kunene                 1-2 Hardap

Final [Apr 25]
Ohangwena              3-3 Hardap                 [4-3 pen]

Winners Section

Quarterfinals [Apr 23]
Khomas                 1-0 Omaheke
Otjozondjupa           1-1 Karas                  [4-5 pen]
Oshikoto               0-2 Erongo
Omusati                bye

Semifinals [Apr 24]
Omusati                0-4 Khomas
Karas                  0-0 Erongo                 [4-3 pen]                 

Final [Apr 25]
Khomas                 1-0 Karas

First Division

Northern Stream | Southern Stream

Northern Stream

Table (Mar 30):

 1.United Stars            11  7  2  2  19- 8  23  [Rundu] 
 2.Rundu Chiefs            10  6  2  2  26- 9  20  [Rundu]
 3.Golden Bigs             11  5  4  2  17-17  19
 4.Golden Bees             10  5  3  2  20- 9  18  [Outjo]
 5.Cuca Tops               11  4  3  4  16-17  15  [Rundu]
 6.Touch & Go              10  3  3  4  18-16  12  [Otavi]
 7.Chief Santos            11  3  3  5  14-24  12  [Tsumeb]
 8.Epupa 11 Stars          11  3  3  5  12-25  12  [Ruacana]
 9.Young Rangers           10  3  2  5  21-23  11
10.Robber Chanties         10  3  2  5  16-18  11  [Khorixas]
11.Onambula United         11  2  4  5  14-18  10  [Tsandi]
12.Eleven Warriors         10  3  1  6  14-23  10

Southern Stream

Table (Apr 18):

 1.Monitronic College      15 11  1  3  39-14  34 
 2.Tura Magic              15  9  4  2  40-16  31 
 3.Spoilers                15 10  1  4  34-17  31 
 4.Swakopmund FC           15  9  3  3  33-18  30  [Swakopmund]
 5.Hotspurs                14  9  2  3  56-19  29  [Windhoek]
 6.Desert Rollers          15  7  1  7  22-20  22  [Gobabis] 
 7.Young Beauties          14  6  2  6  25-28  20 
 8.UNAM                    14  5  2  7  17-21  17 
 9.Friends                 15  3  6  6  22-35  15  [Rehoboth]
10.Young Ones              15  4  2  9  14-33  14  [Windhoek]
11.Fedics United           14  2  2 10  21-45   8  [Keetmanshoop]
12.Winter Roses            15  0  0 15  19-76   0  [Gobabis]

Second Division

Karas Second Division

Tables (Jan 19):

Zone A
 1.Mountain Rangers         7  5  2  0         17
 2.Young Cosmos             7  5  1  1         16
 3.Youngsters               6  3  1  2         10
 4.Rush-Ups                 6  3  1  2         10
 5.Atlanta Bucks            6  3  1  2         10
 6.Diamond City             7  2  2  3          8
 7.Pescanova                7  2  2  3          8
 8.Atlantic Stars           5  2  0  3          6
 9.Men United               6  1  0  5          3
10.Novaship                 5  0  0  5          0

Zone B (Binnelandliga)
 1.Young YB FC              9  8  1  0         25
 2.Hungry Fighters          9  6  3  0         21
 3.Real Fighters FC         9  5  2  2         17
 4.Try Again FC             9  4  1  4         13
 5.Forever Thistles         7  3  1  3         10
 6.Lacosta FC               7  3  0  4          9
 7.Dates Eleven             9  3  0  6          9
 8.Brazilie FC              8  2  3  3          8
 9.King Pele Santos         9  2  0  7          6
10.Arsenal FC               8  0  1  7          1

Khomas Second Division

Final Table:

 1.Windhoek United         18                  46  Promotion Playoff (South)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Namib Colts             18                  45
 3.Kingston United         18                  45
 4.Spartans                18                  35
 5.Ongete United           18                  34
 6.Falcons                 18                  33
 7.Impala Chiefs           18                  23
 8.Rebels Football Academy 18                  21
 9.Golden Rivers           18                  19
10.Arcadia                 18                   7



list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Thanks to Martin Arenlind

Prepared and maintained by Ian King for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Ian King
Last updated: 5 Feb 2024

(C) Copyright Ian King and RSSSF 2010/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.