Congo (Brazzaville) 2025

Championnat National Ligue 1

Championnat National Ligue 1

NB: tournament organised by the commission ad hoc installed by the
    ministry of sports; not recognised by the national FA, CAF or
    FIFA; a number of clubs refused to enter or did so belatedly.

Group Stage | Final Stage

Group Stage

Zone A | Zone B

Zone A (Brazzaville, Owando)

NB: Red Star, Racing Club de Brazzaville and Etoile Junior (all from Zone A
    of the 2023/24 second level) were invited (having finished first, second
    and fourth respectively), along with JS Poto-Poto (third), but declined
    to enter and were replaced by Patronage Sainte-Anne and FC Racine;
    in addition, top level clubs FC Kondzo, Bana Nouvelle Génération and
    AS Végas also refused to participate


 1.FC Etoile du Congo                8   5  3  0  11- 4  18
 2.JS Poto-Poto                      8   5  1  2  10- 2  16  [N]
 3.JS Talangaï                       8   4  3  1  12- 5  15
 4.Diables Noirs                     8   5  0  3  10- 5  15
 5.Interclub de Brazzaville          8   4  2  2   9- 6  14
 6.FC Racine                         8   4  2  2   6- 5  14  [N]
 7.CARA                              8   2  2  4   7- 8   8
 8.AS Otohô d'Oyo                    7   2  3  2   5- 3   9
 9.AS Penarol                        4   1  1  2   4- 7   4  [*]
10.AS Jeunesse Unie de Kintélé       8   1  1  6   6-18   4
11.Patronage Sainte-Anne             7   1  0  6   2-13   3  [N]
12.Avenir FC                         4   0  0  4   0- 6   0  [*]
 -.FC Kondzo                        declined to enter
 -.Bana Nouvelle Génération         declined to enter
 -.AS Vegas (Brazzaville)           declined to enter
 -.Red Star                         declined to enter        [N]
 -.Racing Club de Brazzaville       declined to enter        [N]
 -.Etoile Junior                    declined to enter        [N]

[*] Avenir FC and AS Penarol were admitted one month after the start
    of the season to replace Bana Nouvelle Génération and FC Kondzo

Round 1
[Jan 17]
Etoile du Congo               2-2 AS JUK                        
CARA                          0-1 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Jan 18]
Diables Noirs                 0-1 FC Racine                     
Interclub                     1-2 JS Talangaï                   
[Jan 19]
FC Kondzo                     n/p Bana Nouvelle Génération      
AS Otohô                      n/p Patronage Sainte-Anne         

Round 2
[Jan 24]
Bana Nouvelle Génération      n/p CARA                          
[Jan 25]
JS Talangaï                   0-2 JS Poto-Poto                  
Etoile du Congo               2-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[Jan 26]
Interclub                     0-0 FC Racine                     
Diables Noirs                 1-0 AS JUK                        
[Jan 28]
AS Otohô                      0-0 CARA                          

Round 3
[Feb 1]
JS Poto-Poto                  4-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
JS Talangaï                   1-1 CARA                          
[Feb 2]
AS Otohô                      0-2 FC Racine                     
Interclub                     0-3 Diables Noirs                 

Round 4
[Feb 7]
CARA                          3-2 AS JUK                        
[Feb 8]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-2 FC Racine                     
Diables Noirs                 1-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Feb 9]
JS Talangaï                   0-0 AS Otohô                      
Interclub                     1-1 Etoile du Congo               

Round 5
[Feb 14]
Diables Noirs                 0-2 JS Talangaï                   
[Feb 15]
AS JUK                        0-4 Interclub                     
Etoile du Congo               1-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Feb 16]
AS Otohô                      1-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
CARA                          0-1 FC Racine                     

NB: after round 5, Avenir FC and AS Penarol entered (instead of, respectively,
    Bana Nouvelle Génération and FC Kondzo)

Round 6
[Feb 21]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-3 JS Talangaï                   
Etoile du Congo               1-0 FC Racine                     
[Feb 22]
JS Poto-Poto                  1-0 AS JUK                        
Diables Noirs                 3-0 AS Penarol                    
[Feb 23]
CARA                          2-0 Avenir FC                     
AS Otohô                      0-1 Interclub                     

"Moved Matches Round 3" [Feb 26]
Etoile du Congo               3-1 AS Penarol                    
AS JUK                        1-0 Avenir FC                     

Round 7
[Feb 28]
Interclub                     1-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
AS Otohô                      0-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Mar 1]
JS Talangaï                   4-0 FC Racine                     
Diables Noirs                 2-1 CARA                          
[Mar 2]
AS Penarol                    3-1 AS JUK                        
Etoile du Congo               1-0 Avenir FC                     

Round 8
[Mar 7]
FC Racine                     0-0 AS Penarol                    
Etoile du Congo               0-0 JS Talangaï                   
[Mar 8]
JS Poto-Poto                  2-0 Avenir FC                     
CARA                          0-1 Interclub                     
[Mar 9]
AS JUK                        0-4 AS Otohô                      
Diables Noirs                 0-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         

"Moved Matches" [Mar 12]
Interclub                      -  AS Penarol                    
Avenir FC                      -  AS Otohô                      


 1.FC Etoile du Congo                8   5  3  0  11- 4  18
 2.JS Poto-Poto                      8   5  1  2  10- 2  16  [N]
 3.JS Talangaï                       8   4  3  1  12- 5  15
 4.Diables Noirs                     8   5  0  3  10- 5  15
 5.Interclub de Brazzaville          8   4  2  2   9- 6  14
 6.FC Racine                         8   4  2  2   6- 5  14  [N]
 7.CARA                              8   2  2  4   7- 8   8
 8.AS Otohô d'Oyo                    7   2  3  2   5- 3   9
 9.AS Penarol                        4   1  1  2   4- 7   4  [*]
10.AS Jeunesse Unie de Kintélé       8   1  1  6   6-18   4
11.Patronage Sainte-Anne             7   1  0  6   2-13   3  [N]
12.Avenir FC                         4   0  0  4   0- 6   0  [*]
 -.FC Kondzo                        declined to enter
 -.Bana Nouvelle Génération         declined to enter
 -.AS Vegas (Brazzaville)           declined to enter
 -.Red Star                         declined to enter        [N]
 -.Racing Club de Brazzaville       declined to enter        [N]
 -.Etoile Junior                    declined to enter        [N]

[*] Avenir FC and AS Penarol were admitted one month after the start
    of the season to replace Bana Nouvelle Génération and FC Kondzo

Zone B (Pointe-Noire, Dolisie, Madingou)

NB: Kouilou Football Académie and AS Ponténégrine (both from Zone B
    of the 2023/24 second level) were invited to enter, along with
    ACJM, Inter Club de Pointe Noire, Saint Michel de Madingou and
    RCST de Dolisie, but declined to do so and were replaced by
    Club des Jeunes and Nico-Nicoyé;
    in addition, top level club AS Cheminots refused to enter but
    were still being fixtured until the fourth round


 1.V.Club Mokanda                    7   5  2  0  18- 8  17
 2.Inter Club de Pointe Noire        7   3  1  3   8- 9  10  [N]
 3.AC Léopards de Dolisie            6   2  3  1   9- 7   9  [C]
 4.FC Nathaly's                      6   2  2  2   8- 6   8
 5.Nico-Nicoyé                       7   2  2  3  10-13   8  [N]
 6.Saint-Michel de Madingou          7   2  2  3   8-12   8  [N]
 7.ACJM de Pointe Noire              6   1  4  1   4- 3   7  [N]
 8.RCST de Dolisie                   6   1  2  3  12-12   5  [N]
 9.Club des Jeunes                   6   1  2  3   4-11   5  [N]
 -.AS Cheminots                     declined to enter        
 -.Kouilou Football Académie        declined to enter        [N]
 -.AS Ponténégrine                  declined to enter        [N]

Round 1
[Jan 18]
V.Club Mokanda                1-1 ACJM                          
[Jan 19]
AS Ponténégrine               n/p Kouilou Football Académie     
FC Nathaly's                  n/p AC Léopards de Dolisie        
RCST                          n/p AS Cheminots                  
Saint-Michel de Madingou      1-0 Inter Club de Pointe Noire    
[Jan 20]
Club des Jeunes               0-3 Nico-Nicoyé                   

Round 2
[Jan 25]
ACJM                          2-0 Nico-Nicoyé                   
[Jan 26]
RCST                          1-3 Saint-Michel de Madingou      
V.Club Mokanda                3-0 FC Nathaly's                  
AC Léopards de Dolisie        0-0 Club des Jeunes               
Inter Club de Pointe Noire    bye

Round 3
[Jan 31]
Saint-Michel de Madingou      1-2 Nico-Nicoyé                   
[Feb 1]
Inter Club de Pointe Noire    2-1 ACJM                          
AS Cheminots                  n/p Club des Jeunes               
[Feb 2]                                                         
RCST                          1-2 FC Nathaly's                  
AC Léopards de Dolisie        2-3 V.Club Mokanda                

Round 4
[Feb 8]
Nico-Nicoyé                   2-2 Inter Club de Pointe Noire    
Club des Jeunes               0-0 ACJM                          
[Feb 9]
FC Nathaly's                  1-1 Saint-Michel de Madingou      
AS Cheminots                  n/p V.Club Mokanda                
RCST                          2-3 AC Léopards de Dolisie        

Round 5
[Feb 15]
Club des Jeunes               1-2 Inter Club de Pointe Noire    
Nico-Nicoyé                   1-2 V.Club Mokanda                
[Feb 16]
RCST                          0-0 ACJM                          
Saint-Michel de Madingou      1-1 AC Léopards de Dolisie        
FC Nathaly's                  bye

Round 6
[Feb 22]
Club des Jeunes               3-1 Saint-Michel de Madingou      
ACJM                          0-0 FC Nathaly's                  
[Feb 23]
Inter Club de Pointe Noire    1-2 V.Club Mokanda                
RCST                          5-1 Nico-Nicoyé                   
AC Léopards de Dolisie        bye

Round 7
[Mar 2]
FC Nathaly's                  5-0 Club des Jeunes               
V.Club Mokanda                3-3 RCST                          
AC Léopards de Dolisie        2-0 Inter Club de Pointe Noire    
ACJM                           -  Saint-Michel de Madingou      
Nico-Nicoyé                   bye

Round 8
[Mar 8]
Nico-Nicoyé                   1-1 AC Léopards de Dolisie        
Inter Club de Pointe Noire    1-0 FC Nathaly's                  
[Mar 9]
Saint-Michel de Madingou      0-4 V.Club Mokanda                
[Mar 10]
RCST                           -  Club des Jeunes               
ACJM                          bye


 1.V.Club Mokanda                    7   5  2  0  18- 8  17
 2.Inter Club de Pointe Noire        7   3  1  3   8- 9  10  [N]
 3.AC Léopards de Dolisie            6   2  3  1   9- 7   9  [C]
 4.FC Nathaly's                      6   2  2  2   8- 6   8
 5.Nico-Nicoyé                       7   2  2  3  10-13   8  [N]
 6.Saint-Michel de Madingou          7   2  2  3   8-12   8  [N]
 7.ACJM de Pointe Noire              6   1  4  1   4- 3   7  [N]
 8.RCST de Dolisie                   6   1  2  3  12-12   5  [N]
 9.Club des Jeunes                   6   1  2  3   4-11   5  [N]
 -.AS Cheminots                     declined to enter        
 -.Kouilou Football Académie        declined to enter        [N]
 -.AS Ponténégrine                  declined to enter        [N]

Final Stage


list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 10 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2025
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.