Coppa Italia 1935/36

(Zone A):

1st round:
Anconitana(R)               - Grion Pola(R)               4-1
Fiumana(R)                  - Forlimpopoli(R)             3-2
Jesi(R)                     - Rovigo(R)                   1-2
Mantova(R)                  - Fano(R)                     1-1
Padova(R)                   - Venezia(R)                  0-0
Pro Gorizia(R)              - Treviso(R)                  2-1
Udinese(R)                  - Trento(R)                   4-3
Rimini(R)                   - Vicenza(R)                  4-3 

Replays 1st round:
Fano(R)                     - Mantova(R)                  2-2 (*)
Venezia(R)                  - Padova(R)                   2-1 (*)

(*) Pescara withdrew which qualified both Fano and Mantova 
    for the second round.

2nd round:
Anconitana(R)               - Fano(R)                     1-2
Rovigo(R)                   - Udinese(R)                  2-0
Rimini(R)                   - Pro Gorizia(R)              1-1
Venezia(R)                  - Fiumana(R)                  2-0

Replay 2nd round:
Pro Gorizia(R)              - Rimini(R)                   3-0

(Zone B):

1st round:
Cremonese(R)                - Comense(R)                  2-0 (regl)
Falck(R)                    - Pro Patria(R)               2-1
Gallaratese(R)              - Biellese(R)                 2-1
Lecco(R)                    - Legnano(R)                  0-2
Osiana(R)                   - Crema(R)                    1-2
Parma(R)                    - Fanfulla(R)                 3-1
Reggiana(R)                 - Piacenza(R)                 4-1
Selegno(R)                  - Monza(R)                    2-0

2nd round:
Crema(R)                    - Reggiana(R)                 0-1
Cremonese(R)                - Gallatarese(R)              1-0
Legnano(R)                  - Falck(R)                    2-0
Seregno(R)                  - Mantova(R)                  2-3

(Zone C):

1st round:
Andrea Doria(R)             - Asti(R)                     5-3
Empoli(R)                   - Pontedera(R)                1-0
Imperia(R)                  - Derthona(R)                 3-1
Montevarchi(R)              - Pontedecimo(R)              2-1
Sanremese(R)                - Spezia(R)                   2-0
Savona(R)                   - Entella(R)                  1-2
Sestrese(R)                 - Rivarolese(R)               2-1
Ventimigliese(R)            - Casale(R)                   4-2

2nd round:
Entella(R)                  - Ventimigliese(R)            0-1
Imperia(R)                  - Sanremese(R)                3-4
Parma(R)                    - Montevarchi(R)              3-1
Sestrese(R)                 - Andrea Doria(R)             2-1

(Zone D):

1st round:
Benevento(R)                - Cosenza(R)                  2-1
Catanzaro(R)                - Signa(R)                    4-1
Civitavecchiese(R)          - Fermana(R)                  5-1
Nissena(R)                  - Juve Trapani(R)             2-0 (regl)
Pescara(R)                  - Lucano Potanza(R)           1-0 (^)
Piombino(R)                 - Cagliari(R)                 2-0
Salernitana(R)              - Bagnolese(R)                3-1
Savoia(R)                   - Carignola(R)                2-1

(^) Pescara withdrew.

2nd round:
Catanzaro(R)                - Benevento(R)                6-0
Civitavecchiese(R)          - Savoia(R)                   3-2
Empoli(R)                   - Piombino(R)                 1-2
Salernitana(R)              - Nissena(R)                  0-1

The sixteen winners of the regional second round are qualified
for the national third round, which will be completed by the 
18 clubs from Serie-B. A special round brings back the total 
for this division from 18 to 16 clubs .

Serie B (special round):
Atalanta(B)                 - Viareggio(B)                0-2
Lucchese(B)                 - Aquila(B)                   2-2

Replay Serie B:
Aquila(B)                   - Lucchese(B)                 2-0

3th round (november 1935):
Catania(B)                  - Civitavecchia(R)            4-0
Cremonese(R)                - Mantova(R)                  3-1
Fano(R)                     - Hellas Verona(B)            2-1
Livorno(B)                  - Siena(B)                    5-0
Messina(B)                  - Piombino(R)                 1-0
Nissena(R)                  - Catanzaro(R)                2-2
Novara(B)                   - Vigevano(B)                 5-1
Pisa(B)                     - Aquila(B)                   3-1
Pro Vercelli(B)             - Legnano(R)                  2-1
Reggiana(R)                 - Viareggio(B)                1-0
Rovigo(R)                   - Pro Gorizia(R)              2-1
Sanremese(R)                - Parma(R)                    3-2
Sestrese(R)                 - Ventimigliesa(R)            3-0
SPAL Ferrara(B)             - Modena(B)                   1-1
Taranto(B)                  - Foggia(B)                   1-1
Venezia(R)                  - Pistoiese(B)                2-1

Replays 3th round:
Catanzaro(R)                - Nissena(R)                  4-1
Foggia(B)                   - Taranto(B)                  2-1
Modena(B)                   - SPAL Ferrara(B)             3-2

The 16 clubs from Serie-A are added.

4th round (dec 1935/jan 1936):
Ambrosiana Inter(A)         - Brescia(A)                  4-0
Bologna(A)                  - Novara(B)                   1-0
Catania(B)                  - Palermo(A)                  1-0
Cremonese(R)                - Alessandria(A)              1-4
Fano(R)                     - AC Milan(A)                 2-4
Fiorentina Firenze(A)       - Sestrese(R)                 8-0
Foggia(B)                   - Roma(A)                     0-4
Genova(A)                   - Pisa(B)                     3-2
Lazio Roma(A)               - Venezia(R)                  2-0
Livorno(B)                  - Catanzaro(R)                7-2
Messina(B)                  - Sampierdarenese(A)          2-4
Modena(B)                   - Pro Vercelli(B)             5-0
Napoli(A)                   - Bari(A)                     2-1
Sanremese(R)                - Juventus(A)                 1-4
Torino(A)                   - Reggiana(R)                 2-0
Triestina(A)                - Rovigo(R)                   1-1

Replay 4th round:
Rovigo(R)                   - Triestina(A)                1-3

5th round:
Alessandria(A)              - Modena(B)                   4-0
Ambrosiana Inter(A)         - Juventus(A)                 0-1
Fiorentina(A)               - Genoa(A)                    3-0
Lazio Roma(A)               - Roma(A)                     2-1
Livorno(B)                  - Sampierdarenese(A)          5-3
Milan(A)                    - Bologna(A)                  3-0
Napoli(A)                   - Triestina(A)                3-1
Torino(A)                   - Catania(B)                  8-2

Quarter-finals (24 may 1936):
Alessandria(A)              - Lazio Roma(A)               1-0
Juventus Torino(A)          - Fiorentina Firenze(A)       1-3
Napoli(A)                   - AC Milan(A)                 1-2
Torino(A)                   - Livorno(B)                  4-2

Semi-finals (31 may 1936):
Alessandria(A)              - AC Milan(A)                 1-0
Torino(A)                   - Fiorentina Firenze(A)       2-0

Final (Genova, 11 june 1936):
Torino(A)                   - Alessandria(A)              5-1

Cupwinners: Torino.

cup 1926/27.

cup 1936/37.

list of champions.

list of 2nd division champions.

list of 3rd division champions.

list of final tables.

list of cup winners.

list of topscorers.

list of 2nd division topscorers.

list of 3rd division topscorers.

About this document

Thanks to Alberto Novello for correcting a score

Prepared and maintained by Dinant Abbink for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Dinant Abbink
Last updated: 30 May 2002

(C) Copyright Dinant Abbink and RSSSF 2000/02
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.