Ghana 2024/25

Ghana Premier League

Ghana Premier League


 1.Asante Kotoko FC             20  11  4  5  23-13  37
 2.Bibiani Gold Stars           20  10  7  3  20-10  37
 3.Accra Hearts of Oak SC       20  10  6  4  19-10  36
 4.Kpando Heart of Lions        20   9  7  4  19-12  34
 5.Nations FC                   20   9  5  6  22-12  32
 6.Medeama SC                   20   9  5  6  21-17  32
 7.Bechem United FC             20   9  6  5  19-14  30  [-3]
 8.Berekum Chelsea FC           20   7  7  6  19-18  28
 9.FC Samartex 1996             20   6  9  5  13-11  27  [C]
10.Basake Holy Stars FC         20   6  6  8  21-22  24  [P]
11.Wenchi Young Apostles FC     20   6  6  8  13-20  24  [P]
12.Vision FC                    20   5  8  7  16-22  23  [P]
13.Aduana FC                    20   4 10  6  14-17  22
14.Nsoatreman FC                20   5  6  9  17-22  21
15.Dreams FC                    20   4  9  7  10-16  21
16.Karela United FC             20   4  6 10  11-17  18
17.Legon Cities FC              20   5  2 13  14-28  17
18.Accra Lions FC               20   3  7 10  13-23  16

NB: Bechem United 3 points deducted for no show round 15

Round 1
[Sep 7]
Dreams                  0-0 Samartex                
Vision                  0-0 Chelsea                 
[Sep 8]
Hearts of Oak           0-1 Holy Stars              
Aduana                  1-1 Heart of Lions          
Karela                  0-1 Asante Kotoko           
Bibiani Gold Stars      2-1 Legon Cities            
Nsoatreman              2-0 Young Apostles          
Nations                 0-0 Bechem                  
Medeama                 1-0 Accra Lions             

Round 2
[Sep 14]
Legon Cities            0-1 Medeama                 
[Sep 15]
Holy Stars              0-0 Dreams                  
Young Apostles          0-0 Nations                 
Chelsea                 1-0 Karela                  
Bechem                  0-0 Aduana                  
Heart of Lions          2-0 Hearts of Oak           
[Sep 16]
Accra Lions             0-2 Vision                  
[Oct 2]
Samartex                1-1 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Asante Kotoko           1-0 Nsoatreman              

Round 3
[Sep 21]
Vision                  1-1 Legon Cities            
[Sep 22]
Bibiani Gold Stars      1-0 Holy Stars              
Asante Kotoko           1-1 Young Apostles          
Karela                  1-1 Accra Lions             
Aduana                  1-2 Nations                 
Hearts of Oak           2-0 Bechem                  
[Sep 23]
Dreams                  2-2 Heart of Lions          
[Oct 9]
Nsoatreman              0-0 Chelsea                 
Medeama                 0-0 Samartex                

Round 4
[Sep 28]
Accra Lions             3-1 Nsoatreman              
[Sep 29]
Nations                 0-0 Hearts of Oak           
Legon Cities            0-2 Karela                  
Young Apostles          3-2 Aduana                  
Heart of Lions          0-0 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Holy Stars              1-2 Medeama                 
Samartex                2-1 Vision                  
Chelsea                 1-1 Asante Kotoko           
Bechem                  1-0 Dreams                  

Round 5
[Oct 4]
Hearts of Oak           0-0 Aduana                  
[Oct 5]
Medeama                 0-0 Heart of Lions          
[Oct 6]
Chelsea                 1-0 Young Apostles          
Asante Kotoko           1-0 Accra Lions             
Dreams                  0-1 Nations                 
Karela                  1-1 Samartex                
Vision                  1-0 Holy Stars              
Bibiani Gold Stars      1-0 Bechem                  
Nsoatreman              3-1 Legon Cities            

Round 6
[Oct 12]
Accra Lions             1-1 Chelsea                 
Heart of Lions          0-0 Vision                  
[Oct 13]
Bechem                  2-0 Medeama                 
Nations                 1-1 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Aduana                  2-0 Dreams                  
Young Apostles          1-2 Hearts of Oak           
Holy Stars              1-0 Karela                  
[Oct 14]
Samartex                2-0 Nsoatreman              
[Oct 30]
Legon Cities            2-1 Asante Kotoko           

Round 7
[Oct 19]
Accra Lions             0-0 Young Apostles          
[Oct 20]
Asante Kotoko           1-0 Samartex                
Karela                  1-0 Heart of Lions          
Nsoatreman              2-0 Holy Stars              
Vision                  1-1 Bechem                  
Chelsea                 3-1 Legon Cities            
Dreams                  0-0 Hearts of Oak           
Bibiani Gold Stars      2-0 Aduana                  
Medeama                 1-0 Nations                 

Round 8
[Oct 25]
Legon Cities            0-0 Accra Lions             
[Oct 27]
Samartex                1-0 Chelsea                 
Hearts of Oak           0-1 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Heart of Lions          1-0 Nsoatreman              
Aduana                  abd Medeama                 [abandoned at 2-2 in 87' due to
Young Apostles          1-0 Dreams                   heavy rain]
Bechem                  0-0 Karela                  
Holy Stars              1-1 Asante Kotoko           
Nations                 3-0 Vision                  
[Oct 28]
Aduana                  2-2 Medeama                 [remaining 3' and injury time]

Round 9 
[Nov 1]
Medeama                 0-2 Hearts of Oak           
Accra Lions             1-1 Samartex                
[Nov 3]
Chelsea                 2-2 Holy Stars              
Asante Kotoko           0-1 Heart of Lions          
Karela                  0-1 Nations                 
Vision                  0-0 Aduana                  
Bibiani Gold Stars      0-0 Dreams                  
Nsoatreman              2-2 Bechem                  
[Nov 4]
Legon Cities            2-0 Young Apostles          

Round 10
[Nov 8]
Hearts of Oak           1-0 Vision                  
[Nov 9]
Dreams                  1-0 Medeama                 
[Nov 10]
Bechem                  1-0 Asante Kotoko           
Samartex                1-0 Legon Cities            
Heart of Lions          1-0 Chelsea                 
Aduana                  1-0 Karela                  
Young Apostles          0-0 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Holy Stars              2-1 Accra Lions             
Nations                 3-0 Nsoatreman              

Round 11
[Nov 16]
Nsoatreman              1-1 Aduana                  
Accra Lions             0-0 Heart of Lions          
[Nov 17]
Medeama                 2-0 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Legon Cities            2-1 Holy Stars              
Asante Kotoko           0-2 Nations                 
Samartex                0-1 Young Apostles          
Vision                  0-1 Dreams                  
Chelsea                 1-2 Bechem                  
Karela                  0-1 Hearts of Oak           

Round 12
[Nov 23]
Hearts of Oak           1-1 Nsoatreman              
[Nov 24]
Bibiani Gold Stars      2-0 Vision                  
Holy Stars              1-0 Samartex                
Bechem                  1-0 Accra Lions             
Heart of Lions          3-0 Legon Cities            
Nations                 0-1 Chelsea                 
Dreams                  0-1 Karela                  
Young Apostles          0-2 Medeama                 
Aduana                  0-2 Asante Kotoko           

Round 13
[Dec 14]
Chelsea                 0-0 Aduana                  
Accra Lions             1-0 Nations                 
Holy Stars              3-0 Young Apostles          
Vision                  3-2 Medeama                 
Samartex                0-1 Heart of Lions          
Karela                  1-1 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Nsoatreman              1-1 Dreams                  
Legon Cities            0-2 Bechem                  
[Dec 15]
Asante Kotoko           1-0 Hearts of Oak           

Round 14
[Dec 20]
Hearts of Oak           3-1 Chelsea                 
[Dec 21]
Bechem                  1-0 Samartex                
Heart of Lions          3-1 Holy Stars              
Dreams                  1-2 Asante Kotoko           
Bibiani Gold Stars      2-1 Nsoatreman              
Young Apostles          1-1 Vision                  
Nations                 3-0 Legon Cities            
[Dec 23]
Aduana                  0-0 Accra Lions             
[Jan 1]
Medeama                 1-0 Karela                  

Round 15
[Dec 26]
Heart of Lions          1-0 Young Apostles          
Legon Cities            0-1 Aduana                  
Holy Stars              awd Bechem                  [awarded 3-0, Bechem dns]
[Dec 27]
Asante Kotoko           2-0 Bibiani Gold Stars      
[Dec 29]
Samartex                1-1 Nations                 
Accra Lions             2-3 Hearts of Oak           
Karela                  1-1 Vision                  
Chelsea                 0-0 Dreams                  
[Jan 8]
Nsoatreman              1-1 Medeama                 

Round 16
[Jan 3]
Hearts of Oak           1-0 Legon Cities            
[Jan 4]
Bibiani Gold Stars      2-0 Chelsea                 
[Jan 5]
Bechem                  3-0 Heart of Lions          
Vision                  1-0 Nsoatreman              
Nations                 3-1 Holy Stars              
Medeama                 1-1 Asante Kotoko           
Young Apostles          2-0 Karela                  
Aduana                  0-1 Samartex                
Dreams                  1-0 Accra Lions             

Round 17 [Jan 19]
Accra Lions             0-3 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Chelsea                 2-1 Medeama                 
Legon Cities            3-0 Dreams                  
Nsoatreman              1-0 Karela                  
Young Apostles          0-0 Bechem                  
Samartex                0-0 Hearts of Oak           
Holy Stars              1-1 Aduana                  
Asante Kotoko           4-1 Vision                  
Heart of Lions          0-1 Nations                 

Halfway Table:

 1.Bibiani Gold Stars           17   9  6  2  19- 9  33
 2.Nations FC                   17   9  5  3  21- 7  32
 3.Asante Kotoko FC             17   9  4  4  20-12  31
 4.Kpando Heart of Lions        17   8  6  3  16- 9  30
 5.Accra Hearts of Oak SC       17   8  5  4  16-10  29
 6.Bechem United FC             17   8  6  3  16-10  27  [-3]
 7.Medeama SC                   17   7  5  5  17-15  26
 8.FC Samartex 1996             17   5  7  5  11-10  22  [C]
 9.Basake Holy Stars FC         17   6  4  7  19-19  22  [P]
10.Berekum Chelsea FC           17   5  7  5  14-15  22
11.Vision FC                    17   4  7  6  13-19  19  [P]
12.Aduana FC                    17   3  9  5  12-15  18
13.Nsoatreman FC                17   4  6  7  16-20  18
14.Wenchi Young Apostles FC     17   4  6  7  10-17  18  [P]
15.Dreams FC                    17   3  7  7   7-14  16
16.Karela United FC             17   3  5  9   8-14  14
17.Legon Cities FC              17   4  2 11  13-25  14
18.Accra Lions FC               17   2  7  8  10-18  13

NB: Bechem United 3 points deducted for no show round 15

Round 18
[Jan 25]
Accra Lions             1-0 Medeama                 
[Jan 26]
Bechem                  2-0 Nations                 
Chelsea                 1-0 Vision                  
Heart of Lions          2-1 Aduana                  
Legon Cities            1-0 Bibiani Gold Stars      
Young Apostles          1-0 Nsoatreman              
Holy Stars              0-0 Hearts of Oak           
Asante Kotoko           1-0 Karela                  
Samartex                1-1 Dreams                  

Round 19
[Jan 31]
Hearts of Oak           1-0 Heart of Lions          
[Feb 2]
Nations                 1-2 Young Apostles          
Bibiani Gold Stars      0-0 Samartex                
Aduana                  1-0 Bechem                  
Medeama                 1-0 Legon Cities            
Karela                  2-1 Chelsea                 
Vision                  2-1 Accra Lions             
Dreams                  2-1 Holy Stars              
Nsoatreman              1-0 Asante Kotoko           

NB: rounds 20-22 played after round 23

Round 23
[Mar 8]
Hearts of Oak           2-0 Young Apostles          
[Mar 9]
Chelsea                 3-1 Accra Lions             
Vision                  1-1 Heart of Lions          
Medeama                 3-1 Bechem                  
Bibiani Gold Stars      1-0 Nations                 
Dreams                  0-0 Aduana                  
Karela                  1-1 Holy Stars              
Asante Kotoko           2-0 Legon Cities            
[Mar 10]
Nsoatreman              0-1 Samartex                

Round 20 [Mar 18-20]
Accra Lions              -  Karela                  
Legon Cities             -  Vision                  
Samartex                 -  Medeama                 
Bechem                   -  Hearts of Oak           
Young Apostles           -  Asante Kotoko           
Chelsea                  -  Nsoatreman              
Holy Stars               -  Bibiani Gold Stars      
Heart of Lions           -  Dreams                  
Nations                  -  Aduana                  


 1.Asante Kotoko FC             20  11  4  5  23-13  37
 2.Bibiani Gold Stars           20  10  7  3  20-10  37
 3.Accra Hearts of Oak SC       20  10  6  4  19-10  36
 4.Kpando Heart of Lions        20   9  7  4  19-12  34
 5.Nations FC                   20   9  5  6  22-12  32
 6.Medeama SC                   20   9  5  6  21-17  32
 7.Bechem United FC             20   9  6  5  19-14  30  [-3]
 8.Berekum Chelsea FC           20   7  7  6  19-18  28
 9.FC Samartex 1996             20   6  9  5  13-11  27  [C]
10.Basake Holy Stars FC         20   6  6  8  21-22  24  [P]
11.Wenchi Young Apostles FC     20   6  6  8  13-20  24  [P]
12.Vision FC                    20   5  8  7  16-22  23  [P]
13.Aduana FC                    20   4 10  6  14-17  22
14.Nsoatreman FC                20   5  6  9  17-22  21
15.Dreams FC                    20   4  9  7  10-16  21
16.Karela United FC             20   4  6 10  11-17  18
17.Legon Cities FC              20   5  2 13  14-28  17
18.Accra Lions FC               20   3  7 10  13-23  16

NB: Bechem United 3 points deducted for no show round 15

Round 21 [Apr 1-3]
Nsoatreman               -  Accra Lions             
Hearts of Oak            -  Nations                 
Karela                   -  Legon Cities            
Aduana                   -  Young Apostles          
Bibiani Gold Stars       -  Heart of Lions          
Medeama                  -  Holy Stars              
Vision                   -  Samartex                
Asante Kotoko            -  Chelsea                 
Dreams                   -  Bechem                  

Round 22 [Apr 15-17]
Aduana                   -  Hearts of Oak           
Heart of Lions           -  Medeama                 
Young Apostles           -  Chelsea                 
Accra Lions              -  Asante Kotoko           
Nations                  -  Dreams                  
Samartex                 -  Karela                  
Holy Stars               -  Vision                  
Bechem                   -  Bibiani Gold Stars      
Legon Cities             -  Nsoatreman              


list of champions

list of final tables

list of cup winners

list of topscorers

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 10 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2024/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.