French Antilles 2014/15

Ligue des Antilles 2015
Guadeloupe | Martinique | Saint-Barthélemy | Saint-Martin

Ligue des Antilles 2015

NB: also known as Trophée Mutuelle Mare-Gaillard; 12th edition

Guadeloupe Semifinals 

First Legs
[Feb 4]
Siroco                 1-0 USR                    
[Feb 5]
Etoile ML              0-1 CSM                    
Second Legs [Feb 21]
USR                    1-1 Siroco                 
CSM                    2-0 Etoile ML              
Guadeloupe Final [May 9]
Siroco                 0-2 CSM                    

Martinique Semifinals 

First Legs
[Feb 4]
Club Colonial          2-2 RC Rivière-Pilote      
[Feb 5]
Golden Lion            0-2 Club Franciscain       
Second Legs
[Feb 24]
Club Franciscain       2-1 Golden Lion            
[Feb 25]
RC Rivière-Pilote      1-1 Club Colonial          

Martinique Final [Apr 4, stade Louis-Achille, Fort-de-France]
Club Franciscain       0-1 RC Rivière-Pilote      

Interregional Final [Jun 6, stade Cyrano Arrendel, Petit Canal]
CSM                    0-2 RC Rivière-Pilote      

2014 | 2016 
list of winners


Division d'Honneur 2014/15
Cup Tournaments 2014/15
Promotion d'Honneur Régionale 2014/15
Promotion d'Honneur 2014/15
Première Division 2014/15

Note that the point system in Guadeloupe is 4/win, 2/draw, 1/loss.

Division d'Honneur 2014/15

Final Table:

 1.CSM (Moule)                                26  18  4  4  50-16  84  Champions
 2.Gauloise (Basse-Terre)                     26  15  8  3  47-15  79
 3.Etoile (Morne-à-l'Eau)                     26  15  8  3  40-10  78  [-1]
 4.Siroco (Abymes)                            26  11 11  4  33-16  70  [2 1 1 0 2-1 6]
 5.USR (Sainte-Rose)                          26  13  5  8  27-21  70  [2 0 1 1 1-2 3]
 6.Arsenal (Petit-Bourg)                      26  10  7  9  30-24  63
 7.USBM (Baie-Mahault)                        26  10  3 13  33-37  59
 8.Solidarité-Scolaire (Baie-Mahault)         26   8  8 10  29-35  58
 9.Juventus (Sainte-Anne)                     26   7  9 10  21-25  56
10.Phare (Petit-Canal)                        26   7  6 13  21-39  53
11.Club Amical Marquisat (C'terre Belle-Euve) 26   7  5 14  20-37  52
12.Red-Star (Baie-Mahault)                    26   6  8 12  21-37  51  [-1]
13.AS Gosier (Gosier)                         26   3  9 14  14-46  44  Relegated
14.Racing Club (Basse Terre)                  26   4  5 17  15-43  43  Relegated

Round 1 [Aug 30]
USR                    1-0 USBM                   
Phare                  1-3 Solidarité Scolaire    
Juventus               2-1 Racing Club            
Red Star               0-2 Etoile                 
CAM                    0-1 CSM                    
Gauloise               4-0 AS Gosier              
Siroco                 2-1 Arsenal                

Round 3
[Sep 19]
Solidarité Scolaire    0-1 Racing Club            
[Sep 20]
Juventus               0-0 Etoile                 
USR                    2-1 AS Gosier              
Red Star               0-0 Arsenal                
Gauloise               0-2 CSM                    
CAM                    0-4 Siroco                 
[Dec 3]
Phare                  1-2 USBM                   

Round 2 [Sep 24]
Etoile                 1-0 USR                    
CSM                    4-2 Siroco                 
AS Gosier              1-1 Red Star               
Solidarité Scolaire    3-0 CAM                    
Racing Club            2-0 Phare                  
Arsenal                1-1 Gauloise               
USBM                   2-1 Juventus               

Round 4 played after round 7
Round 5
[Oct 15]
Racing Club            0-3 USBM                   
[Oct 18]
Phare                  1-0 AS Gosier              
Juventus               0-2 Arsenal                
USR                    0-2 CSM                    
Solidarité Scolaire    0-2 Etoile                 
CAM                    1-3 Gauloise               
[Dec 3]
Red Star               1-0 Siroco                 

Round 6 [Oct 25]
USBM                   3-2 CAM                    
Etoile                 1-0 Racing Club            
Gauloise               2-0 Red Star               
Siroco                 0-0 USR                    
Arsenal                1-1 Phare                  
AS Gosier              0-0 Solidarité Scolaire    
CSM                    3-0 Juventus               
Round 7
[Nov 5]
Racing Club            2-3 AS Gosier              
USBM                   0-3 Etoile                 [awarded?]
Phare                  2-4 CSM                    
Juventus               0-0 Siroco                 
Solidarité Scolaire    1-3 Arsenal                
USR                    1-2 Gauloise               
[Nov 8]
CAM                    1-1 Red Star               

Round 4
[Nov 10]
CSM                    2-0 Red Star               
[Nov 12]
Arsenal                0-1 USR                    
AS Gosier              0-0 Juventus               
Etoile                 3-0 Phare                  
USBM                   5-2 Solidarité Scolaire    
[Nov 14]
Racing Club            1-2 CAM                    
[Jan 7]
Siroco                 1-1 Gauloise               

Round 8 [Nov 22]
Red Star               2-2 USR                    
Gauloise               0-0 Juventus               
Arsenal                2-0 Racing Club            
Siroco                 5-2 Phare                  
Etoile                 4-0 CAM                    
CSM                    3-0 Solidarité Scolaire    
AS Gosier              0-2 USBM                   

Round 9 [Nov 29]
Etoile                 7-0 AS Gosier              
Solidarité Scolaire    0-0 Siroco                 
Phare                  0-0 Gauloise               
USBM                   2-2 Arsenal                
Racing Club            0-2 CSM                    
CAM                    0-2 USR                    
Juventus               1-0 Red Star               

Round 10
[Dec 13]
AS Gosier              0-2 CAM                    
CSM                    2-1 USBM                   
Arsenal                1-0 Etoile                 
Siroco                 0-0 Racing Club            
Red Star               1-2 Phare                  
Gauloise               4-0 Solidarité Scolaire    
[Jan 7]
USR                    1-0 Juventus               
Round 11
[Dec 18]
Racing Club            0-2 Gauloise               
[Dec 20]
AS Gosier              2-4 Arsenal                
USBM                   0-0 Siroco                 
Etoile                 1-0 CSM                    
CAM                    2-1 Juventus               
Phare                  1-0 USR                    
Solidarité Scolaire    1-1 Red Star               
Round 12
[Jan 10]
Red Star               1-3 Racing Club            
Gauloise               3-0 USBM                   
CSM                    3-0 AS Gosier              
Juventus               2-1 Phare                  
Siroco                 1-0 Etoile                 
CAM                    0-3 Arsenal                
[Jan 17]
USR                    2-1 Solidarité Scolaire    

Round 13
[Jan 23]
Solidarité Scolaire    3-0 Juventus               
[Jan 24]
Etoile                 4-1 Gauloise               
Arsenal                1-0 CSM                    
Phare                  1-0 CAM                    
AS Gosier              0-4 Siroco                 
Racing Club            1-1 USR                    
USBM                   1-2 Red Star               
Round 14 [Feb 7]
Etoile                 2-0 Red Star               
AS Gosier              0-3 Gauloise               [also reported 1-3]
Solidarité Scolaire    2-0 Phare                  
Racing Club            1-0 Juventus               
Arsenal                0-0 Siroco                 
CSM                    2-1 CAM                    
USBM                   0-1 USR                    
Round 15 [Feb 14]
Siroco                 2-0 CSM                    
Gauloise               2-0 Arsenal                
Red Star               2-0 AS Gosier              
USR                    awd Etoile                 [awarded 3-0, originally 1-0]
Juventus               1-0 USBM                   
Phare                  2-1 Racing Club            
CAM                    1-3 Solidarité Scolaire    
Round 16
[Feb 28]
USBM                   2-0 Phare                  
[Mar 1]
Arsenal                0-0 Red Star               
Racing Club            0-1 Solidarité Scolaire    
Etoile                 1-0 Juventus               
Siroco                 0-1 CAM                    
CSM                    0-1 Gauloise               
AS Gosier              0-1 USR                    
Round 17
[Mar 6]
Solidarité Scolaire    1-1 USBM                   
[Mar 7]
USR                    1-0 Arsenal                
Gauloise               1-1 Siroco                 
CAM                    0-0 Racing Club            
Red Star               2-4 CSM                    
Phare                  0-3 Etoile                 
Juventus               0-0 AS Gosier              

Round 18
[Mar 14]
USBM                   2-1 Racing Club            
Arsenal                0-1 Juventus               
Gauloise               0-0 CAM                    
CSM                    4-0 USR                    
Etoile                 0-0 Solidarité Scolaire    
AS Gosier              1-1 Phare                  
[Mar 18]
Siroco                 awd Red Star               [awarded 3-0, originally 2-2]
Round 19
[Mar 20]
Solidarité Scolaire    1-0 AS Gosier              
[Mar 21]
USR                    1-2 Siroco                 
Phare                  1-0 Arsenal                
Juventus               1-1 CSM                    
CAM                    2-0 USBM                   
Racing Club            0-0 Etoile                 
Red Star               1-1 Gauloise               
Round 20 [Mar 28]
Etoile                 2-1 USBM                   
CSM                    1-1 Phare                  
Gauloise               1-0 USR                    
Red Star               1-0 CAM                    
Siroco                 0-0 Juventus               
AS Gosier              0-0 Racing Club            
Arsenal                1-1 Solidarité Scolaire    

Round 21
[Mar 31]
Solidarité Scolaire    0-0 CSM                    
USR                    0-1 Red Star               
[Apr 18]
Juventus               0-1 Gauloise               
Phare                  1-2 Siroco                 
Racing Club            1-4 Arsenal                
USBM                   1-2 AS Gosier              
CAM                    1-1 Etoile                 

Round 22 [Apr 11]
AS Gosier              1-1 Etoile                 
Siroco                 2-1 Solidarité Scolaire    
Red Star               1-5 Juventus               
USR                    1-0 CAM                    
Gauloise               0-1 Phare                  
Arsenal                1-0 USBM                   
CSM                    1-0 Racing Club            

Round 23 [Apr 25]
Racing Club            0-1 Siroco                 
Solidarité Scolaire    1-2 Gauloise               
USBM                   1-3 CSM                    
CAM                    0-0 AS Gosier              
Etoile                 2-1 Arsenal                
Phare                  0-0 Red Star               
Juventus               1-1 USR                    
Round 24
[May 3]
USR                    1-0 Phare                  
Siroco                 0-1 USBM                   
CSM                    0-0 Etoile                 
Juventus               0-2 CAM                    
Arsenal                0-2 AS Gosier              
Red Star               1-2 Solidarité Scolaire    
[May 6]
Gauloise               8-0 Racing Club            
Round 25 [May 13]
Racing Club            0-2 Red Star               
Arsenal                2-0 CAM                    
Solidarité Scolaire    1-1 USR                    
Phare                  1-1 Juventus               
Etoile                 0-0 Siroco                 
AS Gosier              0-3 CSM                    
USBM                   1-4 Gauloise               
Round 26 [May 23]
CSM                    3-0 Arsenal                
Gauloise               0-0 Etoile                 
Red Star               0-2 USBM                   
Juventus               4-1 Solidarité Scolaire    
CAM                    2-0 Phare                  
Siroco                 1-1 AS Gosier              
USR                    3-0 Racing Club            
Final Table:

 1.CSM (Moule)                                26  18  4  4  50-16  84  Champions
 2.Gauloise (Basse-Terre)                     26  15  8  3  47-15  79
 3.Etoile (Morne-à-l'Eau)                     26  15  8  3  40-10  78  [-1]
 4.Siroco (Abymes)                            26  11 11  4  33-16  70  [2 1 1 0 2-1 6]
 5.USR (Sainte-Rose)                          26  13  5  8  27-21  70  [2 0 1 1 1-2 3]
 6.Arsenal (Petit-Bourg)                      26  10  7  9  30-24  63
 7.USBM (Baie-Mahault)                        26  10  3 13  33-37  59
 8.Solidarité-Scolaire (Baie-Mahault)         26   8  8 10  29-35  58
 9.Juventus (Sainte-Anne)                     26   7  9 10  21-25  56
10.Phare (Petit-Canal)                        26   7  6 13  21-39  53
11.Club Amical Marquisat (C'terre Belle-Euve) 26   7  5 14  20-37  52
12.Red-Star (Baie-Mahault)                    26   6  8 12  21-37  51  [-1]
13.AS Gosier (Gosier)                         26   3  9 14  14-46  44  Relegated
14.Racing Club (Basse Terre)                  26   4  5 17  15-43  43  Relegated

Cup Tournaments 2014/15

Coupe de Guadeloupe 2014/15 | Coupe de France 2014

Coupe de Guadeloupe 2014/15

Round 1
[Nov 16]
La Gauloise            2-1 Red Star
[Dec 5]
Mondial                0-1 Solidarité Port-Louis     
Solidarité Scolaire    3-0 Etoile Filante
Etoile ML              4-1 Jeunesse Evolution
CS Capesterre          7-0 AS Le Monde
Dynamo                 0-4 AJSS
[Dec 6]
St.-Claude FC          1-3 Etoile du Carmel
AS St.-Robert          0-9 Arsenal
AO Gouyrebeyrienne     0-2 USR
JSVH                   2-5 Phare
CS Bouillantais        6-0 Intrépide SA
[Dec 7]
Sporting BM            1-2 Eclair
AS Pombiray            3-5 Unar
US Cambefort           1-0 US Goyave
Stade Lamentinois      0-1 JSC
AJSF                   1-7 Equinoxe
Zénith                 5-1 ASC Madiana
Amical MG              2-1 JS Abymienne
Etoile de l'Ouest      0-1 Juventus
Siroco                 4-0 US Ansoise
Alliance FC            0-6 Rapid Club PC
AV St.-Rosien          3-2 AS Dragon
CS St.-Français        0-3 US Grand-Bourgeoise    
[Dec 8]
Juvenis                1-1 AS Nénuphar            [aet, 3-4 pen]   

Round 2
[Jan 3]
Solidarité Port-Louis  0-6 CS Moule
Juventus Ste.-Anne     2-1 CS Bouillantais       
Evolucas               0-1 Eclair
Zénith                 2-3 Société Scolaire
US Cambrefort          0-4 ASC Carenage
Siroco                 1-0 US Baie-de-Mahault
La Gauloise            3-1 CS Capesterre B. Eau
AJS Saintoise          3-2 US Capesterre B. Eau   [aet]        
Phare                  1-3 Etoile Morne-à-l'Eau   [aet]
[Jan 4]
Etoile du Carmel       1-3 USR Ste.-Rose
Rapid Club PC          3-1 Cygne Noir
US Grand-Bourgeoise    0-1 Club Amical Marquisat  [aet]
AS Nénuphar            1-3 Amical Club Marie Galante
Arsenal                2-0 Equinoxe               [aet]
UNAR                   2-0 JSC Marie Galante
Cactus                 3-2 Avenir St.-Rosien

Round 3
[Jan 30]
Eclair                 0-1 USR
Etoile ML              1-0 Juventus
Rapid Club PC          1-2 Cactus                 [aet]
CAM                    1-2 Siroco
[Jan 31]
ASC Carénage           0-3 Arsenal
CSM                    5-2 La Gauloise            [aet]
[Feb 1]
Amical                 4-0 Solidarité Scolaire    
[Feb 25]
UNAR                   2-1 AJSS

[Mar 24]
UNAR                   1-1 Etoile ML              [aet, 1-3 pen]
[Mar 25]
Siroco                 2-1 Arsenal
Cactus                 1-0 Club Amical Marquisat
USR                    1-0 CS Moule               [aet]

[Apr 21]
Etoile ML              3-1 Siroco
[Apr 22]
Cactus                 2-0 USR       

Final [May 29]
Etoile ML              2-0 Cactus

Coupe de France 2014

Round 1
[Aug 23]
JSVH                   awd Dynamo                 [Dynamo forfeited; awarded 3-0]
FC Diables Rouges      awd Eclair                 [Eclair forfeited; awarded 3-0]
Cactus                 0-1 CSC St.-François
JSA                    1-3 Sporting Abymes
[Aug 24]
Nénuphars              0-3 EDO St.-François
Zénith                 0-3 EDC Morne-à-l'Eau
UNAR                   3-1 CS Abymes
Mondial                0-5 USCB Petit-Bourg
AOG                    3-1 USBG Rivières-des-Pères
[Aug 25]
CSB                    3-1 JSC Bouillante  
Rapid Petit-Canal      0-1 Solidarité Scolaire  
[Aug 26]
Evolucas               1-2 Stade Lamentin
Round 2
[Sep 10]
Red Star               3-0 Phare
AO Gourbeyrienne       1-2 RC Basse-Terre
[Sep 12]
St.-Claude             0-5 Amical
CS Capesterre          0-2 Jeunesse Evolution     [aet]
Sporting Abymes        3-1 Equinoxe
UNAR                   2-1 Etoile Filante
Indomptable            0-3 Stade Lamentinois
[Sep 13]
Solidarité Scolaire    2-5 La Gauloise
Etoile ML              2-0 CSB
FC Diables Rouges      awd JSVH                   [JSVH forfeited; awarded 3-0]
Juventus               0-1 USBM
US Ansoise             1-6 Etoile de l'Ouest St.-François
AS Gosier              3-2 Arsenal
Siroco                 5-0 USCB Petit-Bourg 
CSM                    4-1 USR                    [aet]
Etoile de Carmel       0-4 CAM

Round 3
[Sep 27]
Jeunesse Evolution     0-2 La Gauloise
FC Diables Rouges      awd Amical                 [Amical forfeited; awarded to Diables Rouges]
Etoile de l'Ouest      1-2 Etoile ML
AS Gosier              2-4 USBM
Sporting Abymes        1-3 CAM
Stade Lamentinois      0-4 CSM 
[Sep 28]
Red Star               2-2 UNAR                   [aet, 3-4 pen]
RC Basse-Terre         1-3 Siroco

[Oct 15]
Etoile ML              2-1 La Gauloise
Siroco                 1-0 CAM
CSM                    2-0 UNAR
[Oct 18]
FC Diables Rouges      awd USBM                   [Diables Rouges forfeited; awarded to USBM]     
[Oct 29]
Etoile (Morne-à-l'Eau) 2-3 Siroco (Abymes)        
[Oct 31]
CS Moule               2-0 US Baie-Mahault

NB: semifinal winners qualify for 7th round Coupe de France

Tournoi Guy Roch 2014

NB: second edition

Round 1 [Aug 14]         
AOG                    0-0 Jeunesse Evolution     [4-5 pen]
Cactus                 0-1 La Gauloise 
Club Sport             0-0 Unar                   [5-3 pen]
Racing Club            0-0 Phare                  [4-3 pen]
Semifinals [Aug 16]
Racing Club            1-0 Club Sport
La Gauloise            6-0 Jeunesse Evolution
Third Place Match [Aug 17]
Jeunesse Evolution     1-0 Club Sport
Final [Aug 17]
La Gauloise            3-0 Racing Club

Promotion d'Honneur Régionale 2014/15

Final Table:

 1.Amical Club (Grand-Bourg de Marie Galante) 26  16  4  6  45-23  78  Promoted
 2.AO Gourbeyrienne                           26  15  7  4  37-19  78  Promoted
 3.Jeunesse Evolution (Abymes)                26  15  7  4  39-18  77  [-1]
 4.AJSS (Les Saintes)                         26  14  6  6  47-29  74
 5.CS Capesterrien (Capesterre-Belle-Eau)     26  14  6  6  46-33  74
 6.CS Bouillantais                            26  14  5  7  44-29  73
 7.Evolucas (Petit-Bourg)                     26   9  5 12  37-35  58
 8.Jeunesse Vieux-Fort (Rivière des Pères)    26   7 10  9  33-41  57
 9.Zénith (Morne-à-l'Eau)                     26   6  9 11  25-42  53
10.Solidarité Port-Louis                      26   7  5 14  31-43  52
11.Jeunesse Sportive Abymienee                26   5 10 11  26-35  51
12.US Grand-Bourgeoise                        26   5  7 14  20-38  48  Relegated
13.JSVH (Vieux-Habitants)                     26   5  4 17  19-37  44  [-1]  Relegated
14.Stade Lamentinois (Lamentin)               26   3  9 14  27-54  44  Relegated

Promotion d'Honneur 2014/15


 1.Etoile de l'Ouest (Bouillante)             28  21  2  5  87-31  93
 2.USC Bananier                               28  19  4  5  61-27  89
 3.UNAR (Les Abymes)                          28  17  6  5  53-19  85
 4.Cactus (Ste.-Anne)                         28  16  7  5  43-18  83
 5.SC Baie-Mahault                            28  15  6  7  39-27  79
 6.Rapid Club (Petit-Canal)                   28  16  3  9  47-38  79
 7.L'Eclair (Petit-Bourg)                     28  11  7 10  42-48  68
 8.Club Sport de Saint-François               28  10  6 12  39-39  63  [-1]
 9.JS Capesterre (Capesterre Marie Galante)   27  10  3 14  32-37  60
10.AS Le Moule                                28   8  6 14  38-49  58
11.AS Pombiray                                28   6  9 13  40-57  55  Relegated
12.ASC Madiana (Le Gosier)                    28   6  9 13  38-51  53  [-2]  Relegated
13.Cygne Noir (Basse-Terre)                   28   6  4 18  27-55  50  Relegated
14.Etoile du Carmel (Basse-Terre)             26   5  7 14  17-51  45  [-3]  Relegated
15.Equinoxe (Petit-Canal)                     27   2  1 24  13-69  27  [-7]  Relegated
 -.St.-Claude FC                              apparently withdrew

Première Division 2014/15

Poule A

Top Final Table:

 1.AS Nénuphars                               20  15  5  0  48-12  70  Promoted, Final
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Intrépide Sainte-Anne                      20  13  5  2  48-19  64  Promoted
 3.ASC Carénage                               20  10  7  3  46-23  57
 4.US Goyave                                  18   8  5  5  43-32  47
Other participating teams:
   Colonial Club
   AS Dragon
   La Frégate
   SLAC Marie-Galante 

Poule B

Top Final Table:

 1.Alliance FC                                20  14  5  1  44-15  67  Final
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2.Etoile Filante                             20  14  4  2  40-17  66  Promoted
 3.US Ansoise                                 20  13  2  5  40-19  60  Promoted

Première Division Final
[Jun 14]
AS Nénuphars           4-1 Alliance FC


Division d'Honneur 2014/15
Cup Tournaments 2014/15
Promotion d'Honneur Régionale 2014/15
Promotion d'Honneur 2014/15
Première Division 2014/15

Note that the point system in Martinique is 4/win, 2/draw, 1/loss.

Division d'Honneur 2014/15

Final Table:

 1.Golden Lion FC (Saint-Joseph)              26  22  2  2  82-16  94  Champions
 2.Club Franciscain (Le François)             26  18  5  3  68-24  85
 3.Club Colonial (Fort-de-France)             26  18  3  5  54-18  82  [-1]
 4.Aiglon (Lamentin)                          26  13  6  7  39-25  71
 5.Golden Star (Fort-de-France)               26  11  7  8  50-27  66  [2 1 0 1 2-2 5]
 6.RC Rivière-Pilote                          26  11  7  8  39-23  66  [2 1 0 1 2-2 5]
 7.CS Case-Pilote                             26  10  6 10  38-46  62  [2 2 0 0 2-0 8]
 8.Essor-Préchotain (Prêcheur)                26  11  3 12  46-33  62  [2 0 0 2 0-2 2]
 9.Emulation (Schoelcher)                     26   8  9  9  33-28  59
10.Samaritaine (Sainte-Marie)                 26   9  7 10  55-38  57  [-3]
11.US Marinoise (Marin)                       26   5  9 12  21-31  50
12.US Robert                                  26   5  8 13  30-51  49  Relegated
13.Réal de Tartane                            26   4  2 20  27-87  40  Relegated
14.CS Bélimois (Lamentin)                     26   0  0 26  14-149 26  Relegated

Round 1
[Sep 19]
Club Colonial          0-2 CS Case-Pilote         
RC Rivière-Pilote      1-0 US Robert              
CS Bélimois            1-8 Golden Lion            
[Sep 20]
Club Franciscain       3-1 Emulation              
US Marinoise           0-0 Samaritaine            
Réal de Tartane        1-3 Aiglon                 
Essor                  1-3 Golden Star            

Round 2 [Sep 27]
US Robert              6-0 CS Bélimois            
Golden Lion            awd Club Colonial          [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 2-1 in 46’]
Emulation              1-1 US Marinoise           
CS Case-Pilote         1-0 Essor                  
Samaritaine            3-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Aiglon                 1-1 Club Franciscain       
Golden Star            4-2 Réal de Tartane        

Round 3
[Oct 17]
CS Bélimois           0-10 Samaritaine            
Club Colonial          4-0 US Robert              
[Oct 18]
US Marinoise           1-1 Aiglon                 
CS Case-Pilote         1-5 Golden Lion            
RC Rivière-Pilote      3-2 Emulation              
Club Franciscain       2-0 Golden Star            
Réal de Tartane        0-4 Essor                  

Round 4
[Oct 25]
Réal de Tartane        0-0 CS Case-Pilote         
Emulation              4-0 CS Bélimois            
[Oct 26]
Samaritaine            0-1 Club Colonial          
[Oct 31]
US Robert              0-6 Golden Lion            
Aiglon                 1-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
[Nov 7]
Golden Star            2-0 US Marinoise           
[Nov 8]
Essor                  1-3 Club Franciscain       

Round 5
[Nov 21]
RC Rivière-Pilote      0-2 Golden Star            
CS Bélimois            1-6 Aiglon                 
[Nov 22]
CS Case-Pilote         1-1 US Robert              
US Marinoise           2-1 Essor                  
Club Franciscain       3-2 Réal de Tartane        
[Nov 25]
Club Colonial          1-0 Emulation              
Golden Lion            5-1 Samaritaine            

Round 6
[Nov 26]
Club Franciscain       3-1 CS Case-Pilote         
[Nov 28]
Aiglon                 0-5 Club Colonial          
[Nov 29]
Emulation              1-2 Golden Lion            
Samaritaine            5-1 US Robert              
Essor                  0-2 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Réal de Tartane        0-1 US Marinoise           
Golden Star            4-1 CS Bélimois            
Round 7
[Dec 5]
Golden Lion            1-0 Aiglon                 
CS Bélimois            2-6 Essor                  
RC Rivière-Pilote      3-0 Réal de Tartane        
[Dec 6]         
US Robert              2-0 Emulation              
CS Case-Pilote         1-3 Samaritaine            
Club Colonial          1-0 Golden Star            
[Dec 20]
US Marinoise           0-0 Club Franciscain       

Round 8
[Dec 12]
Aiglon                 3-1 US Robert              
Golden Star            0-1 Golden Lion            
[Dec 13]
Essor                  1-2 Club Colonial          
Club Franciscain       4-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
US Marinoise           1-1 CS Case-Pilote         
Réal de Tartane        2-1 CS Bélimois            
Emulation              1-1 Samaritaine            
Round 9
[Dec 17]
CS Bélimois           0-15 Club Franciscain       
RC Rivière-Pilote      1-1 US Marinoise           
[Dec 19]
Club Colonial          6-1 Réal de Tartane        
Golden Lion            5-1 Essor                  
[Dec 20]
US Robert              0-1 Golden Star            
Samaritaine            0-4 Aiglon                 [Samaritaine 3 points deducted due to
CS Case-Pilote         3-1 Emulation               agression against referee]

[Jan 6]
Aiglon                 2-2 Emulation              
RC Rivière-Pilote      2-2 CS Case-Pilote         
[Jan 7]
Golden Star            2-1 Samaritaine            
Réal de Tartane        0-9 Golden Lion            
Essor                  3-0 US Robert              
US Marinoise           1-0 CS Bélimois            
[Jan 10]
Club Franciscain       3-2 Club Colonial          
Round 11
[Jan 16]
Golden Lion            2-1 Club Franciscain       
CS Bélimois           0-12 RC Rivière-Pilote      
[Jan 17]
Samaritaine            1-1 Essor                  
Emulation              0-0 Golden Star            
CS Case-Pilote         0-2 Aiglon                 
US Robert              1-1 Réal de Tartane        
Club Colonial          2-0 US Marinoise           

Round 12
[Jan 23]
Golden Star            4-0 Aiglon                 
CS Bélimois            2-5 CS Case-Pilote         
RC Rivière-Pilote      0-1 Club Colonial          
[Jan 24]
Essor                  4-1 Emulation              
Club Franciscain       3-0 US Robert              
Réal de Tartane        2-5 Samaritaine            
US Marinoise           0-1 Golden Lion            
Round 13
[Jan 30]
Golden Lion            0-1 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Club Colonial          9-0 CS Bélimois            
Aiglon                 0-0 Essor                  
[Jan 31]
Emulation              2-0 Réal de Tartane        
US Robert              1-1 US Marinoise           
CS Case-Pilote         3-2 Golden Star            
Samaritaine            1-2 Club Franciscain       
Round 14
[Feb 6]
Aiglon                 3-0 Réal de Tartane        
Golden Star            1-3 Essor                  
[Feb 7]
CS Case-Pilote         1-1 Club Colonial          
US Robert              1-2 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Samaritaine            4-0 US Marinoise           
Emulation              0-0 Club Franciscain       
Golden Lion            7-2 CS Bélimois            

Round 15
[Feb 27]
CS Bélimois            0-5 US Robert              
[Feb 28]
Club Franciscain       1-2 Aiglon                 
Réal de Tartane        0-3 Golden Star            
Essor                  0-1 CS Case-Pilote         
US Marinoise           0-1 Emulation              
RC Rivière-Pilote      1-1 Samaritaine            
Club Colonial          0-1 Golden Lion            

Round 16
[Mar 6]
Aiglon                 1-0 US Marinoise           
Golden Lion            3-0 CS Case-Pilote         
[Mar 7]
Golden Star            2-2 Club Franciscain       
Samaritaine            7-0 CS Bélimois            
Essor                  6-1 Réal de Tartane        
Emulation              0-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
US Robert              0-0 Club Colonial          

Round 17
[Mar 13]
CS Bélimois            0-4 Emulation              
Club Colonial          4-1 Samaritaine            
[Mar 14]
US Marinoise           0-0 Golden Star            
Club Franciscain       2-1 Essor                  
CS Case-Pilote         4-2 Réal de Tartane        
RC Rivière-Pilote      0-1 Aiglon                 
Golden Lion            3-1 US Robert              
Round 18
[Mar 20]
Aiglon                 4-0 CS Bélimois            
Golden Star            0-2 RC Rivière-Pilote      
[Mar 21]
Samaritaine            0-3 Golden Lion            
US Robert              1-1 CS Case-Pilote         
Emulation              0-0 Club Colonial          
Réal de Tartane        2-3 Club Franciscain       
Essor                  3-0 US Marinoise           

Round 19
[Mar 27]
RC Rivière-Pilote      1-0 Essor                  
Club Colonial          1-0 Aiglon                 
Golden Lion            2-0 Emulation              
[Mar 28]
US Marinoise           1-2 Réal de Tartane        
CS Case-Pilote         2-4 Club Franciscain       
CS Bélimois            0-8 Golden Star            
US Robert              1-1 Samaritaine            

Round 20
[Apr 10]
Aiglon                 0-0 Golden Lion            
[Apr 11]
Club Franciscain       2-0 US Marinoise           
Essor                  3-1 CS Bélimois            
Réal de Tartane        0-4 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Golden Star            1-2 Club Colonial          
Emulation              2-0 US Robert              
Samaritaine            2-0 CS Case-Pilote         
Round 21
[Apr 17]
CS Bélimois            0-2 Réal de Tartane        
RC Rivière-Pilote      1-1 Club Franciscain       
Golden Lion            4-3 Golden Star            
Club Colonial          0-2 Essor                  
[Apr 18]
CS Case-Pilote         0-2 US Marinoise           
US Robert              1-0 Aiglon                 
[Apr 29]
Samaritaine            1-1 Emulation              

Round 22
[Apr 24]
Golden Star            1-1 US Robert              
Aiglon                 4-2 Samaritaine            
[Apr 25]
Réal de Tartane        1-3 Club Colonial          
Emulation              0-1 CS Case-Pilote         
US Marinoise           0-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Essor                  0-1 Golden Lion            
Club Franciscain       2-0 CS Bélimois            
Round 23
[Apr 30]
Club Colonial          1-0 Club Franciscain       
CS Bélimois            0-5 US Marinoise           
Golden Lion            8-1 Réal de Tartane        
[May 2]
Samaritaine            0-0 Golden Star            
Emulation              1-0 Aiglon                 
US Robert              2-2 Essor                  
CS Case-Pilote         1-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Round 24
[May 8]
Golden Star            1-1 Emulation              
RC Rivière-Pilote      3-1 CS Bélimois            
Aiglon                 1-0 CS Case-Pilote         
[May 9]
Essor                  1-0 Samaritaine            
Réal de Tartane        4-1 US Robert              
US Marinoise           1-2 Club Colonial          
Club Franciscain       1-0 Golden Lion            

Round 25 [May 16]
Golden Lion            2-1 US Marinoise           
Club Colonial          1-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      
Samaritaine            3-0 Réal de Tartane        
CS Case-Pilote         6-2 CS Bélimois            
US Robert              0-4 Club Franciscain       
Emulation              1-0 Essor                  
Aiglon                 0-0 Golden Star            
Round 26
[May 29]
Golden Star            6-0 CS Case-Pilote         
[May 30]
Essor                  2-0 Aiglon                 
CS Bélimois            0-5 Club Colonial          
US Marinoise           2-3 US Robert              
RC Rivière-Pilote      0-0 Golden Lion            
Réal de Tartane        1-6 Emulation              
Club Franciscain       3-2 Samaritaine             
Final Table:

 1.Golden Lion FC (Saint-Joseph)              26  22  2  2  82-16  94  Champions
 2.Club Franciscain (Le François)             26  18  5  3  68-24  85
 3.Club Colonial (Fort-de-France)             26  18  3  5  54-18  82  [-1]
 4.Aiglon (Lamentin)                          26  13  6  7  39-25  71
 5.Golden Star (Fort-de-France)               26  11  7  8  50-27  66  [2 1 0 1 2-2 5]
 6.RC Rivière-Pilote                          26  11  7  8  39-23  66  [2 1 0 1 2-2 5]
 7.CS Case-Pilote                             26  10  6 10  38-46  62  [2 2 0 0 2-0 8]
 8.Essor-Préchotain (Prêcheur)                26  11  3 12  46-33  62  [2 0 0 2 0-2 2]
 9.Emulation (Schoelcher)                     26   8  9  9  33-28  59
10.Samaritaine (Sainte-Marie)                 26   9  7 10  55-38  57  [-3]
11.US Marinoise (Marin)                       26   5  9 12  21-31  50
12.US Robert                                  26   5  8 13  30-51  49  Relegated
13.Réal de Tartane                            26   4  2 20  27-87  40  Relegated
14.CS Bélimois (Lamentin)                     26   0  0 26  14-149 26  Relegated

Cup Tournaments 2014/15

Coupe de Martinique 2015 | Coupe de France 2014 |
Trophée Yvon Lutbert 2014
Coupe de Martinique 2015

Round 1
[Jan 9]
SC Lamentin            3-1 Gauloise Trinité
Assaut                 0-1 Good Luck
RC St.-Joseph          1-0 Eclair
[Jan 10]
Olympique Marin        1-4 New Club
Réveil Sportif         1-0 Santana
New Star               2-1 Réal Tartane
Etendard               1-2 US Diamantinoise
Etincelle              1-0 Eveil
Emulation              1-0 US Marinoise
UJ Redoute             0-3 AS Morne-des-Esses
UJ Monnérot            3-1 Espoir
CSC Carbet             1-3 US Riveraine
RC Lorrain             2-0 CS Case-Pilote
Solidarité             0-2 Stade Spiritaine 
JS Marigot             0-4 Anses d'Arlet FC 
L'Intrépide            0-6 Excelsior
CS Vauclinois          5-0 COTV
FE Monésie             4-2 Océanic
Silver Star            0-4 US Robert
ASC Hirondelle         0-9 Samaritaine
Gri-Gri                5-0 CS Bélimois
ASC Mon Pito           0-2 JS Eucalyptus     
[Jan 11]
AC Vert-Pré            4-1 Ste.-Anne Cap 110
Round 2
[Feb 11]
SC Lamentin            2-2 US Diamantinoise       [aet, 1-2 pen]
[Feb 13]
Golden Lion            4-0 US Riveraine
Anses d'Arlet FC       1-0 Excelsior
[Feb 14]
Réveil Sportif         1-3 New Club
New Star               1-4 Club Franciscain
Etincelle              0-0 RC Rivière-Pilote      [aet, 2-4 pen]
Samaritaine            2-0 Emulation
AS Morne-des-Esses     0-3 Club Colonial
UJ Monnérot            2-3 AC Vert-Pré
Stade Spiritain        0-2 Good Luck
RC Lorrain             0-2 Aiglon
RC St.-Joseph          1-2 Golden Star
FEP Monésie            1-2 Essor
CS Vauclinois          2-0 Gri-Gri
Etoile BP              1-3 US Robert
JS Eucalyptus          2-1 Club Peléen     
Round 3
[Mar 10]
New-Club               1-2 Club Franciscain
US Diamantinoise       1-2 RC Rivière-Pilote      [aet]
Club Colonial          1-0 Samaritaine            [aet]
AC Vert-Pré            1-3 Golden Lion      
Essor                  2-0 CS Vauclinois
[Mar 11]
Aiglon                 2-1 Good-Luck              [aet]
Golden Star            3-0 Anses d'Arlet FC
US Robert              2-1 JS Eucalyptus          [aet]

[Mar 31]
Golden Star            0-2 Club Colonial
[Apr 1]
US Robert              2-1 RC Rivière-Pilote      [aet]
Club Franciscain       2-0 Aiglon                 
[Apr 2]
Golden Lion            4-1 Essor                  [aet]
[Apr 21]
Golden Lion            1-2 Club Colonial
[Apr 22]
RC Rivière-Pilote      0-0 Club Franciscain       [aet, 1-2 pen]
Final [May 21, stade Pierre Aliker, Dillon]
Club Colonial          2-2 Club Franciscain       [aet, 2-3 pen]

Coupe de France 2014

Preliminary Round 
[Aug 29]
SC Lamentin            0-2 Olympique Marin
[Aug 30]
JS Marigot             awd Silver Star            [Silver Star forfeited; awarded 3-0]
CSC Carbet             4-0 L'Intrépide
Reveil Sportif         2-0 Santana
UJ Redoute             1-3 Hirondelle
ASC Mon Pitô           0-2 Eveil    
Round 1 [Sep 6]
Club Peléen            awd Solidarité             [Solidarité forfeitet; awarded 3-0]
Gauloise Trinité       0-1 AS Morne-des-Esses
Anses Arlets FC        3-4 CS Vauclinois          [aet] 
RC St.-Joseph          0-2 RC Lorrain
New Star               3-2 Stade Spiritain
UJ Monnerot            2-1 CSC Carbet
Assaut                 2-0 Etendard
CODST                  1-3 AC Vert Pré
Eveil                  2-0 COTV
ASC Hirondelle         1-0 Good Luck              [aet]
US Diamantinoise       4-0 Gri-Gri Pilotin FC
Océanic                1-6 JS Eucalyptus
US Riveraine           1-1 Excelsior              [aet, 2-4 pen]
New Club               4-0 Etoile BP
Ste.-Anne Cap 110      2-2 Olympique Marin        [aet, 5-6 pen]
FEP Monésie            2-0 Etincelle
JS Marigot             4-2 Santana
Eclair                 3-1 ASCEF

Round 2
[Sep 12]
RC Rivière-Pilote      2-0 US Diamantinoise
New Club               3-2 FEP Monésie            [aet] 
Golden Star            6-0 US Robert
Eveil                  1-4 New Star
[Sep 13]
UJ Monnérot            1-2 Club Colonial
Excelsior              4-1 RC Lorrain
Réal Tartane           1-0 JS Eucalyptus
Club Peléen            2-1 Emulation              [aet]
Olympique Marin        0-3 AS Morne-des-Esses
CS Bélimois            0-8 Club Franciscain
Golden Lion            3-0 CS Vauclinois
Good Luck              1-1 US Marinoise           [aet, 3-4 pen]
Eclair                 1-0 Santana                [aet]
[Sep 14]
Aiglon                 4-0 Samaritaine
CS Case-Pilote         2-0 Essor Prechotin
Assaut                 3-1 AC Vert-Pré  
1/8 Finals
[Sep 23]
AS Mornes-des-Esses    1-4 CS Case-Pilote
Assaut                 1-6 Golden Lion
New Star               1-2 Excelsior
[Sep 24]
Réal Tartane           4-2 New Club               [aet]
Club Franciscain       2-1 Club Colonial
Club Peléen            0-1 Aiglon
Golden Star            3-0 US Marinoise
Eclair                 1-3 RC Rivière-Pilote     

Quarterfinals [Oct 15]
Aiglon                 3-0 CS Case-Pilote
RC Rivière-Pilote      2-3 Golden Star            [aet]
Golden Lion            4-0 Réal Tartane
Excelsior              1-3 Club Franciscain
Semifinals [Oct 25]
Club Franciscain       2-0 Golden Star
Aiglon                 4-3 Golden Lion
NB: both semifinal winners qualified for 7th round Coupe de France

Trophée Yvon Lutbert 2014

winners Division d'Honneur (Club Franciscain)
winners Promotion d'Honneur Régionale (CS Case-Pilote)
winners Promotion d'Honneur (Excelsior)
winners Première Division (Etincelle)
Semifinals [Aug 20]
Club Franciscain       3-0 Etincelle
CS Case-Pilote         2-1 Excelsior
Final [Aug 24]    
Club Franciscain       2-0 CS Case-Pilote 

Promotion d'Honneur Régionale 2014/15

Final Table:

 1.Excelsior (Schoelcher)                     26  17  3  6  51-31  80  Promoted
 2.New Star (Ducos)                           26  16  5  5  49-27  79  Promoted
 3.Good Luck (Fort-de-France)                 26  14  6  6  37-25  74  Promoted
 4.JS Eucalyptus (Eucalypte)                  26  13  7  6  35-18  72
 5.New Club (Petit-Bourg)                     26  13  6  7  43-31  71
 6.US Diamantinoise                           26  10 11  5  47-34  67
 7.US Riveraine                               26  11  7  8  36-29  66
 8.Rapid Club (Lorrain)                       26   7  6 13  34-45  53
 9.AC Vert-Pré                                26   6  8 12  32-36  52
10.AS Morne-des-Esses                         26   5 11 10  27-39  52
11.Stade Spiritain (Saint-Esprit)             26   6  8 12  16-31  51  [-1]
12.Anses d'Arlet FC                           26   7  4 15  33-59  51  Relegated
12.CS Vauclinois                              26   5  8 13  34-46  49  Relegated
14.Assaut (Saint-Pierre)                      26   5  4 17  35-58  45  Relegated

Promotion d'Honneur 2014/15

Table (Jun 1):

 1.Club Peléen (Morne Rouge)                  26  18  5  3  56-19  85  Promoted
 2.Foy. Educ. Pop. Monésie                    25  18  4  3  43-24  83  Promoted
 3.Eclair  (Rivière-Salée)                    26  17  4  5  49-17  81  Promoted
 4.RC Saint-Joseph                            26  14  7  5  61-35  75
 5.AS Etoile (Basse-Pointe)                   26  16  1  9  50-46  72  [-3]
 6.Union des Jeunes Monnérot (Robert)         26  11 10  5  53-38  69
 7.Gri-Gri (Rivière-Pilote)                   26  12  5  9  43-29  67
 8.Etincelle (Macouba)                        26   9 10  7  28-29  61  [-2]
 9.Etendard (Bellefointaine)                  26   7  8 11  36-48  55
10.Sainte-Anne Cap 110                        26   6  8 12  34-41  52
11.Gauloise (Trinité)                         26   5  5 16  25-41  45  [-1]  Relegated
12.ASCE Fourniols                             25   5  5 15  27-55  45  Relegated
13.CO Trenelle (Fort-de-France)               26   2  3 21  20-55  35  Relegated
14.Océanic Club (Lorrain)                     26   2  3 21  20-68  35  Relegated

NB: match between ASCE Fourniols and FEP Monésie abandoned

Première Division 2014/15

Final Table:

 1.Eveil (Trois-Ilets)                        28  17  8  3  60-22  87  Promoted
 2.SC Lamentinois                             28  18  4  6  68-32  85  [-1]  Promoted
 3.CSC Carbet                                 28  17  6  5  61-28  85  Promoted
 4.Réveil-Sportif (Gros Morne)                28  17  4  7  54-30  83  Promoted
 5.Santana Club (Sainte-Anne)                 28  15  8  5  43-23  81
 6.Olympique (Marin)                          28  15  6  7  49-31  79
 7.CO Dillons ST (Fort-de-France)             28  13  6  9  46-38  73
 8.Espoir (Sainte-Luce)                       28  10  8 10  60-47  65  [-1]
 9.Solidarité                                 28   8  7 13  36-45  56  [-3]
10.ASC Hirondelle (Rivière-Salée)             28   7  8 13  25-38  56  [-1]
11.JS Marigot                                 28   7  4 17  36-57  52  [-1]
12.UJ Redoute                                 28   6  7 15  31-80  52  [-1]
13.L'Intrépide Club (Fort-de-France)          28   5  7 16  31-56  50
14.Silver Star (Ajoupa Bouillon)              28   5  6 17  45-78  46  [-3]
15.ASC Mon Pito (Lamentin)                    28   3  5 20  22-62  42


Trophée José de Silva

Note that the point system in Saint-Barthélemy is 4/win, 2/draw, 1/loss.


Final Table (missing goals round 4):

 1.Gustavia                                    8   7  1  0  22- 7  30  Champions
 2.Arawak                                      8   5  0  3  11- 9  23
 3.Diables Rouges                              8   2  3  3  12-17  17
 4.ASPSB                                       8   2  2  4  10-21  16
 5.Ouanalao FC                                 8   0  2  6   2- 3   5  [-5]

Round 1
[Mar 6]
Ouanalao               1-1 Gustavia               
[Mar 7]
Arawak                 3-1 ASPSB                  
Diables Rouges         bye
Round 2
[Mar 13]
Arawak                 4-1 Diables Rouges         
[Mar 14]
Gustavia               6-0 ASPSB                  
Ouanalao               bye

Round 3
[Mar 20]
ASPBS                  3-3 Diables Rouges         
[Mar 21]
Ouanalao               o/w Arawak                 [Ouanalao forfeited]
Gustavia               bye

Round 4
[Mar 27]
Arawak                 lt  Gustavia
[Mar 28]
Diables Rouges         drw Ouanalao  
ASPSB                  bye  
Round 5
[Apr 10]
ASPSB                  2-1 Ouanalao
[Apr 11]
Gustavia               4-2 Diables Rouges
Arawak                 bye
Round 6
[Apr 17]
Ouanalao               o/w Gustavia               [Ouanalao forfeited]
[Apr 18]
Arawak                 2-1 ASPSB                  
Diables Rouges         bye      
Round 7
[Apr 24]
Diables Rouges         2-1 Arawak                 
[Apr 25]
ASPSB                  1-4 Gustavia
Ouanalao               bye 
Round 8
[May 8]
Diables Rouges         2-2 ASPSB                  
[May 9]
Arawak                 w/o Ouanalao               [Ouanalao forfeited]
Gustavia               bye

Round 9
[May 15]
Gustavia               4-1 Arawak
[Mar 16]
Ouanalao               o/w Diables Rouges         [Ouanalao forfeited]
ASPSB                  bye  
Round 10
[May 22]
Ouanalao               o/w ASPSB                  [Ouanalao forfeited]
[May 23]
Gustavia               3-2 Diables Rouges
Arawak                 bye
Final Table (missing goals round 4):

 1.Gustavia                                    8   7  1  0  22- 7  30  Champions
 2.Arawak                                      8   5  0  3  11- 9  23
 3.Diables Rouges                              8   2  3  3  12-17  17
 4.ASPSB                                       8   2  2  4  10-21  16
 5.Ouanalao FC                                 8   0  2  6   2- 3   5  [-5]

Trophée José da Silva

Regular Stage


 1.Ouanalao FC                                 4   4  0  0  25- 8  16
 2.Diables Rouges                              4   3  0  1  18-11  13
 3.ASPSB                                       4   2  1  1  12- 7  11
 4.AS Gustavia                                 4   2  1  1  17-13  11
 5.Arawak                                      4   0  0  4   5-12   4
 6.AS Gustavia (Women)                         4   0  0  4  14-40   4

Round 1
[Nov 7]     
Diables Rouges         2-1 Arawak                  
[Nov 8]
Ouanalao               5-1 Gustavia               
Gustavia (Women)       1-8 ASPSB                  
Round 2
[Nov 14]
ASPSB                  0-0 Gustavia               
[Nov 15]
Gustavia (Women)      2-10 Diables Rouges         
Arawak                 1-4 Ouanalao               
Round 3
[Nov 21]
Gustavia (Women)       4-9 Ouanalao               
[Nov 22]
Arawak                 1-3 Gustavia               
Diables Rouges         4-1 ASPSB                  
Round 4
[Nov 28]  
Ouanalao               7-2 Diables Rouges         
[Nov 29]
ASPSB                  3-2 Arawak                 
Gustavia              13-7 Gustavia (Women)       

Round 5 [results not available]
[Dec 12]
Arawak                  -  Gustavia (Women)       
[Dec 13]
Ouanalao                -  ASPSB                  
Diables Rouges          -  Gustavia               [Gustavia apparently won]

 1.Ouanalao FC                                 4   4  0  0  25- 8  16
 2.Diables Rouges                              4   3  0  1  18-11  13
 3.ASPSB                                       4   2  1  1  12- 7  11
 4.AS Gustavia                                 4   2  1  1  17-13  11
 5.Arawak                                      4   0  0  4   5-12   4
 6.AS Gustavia (Women)                         4   0  0  4  14-40   4

Playoff Stage

Fifth Place Match [Jan 17]
Arawak                 8-1 Gustavia (Women)       
[Jan 16]
Gustavia               5-0 ASPSB                  
[Jan 17]
Diables Rouges         2-7 Ouanalao               
Third Place Match [Jan 23]
ASPSB                  unk Diables Rouges         

Final [Jan 24]
Ouanalao               2-1 Gustavia               


Saint-Martin (Ligue)

Note that the point system in Saint-Martin is 4/win, 2/draw, 1/loss.

Saint-Martin (Ligue)

Regular Season


 1.Junior Stars                                3   3  0  0   9- 1  12
 2.Attackers SM                                3   3  0  0   9- 4  12
 3.FC Marigot                                  3   2  0  1  12- 7   9
 4.FC Concordia                                3   1  0  2   5- 6   6
 5.United Stars                                4   0  0  4   4-17   4
 6.Saint-Louis Stars                           2   0  0  2   0- 4   2

Round 1
[Jan 10]
Junior Stars           2-0 St.-Louis Stars        
[Jan 11]
Concordia              3-4 FC Marigot             
[Jan 12]
Attackers              5-3 United Stars           
Round 2
[Jan 18]
FC Marigot             0-4 Junior Stars           
[Jan 24]
St.-Louis Stars        0-2 Attackers              
[Jan 25]
United Stars           0-1 Concordia              
Round 3
[Jan 31]
Junior Stars           3-1 United Stars           
[Feb 7]
Attackers              2-1 Concordia              
FC Marigot              -  St.-Louis Stars        

Round 4
[Feb 8]
United Stars           0-8 FC Marigot             
[Mar 21]
Concordia               -  St.-Louis Stars        
[Mar 22]
Junior Stars            -  Attackers              


 1.Junior Stars                                3   3  0  0   9- 1  12
 2.Attackers SM                                3   3  0  0   9- 4  12
 3.FC Marigot                                  3   2  0  1  12- 7   9
 4.FC Concordia                                3   1  0  2   5- 6   6
 5.United Stars                                4   0  0  4   4-17   4
 6.Saint-Louis Stars                           2   0  0  2   0- 4   2

Round 5
not known, possibly postponed

Round 6
not known, possibly postponed

Round 7
[Mar 27]
St.-Louis Stars        0-4 United Stars           
[Mar 28]
Junior Stars           awd Concordia              [awarded 3-0]       
[Mar 29]
Attackers              3-4 FC Marigot             

Round 8
[Apr 10]
Attackers               -  United Stars           
[Apr 11]
St.-Louis Stars         -  Junior Stars           
[Apr 12]              
FC Marigot             1-3 Concordia              
Round 9
[Apr 11]
United Stars           0-2 Concordia              
[Apr ?]
Junior Stars           3-2 FC Marigot             
St.-Louis Stars         -  Attackers              
Round 10
[Apr 25]
Attackers              1-4 Concordia              
Junior Stars           4-1 United Stars           
FC Marigot             awd St.-Louis Stars        [St.-Louis forfeited; awarded 3-0] 
Round 12
[May 9]
United Stars           0-2 St.-Louis Stars        
[May 10] 
FC Marigot             3-1 Attackers              
[May 11?]
Junior Stars           1-1 Concordia              
Round 13
[May 16]
St.-Louis Stars         -  Concordia              
[May 17]
FC Marigot              -  United Stars           
Round 14
[May 23]
United Stars            -  Attackers              
[May 24]
St.-Louis Stars         -  Junior Stars           
[May 30]
Concordia               -  FC Marigot             


[Jun 6]
FC Marigot             lt  St.-Louis Stars        
[Jun 7]
Junior Stars           lt  Attackers SM           

Final [Jun 28]
Attackers SM           3-1 St.-Louis Stars        
Champions: Attackers
Coupe de Saint-Martin

Round 1
FC Marigot             1-0 United Stars
Final [Nov ?]
Junior Stars           2-1 Attackers SM

Cup Tournament 2015

Semifinals [Jun]
FC Marigot             3-3 St.-Louis Stars        [Marigot on pen]
Junior Stars           0-1 Attackers SM            

Final [Dec ?]
FC Marigot             bt  Attackers SM            

2013/14 (French Antilles).

2015/16 (French Antilles).

list of champions Guadeloupe.

list of cup finals Guadeloupe.

list of champions Martinique.

list of known cup winners Martinique.

list of champions Saint-Martin and Saint-Barth.

trophée des clubs champions des antilles-guyane 2012.

list of d.o.m. cup winners.

About this document

Thanks to Martin Arenlind

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Hans Schöggl
Last updated: 7 Mar 2025

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl and RSSSF 2014/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.