European U-17 Championship 2010

Final tournament in Liechtenstein


Group 1 (in Azerbaijan)

[Oct 26]
England            6-2 Kazakhstan
Serbia             0-0 Azerbaijan 
[Oct 28]
Serbia             1-0 Kazakhstan 
Azerbaijan         0-4 England
[Oct 31]
England            1-0 Serbia
Kazakhstan         1-3 Azerbaijan

 1.ENGLAND               3   3  0  0  11- 2   9
 2.SERBIA                3   1  1  1   1- 1   4
 3.Azerbaijan            3   1  1  1   3- 5   4
 4.Kazakhstan            3   0  0  3   3-10   0 

Group 2 (in Romania) 

[Oct 16]
Romania            1-0 Lithuania  
Spain              6-0 Faroe Islands
[Oct 18]
Romania            4-0 Faroe Islands
Lithuania          1-9 Spain
[Oct 21]
Spain              4-1 Romania
Faroe Islands      2-3 Lithuania

 1.SPAIN                 3   3  0  0  19- 2   9
 2.ROMANIA               3   2  0  1   6- 4   6
 3.Lithuania             3   1  0  2   4-12   3
 4.Faroe Islands         3   0  0  3   2-13   0

Group 3 (in Montenegro)

[Sep 23]
Croatia            1-1 Montenegro 
Belgium            3-1 Denmark
[Sep 25]
Croatia            2-1 Denmark
Montenegro         1-1 Belgium
[Sep 28]
Belgium            0-1 Croatia
Denmark            8-1 Montenegro

 1.CROATIA               3   2  1  0   4- 2   7
 2.BELGIUM               3   1  1  1   4- 3   4
 3.Denmark               3   1  0  2  10- 6   3
 4.Montenegro            3   0  2  1   3-10   2

Group 4 (in Poland)

[Sep 9]
Poland             2-4 Austria
Israel             6-1 Armenia
[Sep 11]
Armenia            1-4 Poland
Israel             0-2 Austria
[Sep 14]
Poland             7-0 Israel
Austria            1-1 Armenia 

 1.AUSTRIA               3   2  1  0   7- 3   7
 2.POLAND                3   2  0  1  13- 5   6
 3.Israel                3   1  0  2   6-10   3
 4.Armenia               3   0  1  2   3-11   1 

Group 5 (in Macedonia)

[Oct 23]
Turkey             2-0 Finland
Germany            2-0 Macedonia
[Oct 25]
Turkey             2-1 Macedonia
Finland            1-0 Germany
[Oct 28]
Germany            2-1 Turkey
Macedonia          2-5 Finland

 1.TURKEY                3   2  0  1   5- 3   6
 2.GERMANY               3   2  0  1   4- 2   6
 3.FINLAND               3   2  0  1   6- 4   6
 4.Macedonia             3   0  0  3   3- 9   0

Group 6 (in Bulgaria)

[Sep 27]
Sweden             2-0 Latvia 
Ireland            2-1 Bulgaria
[Sep 29]
Ireland            1-0 Latvia
Bulgaria           0-0 Sweden
[Oct 2]
Sweden             0-0 Ireland
Latvia             0-4 Bulgaria

 1.IRELAND               3   2  1  0   3- 1   7
 2.SWEDEN                3   1  2  0   2- 0   5
 3.Bulgaria              3   1  1  1   5- 2   4
 4.Latvia                3   0  0  3   0- 7   0

Group 7 (in Estonia)

[Oct 17]
France             3-1 Slovenia
Ukraine            0-0 Estonia
[Oct 19]
Slovenia           0-1 Ukraine
France             3-1 Estonia
[Oct 22]
Ukraine            1-1 France
Estonia            1-0 Slovenia

 1.FRANCE                3   2  1  0   7- 3   7
 2.UKRAINE               3   1  2  0   2- 1   5
 3.Estonia               3   1  1  1   2- 3   4
 4.Slovenia              3   0  0  3   1- 5   0

Group 8 (in Andorra)

[Oct 22]
Netherlands        4-0 Andorra
Northern Ireland   2-0 Malta
[Oct 24]
Andorra            0-2 Northern Ireland
Netherlands        1-2 Malta
[Oct 27]
Northern Ireland   0-1 Netherlands
Malta              0-0 Andorra

 1.NETHERLANDS           3   2  0  1   6- 2   6
 2.NORTHERN IRELAND      3   2  0  1   4- 1   6
 3.MALTA                 3   1  1  1   2- 3   4
 4.Andorra               3   0  1  2   0- 6   1

Group 9 (in Italy)

[Oct 24]
Norway             0-1 Greece 
Italy              5-0 Moldova
[Oct 26]
Moldova            0-0 Norway
Italy              0-0 Greece
[Oct 29]
Norway             2-0 Italy
Greece             2-2 Moldova

 1.GREECE                3   1  2  0   3- 2   5
 2.NORWAY                3   1  1  1   2- 1   4
 3.Italy                 3   1  1  1   5- 2   4
 4.Moldova               3   0  2  1   2- 7   2

Group 10 (in Scotland)

[Oct 20]
Scotland           1-2 Cyprus
Portugal           2-0 Georgia
[Oct 22]
Scotland           1-2 Georgia
Cyprus             1-2 Portugal
[Oct 25]
Portugal           2-2 Scotland
Georgia            4-2 Cyprus

 1.PORTUGAL              3   2  1  0   6- 3   7
 2.GEORGIA               3   2  0  1   6- 5   6
 3.Cyprus                3   1  0  2   5- 7   3
 4.Scotland              3   0  1  2   4- 6   1

Group 11 (in Hungary)

[Sep 25]
Slovakia           2-0 Luxembourg
Hungary            5-0 Albania
[Sep 27]
Hungary            1-1 Luxembourg
Albania            0-3 Slovakia
[Sep 30]
Slovakia           0-1 Hungary
Luxembourg         3-2 Albania

 1.HUNGARY               3   2  1  0   7- 1   7
 2.SLOVAKIA              3   2  0  1   5- 1   6
 3.Luxembourg            3   1  1  1   4- 5   4
 4.Albania               3   0  0  3   2-11   0

Group 12 (in Wales)

[Sep 28]
Wales              3-2 Iceland
Russia             0-0 Bosnia Herzegovina
[Sep 30]
Wales              2-2 Bosnia Herzegovina
Iceland            1-1 Russia
[Oct 3]
Russia             1-2 Wales
Bosnia Herzegovina 1-1 Iceland

 1.WALES                 3   2  1  0   7- 5   7
 2.BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA    3   0  3  0   3- 3   3
 3.Iceland               3   0  2  1   4- 5   2
 4.Russia                3   0  2  1   2- 3   2

Group 13 (in Belarus)

[Sep 5]
Switzerland       10-0 San Marino
Czech Republic     1-0 Belarus
[Sep 7]
San Marino         0-4 Czech Republic
Switzerland        2-0 Belarus
[Sep 10]
Czech Republic     4-0 Switzerland
Belarus            4-0 San Marino

 1.CZECH REPUBLIC        3   3  0  0   9- 0   9
 2.SWITZERLAND           3   2  0  1  12- 4   6
 3.Belarus               3   1  0  2   4- 3   3
 4.San Marino            3   0  0  3   0-18   0

NB: top-2 of each group qualified for next round;
in addition the two best 3rd-placed teams according to results against
the top-2 of each group (Finland, Malta) qualified


Group 1 (in Czech Republic) 

[Mar 25]
Czech Republic     0-1 Georgia
Netherlands        2-0 Ukraine
[Mar 27]
Czech Republic     2-1 Ukraine
Georgia            1-2 Netherlands
[Mar 30]
Netherlands        0-1 Czech Republic
Ukraine            2-2 Georgia

 1.CZECH REPUBLIC        3   2  0  1   3- 2   6
 2.Netherlands           3   2  0  1   4- 2   6
 3.Georgia               3   1  1  1   4- 4   4
 4.Ukraine               3   0  1  2   3- 6   1

Group 2 (in Bosnia Herzegovina)

[Mar 19]
Portugal           4-1 Romania
Croatia            2-1 Bosnia Herzegovina
[Mar 21]
Portugal           1-1 Bosnia Herzegovina
Romania            0-3 Croatia
[Mar 24]
Croatia            0-2 Portugal 
Bosnia Herzegovina 3-3 Romania

 1.PORTUGAL              3   2  1  0   7- 2   7
 2.Croatia               3   2  0  1   5- 3   6
 3.Bosnia Herzegovina    3   0  2  1   5- 6   2
 4.Romania               3   0  1  2   4-10   1

Group 3 (in Greece) 

[Mar 19]
Ireland            0-3 Greece
Austria            3-3 Finland
[Mar 21]
Austria            2-2 Greece
Finland            0-1 Ireland
[Mar 24]
Ireland            3-0 Austria
Greece             2-1 Finland

 1.GREECE                3   2  1  0   7- 3   7
 2.Ireland               3   2  0  1   4- 3   6
 3.Austria               3   0  2  1   5- 8   2
 4.Finland               3   0  1  2   4- 6   1

Group 4 (in Northern Ireland)

[Mar 17]
Poland             0-2 Belgium
Spain              4-0 Northern Ireland
[Mar 19]
Spain              0-1 Belgium
Northern Ireland   1-0 Poland
[Mar 22]
Poland             0-2 Spain
Belgium            0-1 Northern Ireland

 1.SPAIN                 3   2  0  1   6- 1   6
 2.Belgium               3   2  0  1   3- 1   6
 3.Northern Ireland      3   2  0  1   2- 4   6
 4.Poland                3   0  0  3   0- 5   0

Group 5 (in France)

[Mar 26]
Wales              0-0 Norway 
France             0-1 Turkey
[Mar 28]
Turkey             1-1 Wales
France             1-0 Norway
[Mar 31]
Wales              0-4 France
Norway             0-2 Turkey

 1.TURKEY                3   2  1  0   4- 1   7
 2.FRANCE                3   2  0  1   5- 1   6
 3.Wales                 3   0  2  1   1- 5   2
 4.Norway                3   0  1  2   0- 3   1 

Group 6 (in Switzerland) 

[Mar 25]
Hungary            0-1 Germany
Switzerland        1-2 Serbia
[Mar 27]
Hungary            0-0 Serbia
Germany            0-1 Switzerland
[Mar 30]
Switzerland        3-1 Hungary
Serbia             1-4 Germany

 1.SWITZERLAND           3   2  0  1   5- 3   6
 2.Germany               3   2  0  1   5- 2   6
 3.Serbia                3   1  1  1   3- 5   4
 4.Hungary               3   0  1  2   1- 4   1

Group 7 (in England)
[Mar 27]
Slovakia           2-0 Malta
England            4-0 Sweden
[Mar 29]
Sweden             2-0 Slovakia
England            5-0 Malta
[Apr 1]
Slovakia           0-2 England
Malta              0-5 Sweden
 1.ENGLAND               3   3  0  0  11- 0   9
 2.Sweden                3   2  0  1   7- 4   6
 3.Slovakia              3   1  0  2   2- 4   3
 4.Malta                 3   0  0  3   0-12   0


NB: group winners qualified for next round;
in addition (due to the withdrawal of hosts Liechtenstein)
the best runners-up team according to results against
the teams first and third in their group (France) qualified


Final Tournament (in Liechtenstein)

Group A

May 18 2010  France             1-2 Spain              [Vaduz]
              [65 Koura; 24 Bernat, 74 Paco]
May 18 2010  Portugal           3-0 Switzerland        [Eschen]
              [25, 50 Ricardo Esgaio, 48 Mateus Fonseca]
May 21 2010  Spain              4-0 Switzerland        [Vaduz]
              [12, 36, 43 Paco, 48 Orti]
May 21 2010  France             1-0 Portugal           [Eschen]
              [29 Pogba]
May 24 2010  Switzerland        1-3 France             [Eschen]
              [30 Zarkovic; 43, 47 Sanogo, 64 Koura]
May 24 2010  Spain              2-0 Portugal           [Vaduz]
              [69, 73 Gerard]
 1.SPAIN                 3   3  0  0   8- 1   9
 2.FRANCE                3   2  0  1   5- 3   6
 3.Portugal              3   1  0  2   3- 3   3
 4.Switzerland           3   0  0  3   1-10   0
Group B
May 18 2010  Greece             1-3 Turkey             [Eschen]
              [62 Diamantakos pen.; 16 Okay Yokuslu,
               60, 80+2 pen. Artun Akcakin]
May 18 2010  England            3-1 Czech Republic     [Vaduz]
              [21 Barkley, 68 McEachran, 69 Afobe;
               7 Plsek]
May 21 2010  Turkey             1-1 Czech Republic     [Eschen]
              [43 Artun Akcakin; 70 Hasa]
May 21 2010  Greece             0-1 England            [Vaduz]
              [35 Barkley]
May 24 2010  Czech Republic     0-0 Greece             [Eschen]
May 24 2010  Turkey             1-2 England            [Vaduz]
              [31 Okan Derici; 35 Berahino, 62 Hall pen.]
 1.ENGLAND               3   3  0  0   6- 2   9
 2.TURKEY                3   1  1  1   5- 4   4
 3.Czech Republic        3   0  2  1   2- 4   2
 4.Greece                3   0  1  2   1- 4   1
May 27 2010  England            2-1 France             [Vaduz]
              [23, 40 Wickham; 56 Pogba]
May 27 2010  Spain              3-1 Turkey             [Vaduz]
              [11 Jesé Rodriguez, 63, 66 pen. Paco;
               47 Taskin Calis]
May 30 2010  Spain              1-2 England            [Vaduz]
              [22 Gerard; 30 Wisdom, 42 Wickham]





About this document

Prepared and maintained by Roberto Di Maggio for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Roberto Di Maggio (
Last updated: 15 Jul 2011

(C) Copyright Roberto Di Maggio and RSSSF 2010/11
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.