Belize 1999/2000


 1.Sagitun (Independence)             18 11  4  3 39-14  37  [39-15] 
 2.Yabra Tropical (Belize)            18 10  7  1 33-15  37
 3.San Pedro Dolphins                 18  9  5  4 41-21  32  
 4.Grigamandala (Dangriga)            18  8  4  6 25-19  28  
 5.Real Verdes (Cayo)                 18  7  6  5 27-24  27  [28-24]
 6.La Victoria (Corozal)              18  7  5  6 23-24  26  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7.Juventus Esso (Orange Walk)        18  6  4  8 25-27  22  [26-27]
 8.Belmopan Bandits                   18  6  6  6 20-21  24  [20-22]
 9.Ambergris Turquoise (S.P.A. Caye)  18  2  4 12 13-41  10  [14-41]
10.Acros Bombers (Belize)             18  1  1 16 10-50   4  

[between square brackets GD as given by Belize Times; their total GD is +1]

NB: Juventud Benqueña (Benque Viejo del Carmen) withdrew because of
    organizational problems.
Name Changes: Dangriga Jaguares has become Grigamandala 
              San Pedro Turquoise has become Ambergris Turquoise
                (are from San Pedro Ambergris Caye)
              Corozal FC has become La Victoria (Corozal) 

Round 1 [Sep 18]
Sagitun         3-0 Grigamandala 
Yabra Tropical  2-0 Belmopan Bandits
Juventus Esso   3-2 San Pedro Dolphins
La Victoria     2-2 Acros Bombers          [inferred]
Ambergris       2-5 Real Verdes 

Round 2
Acros Bombers   0-2 Juventus
Grigamandala    0-0 Ambergris Turquoise
San Pedro FC    1-1 Yabra
Real Verdes     1-1 Sagitun
Belmopan        1-2 La Victoria (Corozal) 
Round 3 [Oct 3]
Yabra           1-1 Ambergris Turquoise   
Sagitun         3-0 La Victoria  
San Pedro       5-0 Acros Bombers
Real Verdes     2-1 Grigamandala
Juventus        0-1 Belmopan
Round 4
Acros Bombers   0-1 Grigamandala  
Real Verdes     1-2 Juventus
Sagitun         1-1 Belmopan
La Victoria     0-0 Yabra
San Pedro       3-0 Ambergris T

Round 5
Sagitun         2-0 San Pedro 
Real Verdes     0-0 Yabra 
Grigamandala    3-1 Belmopan
Ambergris T     0-2 Acros Bombers
La Victoria     2-0 Juventus 

Round 6
Juventus        2-2 Sagitun
Yabra           3-2 Grigamandala
Real Verdes     4-0 Acros
San Pedro       1-1 La Victoria
Belmopan        ppd Ambergris T            [match officials dns]
[Nov 18]
Belmopan        3-2 Ambergris T   

Round 7
[Nov 7]
Yabra           3-1 Sagitun
Real Verdes     1-4 San Pedro
Ambergris T     0-0 Juventus
[Nov 18]
Grigamandala    1-0 La Victoria 
Acros Bombers   0-2 Belmopan               [inferred]

Round 8 [Nov 14]
Acros Bombers   0-2 Yabra
Sagitun         3-1 Ambergris T          
Grigamandala    1-0 Juventus
Real Verdes     1-2 La Victoria     
San Pedro       1-0 Belmopan
Round 9 [Nov 21]
Acros Bombers   0-4 Sagitun
Juventus        1-1 Yabra
San Pedro       0-0 Grigamandala
Belmopan        2-2 Real Verdes
La Victoria     1-2 Ambergris

Round 10 [Nov 28]
Acros Bombers   0-2 La Victoria   
San Pedro       5-1 Juventus 
Belmopan        2-1 Yabra
Grigamandala    2-0 Sagitun
Real Verdes     4-0 Ambergris

Round 11 [Dec 5]
Yabra           0-0 San Pedro
Ambergris       0-2 Grigamandala
La Victoria     1-0 Belmopan
Juventus        2-1 Acros Bombers      
Sagitun         0-1 Real Verdes

Round 12 [Dec 12]
Real Verdes     0-0 Grigamandala
Acros Bombers   0-3 San Pedro
Ambergris T     1-6 Yabra
Belmopan        1-0 Juventus
La Victoria     1-2 Sagitun

Round 13 [Dec 19]
Yabra           2-1 Victoria
Grigamandala    5-1 Acros
Real Verdes     1-0 Juventus
San Pedro FC    2-0 Turquoise              [inferred]
Sagitun         1-0 Belmopan               [inferred] 

Round 14 [Dec 27]
Belmopan        0-0 Grigamandala
Yabra           3-0 Real Verdes
San Pedro       0-3 Sagitun
Acros Bombers   1-2 Ambergris T
Juventus        3-3 La Victoria
Round 15 [Jan 2]
Ambergris T     1-1 Belmopan
Sagitun         2-0 Juventus
Grigamandala    1-2 Yabra
Acros           1-2 Real Verdes
San Pedro       5-2 La Victoria

Round 14 [Jan 8,9]
Yabra           2-2 Sagitun
San Pedro FC    5-1 Real Verdes 
Victoria        2-1 Grigamandala
Acros           1-2 Belmopan
Juventus        5-1 Turquoise

Round 15 
[Jan 17]
Bandits         2-2 San Pedro
Yabra           2-1 Acros
Victoria        0-0 Real Verdes
Juventus        3-1 Grigamandala
[Jan 27]
Turquoise       0-1 Sagitun 

Round 18 [Jan 23]
Grigamandala    4-2 San Pedro
Sagitun         8-0 Acros Bombers
Yabra           2-1 Juventus
Real Verdes     1-1 Belmopan
La Victoria     1-0 Ambergris T


 1.Sagitun (Independence)             18 11  4  3 39-14  37  [39-15] 
 2.Yabra Tropical (Belize)            18 10  7  1 33-15  37
 3.San Pedro Dolphins                 18  9  5  4 41-21  32  
 4.Grigamandala (Dangriga)            18  8  4  6 25-19  28  
 5.Real Verdes (Cayo)                 18  7  6  5 27-24  27  [28-24]
 6.La Victoria (Corozal)              18  7  5  6 23-24  26  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7.Juventus Esso (Orange Walk)        18  6  4  8 25-27  22  [26-27]
 8.Belmopan Bandits                   18  6  6  6 20-21  24  [20-22]
 9.Ambergris Turquoise (S.P.A. Caye)  18  2  4 12 13-41  10  [14-41]
10.Acros Bombers (Belize)             18  1  1 16 10-50   4  

[between square brackets GD as given by Belize Times; their total GD is +1]

NB: Juventud Benqueña (Benque Viejo del Carmen) withdrew because of
    organizational problems.
Name Changes: Dangriga Jaguares has become Grigamandala 
              San Pedro Turquoise has become Ambergris Turquoise
                (are from San Pedro Ambergris Caye)
              Corozal FC has become La Victoria (Corozal) 

Topscorers (after 17 rounds):
1. Oliver Hendricks (San Pedro) 11
2. Bent Burgess (Sagitun)       10
   Orlando Pinelo (San Pedro)   10



 1.Grigamandala (Dangriga)         10  7/0  2/0  1/0 17- 5 23
 2.Sagitún (Independence)          10  6/1  0/1  1/1 23-10 20  [19?]
 3.Yabra Tropical (Belize)         10  4/1  0/1  3/1 17-11 14
 4.San Pedro Dolphins               9  4/0  0/1  4/0 12-10 12  [15?] 
 5.Real Verdes (Cayo)               9  1/1  1/0  6/0 11-25  6  [ 8?]
 6.La Victoria (Corozal)           10  1/0  0/0  8/1  4-23  3

NB: 3 points for normal win; 2 for sudden death win; 1 for penalty shootout win

Round 1
Yabra           2-0 Real Verdes
San Pedro       0-0 Grigamandala         [2-4 pen]
Sagitun         5-0 Victoria
Round 2
Real Verdes     3-6 San Pedro
Grigamandala    2-0 Victoria
Yabra           3-2 Sagitun              [aet]

Round 3 
[moved forward]
Grigamandala    0-0 Yabra                [6-5 pen]
[Mar 24,25]
Sagitun         4-0 Real Verdes
San Pedro FC    2-0 Victoria

Round 4
Grigamandala    3-0 Sagitun
Real Verdes     2-1 Victoria             [aet]
Yabra           1-0 San Pedro FC

Round 5 [Apr 4]
Grigamandala    1-0 Real Verdes
Victoria        1-0 Yabra
Sagitun         2-0 San Pedro FC

Round 6 [Apr 22,23] 
Sagitún         2-1 Grigamandala 
Real Verdes     3-1 Victoria 
San Pedro FC    2-0 Yabra 

Round 7 [Apr 30] 
Yabra           3-1 Victoria 
San Pedro FC    0-1 Sagitún 
Grigamandala    3-1 Real Verdes 

Round 8 [May 7]
Grigamandala    3-2 San Pedro FC
Yabra           6-1 Real Verdes
Sagitún         3-0 Victoria

Round 9 [May 13,14] 
Sagitún         3-2 Yabra                [aet] 
Grigamandala    3-0 Victoria 
San Pedro FC    ppd Real Verdes 

Round 10 [May 28] 
Real Verdes     1-1 Sagitún              [assumed Verdes won on penalties]
Victoria        awd San Pedro FC         [awarded to San Pedro; Victoria dns] 
Yabra           0-1 Grigamandala 


 1.Grigamandala (Dangriga)         10  7/0  2/0  1/0 17- 5 23
 2.Sagitún (Independence)          10  6/1  0/1  1/1 23-10 20  [19?]
 3.Yabra Tropical (Belize)         10  4/1  0/1  3/1 17-11 14
 4.San Pedro Dolphins               9  4/0  0/1  4/0 12-10 12  [15?] 
 5.Real Verdes (Cayo)               9  1/1  1/0  6/0 11-25  6  [ 8?]
 6.La Victoria (Corozal)           10  1/0  0/0  8/1  4-23  3

NB: 3 points for normal win; 2 for sudden death win; 1 for penalty shootout win

Championship Final

First Leg [Jun 4]
Grigamandala    2-0 Sagitún
  [Nelson Moss 6pen, Danny Diego 88]

Second Leg [Jun 11]
Sagitun         2-0 Grigamandala
  [Hilberto Muschamp 22, Gabriel Ramos 39]

Playoff [Jun 18, Belize City]
Sagitun         3-0 Grigamandala 
  [Bent Burgess 54, Hilberto Muschamp, Gabriel Ramos]

Second Level 1999/2000

[organized in regional 'First Division's]

Belize First Division

West Lake               3-1     Brown's Foundations Bombers
Gracie Rock Roots       2-1     Raptors
Caye Caulker            7-1     Third World
BDF                     4-1     Kremandala
Rest of the World       1-0     Fort George United
Metro Stars             2-2     Hattieville

BDF                     3-0     Fort George United
Cay Caulker             1-1     Metro Stars
Rest of the World       5-2     Gracie Rock Roots
Yabra                   2-1     Hattieville
Third World             1-1     Brown's Foundations Bombers

BDF                     5-1     Rest of the World
Kremandala              5-2     Fort George United
DOC Reformers            -      Metro Stars
West Lake                -      Raptors
Caye Caulker             -      Gracie Rock Roots

Top of table:
1.Belize Defence Force 15       [aka BDF]
2.West Lake             9
3.Caye Caulker          7
4.Rest of the World     7 
7.Gracie Rock Roots
  Third World           1

Hattieville             2-1     Caye Caulker
Third World             4-1     Kremandala 
Roots                   bt      D.O.C. Reformers        [on default]
Metro Stars             2-2     Raptors  
West Lake               1-0     Yabra

[Dec 10,11]
Yabra                    -      Fort George United
Metro Stars              -      Roots
Hattionville             -      Brown Bombers
West Lake                -      Rest of the World
Caye Caulker             -      Kremandala

Yabra                   3-1     BDF
Metro Stars             bt      Gracie Root Rocks

1.Yabra         9
2.Hattieville   9       [1 game in hand]
3.Metro Stars   7
4.BDF           6
5.Gracie R.R.   6

The top 2 teams will play a 3-game series to determine the championship.

Playoffs (best of 3)
[Apr 8]
Metro Stars              -      Yabra

Yabra                   6-2     Metro Stars     
Yabra First Division champions.

Yabra and Matro Stars both qualified to the National Tournament.

Belize Rural North First Division 

Sand Hill               2-2     Atlantic Bank Wolves
Rural Strikers          2-2     Courts Powerhouse Boston

Atlantic Bank Wolves    2-1     Rural Strikers
Ladyville               bt      Police  [by default]
Lucky Strike            6-2     Atlantic Bank Wolves
Rural Strikers          bt      Police [awd]

Ladyville                -      Sand Hill

1.Ladyville Bombers                     10
2.Courts Powerhouse Lucky Strike         8
3.Sand Hill                              7
Rural Strikers Boston                    4
Atlantic Bank Wolves                     4
Police                                   0

Semifinals, first leg
Sand Hill               2-1     Lucky Strike 
Ladyville               ppd     Atlantic Bank Wolves

Napoles (?) qualified for national promotion playoffs?!

Belmopan First Division 

Round 1
Juventud Olimpica       3-0     Camalote II
Dynasty                 2-1     Onatrio FC
Caribbean                -      AC Milan
Rattan Hummingbird       -      Camalote I
San Martín               -      Caribbean

Champions: Caribbean (Cotton Tree)

Caribbean (Cotton Tree) qualified for national promotion playoffs

Cayo First Division

Unitedville     7-2     Georgeville
Chelsea         6-2     Santa Familia

Top of table:
1.Unitedville                   19
2.Chelsea (Santa Elena)         19
3.Napoli (Bullet Tree)          19
4.Benque FC                     18
5.Celtics (San Ignacio)         17

Unitedville     5-0     Napoli
Benque FC       5-4     Chelsea

1.Unitedville 6
2.Benque FC   6
3.Chelsea     0
4.Napoli      0


First Leg [Oct 31]
Unitedville     2-1     Benque FC

Second Leg [Nov 13]
Benque FC        -      Unitedville

Champions: Unitedville

Unitedville qualified for national promotion playoffs

Corozal First Division

Known score [Oct 2]
Brothers Habet Commuters        3-1     Diamonds Nayito

Playoff Finals [Mar 2000]
Carolina        1-1     Libertad
Libertad        0-0     Carolina        [3-5 on pen]
Champions: Carolina

Orange Walk First Division

Lazio                   8-0     Belize Road
Progresso Jaws          5-0     Carmelita FC
Crystal FC              bt      East L.A.       [by default]

Jaguars                 3-2     Jube 2000
Trial Farm              bt      East L.A. [by default]
Yo Creek                abd     Carmelita FC
Crystal FC               -      All Stars Milenio

Police                   -      All Stars Milenio 
San José Pumas           -      CD Restauración
Progresso Jaws           -      Trial Farm

East L.A. were thrown out of the tournament because of their second default.

Group 1
1.Lazio FC              12
2.Jaguars                6
3.Santa Martha           6

Last Round [Feb 27]     
Lazio FC                3-0     CD Restauración 

Semifinals [two game series]    
Lazio FC                bt      Yo Creek

Playoff Finals
Guinea Grass Lazio      2-1     Progresso Jaws  [*]
Progresso Jaws          0-0     Guinea Grass Lazio

Champions: Lazio, 3rd place: Yo Creek
NB: Lazio earlier spelled Lasio

Guinea Grass Lazio qualified for national promotion playoffs

Stann Creek First Division 

[Apr 30,May 1] 
Valley Pride            1-1     Hopkins Isieni 
Tribal Vibes            1-0     Campari 
Del Oro                 2-1     Union Commercial 
Benguche Youths         3-1     Coral Culture 
Tribal Vibes            0-0     Valley Placencia 
Hopkins Isieni          2-1     Wagiya 2000 
Griga Conquerors        3-0     New Site Erei 
[May 4?] 
New Site Erei            -      Benguche Youths 
Harlem Roots             -      Griga Conquerors 

NB: played in 2 groups; first 4 of each qualify for playoff (one round robin),
    first two of playoff play off for championship

Group 1
Leaders: Griga Conquerors
Group 2
Leaders: Tribal Vibes and Del Oro [equal on points]

Griga Conquerors champions and qualified for national promotion playoffs

Toledo District

[Mar 26]
Estrellas       6-4     Roots
Vasco Warriors  3-0     Toledo Y2K
Jacintoville   bye

Jacintoville    6-0     Vasco Warriors
Mavericks       2-0     Estrellas
Roots           bye

Last round:
Jacintoville     -      Mavericks
Roots            -      Vasco

Top of table:
1.Jacintoville United   29
2.Mavericks             22
3.Toledo Y2K            18
4.Vasco Warriors        17
5.Roots                 14
6.Estrellas              9   (defending champions)
7.Silver Creek Rebuilders

4 teams qualify for the playoffs.

Mavericks champions and qualified for national promotion playoffs

Promotion Playoff (National Amateur First Division)

Round 1
Group A
Yabra                   bt      Unitedville
Napoli                   -      Lasio
Group B
Griga Conquerers        drw     Caribbean
Metro Stars              -      Mavericks

Round 2
Group A
Yabra                   3-1     Napoli
Lasio                   2-2     Unitedville
Group B
Griga Conquerors        2-1     Metro Stars
Mavericks               3-0     Caribbean

Round 3
Group A
Lasio                   0-1     Yabra
Napoli                  1-0     Unitedville
Group B
Caribbean               4-1     Mavericks
Metro Stars             ppd     Griga Conquerors

Round 4 
Group A
Yabra                   bt      Lasio
Unitedville              -      Napoli
Group B
Mavericks                -      Caribbean
Griga Conquerors         -      Metro Stars
Round 5 [Jul 9]
Group A
Unitedville             1-2     Yabra
Lasio                   3-0     Napoli  
Group B
Caribbean               2-4     Metro Stars
Conquerors              1-0     Mavericks

Round 6 [Jul 16]
Group A
Napoli                   -      Yabra
Unitedville              -      Lasio
Group B
Mavericks                -      Metro Stars
Conquerors               -      Caribbean

In group A, Yabra lead with 15 points from 5 matches

Yabra and Lasio qualified from Group A,
Griga Conquerors and Metro Stars from Group B


First Legs [Aug 6] 
Yabra                  awd     Metro Stars           [awarded to Metro Stars; originally 
Lasio                  0-0     Griga Conquerors       3-0 but Yabra used ineligible player]

Second Legs 
Metro Stars            1-1     Yabra SC 
Griga Conquerors       0-1     Lasio                 [asdet] 


First Leg [Aug 8?]
Lasio                  2-0     Metro Stars

Second Leg [Aug 27]
Metro Stars            1-4     Lasio 

Lasio (Lazio?) Guinea Grass promoted.



list of champions

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Hans Schöggl and James Goloboy for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Hans Schöggl ( and James Goloboy (
Last updated: 30 Sep 2002

(C) Copyright Hans Schöggl, James Goloboy and RSSSF 1999/2002
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.