Argentina - International Matches in Era Pekerman 2004-2006

Date      Venue           Opponent         Score    Competition
 9-10-04  Buenos Aires    Uruguay           4-2     World Cup Qualifier
13-10-04  Santiago        Chile             0-0     World Cup Qualifier
17-11-04  Buenos Aires    Venezuela         3-2     World Cup Qualifier
 9- 2-05  Düsseldorf      Germany           2-2   
 9- 3-05  Los Angeles     Mexico            1-1   
26- 3-05  La Paz          Bolivia           2-1     World Cup Qualifier
30- 3-05  Buenos Aires    Colombia          1-0     World Cup Qualifier
 4- 6-05  Quito           Ecuador           0-2     World Cup Qualifier
 8- 6-05  Buenos Aires    Brazil            3-1     World Cup Qualifier
15- 6-05  Köln            Tunisia           2-1     Confederations Cup
18- 6-05  Nürnberg        Australia         4-2     Confederations Cup
21- 6-05  Nürnberg        Germany           2-2     Confederations Cup
26- 6-05  Hannover        Mexico            1-1 [1] Confederations Cup
29- 6-05  Frankfurt       Brazil            1-4     Confederations Cup
17- 8-05  Budapest        Hungary           2-1   
 3- 9-05  Asunción        Paraguay          0-1     World Cup Qualifier
 9-10-05  Buenos Aires    Peru              2-0     World Cup Qualifier
12-10-05  Montevideo      Uruguay           0-1     World Cup Qualifier
12-11-05  Genève          England           2-3 
16-11-05  Doha            Qatar             3-0 
 1- 3-06  Basel           Croatia           2-3
30- 5-06  Salerno         Angola            2-0
10- 6-06  Hamburg         Ivory Coast       2-1     World Cup
16- 6-06  Gelsenkirchen   Serbia-Montenegro 6-0     World Cup
21- 6-06  Frankfurt       Netherlands       0-0     World Cup
24- 6-06  Leipzig         Mexico            2-1     World Cup
30- 6-06  Berlin          Germany           1-1 [2] World Cup

[1] Argentina won 6-5 on penalties
[2] Argentina lost 2-4 on penalties

Total Record  

Year         Matches  Won Draw Lost  For Against  Perc.Pts  Goals/Game
2004              3     2    1    0    7-   4        77.77     2.33
2005             17     8    4    5   28-  23        54.90     1.64
2006              7     4    2    1   15-   6        66.67     2.14

Total            27    14    7    6   50-  33        60.49     1.85

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Roberto Mamrud for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Roberto Mamrud (
Last updated: 24 Jul 2014

(C) Copyright Roberto Mamrud and RSSSF 2005/14
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.