Republic of Ireland's series of 17 matches unbeaten

Game Date       Venue          Opponent         Score    Remark
  -. 16-11-1988 Sevilla        Spain             0-2     [World Cup Qualifier]
  1.  7- 2-1989 Dublin         France            0-0   
  2.  8- 3-1989 Budapest       Hungary           0-0     [World Cup Qualifier]
  3. 26- 4-1989 Dublin         Spain             1-0     [World Cup Qualifier]
  4. 28- 5-1989 Dublin         Malta             2-0     [World Cup Qualifier]
  5.  4- 6-1989 Dublin         Hungary           2-0     [World Cup Qualifier]
  6.  6- 9-1989 Dublin         West Germany      1-1   
  7. 11-10-1989 Dublin         Northern Ireland  3-0     [World Cup Qualifier]
  8. 15-11-1989 Valletta       Malta             2-0     [World Cup Qualifier]
  9. 28- 3-1990 Dublin         Wales             1-0   
 10. 25- 4-1990 Dublin         Soviet Union      1-0   
 11. 16- 5-1990 Dublin         Finland           1-1   
 12. 26- 5-1990 Izmir          Turkey            0-0   
 13.  2- 6-1990 Valletta       Malta             3-0   
 14. 11- 6-1990 Cagliari       England           1-1     [World Cup]
 15. 17- 6-1990 Palermo        Egypt             0-0     [World Cup]
 16. 21- 6-1990 Palermo        Netherlands       1-1     [World Cup] 
 17. 25- 6-1990 Genoa          Romania           0-0 [1] [World Cup]
  - .30- 6-1990 Roma           Italy             0-1     [World Cup]

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Sean DeLoughry for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Sean DeLoughry (
Last updated: 27 May 2002

(C) Copyright Sean DeLoughry and RSSSF 2002
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.