Brazil's series of 35 matches unbeaten

Game Date       Venue          Opponent         Score    Remark
  -. 17-11-1993 Köln           Germany           1-2
  1. 16-12-1993 Guadalajara    Mexico            1-0
  2. 23- 3-1994 Recife         Argentina         2-0
  3.  4- 5-1994 Florianópolis  Iceland           3-0
  4.  5- 6-1994 Edmonton       Canada            1-1
  5.  8- 6-1994 San Diego      Honduras          8-2
  6. 12- 6-1994 Fresno         El Salvador       4-0
  7. 20- 6-1994 San Francisco  Russia            2-0     [World Cup]
  8. 24- 6-1994 San Francisco  Cameroon          3-0     [World Cup]
  9. 28- 6-1994 Detroit        Sweden            1-1     [World Cup]
 10.  4- 7-1994 San Francisco  USA               1-0     [World Cup]
 11.  9- 7-1994 Dallas         Netherlands       3-2     [World Cup]
 12. 13- 7-1994 Los Angeles    Sweden            1-0     [World Cup]
 13. 17- 7-1994 Los Angeles    Italy             0-0     [World Cup, aet, 3-2 pen]
  -. 19-10-1994 Concepción     Chile             5-0     [-]
 14. 23-12-1994 Porto Alegre   Yugoslavia        2-0
 15. 22- 2-1995 Fortaleza      Slovakia          5-0
 16. 29- 3-1995 Goiânia        Honduras          1-1
 17. 17- 5-1995 Tel Aviv       Israel            2-1
 18.  4- 6-1995 Birmingham     Sweden            1-0
 19.  6- 6-1995 Liverpool      Japan             3-0
 20. 11- 6-1995 London         England           3-1
 21. 29- 6-1995 Recife         Poland            2-1
 22.  7- 7-1995 Rivera         Ecuador           1-0     [SA Championship]
 23. 10- 7-1995 Rivera         Peru              2-0     [SA Championship]
 24. 13- 7-1995 Rivera         Colombia          3-0     [SA Championship]
 25. 17- 7-1995 Rivera         Argentina         2-2     [SA Championship, aet, 4-2 pen]
 26. 20- 7-1995 Maldonado      USA               1-0     [SA Championship]
 27. 23- 7-1995 Montevideo     Uruguay           1-1     [SA Championship, aet, 3-5 pen]
 28.  9- 8-1995 Tokyo          Japan             5-1
 29. 12- 8-1995 Suwon          South Korea       1-0
  -. 27- 9-1995 Belo Horizonte Romania Olympic   2-2     [+]
 30. 11-10-1995 Salvador       Uruguay           2-0
 31.  8-11-1995 Buenos Aires   Argentina         1-0
 32. 20-12-1995 Manaus         Colombia          3-1
 33. 12- 1-1996 Los Angeles    Canada            1-0     [-, Concacaf Championship]
 34. 14- 1-1996 Los Angeles    Honduras          5-0     [-, Concacaf Championship]
 35. 18- 1-1996 Los Angeles    USA               1-0     [-, Concacaf Championship]
  -. 21- 1-1996 Los Angeles    Mexico            0-2     [-, Concacaf Championship]

[1] It can be argued that the last 4 matches were not full internationals for 
    Brazil (they were played with the U-23 team preparing for the Olympic Games
    in Atlanta; however, FIFA considers them full internationals and included
    them in the computation of the "FIFA Country Ranking").  If these matches
    are left out, Brazil actually had a series of 40 matches without defeat:

[+] involved Olympic teams.
[-] involved Brazilian Olympic team.

  -. 11- 2-1996 Brasilia       Bulgaria Olympic  2-0     [+]
  -. 13- 2-1996 Uberlândia     Ukraine           1-0     [-]
  -. 18- 2-1996 Tandil         Peru Olympic      4-1     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -. 21- 2-1996 Tandil         Paraguay Olympic  3-1     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -. 23- 2-1996 Tandil         Bolivia Olympic   4-1     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -. 27- 2-1996 Tandil         Uruguay Olympic   0-0     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -.  1- 3-1996 Tandil         Venezuela Olympic 5-0     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -.  3- 3-1996 Mar del Plata  Uruguay Olympic   3-1     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -.  6- 3-1996 Mar del Plata  Argentina Olympic 2-2     [+, Olympic Qualifier]
  -. 27- 3-1996 São José/Preto Ghana             8-2     [+]
  -. 24- 4-1996 Johannesburg   South Africa      3-2     [-]
  -. 22- 5-1996 Manaus         Croatia Olympic   1-1     [+]
  -. 26- 6-1996 Cariacica      Poland Olympic    3-1     [+]
  -. 10- 7-1996 Florianópolis  Denmark Olympic   5-1     [+]
  -. 21- 7-1996 Miami          Japan Olympic     0-1     [+, Olympic Games]
  -. 23- 7-1996 Miami          Hungary Olympic   3-1     [+, Olympic Games]
  -. 25- 7-1996 Miami          Nigeria Olympic   1-0     [+, Olympic Games]
  -. 28- 7-1996 Miami          Ghana Olympic     4-2     [+, Olympic Games]
  -. 31- 7-1996 Athens, GA     Nigeria Olympic   3-4     [+, Olympic Games]
  -.  2- 8-1996 Athens, GA     Portugal Olympic  5-0     [+, Olympic Games]
 33. 28- 8-1996 Moskva         Russia            2-2
 34. 31- 8-1996 Amsterdam      Netherlands       2-2
 35. 16-10-1996 Teresina       Lithuania         3-1
 36. 13-11-1996 Curitiba       Cameroon          2-0
 37. 21-12-1996 Manaus         Bosnia-Hercegov.  1-0
 38. 26- 2-1997 Goiânia        Poland            4-2
 39.  2- 4-1997 Brasilia       Chile             4-0
 40. 30- 4-1997 Miami          Mexico            4-0
  -. 30- 5-1997 Oslo           Norway            2-4  

[+] involved Olympic teams.
[-] involved Brazilian Olympic team.

About this document

With thanks to Jean-Michel Cazal

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 12 Jun 2009

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 1997/2009
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.