All time penalty shoot-out stats for national teams

This document shows the results of the various penalty shoot-outs
of international country matches. The stats don't tell us much, but often
messages are manipulated to prove the topical points of view.

My take on the obvious (at least in my opinion):

1. North American and African teams are weaker (in penalty shoot-outs)
   than countries from the other confederations.
2. European teams are stronger than teams from other confederations 
   except for South America.
3. No teams has to fear a penalty shoot-out opponent except Mexico, which
   lost three times in three shoot-outs versus Argentina.
4. Only the following teams won 80 per cent or more of their shoot-outs:
   Angola, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Martinique, and Portugal.
5. Only the following teams lost 80 per cent or more of their shoot-outs:
   England, Malawi, Russia, Netherlands, and Madagascar.
6. Success in a penalty shoot-out does not depend on whether a team plays
   at home or away, or whether it is (otherwise) a successful team or not.

A few notes:

1. Used matches are all matches regardless of whether full or not full
   internationals in the chapter INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY RESULTS in the
   RSSSF data base including friendly matches and Olympic Games and
   excluding the international youth matches.
2. All matches up to the end of the year 2005 are used.
3. Countries which changed confederation (Israel and Kazakhstan changed
   from Asia to Europe) are included as part of the topical confederation.
   Australia changed from Oceania to Asia in 2006 and so it is still
   included with Oceania here.


home team wins              122   (54 %)
away team wins              106   (46 %)

Regardless of whether a team plays at home or away, it wins or loses
in penalty kicks.


    SA    EU    AF    NA    AS    OC
SA #####  9-1   1-0   7-6   1-4   0-1
EU  1-9  #####  4-3   6-2   8-7   1-0
AF  0-1   3-4  #####  0-5   8-8   0-1
NA  6-7   2-6   5-0  #####  2-2   0-1
AS  4-1   7-8   8-8   2-2  #####  4-0
OC  1-0   0-1   1-0   1-0   0-4  #####

1. Europe                    5  4  0  1  20-21  12
2. South America             5  3  0  2  18-12   9
3. Oceania                   5  3  0  2   3-5    9
4. Asia                      5  2  2  1  25-19   8
5. North America             5  1  1  3  15-16   4
6. Africa                    5  0  1  4  11-19   1

European teams are stronger than teams from other confederations except
South America. North American and African teams are weaker than countries 
of the other confederations.


Argentina            - Mexico               3x  3-0   (100 %)

Kenya                - Uganda               5x  4-1    (80 %)

Brazil               - Argentina            4x  3-1    (75 %)

Guinea               - Mali                 6x  4-2    (67 %)
Indonesia            - Thailand             6x  4-2    (67 %)
Libya                - Tunisia              3x  2-1    (67 %)
Zambia               - Malawi               3x  2-1    (67 %)
Tanzania             - Uganda               3x  2-1    (67 %)
Iran                 - Syria                3x  2-1    (67 %)

Morocco              - Tunisia              4x  2-2     (0 %)

No teams has to fear a penalty shoot-out opponent except Mexico, which
lost three times in three shoot-outs versus Argentina.


Angola                  7x  7-0   (100.0 %)
Ethiopia                9x  8-1    (88.9 %)
Saudi Arabia            8x  7-1    (87.5 %)
Martinique              6x  5-1    (83.3 %)
Portugal                5x  4-1    (80.0 %)
North Korea             9x  7-2    (77.8 %)
Kenya                  15x 11-4    (73.3 %)
Thailand               22x 15-7    (68.2 %)
Argentina              15x 10-5    (66.7 %)
Brazil                 12x  8-4    (66.7 %)
Colombia                9x  6-3    (66.7 %)
Czech Republic          6x  4-2    (66.7 %)
Indonesia              12x  8-4    (66.7 %)
Iraq                    9x  6-3    (66.7 %)

Only the following teams won 80 per cent or more of their shoot-outs:
Angola, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Martinique, and Portugal.


Gabon                  12x  4-8    (33.3 %)
India                   6x  2-4    (33.3 %)
Paraguay                9x  3-6    (33.3 %)
Qatar                   6x  2-4    (33.3 %)
Romania                 6x  2-4    (33.3 %)
Rwanda                  6x  2-4    (33.3 %)
China                  12x  3-9    (25.0 %)
Sierra Leone            8x  2-6    (25.0 %)
Singapore              10x  2-8    (20.0 %)
Sudan                   5x  1-4    (20.0 %)
England                 6x  1-5    (16.7 %)
Malawi                 12x  2-10   (16.7 %)
Russia                  6x  1-5    (16.7 %)
Netherlands             8x  1-7    (12.5 %)
Madagascar              6x  0-6     (0.0 %)

Only the following teams lost 80 per cent or more of their shoot-outs:
England, Malawi, Russia, Netherlands, and Madagascar.


Hungary                     1-0
Poland                      1-0
Portugal                5x  4-1    (80.0 %)
Argentina              15x 10-5    (66.7 %)
Brazil                 12x  8-4    (66.7 &)
Czech Republic          6x  4-2    (66.7 %)
Germany                10x  6-4    (60.0 %)
Uruguay                10x  6-4    (60.0 %)
Sweden                  5x  3-2    (60.0 %)
Serbia/Montenegro       5x  3-2    (60.0 %)
Italy                   9x  5-4    (55.6 %)
France                 10x  5-5    (50.0 %)
Spain                   8x  3-5    (37.5 %)
England                 6x  1-5    (16.7 %)
Russia                  6x  1-5    (16.7 %)
Netherlands             8x  1-7    (12.5 %)
Austria                     0-3

Regardless of whether a team is successfull or not, it wins or loses
in penalty kicks.

See all penalty shoot-out stats
See all used penalty shoot-outs (until 31 dec 2005)

Missing penalty kicks please send to the author.

About this document

Thanks to Mariano Buren for correction.

Prepared and maintained by Oliver Haupt for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Oliver Haupt (
Last updated: 4 Oct 2006

(C) Copyright Oliver Haupt and RSSSF 2006
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.