Paul Janes - Goals in International Matches

The outstanding German player scored 7 goals in 71 matches for his National Team. All matches are friendlies unless stated otherwise.
Born: 11- 3-1912
Died: 12- 6-1987
Country:  Germany
Caps:	71	(W41-D14-L16 - GF214-GA111 - 67.61%)
Goals:	 7	(% 0.10 per match)
Age First Cap:	 20 yr 233 d	30-10-1932 vs. Hungary  1-2
Age Last Cap:	 30 yr 256 d	22-11-1942 vs. Slovakia 5-2
National Team Career: 10 yr 23 d

Cap   Goals	Date	Venue   	Opponent       Score	Competition
 1	  0   30-10-32	Budapest	Hungary		1-2	
 2	  0   22-10-33	Duisburg	Belgium		8-1	
 3	  0    5-11-33	Magdeburg	Norway		2-2	
 4	  0    3-12-33	Berlin		Poland		1-0	
 5	  0   11- 3-34	Luxembourg	Luxembourg	9-1	World Cup Qualifier
 6	  0   27- 5-34	Firenze		Belgium		5-2	World Cup
 7	  0    7- 6-34	Napoli		Austria		3-2	World Cup
 8	  0    9- 9-34	Warszawa	Poland		5-2	
 9	  0    7-10-34	København	Denmark		5-2	
10	  0   17- 2-35	Amsterdam	Netherlands	3-2	
11	  0   17- 3-35	Paris		France		3-1	
12	  0    8- 5-35	Dortmund	Ireland		3-1	
13	  0   12- 5-35	Köln		Spain		1-2	
14	  0   26- 5-35	Dresden		Czechoslovakia	2-1	
15	  0   27- 6-35	Oslo		Norway		1-1	
16	  0   30- 6-35	Stockholm	Sweden		1-3	
17	  0   18- 8-35	München		Finland		6-0	
18	  0    4-12-35	London		England		0-3	
19	  0   23- 2-36	Barcelona	Spain		2-1	
20	  0   27- 2-36	Lisboa		Portugal	3-1	
21	  0   15- 3-36	Budapest	Hungary		2-3	
22	  0   13- 9-36	Warszawa	Poland		1-1	
23	  0   14-10-36	Glasgow		Schottland	0-2	
24	  0   15-11-36	Berlin		Italy		2-2	
25	  0   31- 1-37	Düsseldorf	Netherlands	2-2	
26	  0   21- 3-37	Stuttgart	France		4-0	
27	  0   16- 5-37	Breslau		Denmark		8-0	
28	  0   29- 6-37	Helsinki	Finland		2-0	World Cup Qualifier
29	  0   29- 8-37	Königsberg [*3]	Estland		4-1	World Cup Qualifier
30	  0   24-10-37	Berlin		Norway		3-0	
31	  0   21-11-37	Hamburg		Sweden		5-0	World Cup Qualifier
32	  0    6- 2-38	Köln		Switzerland	1-1	
33	  0   24- 4-38	Frankfurt	Portugal	1-1	
34	  0   14- 5-38	Berlin		England		3-6	
35	  0    4- 6-38	Paris		Switzerland	1-1	World Cup
36	  0    9- 6-38	Paris		Switzerland	2-4	World Cup
37        0   18- 9-38	Chemnitz	Poland		4-1	
38    1   1   26- 2-39	Berlin		Yugoslavia	3-2	
39    1	  2   26- 3-39	Firenze		Italy		2-3	
40	  2   23- 5-39	Bremen		Ireland		1-1	
41    1	  3   22- 6-39	Oslo		Norway		4-0	
42 	  3   25- 6-39	København	Denmark		2-0	
43	  3   29- 6-39	Tallinn		Estland		2-0	
44	  3   24- 9-39	Budapest	Hungary		1-5	
45	  3   15-10-39	Zagreb		Yugoslavia	5-1	
46	  3   22-10-39	Sofia		Bulgaria	2-1	
47    1	  4   12-11-39	Breslau	[*1]	Bohemia/Moravia	4-4	
48	  4   26-11-39	Berlin		Italy		5-2	
49	  4    7- 4-40	Berlin		Hungary		2-2	
50	  4   14- 4-40	Wien		Yugoslavia	1-2	
51	  4    5- 5-40	Milano		Italy		2-3	
52	  4   14- 7-40	Frankfurt	Romania		9-3	
53	  4   15- 9-40	Bratislava	Slovakia	1-0	
54	  4    6-10-40	Budapest	Hungary		2-2	
55	  4    3-11-40	Zagreb		Yugoslavia	0-2	
56	  4   17-11-40	Hamburg		Denmark		1-0	
57	  4    9- 3-41	Stuttgart	Switzerland	4-2	
58    1	  5    6- 4-41	Köln		Hungary		7-0	
59	  5   20- 4-41	Bern		Switzerland	1-2	
60	  5    1- 6-41	Bucuresti	Romania		4-1	
61	  5    5-10-41	Stockholm	Sweden		2-4	
62	  5   16-11-41	Dresden		Denmark		1-1	
63	  5    7-12-41	Breslau	[*1]	Slovakia	4-0	
64	  5   12- 4-42	Berlin		Spain		1-1	
65    1	  6    3- 5-42	Budapest	Hungary		5-3	
66	  6   19- 7-42	Sofia		Bulgaria	3-0	
67	  6   16- 8-42	Beuthen	[*2]	Romania		7-0	
68	  6   20- 9-42	Berlin		Sweden		2-3	
69	  6   18-10-42	Bern		Switzerland	5-3	
70    1	  7    1-11-42	Stuttgart	Croatia		5-1	
71	  7   22-11-42	Bratislava	Slovakia	5-2	

[*1] now Wroclaw, Poland
[*2] now Bytom, Poland
[*3] now Kaliningrad, Russia
Total Record
    GP    GW   GD   GL   GF  GA     Pts  Percentage
    71    41   14   16  214-111      96      67.61
7 Goals in 71 Matches (0.10 per match)

Types of Matches and Goals

                      Goals Matches
Friendlies        	 7   63
World Cup Qualifier	 0    4
World Cup         	 0    4

Total                	 7   71

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Michael Mühlen for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Michael Mühlen (
Last updated: 10 Oct 2002

(C) Copyright Michael Mühlen and RSSSF 2002
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.