Pawel Janas - International Appearances

The outstanding Polish player scored 1 goals in 53 international matches for his National Team. All matches are friendlies unless stated otherwise. Coach of Polish national team since January 1, 2003.
Born:  4/ 3/1953    
Country: Poland       
Caps: 53 (W23-D13-L17 - GF85-GA57 - %55.66)       
Goals: 1       
Age First Cap:  23 yr  20 d  -  24/ 3/1976  Poland-Argentina 1-2    
Age Last Cap:   31 yr  23 d  -  27/ 3/1984  Switzerland-Poland 1-1      
National Team Career:   8 yr 3 d    

   1    24. 3.76  Chorzow           Argentina        1-2         
   2    11. 5.76  Basel             Switzerland      1-2     
   3    26. 5.76  Poznan            Ireland          0-2     
   4    10. 6.77  Lima              Peru             3-1        
   5    12. 6.77  La Paz            Bolivia          2-1        
   6    19. 6.77  Săo Paulo         Brazil           1-3        
   7    24. 8.77  Wien              Austria          1-2        
   8    11.10.78  Bucuresti         Romania          0-1           
   9    18. 2.79  Tunis             Tunisia          2-0        
  10    21. 3.79  Alger             Algeria          1-0        
  11     4. 4.79  Chorzow           Hungary          1-1        
  12    18. 4.79  Leipzig           East Germany     1-2     European Champ. Qual.       
  13    19. 8.79  Slupsk            Libya            5-0       
  14    29. 8.79  Warszawa          Romania          3-0     
  15    12. 9.79  Lausanne          Switzerland      2-0     European Champ. Qual.          
  16    26. 9.79  Chorzow           East Germany     1-1     European Champ. Qual.       
  17    10.10.79  Krakow            Iceland          2-0     European Champ. Qual.     
  18    17.10.79  Amsterdam         Netherlands      1-1     European Champ. Qual.      
  19    17. 2.80  Marrakech         Morocco          0-1           
  20    27. 2.80  Bagdad            Iraq             1-1        
  21    29. 2.80  Bagdad            Iraq             0-1       
  22    26. 3.80  Budapest          Hungary          1-2   
  23     2. 4.80  Brussel           Belgium          1-2   
  24    19. 4.80  Torino            Italy            2-2   
  25    26. 4.80  Borovo            Yugoslavia       1-2   
  26    13. 5.80  Frankfurt am Main West Germany     1-3      
  27    28. 5.80  Poznan            Scotland         1-0          
  28    22. 6.80  Warszawa          Iraq             3-0       
  29    29. 6.80  Săo Paulo         Brazil           1-1   
  30     9. 7.80  Bogotá            Colombia         4-1        
  31    24. 9.80  Chorzow           Czechoslovakia   1-1       
  32    12.11.80  Barcelona         Spain            2-1        
  33    19.11.80  Krakow            Algeria          5-1        
  34     7.12.80  La Valletta       Malta            2-0 [a] World Cup Qualifier      
  35    25. 3.81  Bucuresti         Romania          0-2     
  36     2. 5.81  Chorzow           East Germany     1-0     World Cup Qualifier           
  37    24. 5.81  Bydgoszcz         Ireland          3-0        
  38     2. 9.81  Chorzow           West Germany     0-2        
  39    10.10.81  Leipzig           East Germany     3-2     World Cup Qualifier       
  40    28.10.81  Buenos Aires      Argentina        2-1         
  41    14. 6.82  Vigo              Italy            0-0     World Cup        
  42    19. 6.82  La Coruńa         Cameroon         0-0     World Cup        
  43    22. 6.82  La Coruńa         Peru             5-1     World Cup     
  44    28. 6.82  Barcelona         Belgium          3-0     World Cup        
  45     4. 7.82  Barcelona         Soviet Union     0-0     World Cup        
  46     8. 7.82  Barcelona         Italy            0-2     World Cup       
  47    10. 7.82  Alicante          France           3-2     World Cup        
  48    31. 8.82  Paris             France           4-0         
  49     8. 9.82  Kuopio            Finland          3-2     European Champ. Qual.       
  50    10.10.82  Lisboa            Portugal         1-2     European Champ. Qual.       
  51    17. 4.83  Warszawa          Finland          1-1 [b] European Champ. Qual.       
  52    22. 5.83  Chorzow           Soviet Union     1-1     European Champ. Qual.    
  53    27. 3.84  Zürich            Switzerland      1-1        
[a] match abandoned in 77 min.    
[b] scored an own goal in 5 min. of the game    
Total Record      
Matches  Won Draw Lost  For Against  Points  Percentage      
    53    23   13   17   85-  57      59       55.66              
Types of Matches    
Friendlies             34      
European Champ. Qual.   9    
World Cup               7    
World Cup Qual.         3    
total caps             53    
Cap  13   1 goal    
Total    1 goal  

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Tomasz Klukowski for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Tomasz Klukowski (
Last updated: 6 Jan 2003

(C) Copyright Tomasz Klukowski and RSSSF 2003
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.