Andoni Goicoechea Olascoaga - International Appearances

All matches are friendlies unless stated otherwise.
Andoni Goicoechea Olascoaga
Born:    23.08.1956
Country: Spain
Clubs:   Ath. Bilbao (75-87), At. Madrid (87-90)
Caps:    39     (W22 – D10 – L7 - %69.23)
Goals:    4     (0.10 per match)
Age First Cap:  26 yr 177 d     16.02.1983 vs. Netherlands  1-0
Age Last Cap:   31 yr 157 d     27.01.1988 vs. East Germany 0-0
National Team Career:  4 yr 345 d

Caps   Date      Venue           Opponent       Score     Competition
   1   16.02.83  Sevilla         Netherlands      1-0     European Championship Qualifier
   2   15.05.83  Ta'Qali         Malta            3-2     European Championship Qualifier
   3   29.05.83  Reykjavík       Iceland          1-0     European Championship Qualifier
   4   05.10.83  Paris           France           1-1
   5   16.11.83  Rotterdam       Netherlands      1-2     European Championship Qualifier
   6   21.12.83  Sevilla         Malta           12-1     European Championship Qualifier
   7   18.01.84  Cádiz           Hungary          0-1
   8   29.02.84  Luxembourg      Luxembourg       1-0
   9   11.04.84  Valencia        Denmark          2-1
  10   26.05.84  Genève          Switzerland      4-0
  11   31.05.84  Budapest        Hungary          1-1
  12   07.06.84  La Línea        Yugoslavia       0-1
  13   14.06.84  Saint-Étienne   Romania          1-1     European Championship
  14   17.06.84  Marseille       Portugal         1-1     European Championship
  15   20.06.84  Paris           West Germany     1-0     European Championship
  16   17.10.84  Sevilla         Wales            3-0     World Cup Qualifier
  17   14.11.84  Glasgow         Scotland         1-3     World Cup Qualifier
  18   23.01.85  Alicante        Finland          3-1
  19   27.02.85  Sevilla         Scotland         1-0     World Cup Qualifier
  20   27.03.85  Mallorca        Northern Ireland 0-0
  21   30.04.85  Wrexham         Wales            0-3     World Cup Qualifier
  22   26.05.85  Cork            Ireland Rep.     0-0
  23   12.06.85  Reykjavík       Iceland          2-1     World Cup Qualifier
  24   25.09.85  Sevilla         Iceland          2-1     World Cup Qualifier
  25   20.11.85  Zaragoza        Austria          0-0
  26   18.12.85  Valencia        Bulgaria         2-0
  27   22.01.86  Las Palmas      Soviet Union     2-0
  28   19.02.86  Elche           Belgium          3-0
  29   26.03.86  Cádiz           Poland           3-0
  30   01.06.86  Guadalajara     Brazil           0-1     World Cup
  31   07.06.86  Guadalajara     Northern Ireland 2-1     World Cup
  32   12.06.86  Monterrey       Algeria          3-0     World Cup
  33   18.06.86  Querétaro       Denmark          5-1     World Cup
  34   24.09.86  Gijón           Greece           3-1
  35   15.10.86  Hannover        West Germany     2-2
  36   21.01.87  Barcelona       Netherlands      1-1
  37   29.04.87  Bucuresti       Romania          1-3     European Championship Qualifier
  38   18.11.87  Sevilla         Albania          5-0     European Championship Qualifier
  39   27.01.88  Valencia        East Germany     0-0


Match 10     1 goal
Match 17     1 goal
Match 32     1 goal
Match 35     1 goal

Total        4 goals

Total Record
    GP    GW   GD   GL   Pts  Percentage
    39    22   10    7    54      69.23%

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Emilio Pla Diaz for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Emilio Pla Diaz (
Last updated: 23 Jun 2003

(C) Copyright Emilio Pla Diaz and RSSSF 2002/03
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.